Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1917, SOCIETY, Page 2, Image 16

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    MARCH 18. 1917.
! !
is Going On (
in Society Circles
(Continued from Pm One.)
"It depends on iti aize and age. If
it's big enough it might spit to spitz
enberg." The announcement that
lira. Helphorstyle would appear in a
two-reel play wat the last of the
newspaper game.
Aiter thit game each couple was
given a "eats" ticket and then they
secured the eats by going to the cafe
teria counter. Green ice cream waa
Sojourning in California.
" Mrs. Victor Caldwell and her son,
David, who returned from school at
Lawrenceville on account of ill-health,
went to California Sunday and are in
Pasadena with Mrs. Caldwell's sisters,
Mrs. Carroll and Miss Louise Hugos.
Robert Morsman went to California
last week, ahipping his new car ahead.
This is his second trip to California
this winter. The father, E. M. Mors
man, and his cousin, Miss Mabel
Harper, have been at Hollywood for
some weeks. '
J. E. George left Saturday for Pas
adena, Csl, to be gone about two
, weeks. Mrs. George, who went out
several weeks ago with her father,
will remain probably until May.
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus F. Bowman
and children, who have been sojourn
i ing in California, are expected to re
turn this week.
Mrs. John A. McShane is estab
lished in an apartment in Los An
geles m the same house with her
sister and niece, Mrs. Hogan and
Mrs. Eldridge, planning to stay until
May. Mr. McShane returned to
Texae, but will go to California again
as soon as his business permits.
Mr. and Mrs, George Brandels are
expected back from California the
first of the week.
Among th Visitor.
Miss Josephine Lane is spending
the week end with her sister, Mrs.
Charles Leslie Lewis.
Miss Ruth Weller and Messrs. WU
ford Nelson and Harold Ntff. cam
home from the university for th
.. week end. . ., ; - . .
Mrs. Lawrence Gibson, who Is visit
in her mother. Mrs. C. R. Lee. will
return to her home in Douglas, Wyes
Mrs. Edward Morrison of Kansas
City, who ha been visiting her
parent, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Tukey,
returned horn Friday. .
Mrs. Robert Dohertv expects her
H.tmhter. Mrs. Llewellvit lones of
Tacom. to arrive th nd of thi
month for visit. . .
Mrs. Alfred Franedcur of Glencoe,
Chicago, formerly -of Omaha, - who
was the guest last week of Mr, and
Mrs. W, R. Wood, will be with Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Mitiken and Mr. and
Mrs, Donald Neely this week.
Mr. Clyde Crawford, who it
, ing in theatrical attraction, will be
at the home of his cousins, Mr,
Charles Hutchinson and Miss Mayme
Hutchinson, during .his stay in the
city. , v
Witk eh .i.l Clohe. "" '
Milva White shrine gave an "H. C.
of L." card party at Masonic temple
Thursday evening, when refreshments
and prise for the card game , were
appropriate to th title of th party.
The club' next entertainment will be
banquet April 19. '
The H. and K. Kensington club was
entertained at luncneon Tuesday , o;
Mrs. C. A. Anderson. St. Patrlc
decorations were used. Officers were
elected as follows: President, Mrs, G.
H. Hawkins: vie eresidenL Mrs. F.
J. Ferrell; secretary, Mrs.. C. A.
Burns :treaurer. Mrs. George Miner,
Mrs. G. H. Hawkins entertains the
club at her home April X Cover
were placed fori
hteadameo- 1 " lietdamee '
Charlce riruenlg, 10. B. Mitchell,
B. F. tMrfonbacher, W. . Hampton,
H. r. Shearer, M. Martin,
r. MarUa, '-. 1. Jacob Han.
I H. .OldSenl, ' o. H. awobode,
W. C. fries, J. Xally MoCombe,
Mlae aeraelmet.
Mrs. J. K. McCombs entertained
the W. W. olub it a St Patrick's day
luncheon on Wednesday. I he een-
, terpiece held the' Irish emblem, with
shamrocks, green tulips and smilax.
Green birds were the uniaue favors.
holding the new Irish name given by
the hostess to each guest All were
kept busy writing and reading of their
trip to ircuuiu. iovers were ma ior
HWin Sfeedontee
a. X. Stovall, 0. H. Hawkins,
. C. A. Burn, i ' ' T. If. Baden,
' Barry, A. 1. Redding,
B. Day, , . Santa Millar,
Otla Xeteham. I. J. rorreU.
C K. Wolder,
To supplement its regular, meet
ings, which are held twice a month
on Monday evening, the M. r. C
will initiate a aeries of parties by'glv
ing a movie party tomorrow evening,
& no Riria in lac party will .oc
Mleaee Willi
Mabel Otiatefson, May Orlmaa,
Maeel leeverton. aiadye Lyons,
euaei aaeuoaouf a, 1.1111a Millar,
Law Millar.
Myrtle- Millar.
Irfittt. Samueieoa,
Beagle Weaamaa, . .
Oraoa Woolt,
Marguerlt Thomaaan.
. Margaret Weyermaa,
Buslnass Women's Party.
- Dr. Nora M. Fairchild entertained
ttronp of her friends at a
Patrick's day party Saturday evening.
Tulips and jonquils were used, with
Our Customers
Are Delighted
with the freshness
JJJjsnd quality of bur
S-' flowers.
In purchasing
flowers, the qual
ity is of far more
, importance than
the price.
Easter orders now
being filled. .
"Tkai Careful Ffarisl- -'
ISM Faraaa. St, Omaha.
Pawn. Da.gla. S0001
Attendants, at Burket-Copley Wedding
Jjfelen Stttiih
St. Patrick's day favors as table dec
orations, and the refreshments car
ried, out the Irish scheme. 1 nose
present were:
Balla Bllaa. Bmma Varm,
OraeS Grant. . Harrlat Frahai,
Katharlna Davta, '! Bdna wiiaaa,
Jaaat Wllaon, 1 Uauda aandar' ' j
Caoltl Lron, Iflaabeth Long,
Bit PlekarlRf , . . On Jehnaon,
Bmma Johnaon, . Bathar Jahnaen,
OIti (laavar, Mabal Xandall, '
Katharlna Werlar Katharlna Marlaaoa,
Oraaa Bfaaarar, . x Martha Brawn,
Bahrana, Italia. Wilcox.
Ba atortotl, ,
Dr. Joaavhla Armairan. , .
Rssidenc Chang. .
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Webster have
given up their home on Thirty-eighth
street and will oe witn nis parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Webster, until
they build their new, borne on Forty
first street just south of th Arthur
Guious. . - .
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roberts nave
taken th house Just vscated by Mr.
and Mrs, lack Webster and will move
into it shortly. , 1
. Mlai Liiella. Allen has liven no her
apartment at the Thorvald and will
make her home at the Loyal notei.
Children' Birthday Party. .
Mr. and Mrs. n. u. roweil cave
birthday party Friday evening in
honor of their son, Harold's, thir
teenth anniversary, The guests were H
AntoinatM Baalt tola (matlar.
Dorla Talmadia. Miriam Hilar,
Blanch Hamilton, Charlott Todd,
Datar Blok, ' Xatharlna Art.
Klaanor Plkard, . Marian Patloolaa,
Xuth Wallaa, ' JaaAphlna Burrows,
Maatara . Maatara ,
ponald Tlwmaa, , John Oehlltraa, .
Alton Billak, . . Mruin CiKhbart,
lyovatt Abartromba, Clifford Lank,
S barman rttlcolaa, Bdwln Robb,
HanaM ' Boekwall, Donald Burrousha,
llawar Btavana, Blobard Kaon.
rrldav Nlaht Danetnsr Club. '
the Friday Night Dancing club
held its St. Patrick?a eve party at the
Strehlow Terrace club house Friday
evening, with forty-two couples pres
ent., ane .ciud win .give two marc
dancing parties this month, followed
by a "farewell" dinner-dance to be
held on the first Friday evening after
Easter, when the members who nave
been observing Lent will be able to
participate. ,
Social Coasip.
Mrs. Frank Colpetier returned last
week from California, where she spent
iv a, avn wa,kL
Harry McCormick returned Sunday
from three weeks' southern trip to
San Antonio and other lexas points.
Mvron Learned, who has been
south since early in February, is due
home todav. -
Mr. ana Mrs. . s. uirusi weni
to St. Louis Tuesday to attend the
golden wedding anniversary of Mr.
S f S
i -
I . JI www
Mrs. 'Housewife:
This is Sunday,
our slate is clean,
Tomorrow we
will write again
It will pay you to
, . ',
Carlisle's Barents. Mr. and Mr. Da
vid Carlisle. Not long ago Mrs. Car
lisle went to Sa Louis tor tn nttietn
wedding anniverasry of her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. H. v. refers. .
Harrv Cartan of San Francisco and
hi business partner, Mr. Dunn, and
the latter'a wife were at the rom
nelle last week, leaving Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Towie re.
turned Thursday from nearly two
months aoent in California. .
Mrs. N. Hi Loomis. who has been
In Florida for six weeks, is expected
horn within a day or two.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Burke go to
Excelsaor Springs today tor a few
davs. :
Mrs. J. M. Metcalf expects to
leave tomorrow or Tuesday with
her brother. Judge Cornish, and
Mrs. Cornish of Lincoln, for Oal
veaton and San Antonio. Mrs. Met
calf will also visit New Orleans and
wilt be stone about three Wieks.
Miss Marlon How left Saturday
for New York to resume her music
studies after a short visit with her
parent. Miss Howe came west to
act as bridesmaid at the wedding of
a school friend, Miss Frances King,
ir T : T -j , n-,.T
io Mr. nowara x-cwin aciu oi oiw
more, which took place a week ago at
Alma, Mich. Mr, Reid is a nephew
of the famous General Joffre of the
French armv and also ot Henry Van
Dvke. American minister to Holland,
Mrs. . v. Lewis, wno nas been at
the Blackstone, left Tuesday tor Mew
York City, from where she expects to
sail for England thi spring, in or
der to be as near as possible to her
son. Arthur, who is with the Cana
dian trooos in a training camo there,
and expects to be sent to th front
shortly. ' ' ' '
Mr. and Mrs. J. de Forest Kicn
arda returned last week from Denver.
where they went for the wedding of
iiasi jiviii van naan wv a a, au a aaa feivai sums-
ards, who was married to Mr. Herbert
Kennedy of Denver Saturday at tit.
Barnabas churcn., Mr. ana Mrs. Kicn.
arda and little daughter left again
Thursday for a month or six weeks
at Hot Springs, Va. : 1 .
AaTairs of th Past Week.
, The Misses Edna and Getrude Kop
penhaver entertained at their home at
a high five party Friday evening.
rrwea were won by Miss Hade Bas-
tain and Mr. Herman Rhineholtx.
Those present were:
' Mlaaaa - Mlaaat
Bdytha Hartch .1 , : Blala alabort
Bathar Swanaon
aiaua oaiiannB
Hada BaaUan
Bdn Kopnaakavsr
Oartruda Koppaa
havar .
Maaara. '
Maaon Talmas
Barry Matohar
Unlay Harbrtek
. Inlo Blnadorft '
Irrlnt Xllna
Karman BklaakalM .
Mr, and lira. A. Xspnanhayar -,
Th Pagalco club was entertained
S f s s
on it today. :
this slate.
A - ' I'
: 1 '
jT sm. ' I II
Thursday evening in honor of St. Pat-
. . . . . r CL.ff.. U.hi
rick by Misses jane aiwici,
Dixon and Mud Rowe. The guests
represented Irish lads and colleens.
Those present were:- , '
Mary Manh,
Wllna Maloti, ,
Ma MaraH.
Jana Shaffar.
Oladrs RedhOllsa,
Roaa Dixon,
talk Wlnsaard.
Maada Rawa.
Irana Bakar,
Jennla Chrlatanaan,
Batty Dixon,
Myrtla noma.
Allca Bncklay,
Haraca RuSnar,
Otto Pannar,
. Claranca Bmlth,
Oaorsa Ooodman,
B. V. Kally,
Jack Blaln,
Paul Dlzon.
Oaorsa Marah. . ,
Oaorga Waaton, '
u. Hlcnaraa.
Mrs. C H. Walrath entertained at
luncheon at her home Friday, when
covers were laid for twenty guests.
St. Patrick and American flags com-
ined with yellow jonquils formed tne
table decorations. A, musical pro
gram was given in the afternoon by
Miss Mabel Alien ana miss nors
Neat ... y-.
Misa Minerva' Heine entertained a
group of her high school friends at a
slumber party following the Omaha
High school roaa snow rriaay eve
ning. Saturday morning tne guests
were given a dainty at. ratricxa aay
breakfast, for which the decorations
were in green flowers and favor. The
party included:
Dorothy Hltohan. Irana Maaos, -Marjarat
Bchurls, Alloa Stona,
Halan Nlaman,
Mrs. Bert C Fowler entertained at
luncheon at the Blackstone Thursday
and Friday, On Friday the table had
as centerpiece a bssket of pink ear-
nations and at each nlace was a cor
sage bouquet of violets. The after
noon waa spent in sewing, .
Maadamaa ataanamaa . f
John Battln. Frank Carmlohatl,
Charlaa Mubbard, John Pnlvor,
Irvln A. Banadlot. oaorsa suaraussr,
aiclmwm Not.
Miaa Dorothv Belt, daughter ot
Mr. and Mrs. f vter Belt, who csme
home from Kemper Hall two weeks
axo on account of her throat, ia at
the Preahvterian Medical nosoitai.
c. I. Ernst, nresident ot tne eoara
of. Education, who has been ill since
Mnndnv. ia convalescent He exnects
to return to his office within few
Mrs. w. i. rove, wno nss been
three weeks In , St Joseph's hospital
tor an appenaicuia opcrstion, re
turned home Friday.
Personal Mention. . .
Theodore Metcalfe ha been home
from the state university for the last
week with an attack of grippe. Mr.
Metcalfe ha th leading pert in the
junior class play, "Green Stockings.''
which is soon to oe proouceu in
Lincoln. '
Miaa Maraararet Bridges left Satur
day morning to spend the week end
with Miss Virsina Lowe at Ames,
Ia. Miss Bridge will be guest at
one ot the formal sorority dances.
Miaa O n Metz has returned from
Miss Snence's school to spend her
week of spring vacation witn ner par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Metz.
- Mr, and Mrs. H. v. roweu ana son,
Donald, have returned from a ahort
visit in St. Louis.
. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. -Whitehouse
left .for the east Saturday evening.
Thev will be tn Dayton. 0.. Washing-
- n . - . i T V
ton, u. "t Boston ana new xorx
before returning. -
Messrs. Lloyd Smith ' and Wilt
Noble are spending the week-end in
Kappa Psi formal dancing party Fri
day eveninar and ihe banauet Satur
day iiight at the Lincoln hotel Mr.
buy Judaoo went ior tne oanquet
(, ,, . J :, ,
New Arrivala in ' ,51 -
Spring Millinery rX
'..Jut relvd a nw assort- . JPiC1) :
jnnt of beautiful pattern IIL VV
.ht. Specially priedfroia ss', 7vV,
$5.50 to $25 km,
A moat authentic (bowing of .
beautiful spring style aow fJf .Jr'
arwstfajyouf inspection. Jr
. FaRSchadeUftCo-, '
MIX Deiugla St V
The Younger Set
. in seeking social diversion together, will find '
at th Blackstone, environment and influ-(
net of th proper kind.
And Parent who realii th necessity for
aocial pleassrcs ef their young peopl in th
happy day of youth, may feel every assurance
that they, whil enjoying th golden hour
together, will be cued for by th Blacktton
management tn appropriate manner.
Th eighth floor of th Blacktton, with it
classic BaS Room, it chic Reception Boom,
it delightful Party Room and Winter Roof ,
Garden, offer opportunity for th highest
typ of entertainment
For information relative to engaging any of
this space, telsphon
1 TV
The Blaclutone)
Harmay 9U.
Saturday evening to act as the toast-
master... .: ,. . .. .
Messrs, John nd Stewart McDon
ald came home from ihe State uni
versity for th week oL-, ;
Harold McConnell, son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. B. McConnell, is in Los An
geles with a drug company there.
Robert Stout, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John F. Stout, leaves Omaha the first
of April to enter the National Bank
of Commerce in New York.
Mr, George Flack is in Casper,
Wyo, on a business trip.
Benson i
Social Circles
Henrv Vick of Aberdeen. S. D is
guest of his brother, J. Vick, and
Mrs. Vick. , ' ,
Mrs. C. C. Beavers entertained at
dinner on Friday for her brother, C
H. Oats of Clarinda. Ia.
Mrs. William Butler has returned
from Schuyler, Neb where sh t
tended the wedding of her niece.
Mrs. B. M. Babcock returned last
week.frora few days' visit in Exeter,
Neb. .
. Dr. and Mrs. Holbrook entertained
at dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Hoskins before their departure tor
Mrs. John Wallick entertained at
dinner last Wednesday in nonor oi
her daughter's birthday anniversary.
Mrs. lieorsre iradaie win entertain
the Harmony club at dinner on Mon
day evening.
Misses Dora and Esther Netson of
Sioux City were called , here by the
death of their uncle, G. Gibson.
Mrs. F. W. Jones, who has been at
the home of her sister, Mrs. S. A.
Davis, left last week for a visit at
Twin Falls. Ida.
.Mrs. P. Doljs has returned from a
three months' visit in Los Angeles,
Cal. i
Mrs. J. H. Berry entertained last
week for Mrs. Hiram Fay of Weaubu,
Mo. '
Mrs. L. Raber will be hostess for
the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid Society
next Wednesday, which will be
"guest day." A program will precede
lunch and social hour.
The Woman's club met at the city
hall Friday afternoon, when new
members were added and a towei
shower was had for the gymnasium.
Mrs. C L. Carlson entertained at
birthday dinner Thursday evening for
Mrs. u ). uuinby ot umana. Lovers
were laid for five guests.
Mis Ida Hansen and Mr. Glen
Scott were married last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott will reside in Gif-
ford, Neb.
Misses Kate Van Horn and Helen
Morton gave a shower for Miss Cora
Jones last Saturday.
Narcissus chanter of the Eastern
Star" was organized last week with
forty-eight charter members.
Mrs. C. H, Moulthrop has returned
from a few days' visit with relatives
at Tekamah.
The Westminster guild wilt meet
at the . Presbyterian church Monday'
evening for a 6 o'clock dinner, pre
ceding the business session.
. The English Lutheran Missionary
society will hold a meeting at the
chnrch next Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. William Butler entertained
-last week for her nephew, Dr. Bliss,
and Mrs. Bliss, ot Schuyler, Men.
J. H. Berry was called to Lincoln
last week by the death of a relative.
Mesdame Welch, Oliver, Baehr,
Vick, Madsen, Iradaie, 1 racy, Loech
ner, Pickard, Tyson, Wilcox, Brote-
markle. Correll.' Dunn.' Moulthrop
Armstrong, Mead, -Hodder and Gross
of tn -Woman's club attended the
convention .-dinner last . Thursday at
the Blackstone and with their twelve
invited guests sat at one !ong table.
South Side v
Social Gossip
Mr. John Considine of Platte Cen
ter, Neb., is visiting his son, J. T.
Lonsidme, ot the local postomce.
John Schultz of Sioux Falls, S. D,
is expected home today tor a snort
Bishoo Stuntz will oreach at Grace
Methodist Epicopal church this mom-
Frank Broadwell. Jr.. is now able
to sit up part of the time, after his
recent attack of pneumonia.
Mrs. John Moorenouse nas re
turned to her home in. York after a
short visit with friend) here.
Mrs. Charlea Akofer of Rancheste.
Wyo., i visiting tt the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Baker.
Mrs. Baker, who ha been seriously
ill, is convalescent'
Mrs. Fred Gsrlow and daughter,
Jane, of Cody. Wyo., are guest at
the home of N. R. Bryson.
The Friday Kensineton- club met
last Friday at the home of Mrs. John
Roberts, Thirteenth and Archer ave
nue. Mrs. Harry uraoiey nil enter
tain this week. ' '
The Women's Relief corns met Sat
urday afternoon at the home of Mr.
J. O. Eastman, Twenty-third and C.
streets. . -.
The New Century elun gave a
card party Saturday afternoon at
t antltrian hall.
Mrs. H. C. Uhlrner entertained ner
division of the ladies' aid society of
Grace Methodist church Thursday
The Kine's Daushtera of Wheeler
church met Friday afternoon in tne
church oarlor.
The Eastern Star entertained at its
second successful dancing party at
Rushing s. hall Saturday evening.
About sixtv couoles were present
Eastern ' Star kensinston will be
held at the home of Mrs. P. M. Camp
bell, 4434 South Twentieth street
Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Myrtle
Miller will aasist the hostess.
. The ladies of the United Presby
terian church will be entertained at
the home of Mrs. Robert McCoid at
a missionary tea Thursday afternoon.
The South Omaha Woman's club
will give a musical at the home of
Mrs. J. W. Koutsky Thursday after
noon for the benefit of the West Side
Social Settlement The music de
partment will have charge of the pro
gram. ' ..
The Epworth league of Lefler
church will give a St Patrick' social
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. C
Banner, Twenty-sixth and E streets,
Wednesday evening.
The Women's Home Missionary
society of the Grace Methodist
church will be entertained Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. A.
Cressey. Mrs. John R. Hughes will
assist the hostess. Mrs. Homer C
Sttmtr will address the society on the
Chrome Diteases 1 V : i.-i-i
,!--.-.a -.v.'.-,- . -f-.:-t'-;
If yon are suffering from torn complaint ow baths and treatmeta
will sjaist your doctor.. We win be glad to have you etdl and investi
gate onr fnstftttte, or eonralt your doctor. ,
, Oaa. aWa. Man ntli 7 a'doak. Saya watll U .'alacty.'
- Taaainy SB Frksas- .ranntf , OMBaa mtf, i t0.
. Mandar, Wadsaadar aaat tetordnr, aaaa wty, waW iM .'clack. '
YB8. I oan aaa Ton alt Mitanla allantly
for tka en. srant naerat th. anawar
b arary woman a wuiiu,",-". -to
mak. fear oomptaxton aunramalr baantl
fult Thin la a oaerat which today thov-
a. A. ana know. i. ihalT malalt.
bapplnask Banrnl waafc. from aow Too
will aar to yonraalt, -1 navar , ac
a thin poaslblal" What Z am (lvln yam
la a aaw war and a poaiuv. ona. ia aun
pla: yon mak. tho gnats at homo yoaraalf
. momanta. Ilia thla: Viz ona
ounea ot llntona an two tablaanoonfnl. of
Slroorln. la a pint watar. lorma m
. ..m. m to annlr. airltw, thla
la far cheaper than any of th. proparad
oraaru rov Pur ana wmcn ao an prow"
th. ramlta. Now apply thu waam fraalr
avarr dar. o will aoa aotloo mry
maddy mot, blotch, toaahnaio, irrasniamy
of oolor. vanlah. an tn Its plaea will .ppau
kaautr and parity wmca yon mm nat
al coal com. to you.
a a a
wtu a. 9. SL I hara known many oaaoa
th. mat kaa baam daraloaad Mvara!
tnchaa ta a month br th. aa of tho foHow-
tn aala formal. Ho ona can promlaa tnat
davalopmant oaa ba accompllabad la avarr
a, and auraly aarar or snocnanioai apu-
... ,11, im danaarana. . Thus formal.
ahaal do It. thoash. It anythlns on. Oat
from roar Sratsm two aaooo. ot natana.
a half a oop at nsar aa mbt ta half a
alnt of watar. Taka two taaapoonfala aftar
aaeti manl an at kadtlma. . . -. '
a a a
BBOTLIV-Toa know that an avarr acabp
k wnauatly tormina a aim ot sunn aa
aenl. wntch aalthar mi nor many at tha
aaapy 'ahampcaa will ramOTa, ma WBtb
aerabbtn. Bat, dlaaolra a taaapoontal of
attol la naif a cup of watar and oaa a,' a
haad-waah. and tt will aarprla. yoa bona-It
Htaraltr dlaaolTaa aray awary bit f thoan
accorauUtlona. Claaa scalp la on. atovat
of hoalUiy. loiorlant hair. For twonty-eWo
tttm mo i anovrh aaraol to ni. TOO
ovor a doson of thcae slorlona baad-waahea.
subject of "Home-Mission;" Mrs: 1.;
v.. rJanner oi Lcner Memorial, curc
will tell about the work and itecd
the Albright Sociajh SetttldmeiHJ
' Mr. Virgil Smith will erltenaii ilir
Thursday Kensington club at her
home this week.
Mrs. J. T. Considine entertained
Saturday at her home in honor of her
small daughter, Mary Jeannette. The
afternoon was spent playing chil
dren a games, followed by a dainty
luncheon. Those present were:
Uarr L. Cttmnlub Eaparanca trla, 't
Doretkr Moora, Bllsatialh Bill.
Halan Kalloat, . Jaannatu Consldlna,
Fhllr Barta, Wllllaa Kallats.
t Male Macaroni tor iht Millions
On ft aia A aaai ,
SkhuurMaHtt&chmiuGmpattU ',
OmaJmJimhwka. 6.SiA. ,
Yoi Ctmt
ttit Ytir Ftt
Ovrfg,tnMM ia tk OM mttfortviH yoa
cm not hl4 from youmlt r fran tboe ;
aroand yov. Xf too thtn, your dr treiikw
or tailor oan aupjtfr th lncrtnolti, but
th ovcrfat eanr barton tboy oaa not
eoneoaL Tharo It eni war to rtduco
yonr walttat mStlt ud loWf. Tbo harm
leu Marmola Praaoiiptlon, whleb chance
the fatty Uaiuei and fat-producing fooda to
olid flwh and onerfjr, helpo tho ffoneral
health and dlieatlon. penntta yon to oat
and live aa yov like, and karea tho akin
eloar and amooth. Thia famow proaorlp
tloa. la no oondoaaod Into tablet form. '
Bach tablet ootttalna an exact doaa ot tho
same barmleaa 'lacrodlonta that aaado tho : :
original prescription eapablo ' of redueinc
tho overfat body at tho rate of two. three
or tour pound a week without tho altibt--est
III effecte. Tako hot one tablet after
each meal and nt bedtime until the normal
weight ta reached and tho bodily health
completely deatored. Aak your druggie :
for Marmola Proacrlptlon Tableta. or aend , '
to1 the Marmola Co., S4 Woodward Ave..
Detroit, Mich., and yo wt(l rocetro for t6e .'
a full caae-enough to itart you well on :
your way to allmneaa and happlneatw-Adv.
"I This Tow Wieh? Ton Can Hav
It, My Deart" Valeaka Suratt, the- i
SeK-Made Beanty of th Stage, .
Whiapcr 8cret Way of
, 9ure, Quick Beauty. y
ft a -
r":vT" -
ass g. N. With my halr-arcwlne far
mala si ran balov, kalr-arowUi of almost aa '
look a month aj by ao moan, aa vaoommon , .
aeourranoa. And tha tnrradltnta ara vary;
almpla. Attar mlzuif, yon hav. arer a pint I
of a most ramarkabto hair crowar, and eoot.
lac yon lam thaa proparad nonlo aold In :
tho atoraa. Tou'll notice yoar hair will poa
Itlvaly.atop falllna, stow allky and lonr
noma dufaranea ladaad from th. raaalta yon '.
aay yon didn't lot by oalng othar thlnsa.
Mix on. onnca f bata-qulnol with half a
plat of watar aad half a pint ot alcohol (or
ola. a fall plat of bay ram). Don't bo .
atlatlnc with It, aad you'll tat woadartul ,
raoulta. ' v
a a a ., "(.
Btrf Bit tots ot yo (trla navar beard of
"dlaaoMat" away hair. Too oaa. thoaa
"bornlns" mams aad aaata. which radden
aad lrrttata th. akin. Why da its Oo to
your drotslat aad aak for aalfo aolatlon.
Volataa th. balm with It and joat aaa
avarr hair atmply dwLndla- away.. Thla.
navar fatla. Ton ana Baa It anywhara, avan .
on sanaHrre akin, it romovo. ovary hair,
oarer laavas a mark and nobody can datact
that yoa hara aaad anythlns.
lUt. A..0. H. That's too' bad. Xnt
urn. yonr dracalat ran. short of th. soraxln '
tor ramovlne blaekhoads In a faw momanta,
Joat aand tho price, fifty canto, to "Secra
Ury so Valeaka Soratt. Thompaoa Bids..
Chloaro," aad yaa will (at It at anoa bj
raturn mall.
; OLDISH I can tall yon la advaaoa, It'a .
a waata ot aHinor and tlma. Ton hav. ad
ded flv. yaara ta yoar faca trying; thoac '
things. Now try my gasa-aatloa bar. and
taka thoaa S-ra yaara o agala In a few,
daya. Tog oaa do It, aanta a. othar have. .
Thla eraam M a wondarfnl akin rejnvenator. V .,
Wrtnklaa vanlah. and tha akla booomra'
youthful and ploma. To half a pint of;,
watar add twa ounoe. of aptol, uaenrad from :
tho drug atora, aad one tableapooafal of
slyoorlna. Apply thla araam dally aad aaa
It freely. . .
. l- a -
lfRa f. O. D. Bprmkl. aom. aaraxtn on
a wet apoato. Than rub thai oa tha blaok-.
haada. la a faw momenta tha black baada
will have disappeared. This aonnda like a
fairy tela, bat If. a fact. Try It
aUTTKRrJfO Ton know ancaaatra per.
gplratloa ta tho arm pits la on natural. Ton
oaa regulate It eompletety br almply apply
Ing hydroltsed talc to the ekln. The trou. '
ble wu atop, and any disagreeable odor wll -taatantly
vaalaa. , ve:1
HIS T.-1. 6. That face powder of mln
la called "Valeaka Suratt Face Powder.'! .1
waa made after my own formula, to erolr
that caalklneaa ao common to face powdarn
Too can gat It at drug atoraa for fifty ca;e ,
In fleah,. white and brunctto tliue. Auv.