Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE Bfcii: OMAHA, MONDAY. MARtn . 1917.
Heal Estate. Leapt, Mortgages.
f.owu 310RTUAOK, bearing per cent
.eml-ana.. aeeured. by property valued mt
I31.CUQ. TUmeage-Joonue lnr. oo. w. u.
W. Bid.
,e PER CENT to I per cent on beet clasa city
reeldencee tn amoanti 33.93 np; also
fano loana Heaaonanle eommlsuon.
PETERS TRUST CO 18!3 Parana f
SS.UOO alOUTUAUB. beartix 4 per ceat
aenil-ann.. aecured b property valued a
116,000. Talmadra-Loomls lav. Co.. W. a
W. Bid.
W. O. .. BldC. Don Utt.
auoPEN ca, private honbt.
36U0.(.U W loan oo Omaha real eatato or
Central Nebraska laud.
W. u Belby a Bona, Katllne Bins.
MONEY u loan on Improved (arms and
ranches, we alao buy good farm oaort-
trasea, auoao lav. Co.. maaa.
MONEY oo and tor city and
tunn loana. H. W. Binder, City
National Bank Bids.
Om. NaL Bk. Bide.
116 Omaha NaL Bank Bid.
o K15EF1S it. ai. t;v., ime omana r,ai
FARM and city loana. 5-6 and 6 per cent,
W. H. Thomas, Keeltne Bids. Douc. 164).
Sun Theater
i'ITY and farm loans, lowest rata.
E. H. LOUGEB. 1p(x, 638 Keellne Bldg.
1109 to $10,000 Quid promptly. F. D. Wwd,
wend mag., mtn ana remain bb,
Brandei Theater Bldg. u. sua.
NO DULAY In closing loan. W. T. Graham,
604 Bee Bldg.
Stocks and .Bonds.
uncie Ham un ijo.. uu a iocs.
1,000 share, one cr.-tificate.. $23.76
10,000 share, one certificate 46.00
15,000 share. certificate 62.00
25,000 shares, one certificate 08.00
Old establlahed oil company, having oil
walla, S refineries, pipe line 15 drilling
rigs in Oklahoma ana Kansas fields.
J. F. HOLLICKti CO., Clock and Bonds,
106 E. First St. Wichita. Kan.
, MOO shares Onahruan iron company
stock for aale at attractive price. C. E.
Updike, Andrus Bldg., Mtnnoapoll, Minn,
Abstracts of Title.
Itfatt Title, Guarantee od Abstract Co.,
tut a 17th St.. ground floor.
Bonded by Mass. Bonding and ins. Co.
Abstracts of Title.
HEED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abatraot Of
fice In Nebraska. 206 Braodeis Theater.
Financial Wanted.
WANTED A large loan on 1.000 acres good
western Iowa land, two sets of Improve
ments. Call Doug-la 2410.
FREB book "Mon.y 1 . Oil" shows how you
can make quick profits. stent.- dividends.
Small investnu. t. drilling. Ap-
p.jved Stat banking r jtsston. Neosho
Co., K. C. Life Bids,. Kan' City. Mo.
Represent prompt pay Insurance com-
pan tea, 944 uranaetg iJiag., umani, iep.
FOR BALE! OR TR..DE Judgement 1400,
not $500, will be good In future, need two
second-hand cars, will trade one or both.
Bos T 181. Dee.
COUL ' YOU use
$240.00 OR MORI
If yon could cet It at a very low rate
of interest ana wnere you vrouia oe pro
tected from -lgh rates and unfair treat
Why deal with a company that does not
treat your tuai wun utmost privacy.
We do not advertise misleading rates
. and ws give ytu a contract book showing
just what you are charged for ine loan
and the amount of each payment per
Our bond and license protects you; be
side we have been In bus' len twenty-five
ylOMAHA r oa:: company,
341 paxtou Elk. Tel. Douglas 2295,
FURNITURE, pianos, and notes as security.
$40 6-mo. H. good, cotal cost, $3.50
S40 . - indorsed nous, total coat, $2.60.
Smaller, larper am'te, proportionate rate.
Organized by Omaha Business Men, '
422 Rose Bldg., 16th and Farnam. Ty. 60S.
SH pet, on Ola Gross. 41" IT. 'filfa. R. 6081.
220$ Farnatn St Douglas $311,
1914 Hupmobil "32" $300
191$ Btxoo $350
m$ Overland Touring $376
1114 Chalmers "6" Sacrifice
B will trade you a new Ford for your
old one.
'th and Harney. Douglas 62S1.
, 2 IN 1 VUL. CO.,
1516 Davenport St.
SO Per Cent Saved on Tear Tire Expense.
U17 MAXWELL Touring cur, $400, fine con
dition: tire nearly new, 1623 N. 24th.
Web. 1030.
l-'OR SALE or exchange, CstdlUao coupe.
Fully equipped, $b00 cash; can use late
Ford. 311 Iowa Bldg.. Sioux City. Ia.
:15 H 24th, CROSSTOWN GARAGE, D. 4442
Repair work that satisfies at reasonable
prices; parts of all kinds.
FOR SALE Model 20 Bulck, speedster, in
Al condition, at a bargain for cash, C.
M. Mack, Millard hotel.
WILL lay CASH FOR several used TWO
CYLINDER CARS. Phone Barney $708
and aak for JOHN.
BIORTSCHY "Kan-Flx-It." Southeast cor
new 30th and Harney Sts. Douglas 2552.
TELt & BINKLEY, auto repairing; expert
mechanic. 3318 Harney St. p. 1540.
FOR SALE 1815 Studeba' - alx In perfect
mechanical con Ion. Doug. 8080.
FORD touring for sale cheap. Colfax 41 J 3.
1834 Sahler.
WANTED Good auto In exchange for town
lot and ten .acre land. Box 1771, Bee.
Auto Livery and Garages.
EXPERT auto repairing, "service car al
ways ready." Omaha Oarage, 2010 Bar
ney St, Tyler 656.
Auto Repairing and Painting.
SlVO reward for magneto w can't repair.
Colt repaired. Bayadorfer. 210 N. 18th.
tiM. Auto Radiator Repair Service, and
V right 218 8. lath. D 7200.
Motorcycles and Bicycles
Farley-Davidson motorcycles Bar-
galns in used machines. Victor Roos, "The
MQtnrryrl Man." 270X Leavenworth.
gr$V- . k i . ii
THeJ Saatlon Army Industrial Home so
licits your old clothing, furniture, masa-
zinee. We collect. W distribute. Phone
Doug. 4Utj and our wagon will call. Call
and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114
Dodge St
We have secured Mis Etta M. Sturgea,
ai expert maaseuae. graduate of Kellberg
Institute of Chicago, for our massage de
uarifcient, Stuats Intltute, 1506 Harney.
Open evenings and Sunday. D. 7097.
V. B. STANTON, we have important new
lor you. Mrs. N. L. Orubbs, Phona
1.(17. .
U, I, LA WEBSTER, massage and
curing. 618 Paxton blk. Red 1400.
4JAB bKUUMAN, scientific masseuese and
baths. 3U3 Kafbacb blk. Red 1121.
SWITCHES, pompadour" and curls made
from comblnga. Call Colfax 2653.
ALL Krlgot Private Maternity Home, SOLI
Miami St. (.tinT 291)8.
SCIENTIFIC mas rge. 6li0 Bee Bldg. Phone
Uouglaa 6372.
Ml Kdtrn. Mdanllflc maasag. R. .28 Neville.
.iMH nilna and mugs 1823 Fsrnam. Rm. It
I LI. If. tun h mniKMitf. 13 Kurnm Mt
-.P,!.riT-Tra-ltlr rn"W)t"- ,3"4?4 Cuming
MKAUTTKUL While Hwk cockcrols and
hn. Florence :i7.
S. C R. 9. Red Cocker '-In, goud unes. 392a
nurlh 17th. Colfax 3172.
CIl FF ORI'INUTON eggs, $t.A setting; hne
n " ii'f -r laj era. nrtx ttjVU,
& ifi-nl.iKB 31.60 100. A.W.Wagner 801 N. Htb
Educational Notes
BelleTM College,
President and Mrs. David R. Kerr enter
tained the college 'faculty at tea Thura
day evening at Rankin Halt the prostdfat'i
mansion. Table decorations consisted of
purple and gold, the college colore.
The school of fine arts will hold Its an
nual winter recital this (Monday) evening.
The expression, the vocal and the Instru
mental department will ail ae representee
The recital will be held In the college gym
nasium. The Academy Dramatic club began re
hearsals Wednesday for their annual play,
"All-of-a-Sudden Peggy," which they hope
to produce in anout live weeks. Jrt, &d
win L. Puis, head of the expression depart'
ment. Is coaching the player.
Miss Myrtle E. Hunter, Rellevue, 08, until
last year head ef the Latin department of
the Betlevue academy, but now doing
graduate work at the university of Ne
braska, spent the week-end last week vis
iting friends en the college hl)L
The Intercollegiate debates with Doane
college and Cotner university will be held
f rtday evening, March if, uejievues at
Urinative team will meet Cotner st Belle.
vue and the Indian negatlvs team will clash
with Cotner at Bethany. Prof. Albert
Snare is coaching the team.
The Bellevue college basket ball team
will meet the Nebraska wesleyan univer
sity basket ball team on the Bellevue floor
next Thursday evening. On the basis that
Bellevue made as good a record against
Crelgbton. as did Wesleyan. and since Belle
vue defeated the Nebraska City Athletic
club, which defeated Wesleyan, the Indian
rooters are hopeful of a victory.
Hastings CoUege.
The college will have its spring vacation
the first week of April.
The Central Nebraska Teachers ssaocla
tlon will meet at Hastings ths last week of
Dr. Knauer, who has charge of the Bible
work In the college, moved his family to
Hastings last week.
President Crone, Dean Ferguson and Dr.
J. E. Farmer went to Edgar last week to
judge the high school debate between that
school and Ohlowa.
Announcement is made ef an Invitation
field meet to the high schools of southwest
Nebraska on Friday, May 11. Th summer
school of eight weeks will begin June 18.
Among the new students enrolled the past
week are John ft. Adams of Soottsbuff, Mr.
Eller of Bladen and two daug: ters of Rev.
Mr. Knauer, Mrs. Nell Dunn and Mrs. M. M.
On Thursday n. ; of last week, York
and college met 1n a Joist debate
on the question of literacy test for the ad
mission of immigrants, one team appearing
at each place. At York the heme team
won by a 2 to 1 decision. At Hastings, the
home team won by a unanimous decision.
On Friday night Hastings debated the same
question In the Triangular league, consisting
of Hastings college, Kearney Normal and
Grand Island College. Kearney appeared at
Hastings, upholding the negative, and the
Hastings team supported the negative at
Urand Island college. The declclon was:
At Hastings In favor of Kearney. At Grand
Island the decision stood In favor of Hast
ings. s
Per Normal yotes.
An Interaxtina: and instructive program
was aiven In chanel last week by the
parliamentary law class. A well-prepared
exemo ideation or me worn oi ina legisla
ture was presented. The handling of a
bill was illustrated irom introaucuon to
Three mt the Peruvian from the Fifth
regiment visited the campus last weak.
Phil Rouse returns to bis wont, in ine Lin
coln schools. Frank Hoslc will do graduate
work In Peru for the remainder of the year
and Sterling Whlteneid returns to his place
In the Fay bakery.
Dr. A. B. Wlnship editor of the Journal
Culls From the Wire
A sneclal meeting of the naval consulting
board, attended by prominent offloers of the
United Slates navy, including Rear Aumirai
W. S. SiniB, president of the naval war col
lege, was held at Wew i on to discuss -im
portant questions pertinent to in onm
tlons now facing the United States."
The American Steel and Wire company
of New York at the close of buslnens an
nounced an advance of $4 per ton in the
price of all wire product effective at once.
The new schedules make halls $3.20 per
keg; plain wire, 3.15 cents; barbed wire,
painted, 3.35 cents, and galvanized barbed
wire, 4.05 cents per pound.
Department Orders.
Washington, March 4. (Special Tele
gram.) Postmasters appointed; Nebraska
Crowell, Dodge county. Clara E. Patton,
vice John Clifford, resigned; Hamlet. Hayes
count", Mr. Edith O. Stephenson, vice J. H.
Locker, resigned. Wyoming Mountalnvlew,
Uinta county. Alma R. McQealh, vice Will
iam Suiamers, resigned.
Iowa rural letter carrier appointed:
Adair, Clyde G. Edward, Thomaa i. Dunn;
GIvln. Richard R. Reese; Hudson, Nicholas
R. Kelln; Llvermore, Harold Erickeon; Ma
pleton. Harold E. Mitchell, Ora 8. Cave; St.
Charles. Perry F. James; Turin, John P.
Cole; Win field. Pitt F. Bryson.
The Postoff lo department I as accepted
the proposal of Messrs. Ekeroth and Beer
to lease new quarters for the postoff Ice at
Wakefield, Neb., for ten years.
New York Money Market.
New York, March 3. Mercantile Paper
44& pur cent.
Sterling Exchange AO-day bills, $4.71 ;
cnmmerclal 60-dav bills on banks. S4.T1:
commercial 60-day bills. $4.70 Hi demand.
$4.76; cable, $4.76 7-16.
Silver Bar, 76 c; Mexican ooiiara, see.
Bonds Government weak; I Uroad Irreg
ular. 1
U. S. r. 2s, reg. 91 M. K. ft T. lt 7
An mutton ... 90 Mo. P. Con. 6S..201U
U. S. 3s, rg.,..10014Mont. Power 6s.. 99
do coupon ...100 N. Y. C. deb. 6s.l8
U. S. 4, reg.. ..107 N. Y. City 4fc.107
d couuon . . .108ANaw Haven c. tis.102
A.T.&T.c.4tt 104 No. Pacific 4s... 9344
Angio-r rencn os. no s
Atch. gen. 4s.... 94 Ore. S. L. ref. 4 92"
B. & u. 4s JZftrac. x. et t. ds.,ivu
Beth. St. ref. Ss. 9sPenn. con. 4tt..105U
Central Pac 1st. 90 do gen. 4a.. .1024
C. & O. cv. 48. 82tfReadiog gen. 4. 94H
C. B. A Q. 1L 4s 98 So. Pac cv. 6...100
?.,M 103 do ref. 4 01
.. R. L ft P. r. 4 73 So. Railway t..101H
n. A 8. refj 4Ui SHVUnlou Pacific 4. 97
n R CI n in. XI XL do CV. 4s S3U
Erie gen. 4 67 V. S. Rubber 6. . 102
Gen. Eleo. 6s... .106 U. S. Steel 6s... .105
GC No. 1st 4. 99HW- Union 4.. 93U
I. C. ref- 4 91 Dom- of C, 1931. 97
K. C. So. ref. 6 18 'Bid.
L, ft N. UO. 4s... 94.
Cottew. Market.
New York, March $. Cotton Future
opened steady; March, i7.22c; May, 17.17c;
July, 17.17c; October, l$.26c; December,
William Conlin of Dallas, Tex., brother
of Dr. Frank Conlin of Omaha, I her vis
iting for the woek.
Horses Live Stock Vehicles
FOR SALE 12 head or heavy draft horaea
owned by Sunderland Broe. Co. oond
atock. auttable for work on farm or un
paved road.. Call Tyler 1773 after e p. m.
and make appointment for Inspection.
BAY toam, 7 and I years old, 3,300 pound.;
gray team, mar, ana norse, ,,4uu pounds;
new Concord ham Ma. 3411 N. 14th 8L
Webster 3383.
A PERCH ERON pedigreed borae; 3 yean
old, lor sale; weigh, i.vev ibs.i regutwM;
No. 1 bona. Matt Trierw,llr. Fullertoo.
QOOD TEAM of marw; 1 farm waavn; 1
medium eprln, wagon: 1 walking cnltl-
vator. 4124 Snratoga St., Colfax 2425.
FOR MALE Uood t-year-old horse, also
buggy and alngle and double barneaa, 1.13
9. 29th.
A REGISTERED French Percheron atalllon.
for sale or trade for team. Phon, 21495,
Council BtuHe.
MAKE, 900 lbs., saddle and bridle, 123. 2217
Willis Ave.
qt)OD big horse for .ale. 1019 Harney.
Notlo, Is hereby alveo that th, reaular
annual meettns cf th. atock bolder, of thd
Hovih putt. Land Company will be held
at the ottiet ot aald Company. Room 791,
Tim national Ben- ouitatog. uncvla. r...
braska, at 11 o'clock a m., on the Svvwitb
day ot March A. D 1317.
uncoin, aeoia.Ra, uaroh gth, 1117,
C H. MORRILL. Praaldent.
W. W. TURNER, Srelar and Treasurw.
ter Fort Riley, Kans. Sealed proposals, in
triplicate, will be received ber, until Mar,
37, 1917, for construction of a Highway
Bridge. Alternate bids for steel And con.
Tote will be considered. Information fur.
nlenrd .u application.
of Education of Boston baa accepted the
invitation ts duvr tn pnnctpej address
at the asdics ttea eg the mow swiidlng in
connection witn tn emi-ntennt,i cele
bration at Pent next print;.
The following memherr of the' faculty
attended the National Association of Super
intendent and Principals at Kansas CHy
last week: President D. W. Hey, Dean
E. it. Rouse, Ulaa Hanthorne, alias Herring
ton, Mis Tiobetta ana ur, ttuii.
Grnad Island CeOeg.
On Friday evening the hoy' second vaaket
bsll team pJayed th high cxJ at Cairo
and won. 4 to 14.
Fourteen members af th graduating class
of the academy will compete tn declamation
tor the pAaliersoa prism.
Those who nt-g la student activities
outside of class room work must maintain
hereafter a grade of 8 per coat.
Last Thursday afternooa Dr. Campbell
of the Henry evangelistic party visited the
college and gave an addross.
At the conclusion of this semester" work
in rhetoric and public speaking, the fresh
man cla is expected to prepare and de
liver orations.
.Ml.-s Effle Ford of (lot FalU, . D, hea
become the stenographer r President Jor
dan. She was Dr. Jerden'a stenographer
while he was president or Sioux Falls col
Wednesday and Thursday evenings the
girls' basket ball ' team played the teams
of the Centnal City college and the York
college, respectively. Tl v failed to secure
a victory In either contest.
On Friday oveni.:j occurred the triangular
debute with Hastings and Kearney. Grand
Island college was defeated In both con
tests. The judges were Superl-tendent A
F. Fisher of Aurora and Judge Martin of
Central City.
Nebraska W est cyan.
Tn the annual prohibition oratorical con.
tent Friday evening first place was awarded
to Oscar Lows and second i noyq
Work ha been began on the athletic
Held in preparation fnr pring athletics.
Both base ball and track team will be out.
Dr. Schreckengnst ha spent most of the
week out in the slate la the campaign for
funds for the new Teachers' college building.
The first of the series ef entertainment
consisting of music and moving pictures
was given In the Auditorium Saturday, eve
Requests have come In recently from
Wausa. Stanton and St. Paul for the
weather forecast code as used by the wee-
ley an radio station. .
Chancellor Fulmer left Thursday for New.
ton. Kan., to act as judge In an oratorical
contest. From there he went to Kansas
City to attend a meeting of. oelleg xecu
Increasing Interest 1 shown by the stu
dent In the matter of making sacrifices
of social pleasures in order to be able to
help In the campaign for funds for Bel
gian relief.
Nebraska Central College.
Mrs. Tappan of North Loon spoke to the
student at the chapel exercises Tuesday
The oolleare picture was taken Friday
noon with students lined up on th campus
south of tho college building.
The Girls Athletic association Invited
II of th student at th college t a
birthday party Wednesday nignr.
Faculty members hav been tn great de
mand for Judging debates thi week. Presi
dent Parish o acted a a judge in th Hast-
logs-York debate at York Thursday evening;
Prof- Coppock Judged at Hasting, between
Hastings and Kearney noranu moay nignt,
and Prof. Woodward acted a Judge at
Grand Island between Grand Island college
and Hasting college.
Quotation!, furntahed hy Burns. Brlnker
t'o,. (99-52 Omaha National Bank Bldf.i
Bid. Aakel.
Burg-eas-!?. Co. T pot, p, ea-fl. M4 JM
cudahy Parkin Co. com 111ft 111
Cudahy Packlor C. pfd 10, 108 ;
e,r, Ca. pfd '. (6 trvi
Deere A Co., com 40 ...
Douvla. Hotel Co., combined.. 72
Fairmont Creamery Co., pfd. .10. 107
Oooch M. A E. Co. tpt., p."B" 101
Harding- Cream Co., 7 pcu,
Howard MtOY, Oo I, 40
Llnooln Tel aV Tel., com., 7 pet t7 ,
Om. A Co. Btuffa St By., om. 4S It
Om. ft Co. Bluff, St. Ry., Pfd. 72 76
Om. A Co. B. By. A Bridge, pd 62 t
Ora. Glee. Ivleirt A P. Co.. pfd. 17 ...
M. C. Peters Mill Co., pfd.. ,.1I0 101
Ravenna Tetephoae Oo 99 100
Journal-Stockman Co., pet.. 117 1!2H
Swift and Company 140 142
Unkm Stock Tarda Co., pet.. loot, ...
Updike Oram Co., cam 135
Booth-St. t. Cold Stor. ta, 1131 t 100
Bethlehem Steel ia, l'lt '.
Chadroa. Neb. ia. 11J 1M 104
Cudahy Paeklnt C. ia 14.. '. 100;i
la -Portland Cem't Co. is. 1!I. 19 100
Haatlnaa. Neb. 414 achl, 17. .. 4 10
Kearney. Neb. 81. ).. H31-li.10i.3l !!.:
Norrla A Co. 4. J .
On. Athratle club ea, 1I13-1M2. II H 1M
Om. A Co. B. St Ry. ia. 1131.. 6H 7U
Ora. Elee. Llcht A P. ia, 1(33. it ...
Omaha Una Co. la, 1317 17
Omaha, Neb. Waters 4.03
Pae. O,, A Elee L. Co. ia, 1343 32 S3
Fnblle B.C.OI No. 111. .. 1312.100.37 101.37
Soottsbluff, Neb. municipal 5a. 106 103.23
Rwlth and Company la. H44. Ml 131K
Southern Hallway ia, 1313.... 33 33
U. S. RubbM- 1 r. ia, 134T "A". 3 37
United K., Ot. B. A lre.i!,.1313 33 31 Railway lat ia, 1331,, 3 37
Mlnaoapoli. Orala hlarkot
Mlnneanolla March 2 noor Vanry pat.
ent, advanced 35 -cents, q anted t 13.30.
First clwra advanced 15 centa, quoted at
Sl.ift. Other BTadee. unchanaed. Barley.
92cell.3L Rye, l.tei.. Uran. t3S.33
Wheat Mar, 1.B01.3: July. II.ISHO
1.82H; Caah: No. 1 hard. l2.(l!H2.10!lt
No. 1 northern. 31.37Vi3.04Ui No. 2 north
ern, 11.3402.02.
Corn No. 3 yellow, 31.03U 01.5!4.
Oats No, 3 white. 5769o.
Flaiwed, l2.77ftQ2,3.
TJre Stock la Sltbt.
RecHpta at live stock at th, five principal
waetera narketa yesterday:
. Cattle. Hogs. Sbeep
Omaha 125 3,000 too
St Loots 500 4,000
ftleu City 300 . too
Kanaaa City 100 0
Chicago 10 12,000 1,300
Totals 1,825 34,500 1,700
. Hay Market.
Prairie Hay Upland: Choice, 312.630
13.00: No. 1, Sll.iOOlS.M: No. 1, 310900
11.00; No. 3, t8.OO0i.oo. Midland: No. 1.
311.309U.le: No. 1. 33.08Olt.09. Lowland:
No. 1. ta.Mgyt.tOl No, 3. 17.603)8.00; Ne. 3,
Alfalfa Choice, lll.30O13.00; No. 1,
$17.000018.09: standard. 314.001.H; JCo.
2, tl2.O0fU.O0; No. 3, I10.00OU.09.
Straw Oat, 7.O7.60; wheat, 34.00
6.50.. ,
Oil and Rortn.
Savannah, Oa., March 8. Turpentine
Nominal; tKc; aaioa, nono; recelpta, none;
shipment., 23 bbis.; stock. 12,437 bbls.
Rosin Firm; aale. 125 bbkM recelpta, 118
bbla; ehipmenti, 140 bbla.; atock, 78.747 bbls.
Quota: A. B, C, D, E, F, O. 38.00; II, I.
8.0OOt.2t: K. M 3t.23i N, 15.35; WO, 31.40
0.ii; WW, 38.76.
tna.a stack Market.
' Tjondoo. March t. American .ecurlties
after an adjoatroent- to parity finished dull
on the stock eKchang, today.
Sltvor Bar, 37 6'16d par ounc.
Honey 4 per mt
Discount Ratee Short and thn month.'
bills, 614 per cent I
Sty (Mi Market
New Tork. March 3. Dry Goods The
cotton market closed at 11.48c for May,
with the general list closing very steady
at a hot advance of 23 to 81 points.
- vTllaoa Situ, Bills.
Waaklnartm. March 4 President Wilson
last light algnsd th, laglalatrva, axecatlre
and Judicial appropriation bill, th, Danish
West India, government bill. th. pension
appropriation bill and a KH1I Increaatnn from
36,900,300 to 116,800,033 th. appropriation
for the war rlak Insarane, bureau.
No Dally I.l.t f hxen,
Paris, March 4 Ths admiralty has de.
elded not to publish dally the names of
torpedoed vessels. The announcement says
that thla publication has caused "grave in'
convenience" and that a weekly statement
will be leaued inatead of giving the number
,f veeaela ,1 different claaaca whlah have
been sunk.
Dee Want Ads Produce Results.
Cattle Only About Steady for
Week Sheep and Lambs
Sharply Lower.
Omaha, ilarch 8, 19 17.
Receipts wen; Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
Official alenday V.14 a.ts 11, Ui
urn ciai Tvusaay .
X 11. 4
Official Wednesday.,., a.649 14.141
4. HI
Official Thursday .... $.T It.W
uiThiui rriday . zx
Kstimat Batarday. ... lie
1.71S 2.1P1
KIT day this week. .W.911 7.927 41.49I
Sun day last week..$7.0?l eCi.lll tl...Th
flani day S wk. ago.Jf.XSS 104.2e
Sam daya S wks. ao.S4,9l! lU.ttS
Sam days 4 wks. ago..$ Tt.l ,
Same days last year..Z$.Tl 9,98$ 43. US
Recelnt and dtsrvosltion ef Itve frroec
th L'nloa Stock Yards. Omaha, ter tweuty-
.our nour anainn ai p. m. ynieroay:
i uv - 5T i tnnj 1
v ., tu. tn, r . ,
MtssouH P.. If to
Union Pacific '
CAN. W4 sst $
U N. W WSt 31
t.. 8L P.. M. O b
C B. Q,. east t 9
C, R. L P.. east 4
C R. 1. P- west
Illinois Central 1 3
Chicago Great Western . . 1
Total receipts 5 tl
Dlfll'O&lTlON- HEAD.
Morris C
Swift ft Company
Cudahy Packing company
Annoar ft Co
Schwarts ft Co
J. W. Murphy
Total .0KI
Cattle There were no cam of any tm
parlance on eel today. For the week re
ceipts amount to 21.911 head, being th
smallest since Christmas week and siualiiT
than a year ago by almost S.00 head. The
market advanced sharply during the early
part of the week, being quoted gwoerally
Sac higher on all kinds or klUors on w ed-
nesday. Since that day the market h"
eased off, cloning with most ef th advance
lost. This woutd apply to cows and heifers
as well as beef steers. Strictly good stock
cattle and feeder have been strong all the
week, while the less desirable binds hare
been slow and weak.
Quotation en cattle: Good to choice
heaves. $10.606 11. ee: fair to good beeves.
$9.7$ie.l0; common to fair beeves, fx. 60
9.76: good to choice heifers, $s. 60010.36:
good to choice cow, $$.W49.60: fair lo good
cows, G,7afjp7.T; common to fair cows,
lo.2iiy.tfi; prun reeaing steers, ds.zoqj
10.16: good to choice Teeder. 9I.TI09..6
fair to good feeders. $7.$J0)$.T$; common
lo fair feeders. $6.S0fl7.60; good to choice
stockers. 7.7o09.7i; stock heifers, i..ev
t.69; stock cows, $$.9008.00; atock calves,
17. 90v9. 60; veal calves, $9.00011.7.: beef
bulls, stags, lo ,.6UtVI.T6; bologna pulls,
Hogs Receipts of hogs vere light even
for a Saturday, arrival of only eighty -one
cars, or 6,009 head, being the smallest of
the week to date, ana for that matter, the
llK-htest sine four week ago. Th week's
supply Is the lightest since ths first week
of January, totaling 67.926 head, which is
17.999 smaller than a weak ago. 6.0vt short
ot two week ago, only a little ever half as
large as the record breaking ran three wee.
ago, and $.099 short of th corresponding
week ot last year.
Price reached new high level today on
another har a .vane. Keen chipping no-
menu again reaiureo ine marsec. ouiuae
buyers taking almost nan tn onennga
Their first purchases were no more than 19
9 lite higher, but after packer got la order
buyer paid a ranch as 10c or more up.
Killers also needed hog, and, as the run
wa light to begin with, and shipper were
taking everything they could use, it did
not t,- k packer very long to follow th ad
vance. In fact, once they got started they
led the prooesslon, making most ot their
purchases on a 1Sx6c higher basis. As
th market was very active, It was the work
of only a few minute to clean up the small
offerings, and by shortly after 9 o'clock
practically everything had sold. Closing
price were the best ot the day.
-Tn mantel averageu easily sva mgnvr
tban the preceding day. Bulk sold at $13.2$
.ftll.4t. and ton reached $13.66. as com Dared
with yesterday' bulk of $13. 06f 11.26, and
high-mark of $19.10. Value are 66&7tc
hlRher than last week' close, 'ins Dig snip-
nina demand has resulted tn good' lights
advancing more wan anyining eisc, ana
the spread of price the last couple ot days
ha neon tne narrowest in a long urne.
Representative sales:
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sb. Pr.
13. .176 $0 IS 10 98. .200 ... IS 20
6. ,116 64 1$ SO 76..: 40 13 30
6S..Stt ... 1$ $6 77. .213 40 13 40
73. .$34 ... 13 46 3..2l ... 1$ 60
63. .341 ... 13 EC
Sheep While supplies have not been
heavy at any time this week, and the last
three days' runs were very light, lambs are
nelling 3GiH4(k lower than a week ago.
Host traders think that had supplies been
any heavier ther would have been a much
greater decline. Packers simply did not
want to take on any more than was neces
sary, for while the looal car shortage has
been relieved to a great extent, eastern
market are congested, coolers being over
loaded and demand for all kind of dressed
mutton slack. Monday most of the offer
Inn sold 10c lower, while Tuesday 10 .So
decline were noted. Wednesday, w
very light run, price held about .steady
with the low close of the previous day, and
Thursday, while receipts continued moder
ate, prices war steady to s dime lower.
yesterday not enough was here to make a
market, values being quoted nominally
toady, as price elsewhere were unchanged.
Market war Blow from beginning to end.
and It was on or the mo., unsatisfactory
week seen (or a long time, Thursday Mex
icans sold at $14.099k.iv, the latter prio
buying a good kind, whil bulk oC the as-
slrabl wester ns sold around $13.86)
14.00, and weighty and unfinished kinds
moved on down, heavy lambs Belling as low
as $13,26. Almost no shorn lamb war
here. A couple of bunches of fall clipped
stuff made $13.60.
quotations on sheet, and iambs, Lam ha
light and handy, $J7. 76fl4. :0; lambs.
heavy, i.f i.suj aunt, cupped, $ii.h
4P 11.40; lamb, feeder. $13.0014.3$: rear-
lings, good to choice, $13.40013.,$: year
lings, fair to good, $lt.$013.$6; wethers,
fair to choice. $10.64.ail.Ti swe. good to
choice. $ll.fll.$tt; . fair lo good,
$lv.0001L$0; wee. plain to culls. f1.o
Cattl Stesdy Hogs Strong and Higher
Mteep stead) .
Chicago. March a. Cattle -Receipts. 800
head: market, steady; native beef cattle,
$9,000)12.00; stockers and feeders, $6.40
9.36; cows and heifers, $6.30 10.30; calves,
$8.00011.26. i
Hogs Receipts, 13,000 head, market.
strong; S5c above yesterday' avorage; bulk
of sales, $13.6613. 0; light, $1S.0U13.b;
mixed, $13.36Q)13.8&; heavy, $13.36913.99;
rouRn, fia.3bvit.bu; pigs, 9l0.Zl)O'l3.3&.
Sheep and .Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head:
market, Bteady; wethers, $10.76913.00; ewoe.
$9. 50 fill 2.00; lambs, $12.0014.60.
St, Lools Live Stock Market.
St. Louis, March 3. Cattle Receipts, 600
head; market steady; native beef steers,
17.60011.76; yearling steer and heifer.
$8.60 11.60; cowa, 16.60(89.30; Blockers and
feeders, $6. 30 if 9, 00 ; prime southern beef
steers, $S 0'4jil,00; beat cows and betters,
I4.26tf9.00; prlnw yearlings, steer and heif
ers, $7.&0O10.00; native calves, $6.00012,60.
Hog Receipts, 4,000 bead; market
higher, quality poor: light, $18.404f 13.B9; '
pigs, 19.7612.60; mixed and butcher,
13.i5SpU.lH; good heavy, $13.00013.99;
bulk of sales, $13.60913.96.
Sheep and Lamb Receipts none; market
nominally steady.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
Kan ea City, March $. Cattle Receipts,
100 head; market steady; prime fed steers.
$11.2613.00; dressed beet steers, $9,000
10.00; cows, $6.fi010.00; heifers, $7,000
l.oo; Blocker and feeders, i7.8ADiu.2i;
bulls, $6.7609.00; calve. $7.00018.26.
Hogs Receipts, 600 head; market higher;
bulk of sales, $18.40013.65; heavy, $13.1$
&13.70: packers and butchers, $13.46013.6$;
light. $13.10013.45; pig. $10.00012.60.
Sheep and uambs Receipts, none; market
steady; lamb. $13.76014.36; yearling.
ii.?bos..t; wstners, 911,1.0012,30; ewe,
St. loeph Llvs Stock Market.
St. Joseph, March $. Cattle Receipt.
$00 head; market steady; steers. $7,600
11.60; cows add heifer, $6.00010.50; calves,
Hogs RecelDts. 1.30C head: market 10O
15o higher; top, $18.70; bulk of sales, 118.46
012.16. ,
Shsep and Lamb R see lot, none: market
aleady; lambs, $l$.$601i.2i; ewes. $11,000
Wgla BntOer Msrkst.
Klgln, III.. March. 3. Butter 60 tub a
itij; 2& tub at 43c,
Wheat Smashes All High Price
Becorda Climbs Toward
Two -Dollar Mark.
Omaha, March K 19)7.
All previous high price record ea wheat
W3re broken today, wtwn No. 3 hard iwached
the high point of $1.98, Record -hrekkmg
prices ww. alito tpald fur corn, a car ef Ne. .
3 white bringing $1.0$, a new high lev!
on the new crop.
The looal run t wheat and corn was ex
tremely ligfst and tnerv wa a keen ena
petltlnn among the bujers to gt the bet
ter aampta of wheat and core, eves al
the extrwm high prices and the ooratnt
loa nitni were almost entirely sold out be
fore nocn. No. $ hard wbat was qwotwd
at $1 Ko. 3 hai-d brought from
$I9Vi01.4. and No. 4 hard ranged In
price from $1.9001.9$. Sennas bard wheat
sold at 91.S4S; a oar of good No, 3 nlxd
wheat brought $1.96 and .Ne. 4 mlxd sold
around $1.01.9X.
In thv com market pruiluin price were
paid for th while variety. No. 3 white be
ing quoted at $1.03. while No. $ yellow
brought at $l.t3,' and the same grade of
mixed sold at $1.01 . Net, 9 yellow rom
sold at 91.01H- Ther were n sales
Ntx 3 white miverted, and N. $ retired
brought $1.9101. 01-4.
lit the oat market the demand wrb es
oeUvnt and a new high price level was
reached. No. 2 whit a-tting at $9c, while
the utandard brought $14. a and th N. 3
white s$ i04O.
Wbt. Corn. Oats.
ChlcegO 39 189 109
MlniiHspoll 163
Omaha $7 44 36
Kansas City IT 39 14
St Louis 4 4$ 43
Winnipeg ...331
Wheat No, S hard winter: 1 car. 11.9$:
$ cars, $1.96, Ne. $ hard winter: 4 vara.,
3 94; 1 car, $1.98; 1 car, $1.9; 1 car.
$1.90t. No. 4 hard winter: $ car. $1.93;
1 car. $1.93; 1 car, $1,914: 1 car, 91. 90S;
3 cars, $1.90. Samp hard wtatr: 1 car,
$1.MW. No. 3 mixed; J car (ahli'Der's
weights, $1.9$. No. mixed: 1 car,
Rye No. 1: 130 sacks, $146.
Barley--No, 1: 1 car. SI. la: No. 4. 1 car.
$1 H6.
Corn No. 3T white: 1 car. $1.03. No. 3
white: J car, 11.(1. No. 4 white: 1 Tar,
$1.01 H. No. 3 yellow: I car. $1.93. No. 3
yellow: g car. 11.01. IN. J mixed: I cars.
II. om. No. $ mixsd: 11 cars. $1.014: 3
cars, tjin.; 4 cars. 91-01. No. 4 mixed
l car, $l.l; I car, 91.404. Rampl mixed:
1 rar, (shippers weights). $1.01.
uats no, 2 white: 1 car. 9c stsndard:
1 cur, 6840. No. 1 whll: $ cars. 69e; 4
cars, &8V1C. No. 4 white: 1 car (shipper's
wetghld ), 6S c ; $ cars, 68 4c. Sample
white. 1 rsr. 68 He, No. 8 mixed; 1 ear. 66c.
Omaha Cash Prices Wheal : Ne. 1 hard.
$1.9601.94: No. $ hard, $1 9101.14; No. 4
hard, $(.8901.98: No. 1 spring, $1.9101.9$;
No. 3 eur nr. I1.S901.96. Carn: No. 1 whits.
31. 03491. 93: NO, 8 White. 9I.03S9L02U
No. 4 whit, $1.0101.0114; No. 3 whU,
$1.O101.O1H; No. white, $1.MH01.41;
No, 3 renew. 91.O1401.U3; no. 3 yellow,
$1.0101. 01 No. 4 yellow, $1.00401. 11H I
No. 5 yellow, $ No. 6 yellow,
$1.4IOV0-O4, No, 2 mixed, 91.-1140
i.ia: no. 1 mixeoL si.divi.!: ne.
mixed, $1.49401.01; No. $ mixed, $!.! 4
1.00; No. 6 mixed, $1.001.004. oat
No. 3 whit. $l0c; atandard, $$0
no; no. 3 wntie. sa vte: jo.
white, 660684o. Bariey: Malting. $1-140
1.30; no. 3 reed, 9cQ9i.H. Rye: xvo, g.
$1.4601.47; No. 3, $1.4601.46.
Omaha Put mo Maritet,
Art. 6in.'im- .taowi Cjo. Tea.
win! 1 1 i j
May 1 11 V 1 $$!l$m, It (111
July I t 814t 1 UH11I1V I W
Sep. ( 1 3$ j I UWIW 1 41HUI
Cora. 4 f (
May I 03 I 1 M4 1914 1 $411H
July 1 Al 1 inlS t $ 1M
Sep. 99 I I 41 99 I 4)1 j 91 H
Oats I i
May $8 69 $8 $9 f B?i
July 811 $$H $4Hl $8
Chicago oloilng Dries, furnished The Bh
oy uagan tsryan, tocx ana grain vrcr.
116 Pnu.h eutuetita itrwt uroatir
Art. 1 Open. High, t Low,
Wut. I
May 1 81 U
July 1 h
Sp. 1 44
May 1 Ofi
July I 96
May 19
July 44 H
May 32 7$
July $3 $6
May 19 4$
July 19 024
July It $4
1 $94 1141
X $8 184
1 $9 1$
1 47l44
1 TjtllMH
1 474,1444
1 eTH'i06U
t 97!l04
$91 i
t T 108
1 07jl04
$7 64
$8 $0
32 TIV
13 36
$8 II
$3 49
132 47
31 75
11 P7Sjl8 $4f
19 44
11 $6
11 $1
ll$ 40
17 10
IT 42
11 40
IT 1$ (IT IS
IT $TtlT 13
Active Buying by House With seaboard
CosmecUoM S ds vThwal Vp
Chicago, March $. fistlntates that only
,000 bushel of wheat remain for ex
port from the United 8tatos during th next
four month had a ddded balltsh Inflewuee
today en prices Largely In eonaeqaence
the market at th eJoae, although unset
tled, wa 2Uo to 44c net higher, with May
at $1.1$ to $1.$$ and July at $1.$$ to
$1.69. corn gained io t 240, oats
l'c t ia ana provisions izo t ia
Bullish sentiment developed rapidly in the
wheat trad after th probable amallosss
of the exportable urplus had beea an
nounced. Th estimate waa from a leading
expert her and wa accompanied by a
rnirmts on hi part that the government
computation of the 1916 yield had been
3,000,000 bushels 100 high. Asld from the
figure en th exportable sili-plus, however,
the markt had an upward tendency owing
to prospect that American vessels soon
would resum Bailing asd that shipments
to Kurep In consequence would be much
1ncrad. Improvement in railway traffic
facilities t Gulf of Mexico port counted
also ts some xlnt In favor of higher
Snow fall In th southwest retarded mors
or lees th ad vanes sf new-crop deliveries
of wheat. Besides, on account ot th week
end profit taking, ther was a moderate
reaction all around from lop price aa the
day approached finish, Nevertheless the
buying power tn the market stned to show
no curtailment and ther war hat few
trader sufficiently venturesome to put out
new abort line.
Corn established a new high price record.
Th reasons were that th bog market etlll
wa aoaring, and that th latest reckon
ings put the domestic farm reserves of
corn at the iewast aggregate stnos 1$9S.
Oat responded in lively fashion to the
strength of other grain. Trade waa much
larger than recently has been ths ca, and
It wa id rural sffertags also had In
creased. urgent export demand for lard waa a
factor In hoisting the entire provision
market to unprecedented level. Other
ausee were the con tin us ace of the hog
shorts ge and of the remarkable accompany
ing advance ot th value ot corn.
Cash J'riees: Wheat No, 3 an . 3 red.
nominal, No. 3 bard, $2.04; No. 1 hard,
nominal. Corn: 1 yellow nominal; No.
3 yellow. $1.4601.07; No. 4 yellow, 11.460
106 U. Oats: No. 1 white,. 694 0;o; stand
ard, 4n0l. Rye: No. Z, nominal. Hir
er. 91.0001,28. seeds: Timothy, $3,760
76; clover, 9iz.o0ii.o. rrovii.ion: Pork,
$33.16; lard, $19.00; ribs, 117.00017.42.
Butter unchanged.
Kggs-r-Hlgbr; receipts, 1,102 esse; flrstr,
30o: ordinary firsts, 3Ss0i'c; at mark,
cafe Included, 270 29c
Pots toe Receipt, 1 car: unchanged.
Poultir Higher; fowls, 30c; piings, 190.
Mital Market,
Naw Tork, March $. Metals A fairly
active demand was reported for copper dur
ing the earlier part of the week, with sn
increasing interest snown tn tn tmru qusr-
tcr. Lati . howiver, business tapered off
and the market was comparatively quiet,
altnough one of the leading agencies re
ported sale of eleolrolyllo for the last half
ot the year at 111.. -4 thl morning. Th
spot and nearby position waa nominal and
th second qoarttr .rtctloaly so at $$2,400
36,00. while the prie of July ranged from
$33.44 o $82.60, with $31.00031.60 quoted
today for later deliver!, iron wa firm
anl unchanged.
Sugar Itarkst.
New Tork. March 1. Sugar Market for
sugar futures wa cjults active for Satur
day and price movament ware Irregular
The reports that th British ooramlsston had
purchased fully 190,900 tons in Cuba dur
ing the psst wk gave the market a firm
tone early, but prices later reacted under
realising for over th week end. Final
price were unchanged to five points net
Lower. Salea. 14,164 tons: March 4.60o:
May. 4.58o; July, 4.42c; September, 4.460.
Raw sugar, firm; sales, 30,000 buj; mo
lasne. 4.26c; centrifugal. 6.39c. Refined-
steady; fine granulated, 7.OO01.O0O.
QueUttloa mt the lay ea Various Loading
New Tork March $. Flour Firm.
Wheat Spot, strong; No, 3 hard, $116.
No, 1 nor thorn, Duluth, No. 1 north
ern. Manitoba, $3.30, f. 0. b., New Tork.
Corn Spot, strong; No. Z yellow, $1.22, c.
I. f.. New York.
Oats Spot, firm; standard, 78c.
Hay Stt-ady; No. 1, $1.15; No. '3. $1,000
1.60: No. $, 90&96c; vhlfplng, 70t90c,
Hops Qulot; tate, contiuon to choice,
191 . 36041c; 1916. 8010c; Pacific coasi.
1914. 11013c; 1915, 8010c.
Hides Firm; Bogota. 43014c; Central
America, 48c.
Lssther Firm hemlock firsts, 67a; sec
oads. $60.
ProvlaionsPork. strong; mexs. $34,500
14 M; family. $86,690 8.t0; short clar,
$$4.6O08.O4. Btuf. firm; mess. $23,000
?$.; family, $4.O0$l.lO. Lard, strong,
middle mvst. $19.40 19.69.
Tallow Kirm; city, llc, nominal; coun
tO', 114fc0Uy,c; specUl, IXo.
Ratter tady; reusMita, 6,08' pnmutu;
creunery. higher than extrai 41S0:ct
crvamcry exlrea (93 . 4041c; firsts,
3S40c: sMHmda, 16047a
Kgga Firm; receipts, 4.674: fresh gath
ered extra firsts, 34; tin, 819:c.
Cheese Strong: receipt. 4,34 pkgti. :
state held a)evlals, U64ic; str.te avorsge
fancy. iCtfCtHc
Live 1'oul try Firmer; chickens, 30c;
fowim, Sftc; ne turkeys quoted; dressed, dull
and eak; Mr-kens, 180 87c; fowls, lb$:!lc;
turkeja, 19040.
Toultry--tJre, reoatra. smooth tegs. 20c;
hen sod pullets, 19c; stag. 14c; old cox.
19c; dUok. full feathered and Cat, 14c;
ge, full feathered and fat, IS'! turkey,
fat, 30c; turkeys, 01s torn, c; guineas,
each. $9ot pigeon, par loa., $uc. Uressed.
turkeys, dry picked, No. 1 huiia, young
torn, 36c; old touts. 33c; No. t, ic; ducks,
No, 1, 17c; No. a, 13c; Oecse. No. 1, 16c;
old co, 13o.
Hntter Choice creamery. No. 1, 40c; No.
1 Sfcc,
Eggs Frs, No. 1, case, 112.00; No. 1
'iweti. 11.40; 9oim.aae, $7, 611.
Cbee quotatkm by Urisu ft Co.:
Chew Us tr fancy domatio Swiss, 4Jo:
Mock Swiss, $3c; twin heese, 27 4! triplets,
$s; da ltii'S, 26c; young America, 29r;
tlUH iHttfi itrtol , 34c. Union, Kttr, -80: New
York whits, 29c; Roquefort, 65c.
Whoiessl prices of boef cuts:
Beef Cuts Hlba: No. 1, I'l'c; No. J, tfc;
Nn. 3. 164C Loins: No. 1, 254c; No. 3.
34c: No. 3. lHc. Chucks: No. 1. 15c; No.
:, HV; No. 3, I3'4C Rounds: No. 1, ir.c;
No. 2. lSc; No. 3, l&4c, Platva: No. 1,
IJHic; No. 2, 12c; No. 8, 11 4c.
Onion Srts Yellow, bu.. 94.V0, red, $4.26;
white, $4.60.
Mammoth celery, per 4Hien. tin.
Froaen Vi Salmon Falls. 14c; Salmon
Stiver, 19c; trout, 17c; catfish. 16r; Alaska
ablrnsh, 11c; smelts, 18c; whiting, 16c;
crapples, 9c; pi it a, yellow, dn-nsed, 17c;
round, lie; pickerel, dresiwd, 124"; round,
94c; herring, round, 74c; herring, 84c;
whlteflsh, dressed, m"d1uru, 16c; targe. 20c;
Jwmbo. 25c; round, small, 11c; tile flt.Ii for
steaks, 12c.
Fresh Fish Oatrish. 13c; halibut, 8flc;
flpanlah mackerel, lc: crapples, order slsn.
liii!0c; black baf, targ. 29c; order slse,
26c; small, 18c; red snapper, 17c; flounders.
isr; coeiisn, eaaiem, isc; uiueimn, me
dium, Itic.
mmoked, Salt snd Apod Fish Smoked
white chubs, 16c; kippered sslinon, 18c; fin
nan hsddlu, 17c; coil f In h, lUe; Puritan cod,
124c: pollock, H4c; KKKK herring. 10c;
bloaters. 50 to box, $1.76: J09 lo bos, $3.26;
kippered tod. iti-ib, oasKvia, sue; wnneiisn.
No. 1. 40 lbs., $6.16; 10 lbs., $1,40; herring,
ne.l. 40 1Ih.. 18.86: 10 Iba.. 96.
Oysters "King Cole" uurthom standards,
$1,4; BMects, H.ov; oouni. .; .nsa
otsaks aULCdarc. $1.66: eelscts. $1.14.
Fruit and wttvuni quutaUvn tuiulhd
nf Ulllnakl mil emnv:
Fruit Oranges, 260s, $88s. 134a, per box,
11.36: 114. $8,601 all Other wives, 13.76,
Lemons, fancy $00, 290s, 14.04 choice, 800s,
860. 44.4. oraperruit, sea.; . .20
64. 44b, 10a, 94 1$.4. Qrape. Malagas,
keg, $7.04019.44, Banana, lb., to. tlAJples,
Jonathan. Mtra fancy, box, $2.60; choice,
$5.90; wlneeap. Sstra fancy, $3,36; Oanoa,
$1.1$; Ark Black, extra fancy, $3.59; Rom
Uaanty, 18.40. dder, Molts, keg.
Vegetables--Onion, red, yellow, lb, 14c,
Tomato, crate, $6.60; baskets, $1.4)4. Cu
cumbMs, doa $3.1$, Caulltluvrar, orates 18.50.
Lattuc. head, crate, $3.69; 4Vos 1L04. Cab
bag, thn $0. Celsry, dos., $1.04. Tarnlps,
tm rota, partntp, rutnbagas, lb., 4c. Pota
toes, Mtlng, bu., 11.04; sarty ObJos, $1,25;
tfwneta. haxnoer. li.46.
tlsceiaNB?s--lot ef, $8.60 oa- Cider
HI Ql IS, S,Sila
$Hrtent sf Clearing Beuse Hanks.
New rork, March 1. Th stetmat at
th actual condition af clearing hens bank
and trust companies for th week shows
that thsy hold $104,427,370 reserve In excess
of legal rsqutraiaents. This 4 a decrease of
$$,0U5,J70 from last week'. Th atatmat
Actual condition- Increase.
Loans, discount.
tC $3,633, 190,000 $E0,a28,UOV
Reserve In own
vault IB) 124.1 14,000 6, 3 47,941
Reserve In federal
reserve bank .... 3OI,ll,000 9,626,000
Reserve in other dfe-
nositorle $R. 744,000 991.900
Net demand depo t. $,647.467.40 1$,$9T.44
Net time deposit;.. 183.tu0.000 13,604.000
Circulation's . $M7,44 I0$,f
ICxcvs rf serve 1 U 4. 4447.170 s,9it4.70
(B) Of which $441,106,009 I specie. -De
Agr regal resen-a, $786,499,000.
Summary of atat banks and trust etnn-
Danles in U raster New Tork net included In
clearing bouse statement t
Iana. discounts, etc. 1768.121. 104 $2,071,200
specie , ... n.iBi.iwv -ub.bvu
Legal tender U,3I9,24 191.H49
Total dupoeita $$,$49,80$ $46,400
Bank' cash tm vault. 116.II6.3r9i trust
ooinpenW cash IA vault. $1,8$$,604,
Ooffe Market.
New York. March $, Coffee Th ms
kt for osffH futures wss quiet today ant
irregular, but small fluctusttoss were at
tributed chiefly to evening up of account
for over the week end. Th opening wa
unchanged to 1 point lower anl May con
tracts eased off to 7.44c, or 3 pokit under
last night close during the morning. It
seemed, however, that recent liquidation
has left th market In a atesdler posiito
d after selling at 1.41c early December
rallied te 8.0 60 oa covering. Th ele ws
net $ pnima lower to l highs r. Sales were
estimated at 19.009 bags. Closing bids:
March, 1.4 c. April f.41c; May, 1.16c; June,
7.72c; July, 7.79c; August. T.8$c; September,
1. 90c: October. T.96C: November. $.4lci E-
cmber, $.44c; January. 1.12c; February,
1.1 90.
Spot, quiet; Rie Ts. 9e; Santos 4, 10,.
Offering of Santo la and 4 were reportes
in the cost and freight markit at 9.79,
American credit. ,
The official cable reported no Chang ts
the Rio market, Santo future were as-
changed to 3$ ret higher.
Siout City Uvs Hcock Market.
Sioux City, la., March I. Cattle Re
ceipts 190 head; market tedy; beef atr,
$10.00011.60; butchers, $8.00010,00; fat
cows snd heifers, $6.7609.69; cancers, $4.60; swer ana reeasrs, ii.vudv.s;
calves, 6009,40; bulls, stags, etc. $4.$90
$ 10; fowling cow and heifer, $i.S60$.2$.
Hogs Receipts, 9.040 heed; market 150
Z4e higher; lights. $1$.019.2$; mixed.
$18.1O01$.4$ heavy, $11.4O012.6Ot pigs,
$10,00011.00; bulk ef sale. $13.20011.46,
Sheep and Lamb Receipts, 204 head;
market steady; fed iThilton, $19.260 1$. 26;
wether, $11.00012.00; wes, $10.00011,90;
lambs, $12.00014.00.
Saws City Uesvefnl Market,
Kama City. March 3. Wheat Ne. 1
hnrd. $1.I0 2.001 No. 3 red. $2.00; May.
$1.8601.$6 July, 11.66 01.$5. .
Corn No. 3 mixed, $1.0801.04; No. S
whit, 91.9101.014: No. 1 yellow, $1.0$;
May, $1.44; Jaiyr"tl.44.
Oats No, 1 whit. 420610; No. 1 mixed.
Notice i hereby given that pursuant to an order of the District
Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, the undersigned will at 10:00
o'clock, A. M., on Saturday, March 10th, 1917, at the office of Na-,
tional Fidelity & Casualty Company, 1203 Farnam street, Omaha,
Nebraska, sell at public sale to the highest bidder, the home office
building of said company, located at toe Southwest corner of 12th
and Farnam Sts., and described as follows: , ,
' Lot One (1), Block One-Thirty-Six (136) of the City of Omaha,
Douglas County, Nebraska.
Said sale will open promptly at. 10:00 o'clock and he held open
one hour, at the end of which time said property will be sold to th.
highest bidder. Terms of sale:
Abstract showing good title, deed to purchaser, and possession
of premises to be delivered upon confirmation of sale by the court
The successful bidder will be required to deposit his certified check
for $6,000.00 at time of sale. Balance of purchase price to be paid
in cash at the time of confirmation of sale and delivery of deeds.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, March 1st, 1917. , -STATE
By A. K. AGEE, Assistant.
Reports From Washington
Brinf Joy to Wall Street
New Tork, March 8, Advloo from Wash
ington appearing to dispose of th pros
Pm. t of an extra eeaslo ot songrea snd
a report that tho State department held
that b hilts carrying munition had lights to
arm were received with undisguised satis
faction In th financial district today.
The atock market during the brief ses
sion was stronger and more active than
en any previews day of th week, especially
tn the final hosr, when th emirs Hal
bounded forward wnder lead of United
Stales Steel, the Copper, shippings and
some of the rails.
United States Steel wade an extreme
gala of 1 points at 108 with 1 to 3 points
for share of same class and 8 point for
Hethlsbcm 8tel, oM slock, at 134.
Utah, Aancotida and Amerlean Smelting
featured the motals st advances ef 1 to 8
points; Oil. Motors, Equipment and Ship
ping, 1, 1 and Tn 4 point, and American
tVeotea, Industrial Alcohol. General Eleo
trloal and American Beet Sugar sold along
more moderately. Canadian Pacific New
Tork Central, Si. Paul, Chicago ft North
wee tern and Norfolk ft Western, advanced
1 lo 8 points en small dealing, with
fair demand for minor rails.
Weakness In Barrett company Issue was
attributed to the announcement of a new
stock issue, the common share making a
grosa decline of $ points St ode baker
waa heavy at th stt, but made up the
greater part of It lo on hurried abort
covering. Total aale aggregated atMOO
General news ot th day Included Jan
nary statements of th Reading system and
the Chloago ft Northwestern railroad, tho
former showing a decided decrease ta profit
from opera tien and th latter disclosing a
substantial set gain.
Th bank statement agam upset calcu
tmtioas with eeily a aomiaal aotsal cash
gain and In expansion f almost $6L600.4o
tn th loan account, reserves sontractlng
about $$,004,000. Trading waa nnusuaUy
light, irregular with total sslea, $1.1 .(..
With Uw exoeptto of registered 4a, which
gutntd per oeat, virtually all ether gov
ernment bonds and Panama Issue wars
tower by fractions ts a, point, an call, dar
Uig th week.
Naiabvr of ssles and quotation n lead
htg atock were;
Ssles, High. Lew. Clow.
Am. Beet Sugar., , $,"$ 94 11 89
American Can 1,0 oft 4Z 43
Am. Car ft Fndry 6f0 45 6 66
am. bocnouve.,. i,sto 1. ,v 11
Am. Smelt, ft Kef,
7,6W9 99
$$ $
..... 114
.... 136
$U 37 .
Am. Sugar RT..., ......
Am. Tel. A Tel....
Am. 3 L. A 8.,., 1,909
Anaconda Conner.. 14.004
1$ 81 US
42 102 102
Aicninoa ,uuw mi
ha 1,1 uln 14imii.. 6M 62
Si' 24
T$ T4
Haltlmnre ft Ohio.. TOO f$ 74
Brook. Rapid Trsa.
B. ft S. Copper
Cat, Petroleum..,,
Canadian Pac trio, .,
Central Leather.,,
Chesapeake ft Ohio
C, M, ft St. P...
Chloago ft N. W...
$04 48 47 48
1,140 164 163 162
S.4V4 89 17 $7
709 68 (8 $9
404 $1 11 $1
644 111 111 114
h. i. ft r.,, .,
Chlno Conner, 14,904 4J4
Ceis ruei iron.. so r
Com Products Ref . 1,700 31
Crnclbl Steel 19,740,44
THsllllera' BecniiUes 1,904 38
Rrie 1,30$ $6
Qfneral Slecttle... 104 144
Oreat Ns. pfd. ..... ...... ...
flmit No Or etfa. 1.301 98
nilnota Oeotnl.... TOO 149 100 100
Inter. Con. Corp... .. . 12
tnstiration Copper. ..... ,.. $9
Inter. Harvester., ..... ..... 118
L M. M. Pfd, ctf. $.400 T4 72 74
K, C. Southern..., , !1
Kennecott Copper,, 4,09 44 $4
Loutsvtll A Nash 126
Mux. Petroleum.,.. 17 t4 7.
tain, optter .ew
Mo. Pacific new.,
Montana Power ,
National Lead 344
19 4L
$8 $
$54 26 . 36
Nevada Copper.. .a, 1,4
New Tork Central.. $,0
96 94 96
. T.. N. 11. A H
Norfolk A Western
Northern Pacific...
Pacific Tel. A Tel.
Pennsylvania . ...
Say Oea. Copper. .
Rep. Iron A Steel..
Shsttnck Aria. Oop.
Southern T'aclflo...
Anuraers Railway.
Htudebakor Co.....
Texas Company.,.,
440 128 127, 174
1401 10$
. 2$
10,409 $1 27 28
4,904 4ft 93 9H
1.6v4 71 T7 T64
1,700 38 17 28
1,400 93 92 92
1,840 $9 17 38
4.700 140 97 99
a Eft bit ix
u ii i an pacinc..
t,40 186 134 M6
I 136 134 U6
i 122 IV -!$
i mi m lei
I 117 111 117
C. S. ld. Alcohol,, a
ft. Steel 10.404 1
II X Mr r! . . . . . 1.904 1
rtan t:opper ,o Jia-n
Wabash pfd. "B".. 30$ $4 S4 24
Western Untwn .....
Weatlnghmue Rise. LM4) 48
rirst assesMnetit Pd. BlA
Total sal far th day, 171,4)4$ share.
umatta, March 1, Bank clearings for
Omaha teday were $7,994,841,86 snd for
th oorreapendlng day teat year $4,411.98,.
The total lUartngs fsr the week ending ts
tttiff wtu lis. ik.$4 1.11 and for th osrr-
spouding week last year $ 18,91 . 991.1$,
A tf44ght Ml
At a teceat ssseTftblag of klnsred swtrtta.
where witty and hamaroua tale wars eing
interchanged, a man nationally prominent
told thl story an himself. "I am net roll
ing to wealth.' he aald, "hat I have enowgh
for three good square tnsala; my wife and
1 can take a Hut outing occasionally, and
T oa put a tiwuaaaA spar dollars now snA
then Into a little Investment. Some tint
ago my wife decided w should make her
mother a visit ana nounea n tstisr -that
effect. We started sut tn a happy and
(ntuntftd frame sf mind, aresered ts enjoy ,
ours lives, but what wa my astonishment
ts meet my at nor own ooor,
net with the expected mi1 of welcome.
bat wtlh hostility bristling from svery pore
She pushed my wife from me, snd con
fronting me, ashed trnlyt "Now 1 want to
know what wrong.' In rain I asked In
utter amassment what was th matter and
pretested innocence sf knowledge sf any
thing wrong. All 1 oouid get out f her
waa the repeated quest ten. Finally, n my
Imploring to know what she meant, sh pro
duced a telegram. 'This cam for you, h
aid, nd aa It was marked 'Important," I
thought 1 had better soea It ts sea If 1
should telephone yea th contents. And ,
this,' with eyes Sashing, 1 what I read: '
"Haby bora April 12: died Octsber 1$. 1
took one1 look snd then roared with laugh
tor before I could explain. This telegram
ts from my Itroksr. It wa a "war baby"
that passed away ana my $i.oo wun iu
Baltimore American. v
Mi Fertyedd awoke in th middle of
the night to find a burglar ransacking fan
effect. Mis Fortyodd did not scream, fot
she prided herself. amng other thing,
upon her courage.
Pointing te the door with a drarnati fea
ture, eh exclaimed:
"Leav m at once!'
The burglar politely retreated a step, and
"I had no In tea tlon af taking yo.
Chicago Herald,
Buperstltlsus Don't.
Don't took at a mirror until It break.
LWt walk under a falling safe.
TJon't throw soup ver your left ahouldar.
Don't put on your shirt upsld down,
lion't look at the old moon over yout '
right foot.
Don't get out of bed at th wrong hour.
Don't turn your umbrella Insld out.
Don't lose $13 at bridge. J '
Don't get married ton Friday).
Don't lead a funeral procession, Ufa.
Be Want Ada Produce Result.
$1 69
II 21
46 4
13 11
C6 2
118 1
. Ul
83 V 17 46