Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1917, Page 12, Image 12

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Cattle Strong to Ten to Fifteen
' Higher Sheep fifteen to
Quarter Up.
Omaha, March fl, 1817.
Recipu were: Cattle, Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday ,20S ,t P,tl
Estimate Tuesday .... 1,000 U,30u 7.IU0
Two days thla week. .. 12,301 S.2i 16,341
barn days iaat wek.. 14,107 84,919 26.694
Maine daya I wka. a0.16,3 31,616 24.779
Uime day I Wka. BBO.U.iDU 2C.471
Kama days 4 wka. ago. K.K14 34,937 28,808
ame laa Iaat year.. 17.230 20,617 16,109
Receipts and disposition of llv atock at
me union tot-g in run, umana, ror twenty
tour noura ending at 2 p. in. yesterday:
C W. ft St. P a
VtabBKh I 2
Aliaaourl I'arlfle 10 4
Lniun Pacific 9 63 34
i- N. W' east lit 7
C, 4k N. W., wt?t bi Si 9 1
C, St. P., Ji. 0 19 J4 1
C. U. Ik Q.. eaat...... 10 1
C, B. ft Q., weal 34 2b .. i
V., K. 1. At P., eaat.... 1 4 .. 1
Illinois Central. 4 6
CDtcago Ureal W eat em 4 2
Total receipts 267 16 37 1
Cattle, Nora. Shep.
Morrii Co 713
.swift ft Company 1,334
cudHhy l'acklng Co... 95 0
1,14ft 713
2.317 2.1119
2,477 1,622
2.134 1,3111
Armour ft Co.
ik-h warts ft Co......
J. W. Murphy
Unuuin Vacklng Co..
Set. Omaha PacK. Co.
Wilson i'euklng Co..
ileiumiger Oliver..
W. ki. Vensant Co...
K. B. Lvwia
J. B. hoot Co ,
J. H. Bulla
L. K. Huatt
HoacnatocK Hrua
F. li. Kellogg
erthciiner Legun,
Kilts Co
builivan liroa
Hoiiiachlld Krtjlis,,
Alo. Kan. Calf Co.,
Jt unman
MtyvTH i
Banner Hroa.'
John Harvt-y
ismnta .rantls
Ji-ntien t Lung-ran.,.,
uiacf buyer.'
60 ;
Tola la ,968 12,430 9,17
- Cattle Huuelpt were very fair. 231 cars
being ruporUU in. '.'his brings the total (or
the two day up to 12,208 head, tho smallest
since (our wavaa ago. and amallar tbau a
ur ago by 6,oov head.
The demand was g'tittl and tho trade
active at prices that were stronl to 10c and
tn some vase poaalbly aa much aa Jtu
higher. This would apply to cows and taeif
(iia, aa well us but stuura,
Stockers and feoedure were In moderate
supply and good demand, so that they sold
at prices that ware steady to IVu higher.
Wuotatluna on celtlu: Uood to choice
beeves, 9lU.60tfll.60; fair to good beeves,
fV.HtlV-v; tumniuu to (air beeves, 3.V4
.76; good tu oholcj heifers, 9e,6o(rl0.26;
good tu choloe cows, t9.uuiiir.&ui (air tu good
cows. W.T9 97.76; oomniua to fair cows,
IM60H.76; prims feeding stssrs, 11,26V
10.16; good to choice feeders. I3.76tfv.2b;
lalr-to good feeders, n.Mtft.H; oommuii
l fair feeders, It. 60 7.60; good to chute
Blockers, 97.76tfll.76; stock heifers, 17.009
.bi', stock vows, 4.00tfi.oo; stock calves,
91.6utff.6u; veal calves, 99.00tfll.7i; beef
bulls, stags, etc., u60tf9.76; bologna bulls.
94.6091. 60.
Representative sales: ' ;
Ka Av. pr. Wo. Av. Pr.
1U... il6 $7 76 9d S 00
6........ Ctl 10 69 71 9 60
S3 776 k 10 11........ V6U k 7S
....... 97 S 90 10 921 V 0U
it 6BU 16 14 1017 9 26
I........ 9U9 60 6... 1229 9 76
1. 940 M5 10 342 90
1 ,,, 970 IV 00 39 1112 10 10
42... 1041 16 '1Q 1112 10 96
...,....1197 10 69 13 1209 10 96
II. .,,....1304 10 10 ' 20. ...... .1324 10 76
16 1122 10 16 39 1239 IV 10
11. ...... .10 10 10 42 13(i8 11 00
U........11S4 11 16 26. ...... ,1194 11 20
1 740 7 00 6 711 7 U
3........ 3 7 60 9 43 7 76
1... 90V 7 36 1 98V 9 00
it........ 922 10 9 404 I 29
6 412 9 2& . 1 90 II 40
J 140 I 00 1 1299 9 19
1 960 960
I. 4T.3 I 00 3 180 25
120 IV 90 4 127 11 26
Hogs The hog run was just about up
t to vipoctatlons, receipts being estimated at
1-J9 vara, or 19,300 head. This brings the
total tor the two days up to 11,344 head,
which Is smaller than for any almllar pe
riod since the flrat week of January, be
ing 1,700 short of last week and ever 11,000
smaller than two weeks ago, though It Is
almost ' 1,000 heavier thau for the corre
sponding days lusf year.
The market showed one of the sharpest
advances this mor ting that has been - - (
tstered here In many moons, esterda;'
trade looked low lu the final analysis, for, j
with light nuelpts, the local market vas :
over early, while at some other points where
last hogs did nut sell until noon greater ad
vances were noted, the uioss belii the best ,
' So today when U026o upturns were re
ported vlsewbexe sellers simply took the ;
lid off, pricing their holdings 4oo to as
much as -too or more higher. Before open
ing wires from outside markets were re-,
coived shippers; were able to buy some
hugs that were probably no more than 20tf
26c higher. But competition was Wo keen
to allow many hogs to sell this way, and
the first hogs that packers got In any
numbers oost 90o above yesterday. Still
t . advance did not stop, lor values soon
became 1 6c higher, and before :h elose
the market bad reached a flat 4vu higher
basis, while her and there sales showed
even greater upturns than that,
The early rounds were by all odds tut
moat excited yet seen here. Towards tu
close movement became leas active und at
obj time almost stopped and While prices
mt jre as-good as at any time buyers showed
less eagetnees to pay them. TlK general
market waa around 0tf4oo higher. On
paper values looked 4vo higher, but a little
of this uould be credited to Improvement in
the quality. After the market go going It
w-.s only the really plain stuff that sold
under 914.00, Bulk of all the
moved at 111, 96tf 14.16, tops reaching 414.20.
It la hardly necessary to add that all, rew
ords were again broken,
ltepnreviiiu mim ' '
No. Av. fch. Pr. . No. Av. tin, Pr;
62. .207 120 12 80 0., 171 ... 12 15
B..1I6 49 19 90 96..19V 10 13 16
i..20 ... 14 00 72. .226 411 14 06
..21 ... 14 10 Si.. 3i!3 ... 14 10
9. .271 ... 14 16 . 94..2K4 ... 14 16
IV.. 304 ... :4 20 64. .329 ...14 30
- . . Pioa
It. 64 ... 11 76 . 20. .104 ... 12 26
Bheep Continued Improvement In lamb
prices was noticeable right from the outset
tiiia morning, on the early rounds, when
It was expected that over nfty cars Would
ft In. buyers were just a Utile slow about
aklng hold, but later the estimate waa
:ut twenty cars, and then the market be
io to liven up, the market getting unur
Ay at l926o higher figures.
quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs,
it at and handy. 914,16914.76; lambs.
.,v, Ii9.76tfl4.i6; lautbe, clipped, 411.60
wvi3.1v; iambs, feeders, 413.0Vtf 14.36; year--j.a
good to viiolce, 12.40tf 13.00.; year
uga, fair tu good, Ill.609i3.i6; wethers,
d to choice, IIU.6O912.W; ewes, good to
auke. lll.269U.40; ewes; lair to good,
iiv.00911'26; ewes, plain to culls. IJ.outf
By SI o'clock everything bad changed
lands. A good msny of the handler west
jrn sold around 114.16. with a few on up
if high as 914.40914.46. the latter pries bo
ng the top In this class. Mexicans brought
ta high as Il4.66tfi4.40 and tradeia con
iidertid a (14.76 iop quotable on choice
1 1Kb l an. Big heavy lambs, which were
tbout the last things to sell, moved at
HI.4V9 13.90. two loads selling a the for--uer
price weighing mere thaa 1W pounds.
Ewos were not In very large supply and
prices showed 16 926c gains over iaat week.
Light Mexicans equaled toe record mad
last week of 1 11.40 and a pretty good
kind of weaierna brought 911.40. No weth
ers or yearling el consequence war on
Not enough feeders were her to make a
market Sum rather lightish Dakota lambs
sold at 314.26 looked stronger than last
week. , j
Kcpreenutlv salsa: ,
Av. : Pr.
14 fed lamb ,.,,,..,,,, 74 $14 96
234 fed lamb Ml : 14 44
KI fed lamb ... II 14 49
662 Mexican lambs 16 14 39
440 fed la tnl 93 11 90
6I fed lamb 80 14 16
269 Mexican Lamb 72 14 66
461 fed lambs 96 13 86
349 feeder iamb 46 12 76
144 fed wea Ill 116 40
167 frd ...112 11 !
1 ted awes .....112 11 40
24 cull awes 93 9 00
Cattle Market Steady Hogs Strong Sheep
Chicago, March 4. Cattle Receipts, 3,000
head; market steady; native te ram,
H. 16012. 10; atockra and feeders, 6.16(f
1.3&; cows ana nsuers, u.; caives,
IN 00611. 00.
Hogs Receipts, 17,000 had; market
strong, 10c to 3&c above yesterday's averta;
blk oc aalra, iM.niff ngni, hjiw
14.40; mtxfd. 14.1614.76; heavy, IW.IMf
14.76; rough, I14.10tfl4.26: piga, Ill.OOtf
Sheep and Lamba Receipts, J0.000 head;
market firm; wethcra, 1108012.16; ewes.
8.60tfl2.1O; lambs, 13.00tf 14.90.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
Knnaaa Clt. March 4 Cattle Recelptfl.
9,000 head; market hlghrr; prime fed ate,
Sll.avfa la.ow; areast'i oi "iff", ii.uwo
11 26: western ateers. I". 60 tt 11.60: cowi,
and feeders' 7.60tf 10.60'; bulls! 7.00t9.26;
cAlven, T.00li.t0.
Hogs Receipts, 8,000 neao : marxet
hlihir: bilk of aalea. 314.001 14.60: heavy.
114. 40tfl4. 60; parkrrx and bttchere, 114. Htf
14. bo; Itgnt, ti.vv-vii.d; pigs, u.uvv
Khin nnd mha Recelota. 4.200 head:
market higher; lambs,- (14. 00014.76; yuar
llngs, 312. 60fr 13.60; wethers. 11.60 4 1- 60 ;
ewes, 110,76912. 00.
St. Louie Uv stock Market.
St, Louis, March . Cattle Receipts,
4.200 head: market higher: native beef
ateers and heifers. 19.60$ 11.60; cows, 16,60
99.60; stocker and feeders, .30tf.fl0;
prime southern , beef steers, ll.OOtfll.OO;
beef cows and heifers, 14.3699 00; prime
yearling steers and heifers, 17.609 10.00;
native calves, 4.00910.0fl.
Hogs Receipts, 12,600 head; market
higher, with yesterday' a average; lights,
114.00414. 46: piga, 110.00913.00; mixed
and butchers. I19.l6tfl4.40; good heavy,
114.00914.46; bulk of aalea. I4.20tf 14.40.
Sheep ana LimM rtereipis. ou neau
market higher; lamba, 111. 00914.90; ewes,
I9.60tfl2.00; yearlings, 12.2Ctfl3.50.
Sioux City Uv Stock Market.
Stoux City, la., March 4. Cattle Re
ceipts, 2.201 head; market for killers,
strong; Blockers, steady; beef steers, 110.00
911.60; butchers, 98.Q0O10.Q0; fat cows and
heifers. I4.76tf 9.60; cannera, 14.6094.60;
mockers and feeders, I7.00tf9.60; calves,
17.0099,60;; bulla, stags, etc., 34.60 98.60;
feeding cows and heifers, 96.2698.26.
Hogs Receipts, 0,600 neaa; marknt
2G94u higher; light, 912.70913.90; mixed.
118.909 14. 0U; heavy, 914.00914.10; pigs,
lll.OO9i2.OO; bulk of salea, 113.86914.00.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 700 head;
markut steady; fed muttons, I10.36tfl3.26;
wethers, 9n.vo912.uo; ewes, i0.o(Ml.ou;
lambs, Ill.0btfi4.00.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
St. Joseph, March 0. Cattle Racclpts,
2,600 head; market steady to atrong; ateem,
3d. OOtfll. 76; cows and heifers, I6.60tfll.00;
calves, I6.00tfl0.26.
Hugs Receipts, 7,600 head; market 2o
to 60c higher; top, 114.60; bulk of sales,,
Sheen and Lambs Receipts. 6.600 head;
market 10 to 16o higher; lambs, 114,009
14.7&; ewes, fii.ootfii.76.
Live Stock ta Sight.
Receipts of llv stock at tho five principal
western markets yesterday:
Cattle, lloga. Sheep.
St. Louis 4.200 12.600 400
Omaha 16,300 7,700
Sioux City 2,200 9,600 700
Chicago 3.000 37,000 10,000
Kansas city... ...... i.oou a,ooo 0,200
Totals. .... .......28,400 49,300 26,000
Local Stock sad Bonds.
Bid. ANked.
Burgesa-Naah. 7 pet, d. ex-d, 99 H 100
Cuduhy Peeking Co. com Ill 4 112
Cudahy Packing Co., pfd.,...lflft 108
Deere ft Co., pfd 90 97 '
User ft Co., com... 40 ...
Douglas Hotel Co., combined., 72 4 82
Fairmont Creamery Co.,' pfd . .106U 101
Oooch M. ft Rl Co., 7 pet., "H". 09 100
Harding cream Co.. 7 pet,, pid,JD&
Howard Stove Co 20 40
Lincoln T. A T. Co., 00m, 7 pat 97 99
Om, ft Co. Bluffs St, Ry. com, 48 60
Om ft Co, Bluffs St. Ry. pfd. 70 16
Om. ft Co. H. Ry. ft Bridge, p. C3 66
Om. Elec. Light ft P. Co.. pfd, 97
M. C. Peters Mill Co., pfd.,.. 100 101 14
Journal-Stockman, 80. Omaha.107 112
Swift and Company 140 142
Unlnn Stock Yards Co., 9 pct.ioo ...
Updike Urain Co., 00m 116 ...
Booth-St. h. Cold Stor. 8s, 1931 99 100
Bethlehem Steel 6s, 1919...... 98 99 K
Chadron, Neb. 6s, 1934 103 104
Cialehy Parking Co 6s, 1944.. 99 US
ia.-Portiand Cem. Co. as, 1922. 99 loo
Hastings, Neb. 4fes, 8. D.,1937, .. 4.10
Kearney, Neb,, S. 4. 1121-86.1 oo.! 0l,
Morris A Co, 4 93 U 94
Om, Athletic club OS, 1919-32. 994 100
Om. ft Co. B. St. Ry. 6s, 1929 96 IS
Om. Elec. Light ft P. 8s, 1933. 99
Omaha tias Co., 6s. 1917. 97 9814
Omaha, Nebraaka Water.,.. ., 4.00
Pao. Oas ft Elec. L. Co. 4s,1942 92 93
Pub. Serv. Cp. No. 111. 4s. 1933.1OV.07 101.07
Srotts' Bluffs, Neb. Munpal. 6s. 101 103.99
Swift and Company 9s, 1944.. 100 101
SnuthernSRallway 6s, 1919.,.. 98 99
C...S. Rubber 1, r. 6s, 1947 A 96 97
U. K. of Ut. Brit. A L 6Ssl919 9& 90
Chicago Railwa- First ts, 1927 99 97
, Coffee Market.
New Tork, March 9 There was a renewal
of scattering liquidation and trade selling
In the market for coffee futures here to
day, with prices making now low ground
for .the. movement. The opening waa at a
'decline of 2 to 4 points and after some
early Irregularity, due to covering or buy
ing for a reaction prlues turned essler. May
sold off to 7.44o and September to 7.70c In
the late trading and the market closed at
the lowest point or tn day, snowing a net
loss of I to 11 points. Sales were reported
of 96,760 bags. No fresh feature of Impor
tance was reported around the ring and the
market seemed to be Influenced by a bearish
view of the statistical position, March, 1.31c;
April, Lllci May, 1.44c;. Junt, 7.61c; July.
1,69o; August, 7v46c; , September, 7.7o;
October, 7.71c; November, 7.80c; December,
7.86a; January. 7.90o;Pebruary, 7.96c, Spot,
dull; Rio la, 9Hc; Santos 4, lettc The
coat and freight altuatton was reported Ir
regular, put about unchanged on the aver
age,. Offers of Kio 7s Were said to be In
tho market at V.O60 and of 7s and 8s at
8.90c, American credits. The official cables
reported no change In the Rio market San
tos spots were 100 rels under the Iaat quo
tation received Iaat month and futures 'were
unchanged to 16 rets higher. Victoria re
Ported a clearance of 33.000 baas and Rio
of 1,000 bags for New York.
.... Cottoa Market.
New York. March 9. Cotton Futures
opened steady; March, 17.76c; May, 17.46c;
July, 17.67c; October, 11.60c; December,
Cotton futurea - olosed ateadv; Marrh
I7.c i May, 17.. , . July, 17.46o; October,
ll.68c December, ICIOu, tiniU steady:
middling, 18. Uc.
The cotton inaTket closed easy at a not
loss of 1 to 20 points.
Liverpool, March 4. Cotton Spot, firm:
good middling, 11.89d; middling, 21.79d;
low middling, ll.tid; bulk of sales, 10,000
1 " OU and Koala.
Savannah fla U.,M a TMM,tn.
"' uumi, 7iu, mki, none: re
cainte. 11 hhla. i thlnm.m. a kt,i. .
Stock, 19,017 bbls.
Hoain Firm; aalfi, 169 bbls.; receipts,
321 bbls.; shlpmenu, 117 bbls.; stock, 79,804
'..vwtiviia. n, v, t-, Bt, tv.vv; r
I6.BV9M-00; U, I6.86tf4.90; H, 96.8698.10;
i (v. t.w-v; at, fv.vow.iv;
N, 14.1096.19; WO, 14.3096.46; WW, 4.10.
Metoi Market, '
mmvm . Mni ieaa,
steady, 110.9V asked. Spelter, steady; spot,
ttaat St. Louis delivery. 111.00 asksd. Cop
par, Arm; electrolytic, spot and nearby,
aomlnai; aecond quarter, 133.00936.99, nom
inal; third quarter, 31.60tf 32.60. Tin,
Orm; spot, I63.6otf6b.l0.
At London pot copper, il39; futures,
1139 10s; electrolytic, 1161. Tin, spot, fsf ;
iuiim mm, lav. Aesa, uv ivm; spelter, 147,
May Market.
Pratrle Hayliuland: hnir.. tiua
13.00- No. 1, Ill.Dtttf 12.V0; No. 2, 10.vu5
11.00: Nj. . 9a.vvtfS.uw. Midland: No. 1.
tll.vt)tfll.6o; No. 2. I9.90tfltf.uu. Lowland:
No. 1, k.6Vtf9.U9; No, 2, li.bOWI.Ou; No. I.
96.60 1,0V.
Alfalfa Choice, 118 00 tf 19.00; No. 1,
tl7.uoovi.9U; ataadard, 4i4.vu9i4.ov; No.
3. Ill.vot 13.91; No. 4. ltt.VVtfl2.VV.
Straw Oat; wneat. It. 00 9
Uaaea Stock Marltet. .
London, Ma. i I. A.f erica a secuiltles on
the stock e.hanL. . - ay wi.r not ' it d
by l'resldent Vlisun's aUdrtss,
Sliver Bar. 17 a-19d per ounce.
Money 414 per cent.
Discount Rtttia Short bills. Loer cent-
three month. 4 per cent.
Cash Wheat Climbs Almost to
Two -Dollar Mark Bulls
Boom Market.
Omaha, March 6, 1917,
The cash wheat situation was extremely
bullish again today and this cereal came
within 1c of the long expected 12.00 mark,
No. 2 hard aelllng today at ll.98tfl.99,
while No. 3 hard aold at 1.9tftfl.9l, an ad
vance of fetf2c over yoaterduy's market.
One car of smutty No. 4 hard wheat brought
11.86; a car of auniple hard wheat at 81.
and a few cats of Nu, 3 mixed brought from
Touay's offerlnga were very light on all
cereals and as the demand was quite strung,
the commission men were practically sold
out at noon.
The cash corn market continued very ac
tive and there waa an especially good de
mand fur this cereal at prices ranging fiom
unchanged lu lc higher, lbs premium on
while turn continued, thla variety selling,
in aume lnittances, at a 2u advance over ihw
yellow and mixed. The bulk of the white.
however, aold at a l'c premium, No. 3
white being quoted at 11.04, while No. 2
yellow brought ll.Otfl.03 and No. 3 mixed
sold ut ll.UJtf L2fc.
iats were vury active at a lie advance.
No. 2 white reaching the 60c mark and No.
i while selling around 69tf69'c.
nye sola at a new record price. No. 2
selling at 1.60tfl.61, an advance of c
uver yesterday's price. Barley was firm at
unchanged, prices and a rw sales of No, 1
feed wore made at 1.06tfl.U8.
Clearances were, wheat and flour equal
to 22,000 bun he la; torn, 13,000 bushels;
uats, 31, 000 bushels.
primary wheat receipts were 789,000 bUBh-
els, and shipments 4oti,uov buahels against
receipts of 1,18V, o0 bustiels and shtpinuat
of 964,000 buaheis last year.
Primary corn receipts were 798,000 bush
els, and shlpmenu 43,0U0 bushels against
receipts of 1, 128,00V buaheis, and shipments
of 480,00V bushels Just year.
Primary oats receipts wore 828,000 butli-
ela, and shipments 82)1,000 buxheis against
receipts or, taa,ooo buahels, and shipments
of bul,000 bushels laet year.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 72 20 ZU
Minneapolis 3V
lyuluth Vi
Omaha J2 37 17
Kansaa City ,...1U 6b 7
St. Louis 60 bJ 12
Winnipeg 462
These sales were reported today:
Wheat No. 2 hard winter; 2 cars. 11.90:
1 car, 11.98 Hi 2 curs, 91.98. Nu. 3 hard
winter: 1 car, 11.98; 9 cars, 1. t7; 1 cur,
11.96 ti; 1 car, 41.86. Nu. 4 hard winter:
1 car, 11.91; 1 cur umutiy), li.sti; car
tsmutty), 1.86. Sample hard winter; 1
car, l.B9; ft tar, l.&. No, I mixed: i
curs, 1 96; 1 cur, 11.20; 8-6 car, 41.89.
Nu. 4 mixed: 1 cur, 1.86. dam pie mixed:
1 car tsmutty), ll.iB; 1 car, II. 66. Sample
durum mixed; 1 car, 11.66.
Jlye .No. 2: 1 cur,; 2-6 car, 31.60;
M car, 11.60,
Hurley Nu. 1 feud: 1 car, 1 1.08: 2 cars,
ll.ub. Sample: 1 car, 1.06.
Corn iu, 2 wntt; i cur, ii.vtft; l car.
11.04. Nu. 3 whltu: 4 cars. 91.04. No. 2
yelluw: 1 car, 9L02; 1 car, 9102. No.
3 yellow: l car (shippers weights), 91. o;
8 cars, 91. 02ft; 6 cara, l.u:. Nu. 3 mixed:
1 car, 91.02 ni 1 car (shipper's weights,
S1.U2U. No. 3 mixed: e tars, 1.02; 3
cars, l.021; 4 curs, fl.O-'. No. 4 mlxud: 3
oara, I1.U-. No. b mixed; 2 curs, 11.02.
UatJ Nu. 2 white; l car. Sue. no. 3
white; 3 curs, 6c; 7 cars, 6Vc. No. 4
wnlte; t cars, bu. sampio white: 1 car,
Omaha Cash Prices: Wheat No. 2 hard.
1.9vL99; No. I hard, 1.96Mtf l.lsc; No.
4 baiU. 91.abtfl.9t; Nu. 2 spring, l.4tf
2.00; Nu. 2 spring, 1.9tf 1.99. Corn No. 2
white, ll.U3-Htfi.o4; No, 3 white, ll.OJfctf
1.04; No. 4 white, 1.03tf 1.03 '4 ; No. 6 while,
yi.UXtetf 1.0314; Nu. 6 white, l.u:tfl.03;
iSu. 3 yelluw, 91. 0291. u:; Nu. 2 yellow,
ai. 2tfl.U2fe; No. 4 yellow, 1.V1 tf 1.02i ;
No. 6 yellow, 1.01 tf 1.02 ; No. V yellow,
si.ultttfl.Vlfc; No, 3 mixed, 11.0249
i,'fli; Nu. 3 mixed, tl.O.'tf 1.02H ; No. 4
mixed, 1.019L02; No. & mixed, ll.oitfetf
V2; Nu. 9 mixed, 8l.oitfl.oiu. Oats No.
2 White, 69tfti0u; standard, 69Vsta9c;
No. 9 White, vv4tf69HC; No. 4 white, ii
m BUC. iiarley MBiLing, 91,10 if 1.32; No.
1 feed, 98utfll.1V. liftiv. 2, 4i.60tfl.01;
.o. , tl,UQil.lV.
Omaha futures,
The future mar! et had a very bullish
tone today and price gain were made In
all cereais, and especially lu wheat and
I'Orn. 'ine re pons received today were all
uuiiiah, and traders expect that the guv-
urnmeiit crop report, which is due next
weeK, will snow a very low estlmute. May
wheat opened strung at 1.86fe and closed
auout lu u u der the nigh point, l.SB'jfc being
in top price on tnis article.
stay aiid JUiy corn mane very good n ni.
the jiiay closing at ll.utti ana iho July
Oui continued firm, and followed the
action of wheat and cum, Aiay outs closing
at evu and the Juiy at b4u.
Loral range 01 optiona:
Art. open. I rtigfa 1 Low. Close. IfcBt.
WttU I I Ik ,
UY 1 86j 1 8N 1 J B& H 1 1 STtHS
Juiy I I 64 l 1 60 tltl I 1 &iL64fe
Bupt. I 1 4Uli 1 42ft14U4 1 4yl4v
oiu. iii 1
May I 103 j 1 04ftl021j 1 04fkl02
Juiy J 1 US Vat 1 04 103t 1 04 10J
Sept. j 1 V2tai 1 1 021101
Ulay I 69 I 60 '89 69s 6Si
JUiy j 64 64 64H 64 54
Cbiuugti uiusiitg prices, luiuiaiied ih Use
uy Lugau idraii, stooJt and gram brokers,
316 Suulh Sixteenu street, oinaba;
Open. I High. )Luw. Uua. , He.
I 1
1 II
1 69
1 464
1 07
1 09)
1 91!t!l98j
1 91!1K
9 -,
1 9018S?h
1 6I1&B
.'1 4,14H
1 09106
1 V8104S
0 I9
98 61
1 Ol10
1 01106
90 j 69
971 97
l I i
14 00
I S3 26
I 19 62
I 19 62
14 00 31 901
1 32 66 138 26
1 19 62' 19 30
j 19 66 U 2to
I 17 92 l7 76
I 17 37 jl7 80
13 37
133 26
119 16
119 36
19 40
19 42
17 90
17 90
17 87 17 82
17 90 17 US
Feature of Trading Board and Closing
Chicago, March fi.- Announcements that
exports have been much larger than was
generally suppuaed had a good deal to do
wltn suustaniial upturns wnlch took place
in tho wnpat market today. Closing quo
tations were firm o to 20 net higher,
with May at 91.9091.90. and July at
II. 6991.S9. Other commodities, too.
scored gains corn 1 to 3c, oats o to u
and provisions 36c to 12c,
hivldenco of urgent export demand helped
the wheat market upgrade from the out-
lusllmates that yesterday's sales to
aiurope amounted to 160.000 bushels were
soon shown to be only, half as large as the
autual fiaurea and It waa aald tnvre. wm
abundant further business ..whh foreign In
terests a buyers, in this connection the
tact wua disclosed that exports In January
nau oeen s.sii.vuu ousnei in excess or
trade computations, and that there was no
way of telling how much went all-rail Into
Caned,. Reports of active purchasing In
the southwest by Minneapolis miller tended
further to strengthen the market, and so
toe did the circumstance that cash pre
miums were the highest yet on the 1916
scarcity or wneat tor immediate ship
ment V(us Illustrated by the payment of
I2.V1 a bushel here today for No, 2 red.
showing a bonus of 11 o for spot delivery
as against the May option. Gossip that
American ships vould after all be either
armed er convoyed, or would otherwise be
given some protection from submarines waa
a factor in making such values a reality.
Auother notable bullish Influence was the
cuniluued disquieting outlook for the do-
meatlce winter crop.
Corn reached a new high level of price,
a result due la part to a showing of en
larged export of corn aa wU a of wheat.
Besides, receipts were amail. tilling of
government contracts acatcd, a a stimulus
to theoat market. ,
Preen record breaking advances In the
hog market carried provision upward.
Word of keen demand at Liverpool con
tributed somewhat to flrmnea of the mar
ket here.
Cash Price Wheat: No. I red. 11.01: No.
S red nominal; No, I hard. 13. 0J; No,
hard. 1.9tfl.91. Corn: No. 2 yellow.
11.09; Ne. 3 yellow, 9l.V7tfl.09; No. 4
yellow, ll.V6tfl.08. Qats: No. 1 white,
60tfc: standrad. V092c Kye:
No. I, 91.69; No. 8, 91.92. Barley, ll.VOtf
1 17. Simla: Timothy. 9J.7btf4.76; clo
ver. 312. 00 tf 18.00, Provision: Pork.
3.90; laid. 119.46; rib. 117.37917.17.
Qootetloa f the Day Ob Varies Om-
New York, March I. Wheat Spot, firm;
No. 3 hard, 12.20; No. 1, northern, Du
luth, 12.22; No. 1, northern, Manitoba,
92.24; f. 0. New lork.
Klour Firm.
Corn Spot, firm; No. 2 yellow, 11.21.
c. 1. f.. New Tork.
Oats Spot, steady; standard, 7899c
Hay Steady; No. 1, 11.16; No. 3, 11.009
1.06; No. 3, 90996c;. shipping. 7092c.
Hope Firm; state, common to choice,
1916, 36944c; 1916, 8tfl0c; Pacific coast,
1916, 11913c; 1916. 9tfl0c.
Hides Firm; Boguta, 44c; Central Amer
ica, 43c.
Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 67c; sec
onds, 66c.
Provisions Pork, strong; mess, I36.0V9
36.60; family, 36.00tf Js.OO; short clear,
I36.00tf38.00. Beef, firm; mesa, 24.ootf
26.00; family, Ilitt.OOtf 28.00. Lard, firm;
middle west, 19.90tf 20.00.
Tallow Strong; city, llc; country, 129
12c;; special, 12c.
Butter Sieudy; receipts, 4,944 tube,
creamery higher than extras, 410 42c;
creamery extras (92 score), 40 941c; tirsts.
37tf40C: seconds, 3tf3YC.
Eggs Firm; receipts, 7,816 cases; frean
gathered extra firsts, 3Sc; firsts, 34tf
Cheese Strong; receipts, 6,282 boxes;
state, held a pec la is, 27tf37c; state, average
fancy, 26tf26c.
Poultry Live, unsettled ; no prices quoted.
Dressed, weak; chickens. 18tf29c; fowls,
17tfZ3c; turkeys, 18tf34c.
Poultry Llv, rooster, smooth legs, 20.
hen and pullet, 19c; stags, 16c; old cox,
12c; ducks, full feathered and fat. 14c:
geese, full feathered and fat, lie; turkeys,
fat, 20c; turkeys, old tome, 16c; gulneaa,
each, 30c; pigeons, par -lox 60c. , Dressed,
turkeys, dry picked, No. 1 bens, young
torn, 26c; old toms, 23c; No. 2, 16c; ducks.
No. 1, 17c; No. 2. 13c; Geese. No. 1, lbc;
old cox, 12 c.
Butter Choice creamery, no. 1, 40c; No.
2, 38c
Egg Freeh, No. 1. case, 112.00: No, I
fresh, 17.90; crax, eaae, 17.10.
Cbe quotation- by Urtau ft Co.!
Cheese Ultra fancy domeatlo Swiss, 42c;
block Swiss, 22c; twin cheese, 27c; triplets,
2Bc; daisies, -sc; young America, 2o;
blue label brlei:. ie: Mmbu.Ker. 2xn: New
Yotk white, 29c; Roquefort, 66c.
wholesale price of beef cuts:
Beef Cuts Ribs: No. 1, 22c; No. 2, 20c;
No. 3, 16c. Loins: No. 1, 26c; No. 2,
24c: No. 3, 18c. Chucks: No. 1. 16c; No.
2, 14c; No. 3, 13c. Rounds: Nu. 1, 16c;
No. 2, 16c; No. 3, 15c. Plates: No. 1,
13c; No. 2, 12c; No. 3, llc.
Onion Sets Yellow, bu., 14.00. red. 14.26:
white, 14.60.
Mammotn celery, per auten, eta.
Frozen Fish Salmon Falls, 14c; Salmon
Sliver, 18c; trout, 17c; catfish, 16c; Alaska
aableflsh, 11c; smelts, 18c; whiting. 16c;
crapples, 9c; pike, yellow, dressed, 17c;
round, 14c; pickerel, drettsed, 12 c; round,
frc; herring, round, 7u; herring. 8c;
whlteflsh, dressed, medium, 16c; large, 2oc;
Jumbo, 25c; round, small, 11c; tile fish for
steaks, 12c.
Fresh Fish Catfish, lie; halibut, 20c;
Spanish mackerel, 16c; crapples, order size,
lH20c; black baas, large, 20c; order else,
26c; small, 18c; red snapper, 17c; flounders,
13c ; codfish, eastern, 16c ; blueflih, me
dium, I81-,
smoked. Salt and Spiced Flah Smoked
white chubs, 16c; kippered salmon, 18c; fin
nan haddle, 17c; codfish, 12c; Puritan cod,
12c; pollock, 8c; KKKK herring, 10c;
bloaters, 60 to box, 11.76; 100 to box, 13.26;
kippered cod, 10-lb. baskets, 20c; whlteflsh,
No. 1, 40 lbs., 16.16; 10 lbs., 11.40; herring,
SplceVJ, 40 lbs., 12.86; 10 lbs., 96c.
O vat era "Kin k Cole" northern standards.
11.90; selects, 12,00; count. 12.26; Chesa
peake etacdards, 91.16; select. 11.10.
Fruits and vegeiaoie quotations lurnisnea
by ailllnskt Fruit company:
Fruits Oranges: 2us, 2881, a 2 is, a.3e;
216s, 13.50; all other a lies, 13.76. Lemons:
Fancy, 300s, 360s, $6.00; choice, 300s, 360s,
14.60. Grapefruit: ass, 44.00; os, ?t.zb;
&4s, 64s, 80s, 98s, 6.00. Bananas, 4c.
Q rapes, 17.00 to 110,00. Cranberries: Market
price. Apples; Jonathans, 12.60; Jonathans,
choice, 12.00 ; W. W, Pearmalnes, fancy,
12.00; W. W. Pearm nines, extra fancy, 12.26;
Rnme Beautvs. 22.00.
Vegetables Potatoes, eating. $3.00 bu.;
lery, 11.00 dos. Turnips, parsnips, car
rots and bagoes, 4c lb. Cabbage, 80 lb.
Lettuce, head. 13.60 crate; Bra w ley, 14.60
crate; Bra w ley, dos., 11.26 doz. Cauliflower,
13.60 crate; dos., 42.00 dox. cucumbera,
12.26 dox. Tomatoes, 16.60 crate; basket,
11.00 basket. Onions, red, yelluw, 14o lb,
Onion seta: Yellow, $4.60 bu.; red, 6.00
1., white, 16.60 bu.
Mlscelieanous Ctdev Motts, 4.!5 keg.
Hooey, 13.36 case,
MlnneepoUe Grain Market.
Minneapolis, March . Flour Fancy pat
ents advanced 10c, quoted at 110.00; first
clears advanced 6c, quoted at !.$&; other
grades unchanged.
wariey soctpn.Ka,
Kye 11.6291.63.
Bran I33.0O934.0O.
Wheat Mav. 11.91 9 : July,
11.83. Cash: No. 1 hard, 12.1062.12;
No. 1 northern, 11.999206; No. 2 north
ern, 11.9792.05.
Corn No. 3 yellow, ii.O4Htfi.D0K.
Outs No, 3 white, 68960c.
Flaxseed I2.84tf2.91,
Kansa City General Market.
Kansas City. March 6. Wheat No. 2
hard. 11.9692.00; No. 3 red, ll.96Q3.00;
May, 1.869L8; July, 11.66.
Corn No. 2 mixed. 81.04 0 1.0ft : No.
3 white, ll.06tfl.06; No. 2 yellow, 11.06
tfl.oe; May, 91. 0691. uo; juiy, 41.00
Oats No. I white, estttfeac; no. 1 roixea,
69 9 61c.
Butter creamery, 42c; iirsta, tvo; seen
onds, 37c
Kgga Firsts, 38C
l'oultry "lens, 19c; roosters, 16o; turkeys,
26c, N
St, Louis Grain Market.
St IrftuU. March 4.-Whcat No. 2 red.
2.092.12; No. 3 hard, 1.02tf2.07; May,
11.89; July, 11.66.
Corn No. 2, 11.0891.09; No. I white,
11.10; May, 11.08; July, 91.09.
Oat No. 3, Bsc; No. x wnue, nominal.
New lork Money Market.
New York, March .Prim Mercantile
Paper 494 per cent
Sterling Exchange Sixty-day bills.
14.71; commercial sixty-day bills, 14.70;
demand, 14.76; rabies. 14.76 7-16.
Silver Bar, 76c; Mexican dollars, bbc
Bonds Government and railroad, steady.
Time Loans Steady;; sixty days, 39
per cent; ninety days, 394 per cent; six
months, -494 pr cent.
Call Money Steady; highest, I per cent;
lowest. 2L ner cent: ruling rate, 2 per
cent; last loan, S per cent; closing bid.
3 per cent; onerea at a per cent.
U. 8. r. 2s, reg. 99 M. K. A T. 1st 4 7o
do coupon ... 99 Mo. P. con. 6s.. .103
U. S. 3s, reg,...100Mont. Power 5s., 99
do coupon ...100M. Y, C. deb. 6s. .108
U. S. 4s, reg.. ..107 N. Y. City 4a.l07
do coupon ,.,108New Hav. c. tie. 102
A. T. A T. c. 4U 104No. Pacific 4s... S3
Anglo-French 6. 92 do 3s .......... 6
Atch. gen. 4s.,.. 94 Ore. S. L. ref. 4s. 92
B. AO. 4s 2Pac. T. ft T. 6s. .100
Beth. St. ret. 6. ivtrann. con, tH..ivD
Central Pac. lit. 89 'do gen. 4s..l01
r r p.v. 4a. t2 Read Ine- sen. 4s. 94k
C. B. A 6. Jt. 4S 97 So. Pac. cv. Is.. 101 104 do ref. 4s 91
C, R. I. A P. r. 4a 738o. Railway 6s. .101
"C. , rei. S Huniini ri.itm a.
D. A R. G, c. 4s. 81 cv. 4s 93
Kru wmn ! T V. 8. Rubber 6a.l02U
Oen. Klec. 6n..,106U. S. Steel 6s. ...106
Gt.. No. 1st 4s. 99W. Union 4. s.. 96
l. u. rer. s.... si m . "i
K. C. So. ref. 6 88 Bld.
U ft N. un. 4a.. 94
Sugar Market.
New York, March f. Sugar Raw, barely
steady; centrifugal, 4.66o; molasses, 4.61c.
Refined, steady; One granulated, 7.0tf 8.09c,
Sugar futures were easier early today and
price broke quite sharply under scattered
liquidation by commission houses, prompted
by freer offerings In the spot market and
more favorable news from Cuba, At noon
price were 14 to 19 point lower.
Closed easy an 14 to 20 points lower.
Bales, 13,400 tons. May, 4.44 July, 4.60c:
September, 4.64c
Big Power House Will Be
, Built in This City Soon
The WestlnHhome Church Krr
Construction company of New York
Ctiy, last January . given the contract
for the construction of the Union Pa
cific's new oower house in the shop
yards here, his commenced the assem
bling ot machinery ana material, pre
paratory to starting work on the
$60U,U00 building that is to be erected
during the coming summer.
The new power house will be ot
brick and steel construction, one story
high and covermg about one-halt acre
of ground. It will be equipped with a
battery of eight 400-horsepower water
tube, boilers and will be modern in
every respect. It wilt be located just
to the south of the old power house.
Upward Movement Continues
, on Broader and More Im
pressive Scale.
New York, March 8.-The upward move
ment of stock market prices which began
with the expiration of congress continued
today on broader and mor Impressive
scale. Technical conditions, especially the
drastic liquidation of recent months, and
an attenuated bear position, conduced
measurably lo the further Improvement in
which rails almost alone failed to share.
More substantial gains were made by
shippings, munition and a wide variety ot
equipment, as well aa specialties which
must inevitably benefit by prevailing con
dition at home and abroad. Coppers made
further upward progress on reports that
orders for the metal have been placed In
to ine final quarier 01 the year.
All the steamships lasues responded to
Washington advices forecasting the Inten
tion of the government to carry out the
policy of armed neutrality. Atlantic. Gulf
and West Indies made an exterme gain of
7 to IDs, wltn 4 for Marine preferred at
77 and 1 to 4 for Marine common,
United Fruit and Pacific Mall.
United States Steel wa axuln the central
feature of the Industrial group rising 1
to 111. steel tonnage figures lor Feb
ruary to be Issued next Saturday are ex
pected to approach high records of the
month's Immediate preceding. Bethlehem
Steel added to recent recoveries, the old
stock advancing 7 to 147 with I to 3 for
the new issue and subscription rights.
other noteworthy movements Included
Central Leather, Lackawanna Steel, Pressed
Steel car, Great Northern Ore, Motors and
papers at advanced Of 2 to 4 points, Cuban
American sugar rising 9 to 169.
Pressure against Lehigh Valley on re
ports affecting the stability of tlie dividend
reacted upon other rails, Including Pacifies. :
despite a favorable decision of the Inter
state Commeroe commission on proposed
rates east of Minnesota.
Profit taking caused Irregular recessions
from highest levels tn the final dealings,
dui tne closing waa atrong. Total sates
Movement In exchange were Irregular,
rubles and I Ires making some recovery with
slight concessions In sterling and marks.
Bonds were steady and without feature In
the international group. Total sales, par
value, 12,126,000.
united States bond were unchanged on
Number of sale and quotations on lead
ing stock were;
Sales. High. Low. Clone.
Am. Beet 8ugar... 6,100 93 93 12
American Can 9,400 45 44 46
Am. Car A F'ndry 3,800 69 68 68
Am. Locomotive... 4,600 13 71 72
Am. Smelt. A Reg. 8,800 101 100 100
Am. Sugar Ref.... 600 112 111 110
Am. Tel, A Tel 125
Am. Z , L. ft 8.... . 2,200 39 38 38
Anaconda Copper.. 35,600 85 84 84
Atchison 3,200 102 101 101
Baldwin Locomo.. 8,400 6 54 64
Baltimore ft Ohio.. 1,800 76 76 76
Brook. Rapid Tran. 600 69 69 67
B. ft 8. Copper.... 6,000 49 48 49
Cal. Petroleum 2.000 24V 24 24
Canadian Pacific... 700 164 lf3 164
vjemrai Lieainer... e,suu a1 VsH
Cheaupeake ft Ohio 800 69 68 68
C, M. ft St. P.... 3,300 82 81 81
Chicago ft N. W... 1,100 116 116 116
C, R. I. ft P... 38
Chlno Copper...... 12,800 63 62 62
Colo. Fuel ft Iron.. 4,800 49 48 48
Corn Products Ref. 16.200 23 22 Kk 22.
Crucible Steel 21,900 68 66 66
l aimers' necunties c.fuo zz zt
Brie 4,400 20 26 26
uenerai isiectric... oo left is1 jm
Great No. Pfd 600 113 113 116
Great No. Ore ctfs. 37,ooo 38 38 36
Illinois Central 1.000 1014 101 101 1
Inspiration Copper. 16,600 61 69 60
inter, narveater lib
I. M. M. pfd. ctfa. 27,800 77 73 77
K. C. Southern 200 21 214, 21
KennecoU Copper.. 16,600 47 46 47 ;
Louisviiie rasn not
Mex. Petroleum.... 7,600 89 87 88
Miami Copper 4,700 41 40 41
mo. fact ne. new.. i.;vv zvm ivti
Montana Power.... 1,000 103 101 102
National Lead 600 68 ftTTa 671
Nevada Copper 4,400 26 26 26
imcw 10m uemrai.. ti.4"u vots e
X V- N'. H & II.. 2.40Q 44U 43Tfc 43 74
Norfolk Sr. Western &00 129 127 127
Northern Pacific... 2,300 103 103 102
Pacific Mail La m I
Pacific Tel. ft Tel 30
Pnnnvlvanla 0 i
Ray Con. Cupper... 36.300 30 29 30 j
Keaaing lo.zuo
It cd. iron ft Bteei.. IB. sou tu su so
Simttiiek Arlc. Cod. 1.S0O 20 29 29 1
Southern Pacific... 3,800 93 92 92
Southern Railway., 1.I0Q 28 M 27 z? Co 2,300 101 100 101
Texas Company.... 600 229 228 228
Union raeinc ,(ov ijo i' am
Union Patlflc pfd.. 300 81 81 81
IT. H fnri. Alcohol.. 14.600 126 123 124
U. S. Steel 149.800 111 110 110
u. s. steel pro J.iuu jib ikh ii
Utah Cupper 17.900 116 113 114 nfri "R".. 1.000 264k 26 26
Western Unloa 1,200 94 94
Wehtlnghouse Elec. csuo u
Flrat assessment paia.
Total sales for the day, 180,000 shares.
Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruit.
New York. March 6. Evaporated Apples-
Quiet; fancy, 899c; choice, 4c; prime,
Dried fruits mines, nrm; tiiiiornn. s
filOc; Oregons, 899c. Apricots,
strong; choice, 17c; extra choice 17 c;
fancy, 18c, - Peaches, more active; choice,
8 "4c; extra cnoice, sc; rancy, vc.
Raisins, firm; choice to fancy seeded, 89
9c; seedless, 10llc; London layers,
Dry Good Market.
New York. March 6. Dry Goods. The
cotton goods market waa firm today, though
active In some departments. Yarn were
firm. Prices showed an advancing tendency.
Silk were quiet at retail and sport si Ike
active. Men' wear wa firm and quiet.
Street Car Men Will Be
At Ed Burnap's Funeral
Funeral services for Ed P. Burnap,
aged 62 years, veteran street car man.
who died trom illuminating gas pois
oning Monday morning, will be held
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the family residence, 3113 South
Twenty-fourth street. Street car men
from the Vinton barn, where he work
ed, will attend the funeral in a body.
Rev. G. L. Peters of the North Side
Christian church will officiate. Inter
ment will be in Forest Lawn ceme
tery. ; Indications are that Mr. Burnap
met his death accidentally. Members
of his family believe that he was
seized by a fainting spell in the bath
room and, in falling, his body
snapped the tube from the gas jet
to the heater, releasing a flow of gas
which asphyxiated him.
Cement Man Preaches the
Virtue of Concrete Roads
W A VTTntvr n( VrtHnffstnwn. O..
repreent'ng e Tru"erf Steel com
pany, is visiting the cement show. He
is interesting city and county officials
in reinforced concrete construction for
county roads and boulevards
' Material for a Bungalow, Plant and Specif ications
Fortunate enough to suggest the most' acceptable name and give the two
best reasons why Cement is the ideal building material for a home.
The Mid-West Cement Users' Association has generously donated these
"materials and five other gifts. Full particulars may be had at the
Municipal Auditorium, March 6 to 10
' The greatest Cement Show west of the Mississippi River.
SHOW OPENS TODAY Closes Saturday
Open 12:30 to 10:00 P. M. Admission 25 cents.
t-4 '
Miss Shields Captures
Praise of Convention
Miss Edith Tobiit, in charge of the
public library, and Miss Zora Shields,
in charge of the Central High school
branch library, have returned from
Kansas City, where they attended the
conference of superintendents of the
National Educational association last
A paper on "Books as Tools." pre
pared and read by Miss Shields at
the conference, made a decided hit
with the educators, Miss Tobitt re
ports. It was the only paper on
library work on the entire program,
and indicated high standing attained
by Miss Shields in her vork of com
bining public library work with pub
lic school work.
Wm. S. Hart
I "The Gunfighter." !
Last Times Today
Mme. Petrova
"Bridges Burned."
Today and Thursday
(Admission 20c) ?
("The Eagle's Wings"!
endorsed oy
1 Members of the Cabinet and
Everybody That Sees It.
I Illustrating How Captains of I
I Industry Will Help Uncle
1 Sam in Time of Need.
I It Will Inspire Loyalty to the I
f Flag, Home and Country!
Bee Want Ads Are Boosters.
I Marguerite Clark I
I "Th Fortunes of Fifi" I
I A1' I
I Mr,. Vernon C.ttla I
J "Red Night." , I
L Mi
Term, moat rea.onabl.. Class meets Monday and Thursday at 8 P. M.
Pupils should Join th. first lesson.
Many people will read tomor
row's Want-Ads, looking for
that used piano or other mu
sical instrument you wish to
sell. They will respond to
your ad if you
Phone Tyler 1000
Between 8 A. M. and 10 P. M. Today
You are as close to
as your phone is to you
Old Bee Man Has Book
Of His Poems in Library
"Smoky Roses," a book of short
poems, by Lyman Bryson, formerly
of The Bee staff, is among the latest
acquisitions by the public library.
This volume will be ready for circu
lation next week, says Miss Edith To
bitt, librarian.
Best Medicine for Constipation.
Mrs. Charles Crini. Charleston, III.,
states that Chamberlain's Tablets are ,
the best medicine for constipation
that she has ever used. There are
hundreds of others who are of tlie
same opinion. These tablets are easy
to take and most agreeable ia effect.
Kathryn Dale Company
"The. Girl on the Border"
Dallir-M.II.H. 2:15: Night. :IS Ihl. WHk.
nmine, in gins vamp-
ball. Wallaea Galvta. Bsreslla PatUnoa, Erals Potts
4 Ce., Orplwum Travsl Weakly. Prices: Gallsry, I0e;
But Seat! (sxoept Saturday and Sunday), 21c;
Nighti, IGe, 29e. Wo and 76o.
DDIVIiCIC 6 Performance
Dn AH Dtl b "tSStTsV'
In the Cr..t..t oF HPIHH PUIIi 1
All Mu.k.l Com.di.. tniH 1)11111 .
Tonifht, Thuri. A Frl, SilS; S.t. Eva,. 8:00
BOYD M"it-
Th. Thrilling, SUrtlinf PL?
What Would You Do for
th. Mn You Vmit
Mat., 25c; NifhU, 25c to 75c
N.t Sunday "P.g o' My Wort"
, DaUr Mate.. 1S-XS-SO.
1 Eroa',1, 1S-IS-IO-TS.
burlesque Review
slam. It. MurtA. ZallS Rusull. DSRSV Marshy,
FIohIs Eventt, Julia DaKslsty. "Ths Assls ot Paris".
Tramty as "Uncle Tom'i Cabin." Danolng Btaaty
Chorua sf Thirty. Fur for All; All far Fun.
(Final Parformanos Friday Hits.)
Sat. Mil j Wk: Jos Huttlg's "Bowery Burlssquen"
E World's Most Famous
Lucien Muratore
S Supreme Artist of the Century S
S in
Joint Recital , S
Omaha Auditorium
March 14 ,
Seats, 75c to $2.00. S
' Box Office Now Open s
1 1 ;Wc80O0O4