Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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Guests of Commercial Club
Dump Cash Here in Ex
change for Goods.
The wholesale houses iu Omaha
are the busiest places in thr city this
week. The Merchants' Market week
crowds froqi all over a half dozen
states are the.e buying their spring
goods. No !esj than 500 merchants
from the various states are now in
the city selecting their stocks, ac
cording to the most conservative esti
mates. The Commercial club dining room
i as a busy place at noon, for out-'
of-town merchants, making use of
the club privileges during their stay
in the city, had crowded ihe dining
room for the lunch hour.
llioueh the weather was not thr
best, the trains nevertheless brought
their quota of merchants. The very
iact tnat tne morning was snowy and
ugly made the wholesale establish
ments all the more busy, for to just
the extent that it was unpleasant to
wain the streets to that extent did the
merchants and their wives remain in
the jobbing establishments inspecting
the latest in every line carried and
giving orders right and left. The
local wholesalers feel elated over the
number of orders being received.'
At 6:15 last evening the visitors
and the local wholesalers were assem
bled at the Hotel Rome for a dinner.
The wholesalers were hosts to the vis
iting merchants. During the dinner
theater tickets for the Orpheum were
distributed and immediatc'v after
the dinner the crowd hustled to the
theater, where they had the best seats
in the house. Alter this they returned
to the Hotel Rome where they
danced as late as the orchestra could
hold out.
Manslaughter Charge Against
Omaha Taxi Owner and For
mer Palmer Farmer.
Nine Men Injured in
Collision in Tunnel
Cheyenne, Wyo, March 13. (Spe
cial.) Speeding at twenty-five miles
an hour through the smoke-filled
Sherman tunnel, on the Union Pacific,
thirty miles west of Cheyenne, nine
members of a section crew were in
jured when their gasoline track car
collided with the rear end of a freicht
train which had stopped in the tunnel.
Seven of the men were brought to a
Hospital here and two were sent to
Laramie. The injuries of none are se
rious, consisting chiefly of bruises and
cuts sustained when the men were
hurled against the sides of the tun
nel. The track car was demolished,
but the caboose was not damaged.
The names of the injured follow:
Jacob Ericson, foreman ; Henry Gable,
Tom Gones, Steve Barkoulis, Sam
Alaron, Sam Bardisboris, Florien Roh
laper, John Hitsrregon and Sol Kori
higian. Snow and Rain Again
Lower the Wheat Prices
Heavy rain or snow everywhere
Over the wheat belt had the effect of
sending prices off 2 to 3 cents per
uusiici, idsu prices going to $l.ou to
$1.88 per bushej. Receipts were thirty-two
Corn slumped with wheat, though '
nnlv 9 iiiartr f( a rnt TU ..L. I
were made at $1.01 to $1.04 per
bushel. The receipts were thirty
three carloads. 1
Oats held their own and prices were
unchanged from Miday, the sales be
ing made at S7'i to 58 cents per
bushel. Receipts were twenty carloads.
Calvin T. Lambert, 33 years old,
owner of a fleet of taxicabs, is on
trial in Judge Sears' court on a
charge of manslaughter. A car which
he was driving on August 15, 1916,
struck down William Gorhnian. 9
years old, at Twenty-fifth and Famam
streets, the lad dying a few hours
later at the Wise Memorial hospital.
Several witnesses were called to
testify in Lambert's behalf. Henrv
M. Binder, who was at the wheel of I
a machine directly in front of Lam-1
bert's car when the accident occurred,
gave his version of how he believed
the tragedy happened. The boy ran
into the street, closely followed bv a
little girl, and Lambert was power
less to avoid striking him, Binder tes
tified. 1
V. E. Van Cott.'driver of another
car which was passing at the time of
the accident, told the court that Lam
bert stopped his machine almost in
stantly as the front wheels of the
taxicab struck the lad. Other wit
nesses testified that the taxicab man
was driving at a speed of about five
miles an hour.
On the same day that Lambert went
on trial the father of the boy, Ira O.
Gorhman, filed suit in district court
for $10,000 damages against him for
his son's death.
Lambert was a farmer, living near
Palmer, Neb., before coming to
Omaha to engage in the taxicab business.
South Side A. 0. H. to
Have Banquet Sunday
Fitting ceremonies for the celebra
tion of the feast day of St. Patrick
will be held next Sunday by division
No. 3 of the Ancient Order of Hiber
nians on the South Side. Any Irish
man, woman or child who is inter
ested can join in parade on that morn
ing. The line will be formed at Mc
Crann's hall at 9:30 and will be es
corted by the Hibernian fife and drum
corps to St. Agnes' church, where
solemn high mass will be celebrated
by Rev. James Ahernc. The sermon
will be delivered by Rev. D. Teahon.
The ceremonies of the day will be
closed by a banquet in the evening at
the Exchange dining hall, at which
Archbishop J. J. Harty will make a
few remarks. The entertainment fea
ture is composed of music, singing
and speaking, the following taking
part: Rev. James Aherne, Rev. D.
Teahon and Rev, Michael Shine of
Plattsmouth, Mayer Dahlman, J. H.
Hanley, J. J. Curtin, state president;
E. F. Foran, president division No. 3;
Prof. D. P. Hurley with orchestra,
and Mrs. J. H. Hanley and Miss Eliz
abeth Broderick.
companying party were Mr. and Mrs.
Cahill, Leonora Denison and Mrs. W.
B. Fordyce. Mrs. Sink died at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Cahill, 807
William street. Brief services were
conducted at the Brailey & Dorrance
chapel by Rector Worden of St.
Matthias r.piscopal church.
F. L. Williamson to Talk
Before Salesmanship Club
F. L. Williamson of Kansas City,
Mo., vice president and sales man
ager of the Dewey Portland Cement
company, and president ot the Sales
manship club of Kansas City, will
speak to the Salesmanship club of
Omaha next Monday night.
Mr. Williamson- has traveled ex
tensively of late throughout the Mis
sissippi valley and is a trained ob
server of agricultural and business
Omaha Folks Escort Body
Of Mrs. Lyda M. Sink to Grave
The body of Mrs. Lyda M. Sink
was taken to La Porte, Ind., Mon
day afternoon for burial. The ac-1
Saddle Creek Sewer
Is Being Built Gradually
The city council authorized adver
tising for bids for construction of an
other link of the Saddle Creek sewer,
from the present terminus to south of
Pacific street, and thence in a south
westerly direction to Poppleton ave
nue. An appropriation of $17,500 has
been made for this improvement.
Visiting Merchants
.We Invite You to Hear the
Columbia Grafonola
Let us explain our dealer's proposition
An Opportunity to
Double Your Dollars
We are in a position to allot terri
tory for these famous phonographs
and records to live merchants and
to supply promptly all require
ments of established agents.
Call or write today for catalogues and com
plete information how to make real money
on a very small investment.
SchmoHer & Mueller Piano Co.
1311-13 Famam St., Omaha, Neb.
Retail and Wholesale Distributors for Nebraska,
Iowa and South Dakota.
1 1 g jtrL- '
"Prints Best in the West
1 Catalogs :
)) "You furnish the copy
We Dj the Rest."
The National Printing Company
Printing in All Modern Languages
12th and Harney Streets Phone Tyler 406
Wholesale Clothing
and Furnishings
1114 Farnam
We have a large line of merchandise
in stock, and can make prompt de
livery. It will pay you to visit us.
Omaha, Neb.
To Visiting Retail Mer-(
chants and Their Wives
EVERY visitor will want to remem
ber the waiting ones at home
with something that appeals to their
Let us suggest that you visit our
shop where you will find many a sou
venir to take home.
You will find here novelties from
every country in the world really
importations worth while and priced
within the means of all.
208 South 18th Street.
vVH IVsVv iky
I rp HE service is just the
1 same now as for- $
, . ... . I
meriy. wotwiinstancung
the advanced cost of
1 The Market Place of the Market Town i
Asked if He Has Anything to
Say, He Hopes They'll Die
Los Angeles, Cal, March 13. A
sentence of eighteen months in the
federal prison on McNeil's island
was imposed today upon "King"
Francis Schlatter, self-styled divine
healer, found guilty last Saturday in
the United States district court here
on a charge of using the mils to
defraud. Schlatter called down
malediction upon all concerned in
the prosecution of his case and pre
dicted that they would "die within
two years" when saked by Judge O.
A. Trippct if lit had anything to say
before sentence was pronounced.
Kaiser .1 Zeppelin Funeral.
Rotterdam, March 12 (Via London). The
funeral of Count Zeppelin was held thla aft
ernoon at Stuttgart. Many yeara ago the
late Inventor erected hie own vault In the
PraK cemetery at Stuttgart and therefore
Countess Zeppelin declined the offer which
was made to her by the king of Wurtem
oerg to give the body a tomb In the royal
cemetery. King William II was present at j
food supplies we have
not raised our prices.
Enjoy yourself and
meet your friends here.
Orchestra from 5:45
to 7:45 P.M. ,
1 Club Breakfast, 75c.
Noonday Luncheon, 60c
I and a la Carte Meals
I unsurpassed in the city.
I Paxton Hotel
Richard Kitchen, Mgr.
Douglas 68
14th and Farnam
a. ii I
Market -Week Visitors Are Invited to
Inspect Our Model Manufacturing Plant
Retail Merchants Visiting Omaha During Market Week Are Cordially Invited to
Call on Us And Inspect
1 , The Largest Open Stock of Dry Goods in the West
Unusual preparations have been made to assist you in the rapid and intelligent
selection' of Spring Stocks, and we shall be pleased to have you make this house your
business home while in the city.
or. M. E. SMIT.H & CO. mm
4 1
How to Cure Coldi.
Avoid exposure and draft. Eat right,
fake Dr. Kins' New Discovery. It ktlli
md destroys the cold germs. All druggist.
m f
fl'Ss omecr
H'iB r carunc
Hotel Sanford
. ? ooms wrm bth sto sincus. oeutu
1 IS " VOILCT1.1S T 91.00
' oo. 1 SO -
Paxton & Gallagher Company
Cordially invites you to make their office your
headquarters during Merchants Spring Market
wm m t mm
We Want to -See
Sixth Floor Sewing Room
An Attractive Place
to Work
The making of Overalls and Shirts offers splendid opportun
ities to ambitious girls.
Why not investigate the matter today ? (
The sun-saturated work- rooms are delightfully situated on
our upper floors overlooking the river, and everything contrib
utes toward making this a pleasant place to work.
The hours are from 7 :30 to 5 on week days, and from 7:30
to noon on Saturdays.
If you are experienced we can give you year-around em
ployment. If you are not experienced we will teach you how to operate
power machines and increase; your income. Apply in person on
any working day.
Byrne & Hammer Dry Goods Co. '
Paxton Gallagher