THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1917. HINDU PRINCESS GOES "If the Mirror Told True" By Nell . Brinkley Copyright, 1(17, International News Service. New Gravitation Theory Is Vaves in Ether. Push All Bodies Together UPON HUNGER STRIKE Declares She Doesn't Heed to Eat, for Spirits Would n Provide Life. OFFERS TO TEACH MALONEY Princess Khan Oola has gone on a hunger strike. $ince ner "st Friday afternoon she has refused to eat anything ex cept a few oranges, which she brought with her. She has turned down a num ber of tempting dishes prepared es pecially for her. "Why should I eat?" she demanded in a half audible jargon. "It isn't necessary for me to live on food. The spirits will supply me with life." Brought before Chief-wf Detectives Maloney she told a different story, however. She said that her creed for bade her to eat the same dishes as other races. '!I eat only what I cook myself. I never eat meat, fish or grease of any kind. The spirits don't allow me to." '' - - Declines to Buy Food. Although given permission to send out and buy any kind of food she de sired, she declined to do so. "I don't know what we can do with .her," Chief of Detectives Ma loney said, "unless we fix her an apartment in the matron's department and let her do her own cooking and housekeeping. I for one don't believe in this forceful feeding." Police declare the princess' method o obtaining her patrons' jewels was revealed to them Saturday afternoon. When a patron' came to her home, 1612 Cass street, for free consulta tion, she asked for a sacrifice to of ,fer up to the spirits. - The dearest thing a person possessed, she said, al ways made the best sacrifice. The sacrifice, of course, was destroyed, she said. When the patron came around again and said that no benefit had resulted, she always would ask for a larger sacrifice, saying that the spirits were not satisfied with the first of fering. Through this method, police believe she has taken from Omaha people jewelr, valued at about $10,000. Nearly 100 rings, many set with dia monds and other precious stones were sejzed when officers raided h' r mystic parlors. Trunks of silk dresses and other valuable trinkets were found at' her home and many other offerings and sacrifices of her patrons to the spirits and mystic conjurers. She admitted that she was nj or dinary fortune teller. At times she said she held a school for fortune tellers, where anybody with the price could learn the inner workings o. the business. Many of Omaha's best clairvoyants were initiated into the secret myster ies and received their start by attend ing her school, she said. For $500, a very reasonable price, she said, she would teach the en tire business, secrets and all, to Chief of Detectives Maloney, who was closely questioning her on her methods. ' "I don't need any fortune telling games to make money," the chief re plied. The code used so successfully By the princess in securing greater sacri fices could not be deciphered by the police. It consisted of a box of in dexed cards with different scrawls and letters. Money taken, by Princess Khan Oola, otherwise Mrs. C Q. Mitchel tree, was not for her own' benefit, she told officers. It all was sent back, she said, to a society in India. It was all the fault of her husband's brother, Jess Mitcheltree, that die was arrested, the princess declares. She asserted that Jess also dabbled in the hidden mysteries, but was far from having good patronage, because he sometimes kissed his feminine clients as part of the ceremony. Jealous of her business and because she refused to gWe him money, Jess called upon several of her patrons, she said, and told them that she was a fake- , - - , GayetyGetsin Line WithAnother r Rgal Good Show - Spicy burlesque, the kind that titil lates through your system ' and emerges therefrom in a series of hearty laughs is yours if you will only journey down to the Gayety theater this week where Jacobs & Jermon's "Burlesque Review" is holding forth. If Harry K. Morton was the only one in the show, it would be worth seeing. liut there are forty others, some good to look at and the rest good to listen to. ' ( Newoesa vibrates through the .' whole program. Aged songs are taboo, except in one scene of special beauty where old southern "darky" songs are sung. Novel dancing num. bers are prolific, the educated feet of Harry Morton tattoiing out many a good sample of fancy stepping. And . last, but not least, there is no pretense at a plot. Instead, there are twelve refreshing, including the pan tomime presentation of "The Apple of igns, wnicn oumDer scores a tri umph. . Zella Russell m a woman who can and does play the piano. She has a specialty number that is better than many an act on a higher-priced cir cuit, she surgs a new movie show song and a catch? ditty about Mr. - Mormon Man which are winners. Her piamstic offerings are classical pieces, well rendered. There ' nothing i.bout her act which a church deacon cojnd not applaud. Flossie Eve. cue, a choici chunk of t. rightly girlhood, sings and dances her way into the hurts of the au dience. Julia de Kelety has a way about her that is winning and also a very good voice, rich and powerful, As to the chorus girls, it would take a sicrn ccnsoi indeed to find fault with them. Their portray.', of seven art pictures captivated the audience last night., ; r; - . Comedy has t3 clever exponents it Harry Morton-and Danny Murphy, There is rea. t.rt in Morton's manner ot making laughs, whether it be his acrobatic dancing, keel, satir or queer clow.iishness. Mjrton and Murphy have a "bab ' act" with Zella Kussell which is a scream. Too. there is a lot oi fun in Murphy s im personation ot an Hawaiian queen, "TTTTIAT would you see there! Would you, -when you slipt up YY on the shining oval and "peekt" around the gilt edge to glimpse the pretty face there, see a pussy, do you think, looking back at you? Let's sit down and talk plain out. Would you see a cat? . Are you one, if the mirror only told true? When any one, most specially a man, says some kind thing . of another girl or woman are you the girl who cannot let the pretty thing lie, but must pounce on it and pinch out its will o'-the-wisp life? For a nice thing said of a woman is a delicate thing and lifts its head shyly. All the unkind things grow like scratchy, hardy weeds and spread through all the by-waya of the world for every one to see. You must remember that. That all the loveliest, most needed things are fragile and easy to lose or kill. That the coarse, rough things that we do not sigh after spring alive quickly and are OMAHA ENGINEERS DECLARE FOR WAR - egee Charge Eastern Colleagues With Using Steam Roller in American Society. ' INSPECT HEW V. P, BRIDOE That the New York civil engineers, holding the balance of power through superior representation on the board, of directors are piloting the steam roller over the western engineers and are running the American Society of Civil Engineers to suit themselves is the contention of the Nebraska branch of the national, organization, which met in Omaha Saturday. The local engineers are real peeved at their eastern colleagues and intend to take steps which will prevent the eastern ers from ruling the society in the fu ture. , . Up to this time the national organi zation has been known as the New York Society of Engineers. But after the meeting of the board of directors next summer the local men assert that it will be called by its proper name. The members of the organization took luncheon at the Commercial club and then were taken to Council Bluff s in automobiles. There G. L. Campen, superintendent of construction of the Heynes elevator, demonstrated how concrete elevators are built. The unique feature of the whole thing was , tne manner in wnicn ine lorms are raised and at the same time kept per pendicular. ' . The most interesting feature of the afternoon was the inspection of the Union Pacific bridge. W. L. Brayton, chief engineer of the railroad, showed the visitors over the structure, the thing that impressed the out-of-town members was the way the old bridge is being taken down. Ordinarily such bridges would be moved on a tempo rary foundation and then taken to pieces in sections. In this case the foundation has been done away with between spans and the old spans -supported by the new structure by means of levers. .- , , R. A. Wilson took the members through , the electric light plant and laid emphasis on the construction of the new tunnels. Some unique en gineering features are to be seen in connection with this work. Among them je the cutting of steel sheet pil ing at a depth of twenty feet below the surface of the Missouri by the use of the oxygen-acetylone flame. At the business meeting which was held at the Fontenelle after the ban quet several matters were brought be fore the organization. It was. unani mously decided to allow the student civil engineers of the country to form local societies. : i Husband's Sues Partner : In Business for Assault Mrs. Mayme L. Plummer has brought suit against Peter B, Buller, her husband's partner in the grocery business at 1914 Lake street, for $6,000. ' Mrs. Plummer alleges in her petition-that Buller, who also ''rooms with the Plummer family at 1912 Lake street, intimidated, assaulted and attacked her while she ha an infant child in her arms and threat ened her w-th personal violence if she refused to do his bidding. Says Germans Retire Not From Necessity, But Choice London, March 4. The Frankfurter' Zeitung's correspondent at the Franco Belgian front is Quoted in a Reuter dispatch from Amsterdam as saying: "The strong can do what the weak dare not. That we are able to hold the Somme front if we desire our in comparable warriors have shown the world. If we now vacate a small strip of this front we obviously do so only because we want to and not because we must. This confidence at the front in what our commanders order should, strengthen the confi dence at home that what appears to be a retreat may be a prelude to un doubted advances." Alaska Railway Measure Rushed Through Congress , Washington, March 4. An emerg ency appropriation of $3;000,000 to conti.iue work on the Alaskan rail way was rushed through ti e senate and house in a few minutes tonight. It originally had been incorporated in one of the regular supply meas ures, which 'ailed of enactment. POINT- to the Hue and gold can when you ask for for Cakes, Fruits, Salads, Pea tries. Dnteru, Ice Creams, Hot Choco lates, Jello, Gelatines and Candy. - St ymr Grocers- - Then you will be aura to get tenn Itle HALLO, MALLQ Is a wonderful help tn making ok s icings sauces dee serta puddings, pies, doughnuts, salad dressings. Rosea dainties and hundreds of goodies. Met Has aafttlal yea ass seer sees' ltaeosM.aM,s iM te SwllawH lfa time wulbMoawligbt and fluffy like whipped eraam. It weufeln toe Walte-Stoseisoot. - tessly wjilts. Nought) aradere f aeterf . ts ears b taefet ea ITMSftm MALJA Study the recipe boea wMeb sense with aeery eMr-ery oee or two HALLO radpek Yoa wilt erica!? realise what a dahtty toss ytedaet this Is fraa Juatene taste. Yosr greeer. tee. has HALLO and wn Sail yoa of Its sewlims asd how saaay avilss en alresdr sting it. LAterteasadSHdsemlyhr White Stokes Co Ine. Chicago, IB. enafeUrsesssmbrlbewWseetire llrtrfllttrt as haVd to tramp out as Trouble's shadow. ' And anyone knows what a robust companion he is. Pinching to death the brave little leave of a gracious word said to another is only a habit, one of 'those things you catch when you live too long on a boarding-house veranda with nothing to do; so the. next time someone who is striding -along with you says a splendid thing about someone else who is not there, even if you don't believe it, remember that all the mirrors in the world might suddenly begin to get back the image of the thing you are most like and don't be what is called a "cat!" So agree and smile 1 And see how good you feel inside right after. , NELL BRINKELY.rv or a Sundae, or a - refreshing glass of; Ice .Cream . ;. , . Soda wiU be delightful and you won't feel weary ' and all fagged out when you go home, "v :- Jv' '.'" Be sure it is . . "Leading fountains throughout v V N ' this" entire territory serve it. . " '' " " '. ' , :' , - ' ! ' '---V.'-'--'' ' :; - : .' 1 : ' ' . t We hate a cheer recipe look called "Fifty . - ' Si and One Ways of Serving Harding's UtAPmQlfCSAMmi Ice 'Cream." yAsk for It at the Fountain. ' . . . - . t I 1 . . . - - . 1 t; By GARRETT P. SERVISS. The mystery of mysteries in sci ence is the attraction of gravitation that very force of nature that is the most familiar to us all I It seems strange that the most fa miliar -thing in the world should be, at the same time, the most inexplica blebut so it is. In order to see clearly wherein the mystery consists, let us first consider what gravitation appears to be. It is gravitation that gives the property of weight to all bodies. If there were no gravitation we could float like thistledowns, and infinitely bet ter than thistledowns; for they, too, are finally brought down by gravita tion. It is gravitation that brings a can ion ball eventually to the earth, no matter how swiftly it may be pro jected. The faster it starts the farth er it will go, but during every second of its flight it drops the same dis tance vertically toward the earth, whether the speed imparted to it by the powder is 500 or, 3,000 feet per second. Gravitation acts on a mov ing body exactly as well as on one at rest. ' It is gravitation that curbs the mo tion of the moon and keeps it in an orbit of which the earth is the active focus. So, too, it is gravitation that gov erns the earth in its motion around the sun, preventing 1 it from flying away into boundless space.-' Astron- I omy shows that gravitation acts be tween an tne pianets ana an tne stars and controls their motions with re spect to one another. Now this mysterious force appears to be an attraction, as if there were elastic cords connecting all the bod ies in space and tending to draw them together. But space, as far as our senses can detect, is. empty. There are no elastic cords and no physical tronomical bodies, or between a fly ing stone, or cannon ball, and the earth. How, then, can there be an attraction? In order that a body may be attracted or drawn thtre must be something to draw it. Gravita tion does the trick, but completely Slides from us the mechanism through which it acts. We can dis cover no. mechanism at all. When an unfortunate teroplanist drops from his machine at a height of a thousand 'feet he begins at once to fall toward the earth as if it were, pulling mm; dui now can u.iuii u IE has nothing to pull with? You may think at first sight that it is the. air which' acts as an intermediary; but that is not so, because the earth and the moon "pull" upon one another with a force equal to the strength of a steel cable 500 l.iiles in diameter; but there is no air, and no other tan gible thing in the open space, 240,000 miles across, that gaps between the moon and the earth. Then , gravitation exerts the same force at every instant. No matter how fast the falling aeronaut may be de scending at any moment, gravitation will keep on adding speed as if he had just started. Disregarding the slight retardation produced by the resistance of the air, he will fall sixteen feet in the first second, forty-eight in the second second, eighty in the third second, gaining thirty-two feet in his velocity during every second after the -first, From a height of 1,000 feet he will come down in about eight seconds, and will strike the ground with a velocity of about 256 feet per second. From a height of 10,000 feet he would fall in about twenty-five seconds, and would strike with a velocity of 400 feet per second, f The same kind 'of calculation can be "applied to the gravitation between the earth and the moon. If the moon were not in motion across the direc tion of the earth's "pull" it would fall to the earth in about 1 16 hours. Now,, to return to the mystery, how' is this force exerted? Is it really a pull as it seems to be? The answer to which science is tending is that instead of being a pull, gravitation is a push; -iri other words, that the falling aero naut is pushed toward the ground and the moon is pushed toward the earth. On the face of it one might think that nothing was gained by this theory, because it seems as impossible that a push should be exerted with-, out a tangible connection as a pull. But the clue is found in the supposed properties of that invisible, in tangible, all-pervading medium called ether. This, to be sure, is explaining one 1 mystery by another, for we know nothing about the ether except that it conveys the waves, of light and elec tricity,. butat any rate, it affords a conceivable explanation of gravitation. I have no space to go into this ex planation, which has recently been'de yeloped by Dr. Charleh F. Brush, but an idea of its nature may be formed from the statement that it regards the ether as being filled with a peculiar form of waves, and that material bodies may intercept these waves in such a way as to be pushed toward one another on account of the dim inished effect of the ether waves in the space between the bodies. - 1 Benieneed ft Boyhood Friend. When they went to school together they called each other Jim and Al. But wjien they met in the Wyandotte county district court recently It was Judge A. J. Herrod and James Sexton, confessed bank forger. The Judge looked down 'from the bench at the prisoner, who fumbled -his hat and looked at the floor. Jim had admitted- to Al tnat he had forged the name of Daniel 8tumpf to eight checks he oashed. at the Commercial National Hank, Kansas side. "Ten years on each count," the Judge said. They turned to lead Jim away. Al looked up froia his docket. ' "Make 'em run concurrently," he added. "Ten years is a long time, you know." Kan- eas city oiar. '