Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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Accepts Norton Substitute and
x Defeats Efforts of Douglas
(From a 8taff Correspondent.)
Jiincoln, March 13. (Special
fTelegram.) After a hot discussion
lasting nearly all of yesterday and
part of this forenoon, the house ac
cepted the Norton substitute, senate
' File No. 213, of the compensation
bills, and sent to the scrap heap
House Roll No. 525 and House Roll
No. 44.
Douglas county members succeeded
only in one thing, namely, raising the
maximum compensation for perma
nent disability or loss of members
from 60 to 75 per cent of wages dur
ing a specified period of time.
Similar to Senat. Bill.
Norton's substitute measure is the
aame as the one which the senate
committee has agreed upon. It has
been amended in the house, on mo
tion by Mr. Peterson, so that an in
jured employe may sue his employer
for damages where the latter fails to
comply with the laws governing
safety appliances and other precau
tionary regulations. In all other cases
compensation is to be according to
the scale fixed in the bill.
Another amendment, proposed by
Mr. Ainley, making the act inapplica
ble unless five or more persons are
employed, was incorporated in the
i Mr. Keegan wanted to insert a pro
viso allowing 50 per cent of wages for
:life in case of facial disfigurement, but
it was voted down, 26 to 48. He later
proposed to pay 100 per cent of wages
-for life for the loss of both ears or
(two-thirds of the nose, but this was
'changed to 50 per cent. An amend-
Iment by Mr. Shannon raising the
maximum compensation from $12 to
$15 per week and the minimum from
$ 6to $8 lost by the vote of 30 to 46.
It was on Shannon's suggestion
that thescale of benefits was raised
from 60 per cent to 75-per cent of
.wages. The vote o nthis was, 46 to 34.
j Shannon Accuses T rumble'.
A spicy exchange of words took
place between Messrs. Shannon and
;iTrumble, the former accusing the lat
ter of working for the packing house
corporations, because he. owns stock
in the Packers' National bank of
South Omaha. Trumble retorted with
the statement that members "had bet
ter keep your eye on a man who tells
you to watch somebody else." .Trum
ble claimed that the bill which Shan
non and his Douglas county col
leagues favored would, if enacted,
have the effect of repealing the pres
ent workmen's compensation law.
The statement was made by Shan
non that he was rcpreseting the labor
ing men, and that the State Federa
tion of Labor had voted unanimously
in is convention at Fremont in iavor
of repealing the present law.
Notes from Beatrice
' And Gage County
Beatrice, Neb., March 13. (Spe
cial.) H. A. Pendergraft, who was
sent to jail at Kearney for robbing
a box car, is wanted in this city on
charge of robbing a safe in Roy
Drew's saloon, February 22, 1915.
Pendergraft was employed as jani
tor and when the bartender opened
the place in the morning he found
the safe, door openj the money and
Pendergraft missing. Officers have
searched for him everywhere and
nothing was heard of him until his
arrest at Kearney.
Mrs. Anna Marie Hufenmeyer died
Sunday at her home at Pickrell, aged
78 years. She is survived by five
Mrs. Maggie Oden, wife of J. T.
Oden, died at a local hospital last
evening, aged 56 years. She is sur
vived by her husband and three chil
dren. She had been a resident of Be
atrice for thirty-two years.
Mrs. Elizabeth Carpenter, who has
resided east of the city for many
'years, died Sunday in a hospital at
Kansas City, aged 57 years. The
body was brought here yesterday for
interment. The deceased is survived
by her husband and three sons. Her
'son, Walter, was killed in an auto
accident east of the city last Janu
ary. Mrs. O. M. Enlow died suddenly
yesterday morning at her home in
this city of heart trouble, aged 70
years. Her husband is lying at the
point of death and is not aware that
his wife is dead.
Legislative Notes
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, March 13. (Special.) Four
years more of the supreme court uommln
Ion and a salary boost of $500 per year for
acta comraiaatoner are provided for In a bill
reported to the general file in the bouse
by the Judiciary committee today. Th
Judges of the high bench are to appoint the
commissioners, whose salaries will be $3,600
The McMullen senate bill to relieve Gaga
nd Stanton counties from paying; twenty"
Ove years' Interest to the state on old insane
fund tax, which was recently in litigation,
came out of the state Institutions' com
mittee in he house with a recommendation
tor Its passage.
"Finis" was written on the attempt to
deliver the state of Nebraska back Into the
bands of the oid priming combine, when the
Moseley bill making it illegal to receive or
accept any bid from outside the stato was
In definitely postponed on the report of the
a me committee.
Bills raising the salaries of county sur
veyors In Lancaster and Douglas counties
snd the public defender's salary in the lat
ter county were killed.
Soldiers' Eomi Notes
Orand Island, Neb., March 13. (Special.)
-State Engineer Marty Is visiting at Burkett
looking after the state's interests In regard
to buildings that are on the program for
cunst ruction this year. First of all Is
(he new commissary buildings, second the
new bakery building, which will be supplied
with! a new electric oven with a capacity of
200 loaves at one baking, and third, the new
lee plant.
Mrs. C. E. Reed of Omaha, a woman of
xpariencs and high recommendations, has
been employed as nurse in the Wsst hos
pital. Olsf Matthews has been readmitted to
(nil membership.
John T. Lane has been taking a thirty
day furlough for recreation. C. F.Keltley
bas asked for fifteen days, Newton Btrone
thirty days and Mr. and Mrs. I. Smith ten
House Increases Amount for
Biennium to Six Hundred
Forty Thousand.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, March (Special.)
One indication that the republicans
are alive, though not appearing to be
very much in the limelight, was shown
in the discussion on the federal good
roads appropriation bill when the
Stearns amendment raising the levy
was carried and the bill sent to third
reading. The vote was U to 27.
Whether the republican house cau
cus took any action on the Stearns
amendment, minority members (lis
agree. Sonic o( them sav that an in
formal expression was taken in the
caucus, but nothing was done to bind
the members. On the roll call in the
house adopting the Stearns amend
ment six republicans voted in the
negative. They were Messrs. Axtell,
Behrens, Conley, Lambert, Parkinson
and Keisner.
Goes to Third Reading.
The federal aid bill, which was un
der discussion at the tune of the mix
up between Reisncr and Ainlay, was
advanced to third reading, after the
tax levy it carries had been increased
from .4 mill to .65 mill, and the appro
priation tor the next biennium trom
$320,000 to $640,000. The amendment
was opposed by the following demo
Auten. Burrow. Dftfoe. Pau, Fuller. Knut-
sen, Koch, LelcllRI!. Mi-Alllstrr, Meyaenmirs,
Norton, ollls. 1 1nternum, htidki'. Kenan,
Retfenrath, Riesehtck. Shaffer. ilwanstm and
No Limit on Surface.
Another amendment, nrefbosed by
Mr. Auten, providing that no part of
the state appropriation to match fed-
erad aid tunds should be used on
paved or hard surface roads, was de
feated. 36 to 60.
Under the terms of the bill a county
which desires to supplement the funds
received from the state and federal
government to aid in road construc
tion may levy a special tax of 5 mills
tor that purpose.
Howard Votes With
Republicans, to
Break Senate Tie
(From a Staff Correspondents
Lincoln, Neb., March 13. (Special
Telegram.) It was up to Lieutenant
Governor Howard to break a tie this
morning and on a motion to post
pone appointment of a senate sifting
committee, which stood 15 to 15, he
voted with the republicans and m
surgent democrats to postpone ao
tion until tomorrow. The insurgent
democrats were Albert, Beal, Crap
pell, Gates, Howe.ll, Oberlies and
Sawyer. Bushee and Spirk, republi
cans, voted with the democratic ma
chine. .
Consideration of the personnel of
the sifting (committees of both houses
will probably go over until tomor
row, or perhaps later, because of dif
ferences which have arisen in both
houses and which the majority wishes
to iron out before taking any chances.
The action of the eight democrats
who went over to the republicans in
the senate and carried the day with
the assistance of Lieutenant Governor
Howard, lias aroused the house ma
jority' to a realization that the credit
for what real legislation may be ac
complished, is likely to go to the re
publican minority, who can rule
things if the independent anti-machine
democrats join with the min overrid
ing the heavily lade nhouse machine.
In a desperate appeal to the in
surgents, Chairman Taylor of the
democratic caucus with the assistance
of Chairman Reischick of the finance
committee, today secured the names
of thirt-yone democrats to a call for
a caucans this afternoon after the
house adjourns. It is expected i that
then- some political sop will be handed
to the insurgents, hoping thereby to
keep them in line.
Democratic Caucus Chairman Hen
ry of Colfax proposed as the senate
sifting committee Mattes of Otoe,
chairman; Bennett, Kohl, Samuelson,
Adams, Spirk and Bushee. The last
two are republicans.
As a substitute motion Senator Mc
Mullen of Gage, speaking for the re
publican minority, proposed as the
committee Beal of Custer, chairman;
Oberlies, Howell, Gates, Soost, Spirk
and Bushee.
The fortunes of the bone dry bill
are said to hinge on tne outcome of
this contest.
British Cavalry
. Takes Town Five
Miles Above Bagdad
London, March 13. British cavalry
-front Bagdad has occupied Kazimain,
on the iigris river, five miles above
Bagdad, it was officially announced
today. The occupation took place on
March II.
r j
Alabama is so pleased with Senator
Inhn H VUnMiosrl't ihirlv.tlimo.vaar
record in congress it has decided to
Keep up tne line oi succession, mat
is why, for the first time, a father and
son will sit in the same congress.
Former, Detective Pleads
Guilty to Robbing Boxcar
Kearney, Neb., Maxell 13. (Spe
cial.) H. A. Pendergraft, caught in
the act of breaking the seal, entering
a freight car and coming away with
the plunder, was given a sentence of
thirty days inline county jail by the
district court yesterday. Pendergraft,
at one time Union i'acihc special de
tective, was sentenced eighteen
months for robbing cars in Wyoming,
and at the present time he is wanted
at Beatrice on tlie charge ot robbing
a safe and taking $600. Pendergraft
pleaded guilty to the charge upon
which he was sentenced.
William Fleshman, a 16-year-old
lad. who admitted the passing ol
worthless checks and the theft of.
some clothing, was sentenced to the
Industrial school. He confessed to
the court that his real name was Au
gust Arend. August will be a state
charge until he is 21.
Trip to Southern Clime
Advised for Clemmons
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, March 13. (Special.)
According to information received at
the office of the state superintendent
of public instruction. Superintendent
W. H. Clemmons is quite ill at his
home in Fremont and physicians
have advised a trip to some southern
state where 'he will receive absolute
quiet and freedom from official duties.
During his absence the office will
be in charge of his deputy, Mr. Wood
ard, and the assistan, Mr. Dixon, and
it is hoped that no effort will be made
by anybody to communicate with Mr.
Clemmons on official matters until
after his return.
, Obituary Notes
at his home at Nebraska City of
pneumonia Sunday morning. He was
a young man wltha bright future, an
auie a pea iter. j'ur n numoer oi yenr
he was connecter with a large castor
factory in Nebraska City. The funeral
was held Tuesday afternoon.
widow of the late John C. Fitzpatrick,
died at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Thomas J. Nolan, l-'airacres, yester
day, following an attack of pneu
monia. She was 65 years old. He-
sides Mrs. Nolan she is survived by
two other daughters and a son, Fred
Fitzpatrtck, a city fireman. Her hus
band died three years ago following
an accident which occurred in the city
Dr, Ferdinand King says:
To put strength in her nerves and
color in her cheeks .
There can be
o beaUtiful.
healthy, rosy-
cheeVed women
without iron.
The trouble in
the pant hen
been that when
women needed
iron they gen
erally took or
dinary metallic
iron, which
often corroded
the Htomach and
did far more
harm than food.
Today doctorn
present organic iron Nuxated Iron. Tim
particular form of iron ti easily asaimilated.
does not blarken nor injure the teeth nor
upnet tne stomach, it will , inereaae the
strength and endurance of weak, nervous,
irritable, careworn, haggard looking women
200 per cent in two week' time in many
instances. I have used it in my own prac
tice with most surprising results. Ferdinand
Kins, M. D.
above by Dr. King, can be obtained from any
good druggist with or without a pbyslrlan'i
prescription, on an absolute guarantee of
success or money refunded. It Is dispensed
In this city by Mbsrman A MoConnell Drug
Store and all good druggists.
House Members Trom Thomas
and Nance Counties Have
Wrestling Bout. (
(From a staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Neb., March 1.1. (Special
Telegram.) The house was thrown
into confusion just before the noon
recess when Reisncr of Thomas and
Ainlay of Nance came together after
a personal discussion, in which it is
saiil that Ainlay called Keisner a
quitter and Reisner seized the Nance
county man and attempted to throw
him over the lobby rail, but was pre
vented by the interference of others.
Representative Dorscy was the
only individual hurt in the melee.
I'lavitiR the part of the innocent by
stander, when Reisner picked Ainlay
lift ami started to throw him over the
railing. Dorsey was struck by one of
Ainlay's feet as they swung around
in the atmosphere and a slight
scratch made on bis hitherto good
looking prohosis.
Start In Republican Caucus.
According to statements made sub
sequently by Messrs. Ainlay and
Reisner, both republicans, the alter
cation started when the former went
over to Reisner's desk and mildly re
proved him (or going back on the
action of the republican house cau
cus Monday evening, in voting
against an amendment offered by Mr.
Sterns, doubling the appropriation
provided by the federal aid road bill.
Reisner denied that he was bound
by any caucus action and after a
short dispute he said to Ainlay:
"You get back over there on your
side of the house."
"I don't have to go back there,"
was Ainlay's response.
Thereupon Reisner jumped up,
grabbed Ainlay around the waist and
commenced to back him toward the
Dr. Urn'. Ploe-Tar-Honer.
For your cold and bronchial cough u.
Dr. Bell's Plno-Tar-Honey. It cuts the
phlegm, relieve, congestion. Only 2fic. All
druggists. Ad vertlHemonr.
New Method of "Feeding" the Skin
With a Rolling Massage Cream
Made From Sweet Milk
Whole sweet milk is s good wrinkle chaser,
an many women have come to learn. Further
more, it la considered to be unusually ef
fective in ma kin or a
rough, blotchy, "muddy"
skin smooth, clear and
exceedingly delightful to
look upon.
Only a few minutes
spent each evening, us
ing this new method of
beauty-culture, will pro
duce almost astonishing
results in a remarkably
short time. The best
and most effective way
to use the milk is in
the form of a rolling
masnaffe cream.
V Any woman can easily
prepare her own beauty
cream by dissolving
about two o u n o e a of
plain powdered bryol in
one-half pint of sweet, unskimmed milk.
This should then be heated to near the boil
ing point, and when cool will make a full
half pound of the very finest rolling massage
Laugh -wrinkles, end fine lines are easily
rubbed out, and even deep furrows gradually
disappear when this milk mattsage cream is
employed. While it is easy and inexpensive
to prepare, care should be taken to see that
the milk is perfectly sweet and unskimmed.
The powdered bryol should be purchased
from your druggist in an original, unbroken
two-ounce package. Advertisement.
Wednesday Only s
If You' Present This Ad
a u a ircrn d ri t7v ru i I
St. Patrick'
brandois Stores
Candy for
St. Patrick".
AV ery Special Offering of Dresses
Manufacturers' Samples 7)
IT IS INDEED unusual to announce thus early in
the season, a sale of Dresses like these at $18.75
and if it had npt been that good fortune smiled upon
' us to the extent that we were able to purchase these
at a concession a much higher selling price to you
would have been the result.
Newest Spring Styles-Every One of Them
In the Very Latest Colorings
The styles are clever. Tunic and over&raped
effects, many two toned effects.
Made of Taffetas, Crepe de Chines, Georgette
Crepes all braided and embroidered with the new
metal embroiderv. Smart now nllara nf flam-rraftn
are the feature. New shades of gold, tan, navy, copper and gray. A very,
very low price, indeed, is $18.75 for these.
Second Floor.
This Is
Do not let even the .worst kind of weather deter
you from attending this sale of
Exquisite Spring Blouses
Samples and Surplus Stock
from some of the very best makers.
Sale Will Begin
Thursday Morning at 8:30
and although there are 1,500 Blouses in the lot, it won't
be enough when women realize what wonderful values
they are.
Full details will be published in Wednesday's
papers. See the beautiful windows.
Wall Papers
In Newest Designs
One of the most important things before
the furnishing of your liome is real! begun is
to have your walls properly decorated. This is
the foundation for all color schemes and har
monious effects. Wo mention briefly several
items from the most complete stock. We shall
be glad to show you what we think will be
most appropriate for your particular needs.
Our suggestions for Living Rooms, Dining
Rooms and Reception Halls will aid you great
ly in making the proper selections. Two-tone
effects in stripes and allover designs, also grass
cloth, plain effects and blends showing new ef
fects in borders appropriate for each. Two
special lots, single roll, JQg 27c
Bedroom papers in new designs and dainty
colorings. We have the newest ideas in bed
room effects, that we will sell Wed- 101
nesday, 18c to 25c values, roll.... lzC
A dozen patterns, including all 'colors, bor
ders and ceilings to match; worth to
10c, Wednesday, roll .
Surest Aid to Beauty
is the genteel and entirely scientific ser
vice available to women in our
Hair Dressing Parlors
Experts Are Here
to dress the hair
to dye the hair
to bleach the hair
to shampoo the hair
to bob children's hair
to manicure the nails
to massage the face
to perform, in fact, moat every ser
vice that can make for greater personal
Switches in any style or color, made to
irder, on short notice, from natural hair in
itock. ,
' All-around transformations of fluf
fy, natural hair, at $6.28
Sacond Floor. J -
tveNiNes iw.oteuKj. soar
before the sUtegow dry. Oar entire
stock of hivh trade wfnes-ejid liquors
at less than cost prices.
lth and Capitol Ave.
There's a
Heap of Fun
in a Camera
If you haven't succumbed to
the lure of Amateur Photo
graphy, you have not yet ex
perienced the full joy of life.
The amateur photographer
follows the pleasantest and
most profitable pastime yet de
vised. '
Our Storo is the Amateur
Photographers' Headquarters
16th and Howard Sts.
Phone Douglas 864
"Our interest in you does not end
with the completion of your work.
We are deeply interested in its satis
factory ser"ice."
Heaviest' Bridie
W, per tooth.
est SUrer ra
tals Boot 22k Gold
W pImm feu r rafjmd four OMOoy.
14 th usl Farnam 1324 Famam St.
Pboao Oouf last 2872.
Wonder Plates
worth SIS to $28,
$5, $8, $10
We have purchased the entire stock
of Furniture. Rugs Stoves and
Draperies of the
mm & ue co.
Watch this paper for the announce
ment of a sensational sale