Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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Brie) City News
Maid. Lamp Bursess-Qrandan Co.
Havi Boot Print It Now Beacon Press.
Kleser, Book moved to Loyal Hotel Bid
Quail toe quam quaotltae. Edholm, Jeweler.
Two Tiros Stolen Two automobile
.ire. constitute the loot obtained by
thieves who broke Into the garage of
G. C. Chambers, 2709 Dodge street
Friendship Club Meets The Friend
shin club will hold Its usual meet
ing Friday night at Metropolitan hall
on Harney street. Dancing and cards
are on the program.
Jewelry Corporation Jacob B. Just
man, Anna S. Justman and George A.
Lee are the incorporators of the Azure
Diamond company, dealers In Jewelry.
The capital is 110,000.
Held for Stealing Harness Clarence
Hockley and E. Ferris, 1004 Grace
street, were arrested Wednesday even
ing, charged with stealing a set of
harness belonging to Lloyd Drew, 718
North Seventeenth street.
New Auto Partnership Capitalized
it $75,000, the National Auto Accesso
ries company has filed articles of in
corporation with the county clerk.
Jharlea . Page and O. T. McFar-
tand are the Incorporators.
Shoe Brokerage Firm Carl E.
IVelmer, F. J. Boysen and It. H. Boy
en are the incorporators of the
VVeimer Shoe Brokerage company,
which will do a wholesale and retail
business in shoes and footwear. The
:apital is 110,000.
Central Park Social Center A
itereopticon lecture on "Indian Life in
Nebraska" will be given at Central
Park Social center, Forty-second and
Srand avenue, Friday night One
aundred slides will be shown, and
.here will be special music and singing.
Property Owners Protest Property
owners have tiled with the city clerk
protest against the proposed loca
tion of a brickyard on Twenty-first
street, between Dorcas and Francis
streets. The protest was filed In the
name of the Castelar Improvement
New Jewelry Firm Arnold H. Ed
monston, Edward P. Tarry and Joseph
Dawson are the incorporators of Ar-,
nold H. Edmonston & Co., which has
tiled articles with the county clerk.
The concern, capitalized at 110,000,
will do a wholesale and retail jewelry
Run Down by Auto George Miller
of Coop Kaplds, la., stepped around
a street car at Tenth and Douglas
streets. In so doing he stepped di
rectly in front of an automobile driven
by F. L. Duffy, 5114 North Twenty
fourth street. He was cut about the
head and his leg injured.
Stealing Journals John Thaman,
1807 Leavenworth street, and Vollle
Carey, 902 North Sixteenth street
were surprised in the aot of taking
journals from box cars at Thirty-fifth
and Vinton streets late Wednesday
evening. Police officers fired numer
ous shots after them before they were
Remembers the Firemen John W.
Welch sent his check for f 100 to City
Commissioner Withnell, explaining
that he wished the money to go to
the credit of the firemen's relief fund.
He referred to the work of the fire
men in saving endangered property at
the time of the recent disastrous fire
on Douglas street.
Owns Auto Just One Day W. W.
Foote of Missouri Valley, la., came to
Omaha and bought an automobile. He
was the proud possessor of the said
automobile for Just one day. A thief
got it at Fifteenth and Harney
streets. A. B. Alpirn, 404 North
Twenty-second street also reports the
loss of his motor car.
To Jail for Neglecting Family
Charles W. Spencer, 53(4 North
Twenty-eighth street was sentenced to
Ifteen days in Jail npon complaint
of his wife. Testimony showed that
Urs. Spencer was compelled to pro
ride for herself and her three chil
dren and that Spencer neglected to
offer his family any support at all.
To Start Tours Earlier The Northwestern-Union
Pacific will start their
personally conducted Yellowstone park
lours June 16, about ten days earlier
than during former years. The train
will leave Chicago Saturday and pasB
hrough Omaha the following morning.
Trains will continue to run at Inter
vals up to and including Septem
ber 8.
Warmer In the West Warmer
weather is blowing in from the north
west, say the railroad men. Reports
this morning indicated that through
western Nebraska and eastern Wyo
ming temperatures ranged all the way
from 18 up to 40 degrees above zero.
It was clear and calm when the re
ports were filed. During the night
there were scattered snow flurries.
New Ruling on Impedimenta
Heretofore theimpedimenta of sol
diers moving from place to place,
when handled by the railroads and in
less than train load lots, has been
jarried in regular or special baggage
cars. Under a ruling of the Western
Passenger association the practice has
been abandoned. Now such shipments
must go by express or be forwardi"i
by freight
An Appeal to Business Men From
Kiss Tubltt Through the good will
and generosity of the business men of
Omaha, the Omaha public library and
museum has on its shelves a very
creditable file of the city directories
of most of the larger cities of the
United States. These are obtained
from the public libraries throughout
.he country on an exchange basis.
Therefore we again appeal to the busi
ness men of Omaha: May we have
four 1916 city directory? Call Doug
las 1803 and we. will call at once for
your copy of the directory.
Washington Affairs
In reargument befora tb sup rem court
of the federal dissolution suit against the
International Harvester company, Attorney
3eneral Gregory personally presented the
roverament'a reason for seeking disintegra
tion of the so-called t ust. He declared that
tf the Intent of congress to prohibit undue
concentration of capital and restraint of
competition were not carried out, govern
ment control. If not ownership In all likeli
hood would follow, with Its evils and dan
gers. Republican opposition to the confirmation
f Dr. Oary 1. Grayson, President Wilson's
laval aide, Just renominated as medical di
rector and rear admiral, is not expected to
ievelop much strength at the present special
lenate session, (Senator Weeks, who led the
right In the last session, la said to have
.o included that It would be ueless to attempt
mother filibuster and the democrats will
vote solidly for confirmation.
Secretaries Baker, Lane and Houston, and
i deiail of army engineers composing the
toard which will determine the location of
he 120,1)00,000 government nitrate plant,
eft Washington for a tour of proposed sites
n the southeast. The trip will be com
ileted March 16, and afterwards another '
.our wilt be made through the west. j
Herbert A. Meyer of Ohio wai appointed
:oday assistant to the secretary of the In- I
terlor. Mr, Meyer who has been private I
secretary to Secretary Lane, will have ad- I
ninUtratlve charge of the Alaskan railroad I
lew being built.
Secretary Baker said that he was planning '
Islta to the Mexican border, the Philippines, !
.he canal sone, Alaska, the Danish West ,
Indies, Hawaii and all important war de-1
tartment posts, aa soon as conditions made It
possible for hi- to leave Washington.
Treat Coughs and Colds at Once.
Uangeroua bronchial and lung ailments
follow neglected colds take Dr. King's New
Discovery, It will keep you well. All drug
gists. Advertisement,
Burleson Announces Nasbys of
First, Second and Third
Class to Undergo Tests.
Washington, March 7. Postmaster
General Burleson announced today,
that after April 1, the appointment of
all postmasters of the first, second and
third class would be subject to com
petitive examinations. Nominations
will be sent to the senate as in the
past, but in making selections the
president will be guided by the re
sults of examinations and will send in
the names at the head of the lists.
Whether the civil service commis
sion, under which fourth class post
masters are now named, will conduct
the examinations, has not been deter
mined. The president's forthcoming order
will provide for a form of modified
civil service classification under which
all vacancies, whether caused by resig
nation, removal or death, will be filled
by competitive examination.
Can Serve Out Tetmi.
Those already in the service will
continue without examination until
the expiration of four years' term, be
ginning with their last appointment,
and will then, it is understood, have
to undergo the competitive test.
A hornet's nest was stirred up by
the announcement at the capitoI,
where scores of members were in
their offices preparing to lea for
home. The order was roundly de
nounced because some of the demo
cratic leaders and several members
construed it as a move to get com
bined democratic and republican sup
port in a politically uncertain house.
Democratic Leader Kitchin of the
house delayed his departure for North
Carolina to go to the Postoffice de
partment to register his protest.
Southern Member Talks.
Other congressmen, who visited Mr.
Burleson, went on the latter's invita
tion, to discuss the new plan of sys
tematizing postal accounting by es
tablishing central auditing postoffices
in county or district groups. This
subject was overwhelmed, however,
when the news of the civil service
order was broken.
One southern member asked if the
postmaster general had called them
there to ask their views or to tell
them what had been done.
"I am telling you what is going to
happen," he replied. The postmaster
general is quoted as having told them
that it was too late to protest as the
order had been determined upon and
would be carried out He intimated
that he was not the author of it, but
that it was a measure of efficiency and
Blow to Democrats.
Another member suggested that the
order would put many republicans in
office, as many of the more active as
sistant postmasters are republicans re
tained by the democratic postmasters
and still another wanted to know what
would happen if the one man certified
from the examinations were a negro.
The postmaster general, according to
those present, replied the examination
would have to take place and there
wculd be "special privileges to no
A western democrat asked why the
order, if issued at all, should not pro
vide for notifying the three highest
in the examination as eleigible to
postmasterships, as was done when
the fourth class postmasters were
blanketed into civil service. The post
master general said congress had the
opportunity of legislating to that ef
fect, but did not do so.
Some members complained that the
order would take out of political life
some of the most active supporters of
the representatives in congress.
A majority of the republicans joined
with democrats recently in rejecting a
proposition for putting all postmast
ers under the civil service, when an
amendment to that effect was offered
to an appropriation bill in the house,
although Republican Leader Mann
;.id a few others favored it.
Goes to Jail Cell
As Result of Trying
"To Square Things"
J. M. Aaldrup, merchant at Water
town, S. D., is in the city jail, fol
lowing his attempt to square things
with E. A. Brennan of Friend, Neb.,
who was strongarmed and robbed of
$20 in cash, a gold watch, valued at
$jO and two travelers checks, each
for $50, by two men with whom he
was returning Tuesday morning from
an exclusive roadhouse in North
All day Wednesday Brennan, in
company with several detectives,
trailed the men. When Brennan ar
rived at the Paxton hotel for supper,
he was handed a note signed by
Aaldrup which said that he had re
covered his valuables and money and
would return it to him at 9 o'clock.
Aaldrup showed up as promised and
was immediately taken in custody by'
Detectives Brinkman and Unger.
He would not admit what his con
nection was with the men, but police
believe that he is trying to shield the
woman in the case. Police have the
names of the two men. Both, they say,
have police records.
Common Sense and
Careful Handling
: are the stand-bys of our s
z moving work. We have gain- s
: ed our customers through E
Z our extra careful methods of S
: handling their movables, and s
: we gain new ones each week s
S through their recommenda- 5
tions. Try us you will be E
: satisfied. E
Omaha Van &
Storage Co.
Phone Douglas 4163. E
806 South 16th SU S
Fort Crook Car Hits Taxi and
Demolishes It Completely.
A Fort Crook car, traveling south
at high speed struck an auto belong
ing to the Yellow Line Taxi company
at Twenty-fourth and E streets last
evening at 8 o'clock. G. A. Way and
G. J. Swanson, employed at the Vin
ton street car barn were in charge of
the Interurban car.
Lewis Betz was driving the taxi,
which had two occupants and was go
ing in the same direction as the street
car. Betz was rather close to the
track, and did not hear the approach
ing car in time to turn out. The im
pact turned the auto completely over,
throwing it against a trolley pole
with such force that the machine was
almost completely demolished. None
of the occupants of either vehicle was
injured. Betz lives at 2813 North
Fifteenth avenue.
Burglars Get Cash.
Burglars entered the Howland
Lumber and Coal company's office at
4719 South Twenty-fourth street
through the rear door some time
Tuesday night, and secured $111 in
cash and $6 or $7 in stamps. The
outer door of the safe was blown and
the strong box was "jimmied." De
tectives Allen and Zaloudek are work
ing on the case.
Well Known Woman Dead.
Mrs. Marie Drle, aged 50 years, died
at 9 o'clock Monday morning at the
Presbyterian Surgical hospital, 1240
South Tenth street, where she has
been ill for the last week. Mrs. Drlc
was born in Chechie, Austria-Hungary,
and came to Chicago in 1882,
where she lived for fifteen years, com
ing to Omaha in 1897.
She is survived by her husband, Jo
seph Drle of Omaha, a brother, James
Kleisner of Billings, Mont., her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Kleisner,
three sisters and another brother in
war-stricken Europe. The funeral will
be held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon
from the residence, 5001 South Thir
teenth street. Interment will be at
Laurel Hill cemetery.
Goldy Dismisses Charge.
Goldy Dean of Broken Bow, who
caused the arrest of Carl Porter, 4827
South Twenty-fourth street, has with
drawn her charges, which she says
are false, against the local man.
Young Porter, who feared that he
would lose his position with the Mor
ris Packing company because of his
arrest, returned home yesterday morn
Joseph Slank, South Side, and Helen
Miller, Ralston, were united in mar
riage yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock
at the South Side Congregational
church, Thirty-eighth and Q streets.
Rev. William J. Shallcross performed
the marriage ceremony. Mary Slank
acted as bridesmaid and Ra- Hall as
best man. The young people will
make tneir nomc in pulsion.
Held by Police.
Warren Hulett was arrested at 7:40
last night on suspicion and is being
held by the local police pending an
investigation regarding the theft of
some automobile tires from a flat car
in the Union Pacific yards.
Stanley Pomictor, charged with
keeping a saloon open after hours
and selling to minors, was arrested
yesterday morning. Pomictor is a
bartender at Fortieth and I streets.
Theodore Worl, laborer, residing at
iwenty-htth and V; streets, was ar
rested yesterday on the charge of
keeping a disorderly house.
south Kid. Brevities.
A eefe piece to trade at Philip's Dept.
Store, 2tlh end f Sts., South Side.
The Eeet Side Improvement club will hold
Ite regular meeting Friday evening. March 9.
at the Hawthorne school.
For Rent Storee. houses, cottages and
Meslo City Lodge No, 308, I.nyal Order of, will have election of officers at their
meeting Thursday svenlng, March 8.
Every purchase guaranteed aj represented
at Philip's Dept Store. Twenty-fourth and O
streete, South Side, Advertisement.
Tho women-of the South .:de Chrlstlsn
church met with Mrs. C. C. Clifton. 3900
South Twenty-third street, this afternoon.
FIRE! INSURANCE, choice of 11 leading
companies; prompt service, lowest rates.
The Ladles' Aid society of St. Luke's
Lutheran church meets at the home of Mrs.
A. F. Rteck, 4217 South Twenty-seventh
street, Thursday afternon at i o'olock.
The J. P .F. club will have a business
meeting at the homo of the president. Mrs.
Oeorge Alter, 4304 K street, Friday after,
noon at i o'clock. All members are request
ed to be present.
Miss Marguerite Clark appears at the
Besse tonight In the greatest five-act pic
ture that every reached this city, "Miss
George Washington" Is the title and It's
truly a marvelous photo play. The regular
admission price will be charged.
WANTED TO RENT We will secure a
deelrable tenant for your vacant store, house
or flat within 30 days. If on the 8outh Side
and in a tenable condition, or pay you a
month's rent. SOUTH OMAHA INVK8T
iliMOO. ifli So. 24th St. Phone South 124T.
Aden Chapter No. 63, Order of the East
ern Star, will hold Its regular mooting at
the Masonic hall Saturday evening, Merer,
10, st 7:30. immediately tifter the meeting
a minstrel show will he Riven by the mem
bers of Maplo Leaf Chapter.
small cash payment we will buy the lot you
select, build a home after your own plans
and you can pay for It on email monthly
payments, without extra Interest. SOUTH
RATED CAPITAL 126,000. 492S S. 24th St..
Phone South 1247.
Culls From the Wire
Orders hav been placed for tMMt ton
of steel ralla for delivery to the Fent.eylvat.ta
railway system during 1818. The 1917 de
Livery totalled 206,000 torn. The high price
of ateel la given as the cause for the re
duction. The price for the 1917 ralla wai
$ a ton and that for 1918 ralla la 140.110.
It la atated that 41,666 tone of rail will be
uaed on the llnea, the remainder going
to the western llnea.
Further denial on behalf of Colombia that
there la an alliance between that country
and Germany wai Issued by the Colombia
consul general Aurello Rued a In New York
in the form of a cablegram from his gov
ernment. Supplementing the general denial
made In Washington by the Colombian mini
ster, the cablegram added that the military
stepa have been taken to discover whether
Germany haa established, as reported, a sub
marine base on the coast of Colombia.
A Jury to hear evidence In the case of
Mayor Hiram C. Cill, Charles L. Becklng
ham, Seattle's chief of police and five others
under indictment for cons ,! racy to violate
federal liquor laws, was completed In federal
A gift of a (250,000 to the permanent fund
of the relief department of tho combined
boards of ministerial relief and sustentatlon
fund of the Presbyterian church, U, 8. A.,
was announced at Philadelphia by the of
ficers of the board.
California is now in its most brilliant sea
son, warm and fair.
Escape March freezes, rain, slush, snow
and ice discomforts by arranging immedi
ately for a California sojourn.
Union PacificSystcm
Operates Five Daily Trains
to California.
These trains are the experienced travelers'
favorites to the semi-tropic dream cities,
flower-strewn valleys and orange blossom
groves of California.
This delightful wonderland is now enjoyed
by thousands of care-free tourists and
travelers, who golf, motor, fish and hunt
to their heart's content
Hotels, apartments and furnished bunga
lows of infinite variety supply every com
fort and luxury at prices within the reach
of all
Tor further Information and beautifully il
lustrated booklets telling of California's
attractions, Pullman reservations and gen
eral travel information, apply to:
City Passenger Agent.
1324 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
Phone Douglas 4000.
California Orange Day
March 10, 1917
Burgess-Wash Company.
Thursday, March 8, 1917
Phon. Douglas 137.
Announcing for FridayA wonderful assortment
of dependable and timely merchandise in the
Down Stairs Store
A Qoirinrrc Tka Will Qat a NsaiarVo lim-fl
.s, UaTUIgO M 11UI IT 111 Ubl 14, e 1 V sT BlUb-VU V ItVVWI V
the Last day of the Three Day Sale at Burgess-Nash
An Unusual Offering of Men's
Women's, Misses', Boy's and Children's Shoes
A SHOE section, located at the foot of the stairs leading from the Harney Street en
trance and just "cram full" of extraordinary shoe values that has an appeal for
every member of the family. These seven specials as an idea lor iriday:
Women's Shoes
All the odd pairs of women's high shoes, pumps, oxfords and slippers;
very special at the sale price
Transferred from second I An qq
floor patent, dull calf and kid f p.. JO
skin J
In gun metal, kid and tan
russia calf- All sizes 11 'a
to 6
Infant's and child's dependable kid button shoes j OJC
An assortment of women's good quality rubbers. JaWC
A big lot of boys' sample shoes, for hard
wear; specially priced tnday, at
Men's work shoes, tan elk uppers and leath- 3),4!)
er soles, specially priced Friday, at J T
Burgoaa-Nash Co. Down Stairs Storo
9 AC
Coutil Corsets at 75c
Made of heavy coutil, medium bust,
long skirt, in pink and white; sizes 19
to 30. A very special value for Friday,
at 75c
Women's Brassieres. 45c
Beautifully trimmed in white and
cream, cotton cluny laces, open front;
sizes 34 to 48; we consider these bras
sieres extraordinary values, 45c.
Burgsss-Nash Co. Down Stslrs Sloro.
Silk Poplin, at 49c
IN all the plain shades, suitable for
street wear; beautiful silk finish
and nice weight for dresses; 24 inches
wide, specially priced, at, yard, 49c
Silk Remnants, 59c
A big assortment of silk remnants in
cluding messaline, crepe, foulards, taf
fetas, etc., in plain and fancy effects, 24
to 86 inches wide; Friday, yard, 59c.
Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Storo.
These are Splendid
Values at $1.13
ONE group of women's house dresses, made of
ginghams, percales and plain chambrays. Neat,
attractive styles and a few in the two-piece jacket
effects, nicelv trimmed and very de
sirable- These dresses are called
"seconds" by the manufacturer be
cause of a machine oil spot or a de
fective button hole or a skipped
stitching, but defects that will not
affect the wearing or desirability of
the dresses in the least.
Children's Wash Dresses.
' Little frocks made of stout striped
or checked percales in middy and
high waisted styles; choice, Fri
day, 39c.
Burgess-Nosh Co. Down Stairs Storo.
Couch Covers
Friday $1.00
Full size couch covers,
made of good quality tapes
try, Friday, $1.00 each.
Lace Curtains
$1.98 the Pair
Quaker craft lace cur
tains, edged and plain, full
212 yards.
Luncheon Spreads,
Square mesh net luncheon
spreads, average size 24x24,
a splendid value, at 10c each
Curtain Rods
Extension, 27x54, Friday,
15c and 19c
Extension, 30x42, at 5c, 7c
and 10c.
Burt oss-Nash Co. Down Stair. Storo.
Remnants of Silk, 24c
Silk remnants of fancy poplin in lengths
from 2 to 10 yards to a piece. Large n j
assortment of patterns and colorings, 4C
sale Friday, at, yard
Burgoss-Nasa Co. Down Stairs Storo.
Dress Goods Remnants, 59c
A wide selection of wool dress goods rem
nants, 36 to 60 inches wide, including serges,
batistes, suitings, etc., in plaids, stripes m s
and mixtures. Sale price Friday, per jMP
' BurfosO'Naoh Co. Down stair Store.
Men! Again for Friday!
Shirts at 44c
MEN came, women who shop for men came and
went away Wednesday with a season's supply
of shirts at this extraordinary price, but we have re
plenished the stock and offer you tho same values for Friday.
Collar attached neck band and sport shirts, good variety of
styles and patterns, soft and French cuffs. A few slightly im
perfect, but the majority strictly first quality.
Men's Hose, 5c
In black only, double heel, toe and sole, medium weight,
extra strong and durable, all sizes. Some have slight imper
fections, but so slight that they are not noticeable. An ex
ceptional value, at, pair, 5c.
Men's Union Suits, at 49c
Men's union suits, in a big assortment of styles and sizes;
the lot will include athletic barred nainsook, lisle, soft cotton
and eyelet mesh fabrics; made ankle lengths and long sleeves,
inseams and Vi sleeves, knee length athletic style; sale
price, 49c.
Burffsss-Nash Co. Down Stairs Storo.
Boys' Union Suits,
at 39c
Poros knit boys' union
suits, ecru color, V-neck,
short sleeves, knee length,
called seconds by the manu
facturer; Friday, 39c
Child's Hose, 23c
Children's hose, 1-1 ribbed
black, cotton, seamless, all
sizes, Friday, 23c
Union Suits, 50c
Boys' gray fleece lined
union suits, high neck, long
sleeves, ankle length, open
crotch; special, at, 50c
Burg oss-Nash Co. Down Stair. Storo
Stylish Untrimmed Hats, All
Spring Shapes, Friday at $1.29
THE entire table given over to this unusual collec
tion of untrimmed millinery.
Whether it be small ones,
medium sized ones or large
ones, you are sure to find the
size, shape and color that
you most fancy and that is
most becoming to your type.
Lisere and milan hemp are the
materials and are of excellent
quality. Friday in one big group,
choice $1.29.
Burgoss-Nash Co. Down Stair. Storo.
Percale at 10c
Good quality percales, in light
colorings, stripe or figure designs,
36 inches wide, in lengths from 2
to 10 yards, choice Friday, yard,
Pretty Voilei, IVgc
An attractive assortment of
voiles and lawn dress goods, 38
and 40 inches wide, special for Fri
day at, yard, 11 He.
Wash Fabrics, 9lzc
Yards and yards of wash goods
Including mulls, lawns, dimities,
crepea, etc., in 2 to 6-yard lengths,
Friday, yard, 9Mc
BurgOM-Nash Co. Down Stairs Sterev