Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1917, Page 8, Image 8

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Parsoni' Humor Delights Women.
Frank Alvah Parsona, who tpoke
yesterday afternoon before the Fine
Artt tocicty, was one of the wittiest
and most interesting of the lecturers
who have spoken in Omaha this year.
The tew board members who had the
privilege of meeting Mr. Parsona at
luncheon found him witty and quick
at repartee.
Who's Who confides the informa
tion that Mr. Parsons is a bachelor,
only AH years old. Since he looks
much older, almost old enough to be
00, he jokes very irreverently about
his age. When Mrs. W. G. lire asked
him whether he wished to have a
reading lamp on the table at the hotel
yesterday he replied: "Oh, no; 1 am
too old to read."
Mr. Paraons is a New Englander,
a resident of New York, but he has
spent seventeen years abroad studying
art in Austria; Italy, France and Eng
land. Only this summer he traveled
in France wherever the authorities
would permit. His friends abroad
are almost more numerous than -in
this country. While he was dining
with some of his friends they heard
a noise like the magnified drackling of
twigs. Soup had been served, but all
the guests deseited it and tfed to the
cellar. There they were obliged to
stay until 3 o'clock in the morning.
Like all subtle humor, much that
Mr. Parsons said would be lost in
repetition. One of his experiences
which he told in his lecture was most
amusug. Because his apartment in
New Vork was being redecorated a
friend offered to let him stay at her
home during the interim.
"1 went," said Mr. Parsons, "for one '
night. 1 was given the guest cham
ber. It was furnished with Louis
Uuinze chairs and had a canopied
bed, hung with rose de point hang
ings." "Can you imagine me in a place like
that.'" asked the Irrepressible lec
turer. "Don't turuish your guest
clumber for Elsie Janit to occupy,"
he pleaded. "You may have to enter
tain the congressman from your dis
trict in that guest chamber some
tune." . '
Mr. Parsons cannot aee why anyone
cares foe the "movies,"yBr why all
women are not suffragists.
For Mrs. Allen.
A Mrs. E. W. Dixon entertained at
luncheon at the Omaha club in honor
of Mrs. Perry Allen of New York
City, who is visiting her mother, Mrs.
William 0. Sloan. The table was
iccorated in spring flowers. After
luncheon the party, which included
several "movie fans," saw. Mrs. Ver
non Castle in "Patricia."
Mrs. Allen is' a much-feted visitor,
many ot her friends who knew her
as bertha Sloan before her marriage
taking this opportunity to entertain
their oid friend. Last night Mr. Ran
dall Brown had Mrs. Allen, Mr. A.
H. banister and Mr. and Mrs, Cle
ment Chase at dinner at the Black
stone, following which the Chases
entertained the party at the Orpheum
and )ater a the supper-dance at the
I'onteuelhe. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baldrige are
giving a dinner for Mrs. Allen at their
home Wednesday evening and Sat
urday afternoon Mrs. George b. Prinz
will entertain her at the f'ontenelle
tea dansant. Next Monday Or. and
Mrs. J. t. Summers will give a din
ner, honoring Mrs. Allen.
About the Luncheon Tablet.
Mrs. J. P. Lord entertained eighteen
guests at a prettily appointed lunch
"eon at the blackitone, honori.ig her
daughter, Mrs. Koger Vaughan of
Chicago. Yellow tuups decorated the
luncheon table.
Mrs. W. ii. Muuger entertained in
formally at luncl.tou at the black
stone in lionoi ot Mrs. ieurge E.
Cougdon of Kc.akr, N. Y., when
the guesrs included a few of Mrs.
Congclon't close friends. The party
attended the matinee authe Orpheum.
Miss Jessii Millard entertained at
luncheon for Mr. William E. Zeuch,
who arrived in Omaha today to give
a recital ou the wonderful organ
which Senator J. H. Millard has pre
sented to the new First Presbyterian
church. Spring flowers wera used on
the luncheon table.
Mrs. -Chester Nieman entertained
the Tuesday , bridge Luncheon club
at her home. Miss Dorothy Sanlbrd
of Lincoln was the only guest of the
club. I
Mrs. J. E. Bernstein entertained at
luncheon at her home for Miss Ger
r udt Kopild, whose engagement was
recently announced and for her guest,
- Miss Harriet Stearn, of Minneapolis.
Sweet peas were used as decorations.
Mrs. H. G. Nasburg entertained in
formally this afternoon at a bridge
luncheon in honor of Mist Josephine
Huse of Fullerton, Neb,
Social Gossip.
. Mrs. b. J. Hull, who has been seri
ously ill, hat improved so much that
she will probably return to her home
tomorrow from the hospita:.
Mrs. Charles Mock of Milwaukee
is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Harry
Fellheuner, and her daughter, Mrs.
Frederick Rosenstock.
Miss Dorothy Sanford of Lincoln
arrived last evening for a week's visit
with her sister, Mrs. Chester Nieman,
Mrs. Halleck Rose is confined to
'ier room, worn out by attendance
n her small son, Homer, who was
tuite ill, but is now improved.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. blabaugh of
Akron, O., will arrive the first of the
nonlli, enroute from a winter's to
ourn in California, for a visit with
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Slabaugh.
Mrs. E. S. Rood, Second district
iuffrage chairman, accompanied Mr.
Hood to their ranch in the Black Hills
od?y for a six months' stay. Local
.ufTragistt regre. Mrs. Rood's absence
will leave a break in the ran' of
workers. " '
Social Affaire Planned.
Mrs. W. A. Youscm will have six
guests at luncheon at the Blackstone
Wednesday. Thursday Mrs. B. C.
Fowler will have nine guests at lunch
eon, and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gordon
will have eight dinner guests.
A St. Patrick's dinner-dance is
planned for the Blackstone Saturday
veiling. Favor appropriate to the
day will be distributed.
Mrs. Fred-Wallace will entertain
the Monday Bridge Luncheon club
next Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed will give
a dinner party Thursday evening in
Honor ot Mr. and Mrs. Luther Drake.
Mrs. Morris Dunham will entertain
i at luncheon Wednesday at the Black-
i . .. atone. . . .
Mix Nan Barrett wilt entertain
l i ' Thursday afternoon at a tea and mis-
vH 1
W y
cellaneous shower in honor of Miss
Harriet Copley, a bride of next week.
Club Notes.
Owing to the serious illness of
Mrs. R. A. McNown's little daughter
Eleanor, who is suffering with pneu
monia, the meeting of the Kappa Al
pha Theta Alumnae association has
been postponed until April J, wnen
Mist Erma Jones will be hostess.
The St. lames Orphanage Sewing
society will meet Thursday afternoon
at 2 o'clock with Mrs. Agnet Whalen
at 1146 South lhirty-sixth street.
Mrs. C. L. Davis and Mrs, Carl Lord
will entertain the Delta Gamma Alum
nae association at luncheon Saturday
at the home of the former.
Some Real Irish Table Decorations for
St Patrick'i day again I Are you
going to have a party ? And if to.
what kind of a party is it to be? Are
you going to be quite happy and con
ventional, utterly undisturbed by
any ray of originality, and have a
table spotted all over with green
pigs, green tall hats, clay pipes, green
thamrockt and green snakes? If to,
blessings on you, but please don't ask
me, to be there. Thit time of year
would make any real Irish man or
woman furious if he or the did not
happen to have a sense of humor
which enables its fortunate posses
sor to grin and past by on the other
tide of the road.
Of courae, most of the to-called
ornamenti and novelties are just an
evidence of pitiable ignorance and
abominable bad taste, and so those
who use them are more to be pitied
than blamed. However, I am not out
to thout, "Who dare tread on the
tail of my coat?" today, to we don't
get on to that tore tubject, but will
rather take the merely foolish trifles
and try to enlighten those who sit in
To begin with, the pigs poor little
?:runters we owe them a lot. Un
ortunatety, they do not possess as
many in the whole of Ireland as could
be teen in a Chicago stock yard in
one day, nor are they of as distin
guished a breed at those bloated aris
tocrats of the English farms,' the
Berkshire pig, to it it a little difficult
to tee why they should be selected
at a national emblem.
Probably they were chosen by the
tame type of mind that originated the
glittering reen tnaket, for they were
never connected with Ireland in any
except a negative tente. You remem
ber the famous encyclopedia- which
in the index had a reference "Snakes
in Ireland,"' and when the anxious
seeker after knowledge turned to the
indicated page he say this entry,
"There are no thaket in Ireland," a
fact which was true from the begin
ning of time, legends of St Patrick
to the contrary notwithstanding. It
is said that there is some ingredient
Omaha Woman's Club Art '
Lovers to Meet Thursday
The art department of the Omaha
Woman's club will meet Thursday
morning at 10 o'clock at the Metro
politan building, notwithstanding the
fact that the Second district conven
tion wilt be in session at the same time!
The lesson will be on "Medieval Ven
ice," the building of the empire and
Venetian glass, and the leaders will
be Mesdamet George C Bonner,
Avery Lancaster and Walter A.
OrangM arc food (or
you at mora of
them. Whan you
' sreW today, atk for Sun.
kiat. Thayara uniformly
goodoranpa. ,
Uniformly Good
Oranges .
Jiome Economics department
GJUedby 'W3K Gross 2re,r fgsm?
Old Cookery Books.
We are very apt to take cookery for
granted and seldom picture to ourselves-
culinary conditions different
from ours. Recently I came tipon a
book by W. C. Hazlitt bearing the
above title a book which gives inter
esting material about English cookery
in the Middle Ages and slightly
later. Mr. Hazlitt traces the begin
nings of the uses of different food
stuffs and gives some examples of
early recipes. The recipes were sure
ly intended tor a more lavisn age
than ours a quart of cream and a
pound of butter for use in a single
recipe are not uncommon, nesiocs
being extravagant, they are indefinite,
huge and require much labor of prepa
ration. As early as the eleventh century
there is mention of meats, various
kinds of fish and 'bread; in the fif
teenth century are to be found almond-milk,
rice, gruel, fish broth or
soup, a sort of fricasee of fowl, pies,
pastries, tarts, apple juice, a dish
called "jussell." made of eggs and
grated bread, with seasoning of sage
and saffron, and "froise," which cor
responds to our omelet.
The day't'menus in a wealthy Tudor
household do not teem either varied
or particularly appetizing. "The noon
tide breakfast provided tor tne i'ercy
establishment was of a very modest
character; my lord and my lady had,
tor example, a loat ot bread, two
manchcts (loaves of finer bread), a
quart of beer and one of wine, two
pieces of salt fish and six baked her
rings. My Lord Percy and Master
Thomas Percy had half a loaf
of household bread, i manchet,
a pottle of brer, a dish of but
ter, a piece of salt fish and
a disk of sprats, or three white her
rings, and the nursery breakfast for
my i Lady Margaret and Master In
gram Percy was much the same."
The above menus were for fish days;
on flesh days, the fish was replaced
with "half a chine of mutton or boiled
beef, or boiled mutton breasts."
In 1509 there is mention of straw
berries and cream served as r. feast; in
1620, the potato is urged as part of
the diet; in 1644 oysters were eaten
with wine at ureakf ist; in 1654, direc
tions were printed for frying mush
rooms, which were gaining 'avor; and
in 1678, pics, pasties and sweet pas
try seem to be used rather largely.
Foreign influence upon cookery be
gan to be felt. "The nursery rhyme
in the bogt and toil which prevents
reptiles from existing, but, however
that may be, Ptolemy refers to the
island in these words: "Hibernia, that
happy land where no tnake or veno
mous thing can be found." A certain
western multimillionaire whose, wife
had a special horror of the reptiles
had a whole shipload of turf brought
out and put in a deep trench around
hit house and garden in California so
at to prevent the entrance of makes.
Clay pipes are smoked in Ireland,
of course, but they are not at all so
typical as the briar root variety, and
as for the tall hats, they unfortunately
have virtually vanished out of the
land, the modern Irishman being gen
erally found in a cloth cap if he is
young, a wide-brimmed soft black
felt if he is old, and even in the dim
and distant past the hats were not
green unless through old age.
I really hate to destroy all your
fond delusions, but, alas I the exigen
cies of truth demand it. It reminds
me of a funny thing which happened
some years ago. There is an indus
try outside Dublin for the manufac
ture of rosaries from cow's horns.
Some are left the original whitey gray
and brown, tome are dyed red or
green and I happened to have the
green. When visitinga convent in
Nebraska I showed these beads to
one of the sisters, explaining that
they were made from Irish cow's
horn.1 An incredulous look of blank
astonishment came over her face as
she exclaimed, "but Irish cows
haven't really got green horns."
Now having cleared the ground of
almost all the objects which are to be
found, in the stores, what can we use
for a genuine Irish Patrick's day
party? Shamrocks, harps and green
nags are quite admissible, but you
know the original flag was not green
at all, but a lovely greenish turquoise
blue with a golden sunburst. The
green only came into existence in the
eighteenth century and to, if you
want to have something quite original
and really truly Irish, why not use
these two colors for your table?
In the center of the table put a
small flat mirror to represent the
thousands of little lakes which dot the
land, and border it around with sham
GET THE SAVING HABIT Success prompts te exertion, sfl Habit facilitates Success
Get the habit of trad trie
at the
0RANGE5) ORANGES Fame us Redland
. Navels. Every one Juicy, sweet and
guaranteed not frosted.
126 else, per dosen , ...Me
ISO else, per dosaii........'...aMc
176 siu, per dosen..... 26c
250 sis, per dosea..... 14c
Get a case for... $3.00 er $3.45
Lemons, per ttoiea .19c
HERE IS A TIP 1 II Tip Flour don't
eatlsly you, return It and get your
money back. It's guaranteed. There's
no better flour milled. 46-lb. sack 62.60
ECONOMY Is the good, wholesome kind
for thrifty buyers, 48-lb. sack... $2.35
CASH HABIT A leader, too) per 46-tb.
sack, at ,M-45
Ollvee, stuffed. 4-os, bottle 0e
Olives, Queen, large else, pt., ITcj at., 33c
Dill Plckleh doiea 14c
Sour Picklee, dose... tc
Sweet Pickln, doaen ., tc
Sweet Solit Picklee. doten... tic
Muetard, Caah Habit, tc 3 lor 22c
Vineger, cidert grade usually aold lor
' 3tc . gallon. A Sc trial will convince
vou. Out trice, oer aallea 21o
Bottle Vinegar tc
Rice, ba.t Japan, 10c trad., 4V'i Ibe.,
lor ate
tic. kas live tune, the toed value
of potateea.
Shredded Wkeat, ltc pkg lie
Matreaal Can Flakea, tc pkg.) 1 Ier !c
Kriakle Cera Flakea, 1S oka, lor
-Quaker Pulled Wheat
or lev.
, Kellogg'. KrumUn, pkg.
root leal
;Ue. large 15c pkg ISe
Tip Ferine, Ilk. Cream ( Wheat. .13.
irtne, I
r'a Bn
Kellogg'. Bran, peg lac an. avc
1 Clwlaal- kulk. . Ike
I Lerge 21c pkg. Baeket Store Pot. 21c
Uncle Sam'. Breanieat Food, pkg. . . .lie
t Order. DelVverod Fro." Wl't'bta 'a' Itoaaoaable Dletance. Smaller Order. Over ,1 tor Sc
Reader are cordially invited to
atk Mitt Grott any questions
about household economy upon
which the may possibly give help
ful advice; they are alto invited to
give tuggettiont from their expe
rience that may be helpful to,
others meeting the tame problem!.
of 'Sing a song of sixpence' receives
a singular and diverting illustration
from the pages of this 'Epulario' (an
Italian book of cookery), where oc
curs a receipt 'to make Pies that the
Birds may be alive in them, and fly
out when it is cut up.'" John Nott,
a head cook, probably to Charles,
duke of Bolton, tells in 1723, of car
rots, asparagus, spinach, barberries,
marmalade, blanc-manges, creams,
biscuits, sweet cakes an-t chocolate
A few years liter, "The Complete
Houcewife," by E. Smith (a woman)
appeared. In her own preface she
remarks: "The treatise is divided into
ten parts: Cookery contains above an
hundred receipts, pickles fifty, pud
dings above fifty, pastry above forty,
cakes forty, creams and jellies above
forty, preserving an hundred, made
wines forty, cordial waters and pow
ders above teventy, medicines and
salves above two hundred; in all,
eight hundred.
"I have likewise presented you with
schemes engraven on copper plates
for the regular disposition or placing
the dishes of provision on the table
according to the best manner, both
for summer and winter, first and sec
ond courses, &."
Though, for the reasons stated at
the beginning of this article, we can
not make practical use of old recipes
or "receipts" as they styled them we
may care to look over a few of thein.
A Leg of Mutton a-la-Daubc
Lard your meat with bacon through,
but slant-way; half roast it; take it
off the spit, and put it in a small pot
as wilt boil it; two quarts of strong
broth, a pint of white-wine, some
vinegar, whole t spice, bay-leaves,
green onions, savory, sweet-marjoram;
when 'tis stew'd enough,
make sauce of some of the liquor,
mushrooms, lemon cut, like dice, two
or three anchovies; thicekn it with
browned butter. Garnish with lemon.
To Fry Cucumbers for Mutton
Sauce You must brown some butter
in a pan, and cut the cucumbers in
thin slices; drain them from the
St. Patrick's Day
rocks and ferns. In the middle make
a little island of moss and shamrocks
from which the blue flag can rise. It
could be made out of a piece of tur
quoise blue ribbon and appliqued in
the center, or if you have a scrap of
gold ribbon from which it can bej
manuiacturea, so mucn tne Deiier.
From the edges of the mirror
streamers of the blue ribbon could run
to each place, ending' in a small gold
harp, a tiny pot of shamrock or small
er flag, or whatever you please. Ob
long pieces of chocolate piled up in
small square brown baskets could
represent creels of turf, and at each
corner of the table little boats painted
black, with brown sails spread, could
carry a further cargo of chocolate
turf piled neatly up in stacks, bring
ing back memories of Gatway and the
west of Ireland o those who have
seen the turf-laden boats with red
brown sails set to catch the breeze
as they tossed up and down on the
ever-changing waters of the bay.
A table decorated in this manner
would be quite easily arranged and
would be really beautiful, distinctive i
and quite truly characteristic ot tne
little green isle across the ocean.
Philadelphia Ledger.
Upholstered Rockers
. and Easy Chairs
at the
1513-15 Howard Street
at Prices That You Can't
Let Pass.
Basket Stores It s tae Saving iiablt.
Griffin's O. K. Brooms ..30a
Tip Top or Crown Brooms 46c
Store Broom, a heavy one 0Oc
Bluing, per bottle ........6c
Ammonia, large bottle.. ....6c
Chloride of Lime, can 11c
HoiEi lilt. Sanl Fluth ltc I
Sanl Fluih. oer can 21c I
Excel Soap, like Ivory, par bar 4c
711 Caetlle Soap, bar 4c
Diamond C Soap, bar. 25c
Colt Duet, large phg. 21e
Pyramid Waablng Powder, larg. pkf, 17c
Ollv. Cronm, lor tender skin 8c
Lighthoue. Cleanear, can 4c
Sunbright Cleanaer, 4t 3 tor... 10c
Cedar Oil Polioh, American Lady; n.
xpenelve advortleug added t. th.
price, tl-00 elie tOc
80c aiie, 30c 28c alee ltc
Sepolio, per bar , t
Bon Ami. powder er Mr nc
Hipp. Weening Powder, Sc pkg 4c
Sol Soda, 11' lb. 2Se
Starch, bulk Cloaa, t Ibe 25c
Starch, Arg. Gloee, Sc pkg. 4c
Uncelored Jap or Gun Powder Teat regu
lar 60c grade, per lb 44c
Tea. Vi-lb.Maybloaeom or Catk Habit 23c
Upton Tea, V. lb 18c
Llpnn Tea, Vt lb 38c
Kara Syrup, 10-lb dark S2c
Kara Syrup, S-lb, dark .29c
Kara Syrup, S-lb., dark 12e
Fency Creamery Butter, lb 42c
No. I Creamery Butter 40c
Good Country Butter..- S8c'
The beet moat ie mm too good lor .or
trade, at pricae that era reasonable. A
trial will convince you.
Rib BeU, per Ik He and 18c
Pat Rooet, per lb 17a and It
Steak, rib, per lb 22c and 14.
Beat Shoulder Stoab. lb ISc and 21c
in a little pepper and salt, a bit ot
an onion and gravy, and let them
stew together, and squeeze in some
juice of lemon; shake well, and put
them under your mutton.
To Make New-College Puddings
Grate a penny stale loaf, and put to
it a like quantity of beef suet, finely
shred, and a nutmeg, grated; a little
salt, some currants, and then beat
some eggs in a little sack, and some
sugar, and mix all together, and
knead it, and make it up in the form
and size of a turkey egg, but a little
flatter; then take a pound of butter
and put it in a dish, and set the dish
over a clear fire, and rub your but
ter about the dish till 'tis melted;
put your puddings in, and cover the
dish, but often turn your puddings,
until they are all brown alike, and
when they are enough, scrape sugar
over them and serve them up hot for
a side dish.
Orange Pudding Take the outside
rind of three Sevil oranges boil
them in several waters tirl they are
tender; then pound them in a mortar
with three-quarter of a pound of
sugar; then blanch and beat half a,
pound of almonds very tine, w ith rose
water, to keep them from oiling; then
beat sixteen eggs, but six whiles, and
a pound of fresh butter; beat all these
together very well till 'tis light and
hollow; then pilt it in a dish, with
a sheet of puff paste at the bottorg
and bake it with tarts; scrape sugar
on it and serve it up hot.
Bread. I.emon Juice.
Caviar. Large queen olives.
Cut thin slices of buead in the shape
of pipes, toast and spread lightly
with caviar, to which a few drops of
lemon juice has been added. Stone
the olives and fill with caviar. Pile
the olives in the center oi' a plate and
arrange the pipes around the edge.
For CakM, Frails, StUck. PuIHm,
Dmmi-h, lc Ctmbw, Hot Chocolate.
Jallo, JkttaMi and Cudr
tiu made meal lettlnt at our boaw
o eair wa can't keep mother out of
Mother always has been famot for
her desserts, salads, saufes and pud
ding Now with Melloshe can make them
all so easily so quickly
and they taste so deliriously different
the family seem to think they are
brand new. Hardly a meal goes by
but some member of the family says
"Matte In tht D$$trt, mothtrT"
In thoasands o! homes M alio a
light, creamy, (wirf fluff Is helplnff
mother to prepare dainty, appetising
goodies without bending over a hot
stove for hoars or spending half her
time in the kitchen. Just a few min
utes required to mix np a flavory des
sert with which the whole family is
I. aot Ilk anything- you hav.
ver Med before,
nave a can sent out florae. The
best grocer, in town have Mallo and
bo sure the beautiful recipe book
comes with the blue and cold can
Math It mailt ontr
WrtS(o apoeb
mnlighuj tnodmrn factory
wnera U MU orimiaattd fj
Whito-Stokea Co, Inc.
Ml Jaapor PUe.
never worry
about results in
baking if you use
." It has been a stand-"
by for a quarter of
a century. Guaran
teed, under v all
pure food, laws.
O K Ounces for OE
water, then fling thein into the pan,
and when they arc fried brown put
I You need
Bachelor Starts Out All Right,
But He Finally Runs Into a Snag
Willing to Take Insurance or
to Buy an Auto, but Draws
the Line at Matri
There is a limit to human kind
ness. You can ask too mu.h of an
obliging bachelor.
Herman Auerbach, merchandise
broker in the Omaha National Bank
building, is the obliging bachelor,
though lie would b. the first to resent
the insinuation.
, Auerbach is assisting Leo Rosen
thal in securing ads for the program
of the Jewish war re,ief ball, a large
affair plai.ned foi Thursday evening,
March 29, at the Auditorium. When
he approached a well known insur
ance man and asked for an ad for
the dance program, the w. k. i. m.
"If you get me a prospect for a
1,000 policy I'll buy spacj in your
program," he Siid.
"I'm the prospect, write me up
for that po.'icy," was the laconic re
spone. The next nan he called on did
business on automobile row.
He met the same luck. "Find me a
prospect and I'll take an ad," said
the auto vendor.
"I'm the prospect. You can sell
me a car," and the deal was closed.
Auerbach continued, a real martyr
the cause-: 'Next he called on a
Doty Here to Plan for
Building Owners Meeting
Charles E. Doty of Cleveland, pres
ident of the National Association of
Building Owners and Managers, is
in Omaha conferring with Omaha
members of the local association In
regard to arrangements for the na
tional convention in Omaha next June.
By a variation in construction, the marvelous
benefit of the Nemo Wonderlift Bandlet are
made available to women of slight form as
well as those of full figure.
Many woman of slender even very slight
figure needs abdominal support (not reduction) quite
as much as any stout woman.
The form pf the Wonderlift Bandlet shown above
gives the gentle support that brings a grateful sense
of uplift; relieves strain on nerves and ligaments;
and produces the youthful, buoyant feeling that
keeps one's face young and smiling. "
No. 554 and SSS aro both
to medium nnr. No. 55 it of am won. Danete.
u. km i. ni to. dotted bnrj.t.. io rink or white;
low eirdle too
No other corset resembles even remotely the
Nemo Wonderlift in the health-fashion service these
marvel corsets give. No matter what your figure,
you should know Wonderlift. ,
CeW 5M forrroWr. m-e SnM-FamWa M. Re. Terk City
business woman of the species named
by "Billy" Sunday "ladies in wait
ing." "Find me a husband and I'll tal:e
several ads," quoth she in response to
his plea.
Auerbach gasped, hemmed and
hawed. "I'm not "
Then he fled.
Knocks Obstinate
Coughs in a Hurry
A Simple Home-Mod. Itemed?
, that Cell at the Cmnae.
Thousand of people normally healthy
in every other respectjre annoyed with
a persistent hanging-on bronchial cough
year after year, disturbing their sleep
and making life disagreeable. It's to
needless there's an old home-made
remedy that will end such a cough
easily and quickly.
Get from any druggist "1 ounces of
Pinex" (50 cents worth), pour it into a
pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain
granulated sugar svrup. Begin taking
it at once. Gradually but surely you
will notice the phlegm thin out and then
disappear altogether, thus ending a
cough that vou never thought would end.
It also promptly loosens a dry or tight
cough, stops the troublesome throat
tiekle, soothes the irritated membranes
that line the throat and bronchial tubes,
and relief comes almost immediately.
A day's use will usually break up an or
dinary throat or chest cold, and for
bronchitis, croup, whooping cough and
bronchial asthma there is nothing
better. It tastes pleasant and keeps
Pinex il a most valuable concentrated
compound of genuine Norway pine ex
tract, combined with guaiacol and is
used by millions of people every year
for throat and chest colda with splendid
To avoid disappointment, ask your
dragffiat for "2Vj ounces of Pinex" with
full directions and don't accept anything
else, A guarantee of absolute satisfac
tion or money promptly refunded aoca
with thit preparation. The Pinex Co.,
Ft Wayne, lad.
intended tor ilender