Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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Pinkerton Sleuths Say W. C.
Conway Trimmed Banks
and Hotels in Omaha.
Arrest of W. C Conway Monday
at Great Falls, Mont., will result in
trial of the man in Omaha on forgery
. charges in which a number of prom
incut local bankers and business men
re interested.
Under the name of Henry I.
Tucker, Conway is said bjr Pinker
tons, who caused his arrest, to have
swindled the United States National
bank, Hotel Fontenelle and a num
ber of Omaha business houses by
means of forged checks and a fraudu
lent bank account.
A olea br Conway that he had
"rttleri-Jawn." had. iut married
Montana girl, was now connected
with a legitimate business at Great
Falls and had -given up his former
lit. fell iinon deaf ears. Chief of De
tectives Maloney will send an Omaha
detective to bring him back here for
Some of His Victims.
Vice President W. H. Rhoades of
, the United States National DanK, as
. t iiint Manaier Gregory of the Fon
tenelle, Commissioner Robert Manley
of the Commercial club and George
T. Morton of the real estate firm of
Harrison & Morton are among
Omaha men whom Conway swindled,
r at lust accroached, while oper-
1ir arcnrdinsr to Resident
Onerative W. B. Ritchie of the Pink-
rtnn affencv.
Hayden Bros.' clothing department
almost fell victim to the smooth vis
itor, it is said. Conway is alleged to
have 'ordered a quantity of clothes
there, including a dress suit, but the
check he gave was returned worth
less before the clothes were oenvereu,
so Haydens lost nothing, detectives
The Fontenelle is still "holding the
sack" for Conway' high living there
during a week or more in February
and March, ivio.
i- Swung Big Bluff.
Asserting he represented the Bald
win r Manufacturing company of
Hutchison, Kan, and Grand Rapids,
Mich- Conwav. under the name of
. Hrnrv I. Tucker, is said to have vis
ited Commissioner Manley of the
( nmmercial club and later Mr. Mor
ton for the ostensible purpose of
freieht rates and a distribut
ing site here for the firm he aaid he
Mr. Morton, without vouching for
him, introduced Coaway to Vice
President Rhoadea of the bank, who
let him have $65 on one of numerous
fake checks which the man presented.
Then Conway is said to have de
posited the $65 and later raised the
entry in his bank, book, so that he
appeared to have several thousand
dollafs on deposit Flotation of a se
ries of checks is , auegeq to nave, tpi
Trail of Checks. '.
Pinkertons assert that business
men and bankers in 'Lincoln, Des
Moines, Boone, la,, and Minneapols
also "fell" for Conway's checks,, The
detective 'agency, says the man was
traced all around the country dur
ing the last year before, he wr ar
rcssted. They also say Coiiway has
served time in a Montana jail, after
conviction on a charge of conducting
a "good roads" swindle while repre
senting himself to be a special gov
eminent officer. ' .-i.
1'olice acquainted with the case
state that Conway recently married
alter a fortnight's courtship, and that
his wjfe was ignorant of his past
record. They also say that he has
a lormer wile ana three children and
o.her relatives in Kansas, from whom
he ta estranged.
When Doctors Disagree
TO (
ft J
, -.
Makes Some Humorous Mis
takes When Driven to the
Last Trenches.
Then the ."Cleanup" Crusader
Announces He Will Not
Push Prosecution.
Upon receipt of a letter and check
from persons interested in the Under
world saloon Rev. Charles W. Sav-
idge has issued a statement to the ef
fect that under the circumstances he
will not push prosecution of the place
or its people for assaulting him and
throwing him out, but that. he will
continue to fight the institution.
Pastor bavidge made this state
ment: ' I
"The letter was not sent altogether
by the Underworld, but by a group of
men, and was signed by P. J. Rooney,
whom I believe to be associated with
Silk in running the place.
s , , Kind Regards.
"It expressed kind nersonal reaarria
tor me ana enclosed a small check
for the lick and poor. I received the
letter and remittance in the spirit in
which it was sent, and 1 have al
ready expended the monev as re.
qested, taking none of it for mvielf
that letter was the olive branch
held out to me, and as a minister of
God 1 ought to accent their kindne..
and contributions. I would not take
the money personally, but I am will
ing to spend it for the sick and poor. '
Police Judge Must Decide How
"Lively" Must Be. Dancing
to Be Disorderly.
Telegrapher-Inventor f -
; Gets His Firtaf "Thirty"
John Cornelius Wilson, who in 1871,
. in Dinahs, worked a wire tor the old
Atlantic & Pacific Telegraph com
pany, died in a hospital in Boston last
Thursday, aged 66. He was of English-Scotch
ancestry and had resided
in the United States since. 1869. Be
sides being an expert telegraph op
erator, he- was an electrician, having
-secured numerous patents on his in
ventions. He Was inventor of the du
plex telegraph and had close to 100
patents on duplex, multiplex' teleg
raphy, telephone, automatic tire
alarms, electric signals, electric clocks,
checking,, stamping and recording
systems. j ; : "- -
Mr. -Wilson had his tirst telegraph
job in LaCrossc,. Wis.,' in 1869, work
ing tor tiie Milwaukee road. In 1871
he worked the Union Pacific wire in
Xorth Platte and the same .year came
to Omaha.- Later he was transferred
to Fremont, where he had charge of
the company- station. A year later
he returned to Omaha and remained
until late in 1873, when he was trans
ferred to Boston, where he remained
until his death. He was married.
Scarcity of Nurses to
: Care for Omaha's Sick
Omaha hospitals are overcrowded
with patients, and nurses are very
scarce, according to physicians and
her.spital attendants. Extensive sick
ness here is taxing all resources to
capacity, they assert, and some sick
ipople are being cared for at home,
.r.nri mime io secure nospital accom-
he Lord sent it and the devil
brought it.
i have not been bought off. This
old preacher is not ipt sale, and I
want no money from sinful places.
But I accept whatever conies for
charitable purposes.
God Bless Rooney.
"In reply to. Mr, Rooney I wrote
and accepted his wishes and check
in the apirit in which it was sent, and
told him 1 hoped he and other saloon
men would soon -find employment
more to the glory of. God. I also ex
pressed ' the wish that God would
bless him.- ' . -
" could have returned the check '
ana, continued my prosecution of the
place for assaulting me. But that
would not have been in accordance
with scripture, which says to turn the
other cheek. , ( -
Twill not prosecute the assault
case further, unless there is further
oriensv. But I will continue to fight
uic ynuerworia as an institution,
.v Rooney Pleased.
P. J. Rooney, one ofahe proprie
tors of the resort, from which Rev,
Charles w. Savidge was forcibl;
peuea recently, called the
clergyman up by telephone!
How boisterous must be the con
duct and how "lively" the dancing of
patrons of a cabaret to make the
place a ."disorderly house?" And if
the place is on Twelfth instead of
Sixteenth street, does that alone make
it more disorderly?
These questions were raised in po
lice court yesterday durinar trial
of the keeper and inmates of Gus
Wick s place, which Morals Smiad
Officers Sutton and Cunningham
raided before 8 d. m. last Friday
without special police orders. The
case was continued till 8:45 a. m.
After testimony of Detectives Sut-
ton and others, counsel for both sides
argued the question and then -Police
Judge Fitzgerald decided to continue
the hearing until Detective Cunning
ham could appear and testify. Cun
ningham had worked all night and
had gone home betore the trial.
. Counsel for both aides agreed tint
no violation of liquor laws was in
volved in the Wick case. Prosecutor
McGuire co itended that the nature of
the dancing and boisterous conduct
of patrons was grounds for convic
tion. Attorney Ritchie for the de
fendants declared the same hilarity
naa oeen considered permissible in
hotel cabaret rooms "uptown."
Police court was crowded with the
thirty men and women arrested in
the Wick raid and other persons in
terested in the case.
By A. R. CROH.
Behold the Omaha school boy at
bay, fighting the battles of grammar,
history, spelling and the rest
A teacher with a sense of humor
has set down the funny answers that
she has received in her classes. Here
are some of the startling things we
learn from Johnnie and Susie:
Ammonia was the lood oi the
A plagarist is a writer of plays.
'A parasite is a kind of an um
"Alias was the name of a good man
in the Bible."
'A franchise is anything belonging
to the French."
Republican was a sinner men
tioned in the Bible."'
"An idolator is a very idle person."
"Erudition is the state oi being
"Perennial means every seven
"Mediocrity means the science of
the Medes."
Writ Funny Things.
In the "compositions" we learn
that "the marriage was illegible,"
"he landed safe on vice versa," "many
strange and curious animals are found
in the theological gardens," "the
strawberry crop is magnanimous,"
"he enjoyed riding on a philosopher."
Mathematical wisdom is distilled
for us thus: "A Horace uncle line is
a line that is not crooked," "things
which are equal to each other' are
equal to anything else," and "to find
the number ot square teet in a room
you multiply the room by the num
ber of feet. The product is the re
sult." "Grammer is how to talk good,"
we are told. Also, "An intranstiv
verb expresses an act not done, as,
'John did not strike Charles.' "
On the high seas of literature
Johnny makes the following discov
eries and observations:
"James Russel Lowell, Henry
Wordsworth Longfellow, Whittier
and Horthorn have all written
pieces of some note."
"A sort of sadness kind of shone
in Bryant's poems."
Evangeline is given the stamp of
approval by one youth in these words:
"Longfellow has, indeed, told the
tale of Evangeline fully well."
"Edgar Allen Poe is a very curd
ling writer," says another. .
box wrote a very good book of
You will be surprised to learn that
"Washington wrote the Declaration
of Independence in 1492," but this
historic fact is revealed to us bv one
youth' who did not "pass."
"Gorilla warfare is a war where
men rode on gorillas," we are told.
it was the fugitive slaves who
formed the Confederacy," according
io anotner youtntul historian, who
is said to be the best first baseman
at that school.
Still, we can t blame Johnnie. You
remember how it was yourself. Con
fronted by a question about 'which
you xncw noming at an, it was al
ways good strategy to takeji chance
on answering. .You might possible
get it half-way right. And even if
you didn t, you couldn t get less than
zero on that question, anway.
Barry, Miller and Thaman
Bound Over for Theft
Fred Barry, Ed Miller and John
Thaman waived police court examina
tion and were bound over to the dis
trict court on charges of stealing $250
worth of car brasses from Illinois
Central property at Thirty-fifth and
Valley streets recently.
Drives Wife and
Babe Into Storm;
Police Hunt Him
After being driven from home with
a tender babe in her arms Monday
night Mrs. Pete Butera, 708 North
Sixteenth street, appeared at the po
lice station Tuesday morning and was
given shelter by Matron Ellen Gib
bons. The woman asserted that her
husband had come home drunk and
had driven her out into the severe
weather with the infant Police are
seeking the man. and have orders
from Judge Fitzgerald to hold him in
custody when found.
Prosperous Rancher Dies;
Leaves Son in This City
Alfonso M. Sena, 1702 Davenport
street, has received word of the death
of his father, Andres Sena, one of
the big ranchers of the southwest,
at Las Vegas, N. M. The father of
the Omaha man was 72 years old. In
the territorial days of New Mexico
Mr. Sena was well known as an In
dian fighter and a leader in the en
terprises of the old southwest He
was a lifelong republican.
Shoes for Rough Weather
We show here a model that will brave
the worst kind of weather and keep
your feet dry' and warm. The soles
are made of the best oak-tanned
leather, especially prepared to resist
the destructive effect of
snow and slush. The uppers
are the best quality box calf.
Nothing we Bell offers more
real value for the money.
BJ FSXs.. i "
Specially Priced at
T 1
1 was very much nleasrri " sairf
the saloon nun, according: to the
minister,' "to know that you received
my check ii. the spirit of Christ, the
same spirit in which it was offered.
It is much better to forgive and accept
an offering than k is to fight for and
obtain retribution by bringing erring
folks before the courts."
Rev. Mr. Savidse sava he is "much
elated" by the phone message from
Mr. Rooney.
Beef Steers Set New High
Mark on Omaha Market
Cattle reached a new hiuh mark
when a fiitl load of beef steers sold
for SI 1.80. A few scattered heads
were sold for $11.85 per hundred.
Ak-Sar-Ben Hustlers Will
Soon Meet to Organize
The hustling committee of Ak-Sar-Beu
is to be organized for the 1917
hustling at a luncheon at the Paxton
hotel Uhursday noon. This will be
the first hustliug committee luncheon
of the year. Cards are being mailed
to all those who were members of
the committee last year. - . '
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a
Favorite for Colds.
J. L. Easley, Macon, III., in speak
ing of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
says, 'During the past fifteen years
it has been my sister's favorite medi
cine for colds on the lungs. 1 myself
nave raaen- it a number nf t
when-suffering with a-told and it
always relieved me promptly." Adv.
Davenport, Duofolds nod
Luxurious Sofas featured at
both stores this week.
1813 Howard
. 17th and Howard
TTT1 raglst-lhr1
YOU will ret a earialn III a Diamond. Watch. Jewelry, II yon BUY NOW. Beautiful
enuine Dlamonda, any style eolld fold meuntioe Rlnia, Studs, Ear Screwa, Scarf
Pine, La Vallleree, ete at epeclal pricee. Wa trust the people.
ISO Round Belcher
Diamond Ring. 14k
olid, (eld. tec
priced at .... fOtf
ai.SO a Week. .. .
8Se Loftli Perfec
tion Diamond Ring,
14k iold told.
our value.
SI IS a Week.
Diaaaaada 'I .
Itat La Valllere. fine eolid (old. green
torn leave, orignv iintan, t iioe ortl-
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Si SO Month ,
2 fj$ 21-X
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Watch. II Bise. Full lewalad. lib a..HH
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a silver dollar. Thin model fLl.OV
Open Daily Till I P. M, Saturday Till 1:11
Call or Write fir Catilot No. SU
aoae Deaalaei 1444 ail Oar Saleiaai
Will Call
Mala Flaw City National Bank Black
40t S. 16th St Car. lath and Harney Sti., Omaha
Opposite Burieea-Naah Co, Department Store
Improve Your Complexion
" Get your blood pure, keep the liver active and the
bowels regular, and disfiguring pimples and unsightly
blotches will disappear from the face. For improving
the complexion and putting the blood in good order
are safer, better and surer than cosmetics. They
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Beautify the Skin
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Does Your Merchandise
Ever Get There?
or does it roll lazily off
down the street at the gait
the team naturally chooses?
Think of the saving to you if the time for
making each haul was reduced just half
if your merchandise went off at a gallop
instead of a walk.
Motorization of haulage equipment
means a saving of time, an increase in out
put, a reduction of delivery cost, better sat
isfied customers bigger, better business,
"Put It Up to US to SHOW YOU."
Nebraska Buick
Auto Company
H. E. SIDLES, Gan'l Mgr.
Sioux City
Distributors for Omaha, South
Omaha, Council Bluffs.
There's a
Truck for
Every Need
"1 ; "
For eight years he was content
to have her married to another man
quite happy with the privilege of adoration. Their
love was "a crystal cup wonderfully full to the brim,"
unjcil the girl, who detested her, suddenly proposed to
marrj him. This is the opening situation of
"Egeria Unveiled"
by Amelie Rives
a subtle, brilliant, wit-shot story with sufficient plot
and character exposition to deserve the space of a whole
novel. '
The distinguished author of "Hearts Aflame" has ad
vanced tremendously since the publication of that remark
able work in Cosmopolitan.
Her art has grown both mellow and shrewd and exhibits
an insight and capacity which promise many charming
hours for Cosmopolitan readers through the coming year
that will find Amelie Rives repeatedly represented in
these pages.
In "Egeria Unveiled" you will meet a pair of women and
a set of situations utterly new to fiction. "
Buy Cosmopolitan today by tomorrow your newsdealer
may have sold his quota. The fastest-growing, quickest
going magazine on the stands. ,
. for April
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