1 1 . i MiidikTFc0 ri i lurcc i ki k v w ami r.u mrvbb i .... - i Want-Ad Rates NO AD TAKEN FOB LESS THAN A TOTAL OF OK LESS THAIS V ltle PKH IA1. CASH WITH ORDER. nt fiAiM i'a Display). Iowa 1 (J par word .'""T? P" UParagrapnea or iitj - i Elrnttia M. Orant, wioua uiy, Typei so par Una onm 1 ;0 p,r una, Vor more consecutive lnaertluns. (Count tlx worda to the Una.) MTflATlONS WATE1). Mary Weekl rat.... iw Pr llD CARDS OP THANKS, lEATHS AND 1 10o pr lln.. . . .each ImertlOD Count ala word, to tn. ltne. (Minimum cuar.e, v MONTHLY BATE FOR STANDINO I Inaertlon Hi 20lb Century Farmer. p.r word .- " I Insertions In Omaha Be. and 1 Inaertlon In 301b Century Firmer, per lln. I tneertlone In Omaha Bee " 1 Insertion in win u... rtrrar, per wort " (Contrsot rates on application.) THB BEE will not be re.pon.lbH tor more than on. Incorrect Inwillon ol En adver tisement ordered tor more than on. t roe. ADVERTISERS eboold reuln receipt given by The Be. In payment tor Want Ad., a. no mlelekes can be ratified without them. 18K THE TELEPHONE II you cannot con veniently bring or .end In your ada. Aea tor Want Ad Taller and you will re eelv. lb. .ame iood eervlc. a. when de Uvwlni your ad at tbe office. PHONE TYLER 1000. - WANT AD COLUMN CLOSE: EVENING EDITIONS !' "' HORNING EDITIONS 10: P. M. (No cnange e w On. lln. Two line, or mora r"t .11.96 .11.80 1 (Count eta woroa to uv ALL FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: o per word "m H,e per word, two or mora conaecutlv. In Wtlona. . SFKCIAL COMBINATION BATH. On Ual, Poultry and Ulnar Advertising. THE OMAHA BEB (over 60,000 dally). :0TK CENTURY FARMER (over 110,000 woeairi. A combine circulation which will roaou both th. city and rural realdenu rlpeclal Ref. RatM. Raw. 2 Inaertlona In Omaha Be. aad I Inaertlon In loth Cntury Farmer, par lln. 1 Inwrtlona Id Omaha Bee and MOVIE PROGRAM. - tlan nf th. bet Motion PI. tun TbMiar. In Omaha. (Chan. Dally.) : ! Downtown. T'RINCESSr ' DOUULAB PEARL WHITE, tn No. 12, ' "PEARL OF THE ARMY." "HARRY'S PIO" ANIMATED WEEKLY North. DIAMOND! : 2ITH AND LAKE PEARL WHITE. In No. , PEARL OF THE ARMY'" , O LADES HULETTH, In .Iix.Nb: HTH AND 1I1NNEY I -.FRANK KEENAN, , ;" "THE SIiTyE SOW" : LOTHROS ; SITU AND LQJHROP FRANKLYN FARNUM, ,n "THE MAN WHO TOOK A CHANCE" T : "South. - APOLLO, ma AND LEAVENWORH FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN. IB "THB OREAT SECRET" MtTTM HTONEHOUHE. In ' THE SAINTLY SINNER" FAVORITE, 171. VINTON "WHAT WOULD YOU DOT" "SHIFTlNfi SHADOWS" "TAKING the HONEY OF HONEYMOON1' HOHLFF. ' IHI lUVinwunin JUNE CAPRICE, In "A MODERN CINDERELLA" Wt MONHOE, 111,66 FARNAM FRANK HART, i "AFTERDARK" . 1 South Side. ORPHEUM, JtTH AND M ONE 'GOOD PICTURE ' - . i ' . and GENERAL PROGRAM MAU1C, , SITU AND N ONE GOOD PICTURE . and . . ALSO REFINED COMEDY DEA'.Hi, & FUNERAL NOTICE:. GIHUON8 David, age S yeara. Ho la aur- vlved besides his wlf. by lur sons, James, Xdward, Charles and Austin; one daugh ... uiu ir.lh. nlhbona Funeral Wedeeday morning from the ....H.n. lTso d St.. at 1:30 a. tn. to St. Bridget's church at I a. m. Interment Holy Sepulcher cemetery, auiu sorviv.. lljRNAP Edward P., Monday, March I, 6 Tuneral from th. reld.nc., 1111 S. lth I St., W.dnela, Marcn I, at a p. w. torment rorest juawn corawrj. JUDOB Mrs. Bridget, aged yeara, died at local hospital Tuesday morning. Funeral Thursday at 1;30 a. m. at Tag gart'a chapel and at St. John'a church at I a. m. Interment at Holy Sepulcher. FLORISTS. uminii inamtMra of th. National Florlata" Telegraph Delivery Association w. ar. In piu Itlon to deliver flower, on short notice I any when In tb. 0. a and Canada, Hen I A Bwobods. nonsis. i aunvjt. .M..,rinint of fresh flowere. L, HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. Kar LEE L. LAKMON Htl4 Douglaa St. Douglaa 1844. PARKER Flower shop. 411 B. 16th. D. $10H: A. DtNAGHUE. IM Harney. Doug. 10L BATH. National Florist. Iu4 Farnam St. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ' HLLSE RIEPEN. undertakara and em bal main TU1 So. 16th St. Douglaa W. DUFFY JOHNSTON, ambalraera and fu , naral dlractora. Ill a Uth St. Tyler Wt. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. "rit-th Benjamin and Ethel Rhodes, hos pital, boy; Uandel and Minnta Aronson. 118 South Nineteenth, boy. Bam and Charlotte Mora, 3819 Franklin, girl; Charlie L. and liv M. Nary, WOT laard, girl: William and Mary Callahan. 110 North Sixteenth, girl; Jamaa and Anna Smith. 3003 North Thtr ' teenth, boy; Joim and Lena Goralsky, 2769 Arbor, girl Btaglo and MarUnna Cardnlla. urn Ptn-a.. irl. Josef and Maria Zls- kovsky, 4406 South Forty-second, boy; Josef and Teresa Kerboveo, $033 T. girl; James end Anna Kruntorak. 6014 South Twenty sixth, boy; Joseph and Francea Holnbar, 2521 Jefferson, boy; rrana ana ajuua uuawM. i 6010 South Tbtrty-thlrd. girl; Leo and An- tonla Jankovsky, 4410 South Forty-second, girl; Benedetto and Antonlna Mannloo, VUt South Fifteenth, girl; George and Sarah Tut tie, hoapiUl, girl; , Claude and Mabel Lmaaj. vtfih and Ijocuat. alrl: Albert O. and Fannie M. Jensen, 330S South Twenty-, ltrst. glrL Deaths Jennie Oustafson.- $9 years, 102 North Twenyr-alxth; Frits Koepke, 73 yeers, Florence; Helen FIUleiT. 16 daya, 6108 Flor ence boulevard: Jacob Therkildaen. 13 years. .14 North Sixteenth; Eltaa Fattera, 71 years, hospital; Ida Jane oates, 4 years, noapuai; Walter a Howe., years. 1906 Ohio; Rosalia, Btaese, 78 years. 3H7I Pratt: Law rence 8. Stegner.' 4 years, 3018 Miami; Frank Bremen, 41 years, hospital; Hattle Machacek, 11 years, Omaha; Henry Hayes, 7 months, 3310 Emmet; .Margaret Kreigler. 19 days. 2084 Martha; Agnoa Kopenski. 2 men t hs, SQil h Sou th Th1rty-elghth avenue. - BUILDING PERMITS. Beaton Realty Co.. 132 North Thirty, fourth,, brick and stueeo dwelling, $6,000; E. Enevoldsen, ill! California, repair, $609; Fred Christensen, 3324 North Fortieth, tram? dwelling. $1,000; C. W. Gould. 1031 South Thlrty-Bfth avenue, frame residence, $3,600: Edward F. Williams. 2 OP Brown. : frame 4vIllnr, I2.&P0. ,L,.,.'.....,.s i . . i rvn c i i r m - ki irar. .nMHL.L.j i a a.su. - - - I UADRTAT.P I II KNSKY riJK 1E IVllSCCIiailCUU I - 1 rr I yi .k.U .HJ nnmM( r MARRIAGE XICENSES. The following permits to wed have been (sailed : Name and Realdenon, George K. Xorrls, Omaha Kdlih Paul. Omaha Simpson F. Pavl. Omaha. Annie V. Creseler, Omaha. Ag. , . .over -1 ...over is , . .over SI ...over is Arlhur W. Bender, Council Bluffs, la.. 2. .... U Smith, Council Bluff, Ja J- 0olb' S0UX Clt' Ta' Carmalo Troia, Omaha Rosaria Castro, Omaha Anthony E. Htuelanfl, Am, E. Mifflin. Am, la... SPECIAL NOTICE WILL not be re.ponelble for any liebte ..nntrurMorf hv my wife after March t. Klmer Pareone. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IK you' loau anylhinK and will advrrtlao It hre you win aurwiy recover i n in hv n hstv.ett Dfiraoti. Btfinarkabla rerov- frka are brooght about avery day throuth iht rolumn. 1 Ithk HONBBT WAT. t you find aomethlnK of value, or a keepsake at vaiua amy iw the owner, ta to lnrt a amall ad. The owner of the article in moat caeea la will ing to rpfunrt the coat of advrrtlBlng. " OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COM PA NT, reraona having loat aome article would do well lo call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they It ft It In the street car. Many artlclea each day ara turned tn and the company la anxfoue to restore them to the rightful owners. Call Tyler soo. ; ; LOST Boston bull terrier, l ale, brindle with white markings wnn a aarn onnaie apot on top of head. Anawert to name of Whop, weighs about $0 lba, Tyler 1322. Liberal reward. ' FOUND Hoda Fountain. GREEN'S PHARMACY, IBth and Howard LOST Lady'a black handbag on westbound Fnrnam ear. . Sunday evening, newaru, Phono Red 3400.. LOfiT One fraternity pin, small diamond ahaoe. with Greek letters. Call Walnut 3HS4. Reward. LOST Boaton bull terrier pup. About 3 months old. Call Harney 4sea. newara LOST Package vesta on Jth Si. Liberal roward. Tailor Back, Dodge Ht, LOST Oold"-rim spectacles, In case; lflth or on Farnam carj reward, vvainut if - LOST In Burgess -Nash, silver ring, groen atone setting. Hewara. wensier uw. MEDICAL YOU CAN HAVE YOUR HEALTHI LATEST AND MOST SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT. CONSULTATION, EXAMINATION FREE. Dr. Barne. treat, mcceeifully all Curabl. Dlaeaeei of th. Noae, Throat, Lung,. Stomach, Liver, Kldneyi, Heart, Brain. Nerve., Blood . and Skin, a. well aa Catarrh of any part of the body, Conatlpatlon, Chronlo and Acute Rh.omatlim, Ulcer., Neuralda, 8cl- atlo Lumbago, Dr. Sarnea la th. only phyalclan In thla part of th. country admtn l.terlnr thla ayetem of treatment. Xnveatlcata It. DR. CHARLES BARNES, Suit, ill to 20 Boa. Bide. I. E. Corner loth and Farnam Sla. - - Phone Tyler Hit. ' DR. B, R. TARRY, ' ' PILES, FISTULA CURED, " Dr. B. R. Tarry cure. pile,, datula and other rectal dlaeaae. without lurgloal op eration. Cur. guaranteed and oo money paid until cured. Writ, for hook on rec tal dlaeaaea with teatlmonlale. . DR. E. B. TARRY, !0 Be. Bldg. Omaha, Neb. HAI.L piIaykus and athletes. Get In (.ondltlon with a bottle of Pryor'a Athlet. Liniment, for aal. by all drugglata, or writ. DR. M. PRYOR, It PATTERSON BLK., CONDITIONER -AND TRAINER OF ATHLETES. I RUPTURE-Succesefully treated without a aurglcal operation. call or writ. nr. Frank H. Wray, S01 Bee Bid ' Chiropractors. nil. UNilLLtiNHtiRG. SANITARIUM. Lady attendant, ittth and Farnam. D. 7186. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. mil. Dr. Francea Dawson, 60IS-S Roae Bldg. T. aaiiti. E)ra Johnston, 1S6 W. o. W. Bldg. D. H. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No Pain, nil W. O. W. Bldg. Tafl'a Dent. Rms, 301 Rose Bldg. ,D. 2111. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Ooods. AUCTION SALE. HIGH-GRADE FURNITURE. AT. 1141, SOUTH 31ST STREET. Thursday, March I; sale starts promptly at 1 n. iYi. Conaistlng of 1 upright grant! piano, aaveral good rugs, S good dressers. brary tables, s dining tablea and chairs to match, a rooking chairs, 1 braaa bed springs and mattress. 1 Vernis Martin beds, springe and mattreaa, sanitary couchea and pads, a lot of linoleum, kitchen cabl nets, good gaa stove, I gaa platea, hall camat. dishes, - linens and hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. Thla im m. rood lot of furniture. Bala starts at 1 p. m. Thursday. March a. at 1141 ti. list street. DOWD AUCTION CO., Auctioneers, 1 BARGAINS In furniture; S gaa stoves, IS aohi.36 beds. 1 1 each: 6 tceboxea, ruga of all kinds, tables, enaira, cnina Kiicneu n&hlnats. bfiffsts. dressers, trunks, suit' caaea, leather Davenports. All kinds of bedding. Full Una of poultry netting, 1830-47 N, 34th St, TSL Wetwier .out. Open till I p. m. Com. Una of H. H. goods, office furn. Prlca right. Coma to be convinced. Loyal rum, Co.. 333 N. 16th; City Furn. Co., 107 8. 14. VARIOUS articles U household furniture can be seen Sui.da. and Monday at 3223 8. 39th St City. J. B. Bars tow. FOR SALE New gaa range at sacrifice. Telephone Walnut 8734, . Pianos and Musical Instruments. MOVING from the city. 1 am compelled to serine my iwiumui uyiiauv yiuwi m real bargain U taken at once. Call or write G. E, Dalbey, 4334 Wlrt.SU, Omaha. $660 PIANO plu:-.r, ui must sell quick; IPO. d 8 months, $360; away. 3218 Evana, Billiards and Pocket Tables. FOR SALE BILLIARD TABLES. Brand new, carom and pocket, with complete outfit, $160; second-hand ttblee at re duced prices; bowling allays and supplies; easy payments. Cigar store fixtures a specialty. Send for catalogue. THE BKUNS WICK-BALK K-CQLLENDER CO., eoi-tuB voum lutn vi. Clothing", Fur6, fete. FOR SALE cheap, blue wool poplin suit, size 19, for amall woman or glrL Apply 313 cnaries. Jewelry, Diamonds, Watches. FOR SALE Cluster diamond brooch; nine diamonds, very cheap. TeL Harney Z4sl. Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL duplicating Co., alao public steno. rnone lor prices, Douglas au: (40 Paxton Block, i GET our prices on Job printing. UNITKL ota ice mtiMTiAtj t:u.. Bee Bldg. IVuglaw 111. W ATfc.Kb-UAUNtiAi.1 prlttUug. Xcl, Ihivx. T t'tg. Co., uuutliy 2199, 2t tt. UlU Ht v THE BEE: OMAHA MARCH . ' 1917. R rent ROOMS Typewriters and Supplies. TtfWSWKlTEHS aoid, rented and repaired. Bent an Oliver typewriter S month for 15. Central Typewriting Exchange. 190S Fa rna m " REMINGTONS, Monarcha and Smith Pre miere for rent; eent anywhere, fteroington Typewriting Company.. It. 1-84. GUAR A NT E GD typewriterarilO up. Write Lumber and Building Materials. SAVE HALF on beama, columna, brick. H- Qroaa Lumber and Wreck. Co. Web. HftM. Machinery and Engjnes. NEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 218-:o 8. 12th St., Omahat bOR SALE 7i 11 Gordon presg, type, vaeea, atand. printer a atoca. bucks, quoins, at a bargain. W. H. tipencer. Bakera- field. Mo. . Sewing Machines. "Dewing machines We tent, repair, sell needles and parta Of all sewing machine. M1CKEI8 NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney Sta. . Doug. 1682. ' Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. Down Comforters rtiadfl over 1uat like new. All your own feathers back, when we renovate. We call for and deliver. 1907 Cuming. Doug. 2467. DKHKS. safes, scales, showcases, shelving. to. We only aeil. urn ana inxiura ana Supply Co.. 414 -1 6-111 8. 1 i th. Doug. 2724. DRY KINDLiNO WOOD. ACME BOX CUMPANT. HARNEY 1837. TWO Eclipse gaa ranges, high oven, reason able. Phone Harney 1096. Kindling wood cheap. 1267 8. 13th. D. 1710. SALT. 11-76 btil. A. W. Wagner. $01 N. 16tb. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used deaka, bought, aold and traded. J. C. Rood. 12U7 Farnam. D. 6148. TTTWtfTWQ pfty blfheat prlca for WjjiiAi, clothes, shoes, uunga. etc. Red 3297. Res., Douglaa 8033. nTAMAMnC! 3olbergman&co. jLin.uviJUu 409 a. 16th St. WANT pool hall or grocery atore. 420 Hose uidg. jrnone ryier o. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF YOU HAVE soma article that haa out lived Ua usefulness to you maae up a little ad and run it In thla column at lo per word. You will be mora than pleased with tba remarkable offerings you will receive. One or two insertions in nearly all cases are sufficient to get wnat you want. TRY IT TODAY. WE swap or buy kodaks: fllroa developed froi: one-day aervice. Kaae Kodak stu dio, Neville Blk 16tb and Harney. EXCHANGE ten-volumo encyclopedia, new. for sewing machine or something uaeiui. Address Box lt&, Bee. fc'OK bOUO CAU A parlor Urand piano. C ta 840. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION, aide, knife, aun burst, pleating, covered buttons, all alxea sty lea, Denistitcoing, picot auging. m"J broidery, beading, braiding, cording, ya tut cut work, buttonholes. Pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 200 Douglas Bik. Douglaa iatt. VAN AHMA:; Ureas Pleating and Button l a.. Paxtuil Blk. DOUa. S1U9. ACCOf- dion. knife, aide, apace, box, sunburst and combination pleating, hematitching, plcot adaktiK. lunkina. rucblng, covering but tons, all styles ana an aiaes. x-nctj ust, irea. AUCUHinu.N. Bid., KTllfa, Dol Pleating, Cov, uuttona, llemetltrntng. jseo, rieaiuig I and Hutton Co., 4tl-2 Paxtun Hlk. R. Accountants. e. a; dworak, c. p. a. Ml Ramgo Bldg. Pnona Doug. 18. Bakeries. ORTMAN'S NEW ENGLAND BAaalll. 11 N. 1ITH. BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HAY DEN BROTHERS. OUR MOTTO "BETTER BAKED GOODS." CAKIiJS, iwatry and fanuy bakery good. supplied to parties, lodges and entertain- I mmila. is. rl. Kaeder. it w. Jtn. w. fiatha. ELECTRIC TUKKlSH BATHS. ' y Tha only absolutely sanitary bath. Highly recommended by phyalcians. Btsats Institute, 1008 Harney SL D. .097. Open evanings and Sundays. DR. UENDA Suluhur. .team. Modern Turk ish BATHS AND MAB8AU1U. xrivai. apartroeuta for ladlaa, with ludy attend ants. 1V1, rarnam. mono uuui, oo... iiA'i'H and' massage, manlcurlug, physical culture. Mias walker,- an no vine moc. H1TTEN1IUUSE aanltarium; all kinds baths. $10-14 Balrd HI k win anu uougn Uennun uurse, massage, bat hi of all klnda. 33s Neville mocK, mtn ana usrney. Braaa and Iron Foundries. Paxton-MitChuli Co., 17th and Martha Hts. Carpenters and Contractors. LtiSSAKD A :U)N. ami Cumtng Tyler 1033. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. Dr. burnorn, Kose mas. Palmer school graduate. Douglas ba1. - Chiropodists. Carrls J. Burford, 620 Paxton Blk. Dancing Academy. HI? T TTYC1 BALL TUES., THURS., UU UU HAT., SUN. EVE. SCHOOL MON. EVE. Ilia. iBtnst.. up- ponteneiie. Detectives, COMPETENT Invcatlgator, evidence secured, civil criminal cases, ev rnwn, tvui. OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, 933 I lat Nan Bank uiug. rnona Tyiar mm. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In alt oases; ryier iih. S. D. JOLLY, 613 Paxtun. Red U 01. Dressmaking:. Mrs. R. A. Connelly, 41u Karbach. R. 1794. TeVry Dreasmaklng Co.. 2Uth and Farnam. Fixtures and Wiring. rTTTT .vi Eieotiio washing maohlHea, U U IvIVXli iectrlo Irona and reading lamps, 3828 Cuming St. Douglas 3611. Insurance. BANKERS LIFE OF LINCOLN. 18.14 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug 3311. Masseures. MASSAGE. Massage, eleotrlo Turkish baths. 1506 Harney. D. 7097. Open evenings and Sun. Massage,- chiropody. Minnie Nagle, 20814 1 Balrd Bldg. 17th and Douglas. D. 3458. MISS lillXT. bath massage, UU Farnam. St. I WASSACIE. girl wanted. 333 Neville Blk. Paten: Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co.. 683 Brandeia. D. 6691. Paintins and Paper Haiisin, Painting, papcrhanglng. cleaning. H. 6779. ' Pianos for Rent. $3.60 per mo. A. Hopse Co., 1512 Douglaa. I Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL, go., ill, full dress suits, for rout. SOt N. Utru John Feldman. D. Ilia. Towel SiitiDlies. Omaha Towel supply. Ml H. 11th. D. 528. Weddim Stationery. WEDDINO announcmenla and printing. Douglaa Priming Co. Tel. Doug. s. EAT HOtoU COUKbiO MfiALSl NEW DELICATBSSEN, H0 FARWAM. BURROUGHS CAFE. OMAHA, NEB. (Service), LINCOLN. NEB lit 8. nth. ' ms . istn oi. BUSINESS CHANCES FINE DELICATESSEN STORE. With light lunch, ' Sales 'average $600 monthly. TWO goon living rooms in r-w Rent $30. XTtcc, Sv, part-casn, jrariicu la re only at our office, and not; by .phone. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.,- 4926 South 14th St. Phone South 1247, WANTED Iady or gentleman with $500 ..,, ... ink., active part In light manu facturing bualnww. This wilt pay tU Per wvk uud double lu $9 days. Box ITS? JM A SAFE AND PROFITABLE lnveatnicnt. An active, capable man can aecure the retiring partner'a lntereat tn an incorporated company (aa treaaurer), do ing a general real eatate. rental, loan, in aurance and bonding buatneta, having the fineat equipped officea in the city; 11,000 caah- required. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. INC. 49U6 8. 24lh St. I'hone South 127. EXCEPTIONAL IJUBini Opportunity Theater seating 300, showing plclurea and vaudeville: new screen, 2 Hlmpiex ma- chlni. rectinr: now clearing average -t ftfiit inniiiillv: nwner haa another aouth reaaon for Belling; IS, 000 down, $800 Inly daya; at;t quick. If you haven't cash don't consider. Box 184 North Platte, Neb. WANTED TO SELL Good farm and coun try business, consisting of general store, blacksmith shop, grlat mill and corn rusher; will sell separate or an togeiner; three other farms at a bargain and on asy terms; buy direct from owner and ve money; can give p'ifh-b,,oii mh nine. M. Harris, Route 1, lMcknon. Trnn. SPLENDID OPENING Mail with aalta and managerial ability wno can invest i.,v in capital etock of largeat auto accessory firm west of Chicago can eecura responsi ble position. Company paying good profiL Need additional capital to cover new field. Bank and trade reierences. box lV-T Z' FOR SALE a-chatr shop, good county scat town itortnweat lowa; goo loravwn, jhh street, good etabllHhed business; good reasonvfor alling; will show books. Will sell half or all. Kelly & Freeland, Onawa. la. HIGHEST SPOT CASH PAID for atoree and stocks of mercLanaiae, in cuy or wuuu;, quick action. 750 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldff. Tel. Douglaa 1M32. THE OREATKHT GAIN 68.738. In nald want-ada ever made by any Omaha paper,- is the lha record of THE OMAHA HKE for llti. BEST RESULTS LOWEST KATE. WANT job printing plant to move to amall town, tjanan, uciague mug. TO GET In o out of bualneaa call GANGESTAI', 423 Bes Bldg. Doug. 3477. FOR SALE Cafe, lunch counter and con ffcllnttfrv. near L tico n oesi locaiion i town: Kood business; lease transf?rrable cash or bankable note, Address Bon Ton Cafe. CollegeVlew, Neb. a. room hnuaft. 1 lots, filled, waited barn, aheds. anaoe ana iruiL iraes. ouu oneap or trade toward smalUr -borne. See property, ais iun Ave., ounui oium, I AD campaigns for merchanta; sound busi ness principles only. I'lerpont diul. Omaha. WE BUY, wa sell motion picture theaters, machines, feature mme. uo-operauvw Film and Supply Co., 310 Bromley Bldg IF YOU want to aell or buy a bualneaa or rooming house call on uuscn oorgnon, 730 World-Herald Bldg. Phone D. 331. MOTION, picture machina (new and re built), theaters supplied. umane, huh Exchange. 108 S. 14th St. COMPLETE fixtures of 8-chair barber ahop. very reaaonaoie. namer noioi. oumu Omaha. Phone South 19I3. MOVING PICTURE machines, new and re- built, all makes; supplies. wu ow ply Co.. wi wat. mag. FOR HALE, blacksmith ahop. Toola. Good trade ana sooa tocauon. a. uu numi, Harlan, la. I A COAL BUSINESS, established over 20 years, paying uuninoo. uii . mem. vox itvi, nee. . CONFECTIONERY, cigar store and lunch room. Up-to-date store, rnce eaov. Douglas 9225. SPECIAL plans to sell a business or real es- tata. F. V. Knlest. Bee Bldg., Omaha. I DO WD SALE AND AUCTION CO., 1126 W. O. W. Hldg. itea J sb.i. BEST COAL AND FEED business in Omaha, cheap; cheap rent, box iim, ee. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, 30c PER LINE. Business ads, regular rates: a lln nn o o week "C 3 lines one week 6t Each extra line 20c per week Hale. COMPETENT ' and experienced bookkeeper and auditor, open lor position; inuiuuiit., ,Umiiu. with , dem 1 orttce wora inu general bulneu; good referencea, Box 1783. Bee. , N1UHT watchman. 10 year.' exuperlence; can glvo very best city reierence; auuu character; no booxer; prefer bank, hotel, atore. Pl.one Douglaa 297L I EVENING worl: In ibe lln. of auditing or bookkeeping aollclted; or amau ae at booka to keep eveninja. Addreea P. O. Box 1J. City. FIRST CLASS mechanic wants position in or out of town, weal oi reiarencet,. u dress A. E. Allen, of Kelly Springfield Tire Co., Omaha, Neb. POSITION wanted aa bookkeeper and sten ographer, or auditor; experienced aim good - referencea; steady and energetic. Box ibis. nee. BOOKKEEPER wants set of books to keep at night or worn to ao aner rwui hours. Box I7t. ee. I MAN wants position taking care of office. city references, au wu. -a"-. GKORGE moves ashes and will do general hauling. Web, nuatt. Female. THB BEE charge for "Situation ada is lower than any other lorm oi uvnriioni not enough to cover the cost of printing. practical nursing or matron wild buauand'a asaiatanca: suesKS a language. tju. MIDDLE AGED housekeeper wishes position; capable of taking tun cnarge. om dm Laundry and Day Work. I WANTED Day work and bundle- washina by colored laay. weosier FOR experienced bundle washing, call Web ster 1877, Prompt oeuyery. RELIABLE colored woman work, rnone uougiaa otiaa. ! EXPERIENCED woman wlabaa day woik of any kind. Douglas eiau. colored lady wants washing and Ironing Dy jay. Tyier aae-j. EXPERIENCED laundress for day work. Call Web. as is. WANTED Day work,, washing or cleaning. Walnut seas. House cleaning by day or hour. Walnut15i9. DAY work or houaecleanlng exp. Web. 4667, Ftr rtiy Wurk or gin, housework. Ty. lsot-W I LAUNDRY or cleaning, day work. Web 2973, I Lace curtains nicely taundmed. Web. ti4)tf CURTAINS laundered. H- 1130. 3614 Dodge. Ocinred woman wants day work, Web. 34U1. Want day work by reliable woman. Red 4850. tx. colored lady wants day work. H. 57na. DAY work wanted. Web. 4921. WANTED Cooking by the day. Har. 464H Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1610 Davenport St. Douglas IBM. Headquarters nor noiei neip. - HELP WANTED , Male and Female; . WANTED Immediately, namea of men and women. Is or over, ..lamng o vwym government rlerks. $75 month. Lduca tlon unneceaaary. Bo T-866. Bee. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. ALWAYS Bl'SY THERE'S A REASON. Bkpr. and 8t.no, (auto firm). $75: Steno., (lumber), $75; foreman (lumber yard), $75-$10O; Steno.. jobbing house, $75: office clerk, $50-$G0: Ass't shipping cflk., $40; Steno., $t5; Steno. and Bkpr. (re tall), $S0: office boy. $35. Many others. NU FILING FEE only 60 oenta to luvoa tlgat. referencea. THE MARTI COMPANY, U17-1S W. O. W. Bldg. - WANTED AT ONCE. ' Window trimmer, card wrltor and sales mnn for nw deDartment store tn York, Nebraska: population 7,000 and one of Nebraska's foremost cities; must be ex pert and experienced. Answer at once with names of references, who know you well, Including former, employer u ble. ' ' MIDDLEBROOKS. "YORK, NEBRASKA, YOUNG man to leara the advertising buV ness. - Must be a huatler and have neat appearance. : Only those who have real energy and exceptional ability need ap- pty. .,..' - Call Room 814, Bee Bids;. 10 to 13 a. m. 3:30 to 4:30 p. m. GENERAL OFFICE CLERK, who can do amall amount of stenographic worn; mui havo executive ability; good future; saiarj waot Br.'W k Ct.-....., anH nttirtt. I nuuociiuiu auu w... BOOKKEEPER ( BEGINNER) 140.00 .. 60.00 , 40.00 STOCK CLERK uiTJMj'B" r'l.v.wi . 60.00 THE CANO AOENOT. 0 BEE BLPO TWO atenoe.. $76; BooK::eeptr gram. o". Typist and Office ' lent. a.w. oiny" ahipping clerk. 10-50: biller, $60; office clerk, J40-I1&. No filirg fee. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. STENOGRAPH ER-who can speak German for western pari oi am"), jwc,.. WATTS REK. CO., 1st Nat. BR. Bldg. TRAVELING salesman, estab line, $100. STENOG-. 115; Stcnog. ana,1BKKpr-' office clerk' $40; Stenog., $40; of flea boy, WATTS REF. CO., 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. MGR. gfn. mdse. store, inv.. iuu. WESTERN . aJi- ' jprotessions and Trades. TDOL AN'D DI2 MAKERS HIGH SALARY AND RMAjjfli POSITION OFFERED IN IOWA FACTO RV. APPLY H. M. XOPER. 626 HOTEL FON TENELI.E. WANTED An experienced carpel cuuer and layer; mut nave goon Write immediately The Pelletier Co., Sioux City COMMON labor. Union Pacific Store Dept. Apply Casa Street Gate, aak for atore- kee p r WANTED Two first class coat makers. Nothing but the best need apply. Martin Petersen, council miuhb. " YMiun POSITIONS ALL STATE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 101 Ml a City National pan mm LEARN barber trade; low rates now. Call or write Barber College. 1124 Douglas-St. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN WANTED To sell farmers. rii.ri. Tnl-Tonlk. medicated condi ment (salt and pepper) fifty pound blocks for all atock. Vermifuge, disease pre ventive, conditioner. Stock licking It "H-r-tir themselves automatically." No nn feeders, no dosing, no waste. ki. jnmdnri dnxv seller, liberal weekly .nmmisHton advancements, Write for sales producing circular or phone or call on our Salea Manager, C. A. Trent, Room 7in Hfinahaw Hotel. Omah... Guarantee Veterinary Company. Sioux City la- WANTED SALESMEN. All or Dart time. Sales Guaranteed, Our device took gold medal California ex nn,iiAn F.vrv auto owner needs. Pre vents spring breakage, makea car ride 60 per cent easier. Small aelllng price, 100 per cent profit. G. L. W. SPRING OILER CO., Brandeia ttuuaing. wmana. i-cu- ADVERTISING specialty salesman for our complete line or nne an caieimais. !' ....... tint., fana. lead nenclls. rulera, cel luloid, thermometers, pennants, signs and metal novelties. Exclusive protection given .nsut m.f. tn this citv and outside teTTl- torlese. Connect with the fasteat growing nnAflaltv hoiioo In Nebraska. M. F. Shafer A Co. 12th and Farnam Sta. Fourth floor. WANTED. vnunff men as auto a .cesaory salesmen, Earn $30 to 150 weekly. Our line exclusive. Bra.ii oHrtfaod and fully guaranteea. Testimonials from firms. Individual. garages and banks everywhere. AUTO DEVICE SALES CO., Brandeia Bldg.. Omaha. WANTED Printing salesman for bank and county work, office position: must be able to make estimates and attend to corre spondence; give experience, references, age and salary expected. Shaw & Borden Co., Spokane, Wash. SALESMEN with cars to sell oils, greases and rooting; product direct to consumer; liberal commission to producer. Call or write Voss-Dtemer Oil Co., 633 Brandels Bldg. WANTED An experienced solicitor caller out to work -1th flashlight and view company, 217 N, 23d St. WANTED Two live aaleamen to Call on auto owners. Call Doug. 6001. Tra-ie ScnooU. AUTO MECHANICS EARN BIG MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASS'N, 2817 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Send for Free Catalogue. LEARN barber trade; be Independent; more than make your expenses wou .w ... Wages or percentage. We don't over charge you o begin. 1402 Dodge St, TRI-CITT pAHBMt juu&3t. miniiT arHnnr Anto and electric start ers. For particular call Douglas 4473, or AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 2059 Farnam St., Omaha. Boys. OFFICE BOY, must be neat, $25. . THE MART I UU.i 13lj - errand boy in drug store, wintenong Drug Co., 46tn and vaag. WANTED Delivery boy with wheel. the Florist. 1804 rarnam. Miscellaneous. nw a h a riovftwiment clerk examinationi April 8, $f6 to 312U Biontn. oampi uw--tiona free. Write Franklin Institute, Dept. 37 C, Rochester, N. Y. f HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. .KrunnnlPHHR. Implement, tit: bkkpr. and steno.. ,86: typist. ..o; ., s.ft: etnno. and dictaphone opr. 150. NO FII.INO FEB, only SO oenta to Investigate referencea. THB MARTI COMPANY, 1317-1S W. O. W. Bldg. STKNO.. 6: Steno. and Bkkpr., 150; office clerk (hotel experience,, ...- .nd Bkkor.. out of town, H0, room and board: tyolst. $40: Steno., $50; Steno., $35 office clerk. $40. WATTS REF. CO., lat Nat'l Bank Bldg. rruuL-k- Sionniri-anhars. S55-$60; Steno., bank, $10; Stenographer. Oliver. $o5; two Steno... $35-$40; two blllera, $60; Typlet. ,-.,..M Whiff.. 150. Office girl. $30. See ua at once. No filing fee. CO-OPERATr'E REFERENCE CO. 7.vn?b6v-u Invnl.. .130. Bd. A Rm. HTEVOtlRAPHER (beginner) ....$40.00 THB CANO AGKNCT, 600 BEE BLl)0. wTwTRn a rirl for office work; must h. nulck and good penman. Union Out. fitting CO. WANTED Girls In office repairing and plHiriH Ueot. Dresner uroa., ,w nam. wantkd An axoerlenced cashier. The Washington Market, 1407 Douglas St.- STENO., beginner, $50.' WESTERN REF. BOND ASS'N. SEE Co-Operative Reference Co. for com mercial positions. 1NO tiling lee. . Proiessionsv and Trades. a wt.'l -lllrl. $arlth common SCbOOl edU cation, between is ana s up local and long distance telephone work. u-ivTEn iilrl, to label and pack Skin ner's macaroni products, .apply, i.curj, 14th and Jackson Sta. ..EARN barber trado. 1403 Dodge St. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Four first class cloak and suit salesladies; onee who nave naa exper.wmw In cloaks and suits ana can ao ,.. Ath.r nncd aDDlv: steady post' Hons' and good wages. Apply eddeo, 1417 Douglas St,, oinana. " Household and Domestic lt'.vn'n At once. houseKeeper, perlenced. smau lamny. ' ..hiuAtlnm tei woman with child,' Ad' drss Mrs. R. L. McCullough. Bellevue, Neb. Phone Bellevue 73. n-AiuTRnr:omDtnt cook; references, good wages tor sauaiacwrj viwit F. U.' jonnson. n WANTED Experienced seoond girl, good references required. Mrs. Frank Hamilton, 210 J. $d A.e. .u aivh'n a l aenerai oouae nPk ura. Victor CaldwoP. West Far nam Apts.. No. $. Hi.rney 6600. JT- vt.1" r, .sii fnr artmeral housework small family. Mra. E. G. Hoialngton, 36U 19th. weosier now. CAPABLE whlto girl for general housework in family of three; referencea required. Call Harney an. ."viuun-.TRKT white airl for general houae- work; in family. 3321 Cuming Su Phone Walnut lv. r iai-pm r vv hi t a a-irl for general houae- work; no washing; rouat be good nook. Harney 6678, VANTED White girl for general house work, no wasaing. dtius wiiwiu WANTED Girl to assist with housework and car of amall cnua. rooua "- 1707. GIRL for general housework: no washing. Call Hamey 4f-'B uiter i j WANTED White girl to assist In goneral housework. Phone Harney 2:ji8J WANTED A girl for general bouaowork. 132 S, 31st Ht. Harney if? GIRL to assist Harney 1342. with general housework. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED at once, young, neat appearing women for counter and floor work, stead. Apply at once In person only, do not tele phone. Aak for Mr. Hansen, Lincoln Inn, Basement. 16th and Farnam Sis. WANTED White chambermaids, $20 per month, room and board. Apply to house keeper, Hotel Fontenelle. FOR RENT HOUSES West. "3303 HOWARD STREET. A -atorv frame. 7 rooms and sleeping -porch. New iurnace. noora iwr vim Wn garage If deelred. House rent, $30. ALFRED THOMAS, 30S First Nat. Bk. Bldg. 208 8. 41ST Hot water plant, no.vv JOHN N . F K E N a EJ rt. UUL.UL.ao ooi. North. DESIRABLE. 7-room house, 366 Hamilton St., having four bedrooms, corner lot, south front, paved street, close to car, really a bar gain at $3. PAYNE & SLATER CO., (REALTORS) 616 Omaha Nat. Bldg. Doug- 101- 1114 N.-22D ST. 4-r. and bath, Bteel range, gas plate, kitchen cabinet, water paia. io, RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. NEW bungalow, atory and a half, 6-rooms on first floor, s rooma on cuhu. .. u. $27.60. 28th and franKiin. ueq ibqi. 5322 N. 25th St. 7 rooms, veneered Drica, modern, hot water near; in goon Phone Colfax 35S4. , J1S.00 7-roor i houde mod. ex. Walnut 213 Charles St. 5-ROOM cottage,-' all modern, Phone wrontfT 6-ROOM nidfiern rottage. 1M7 Ohio; $22. South. FOR RENT Five-room house, all modern except heat, Z-Iiu souin aula. las 6404. 4-ROOM cottage, water ana toner., lew phonft Harney oJ. Miscellaneous. WE HAVE WHAT TOU WANT. HOUSES AND COTTAGES PARTLY MODERN. S-R.. 503 Martha St $12.50 wi-vns:N KXCEPT HEAT. B-R., 2&14 Saratoga St $20.00 6-R., 2S19 No, 27th St. (for colored). 15.00 6-R., f.?H Sn. 27th St. 25.00 STRICTLY MODERN. 6-R.. 4129 No, 18th (vacant Apr. 1) 6-R., 4545 No. 40th St 6- R., 4112 Farnam (vacant April 1) tf-R., 1334 So. 30th St 7- R., 4612 So. 23d St 7-R., 520 So. 27th St 9.R.. &60 So. 26th St. $27.50 20.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 30.00 32.50 35.00 40.00 9-R., 559 So. 2Cth Ave 10-R., 221 Dodgft St HEATED APARTMENTS, 4-R.. Apt. 6 Stoecker, $23 summer. $30 winter; S23 So. 24th St. PORTER A 8 HOT WELL. 202 So. 17th St. Doug. COLS. Office With HOME J3Utl.l-ttKg. Hif,ii modern house with garage tor cars, close to car line, oo paved street $30 month. DouglRS zsns. HOUSES In all parts of tha city. CREIGH, SONS & CO., ftUB nee mag. TaARGE moving van with careful men, $2 per hour. Gordon Van co. Douglas MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Parking, storage and mov ing. 219 N lltb St. Phone Dnuglas 394. IDELITY REIVTAL SERVICE FREE Phone Douglas 88 for complete list of vacant houses and apart menla. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sta. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to orders for moving, packing or storage, umce at Raymond Furniture Co., 1518 and 1616 Howard St. rnone uoug. ot. kMHRPROOF WAREHOUSE. e.n.r.1 locked rooma for household goods and pianos; moving; packing and ahipping. Dm.m OMAHA VAN A.N J DiunftUD 803 S. 36th St Douglas 4163. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. ri.1 Van and two men, MaggarCl $1.25 per hour. Van and Storage Co., Moving, Packing, Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 1496. Jr "DlWn express Co. Moving, . J. XVrjJaJL' Packing and storage. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 2748. Doug. ei4. TWIN CITY EXPRESS CO., 1622 Casa SL PougiaM i'i7. i"J:--J?i- y " : FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. "ninnRRN store.' 16th St., near poatofflce, t7B month. O. if. ateDDina, xvxv MJDERTSTSTORES AND OFFICES IN Far- nam Bids. First Trust vo., i. ui. Offices and Desk Room. OFFICES. Single and en aulte. I na central loca- tl0D BROWN BLDG., Room 407. , . ' Douglas 1628. DESIRABLE office rooma In the remodeled (Ln.tnan hlnfat 1 1 i. , 10111 Ol. IWUIUJHIIS poatofflce. $10 to $15 per month. Conrad Young, aa pranueia uit. OFFICE, room suitable for dentist; reason able rent, letn ana nowaau. us- CHOICE office space. Balrd Bldg., Douglas, atccague inv, iq. Garages and Barns. 4716 SO. 24TH ST. $85. Center or ooum Oman business ' aisingi. . Ramge Block, Doug. 8406. AUTO garage and large rm. 3026 Davenport. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. MOST modern, up-to-date, new brick flat In Omana: not water " """-"",' nice lawn; excellent location. D. 61. H. 1803. FlVE-room apartment, the Chula Vista, 30th and Poppleton, 4. vcrj u.,u... ral H. Young. 323 Brandels Theater. D. 1571. VERY choice 6-room steam neaieo. au- ment on west farnam oi. JOHN VT. BOBBINS. 1802 FARNAM 8T. North. SEVEN-ROOM, ateam-heated, $3S. near post- office. G. H. HtQDDins, 10 1 o ii.av. South. THE IAFATETTE, 17th ar.d Jackson, Apt- 12, having s rooma ano iue iterated: $30 summer, $35 winter. THE PORTLAND, Park Ave. and Leaven worth St., Apt. 10. raviua , ..... tile bath, very desirable. $35 flat rate. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Realtors. 61 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. Phone Doug. 101. Miscellaneous. co-Tuna TRUST COMPANY. RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA- FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments nd Houses. Apartmtnts. A FURNISHED l-room modern house with garden spot In J ' " Septemoer . : Florence. DESIRABLE furnished and uniurmaow. apartments. All slxei .and prices splen JT i.a, 1 1 am s.wh and Farnam. D. 14.3 DEWEY, 29103 and $-room Apta., nicely furnisaea : nrowrn. Houses. i n.L.ivt nwwl.rn house. nicely furnished, good district. Fhone Harney 634. " ATTENTION. ROOMHUNTBRSl If you fail to find the room you desire among these ads call at Tba Bee office for a Room List Glvea complete detailed description of va cant rooms in all parts of the city. If more convenient phone Tha Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address and a list will be mailed to you at once. New lists ara issued every week, Furnished Rooms. COZILY furnlbhed. large, sunny front room, for ono or iwo; nui.i c""' telephone, library, etc; bath adjoining; walking distance; $11! month. S789 CM- "57 C'ica :t rrtom in urlvato home for teacher or lady employed: references re quired. On Farnam and Cuming car line, pwtlfdeaired. Phone Wal. 1324. l.AROFJ. well furnished room wltn nouan- kreping privileges. Sterling Apt. No. Z Flatlron Hotel. sleeping rooms, in ; flrBt door west of RENT Furnished front room in strictly modern borne. Private family; walking dlstauce from town. Call uar- pey 2913. ELEGANTLY furnished room In new mod em Dundee home. Private family. Reason able. Board close by. For gentleman. A al- nut 3825. II AMES AVE. Modem room for two gtu- tlemen, on car line; privileges oi references required; will give breakfaat FOR RENT Furnished room in my house in Dundee. Phono Walnut 1S28 on bua- days or after 5 p. m. during tnw wem. NEATLY furnished rnom in private family to young laay. i-iano anu privileges. 2603 Ames Ave. .. "i'8 DECATUR Well heated room to party employed; e'erythlng modern, close in: convenient and reasonable. W ehster4574. LARGE front room, modern, buuhdib iui two. Mcely lurnisnea; nomo j"iri Harney S337. 613 LINCOLN BLVD., very desirable front room (1 or a gentlemen;; pnvw "i.. breakfast If desired. Douglaa 7035. TWO nicely furnished rooms, strictly mod- Arn home, f arnam car nne. i..u'. FURNISHED room for rent. Lady pre Valnut 3899. ferren. livz is. lain, riiu.ie 39 CALDWELL .Modern, furnace heated rooms; cozy; near car line. Webs ter4 104. pi. ran rooms, all modern. close-in. $1.50 and up. 70- aouin inn ot. 609 CASS Pleasant furnished front room, 110 month. Harney joi FOR SALE New gas range at sacrifice. Teleohone walnut 3.n. 330 N. 17TH ST. r'lceiy lurnisnea uvuv room. Dougina .ii-ii. Housekeeping Rooms. STRICTLY modern home; one large room and kitchenette. suitaDie ior ku. i.v women or couple employed. 2811 Bristol. Webster 2234. MODERN, furnished front room with kitch enette, adjoining oazn room, yr.a.iw . fam ily; references exchanged. 4111 S. 25th, South 1590. . SlJlTE OF CLEAN, NEATLY FURNISHED, WELL HEATKP HULSMit.i'inu nw.ua. 2902 DODGE HT. HARNEY 1247. 2204 WEBSTER ST. Housekeeping rooms, well heated, nicely lurnisnea, aieo mivw ing rooms. Douglan 3084. 563 ST. MARY'S AVE. Two large front rooms. Close-in, walking distance. $4.60 week. Douglas 4432. COZY Housekeeping roo as. Kitchenettes adjoining. 258 4-$ week. Harney St. 2312 DOUGLAS One suite of nice, clean housekeeping rooms on bathroom floor. TWO or three rooma ' -r light housekeeping, Red 8578. 2121 Leavenworth. FARNAM, 2822. 3 nice housekeeping rooms, electricity, steam, gas range. $3.00 PER week. 2218 Leavenworth, two fur nished nouaeKeepinir rumua. 3110H CALIFORNIA 3 modern furnished rooms: also 3-room co.age. Harney 4001. 1611 Howard, nk. and sleep, rms. stm. heat. Board and Rooms. THE IRVING 2103 Leavenworth; excellent board; good surroundings. Tyler 1419. 2128 PINKNET ST. -Board and room suit able for one or two. vtjutor nnv. GOOD home cooking; lunch 26c; o'clock dinner. 36c. 114 N. S4th St. Unfurnished Rooms. 548 S. 21TH AVe.. Three unturnianta roms, partly moaern. -wnn wb i mm and gas. Reasonable. 2739 CALDWELL Modern; furnace heated rooms; near car line; reasonable, wodbitit 4104. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. WE want mora houses and apartments te rent. The tact rnai we nav$j traciicanr cleaned mit our big list Is conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental service. If you want to keep your places rented see Payne & Slater Co.. "Omaha s Rental Men." 610 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Dou g las 101"- Unfurnished Houses an.' Flats. WE WANT to rent your vacant psoperty for you, aa we cannot suppiy me aeraana ior rental property. Call us and let us talk with you if your rental property . va cant or you are not recelveing returns on OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL GLNCT, Hastings It rieycu-n. ion nnv. iy. v. Miscellaneors. LANDLORDS. ATTENTION. We will secure a desirable tenant for your vacant store, house or flat within 30 days If on the South Side and tn a tenable condition, or pay you a month's rent. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. INCORPORATED CAPITAL, $25,000. 4925 S. 24th St. Phone South 1247. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. NEAR 34TH AND CALIFORNIA Two-story, 7-room nearly new horns'; living room, dining room, kitchen and den . on first floor; finished In oak and oak floors. Three bedrooms and bath on second floor; finished in birch. Floored attic. Paved street, paving paid for. Cement drive. This is a real bargain. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY 637 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. D. 1781- A GENTLEMAN'S HOME. Overlooking Ha...ccn Park. Plot 160x180, i .n'atna twelve Is- room., three hatha with toilets. Innumerable closets .,, n.ntrles. steam heat, seven fire nlaces. and finished in oak and mahoganv. H . ... . . nnlu f &0ft Ph ri- Fr ee .xj.uuv. . SOUTH OMAH.. INVESTMENT CO.. .92o s. 24th St. Phone South 1247. - ,1 500 FOR A FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. Only been built a few years: all modern except heat. $160 down, balance $1$ monthly. Located at S110 Burdett. St. TRAVER BROTHERS, 706 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Phona P. 88. North. 5-ROOM COTTAGE $100 CASH-$20 MONTH. 1845 No. 18th St. 6 room,, all modern except heat, corner lot, with both street. """Here Is a chance to get a hom. for what you are now paying for rent, and the price at $1,500 la very low. HIATT COMPANY, JI5-7-I Omaha Nat. Bank. Tyler 80. WALKING DISTANCE. Near I6th and Hall Ave., new bungalow of 5 rms. and bath; strictly mod.; oak fin-lsh- built-in cupboards; entlr. house just decorated; furnace heat; beat of lighting fixtures: guaranteed plumbing: nice lot; atre.t paved and paid. Price $3,!50; easy terms or lot aa first payment. RASP BROS., Realtors, nn.l!.!4 Keellne Bldg. Tyler T!l. BEMIS PARK, $6,000 Nina rooma. atrtclly all modern, built for a home; quarter-sawed oak; hot water heat; basement plastered; attlo flnlehed: five bedroome. Located on full lot on Lafayette Avenue Boulevard, between 86th and 38th Sta. Garage. Beat bargain in city. GLOVER & SPAIN, - (REALTORS) Douglaa 33CS. , $19-20 City National. ( i