Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 15

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    Omaha Sunday Bee
Nivvs of tHe.Week in Social and ,QuBQrles
Social Calendar
Monday f
Lyncheon at - Blackstone, Mrs.
George Squires, hostess.
Card party at. Blackstone given by
Political Equality league.
Orpheum party and supper at Fon-
tenelle given by Mr. Herbert
Smailes for Miss Harriet Copley
and Mr. Earl Burket.
Monday Bridge club, Mrs. Fred
Wallace, Hostess.
Original Monday Bridge club,' Mrs.
A. L. Reed, hostess.
Orpheum matinee party for Miss
Lillian- Cavanagn of Chicago,
Mrs. Garland Boswell, hostess.
Dinner for Mr. andMrs. Luther
.Drake, given by Dr. and Mrs.
J. E. Summers. -Orpheum
party for Mrs. Alfred
' Francoeur, : Chicago, given by
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Milliken.
Thimbht club, Mrs. Ralph Kiewit,
hostess. - .i ,-,
Tuesday ','
Bridal dinner given "by Mr. and
.'Mrs. Henry Copley for the Bur-)ket-Copley
wedding party.'
Wednesday , j '
Burket-Copleyiwedding. -. -;
Luncheon for 'Miss Lillian Cav
anagh of Chicago, Mrs. Robert
', McLean, hostess. ' .
Thursday ,
Kensington club, Mrs. . James
iSwanick, hostess.
Delta Whist club, Mrs. Frank 0.
Browne, hostess.' , .
Weirich-Neale wedding.
Kensington for Miss Lillian Cav
.anagfiof Chicago..
Friday Bridge club, Miss Kath
j erine Thummer, hostess.
Musical and kensington given by
i South Side Woman's club- for
Social Settlement, Mrs. J.-W;
Koutsky, hostess. ..-' :1
Afternoon- bridge, Mrs. Alexander
i Pollack and Mrs.-Samuel Katz,
I hostesses. . - .'. . 1
Friday 7 ' : " V
Amateur Musical club, Mrs. Harry
, Steele, hostess. V
Saturday;,", . ' ' ) ." , .
Week-end Dancing club at Fonte
V.nelte., ; .j , ( , : ,. ,i ,.
BEFORE us on the motley wall,
which might have, given Mr.
. .Frank Alvah Parsons, that
v esthetic, gentleman, particular
fiti, is a posterof the now famous
Amelita Galli-Curci. We fail to see
th.Mona Lisa smile upon her face,
as some have dose, but there is some
. baffling quality which speaks of un-,
knbwn Hardships borns calmly; Which
have changed her face to a mask- to
hide from. the curious world the steps
leading up f6 - her discovery and
miraculous success in Chicago this
winter. The last century, dress which
is her costume,. th last century sjyle
of curls oVer the ear, accentuate the
impression o'; aloofness" which her
likeness gives.. ". . .'
All of tnis goes to show-, that p
, peprances . are . very deceiving, , for we
have it on authority that JIme. Galli
Ciirci has had a very unruffled and
tranquil career as a musician, and is
happily married to an artist of note
' whose paintings are soon to be ex
' hibited in Chicagb.' She is known as
the ; legitimate successor to Adelina
Pa'tti, not only in musical renown,
hirt in ancestry, for they are both
descended from theame' stock, a
mixture of Spanish and Italian blood.
Probably it is this mysterious qiial
'itjf of her face and her sudden rise. to
popularity which is drawing - the
crowds to hear her not only in Oma
ha, where .she, by good fortune, ap
pears before any eastern engagements
begin, but in Chicago, the place of
her debut. Tuesday Morning Musi
cal club members are responsible for tius
great good fortune , to Omaha
music lovers. They will present the
Italian madame-as the last numbet-of
their outside .concert programs for
. this season. Later a program of stu
dent numbers will come to conclude
a year of brilliant and successful con
certs. ' ' . .... .. h- , ;
Weddings of : Interest Impend. -
Two ;wtddings "bf exceeding great
interest "to' you and to' us -will take,
place this week. One is the marriage
of much-feted Miss Harriet Copley,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
copley, to Mr. Earl Burket, which
will be solemnized Wednesday eve
ning, the other the nuptials of pretty,
iiUsical Miss Jessie Neale, daughter
of' Mr. and Mrs. John G. Neale, to
Mr. Ralph Weirich, which will fol
low the first by one day.
, Jn speaking of weddings our '
thoughts turn to the army wedding
which Will take place probably in the
fall, when Miss Edith Russell of Ann
Arbor, Mich... daughter of the late
IJrof. A. C. Russell,, biologist of note
and Alaskan explorer, and Mrs. Rus
sel, will wed Mr. John Singleton Swit
zcr. son of Mrs, J. Srtiuer of Fort
Crook. The young soldier graduated
last year from Ami Arbor, where he
met his bride-to-be. and is at present
at Fort Leavenworth until the first of
April, when he will go to Browns
ville with the Fourth infantry, his
atlier's old regiment. . His fiancse
I a modest, pretty brunette. She at
tended school at St. Mary's, Knox
ville. 111. Air. Switzer is a,member
of the Zeta Pfi fraternity. . ; . , '
Some Are Observing Lent. '.
Theater parties ara conveniently en
livening the mid-Lenten season. Last
Thursday Mi-Careme-- marked the,
middle of this time of fasting and
prayer. In general it has been jitrict
ly observed and one charming bride
even carried her. observance to the:
point of astinence from all pre-nup-tiat
affairs. The visit of Mrs. Perry
Allen of New York to her mother,.
Mrs. William G. Sloan, at the Colon
ial, has been , the occasion for the
most frequent entertaining that any
popular visitor has received for "quite
a spell." Other popular visitors have
served as an excuse for an abandon-
ment of much Lenten, solemnity dur-
ing the last week,
Suffs Get Some Attention.
'The suffragists among us have been
attracting to themselves considerable
attention during the last few days in
spite of revolutions' in Russia and
railroad strikes in mir own fairyland
Their school, together with the lec-
ttire given by. Prof. F. M. Fling on
Friday evening, have been the high
points of last1 week, which naturally
brought dinners and luncheons and
teas in their wake, and this week the
; romicai: tquanty league win give a
card party at the Blackstone on Mon-
day afternoon. Our fertile brain won-
ders whether these suffragists . will
buy all Mrs. burners, decks pt sut-
H.uiu, lit ..... out,..v "I. ,w uav
on the occasion. 'One of the suffra-
gists, a well known woman (you may
guess.her name), said, "If the people
come to rror. r ling s lecture tney
will see what really nice persons we
are. Wo are not freaks and frumps 1"
The' delightful parties which have
been given for the visiting lecturers
and the card party at the Blackstone
tomorrow will serve as ample proof
that the ranks of Omaha suffragists
are not to be despised in the social
world. V-''
One funny thing w wish to confide
in you before we close. It is rather
"suffragistic". in character, that's why
it comes to our mind. Ignorance may
grin at you from it, but here goes I
Do you know that wives of the city
are not listed in the city directory.
Widows and misses and men and
buildings are, but the poor married
woman is taboo! ,
Society Woman in Business Role.
Osato snapped Mrss E. C Henry
in a rare moment that of her "rcver.
sion to type,", let us call it, for this
charming woman, mistress of all the
social graces, is now too busy sell
ing motor trucks and running a hos
pital to have many leisure moments
like this. . , .
Any one of three occupations would
be sufficient to keep the average wo-
.Tffi. KSnf3 lT.t
honital . v.rv ;.r,.im. ,nH Mr.
Henry enjoys it,' especially as the in-
stitution is at the service of the gov-
ernment, if ever the necessity arises.
Mrs, Henry, too, is personally inter-
ested in the nurses, of whom there
are forty-five.vand she resents all at
tacks such as Rev. Savidge made upon
them recently as unjust and unwor
thy, coining from a minister.
But it is the automobile game which
fascinates Mrs.. Henry the most. It's
selling trucks, not just motors, she
glories in. And here is the queer part
of it a woman's business -. point of
view: "I like to sell trucks because
it saves horses "the abuse of heavy
loads. Every time I see a truck heav-
ily laden, I am thankful a horse is
saved from pulling that load,", she
...';: - - Nt7;V -x:;. W. iW J - . U :
fM ,r:W' Ss ?M
WWt Ht fv :- '4
says. , i . . ' earn social Aiouaay evening, Aiarcn
Are we forgetting Caesar? Not one 26, at the Blackstone. ' .... -.
bit. He has been Mrs. Henry's close Mrs. Alexander Pollack and Mrs.
companion for all of ten years. Every. Samuel Katz wil -entertain at .bridge
body who knows Dr. and M.r- Henry Thursday at the home of Mrs. Pol
knows Caetar. t lack. ' V
Caesar is a highly educated dog. He,
used to go to Columbian school every
day. and sit in the teacher's chair. He
recognizes his . misfess' voict even
over me reicpnone. a tew years ago Mr. ana Mrs. Harvey Milliken are master, ana ner oroiner. vvaiirnan, cavalry m Mexico. .. and intermingled with these were a complete course offered in Chineie
when Mrs. Henry returned from giving an Orpheum theater 'parly comes from Dartmouth March 27. Mrs. N. B. Updike left Thursday fancv drawings of school life. ' history"- the editorial' offered to re
Europe, she telephoned a friend who Monday evening for Mrs. Alfred -Morse Palmer and Floyd M. for Chicago to meet her daughter, , - The wearers of the green caps by Jnce the high cost of living by lug
was taking care of the English bull Francoeur of Glencoe, Chicago. - Smith, jr., came home Wednesday Miss Hazel, with whom she will re. far out-classed all previous precedents Besting that we eat less- in tha tinra.
tfrr r during her ,hun.. Tl. VI O.l.k V1..J. -.-. Ct'a W thrif t-n rtava' . t. .U- I.....'. ...u .1. .- ...I r- . , " lucaj.
friend put the receiver to the dog'j
ear, and when he heard Mrs. Henry
--. . , ..,.,vv.-. .
speaking, he trotted right off as fast
as he could, back to the Henry home.
though it was many blocks away.
u s,.,.,rf .
Wh,at ?oc,el H" in "?'?" ' ' ,
Holhster Review will Rive a card
party Tuesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. J. WVTurnbulI.
Omaha Alumni chapter of Sigma
Nu will hold its annual banquet Sat-
urday evening at the Fontenelle..
Covers will be. laid for seventy-five.
Men from Nebraska and Iowa and
the entire active chapter of the Uni-
versuy 01 meurasKa, inciuunig idoui
thirty men, are expected to be pres-
ent. No formal toast list will detract
from the jolly spirit of this fraternal
affair. The committee in charge is
Randall, V. R. Brown and E. J.
Krahutik '
Mr an'd Mrs. Thomas H. Fell are
entertaining at a theater party Mon-
day evening
loiiowru -iy uppci
P' U,e Fontenelle. Their guest,
wl" . be I Messrs. ana Mesnames
Cn.arJ,e. Vx it Sobotker.
an?. K0?rt j mD,e- . . . t
e?' a.tu,rday. evening the last of
s"" ?tr.dan",g P.arttcs' f,v!".)y
'J."1 Week-End" Dancing club at the
l-uiiiciiciic, wiii
fontenelle, will tane place. -ni ine
recent election Mr. Robert Trimble
was chosen president of the. club, for-
next year, with Mr. Allen B. Hamil-
ton as secretary. -
F. A. Welsh.' Dr. W. H. Walker.-
Luther Kountze and Thomas H Fell
y' entertain 'parties at the theater
Monday evening. - . ' ,
.Mr- George Squires, will entertain
eight guests at luncheon Monday at
the Blackstone. . - ,
Vesta chapter, Order of the East-
Star, gives a dancing party and
Dr. and Mrs. T. E. -Summers i will
give a dinner Monday evening com-
plimentary to Mr. and Mr. Luther
Drake. '
...10, jiaiuu nicwn win, cnieriain
the Thimble club Monday afternoon,
when Mrs. Frank M.' Wilkin and
" if - 4; v. -v,: - A
Jf&&. , r? k:$. 7 11 '
Mrs. Elwood Bailey, who are -visitng
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. 1
lippi, will be guests of the club.
. The Novelty Dancing club will giv
its next dancing party March M
Hartc hall. - ,
Easter Plant Maturing.
Mrs. Walter Page and her daiigh
tefi j(r, j0, Trinder, are going east
ahout t1(! fir,t 0f April to be with
Richard Page in New York during
nj3 Easter vacation from Lawrence
ville. Mrs. Trinder will also visit
ner husband s tamilv ill Philadelphte.
. Miss Marion Weller, who went to
Chicago two weeks ago to visit
friends will accompany her sister,
Miss Dorothy Welter, to visit their
. ....j.j,,- 2t the Eliza-
b (h Harrison kindergarten school
Chicago. In May Miss Marion
w,., ,., to BO to vew York
and to a(tend thf Dartmouth prom.
Mrs. C. R. Sherman and Miss
Uorotny. Sherman will leave on the
31st for the east, to spend the Easter
vacatiol1 with Miss Harriet Sherman,
from smith, college. They will stop
f Smith, colleire. Thev will stoD
el)rovjte in Detroit to see Rollin Slier-
,,,, ; , , , ... ; . '
( Mrs-Arthur C. Smith and Miss,
Harriet' Smith left Wednesday for
u-. v. .,!,.. ..i ;ir
be joined t Mifis Hcien Snlith from,
M,-s, Spcnce's. school in New York,1
and Arthur C. Smith, jr.,;from St.
Mark's school, for their Easter vaca-
Chaiming Gordan "comes home
Tuesday -. from Shattuck i for his
spring vacation. ,-: 1
Morton and Thompson Wakeley arc
coming home trom Cornell nor -tne
surine vacation. ' .
Albert Sibbernsen, who is at Dart-;
mouth, will visit a college friend in
New York and motor wtih him to
Washington and other places for the
Easier vacation. .
Miss Harriet Walters of Kemper
Hall will be home the Friday before
Francis Games and Frit Bu-
.-" - . j -
old school, St. Marys, at Mioxviiie, m , V ' s r' V V
III, for the Easter holidays. Miss . X . lo, , , - '
, ssBIMaHJnJMMaMaill "
hil- Jf 3J 'S
cholz will not come home lrom. Yale,;
but Mr. and Mrs. Games and Mr.
aUd Mrs. Bucholz plan to go cast to
them for the vacation,
Miss Ruth Carter will go from
Notre Dame to Chicago for a week,
Miss Helena Chase will spend her
vacation in New York with Mr. and
Mrs. Perry Allen.
Miss Winnilrcd Smith will arrive
Miss Winnifred Smith will arrive
from school at Burlington, N. J.,
bout the end -of next .week.' and
Miss Marion Towie come home the
first" of .April,, when her three
mnmh.' mnru w;.. M.rtm.n.'.
,chool in New York will be com-
pitted. . . ' , -
Miss Gertrude Stout goes to Chat-
tanooga,- Tenn., with a schoolmate
April 5. Miss Florence Neville will
go with Miss ; Peggy Carey of Chi-
cago and Mr. and Mrs. Carey to Hot
Springs, Va., and Eugene Neville will
visit a school friend at Toledo, 0.
M. nf iu. u;.,.fr-r. - - v-w-"-
News of the Wayfarers.
, Mrs. Harley Moorhead returns to-
day from ten days' visit in Grand
Rapids', Mich. '
aptain W. B. Gowin has been de-
. r. ; . . . T ,
tailed for recruiting service at Jef-
erson barracks near St. Louis.-Cap.
tain Cowm has been with the Seventh
cavalrv in Mexico. ..
tion. Mr. Updike, who has been m
Milwaukee on business most of the
imu iviuunun iui b ow-
winter, spent the last week in New
York with his daughter.
Mrs. S. D. Barkalow and Miss Car -
oline Barkalow arrived home yester- - In this game the coeds played on the
day from New York, after an absence boys' vanity and won many a sweet
Of two months. bean. They would say, "Have you
Charles T. Kountze and daughter met my friend," and the boy would
Elinor, went to Chicago Saturday to fall invariably. The boys rccipro
spend the week-end - with Mrs. cated by inquiring about, the latest
Kountze at the Blackstone. Mrs.
Kountze goes to French Lick Springs
again with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cud-
ahy before returning home.
Mrs. F. W. Bacon, who has been
..';.' .-ri I !..-
band, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Penfield,
in Washington since the first of Feb-
ruary, returns to Omaha today. Mr.
and Mrs. Penfield have gone to Pine-
-hurst, S. C.,-for two weeks.
. .
Uni Studenti Take Over Paper.
ifhe biggest social affair of- the
- . . .( i r , . .
v..,.. v..., "":
V .l
evening in the gymnasium of the -
.chool. .when about Mia were nrppnt.i
The athletic building was artistically,
through -tne center ran a
'h .ti i-,nlr ran a
string of light
s and Chinese lanterns
- " - , : , -
from which extended streamers on
either side. At the extreme end of
each streamer was placed a pennant
and intermingled jwith the were
- esting games. The first game was a
mixer affair. Each student was given
wucii li vmic i -j viiuuaniK rci inter-
Mrs. E. C. Henry and Caesar , are
good friends and inseparable compan
ions. Mrs. Hinry sells automobile
trucks and manages a large hospital
with the same grace and facility with
which she presided at a hrge'social
function at the Hotel Fonlendle, the
ment birthday dinner-dance of the
Rotary club, of which her husband,
Dr. E. C. Henry, is president. -
a bag of candy beans. If anyon" sue-
, cceded in making anj
anyone else answer
, a question he was entitled to a bean.
spring headgears for eirls.
The next game olaved was called
Runjng a newspaper" This paner
nla cloven departments and the
guests were eauallv divided into that
?.we5.-''u"ujr "!v,?eo 111,0 t
given about half an hour to edit its
?ecfibh ai.d then tliey were read h-loud
: Some of the content were verv amua
jnif ti, news denartment had It that
j?rd j, no "Sk?n OMtable mJ
grinders- the societv editnra .
Jounced', that one of the student, ha.1
t engaged himself to the dormitorv
; iwr, me i3inuir niiua saia mat, ai-
cook; tne lasnioit Hints sa d that, al
lnongn m earnest iasmons started
with ,ihe Jha If af th. -,i..
u-ul -i-.-j
diluvial: t he h
1 j - , . . F B
nosticated a .violent brain itorm nr.
c,ded bv nunkinn notli-f-.r t1, .A.
wutu iiuiiiViiiK IIOllCCS: Ilie a-
vertising department said, ','Why be
Ignorant; come to the University of
- Omaha;,' no brainless need annlv-
. . a i i -uf ''
"How far can a cat spit?" Answer:
Iconiimwii on FaV Two, Ciiami Siif'
ion Dox was louna tne tnllowinar