THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. MARCH 20, 1917. 11 FOR RENT APARTMENTS North. 6-R., CLOSE IN, 407 N. Slit, modern xcept furnace; walking distance; $21.60, reasonable rent. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY, HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 114 Her., Ty. 60. fc-R., 191$ EMMET, good loratlon. mod. furnace, water paid; only 13; anap for 1814 Har., Ty. 50. SEVEN-ROOM, steam-heated. 36: nea postoffice. G. P. Stebbins, 1410 Chloaio. i-ROOM apartment, all modern, steam heat. 3000 no. Jfith St. phons web. ltoa. 1633 DAVENPORT, 4 mil, $25.80. E. H Ben tier. Ramge Ulk., T. 8406. Mi?cellaiieous. I-R. BEAUTIFUL FLAT, close In. 209 Pax too Court, between 26th Ave. and 20th, Douglas and Famam; NEW: gas range, refrigerator, window shades and curtain tods all furnlebud; very choice; $35. l-r. In good location. 180ft Emmet, Kountxe Place; large porch and yard gas range furnished; very choice; $27.50. -r., 2827 Davenport, hu.nualuw nat vacant April a; nearly new, itucco; very good: $..'8.50. l-r., 1303 & 27th; NEW; aleeplng porch r aim parlor; nicely decorated; don t fan to aee this; 330. l-r., 1717-21 Parle Ave, across from Hans com Park ; new oak floors, electric Qxtures. and large porch; $30. SEND FOR OUR WEEKLY PRINTED LIST. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. FASTINGS H ETDEN, 1614 Har.. Ty, PETERS TRUST COMPANY, RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. WILL make ' concession to good party on corner store, 14th and YHrt, elegant lo cation. New, trick tulldlng, excellent location for grocery or any other liable bustne.s. See. us for particulars. HASTINGS a HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Ty. 50. NEW modern stores on Leavenworth, be tween 14th and 25th Sts.; $80 to $50. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM BT. MODERN --tore, 14th St., near postoffice, $7 month O. P. Stebbins. 1619 Chicago. MODERN STORES AND OFFICES IN Far- nam Bldjr. F'rst Trust Co.. P. 1151. 4718 S. I4TH, near P. O., $85.00. E. H. Benner Ce Ramge Blk., D. 8406. Offices and Desk Room. OFFICES. Sngie and en salt. I us central I oca- Rftoni ijff. Dbtfclag 162$. BKmiL&iM etom biota tn the remodeled Crovnn block, lit U. 18th St. (opposite postoffice. 1Q to 116 per month. Conrad Young, ZH Branded Theater. Doug. 1171. FOR R.NT Three large office rooms, nice ly ventilated; oaJt floor and woodwork; a look at these win satisfy you. 1814 Har ney St. J. H. London. OFFICE, room suitable for deii'lst; reason. able rent. Utb and Howard. Doug. 151. CHOICE office apace. Balrd Blrtg,. I7tb and uougias. jacuague in" uo. Garages and Barns. OARAOE for two machines; good drive-up. 1541 south 25th St. Red 1881 AUTO garage end t" rm 1028 Davenport. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments nd Houmi, WB miut have more house, to rent. w. har. practically rented every house on our ltat and w. have hundreds of ell.Dts welling and looking for good rental property. Call us for particulars. OMAHA LARGEST RENTAL AOCT, HASTINGS a HBYDBff, 1 Har. Ty. ,0, Miscellaneous. LANDLORDS. ATTENTION. We wilt secure a desirable tenant for your vacant store, house or flat within 30 days If en the South Side and In a tenable condition, or pay you a month s rent. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. INCORPORATED CAPITAL. 185.000, 4,21 a S4th St. Phone South 1247. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. BUY FROM OWNER. SAVE COMMISSION 7-ROOM MODERN HOS:E IN CREIGH- TON COLLEGE DISTRICT, COLONNADE OPENING, HARDWOOD FLOOR, EN TIRELT MODERN. LOT 80x130. OWN IR PAID S6,0 FOR THIS HOUSE ; TEARS AGO. PRICE 14,700. CALL HARNEY 4051 A GENTLEMAN'S HOME. Overlooking Hanscom Park. Plot ItOx - 180, contain, twelve large roomt. three oaths with toilets, innumerable closets and pantries, steam heat, seven fireplaces and finished In oak and mahogany. Price 111,000. and enly la. 600 cash required. SOUTH OMAHA' INVESTMENT CO., 4026 S. 24th St. Phone South 1247. THE FEBRUARY SCORE, of Paid Classified compared with 1916 THE BEE sained 19(7 lines THE NEWS gained 770 lines THE WORLD-HERALD LOST. .14 lines Figures compiled by Warfield Adv. Agey., an Independent audit bureau. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT $300 DOWN AND $25 A MONTH. 7-room strictly modern home; located near 40th and Cumlrig; full basement; furnace heat; sooth front; bargain figure. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., $37 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. FOR SALE Must sell modern home; sleep Ing porch and garage. In vicinity of Crelghton university. Terms. Telephone Harney aois. (ROOM HOUSE, big front porch, balcony, chicken house; two lots, alt fenced; one block to car, two blocks to school. Call Colfax 1068. North. 5-ROOM COTTAGE $100 CASH-$20 MONTH. 184$ No. 18th St., 5 rooms, all modem except heat, corner lot, with both street paved. n Here la a chance to get a home for what you are now paying for rent, and the price at $1,600 la very low. HIATT COMPANY, 348.7-$ Omaha Naf. Bank Tyler r,(j,' NIFTY BUNGALOW. Strictly modern, G-room bungalow; lot 80x157; near Prospect Hill; only 1 block t car; reasonable. Price, $3,200. BIG 4 REALTY CO., 1016-1018 W. O. W. Building. NEW BUNGALOW. Fire rooms, Strictly modern, finished In aak. Located at 3923 N. 26th St. Price $1,160. Terms. Will take small cottage la trade. NORRIS NOR R 18, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglaa 427$. BEAUTIFUL FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. Will sacrifice CI, $00 equity for $800 cash. Brand new, oak floor; oak and white en amel nniBh. Phone Colfax 4193. FIVE-BOOM, modern and tip to date" '22nd and Ames. Wobstsr 4221. ' f-ROOM bungalow, good condition; ground 176x188 feet. $811 N. 30th. Webster 2228. South. Hanscom Park, $4,000 An attractive 7-room modern house. - nearly new. full east front lot, one block f south of Hanscom Park. Extra good I value. sl GLOVER & SPAIN, (Realtors), Doug. 1182. 911-30 city Nat. Bk. Bldg, FOR BALE by owner, 2 acres, good house, all kind of fruit. Walnut mr REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous. NEW WALKING DISTANCE HOME. I -room bungalow, oak finish, handsomely decora Ud, 40 ft. lot. paving all paid. IliMt cash and balance of $36.60 monthly will put you in immediate possession uf thin bargain. Rasp llroa., 210 Kueline Bldg. Tyler 721. MoNTCLAIR Bl'NOALOW. Stucco construction, 6 Urge light rooms. Oak floors, oak and enamel finish. Price $3,800. Easy terms. Another now build ing for $3,660. Tall Douglas 1722 days, Walnut 1SS0 evenings. YOU NO man. Is "Homeword Dound" your slogan? You win the girl, we'll help you win a home. INTERSTATE REALTT CO., $29-30 City Nat. Doug. $862. tj-ROOM cottage, $100 7-room house. $200 i ,.....$1,400.00 $2,000.00 HUFFMAN, 413 ltee Bldg. NEW bungalow, also 8-r. and gardening, your terms and prlre; Inv. with $400 rent S houna frost $!.50n, $2,500. D. 21fl7. J. B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and lneur an re. 442 Itee fiMg. Douglas S0B7. WORLD REALTY CO. Sun Theule; Building. R. S. TRUMBULL, 612 World-H -raid HI d g. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. TWO acres, vacant, three blocks north of ouniry ciud. city water, cement aide- wains. i.iu, u&o cash, $10 per mo, Will build house on this and sell on terms. ll-AKH. HBALTY CO., Doug. 1&19. WE have t aood lota nar Sttth and PoU. fnmla, tn cathedral district Price right. r. V. tt II, ailf 3. IBID Bt, THE FEBRUARY SCORE of Paid Classified compared with 191$ THE BEE gained $.967 lines THE NEWS gained 770 lines THE WORLD HERALD LOST.. 14 lines Figures compiled by Warfteld Ad Agcy.. an Independent audit bureau. NorthT AFTER looking at MINNA LUBA $00 dif ferent buyers decided that It was the best proposition on the market and they barked their judgment by buying lots. IF YOU will come out today you will unaerstana wny the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN k CO. 742 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. ACRES, partly Improved, north part of vivy. n. jm coring, szv we Deter tit, Doug. oust. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Acre tract In Lontrdaie Addl tlon; two blocks from car line; cash or oasy terms. Address Box 2082. Bee. UHAUTlFUL t ot lots, rice $220, only $2 cash and SO cents per wee... Doug. 3392. FARMS, acreage and Dundee property specialty. S. ARION LEWIS. 408 Bee. REAL ESTATE Investments INVESTMENT. A 4-flat brick building, located near Jut and Davenport Sts., $ years old, renting for $1,600 per year. Each tenant furnishes own heat. Come to office and see plants; don't disturb tenant. Price $18,600. Pays edoui s per cent on investment. C. G. CARLBERG (REALTOR), oiv-mM pmnuen l neater tilag. 7 GUARANTEED YOU On your money In any amount by ' HOME BUILDERS, Inc., $1.00 Shares. Omaha. THE FEBRUARY 8CORE of Pakl Classified compared with 1918: THE BEB gained 8,987 lines THE NEWS gained 770 line THE WORLD-HERALD LOST. . 14 lines Figures complied by Warfield Adv, Agpy., an Independent audit bureau. APARTMENT. $76,000, In come 12 per cent; one year old; very fine location; mortgage $26,000 ana win accept izu.ouo in trade; bal ance cash or negotiable papers. CALKINS & CO.. Douglas tyNJiBan,c BId SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKEY A SON, REALTORS. 620 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATES-WANTED THE FEBRUARY SCORE of Paid Classified compared with 1916 THE BEE gained.,., 8,697 lines THE NEWS gained 770 Urn THE WORLD-HERALD LOST. . 14 lines Figures compiled by warfield Adv. Agcy., an Independent audit bureau. WANTED 4, 6 and 6 -room houses that be sold for $100 cash, balance $15 per month; send complete description first letter. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1820 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1064. LIST your 5 and 6 -room houses with us. WE SELL THKM, OSBORNE REALTY CO., Doug. 1474. FINANCIAL IF YOU HAVE $500 YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE DOUBLE ITSELF FOR YOU IN THREE YEARS, ANSWER THIS AD. and tell us where to find you. No money? Don't answer. We're busy. Box 2157, Bee. H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loans. City Nat. Bk. BWg. Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rates, 6, 6 and 6 per cent. Reasonable commission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 212 South 17th, Omsha, Net). City and Farm Loans 6, 64 and par cent Also first mort gages on farms and Omaha real estate for ale. J. H. Dumont A Co- 418-18 Keellne Bitfg., 17th and Ha rney. ft PER CENT to S per cent on best claw city residences m amounts $2,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commlaetoo, PETERS TRUST CO.. is$ Farnem 8- B1G 4 REALTY CO.. REAL ESTATE. rnnus nu uir, 1014 W. Q, U. Bldg. Doug, tm. SIIOPEN 4b CO, PRIVATE MONET. MONEY on and for city farm loans. H. W. Binder, National Bank Bldg. and City $2,000 MTGE., bearing pet. semi-annual, sec urea ny property valued at $12,200. Tal-madge-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W, Bldg. $1,200 MTQE., bearing 6 pet. semi-annual, secured by property valued at $6,500, Tal-madge-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. 5V9 LOAN! GARVIN BROS,. Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. 5 If ON BY HARRISON 4k MORTON, 91$ Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES, EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE R. B CO.. WIS Omsha Nat'l. FARM and city loans. 6-6! and 6 per cent w. h. Thomas. Keenne uiog. uoug. ia. CITY and farm loans, lowest rates. H ijOiHiKK. mo.. 6s Keenne Biag. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Bis, LOW RATES. C. O. CARLBERO, Brandtls Theater Bldg D BUS NO DELAY In closing loans. W. T. Graham, Stocks and Bonds. WE offer for sale at bargain prices; 10 ph. ft com. common weai tn mortgage. 100 Coffetone. I Price Cereal. 200 Rainy Mail Ex We pay spot cash for any se curities of value. Win. H. Wood A Co., 637-8-9 Andrus Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. $1,600 FOR I YRS. property worth $8,000. D. 1972. WANTED To borrow $1,600; property $8,000; 8 years' time. Douglas 1978. Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON. Represent prompt pay Insurance oom Mnlea t44 Bran dele Bldg.. Omaha Neb Abstracts of Title. W Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co., ivyil loi a. ink St. ground floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract Of fice lo Nebraska, 201 Bran dels Theater. REAL ESTATE To Exchange FoR SALS or trail f, MV acres. Brown Co . Neb., 80 acrvn hroke, $12.60 per acre; mortgage $1,000. Owner will trade for 20. 40 acres close in. HU Brandela Bldg. Paul Hydon. Phone Douglas 8711. WE have some good homes and rental prop- ttrttes for Neb, or Iowa land. Edward F. Williams Co.. Omaha Nut. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE B'ne.s Pr'pty H. A. WOLF, Rosltor. Ware Blk. SuecU In downtown business property. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Florida Land $. RAISE ALFALFA IN FLORIDA (Natal Hay) this winter. First cutting. 90 day; $60 to $$o annually on $tu land. $26 Paxton Blk.. Walnut $667 (evenings). Iowa Lands. WILL Hell at a sacrifice 12 acres adjoining Council Bluffs 10 acres bearing grupi-s; acres garden. J. S. Mnsbacher, 1636 Mad' iaou Ave., Council Bluffs, Michigan Lands. TOR SALE CLOVER-LAND FARMS. Grains thrive. Drouth, ball unknown. Root crops, dairying, gracing. Ideal. Flue roads, market! 143 growing days. Aver, age killing frosts October $. Terms easy, George RowelL Jr., 1$ Bacon Blk., Mar. quette. Mich. Missouri Lands. ttUALL MO. Farm $iu cash and $6 month ly; no Interest or taiee; highly productive land; close to I big markets. Writs for photographs and full Information, Munger. A-119 N Y. Life Bldg.. Ksnaae City. Mt Nebraska Lands. TH'. FEBRUARY SCORE. of Paid Classified compared with 1HH THE BEB gained , 8967 lines THE NEWS gained 770 lines THE WORLD HERALD LOST 14 lines Figures compiled by Warfield Adv, Agcy.. an Independent audit burea u. CHOICE 180-acre Gage county farm. Im proved; 120 acres under plow, one 14 miles from town and school. ARCHER REALTY CO., 680 Brandels Bldg. SMALL Nebraska farms on easy payments 6 acres up. We farm the farm we eell you. The Hungerford Potato Growers' As sociation, 16th and Howard Sts., Omaha. Douglas 9371. WET land made dry enough (or crpn or no pay is our way of draining land, No tract too large or too wet. Guarantee Drainage Co., Oakland. Neb. FOR SALE Best large body high grade medium priced land In Nebraska; very little money required. C Bradley, Wol bach, Neb. FOR SALE Unimproved quarter, near Lodge Pole; -ilear; terms. W. 8. Craig, Kearney Neb. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. NEW DUNDEE HOME. Six rooms stucco with prenned brick foundation and tile roof. Largo living room across front and open stairway! 8 good-sited bed rooms with 2 sleeping porches; oak finish and "tc floors throughout; bed rooms white enamel, east front. Bargain at $6,500, will make terms. SHULER & CARY (Realtors), Phone TV 6074. 204 Keellne Bldg. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lots on easj terms. Mod ern, attractive bouses. Before buying be surs and see GEORG - & CO. DUNDEE homes and homeeltes, Cary, 204 Keellne Bldg, Shuler St Florence. FLORENCE. Having decided to move on a farm, will sell our place, consisting of 8 large lots, 86x132, a variety of fruit, some bearing, on 2 lots, 1 lot vacant for potatoes, nearly new 7 -room house, well finished all through; g I barn, chicken house and large chicken yard, a good vegetable cave, cistern and well water. This place is i biocKs from oar line at Florence. Call Florence 268. South Side. VACANT PROPERTY SOUTH OMAHA LAND . At 48th and N Sts., In South Omaha, we have an estate to offer at reduced prices, on easy terms, the following: 3 lots together $ 360.00 $ lots together 1,000.00 7 lota together 1,200.00 I lots together 1,160.00 . N. P. DODGE & CO.. Douglas 829. Harney at 16th. HOMESEEKER& ATTENTION. On a small cash payment we will buy the lot you select, build a home after your own plans and you osn pay for It on small monthly payments, without extra Interest. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. INCORPORATED CAPITAL $26,000. 4926 S. $4th St. Phons South 124T. MEDIUM PRICED HOMES. On tb South Side, on full slaed lots, ranging from 11,600 to 13,000 In different localities, with all city Improvements near schools and churches; can be bought from us on a small cash payment, SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. 4936 S. IMih St. Phone South 147. HERB 18 A BARGAIN. Two 4-room houses on corner lot, 60x160. on car line and paved street Ons rants for 10 a month, and live In the other. Price, 11,200 for both, only $300 cash. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. 4926 Rnutb 4tb St Phons. South 1247 Miscellaneous ACREAGE PROPERTY. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. Offers the Following ACREAGE PROPERTY. 1 acres on car line just outside city lim its, x-room house, good cistern, 60 fruit trees and fine well that cost $260. Price $2,000; part cash. I acres at end of city car line, 7-room mod ern house with full cement basement and tornado cellar. Greenhouse, 36x150. Good barn for $ head of stock. Chicken house and sheds. Price $6,000; easy terms. 4 seres, Just over line In Sarpy county, away from the high taxes. Rich, level land, first broken In 1910. Raised 4 crops of alfalfa, $6,000, Terms can be arranged. acres, one block from car Una near 42d and Q streets, 8-room house; barn for 4 head of stock; chicken houses. Good well and enough fruit for family use. Price $4,500, Terms to suit purchaser. 10 acres on Benson car line. Price and terms to be agreed upon and made satisfactory. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 42S South 24th St. Phone South 1247. ONE ACRE On car line and paved street Lies nearly level and has some timber. Price $S60. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Reed. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, REALTORS, 1414 Harney Street. AUTOMOBILES WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC. USED CAR DEPT. Douglas 129. 2047-49 Farnam. Touring cars and roadsters of Overload. Studebaker, Maxwell, Ford, Oakland. Mitchell, Bulck and Hudson makes. TERMS IP DESIRED. Prompt attention given to all Interested out-of-town buyers. THE FEBRUARY SCORE, of Paid Classified compared with 1116 THE BEB gained.... 1967 lines THE NEWS gained 770 lines THE WORLD HERALD LOST 14 lines Figures compiled by Warfield Adv. Agcy.. sn Independent sndlt bureau. 1914 CHALMERS $6 A bargain If taken at once. Marlon Automobile Co., Council BluRs. Ia. AUTOMOBILES AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 2209 Karnsm St. Unlit bit Palgo... Ford touting Briscoe touring .... Bulck touring Douglas $310, .$500 $200 $461 $74 31" 8. J4TH ST. CROS8TOWN CAR AGE. 1). Hi:. 1914 Paige touring, electric lights mid atitrter, 5 tires and rimtt; just over- hnutrd. Hold for charges, $Jlf. f'OH sale, cheap for cash, late model five passenger car. Will take Ford In part payment. Cult after 6 p. 111. 112(1 A. Hlxtofliith St. WE wilt trade you a new Furd fur your old one. INDUSTRIAL OARAGE CO., Suth and Harney. Douglas 6361. U W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Car Dept 22H-I8 Famsm 8L Douglas 86s. Almost any mnke at renannnble price. 1918 FoitD, looks like new, runs like new; Is alinoet new. Price $300. Call at 1619 Howard St. ' TEIX" a'BINKLKY, Auto repairing; expert mechanics. 2318 Harney St. D. 1640. I IN VUL. CO.. 1618 Davenport St. fin Per Cent Saved on Vear Tire Expense. BiiiRTSCHY "Kan-Fix-It." Southuaet cur new 80th and Harnev Sts. Douglas 161$, CASH FUR YOUR UPfcJD CARS. AUTO EXCHANGE. 2107 FARNAM. P. 8028. AutoLivery end Garages. WHITE A CALPK garage, til 8. 37th, sue cetiMors to Smith ft Deafner O are go; day and night Wago; repairs and supplies, A rhance to please you Is what we ask. EXlrEkTiuto repairing", 'ssrvlcs car al ways ready." Omaha Garage, 2010 Har fi-v St Tvler ISA Auto Repairing and Painting. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair. Colls repaired. Baysdorfer. tl'J N- llth. NUB. Aulo Radiator Repair Service. m-lee rlaht. 318 8. lfith. D 7890. Motorcycles and Bicycles aHLEY-DAVIDHUN MOXOttCVCLEl Bar gains In used machines. Victor Rocs. "The Wntnfrvci Man" 170 rf,vnworih POULTRY ANDJPET STOCK BARRED ROCKS, large-boned, good "lay ers, perfect marked; eggs, $1.60 per IS. H. M. Sklpworlh. B'44 N. a6lhSt.Col.78). Cyphers' Inuubutors and hovers. Stewart's SeedHtore 19 N. nilhHt.Opp.P.P. yueen tni'Ubutors f.nd colony hovers. Stew art's Seed Store. 119 N. Ifith. Opp. P. O. FOR SALE Beautiful Angora kitten, house broke, reasonable, rhuiie Tyler 126a. lill FFOR P I NUTi t N-pggsr 7 6c '"dos'enPflne stock; winter layers. Red 6300. RAUUITS, all sixes, kinds and colors. 1810 Capitol Av, WHITE Rock eggs for sale. Benson 6084 Serfonlnxp ll.r.o ,rtQ W Warner 01 N IRrh MONEY TO LOAN LOOK I LEGAL RATS LOANS LOOK! $ 60.00 costs you $ 8.26 for six months, 102.00 costs you 80.27 for one year,, 166.00 costs you 11.20 for one year, 204.00 costs you 40.80 (or ons year, 300,00 costs you 60.00 for ons year. Other amounts In proportion, EASY PAYMENTS, UTMOST PRIVACY. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY, 340 Paxton Block. Tel. Doug. 2296. FURNITURE, pianos, and notes ss security. , f H. trnAfiJ. tatnl nnmt IS SO 140 " inaorsca nous, total cost, is.eo. Smaller, larger ara'ts. proportionate rats. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, Organised by Omaha Business Men, 482 Ross Bldg., 18lb and Farnam. Ty. $81. m pet on Dta Gross. 410 N IWth. R Ql PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so Helta your old clothing, furniture, tnaga stnes. Ws collect. W distribute. Pbone Doug. 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our boms, UlO-liU'1114 Dodge St, ETTA HTUKOESH maesage, electrb Turk ish baths, manicuring, facial and scalp treatments. 1606 Harney. Open evenings and Sunday. MISS EDNA, scientific masaage; 22$ Ne ville Blk. Open evenings and Sundays, LUELLA WEBSTER, massage and manl. curing. 618 Psxton blk. Rsd $400. MAE BRUOMAN, sclent If lo maaeeuess and baths. 209 Karbach blk. Red :787. U, L llrlgnt Private Maternity Home, Miami St Wibs'or 1908, SCIENTIFIC mas 120 Bs Bldg. Phone Douglss 6872. MISS LILLY, bath, massage. 1322 Farnam St. MxntfMirlnr and mna 1R28 Famam Rm 1$ REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS James C. Ish and wife to Anna M. Ish, Tenth street, eighty -one feet south of Pacific, east side, 61x60.,..$ 1 Michael N. Stultz to Anna D. Ream, Fifty-third avenue, 140.28 feet south of Lincoln avenue, east side, 60x138 1 Charles F. Krelle and wife to Bertha Wengel, Walnut street, 100 feet went of Second street, south side, 100x100 1 William Butts and wife to Norman K. E. Whinnery. Corby street, 10 feet eaot of Thirty-second street, south side. 60x120 1 Mark E. Harrington and wife, t al. to Walter A. George. Park avenue, 200 feet north of Woolworth avenue, oast side. 50x142 1 Henry C. Turpin and wife to Llllle J. Turner, southwest corner Tbtrty flfth and Jaynes streets. 130.6xlL'fl.. 1,500 Joseph W. Billings and wife to Arthur L. Billings, Tiitrty-rourtn street, elghty-ilve feet . south of Blondo street, west side, 42ttxl20 1,800 Hay Market Receipts light: market, firm and steady on the better grades of prairie hay and alfalfa; lower grades of hay are easier; demand con tinues good. "ralrle Hay Choice upland, $it.G0 13.00; No. 1, $11. 60912.00: No. 2, $9.50 10.00; No. 8, $7.60Q8.50: Midland, No. 1, $1 1.00 11.50; No. 2, $8. 60 1 9.60. Lowland, I, is.unsjs.eo; no. s, sf.uuu ", no. 8, $6.008.50. AlfHlfa Choice, $18.0019.00; No. 1, $17.00(9)11.00; standard, $14.004916.00; No. 1, $12.00012.00; No. 8, $10.00012.00, Straw Oat, $7.0007.60; wheat 6.60. Oils ai. Savannah, Ga March 19. Turpentine- Dull, 43o ; Hales, none; receipts, lb DDIs,; shipments, 91; stock, 12,477. Rosin Firm; salits, 41 0 oms,; rereiiiis, ISO; shipments, 197; stock. 80,683. guote n, D, K, t, 1. h, 1, r . $5.40; $6,50; WG, $5.65; WW, $6.60. Liverpool drain Market Liverpool, March 1 9. Cotton Spot Arm; good middling, llU7d middling, 12.27d; low middling, iz.unu, Sutet, 10.0K0 bales. WE SPECIALIZE IN Ford Tractor and advis. immediate committment at prslt law pries. Tb. Jarm tractor Industry threaten, to become as profitable ss the autemobtle Industry, and undoubtedly iortunes will be made from null ln.Mtr.enu In successful concerne, THE FORD TRACTOR COMPANY, INC., i, amont the leading msnuiseturers of low priced farm The FORD sells lor Mi and Is now b,lni lucMssfully used In thirty-seven elates and several foraim ores, rle,. Thousands of unfilled orders on hand. Factory working ni,ht an. day. Competent man.fem.nt and stron, dlractorata. THE FORD TRACTOR COMPANY, INC., h no conn.cti.. with the Ford Motor Company, Or any oth.r automobile or tractor company, but 1, engaged In th. production and sal. of th. famous FORD TRACTOR. $50 to $5,000 invested now in shares of this company should show you substantia! profit throur !i advance in price during the neat lew weeba, with every aasuranc. of trc: tendoua returna through large and frequent advances. STOCK WILL ADVANCE in price within th. naxt lew days. II you act quickly you may buy stock in this company at an Inside figure. The present low quotetlon will for only a short time snd we predict that it will advance and advance heavily within the Immedlete future. If con. venlent, call at our olrice for full particulars, othsrwlee nil out coupon below and mail It for illuatr.t.d folders, prospectus, photogrsphs and lull particu lars. Do not delay, but fill out coupon below and meil It Immediately. ' WM. J. WILSON & COMPANY 341-347 Fifth Avenug, Nsw York City WM. 3. WILSON ft COMPANY. ' M 1-347 Fifth Avs New Ysrk City. Please send me folders, photographs and full information regarding an Investment tn THE FORD TRACTOR COMPANY, INC. If thore-ughly satis fled that this will prove a pr oft tab la Investment, I might invest $ ; Send me without obligation on my part all details, bank and commercial references. Nsmo ..,..... .... Street ..,,.,," City Suts L1YE STOCK MARKET Not Enough Cattle on Hand to Make a Market Hogs Set New Record Price. MEXICO LAMBS SELL HIGH Omav Receipt!" were; Estimate Monday Sainn day last week... Same day $ wkn. ago.. Same day $ wkn. nao.. Hams day 4 wka. ago.. Same day last . er ... 1. March U. Cattle. Hogs. t6 I..HH) 78.10 (i 1V0 4. 208 ;.,?- 1917. Sheep. 4.30H I5,;n tM 14,11 14,4.4 7.(114 7,847 6.287 f.o; 3 10,19 9,142 Cattle Receipts we.e extremely light bi. caue of the rail, ad embargoes against re ceiving stork on ... count of the threailnit ttituatlon in "flirted labor clrlfen. Tln're were really not enough rattle of any one kind In sight to make a market. Burh as there were sold t-t prices that looked to be anywhere from strong t,. I0((9l&r or more hlgheV. The few loa. s off red were picked up early In the morning. Quotations on rattle: Good to choice beeves. $ll,60tM2.1l; fair to good beve. $lfl.6t$ 11.50; common to fair beeva. $D25 tf 10,401 good to choice heir, $9.90fi)10.99; good to cholre ( own, f N.7 & 47 9.7J; fair to good cows, $8 9938.75; common to fair cows. $5.76498.90; prima steer. $9.o0 910.26; good to rhotce feed 're, $l.7&4.50; fair to good 'eeders. $8,00jH.76; comn.on to fair feeders, $4.7SQ9.0S; good to choice mockers. 9K.2f.4j9.lS; ntoek heifers. $7.:'inf 9.04; stock owB, $1. 0fl(9R.B0: static ualvee. IS. 00 10,00; veal calves, 89.0041 1176; heef belts. Ktagt. etc., 8.694y9.$0; bologna butts, $7.00M,;'5, Representative sale: BEEF STARR. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. . sun In eo , 908 8 90 . 9M in 40 .101$ 10 90 .1111 11 16 430 $7 99 8 ...428 8 3$ ., . 9N2 10 20 ... at.8 in co ...1377 11 l ...1477 11 76 STEERS AND 29. . . 29. .. 19... 810 9 09 , K5 9 NO . 999 11 1$ 24.. 27.. 878 f Tfl 813 10 19 HK ITERS. 610 910 8 76 7.., 8 00 S, ., $ 69 $ . . , $ 70 tO. ., 687 700 700 890 7 7S 8 35 781 124 833 OA LVK8. I so in... 43 I 40 160 11 00 140 10 00 119 11 69 1... Hogs Owing to embargo laM by most roads in this territory and not lirted un til too late to bml stock for today' h mar ket receipts of hogs were extremely light. Shippers had a lew orders this morning and filled them at sharply higher prices. They wanted nrlnelnallv IlsHt hnmm anal the strength of advances Isewhorw, made 164J96c higher than last week's close and In some cases showed even greater upturns than that. Uood light hog sold as hi ah nm, wnirn was tne extreme top Sat urdny on choice heavies, and as hlrh m $14.46 was pakl for well finished weighty uuicner. Representative sales: No. Av. St.. Pr. No. Av. flh. Pr. 75. .176 ...$14 26 78. .210 200 t 26 71. .132 ... 14 49 S4..271 ... 14 6S 77. .222 40 14 65 69. .206 ... 14 66 no s, 14. .14$ i , , 14 00 Sheep About elRhteen cars, or 4.300 head. of sheep and lambs were received here this morning, but only four or five loads of these were actually on sale, one packer Renins envsn aoumeg ana leur singles I rect and another two double. Not enough lambs were offered this mem Ing to make a market, A boat the only nuncn on wnicn prices eoaid be ntatva a three-car consignment of light westerns that carried a sprinkling ef sfealcaasv whteh brought $14.60. They were the mates of some of the stuff that brought $12.90 last Friday, but wars In so much better selling condition today that only a small part of the 60c advance they showed on paper was aciusuy quoiaoie. As was the cans with Iambs, aid sheep were 100 scarce to mane a ltiarget. west ern ewes of pretty good quality and desir able weights brought $11.60 and a deck or so of mixed yearlings and wethers that sold st $12,60 were similar to those bought at $11.26 early last week. , The trade was nominally quoted strong to possibly little higher, Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, light and handy, $14.00014.76: lambs, heavy, $1S.$0414.3I; lambs, clipped, fits qu.oii; iamDs, teeners, fis.ssCMt.zi; year lings, gooa to cnoice, !i.4"u.M&: rear lings, fair to good. $ll.$oon.26; wethers, fair to choice, $19.54)13.36; ewes, good te choice, $11,269)11.78; ewes, fair to good. x 10.004; 11,21,; ewes, plain to culls, $7.00$ 9.60. Representative aalea; No. At. IS fed lambs h 44 cull lambs 47 lft fed lambs, ........ 82 178 fed ewes 106 16 fed Iambs 71 7$ fed yearlings and wethers. ..109 Pr. 14 (10 12 00 14 10 II 80 14 SO 13 64 NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. quotatloas of the Day 0 Various Lsadtaf CoMutedltlee. New York. March 19 Flour, held firmly; spring patents, $9.4099.46; winter patents, $,0G(9.30; wlntsr straights, $B.468.90; Kanwae straights, I9.40O9.46. Wheat Spot market, strong; Ne. 9 hard, $2.14; No. 1 northern, Duluth, and Ne. 1 northern. Manitoba, $2.2$, f. s. b. New Terk. Corn Spot, strong; No. 2 yellow, $1.24)4, I, f. New York. Oats Spot, unsettled; standard, TBc. Hay Steady: No. 1, $1.10; No. 2, 11.00 1.06; No, J, 90 0 96c, shipping, 70OS0e. Hops Steady ; state, common to choice, 1916, I8043e; 1916, 74Met pgclflo coast 1916, 11011c; 1916, Ole. Hides atesdy; Bogota, 44c; Central America, 48c. Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 27c; sec onds, 66c. Provisions Pork, strong; mess. $36.00; family, $3$. 00040.00; hort clears, $37.00 39.00. Beef, firm; mess, $i4.00&26.00; fnmlly, t26.00i$2ft.00. Lard, strong; middle West, I20.104J20.20, Tallow Firm; city live, nominal; coun try, lSOimc; special, 12c, Butter Easier; receipts, 4,07 tabs; creamery, higher than extras, 42i034c; creamery extras (12 scors) 4im$42c; firsts, tm O4loi seconds, isoisc. Eggs Irregular; receipts, 16,221; fresh gathered extra firsts 28ftc; firsts, 37H9 28o. Cheese Irregular; receipts, 6,904 boxes; state held specials, 11Q21c; stats held average fancy, 27 MO 27, Poultry Dressed, firm ; chickens, 11 ft 29c; fowls, 17 21 He; turkeys, 186240, Live, firm; no prices quoted. Kansas CUy Live Stock MarketV Kansas City, Mo., March 19 Cattls-S-Re- relpts, 6,000 head; market higher; prime fed steers, $11.76012.26; dressed beef steers, $9.60Oll'60; western steers, $9.00 11.90; oows, $6.00 010.00; heifer, iN.onil.oo; ttocher and feeders. $7,40410,80; bulla l.itf 9.;;; calves, $7.ftft 12,00. IlogM Iti-rcipu., i.&int hnd: market lilghir; bulk of nalee, $14. 404$!; hewvy, H Kt K. Oil; pi.krn and hut. hers. $14.0fl 914.90; light, $14,0014.70; pigs, $9.f0$ 13,00. Sheep snil Lamb Receipts, ioo head; market higher; lamb, $14 .40 A 1 year lings. $l3,0Ufi 13.4f; wethers, $11.70 I2.o): owes, 10,6t'4i 1 2 2r. CltK DO ,VR STOCK MARKET. I'sttle) Finn Hags Lneettleri-elheep Are Firm. Chi. ago. March 19 Catlte Receipts, 3,iMMi homi; mjtrkft firm; native uouf att, (9.1S IS.fil; sloi-krs end fdr. $R.7ft 9 in; rows and heifers. $5.754jr)0.1f3; ralvuit, $10.?6rji 14.25. M.ish Receipts. 7.000 head; market, un settled: early advance of IO9H0- above Snlurdav's average loaf; early top, Hfi.lTV new nisi 1 rarimi. huik or nalea, JI, 15. 06; liKvy, 8 1 4 4f F H.0& ; rough, $14.4 1. mi; jiikh. s 10. bitty ki.'.'Ii. Shfpp and Lamb RorelpK 9,000 head marker, nrm; wetiwrn. xil.intfl3.ftS; ewoa. N.?"$r 13,2a; lamba. $ ll.ROife 15.10, (, Irfliif Live Mark Market. St. Leu la, Sftv. Merrh 19. Cattle R elpie, 1.300 hd: market Mghwr; nart nerr si, 'era. xio.rift 1 1 .7 ti ; furling Httwrs miw itPuers, , jl'Ti I l.oli; rows. ti.,lW10,0(t mockers sad frder. If.. 75 1S.0H; prime southern beef Miters, H8 fttl at 1 i.rtt); beef hows and heifers. $. 35 9.00 ; prlm yearling ' " nniiiTH, i.juwiu."; native CHIV.'H, VUVI'.'. Hng R,MMpt. 7.000 head: marker nignwr; ngnr, si e, 70 is 1 A. 1 S; piss, 89. 00 49 11.26; mted and nittrheM, II 4, 7 .' p I P. 10; good heavy, $l6.10pl 6.S5; bulk, $14,761 tfl 35. Sheap sn4 Tj.mb Receipts, 4M hnad; market steady; lamfce. tia .nf; ewes, $9. iotpn oo: yariingn. 812 Jfitf 13.50. Wous CUy Un Stook Market Slonr rify. Is.. Mari'h 19. Cat tie Re- retpts, 209 head; markat steady: hof steers. $1fl.50fli3.0O; bufehers, $9.00(p 10.50; fat rows and heifers, IT.nofUB.S"; ranners, $.50 O8.S0; steekers and feeders. r7.6i)9.6n: ralves, $7,00tft 9.60; feedlna cows and hair. era, $8. 608.60. Hogs Receipts, 90(1 head; market tO16c higher; light. $i4.asffi4.20: mixed, $u.lfiiti: 14 40; heavy, $1 4.166 1 4.M ; plga, $10.00 I03O; bulk of Mies, $4.154f14v40. gheep and Lamb Rorelnts. 1 00 hari : market steady; ywarllngs, $1 3, 0114913,60 wethers, 11.69912.60; ewes, $10.50011.60' lambs, $18,50. St. JtMeph Live Stock Market. St. Joseph, Marck 19, Cattle Receipts, 300 head; market 10O20r Bl slier: nttm $.50 12.00; cows and heifers, $5.60011.00; calves, $6.60012-76. Hogs Rncalpta, 600 nad: market I82flo hlKher; top, $14.95; bulk of sales, $14,500 14 90, Sheep and Lambs Rerei pis, 6,000 henrf; market 1302fle higher; lam he, $14,000 14.86; ewes, $11.00tPll.&. OMAHA I.KNKhM Piiultry TJve: Broil HA to I it.. 1lr; 2 to 2Uj lbs., 25c; hens, under 4 lbs., I9e; over Itw., IScf springs, 33c: old roosters and stags. 13c; geone, full feathered, rt. 14cr ducks, fnlt feat herd, fat, lOn; tur keys any else over 8 lbs., 23c; capons, over t lbs., 24c; 9) lbs. and anstnr, 30o; guineas, each, any sis, 16c; squabs, Hetnera, 10 os. earh, per dns., $4.00. HMter Ckotua creamer. Not lr 40trr No. 1, 280. Eggs fresh. No. 1. sase, $7.8t; Nov R fresh, $7.20; crax, ease, $6.40. t'lleeav qiirfattwis Hrtsa Cttt Cheest New changes In chense quotations fnrnhhed by the Urlaa Chuese company itrc; Imported Swiss, out: fancy domestic, 4?c; block, 22c; Twine, 27 H: Daisies, 28; Triplets, 28c; Young America, $9c; Blus Isabel brick. 28 4o; limber ger. $a; Berhl saer County, lv. Y.r 29er ncmegart, freneh. 4 fie. Wholesale prices of beef eats: Beef Cuts Ribs; No. t, 28c To.; No. f. 20c; No, I, fln. Loins: No. 1, 26Vic; No-, t, 24c; Ne, S, lie, Chueltsr Ne. 1, IS He; No. 2. 15c: No. I, 144c. Rounds; Ns, 1, 17c; No. I, 16c; No. 1. 110, Plates: Ne L 13r; No. 2. lltia; No, 2. Uc. On I en Sets Yellow, bo. $4,40. rsd, t-tiSI; hlti, $ 4, GO. Mammoth celery, per dosen, 9lo Frossa Flsr Salmoa Falls. 14o; Sahnav 8llv7. lit; trout. 17o; catfish, IRe; Alaska sahleftshr lie; smelts, 18c; whiting,, lfio; erapuies, wai piite, yeimw, areesed, lTa: reund. 14c: ptexerel, dressed, 19 Ho; round, 6 Ho; herring, raveid, TVa; herring, tWo; whiteftsh. dressed, medium. 16ot larva. Met t i'm bo, 26a: round, small, lloi tils fish fur SIRBHI, Fish Fresh, halibut, 18c; fresh catfish. 20c; frosan salmon, slvers, ITc; falls, 14a; rrrsa irosea smelts, wei nerrtng, round, froien, 7e; herring, dressed, so; pickerel, round, frosen, gc; pickerel, dressed, fresen, lie; yellow pike, 14c; black bass, l20o; smoked whtttng, 16c; kippered salmon, 18s; black cod, Alaska sable fish, lie. Vmoked, Halt snd Hplced Fleft Smoked whit chubs, 15j; kippered salmon, l8cj fin nan naddie. 17o; codfish, 13c; Puritan ai, 124jo; poiloclc. SHo: KKKK herrlag, l'kt; bloaters, 60 to box, $1.T6; 100 to boit, 12.16; kippered end. 10-lb, baskets, tOo; whltsflsh. No. 1. 40 I lis, 15.16; 10 lbs,, 11.40. herring, snlced. 40 lbs . $S.a: IS Iba. t5o. Oysters "King Cole," northern, large sans. standards. 40c; selects, 46c; ceunts, SOe; small cans, standards, 37c; selects, 33 ; counts, 12c; bulk, per gallon, $!.$$. 92.00, $2.26. Fruits Orsnges; S6fts, 188a 124s, 11.00; I00, $14 $H.60, 100s, 124s, 150. 174s, $2.76, Lemons: Fancy SO0s, 360s, $5.00; choice 200s, 34Us, $4.60. Orapvfrultl 26a $4.80; 46s, $4.28; 64s, $4,60; S4s, 60s, 96s, $6.00. Apples: Extra fancy Jonathans, $3 25; fancy Jona thans, $2.15; Wine Baps, 176s, smaller, 8.2.00; fanry Wine Haps. $1.90: fancy W. W. Pear malnes, $2.00; extra fancy W. W. Pear malna $2.26; fancy Grime Oolden, $2,00; extra fancy Ark Blacks, $2.60. Grapes. $7.00 9 $8.00 eg. Bananas, 6c lb. Cranberries, $2.26 box. Vegetables Celery, $1.00 dos. Rutsba gnes, 4c lb. Lettuce, Brawley, $4.60 srate, $1.26 dos. Cauliflower, $3.60 crate, 1)2.00 pony. Tomatoes, $6.60 crate, $1.04 basket. Onions, large orates, $9,60; small crates, $11.26; red, 130 lb. Cab hags, le lb. Pota toes, eating. $.86 bu.; Early Ohtos, $2,26 bo. Onion se'.s, yellow, $6.00 bu; white, $6.00 bu. Miscellaneous Cider, Motts, $4.16 keg. Honey, $1.26 ease. Metal Market. New York , March 19 Metals Lead. quiet; 9a asked; spelter quiet; spot. East Louis delivery, 10o asked. Copper, quiet; electrolytic, spot and nearby, aom Inal; second quarter, $8$, 00985.00, nominal; hlrd quarter, $,1.0032.5e. Iron, steady; No. 1 northern, tSB-OOfl-37.0S; No. 2, $16.10 4916.60; No. I southern, $31.00931.00; No $31.80011.6$. Tin, firm; spot, 6.vt 68.00. At London Spot copper, fll"; futures. 1136, 10s; electrolytic, 4161; spot tin, ills, futures, 6208, ids; lead, tae, ivs; spel ter, 147. ' Kansas City General Market, Kansas City, March 18. Wheat No. 1 hnrd, $1.9001.06; No. 2 red, $1,18(71.93; May. $1.6H; July, $164i. Corn No. 1 mixed, i.l0WVi.n; white, $I,111.HV.; No. 2 yellow, I1.1JO 1.14; May. $1.09 1.094 ; Jiy, l.tsfg. Oats No. 3 white, w B-c; sso. 1 miaeo, 61061 iAe. Butter ;reamery, wz; nrsis, iuc; sbcoos, JSc: packers, 28 Hp. Egge Firsts, 27c Poultry Hens, 20 c; roosters, 19c; tur keys, 26c. Minneapolis Grain Market. Minneapolis, March 19. Flour Fancy pa tents advanced 10c quoted at $9.86. Other grades unchanged. Baruy ncn,,, Rye $l.65fM.64H. Bran $24.50016. 0, Wheat May, $1.B9H; July, $1.82. Cash! No. 1 hard, $2.04 H 42. SS ; No. 1 northern, ll.HHCl.8BVi; No. S northern, 11-91 HO 1.99H. Corn No. $ yellow, $1.1101.13. Oats No. I white, 674 0694. Flaxseed $2.88 ' U- 2.97 , Dry Ooods Market New York, March 19. Prices on prints and percales for the fall season were an nounced today on the same basis as last season, prints being on the basis of 9c for American tndigoes. Cotten goods were firm, yarns stcsdy and dress goods quiet and firm. Raw silk was slightly eanler. Rank Clearings. Omaha, March 1$. Bank clearings for Omaha today were $6,453,174.59, and for the corresponding day last year, $41zio, 274,64. More Grain in Storage Here Now Than Year Ago Grain stocks in storage in Omaha elevators, according to the report of the inspector, showed the following in bushels, as compared with the same date one year ago Now. Year Ago. 1,082,000 1,200,000 876,000 42,000 41.000 Wheat 89,0OO ... .1.457.000 ....1,014,000 79,000 .... 8.000 Corn , , Oats .. 11 ye ... Hurley Total, 1.U1.000 ,21.000 NEW YORK STOCKS Adjustment of Eailway Laboi Problem Causes Bullish Outbursts. IRREGULAR AT THE OUTSEl' New York, Marrit IP! Aiijutirmtt1 of Hi railway labor problem and the iittion u (b Miprotn court upholding dio IfgHlll,' of iha A.I unison set prnvokod an' outtrura f bullish enthusiasm and short' covering ii today's market, the movmnenC twtnnding V nil parts of the list. In llle irtithii net t.v rived the greatest- lwnertft, rising sptrttpdij " nrvvu imm ntHitliisiuu. Irregular terwranoina t tlm ouisl denote' a dt'gr.-o of unfftslness- tuiwtng fronr latio iiwb.pment a-fferting. thin coumry's rt-la tions with Uermany ahipplngti and a rbw In dustrials fhlllng under I art wk fttm price Ralll'-a oocurred alinost Immwlli'tch n heavy buying of Vnlled Sinlm Stctd' liethlehcm Stoel, Centrnl Lenther and othr sjiculntlve issues. Raits vrrm lutrrlly mor thvwi firm until the final tauur. when th--. dominated the marknt. Canadluir Pavtrk made an extreme gsin ot aj, m S1.alH wltl: 14 " 1"4 polnla for oilier Daclflcn. Reading. 1-ehlgh Valley, Norfolk A rn, Brio, t"heaapeak A Ohio,. Nw York OntmJ, Now Havan, Houthcni Rallntadi preferred' and common and Satoaril A4r Ulno. Apart frnm Hnthlehem Hiit Hi which llic news at in made gain ot 7 ml 12D'i, with 8 roc the old at 13U, advejtcer of 1 to .1 points were rmrded by Crurihln Htu)i!l, liulf Hlates Steel, Lauknw-aiina rttunl and Republic frnn. United Htatrs Htee) mewrd a grnaa gain of 2 at 116 4., hut forfaited muoh of this advantage bufuro the close with other Industrial. Equipments were to the torn tvt advenee of 2 to 4 polnls fnr Auierlren and Baldwin Locnmotlvwh New York Air Urnitn. ami American t:ontlnnntal t!ans. Cnppiuw, mo tors, oils, Industrial Alcohol and DlsKillor'a "curllles were In demand, with Philadelphln Company, Ohio (lae, Wrern Union and half a soora uf unclaaHlfled eU k. TotaJ snlea l.Sld.OOO shares, the largest turaovsa In Weeks: Changes In the market for tfiurnposn, re mlttanoea were malnli' In the dlreotttm of Untterment, espenlsjly for ft-iwirs. and. llres. The bond market knpt partlul paua- wllli storks, speculative Issue abowinft shnrp gains. Total sales, pa value, $2,785,000, United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and quotations on lead ing stocks; "IP. Nigh. Low. Clo-te. Am. Host Sugar... 93 9 9iv, A in. Can I3,ioo 4 4rt 40. Am. Car A F'ndry S0S 5 7. Am. Loco 9,100 7:i 7n si 7i Am. Hnu'lt. A nf. 32,4(10 107'a 105H T, Am. Sugar Raf. 900 1H u 1114 Atn. T. A T Am. A., L. A fl... Anarnnda Copper,, Atchtiton Ha lil win Loco.,.,, B. A O. flrook. Bap. Tran.. M. A . Coppar.... Cal. Petroleum ... Canadian Parlflu,. Central LesChsr. , . C. AO C, M. A St. P.... C. A N. W C, R. I. A P Ry.. China Coppitr Colo. Fuel A Iron.. Com Prod. Ref.. .. SdO 13714 127 Srttf 37 JH'4 3fii J4v3n0v San m hr. 4. WO lt lflft t0:ia .7fl0 M-4 5;Hi 54 it 2,1.09 .7 70 7R 07 V ,I(tH- 4-7 40 Hi 4lfc 2,0 2S4 24 , . 24 1 tfl.MO tOfl $; Li?1 ls.tna 9n 92 441 8.44)0 60- flSH SO 4,400 96 2'i $4 S,2H Utt XI 11 SH 1.700 6.900 9.800 IMUf 7 44 24-lfc 7TH 29 H 40 UN tti r rucinie ateol ,, Distiller- Sen. . IBrls Oeneral leclrto. 36,900 1.300 xiaoo as Sit, ot. no. pro Ot. N. Ore. ttg. , Illinois Central ... Int. Con. Corp Inspiration Copper. Inter. Harvester... S.,00 It,1 ltl 113 "I d.,fcuu se , .... 103i 13 i 1 I. M. M. pfd. etfs . tf.nm J,IM ,mo tnyl 2-,'i .... tS'l .... H .... tlH n ,is a sin ..... tno m mti; J. .... 17 k. u. smirnerir. . . , Kennecntt Copper.. L A N ,. Mcx. Fetrvleum , . Miami Copper ... . Missouri Paclfra , . Montana Power , National Lead ... , evada Copper N. Y. Central N. Y N. H, A . Norfolk A rn Northsrn Pacific.. Paclflo Malt Pacific T. A T.... Sflff 1.H0 4,80(1 tt.K S.700 101 10a, 1. 000 35 ll MS 18 Pennsylrnnla Ray Consol. Copper 8.400 Reading tft.SUO Rep. iron A Steel. 7,5fl Rhattuck Arls. Cap, l.flOO Houthern Pacific... IT. See 28 f64 8 (H 18 2 fc 2 27? Rnuthern Railway.. U.000 2X 3 Btudebaker Co. ... 4,400 105 102 IMS Texas C. 1,400 231 2 IN 2 2 It Union PactfU 17.900 14.1 127 138 Union Pacific pfd. . 00 $. 81 91 V. 8. Ind. Alcohol 126 u. a. steel laf.eim 11 a 112 r 116 112 ma I IIS U7 117 . 1 11s U2 riixi v. b. ateei pr..,, sou TJtah Coonsr 18.400 Wabash nfd. "B".. 100 2H 36 25 U Western Union ... 1,400 99 S8 99 Westlnghouse Hlec. $.300 624 614 61 Total sales for the day, 1,310,000. ahares. Nsw Task Bfosjsy flfarkst. New York. March 19. Prima Mercantile Faawr 40J414 P cent. HterUeg Ksehaaga Slaty-day bills, 14.71; commercial sixty-day Mils sir burl.. 14.71; commercial sixty-day bUls, $4.70; demand, $4.74; cables, $4.71. Stiver Bar, 71c; Mexican dollars; Bonds Government and railroad, steady. Time Loans Steady: slaty days, $ per cent: ninety days, 3 02 ler cent; sts moaths, $H4 per cent. CaH Money Steady; highest, 4 per cent; lowest, 1 per cent; ruling rate-, $4 per seat; last loan, 2 per cent; closing bid, 214 per csnt; offered at 2 pet cent. U H. Is, reg.,.. 99 L. A N. un. 4s. t do coupon.... 99 M.. K. A T. 1st 4s T4 U. 3. 2s, reg... 101 Mo. Fac. eoa.4s.10.Ti do coupon.... 100 Mont. Power 6s..l0 U. S. 4s, reg., . 107 N. T. Can. db. islu-ftH do coupon,.,. 108 N. Y. City 4s.l07 Am. T.T. e. 4"rislfl5 New Haven e.fa.100 Anglo-Prench ... 93 No. Paclflats... S3 Atch. gen. 4,... 94 do Is 40 B, A O. 4s 920. a to ref. 4a. -' Beth. St. ref. 6s.l0ffPac. T. T. Is.. .lffOV Central Pac. 1st 90 Pena. con. 4Vis.l0fiat C. A O. s, 4s. 89 do gea, 4a.l00 C, B AQ, tt. 4S 97 Read. gen. 4s... 94 C, M. A St. P. 6s.l04So. Pac. cv. 6s. 101 C, R. 1. A F. r. 4s 73 d ref. 4s t' C. A O. ref. 4s S3 80. Hallway 6a..lO0U D. A R. O. coa.4s 80 Union PaclfU 4 97 Erie gen. 4a 44 do cv. 4s..., 92 Gen. Blsctrle 8s, 1 06 TJ. 8. Rubber sO.lflT'k Ot. No. 1st 4Hs 9 U. 6 Steel 6B...10S1H Til. Cea. ref. 4e. 89 W. Union 4s. t K. C. So. ref. 6s. 6S Pom, of C. 193L IS Caffea MartwS. New Terk, March 19. Ceffes The market . for coffee futures was firmer today en re newed buying of th later deliveries, be lieved to be based on ths koper of peace b-fore ths end of ths year and covering of the near positions, Ths market opened at an advance of fl to ff petnts with May selling up to 7.80a and September te 8.10c during the afternoon, sr new htgh ground , for the movement. Rumors of a revelation In Germany probably contributes! to the late sftvanca and ths market closed at the best point of the day er IT ta 11 points net higher. Sale wars at 02.260 bags; March, 7.74c; April, 7,10c; May. 7.18c; June, T.94c; July. t.OOc; August, 8.07c; September, 1.13c, October, l.lle; November, 1.25c; December, l.lle; January, 1.17c; February, 1.41c. Spot, firm; Rio 7s, tc; Saatos 4s, ISc. Offers f Santos 4s were reported here from BreaU at 9.60c to 1.76c, and Rio 7s at 1.60c; London credit. A small sale of Santoa is was reported at 1.60c, London credits In th cost and freight market. The official cables reported a decline of 76 rela In ths R60 market. Santoa spots were unchanged and futures unchanged to 36 rels higher. Santos cleared 49,090 baas for New York, 1 Sagas Market. New York, March 19. Sugar Raw, steady; centrifugal, 6.39c; molasses, 4. j'iu. Refined, steady; cut loar, S.iftc; crushed. 8.00c: mould "A snd cnbes, T.60c; powdered, 7.16c; powdered, T.lOe; fine gran ulated, 7.00c; diamond, T.OOc; confectioners' A, t.OOc; No. 1. 6.86c. A more optimistic feeling prevailed In the market for sugar futures owing to the settlement of the rail road strlks and prices at midday showed net advances of 1 to 11 points on covering and buying for outside accounts. Prices continued to advance m sympathy with the strength of the spot market, closed firm and 14114 points higher; sjik-e. 8,200 tons; May, 4.4c; July. .c; Septem ber, 4.76c Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits, New York, March 19. Evaporated AppU-s Market Strong; choice, l09o; prime, 7ieiS4c. Dried Fruits Prunes, firm: California, 810'io: Oregon, $4)10c. Apricots, firm; extra choice. 19c: fancy, lSMiO. Peaches. firm; choice, $c; extra choice, 0c; fancy. 9c. Raisins, quiet; cnotc 10 iancy, ir 9c; seedless, lOtyilfec; London layer $1.80. fatten Market. '' ' ' ' ' ' vw Tai-It. MTOh 19. Cotton Futures opened steady; May. 17.96c; July, . 17.96; October, 17.20c; December, 17.34c; January,. 17.190. ' Cotton futures ciosea strong;, saay, rc.ovci July, l$.41c; October, 17.94c; December, 18.02c: January, is.oic upoi. sieaay; miu- dling, 18.46c. The cotton market ciosea very stead as a net gain of 63 to S3 points.