Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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potatoes, onions, peas, beans
i everything in the food line
soaring beyond the family
purse, except SHREDDED
standard whole wheat cereal
food, which sells at the same
old price. The New York
World urges people to boy
cott the egg and other ex
pensive foods and eat ce
reals, which have a higher
nutritive value at a lower
cost. Two Shredded Wheat
Biscuits with milk make a
complete meal at a total cost
of four or five cents, fur
nishing all the nutriment one
needs. For breakfast with
milk; for supper with sliced
bananas or stewed prunes.
Made at Niagara Falls, N. Y.
Apply Cream in Nostrils To
Open Up Air Passages.
Ah I What relief! Your clogged
nostrils open right up, the air pas
sages of your head are clear and you
can breathe freely. No more hawk
ing, snuffling, mucous discharge, head
ache, dryness no struggling for
breath at night, your cold or catarrh
is gone.
Don't stay stuffed up! Get a small
bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from
your druggist now. Apply a little of
this fragrant, antiseptic cream in
your nostrils, let it penetrate through
every air passage of the head; soothe
and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous
membrane, giving you instant relief.
Ely's Cream Balm is just what every
cold and catarrh sufferer has been
seeking. It's just splendid. Adv.
Washing Won't Rid
Head of Dandruff
The only sure way to get rid of
dandruff is to dissolve it, then you de
stroy it entirely. To do this, get about
four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon;
apply it at night when retiring; use
enough to moisten the scalp and rub
it in gently with the finger tips.
Do this tonight, and by morning,
most, if not all, of your dandruff will
be gone, and three of four more ap
plications will completely dissolve and
entirely destroy every single sign and
trace of it, no matter how much dan
druff you may have.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop at
once, and your hair will be fluffy, lus
trous, glossy, silky and soft, and look
and feel a hundred times better.
You can get liquid arvon at any
drug store. It is inexpensive and
never fails to do the work. Adv. .
Hairs Will Vanish
After This Treatment
(Toilet Helps)
You can keep your skin free from
hair or fuzz by the occasional use
of plain delatone, and in using it you
need have no fear of marring or in
juring the skin. A thick paste is
made by mixing some of the pow
dered delatone with water. Then
spread on the hairs and after 2 or 3
minutes rub off, wash the skin and
all traces of hair have vanished. Be
careful, however, to get real delatone.
How to Select Cleanser
That Won't Ruin Teeth
Most persons are themselves to blame
for bad teeth and sums because of Ignor
ing four vital facts: 1. Unwholesome teeth,
Injured gums, invite germs by million. 2.
"Grit" in a dentifrice la necessary to keep
teeth perfectly clean, free from slalns, tar
tar, etc. 3. Paste, cream, powder or I'fjuld
without grit Is useless, or Injurious if de
pendent far cleansing property upon power
ful acid V alkaline substance which eats
enamel away, 4. Insoluble grit Is dangerous;
thousands of tiny, sharp particles get un
der gums at necks of teeth. Into pyorrhea
"pockets," serving as sources of Irritation,
Inflammation, infection.
So simple a thing as soluble avatol cleans
teeth thoroughly, removing discoloration,
polishing them beautifully, yet without any
harmful result. The grit in avatol entirely
dissolves a minute after entering the mouth
does not remain to Inflame the gums,
encourage Dyorrhea. etc. (It la a germ de
stroyer, a pyorrhea preventive.) To prove
its solubility, put a brusbful Into a small
bottle of water see how completely it dis
solves, leaving no sediment! You'll be glad
to known you can get a tube of soluble
avatol from your druggist for 26 cents-
(Ptm'KB) HSH'O-MS)
Bronchitis, Croup, Cought. and Coldi, of
money back. Sou and guaranteed by
Sherman Ac McConnell Drug Co.
1 1 or LA GRIPPE
nan Mwnr mtuv him
lWt'n Ttothlnr btta thaw
The "production" and
I bnrlaaque) hat
climbed so high thai
as seasons pass ft
will give the $2
ausical comedy a
f raater Jolt thaa
vea Dow. Compare
Brie City News
Masda Lamps Burgeai-Qrandea Co.
Have Bout Print It Now Beacon Prtaa.
Kleser. Book moved to Loyal Hotel Hi da;,
(Jualitas quam quantitas. Ed helm. Jeweler.
Wife Wins Divorce Anne A. Nel
son was grunted a decree In divorce
jourt from Jesse w. Nelson on grounds
of alleged cruelty.
Ti n.iv M.i-N.r.HAnnrla Th
city clerk will advertise for fifteen
playground merry-go-rounds which
will be installed this spring by the
Recreation board.
McDonald's Condition Serious Wil
liam McDonald, brother of County
Commissioner McDonald Is reported
to be critically ill. Physicians say
his condition is very serious
Dynamite Ie Folio wine reports
that the county bridge over the Platte
river at Valley was in danger, County
Engineer Adams Issued orders that
the ice In the stream be dynamited.
Thief Grabs "Smokes" Six boxes
of cigars and a Thermos lunch box
were stolen from the K. L. Tinkham
pharmacy, 3233 Cuming street, by a
thief who pried open the front door
Monday night
City Seeks Bids The city commis
sioners directed the city clerk to ad
vertise for bids on lumber, cement,
crushed stone, castings, sand, sewer
brick and sewer pipe to be used by
the city this year.
Turner Gets Contract J. E. Turner
has been awarded a contract to grade
a new boulevard from Fontenelle to
Miller parks, on a big of 17 ft cents
per yard. Approximately 80,000
yards of earth will be moved.
Employment Bureau Busy The co
operative employment bureau, main
tained by the federal government and
the Board of Public Welfare, in the
court house, last week placed 133 men
and women in employment. The
bureau received 2 18 applicants for
work and referred 177 to positions.
Careless Visitor Trimmed "I didn't
suppose it was necessary to lock my
door at the hotel, vie whelan of
Memphis, Mo., told police the morn
ing after he arrived in Omaha. He
reports that a thief entered his room
and removed $11 from his trousers,
but kindly left him that very neces
sary garment.
Nurses Organize At the Young
Women's Christian association build
ing a nurses' association has been or
ganized, the purpose of the members
being to tender their services to the
government in the event they should
be needed. Up to this time there are
twenty-two young women in the class.
A night school, meeting each Monday
evening, is being conducted.
Pumpers Saved Bluffs The work
performed by two pumpers sent by
the Omaha fire department to the
Council Bluffs fire convinced Superin
tendent Witnnell or the value of this
type of fire apparatus. These pump-
era were purchased last year. Mr.
witnnell states that the Bluffs fire
would have been much more disastrous
had it not been for the timely arrival
of these pumpers.
Thirty-Six Dead
In Sunday Storms
In Ohio and Indiana
Newcastle, Ind., March 13. Food
supplies ana money began to reach
here tonight to alleviate suffering fol
lowing in the wake of the tornado,
which yesterday swept through the
city causing the deaths of nineteen
persons and property damage of more
than $1,000,000.
In addition to the nineteen, two of
whom succumbed to injuries today,
there are two persons missing and a
score in hospitals seriously injured. It
s not believed there are other bodies
in the wreckage caused by the tor
The food problem began to take on
a serious aspect early in the day.
trackers sold at I cents each and ba
nanas at 5 cents apiece. The gas sup
ply was shut off and many places were
without means of preparing rood that
was at hand and canned goods were
at a premium.
In answer to the appeal for finan
cial aid, sent broadcast over the state
by a citizen s committee, relief funds
have been started ii. many cities of
the state.
Thirteen lives were lost in other
towns nearb.
Cincinnati, O., March 12. Three
lives were lost here and one at Brook
villc, O., as a result of Sunday's
China on Verge of
Break With Kaiser;
May Be Revolution
Washington, March 13. News was
received heru that both houses of the
Chinese parliament have approved
the government's policy to break with
Germany. A report from Peking dated
Sunday said the government was ex
pected to break off relations Monday.
i he appeal by the former president,
Dr. Sun Yat Sen to Premier Lloyd
George of England to stop the allies
from trying to bring China into the
war provoked discussion as to whether
drastic action by the Chinese govern
ment would be supported by the peo
ple or would lead to popular uprising.
Dr. Sun is believed to have tremen
dous influence in the south of China.
According to the delayed report
from Peking, the German minister
presented a note to the foreign office
offering to negotiate for the protection
of Chinese lives and propety in the
submarine zon. It had n" influence
on the cabinet and the senate.
Over 100,000 Tons Shipping
Is Sunk During Three Days
Berlin, March 13. (By Wireless to
Sayville.) The following statement
on submarine operations was issued
today by the Overseas News Agency
(the official German news bureau):
"The official report for March 11
states that 42,000 tons of shipping
were sunk. Together with the reports
of March 7 and 8, this gives a total
of more than 114,000 tons.
To Collect Three Hundred
Million in Income Taxes
Washington, March 13. Prelimi
nary reports to the Treasury depart
ment indicate the government will
collect $300,000,000 in income taxes
during the current fiscal year, or
about two and one-half times as much
as during the pending twelve months.
Internal revenue receipts are expect
ed to exceed $700,000,000, an increase
of nearly $200,000,000.
War I'pan Fain.
Bloan'a Liniment preparea you for every
emergency. Keep it bandr 1U the graat
aat pals killer aver diacovarad. M all drug
flats. 36c. AdrrrtUemt-
Marines and Bluejackets Are in
Other Places Besides the
Port of Santiago.
Santiago, Cuba, March 13. From
his base at Guantanamo Admiral
Henry T. Mayo, commander of the
United States Atlantic fleet, received
reports today from at least five Cu
ban shore stations where American
forces have been landed. From none
of them, however, came any evidence
that the putting ashorj of the Ameri
cans was the beginn'ng of interven
tion. Five hundred marines and bluejack
ets are in Santiago patrolling the city,
while smaller detachments are doing
similar duty in Guantanamo, Manzan
illo and Neuvitas. The only interior
station where American meno'-wars-nien
have been placed is El Combre
mine, a few miles from Santiago. The
Americans here have been careful not
,to interfere in the least particular
with the conduct of the civil govern
ment, the officials appointed by the
liberals before the evacuation of the
city by their troops remaining in con
trol. Situation in Interior.
Just what the situation is in the
interior is not known by the Ameri
cans. The government advance forces,
commanded by Pablo and Fausto
Menocal, brothers of President Meno
cal, arrived at San Luis today, which
was evacuated yesterday by General
Comacho, after brief fighting in which
there were a few casualties. Rigo
berto Fernandez, with his force of
rebels, is at Songo, southeast of San
Luis. This district is about 20 miles
north of Santiago. The Menocal
brothers said they would await re
inforcements before advancing fur
ther. The banks here remain closed
under orders from their main offices.
It is thought that the most practical
reason for the closing of the banks is
that much of the funds have been
withdrawn by depositors, and that
all the government funds, something
in excess of $800,000 have been taken
by the rebels.
Ceasei to Be Closed Port.
Santiago ceased to be a closed port
yesterday. The Cuban gunboat Ma
tanzas, which had been at the mouth
of the harbor for two days, left this
morning for Guantanamo. It had not
been permitted to enter Santiago by
Commander Reginald R. Belknap,
commanding the American naval
forces, who has the mine layer San
Francisco and the cruiser Olympia in
the harbor.
Retail Food Prices Rise
Nineteen Per Cent in Year
Washington, March 13. The retail
food prices in the United States ad
vanced 19 per cent in the year ending
with January IS, as shown in statistics
prepared today by the Bureau of La
bor Statistics. The increase was
greater than for the three years pre
vious combined. The four years'
gain was 30 per cent. Every food
staple except coffee and tea advanced
during the year. Onions and potatoes
led with increase of more than SO
per cent.
Some of the advances were:
Sirloin ateak, 8 per cant; round ateak. 8
per oenti rib roaat, 8 par cent; chuck roaat,
7 per cent; pork chopa, 10 per cent; bacon,
8 per cant; ham, 4 per cent; lard, 22 per
cent; hena, 16 per cent; aalmon, T per cent;
ere, 32 per cent; butter, 18 per cent;
cheeae, 27 per cent; milk, 11 per cent; bread.
12 per cent; flour, 38 per cent; cornmeal,
23 per cent; potatoee, 87 per cent; onlona,
88 per cent; beana, 38 per cent; prunea, 6
per cent; ralalna, 16 per cent; augar, 16
per cent.
The Home of the Chickering
THE SAFETY yUr purchase 13 guaranteed by
our reputation.
THE PRICE you pay s cons'stent with the Quality
ini. rmvfc of thepianos gold
Pianos With a Pedigree v
All the pianos we carry are makes of standing with
long years of reputation back of them, but it is not
simply the years of piano building experience that make
them the best it's the careful construction resulting
in the fine musical and artistic qualities that make them
the greatest values on the market today.
You Can Make a Large Saving by
Purchasing Your Piano Now
Chickering Ivers & Pond Behning
Haines Bros. Kohler & Campbell Brewster
Schaff Bros. Smith & Barnes Armstrong
Autopiano Segerstrom
$65 and Up
Burgess-Nash Company.
Tariff Upon Indian
Cotton Goods Will
Precipitate Battle
London, March 13. The ew Lloyd
George government will meet the
first difficult hurdle in the House
of Commons Wednesday when Par
liament will be asked to authorize
a new policy in Indian affairs, plac
ing a protective duty on cotton goods.
Special preparations are being made
by all parties in anticipation of a
critical division.
The reply of J. Austen Chamber
lain, secretary for Indian affairs, to
a deputation representing all sections
of the Lancashire cotton industry to
day seemed to imply that the govern
ment intended to stand fast by its
decision, in which case there would
be a straight fight between the pro
tectionists and free traders in Parlia
ment and at the moment it is im
possible to foresee the result, the or
dinary party cleavages being dis
turbed by the war. Mr. Chamberlain
appealed to the Lancashire deputa
tion, saying that India's financial as
sistance in the war is needed and that
the members ought, in a spirit of
patriotism, waive their objections to
the cotton duties, which were required
to enable India to meet the interest
on the war loan.
I. W. W. Captives Made to
Run Gauntlet of Clubs
Seattle, Wash., , March 13. In re
viewing conditions that culminated
in the riot at Everett, Wash., last
November S, when two members of a
sheriff's posse and five members of
a free speech expedition were killed,
W. R. Booth, a member of the posse,
testified at the trial in the superior
court here today, of Thomas H.
Tracy, accused of murder of Deputy
Sheriff Beard, that on last October 30,
he and other citizens escorted a party
of "free speech" advocates to Bev
erley Park, a suburb of Everett, and
that while he did not participate in
beating the captives, he heard from
subsequent reports that they were
made to run a gauntlet of clubs,
wielded by their captors, and then
were warned not to return to Everett.
Smuts Would Not Give
Up the African Colonies
London, March 13. Lieutenant
General Jan Christian Smuts, former
commander of the expedition against
the German forces in East Africa,
and who recently was made a privy
councillor, arrived in England today.
General Smuts said the campaign
in East Africa is virtually ended and
that the operations against the rem
nants of the Germans will be under
taken by native troops, as white
troops are unable to stand the climate
long. He said East Africa is enor
mously valuable, the Germans hav
ing spent millions developing it. He
declared the mere suggestion that
any part of it be returned to Ger
many is preposterous.
Gophers Share With the
lllini "Big Nine" Title
Minneapolis, March 13. By defeat
ing Northwestern university, 30 to 20,
here tonight the University of Min
nesota earned the right to share with
Illinois the western conference basket
ball championship. Each team has
won ten games and lost two.
The Pneumonia Season.
The cold, damp weather of March
seems to be the most favorable for
the pneumonia germ. .Now is trie
tin, tn h rarfnt apnuimnnia often
results from a cold. The quicker a
com is gotten ria ot tne less ine uau
n Ac ennn 9s the first indication
of a cold appears take Chamberlain's
Cnt,ah Pm,rlv At tr the value of
this preparation, ask anyone who has
used it. Advertisement.
$265 and Up
to Suit
French Gain in Champagne and
British Advance on Their
Front in France.
(By AaaocUlod rreae.)
Again the French and British war
offices record gains against the Ger
mans in France. Striking in the
Champagne region on a front of 1,500
meters, west of Maisons de L'ham-
pagne, the trench recaptured all the
positions previously taken by the
Germans on Rid Re 185 and also in
vaded a German fortihed work. One
hundred prisoners were taken in the
operation. In the Woevre region,
near Seicheprey, a raid on a German
trench was successfully carried out,
while attacks by the Germans be
tween Soissons and Rheims were re
pulsed. The British entered German
trenches near Bouchavesnes, north of
Peronne, and also carried out raids
successfully south of Arras. In the
latter sector the German positions
were bombed and many casualties
were inflicted on their occupants.
Two Stories of Air Battle.
Heavy artillery activity is in prog
ress in the Ancre and Somme sec
tors, according to Berlin. The Ger
man war office reports the stopping
of a French attack south of Kipont,
in Champagne, and also the destruc
tion of sixteen entente airplanes and
two captive baloous in attacks by the
Germans, The London war office
announces that nine German ma
chines were brought down or driven
down damaged, and admits that five
British machines are missing.
On the other fronts, except in
Mesopotamia and Persia, where it is
assumed that both the British and
Russians are still harrassing the
Turks, only minor operations have
been reported. As yet the full de
tails of the capture of Bagdad by the
Burgess-Nash Coiipahy.
Tuesday, March 13, 1917 STORE NEWS FOR WEDNESDAY. Phona P. 137.
Dresses For Spring
With The Burgess-Nash Personality
$16.75 $27.50 $29.50 and Up
THAT indefinable "omething" so often admired
in dresses of extreme smartness and becoming
ness is defined in the Burgess-Nash personality.
Take this exclusive personality, add correct fab
rics, perfect finish and careful workmanship and
you have some idea of what to expect from this
selection of new Dresses.
Good quality serges and georgette crepe and
taffeta combinations in straight, graceful line mod
els are shown in dozens of pretty "one-of-a-kind"
Practical Street Dresses '
$35.00 and Upward
DRESSES that deserve especial mention because
of their practicability for street and informal
wear, made of excellent quality Jersey and georgette
crepe in pretty shades of grays, blues and beige.
Burgoaa-Naah Co Sacond Floor
IRD House
Contest Closes
Next Saturday
Boys! You'd better hurry if
you want to participate in this
lively contest.
Contest la open to every boy
under 18 years. Contestants
must enter their name either
by mail or in person not later
than Thursday, March 15th,
and all bird houses must be in
our Sporting Goods Depart
ment by 10 o'clock Saturday
Get full particulars regard
ing the contest at the Sport
ing Goods Department.
Burgaaa-Naah Co. Fourth Floor
Ready With New Fashions
In Spring Blouses
FRESH arrivals daily keep this department full of new and In
teresting blouses. Any woman s wardrobe could be delight
fully refreshed by the addition of a new blouse or two, now, while
the assortment is in all its completeness and newness.
Georgette crepe blouses, exquisitely trimmed with Venice and
filet laces, hand embroidery, steel and colored bead effects; oth
ers trimmed with revere and plaited frills. Price range, $6.50,
$7.50, $8.50, $10.00 to $32.50.
Tailleur Shirts
Burgaaa-Naab Co. Second Floor
British have not been made public,
although announcement was made in
the British House of Commons that
there was reason to believe two-thirds
of the Turkish artillery had been cap
tured by the British or thrown into
the Tigris, and that in addition large
numbers of prisoners and quantities
of materials of all kinds were taken.
Again the Turks are reported by
Petrograd to have made a further
retreat in Persia, this time leaving a
position near Bisituu, twenty miles
northeast of Kermaiishah, and retir
ing toward Hadjiabad. Bisituu was
occupied by the Russians.
In Macedonia there has been an
increase in the artillery activity in
the Presba lake and Cerna river
sectors, probably presaging an early
Hope Almost
When She
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Re
lieves Chronic Cases of Long
After a long period of suffering
with liver and bowel trouble that
brought on piles, during which she
had tried many remedies without ob
taining relief, Mrs. Mary J. Jewell of
Berrien Springs, Mich., heard of Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and obtained
a bottle from her druggist. This sim
ple, inexpensive laxative compound
brought almost immediate relief and
Mrs. Jewell wrote to Dr. Caldwell
about her case.
In her letter Mrs. Jewell says, "I
had tried so many things for the piles,
without being helped at all, I had
about given up hope of ever being any
better. I knew it was the condition
of my bowels that caused them, and
after I had taken a bottle of your
Syrup Pepsin I knew it was just the
medicine I needed. I am very grate
ful to you for sending me the little
book the advice d instructions it
gives would teach anyone how to get
well and how to keep well."
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a
combination of simple laxative herbs
with pepsin, free from opiate or nar
cotic drugs, and is mild and gentle in
its action, bringing relief in an easy,
E'LL Cut, Fit
and Pm
Your New Dress
Free of Charge
AS a special feature of our
piece goods sections we
have secured for a limited
time the services of
Mrs. Moulton and H.r Staff
Of the Keister Dressmaking
School, who will cut, fit and
pin any material you may
buy at 98c a yard or over,
without charge.
They have knowledge of
styles, of fabrics and trim
mings in the widest sense,
and this service will be in
valuable to you.
Burge aa-Naah Co. Main Floor
Of exceptional interest are
the smart tailleur shirts, de
signed for sports and suit wear
in a wonderful variety of silk
stripes, beautifully tailored
with snug fitting cuffs and be
coming collar effects. There's
a choice of every desirable col
or combination. Price range,
$6.50, $8.00, $8.50 and $10.00.
Lingerie Blouses
Dainty lingerie blouses, in
oft voiles and batistes, fash
ioned in the newest Spring
modes and trimmed with em
broidery, laces, tucks, and hem
stitching. Price range, $1.00, $1.50,
$2.00, $2.50, $3.50, $5.00 and
recommencement of hard fighting in
this region.
The possibility that Germany is to
have another foe arrayed against it
is indicated in an unofficial dispatch
from Peking, which says the Chinese
House of Representatives has ap
proved the government's diplomatic
course, which includes the severance
of diplomatic relations with Germany
Woman and Two Children
Killed as Auto DitchcJ
Milton, la., March 13. Mrs. Staat
lcr and two small children were killm1
and Dr. Staatler and son perhaps
fatally injured when the automobile in
which they were riding went into a
ditch here tonight during a sleet storm
Found Remedv
natural way, without griping, or othci
pain or discomfort.
Druggists everywhere sell Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for fifty cenu
a bottle. To avoid imitations and in
effective substitutes be sure you gel
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. See that
a facsimile of Dr. Caldwell': signature
and his portrait appear on the yellow
carton in which the bottle is packed,
A trial bottle, free of charge, can be
obtained by writing Dr. W. B, Cald
well, 455 Washington St., Monticello,
Drug Specials
Mentholatum, special, at 16c.
Ammonia, 1-quart site, 12c
Palmolive soap, cake, 6c.
Hair brushes, special, at 49c.
Wayne moth bags, 60c, 78c,
85c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50.
Peroxide, bottle, 10c.
Pebeco tooth paste, 29c.
Burgaaa-Naab Co. Main Floor
THE "Standard"
Rotary Sewing
A Combination of
Comfort, Quality and '
$35.00 and up
The sewing machine for
,'he intelligent woman.
Easy weekly payments.
Burgaaa-Naab Co. Fourtb Floor
I :1L