X AAA it FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. BhAUXXftL 5-KOOM APT. In viHMt location, on Weit Hid car 11ns, 3LU Pacific, Urfj living room with (ire place, dinlnv room, two bedrooms, In dividual Uuudry, very choics. 3es tbJs tuday. 150 UAIAHAS LAHUKST KENTAU AGENCY. HAbTi:uS & UUYDUN, lll Harney. Tyler 6tf. iHUlCl 3-r. apt., with -r. aucummuda- Uoas. Ao. 6, Uewey; 3 built-in bed. 3Ul Dewey, Will subleasa Iroiu Apr. 1; new. auutbeut exposure; individual porcn, Al SMU show you through lodny. 11. Htntai, Ub summer, 94 U wiuier. THIS HELEN, 2464 Harney tit. 1, 4 and 6-ruoiu apartuienia; very d IKVl.NO SOKENSON. Douglss 1710. VUKi desirable 7-room St. Louis flat In iimulD lJark. Kumal fi'i.bll per moutb, IBV1NO tfUKEiNbUlS. uSjaa J L0. North. j;t.AL'rir'L'L -r. tim, isoii Jjiiiiiiot; excel lent location, Kouiuxe Pic., convenient to car; range furnished, J7.&0; also nab lai'tte yd. and porch. Hastings Heyden, Itilt Haraoy. Ty. 60, uuUiilKN S-room, til. Louis flat. Located in Beiuls Vmrk. district, Cloie to cat JdonUUy rental, 3o. W. K. CRAIG, UI7 City Nat' I Bank Bldg. Tel. Tyler 63S. &-r. tl t, mod. ex. beat, bill S. Slat. IJ1.50. HASTiNGS &. HKYPEN, 1614 liar. Ty 6U. sV bjS-HuUJd, M'uam-beated, Jt, near poat uUice. U. f. at i;bn, CDlcago. Miscellaneous. ctioicK CLOSJS i.'. 3-room apartk-vut wi. two butt-in beds, dressing room, JNo. 22, iiaylalr. Vil'i, Howard, practically a 6-r. apt., new, vury choice, walking distance, nub-lease Irom Jlarcb lit. Mental .u auinmer, dB.oO mi nier. OJiAUA'g LAROEST KENTAL AUENCY. HATLNUS iiEYiJEN, 1614 Harney. Tyler 60. jVJiiTEKS THU3T COMPANY, RENTAL, UlAUgUAitTibita tJtL Oil Ail A. f OR RENT HOUSES) West TUU irEHHUAAi bCUltJi. ul 2ai& Classified compared with me THE HEE gained U61 Uuea THE .NEW gained 7it iiuea THE WUKLO HEKALO) LOST 14 lines figures complied by War Held Adv. Agcy., MJi Independent audit bureau. ' HUWAitD STHEET, A J-alory Xrame, rooms ami sleeping porch. turuace, Koom Xor ne war is garage it desired. House rent, ItfU. AUMUD THUUAd, )Ht yirst .Nat. Bk, Hldg. IV-HUM modern brick house, 2632 Harney, hot water, heat, vacant April 1. Can be lupecied now. luqulre T. J. O'Brien, Harney 10 4, Douglas 121 or Tyler 1 a. -K., Zbii Chicago, large barn, ju mod. ex. At., 16. Hastings A Heyden. 1614 Harney. Ty. 60. JflVE-ltOUAl cottage, modern except heat. aoii Leavenworth. Harney 4361. 7-HUUJL modern bouse lor rent, Uli W, 4Utb Avty Call Walnut a7lt. 308 8. 41ST., hot water plant, JOHN N. f-HENZEK, DuUULAS S&4. North. ' b-R., 1918 iimmee, uxou. ex. hu, water pd., IU. Basunga & Heyden, 161 Harney. Ty. 60. Cl.uar.-OJ, d-r.t 7 N. Z3d, modern, auap at l'o. MAtii-'-LNGJ A HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Ty. 60. AIUDjis&N 7 -room house, good repair, lu.uu per month. 26th and Charles. Telepnone Webster HiQi. 6-ROOM cottage, aU modern, z6th and BlopdO. Web. 19Uji. or Web. 366. v South. -R., 1136 UEO'.GiA AVE., strictly mod. garage, 2J 50, ilAariNUa & HEYDEN, ltU Har. Ty 60. 4-K., a 01)4 ii. 17TU, downstairs, good, water paid HI. Hastings Heyden. 1614 Harney. Ty. 66. 6-r. mod, flat, aaitf S. H; to. Tel. H. 4U1. MiscellaneouB, HAVS you seen the list of vacant property at OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGCY i Send lor their weekly printed int.., Haatlriga & Heyden. 1614 Harney. Tyler 60. .... IfOft RKN'T. l'ine 10-rooin houae; good location; rental S4tf. HIATT COMPANY, S46 Omaha iNati. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 60. s-Rooji. uioaeru bouse wiia garage lor cars, ttluse to oai line, uu pawd itivttt tut mumn. tougias3toa. HuuaEa In ail parts ol the city. CK-U1H, BUM a CO., Qua" Bee Bldg. LARUhi moving van with careful men, 2 per hour. Uordon Van Co. Douglas 8)14. MOVING AND STORAGE GOKDON .VAN CO. t'iUfUuut' WAK-HOUhu lacklug, storagb and mov ing, tl W, 11th fit. -'bona Douglas 34. FIDELITY 25i5i FREE lJnun Douglas 8 Xor complete list ox vacant nouses ana apari uienia. Also fur storage, moving. 16th and Jackson tits. Mt-XKU-ULli AiN VAJ ANU S1UKAU1- CO. Caret ui alleuliun given to orders foi moving, packing or storage, Oftic at Raymond i'urnimr Co., 1618 and 1616 Howara ot. rnoue uoug. eot. VwiM CITY -Xl'R-tfa CO., 1622 Cass -L Douglas 1717. Trunks stored m epeclalty. TR.tROOs WAK-HUUdE. deyarai locked rooms lor nouaehoid goous and pianos moving; packing and nipping. OjLAUA VAN AND bTORAUUJ CO., HU2 a. ltitb at. Douglas 4163. Ulobe Van and Storage Co. but i cat serviue in muVlug, pacaing aud ,Ulri Van sua two Vau aud -torage Co., Moving, backing, Storage and Bbipplng. Phone Doug. 14Kb. I t ' KHhll -xpresa Co. JUovlng, Om J XxLiUXJ t'Mukiug and storage. ll)t raruani bu Web. 21i. Doug. 8146. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED " "West."' CLOSE LS $5,UU0 We have a V-room. an modern homv in excellent condition, with east from lot 76x141) and garage. Located just one block from 29th and Harney, where the lot alone u worth better than $4,000. In estlgaW at once if you want a close-in bargain, OL.OVER SPAIN (Realtors) Uuugias3IHia. m-aoCUy National. A OEN'i'LEM AN ' S HUM13. Overlooklug Hanacoiu Park. Plot 160x lttU, contains twelve large rooms, three batna with lulltH, innumerable cioiets and pantries, steam heat, seven ttre places and nuisbud In oak and mahogany. Price 811,000 and only 82,600 cam required. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4V26 a. 24th til. Phone South 1247. IUE t'EURUARx CORE. ol Paid Classified oompared with ivib 1'Uhi Blfis) gained .....886? line LUU NEW- gained 770 lines .HE WORLD HERALD LOST 14 lines Figure compiled by Warrleid Adv. Agcy.. an independent audit bureau. 8i.floo toR a riva.&ooM Houaa. Only been built a tow years; all modern except heat. 1160 down, balance 816 moarniy. Located at ariu fiurdette Bu X RAVER BROTHERS, ,us umaba, Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone D. 8886. J'OK SALE iluit sell modern home; sleep ing :iwrcb and gi-.age, in vicinity of Creighton university. Terms. Telephone Harney 8014. North. Ib6 Jf"T. O.N PLORb.Ci BLVD., near Hime baugh St., 84u ft. deup, 8-room house, ga-age, etc at a bargain. INTER-STATE REALTY CO.. f-8-80 C'i'.- J'at'.. Dour. 8. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. J FINE POULTRY FARM One Acre and 2-room House $100 Down $15 Per Month lin Benaon Acres addition; sidewalks most of way to car; dandy, large chicken coop and yards; aorae young fruit; elec tric light and telephone service; good cave aud well. Only 11,200. Call Tlcr 60 and ask for Mr. Manvtlle. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1IIH HARNEY STREKT. WALNUT HILL 4012 LAFAYETTE AVE. Let my mlitfortune be your good luck. Am obliged to sell my bouse, 4itl2 Lafay ette Ave., cost over 3,i0o, 6 rooms, fully modern, practlcaly new; Quick sale, 13,900, Buy from owner and, save commission. PHONE WALNUT 8429. NEW BU.NU.JAJW. Tve rooms, strictly modem, finished in oak. Located at 2923 N. I6tb U Price 83,160. Terms. Will take small cottage in trade. NORR1L at NOR it 13, 4Q Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 42J8. 25TH AND P1NKNEY ST 8. laswy"! new.' 2-story bungalow, 6-r. and sleeping porch, oak finish, 'house Jus decorated, full basement, nice lot, loc. 'Ion . 11 one could ask for; paved s Price 83,60. Easy tor ma. RASP BROS.. 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. NICE 7-room modern houae hniined In oak, nearly new; cathedral district, close in. walktiiL distance to high school and to the city a live largest churches, 624 N 36th St. Harney 1126. BEMIS PARK. DISTRICT. Strictly motieru 6-rooiu collage. Web ster 71M0. South. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT A large 6-room cottage, strictly mod eru; floored attic; lot 6uxlS0; one block to car line; located near 40th and Charles Sts. Price reduced to 8:,800 for quick sale. See us at once. HIATT COMPANY,' 34S-7-I Omaha Nat. Bk. Bids. Tyler 60. ON ACCOUNT Of SICKNESS. Owner will sacrifice at a real bargain 6-room house, good condition. Lot 60x 104. Call Sunday, Tyler lio; on week days Dougjae 644b. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT 6 rooms and bath on let floor, two nice rooms on second floor; all modern; fur nace; south front lot; splendid neighbor hood. Price only 82,800. House but 6 years old and in flrst'class condition. C. G. CARLBERCi, Realtor, 310-312 Brandela Theater Bid g. Miscellaneous. MODERN BUNGALOW Fine location, east front, paved street. 6 rooms, hardwood floors and finish, close to school and car. A bargain ut 83.uut. Easy terroi. Can owner, Doug. 1722. MONTCLA1R BUNGALOW. Stucco construction, 6 large light rooms. Oak floors, oak and enamel finish. Price 83,800, Easy terms. Another now build ing for 83,660. Call Douglas 1722 days. Walnut 1580 evenings. 6-ROOM house fur sale, to be moved; for Information see Traver Bros., 81v First Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 66B6. NEW bungalow, auto ft-r. and gardening your terms and price; Inv. with 8400. rent 8 houses icust 83,600) 82,600. D. 2107, J.""b.' ROBINSON, 'Real EluU and Insur ance, 443 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8UII7. unp ii UtfAl'l'V I'm oun neater w Building. A. & TRUMBULL, 818 World-Herald Bldg. . D. 1.34. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. WE have 8 good lots near 36tu and Call lornia, in caiuediai district. Price rigbt, b: p. Weau. 8iu s. lain St. THE FEBRUARY SCORE oX Paid Classified oompared with 1818 rHE BEE gained 8,867 lines THE NEWS gained 7711 lines THE WORLD HERALD LOST, . 14 lines Figures compiled by Warfleld Adv. Agcy., an Independent audit bureau. CUM1NU, near 2lh SU, 32 or 44 feet, must be sold to close estate, Urlmmei, 84U omaba Nat'l Bank Bldg. Miscellaneous. BEAUTIFUL : ot lots. rice 8220, only 2 cash and 60 cents per week. Doug. FARMS, acreage and Dundee property i epecialty B. ARION LEWIS. 408 Bee. REAL ES l'A i Investments TUE XtiiitUiJiM.t sOure. ot Paid Classified Compared with 181b THE BEE gaiued 8,1167 lines THE NEWS gained. 770 lines THIS WORLD HERALD LOST.. 14 lines Figures compiled by " Warfiold Adv. Agcy., an in Ut; pendent audit bureau. APARTMENT. 876,000; income 13 per cent; uue year old; very Hue location; mortgage fSb.oov and will accept 820,0011 in trade; bal ance cash or negotiable papers. CALKIN H CO., Douglas 1313. City Nat. Bank Bldg. BAUOA1N -Close-In, new, modern brick flat. 11 large rooms, 2 apartments. 23d and Howard, IS.Guu; about 82,000 cash. Bee Owner, 4336 Bedford. Walnut 2007. KEAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. LEA VINO city, will sell our attractive bungalow (nearly new). This house was built for a home and is not an ordinary houae; oak finish down stairs, white enamel on second floor. Walts decorated. Will consider a car in trade and easy payments. Phone Benson 6 9 6-J, Dundee. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lots ou eatsj terms. Mod ern, attractive houses. Before buying be lure and see GEORG . & CO. 8 ROOMS, all modern, must sell. Make me offer. 818 N. 60th Ave. Walnut 1403. South Side.' THE FINEST NEW RESIDENCE On the South Side from any angle, inside or out. Modern to the minute. Brick veneer. Full cement basement and fin ished attic Eanraeled tubs In laundry, with washer operated by electric p rower. Hot water heat furnished by oil burner lurnace. Bath room sxlo, tub and shower, coinpletey tiled. 10 rooms, 8 .alone cost 8&7 to finish and decorate. Interior oak lints a. Sun parlor jind screen porches. New brick garage with concrete run way. Plot buxliio; beautifully iawned. Built by the owner at an original cost of 314,000. Has sold bis business Interests here, desires to leave the state and directs us to sell for 812,600. Any reasonable down payment accepted. Listed exclusive ly with the ! SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., Inc. 4928 South 84th SL Phon South 1147. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS and SUNDAYS. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL LOT on S. 26th St, 60x160 ft. A modern 6 room cottage on the back end of this slightly terrace plot. Will take auto and small amount of cash as first payment. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. INC.. 4826 B. 24th St. Phone South 1247. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. HERE IS A BARGAIN. Two 4 -room houses on corner lot, 60xl6U. on car line and paved street. One rents for 8V a month, and live In the other. Price, 61.200 for both, only 1800 cash. SOUTH OMABA INVESTMENT CO. t2e South 241b SL Pbona, South Uli REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN South Side. MEDIUM PRICED HOMES. On tb South Side, on full slsvd lots, ranging from 81,600 to 83,000 in different localities, with all city Improvement near schools and churches; can be bought Horn us on a small cash payment. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. t:5 S. 24 tli St. Thone South 1247. HOMESEEKERS, ATTENTION. On a small cash payment we will buy the lot you select, build a home after your own plana and you can pay for It on small monthly payments, without extra interest. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. INCORPORATED CAPITAL 816,000. 4936 a 84tb St, Phone South U47. Miscellaneous. ONE AND ONE-HALF acres on Fort Crook car line. New 6-room house with full ctmeut basement. New barn, 14x18, for 12 head of stock and other good out build ings. Fenced for chickens, Uood well. Price, 82,660. Part cash. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INC., 4135 8. 24th St. Phone South 1247. Ol-'FICE OPEN EVEN1NOS AND SUNDAYS. REAL ESTATE WANTED THE FEBRUARY SCORE of Paid Classified compared with 1816 THE BEE galued 8,867 Hues THE NEWS gained 770 lines THE WORLD HERALD LOST.. 14 lines Figures compiled by Warlleld Adv. Agcy., an Independent audit bureau. WANTED 4, and 6-ruomod bouses that can be sold for 8100 cash, balance 816 per mouth; send complete description first letter. VV. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1820 .'arnam. Tel. Doug. 1064, LIST your 6 and 6-room bouses with us WE SELL THEM. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. Doug. 1471 LIST your 6 aud 6-room houses with EDWAKD F WILLIAMS CO.. Doug 420. REAL ESTATE To Exch.ng. WE have some good homes and luntal prop erties tor Neb. or Iowa laud. Edward F, Williams Co., umaba Nat BankJBldg. FOR EXCHANGE Three " flats, f 60.000; rental t;,000. Beach. 316 Ridge Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. REAL ESTATE B'riesg Pr'pty M. A. WUU, Realtoi, Ware tjl. Specialist tn downtown nusUieas property UN AINU AL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. City and t ana Loans e. efc and 8 per cenL Also Untt mort gages on terms and Omaha real estate for sale. J. H. Duiuont & Co., 416-18 sveeline Bu'g.. I7th and Harney. WILL PAY 12 for 88,000 for one ; ear; good security. Ad dress Box 1866. Bee. a PER CENT to 8 per cent on best class city residences ID amounts 63,ooo up; also farm loans. Reasonable commission. PETERS TRUST CO.. t Karris IP ttt. 32,000 MTUB., bearing 6 pet. semi-annual, secured by property valued at 86,000. Tal-madge-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W, Bldg. Kill 4 UEA4.TX CO.TrEAlTeSAI Ik, arms and City. HU6 W.O. ...Bldg. Doug. 8486. SHOPEN CO., PRIVATE MONEY. MONEY u loan on Improved farms aud ranches. We also buy good farm mort gages. Kioke Inv. Co., owes. MONEY on and for city and tariu mans. H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. l,"- Wf UARV1N BROS., 'Z ' LOANS. om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. CITY GARVIN BROS., mun e y. Harrison murxon. 816 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES, EAST NEB. KAUAI S. o'KEEFE R. E. Co.. 1016 omaha Nat'l. KAKM and city loans, -6fe and 8 per cent, W. H. Thomas, Keellne BWg. Doug. 14. CITY and farm loans, lowest rales. n). H. LUUUEE, inc., 68s Keellne Bldg. $100 to 610,vuu uiHiis promptly. F. D. Wad, Wead Bldg., lam and uarnam Sis. LOW RATES. U U. CAHLBEHU, 812 H rand his (beater Bldg. l. 666. NO DELAY In closing loans, W. T. uraham, 604 Bee Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. WILL SELL Ave shares voting stock of the Drummond Motor Company at ISO per share; subsidiary company of the Douglas Motors Corporation, stock selling at 8100 per share, which company has invested 830,000 of Its assets in the stock of the Drummond Motor Company on the above basis. Box 2034. Bee. 1 AM compelled to sell from 1,000 to 6,000 snares ol Rowley Copper stock. Send me yuur bid. Address Harry Street, 613 Re public Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. financial Wanted. wanted A large iuau on i.oou mures good western low laud, two sets oi Uupiuve ments. Call Douglas 2410. Abstracts ot Title. i urr ''tUe, Guarantee and Abstract Co., XV.C11 su a. 17th St., ground flooi. wunded by Mass. Bonding and ins. Co. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract w dee in Nebraska, aua Brandela Theater. Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER 6c EL.ON. Represent prompt pay lusuiauue com paiiies. tit ctraudels iJdg., uuiaha. Neb. r AKM Ainu KAactt LANDS Florida Lands. RAISE ALFALFA IN FLORIDA (Natal Bay) ibis muter. First cutting, 80 daa, 86v to 880 annually on 860 land, sie Pax ton Blk., Walnut 2667 tevenlngs). Iowa Lands. 40A. FRUIT and- truck farm, 11,000 cash, balance suit buyer, also stock and ma chinery. Box 2016, Bee. Michigan Lands. FOR SALE CLOVER-LAND FARMS. Grains tnrive. Drouth, ball unknown. Rout crops, dairying, grazing, Ideal. Flue roads, market; 143 growing days. Aver age killing frusta October 2. Terms easy, George RoweiL jr., 28 Bacon Blk., Mar quette, Mich. Minnesota Lands, i ... . , OK'i L'Xi'i V. To gel a homestead under the Volstead act in North Central Minnesota! without living upon or Improving it, hundreds of people are making application every day; act quick. BIG 4 REALTY COMPANY, 1015 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Missouri l8iQO. sjdALL MO. Harm 8i e omen and 64 moots ly; no interest ur taxss, Digoiy productive land; Close to 8 big market. Writs fori pnuiograpna ana tun information. Muuger, 4-118 N. 1. Ufa Bldg.. Kansas Cll. Mg. GREAT bargains, 86 down; 5 monthly, buys 40 acres good fruit and poultry land near town, southern Missouri. Price only 8200, Address Box 808, Excelsior Springs, Mo. Nebraska Lands. 1,840' ACRES DAWES COUNTY, NEBRASKA. Nine miles southwest ul Cbadron, l.uoo acres very best ot farm land, balance tins pasture, heavy grass. NO SAND, Plenty of timber for fuel and posts, arsek and uever-faillng springs, one of the best combination places in Nebraska. Price 610.00 per acic, easy terms. Call Or write cor full particulate. KLOKE INV. CO., 46 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. tUK SALE Cuiuipiuved ijuartur, near Lodge Pole, -lear; terms. W. g. Craig, Jioaruvy, isvb FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebn.ska Lands. COME TO KEITH COUNTY. f9 acres. Improved, every foot rich, .ovel soli, some broken; beet of wheat and orn land; land adjoining raised 88 bushel s heet per acre last season. An A-i stock and farming proposition; gooa terms, Cheap at 836, Write Box St, Urute, Neb. TH'. FEBRUARY SCORE. ot Paid CI. sotted compared with 1814 THE BEE gained 8967 lines THE NEWS galled 770 lines THE WORLD UEltALD LOST II lines Figures compiled by Warfleld Adv. Agcy.. ail Independent audit bureau CHOICE IbO-acre Gage county furni, im proved; 12U acres under plun, uiiu 1 miles from town end school. ARCH Kit KKALTY CO.. 60 llnuidt'is lildg. SMALL Nebrssha it. r ins on taty imjmeliu 6 acres up. We farm the laiin we sell you. The iiungerford Potato Growers' As sociation, liilb and Howard Sti., Omaha, Douglas 83 a. tbi laud made do euougb tor uivps or uo pay, is our way ol dialnlug land. No tract too large ur too wu Guarantee Drainage Co., Oakland, Neo. Texa Lands. GOING FAST. Our corn and alfalfa land in the Trinity River Valley, East Texas, is fust being bought up by Iowa, South Dakota and Nebraska farmers at 8-i per acre. That is our price and It will produce euual to die best land iu Nebraska, our next excursion is March -0. We want you wltb us. Are you game? For complete informa tion as to the country, climate aud cost of trip, call or write, V. S. FRANK. 201 Neville Block. Omaha, Neb, t ARM LAND WANTED RANCHES, Farm Lands, bought, sold, ex changed. S. S. aud R. E. Montgomery. POULTRY AND PET STOCK EGGS for hatching, Buff Orpingtons, Rhode Islands; popular prices. R. L. McCul iough, Bellevue, Phone evenings, Belle vue :. BARRED ROCKS, large -boned, good lay- its, perfect mat kid; egga, tl.bo per 16. H. M. Sklpworth, 6244N. J'itll St. Col. 387. WHITE Rock eggs tor sslo. Benson 606 sciwiiidm 61.0') lou. ..VV. Wagner S01 N- 6Ib MONEY TO LOAN LOOKI LEGAL RATu LOANS LOOK! 8 60.00 costs you 8 6.26 for six months. 102.00 costs you 20.27 for one year,, H6.00 costs you 81.20 for one year. 204.00 costs you 40,0 Cor one year. Uuo.Ou costs you ev.uo lor one year. Other amounts in proportion. EASY PAiMENTS. UTMOST PRIVACY. OMAHA LOAN COMl'ANx, 240 Paxton Block. Tel. Doug. a2&, v oiiiMTURE, pianos, and notes as security, sio 6-mu, . . H. goodj. .jIUi cost, 42.0U 840 " indorsed notes, total cost, 88.40. omaiier, larger am'ts, proporuunate rats. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, organised by omaba Business Men, 422 Rose Bldg., 16tu and Far nam. Ty. 866. 2j pet. on Dia. Gross, 410 K loth. R. ooei. AUTOMOBILES AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 2:08 Farnnm SI. Light Six Paige.... Ford touring Briscoe touring Bulck touring Douglas 8310. 1600 , , .IHU0 8460 8376 WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC. USED CAR DEPT. Douglas 328, 2047-49 Farnsm, Touring cars and roadsters of Overland, Studutmker, Maxwell, Ford, Oakland, Mitchell, Bulck and Hudson makes, TERMS IF DESIRED. Prompt attention given to all Interested out-of-town buyers. THid FEBRUARY SCORE, ol Paid Classified . oompared with 1814 THE BEE gained...., 8867 Hues TUB NEWS gained , 770 lines THE WORLD HERALD LOST 14 lines Figures compiled by Warfleld Adv. Agcy.. an independent audit bureau. j-i'ABWfc.W-R 4o H. P. Vlele Touring car, thoroughly overhauled and repainted, to sxchange for yuarler suction in Banner or Kimball county, Nebraska, land. Call evenings Tyler 1SJ6. Fred Me lots. FOR sale, cheap for cash, into model five- passenger car. w in take oru in part payment. Call after 8 p. m. 1426 S. Sixteenth St. WE will trade you a new Ford for yuur old one. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE Co., 20th and Harney Douglas 626L C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used car Dept. 2216-18 Farnam SL Douglas 68. Almost auy make at rwaaonauie prices. For sale nine loo King electric car, good condition. For particulars call Haruey 682, between 10 a. m. to 12 o'clock. La S. 24tn St. -Cross town Garage. D. 4412, H, A B. snook, abaorburs put on, 8i.b0. Transfer used cars. i UN 1 VUu CO., 60 Per Cent Saveu on lear Tire Expense. BR'lSCH t "Jvau-Flx-1L" Southeast cor- uew 2Utn and Haruey Sts. Dougiss 2662. CASH FOR YgUR USED CARS. AUTO fcACllANGE, 2107 FARNAM, D. 6086. i'iuLL Jk BINKLEx. auto lupairing; expert uiechanics. 2614 Harney SL D. 1640. Auto Livery and Garage:, a-Al'liRT uulo lepairlug, "set'Vlcii cat . t,ay.reiiily." Omaha Oarageidlv r ny'SL Tyler 866, A ujo Repairing u.4 Painting. iuo rewaid lor magneto we can't repair. Colls repaired. Baysdorfei, 2lo N. lata. A ti a. Auto Radiator Repair Service, and prices rignu is e. isto. 7480. PERSONAL DON'T SUFFER Wltb An INGROWING TOE NAIL When You Can Get WELTOE For 26 Cents. NO CUTTING NO INCONVENIENCE. Three to four applications sufficient lor the sorest toe. For sale novr at the following down town drug stores; Beaton Drug Co, Unltt-Docekal Drug Co. Myers-Dillon. Merrltt Drug Store No. 1, Burgens-Nash Co. Bra ridels Stores. Paxton Hotel Pharmacy. It your druggist hain't it, we will mail a bottle to any address ou receipt of 26c. WELTOE CHliMICAL CO. ymani Ne- IRE Salvation a.uty imiueliiai Home so licits your old uuiniug, luiuiture, maga zines. W collect, w distribute. Phone Doug. 418ft sad our wagon will caiL Call and inspect our uew home, 1110.1112-1114 Dodge St. . ETTA STUKGESS. massage, eleutrlj Turk- Ub baths, manicuring, facial and scalp treatments. 1606 Harney. Open evenings and Sunday, WANTED To take care of infant or small child; good boms and best of care. Box 18s7 Bee. WANT to hear from my brother, Adolpb. Address Charley A. Mrsny, Jr., 1824 Cherry St., Kansas City, Mo. MISS EDNA, scientlfto maasags; 228 Ns villa Blk. open evenings and Sundays. LUELLA WEBSTER, massage and mani curing. 816 Paxton blk. Red 8400. MAE BRUGMAN, scientific masse Usee and baths, 208 Karbach blk. Red 1727. ALL Rrignt Private Juternity Home, 8011 Miami SL w.Cs'.gr S9U8. SCIENTIFIC mas age, 620 Bes Bldg. Phone Douglas 6872. Manicuring and mass. 1828 Farnam. Km. IV. MiSa LILLY, bath message, VAU l-'arnam Ht WuiiKidCare of tblldreu. ?liyne Well. 226. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS George Rice and wife to William W. Spencer, et al, Plnkney street, 114.4 feet east of Thlrly-flrst street, south side. 36tlS8 Waller K- ChrlBtenxen to Omaha Iiosu and Building assoetatlon, Twcntj nlntli itre(. 100 foe' south of Pop plrton avenue, east ilde, 60x160 ?(khafl L, Clark. slierirT. lo OmHha Loan and Uulldlng acnofiHtloit. southeaat corner Korty-eiglith and Hamilton irregular i'iie 1 . 3 0 1 Michael U Clark, sheriff, to Omha lAtan and Building Asportation, southwest corner Twentieth and Laird, 60x124 LSI Sioil A 11111 company to Anna U stedl, Shermun avenue, thlrty-nve feel south ot Spruce strert, esst side, !6xb0 1 Kdwaid F, Towimend and wife 10 Melville S. Sturgeon, Plfty-nfih street, 608.7 fei north of Kvsns street, west side. I26x.408.s Rosa Hrede and hunband to Loonard Oberg, Twenty-second street, ino fiot Houtb of Q street, esst Bide, 60xl8t' Sidney Allen, el al. to William . Met lit If, Twenty-flrst street, I S3 feet mmth of Clark street, west side, t6xl40 Klina L. Jsynes and hunband to Krnis H. Stevens, California street, 160 feet west ot Flfty-flrsl street, north side, 60x128 4.866 W. H. Johnson and wife tn Roxana W. Hroawn, Mlsml street, 187 feet enm of Thirtieth street, south ildc, 60x187 I t'uray Invpstment company to lirsr) Weselman, Burt street, 195.6 fet east of Twenly-flftb avenue, north side, 4.xl.'i4 1 Albort W. Jofferls at d wife to Theo dore K. Ssnko, Fourteenth avenue, J60 feet north of Fowler avenue, west aide, 80X142 460 Dundee Realty company to Emlle W. lllrkok, et al, southwest corner Twenty -seventh and Spauldlng. a;i i-3xU6 l Elmer E. Macon and wife to Margaret M. Burke, Douglas street, "ti.66 feet writ of Twenty-eighth street, south side. 38.38x121.6 1 Hsrvcy J. Grove and wife to Iteglna T. Lucas, Larlmore avenue, 240 feet woat of Thirty-fourth avenue, north side. 4Hxl28 1 John feverln and wife to G. F. Heav en, Y street, 276 feel went of Twenty-ievenlh street, north ilde, 60x11 4 6iP John A. Creighton Real Estate com pany to Harry H. Bllby, Parker strout, 40.6 feet west of Forty-second street, north side, 47x130 1 Frances P. Elllck and husband lo Klla D. Mathews, southwest corner Fifty first and California street, 76xl4i.. 1 Histt company to Serena E. Rohnu. northeast corner Twenty-seventh und Grand avenue, 111x324 3 Scott A Hill company to Elmer Mo ran, Hixteenth slroet, sixty feet south of Spruce street, east side, 86x60 1 Jasper E. Brown aud wife to Ren Handler, Forty-fifth street, 181 feet south of Cuming street, east side, 81x166 i M.ixmllllftn Rampacek and wife to Karl Plocek, Twenty-eighth street. 162 feet south of Edward Creighton avenue, weit side, 40x160 1 Patrick fc. Do re to Sylvester R. Brown, Gordon street, lOo feet east of Fortieth street, north side, 60x112 1 BANK STATEMENT: Charter No. 209, Reserve District No, 10. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA At Omaha, In the State of Nebraska, at the close of business on March 6th, 1917. RESOURCES. 1, Loam and discounts 813,618,121,96 2, Overdrafts 8tt.408.06 6. U. S. Bonds: a. U. S. bonds deposited to se cure circulation (par value) 160,000.00 b. U. S. bonds pledged to secure U. S. deposits (par value) .... 70,04') . ue - 120,000. 00 6. Bonds, securities, etc. : t) Honas otner than U. 0. bonds pledged to secure postal savings depuslts.lllT.OOO.OO e S e curlties other than U. S. bonds (not in cluding stocks) owned unpledged 185.64S.S2 311,646.82 7. Stocks, other than Federal Reserve bank stock 16,721.66 8. Stock of Federal Reserve bank (60 per cent ol sub scription) 48,006.00 b Equity in banking house. 00,000,00 11. Heal estate owned other than banking house v 331.136.97 13. a Net amount due from ap proved reserve agents In New York, Chicago and St. Louls.11,703,871.44 13. Net amount due from hanks and bankers (other than In cluded In 13 or 20) 4,676,932.84 14. Gxcbin ges for clearing house 464,961.28 16. Other checks on banks in the same city or town ss re porting hank... 80,321.94 16. a Outside checks and other cash Items 168,691.18 b Fractional currency, nickels and cents .... 607.08 17. Notes of oth er n a t lonal banks 30,000.00 19. Federal Re serve notes ... S.QOO.oo i. Lawful re serve In vault and net amount due from Fed eral Reserve hank 8,806,876.41 8,878.268.07 21. Redemption fund with U. fi. Treasurer and due irom u. m. Treasurer 8,600.00 Total. 124,763,688.46 LIABILITIES. 23. Capital stock paid In I 600,000.00 4. Surnius tuna 1,000.600.00 26. a Undivided profits, less current expenses, interest and tsxel rtatd 168,813.64 .0,000.00 28. Circulating notes outstand ing 31. Net amount due to banks and bankers.ll 4,646,607.06 Demand deposits: 38. Individual de . posits subject 1 to check 86,718,824.71 34. Certificates of deposit due In less than 30 days ' 390,107,61 36. Ce r 1 1 fl e d ! checks 64.173.04 36. Cash ler's checks out standing 86,390.60 37. United States deposlti 66,260.46 38. Postal sav ings depoiits .. 99,870.00 Time deposits, (payable after 80 days, or subject to 30 days or mors notice) ; 41. Certificates of deposit 1,1C3,661.14 43- Other time 1 epos It 624,978.80- Tstal 134,753,681.46 State of Nebraska, County of Douglas es: I, F. H. Davis, president of the above named bank, do feolemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the belt of my knowledge and belief. jr. tl. DAVia, rresiosoi. Subscribed and sworn to before me this i:th day of March, 1917. (Seal.) a. n. cnionoa, Notary Public, Correct Attest! E, M. ANDREESEN, C. T. KOUNTZE. L. L. KOUNTZE, Directors. Disconsolate Woman Finds Home at Amherst Elizabeth Mitzenfelt, the Peoria young woman who found the wateri of the Misiouri river were too cold for juicide purposei Saturday, will be sent to relativei it Amherit, Ntb., by Police Matron Gibboni. ueorge Davis of that place wired tnat miss Mitzenfelt's relatives there would be clad to receive her. WOMAN AND SHOVEL OPPOSE CONNELL Prairie Park Housewives Use "Poison Gas" Adjectives to Express Opinions. INSPECTORS POST HOMES A woman residing on Tcmplcton street, in the Sa.atoga school dis trict, Jares Health Commissioner Council to visit that iiciKtitiorliooil. She uttered that deli when Inspec tor Jensen called at her home Tues day to post an "e.poscd-to-sniallpu." sign on the front of her house. "I am from the health oflice and have been instructed to place this sign on your house because your chil dren have been exposed to smallpox and have not been vaccinated." meek ly explained the inspector to the woman who was removing snow from her walks with a full-grown shovel which seemed to have an appropriate setting. 'So you're going to post this sign on my house, are you? Von just think you are going to do that," con tinued the woman. "Dare" for the Doctor. The inspector posted the sign and the woman further expressed her mind: "I have no use for this health commissioner. 1 just dare him to come out here. That sign will be tore down, I say it will be tore down, that's what it will," holding the shovel menacingly. "1 am directed to inform you that if you remove this sign before your children have been vaccinated you will be subject to a fine," explained the inspector, seeking to placate the ex cited housewife. Then several neighbor women came out and sought to commiserate the woman whose home had been labeled. Praise is Scarce. Inspectors Betenbener, Schlcmmer and Jensen divided forty-seven Sara toga houses into three routes and they started out through snow and slush to execute the orders of their chief. Their meanderings led them to believe that Health Commissioner Council would not win as the most popular man if the matter should be put to a vote in the Saratoga school district. The demonstrations of the women did not materialize as expected. Be yond a few emphatic expressions and uncomplimentary retcrences to JJr. Connell, the sign-posting work was accomplished as ordered. At a house on Meredith avenue the only occupant was a youth of 16. He stated that his lamily were moving out and refused to give the new ad dress, and even told the inspector he would have to find the new location if he could. Revenge in Court. The wife ti a man who was loud in his protestations at the Prairie; Park club meeting Monday evening submitted under protest and her feel ings seemed to be somewhat assuagen when informed that some of her neighbors' homes would be similarly decorated. She promised to meet the health commissioner in court and re served for that occasion certain thoughts she wished to express. Another Prairie Park matron in quired of Inspector Jensen whether Health Commissioner Connell had been eating raw meat again. She told the inspector he would be re sponsible for "libel." To Go the Limit. Health Commissioner Connell de tailed Inspectors Beteubener, Schlem- mer and Jensen to tile Saratoga dis trict this morning with forty-seven "exposed to smallpox" signs which they were directed to post on as many homes. The health commissioner averred he is going through with 'his program. Superintendent lownsenu ot the public school medical inspection de partment made the following report ot the .Saratoga school situation: Total belonging to school, .535; vac cinated by health department, 215: vaccinated by family physicians, LL; excluded for failure to be vaccinated, twentv-one: refused to be vaccinated. sixty-seven children in forty-seven Homes; unaccounted tor, tmrty-one; under quarantine, eleven; excused, two. Health Commissioner Connell in structed the three inspectors to notify the occupants of the placarded homes that to tear the signs irom their houses would mean arrest. The In spectors will sweai out warrants against all who rebel against tne rul ing of the health board. Thief Captured as He Flees From Saloon He Robbed From a saloon which police say he was attempting to rob, right into the mis ol the law, was the course run by Albert Goldstein, St. Louis. At i.JU iuesuay morning central station received a hurry call irom Of ficer Flemming that he needed help at Eighteenth and Harney streets. In less time that it takes to tell a load of police was, at the scene. At Sev enteenth and Farnam streets Officer Anderson, one of the emergency cops, bumped into a fleeing man. "Oct out oi my w;iy, ' lie hissed. "Can't you see a man is chasing me." Searched at the police station, Over 100 pennies were found on Goldstein, which police say he took from Morris Christensen's saloon, 4IR Snt't'i Eight eenth street, under Washington hall. Olucers tounu a rear window of the saloon open when they arrived. Another man. whom Goldstein impli cated, was caught later. He gave the name of Wessmith. Otticcr Hemming detected the open window before the two men had time to carry off any loot. Goldstein and Wessmith waived police court hearing on charges of burglary and were bound over to the district court under $750 bonds. German Submarine Strands; On Dutch Coast T.nnHnn. March 13. A German submarine is reported stranded in the neignDornooa oi nciicvocisiuis, uu the Dutch coast, says a Keuter dis patch from The Hague. DO IT NOWI Sr. Cckl.y'. for wiilltr win.. nd liquor.. Th. lUt, will oon co drr nd w r. diapoiing of our .ntir. .lock. Com. in .nd ct Jour ihir. of th. bug.ln. whll, th, uHttmntl an jr.t eomplftfc ' CACKLEY BROS.,teth4CulolAv. MAIL ORDERS FILLED French Repulse German Attacks Along Corny Road Paris, March IJ. Several attacks were made by the Germans last night and all were repulsed, the war office announced today'. A strong German detachment which attempted to ad vance on the Corn y road was checked. Ilerliu. March 13. (Wireless to Sayvillc.) The British made ail at tack yesterday over a wide front south ot Arras. Today's oHicial an nouncement says the attack tailed and that heavy losses were inflicted on the llritish. Thirteen machine guns and more than .UK) prisoners were taken by the Germans yesterday in raiding the Russian lines in Gaiicia, north of the Zlochoif-Tarnopol railroad, the war office announced today. Three Miners Are Killed And Seven Others Missing lanonsburg, Pa., March li. Three men are known to have been killed and seven others are missing as a result of two explosions at the mine of the Henderson Coal company at lleiidcrsonville, live miles from here, early today. About twenty men were at work at the time, but seven were rescued shortly alter the blast oc curred and three others were removed later. The cause of the explosion has not been determined. AMl'UKMKNTS. I oaay last 2 times Andr,., Dipp.1 Pr...nt, THE LILAC DOMINO Comic Opsra by Charts Culllvsr, Mat., 50c to l.SO; Nights, 50c to $2.00. THREE GALA NIGHTS Com. N.t Thur.d.y. M.roh 15th Popul.r MaltaiM S.lurd.jr, But into tl 5lwyn A Co. Pr,..nt PRICES Evnln,,, It to 11.80 Phon. Douglas 494 THI BEST OF VAUDEVILLE Dill, M.IIM. 1:11; Hl,hl, 1:11. HI, WHk. LEROV, TALMA A IOSCO. THE AGE OF REASON, THE VOLUNTEEH8. Vl.d Qinbl,, Dalnr,, V.I. ImIU. Sllw A D.vtl, FlylR, H,,ry OrFhaum Imil WMklr. ... FH; M.tlnH, QtlUiy. I0o: Bait Salts (,xet Sit rdu ail Sandul, 2IC Nlthta. IM. 1U. SO, aid 71, SH? DIXIE HARRIS .nd E53 EST . . m rrv rAlio 041 DIXIE HAKKia .no VARIETY FOUR ........ 11 A IS Clodyl Vonc J , A Cllorlnl Si.l.r, X MAX UNDER. In Comedy. X NAT C. GOODWIN, to Dr.m, "OMAHA'S a-UN CENTER" t.jrl w . . ".H M.U., IS-25-SOo UyC'l tv.n',.. IS-3S-RO-760 PurpoaelT Bonaed rnr SLrcliaut.' Markrt Wh. 'hurtk. s bowery burlesquers Till. SHOW THAT MADB WRUBtN'C KAMOI " Filimy hilly Fuller. Km-lltrlu Frllll lUn-niirt, F.rlii. Ilreeti, Mirty Beiniin. Once Anderson, r.ulln, 1'aull mil a llli'tlraia Oalay ot (lala. (Final Pariarmnc. Friday Night., LADIES' DIME MATINEE EVERY WEEK OAV at " Ma" l"l V.-"THE SPORTINO WIDOWS. ' BOYD ALL WEEK Mall, Today, Thurl Sat. PEG 0J Nights 23c to 7Sc MY HEART Flra Tims at Ponular Prlcss Ntxt Simdiy, Geo. Sidney, In "Busy Itty" Muratore and Cavalieri at th. AUDITORIUM TONIGHT ' Pric.a 7So to $2.00 I'HOTOPLAVA. MARIE DORO In "C.itlo. For Two" A Rom.nc. of Old lr Und and America. Mrs, Vernon Castle . in "PATRIA" .(lrlllHillll)J TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. MARIE DORO, In "LOST AND WON" A Gripping Story of N.w.glrl', Rapid Rla.. LAST TIMES TODAY LIONEL BARRYMORE in "THE END OF THE TOUR" FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN in "THE GREAT SECRET" Clara Kimball Young I 5 in : "The Price She Paid." ! S Matinee Price Same a Night, s Slllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliir