,3. rfm,m.tofeBJlMmi : THE BKK: OMAHA, uuai, MARCH ft, mT. vVant-Ad Rates i SO Al TAKEN FOR LESS THAM A TOTAL OK OH I.KH8 TUAH --.Ms I'EK DAY, CASH WITH ORDKB. U8et bolld (No Display), per word each Iniertlon If Paragraphed or Displayed la Larger Type: , j So per line J. ,mt 7a per line, 2 or more eonaeeutlee Insertions. Count six worda to tbe line.) SITUATIONS WASTED. Weakly rate 2 ' " CASKS Of THAMiH, IIKATIIS AND FUNERAL NOTUESl 100 per line ears Insertion ' (Count eta worda to the line.) (Minimum charge, 1(1 caste.) MONTHLY BATE KOR STANDING ADS. ' 1 Insertion In SOtb Century . Farmer, per-word...... .. o tc t tnaertluna In Omaha Me. and 1 Ineertlus In XOtb Century Farmer, per lln So ' 7 Ineertlona In Omaha Bee and 1 Insertion In :oth Century 'a.mer. per word . I0!o 12c (Contract rates on application.) Vhb DEE will not be reeponalble for more than one Inrorrect Inaertlon of an adver , tleement ordered for more than one time. ADVERTISERS ehould retain recelpta Riven by The Be In payment for Want Ada. aa no mletakes can be rectified wllbont them. t'SE THE TELEPHONE If you cannot con veniently bring or aend In your ade. Aak for a Want Ad Taker and you will re ceive the earn good aervlce aa when de livering your ad at the office. PHONE, TYLER 1000. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE: BVENINO EDITIONS M. eKVSNINO EDITIONS 10:00 P. M. (No change of copy allowed.) ' One line J1" Two llnea or more ..11.10 (Count nix worda to tbe line.) ALL roREKIN ADVERT1BINO UNDER HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: Bo per word one time tHo per word, two or more oonaeautlve In aertlon. SPECIAL COMBINATION BATE. On Land, Poultry and Other Adterll.lng. THE OMAHA BEE lover to.000 dally). I0TI1 CENTURT FARMER (ovar 110.000 weekly). A combined circulation wbloh will roach both tha city and rural' realdent. Special Reg. Rates. Rate. I Insertions Is Omaha Bee and : 1 Ineertlon In 10th Century Farmer, per Una..., lea ' i lnssrtlonsJn OmehaJSeoand DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICE?. LOWRKY Eatella Baker, beloved wife of Rty H. Lowrey, died Tburaday, March 1. ad 33 yeara. Funeral services Sunday, March 4, at I p, m. it the realdence of her aiater. Mra. L. F. Batea. 1S1 Oraca atraet. JPrieuds welcome. Interment Foreat Lawn Caim,ti FLORISTS. BKINd numbers of tha National Florlata Telegraph Delivery Association wa are In nttttlon to deliver flower on abort notice anywhere In tha U. S. and Canada. Hes A Swohoda, FlorleU. . LAROEUT assortment of fresh flowers. . L, HENDEKSON, 1519 FARNA M. . R3S,tt LEE L.L4RM0N 114 Dnugla, St. Douglaa 1244. PARKER Flower ahop. 411 8. ltlth. IXSIM A. DONAO H Ul J tit Harney. Dong. 1001. BATH, National Florist. 1104 Farnam Su FUNERAL DIRECTORS. . I1ULSE a) RIEHEN. undertaker, and em balmeri. 701 So. Mb Bt.'Douglai 1JJ. DUFFY A JOHNSTON, ambalmera and fu neral dlreclore. 717 S. 16th St, Tyler t,7i Give your Want Ad a chance to nuk good. Run it in The Bte. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IF you lose anything and will advertise It here you will surely recover It If found by an honest person. Remarkable recov eries are brought about every day through this tvilumn. THK HONEST WAT, If you find aomethlnv of value, a a keepsake of value only to tba owner, ta to Insert a email ad. Tbe owner of tbe article In moat casea ta will-Ins- to refund the coat of advertising. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET i RAILWAY CUMf ANT. f , Yereona having lost some article would do well to call up the odlce of the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the aireet far. Many art Idea each day art turned In and the company la amloua to reetore ' them to the) rightful owners. Celt Tyler 100. FOUND a aanlury Soda Fountain. ORKRN'fl PHARMACY. 16th and Howard LL?ttl' Uunuh ut keys. Call Waluut 323b. FOR SALE MiccHntom Furniture tnd Household Goods. BAHUAlNS In furniture. u stoves, tt each; ii bedit f: eaoht fit lie boxes, rajs of all kinds, tr'jlaa. uhalra, China kitchen cabinets, ou rests, oreesera. truoKa, auu- ousee, leather Pavenpo. , Alt klnda of bedding. Full Una of poultry netting, me.tl N. it . L Tel. Wvbator J to 7, Open till i p. m. ' Com.' line of H. H. goods, office fifru. Price right. Coma to be convinced. loyal Furn. Co., Ill N. 16th; City Turn. Co.. ll7 B. 14. C IlKAL good Pullman baby'oarriage, al most new, right tiheap, Phone Juoug. 7aa. ill Chicago. AltlOUH. artlvlea of Ituueeluild furniture can b seen Hui.da and Monday at Kit 8. :ih t. City. J. H. Bars tow. HOUHEtiOLD OOODH. ruga, fine piano, etc cheap. 401 N. Ulli. Pianos and Musical Instruments. ilOVINO from tbe city, I am complled to aaonuca my beautitui uprigtit ptanoi real bargain U taken at once. Call or write u. s. Dailwy. 4234 Wirt Bu, Omaha. P(JK BALK An upright Ktttoy piano; good ronaiuon. tiarntiy nviii. l-&9 piano pla:or, usod 3 months, tsso; must eell quirk; mo' away. 3218 Evana. Billiards and Pocket Tables. VOU aALU-LJILLlAKD TABLES. Brand ' new. carom and pocket, with complete oumi, tibu; ae.-oitu-naiin table at re duced prices; bowling tUIeya and supplies resy ,iymcnts. Cigar stors flxtunts i syvulBliy. bund fur catslou. TUB iiKUSWICK-UAUKH'L'OULUNDlSll CO.. iii.mus tuiutn luin ot. Typewriters and Sapplies. 'l yi'fcWHlTK ilH suldV reutvd and rcpulrcd. Kent a Oliver typewriter 3 montha tor i. Central Typewriting Sxchtinge, l0t rarram. UhMlNUTONH. Monarchs and Hmllh Pre mlunt for rviit; sent anywhere. Heiulugton i.vprwriuii5uon.pay, u. l-N. ut' ARAN'TliKU typvivrliurs. 110 up. Write nr..!- j,,,aitna 'P- Co.. ilwj Blag. Printing and Office Supplies. ' CuUsIbKClAt. IUfHcHtti.g Co., uleO public ninu. riwiifj mr irncea. vougiaa xeun. -,'X our pritva uii Job nt-inffticr tMTKO HthTEH PH1NTINU CO.. Woo Hldy. Dnugina 117! lt 14111 trti ft WATKB-UAHNHAltOT Pta. Co.. urlntlna TH lou 311(1 l,u K is Lumber and Building Materil ISAVR H A UV on beams, ifolu.nns. brl II. (Irons Luwbfr ami Wreck. Co. Web. : Machinery and Engines. MSW AND bKCUNU IIANU MOTOUS. EXPtCKC ElJCCTHICUNS ANU MACHlNlHTtt, r.B DKO.N fcJLKCT RICAL WORKS. Jtli St.. Oms ha, ruw BAt-a iu Morion prtrss, typn, cases. siena, primer s statu, bucks, quoins. tc. s.t a bargalu. W. H. fijmiicer. Bakers- neld. Mo. .'OK At.K Allle-Chttlmeni motor. lv-hore power. 40d vlla. H. Japlan it Sou, tiouib Sewing Machines. ies. SEWING MACHINES We rR(. repair, aell MllM alia parti of all aewlDg maolilnea. WICKKbll 0 NEPIIA8KA CYC.R CO.. 101b and Harney la. - "Houg. lUi, . , .... .v FOR SALE Miscellaneous Miscellaneous. OMAHA PH.LOW" CO., lwn Comfort made ov.r Just Itica new. aii your own fealbere back, when wo renovate. We call for and deliver. !07 Cuming. Doug. tl.sj FOR SALE Four, three-speed, 110 or 116 direct current, celling lane; nearly new, price $60, If taken at once. F. A. Robin eon. Kaeter, Neb. UEHKg. eafee, acalea. showcasee. .helving. etc We only eell. omana nature anu Supply Co., 4I4-1B-H 8. Ilth. Doug. 274. iYKTNT)LINQ WOOD. ACME BOX COMPANY. HARNET tJ7. DRIED, cl,-an klndlinirwood. delivered to all purl of city. Douklai iza. MARVEL cylinder reborlng machine. Amer ican Machine worm, lie a. ma nu 76 YARDS new 2a-lnch cocoa matting. Harney SE3. Kindling wood cheap. 1217 8. ISth. D. 1710. Salt. Ii 75 hm a w wnr. "t N imh WHlTKRock ees for eate. Beneon 6064. MEDICAL TOU CAN HAVE TOUR HEALTH I LATEBT AND WOST ftCIKNTIFia TREATMENT. CONSULTATION, EXAMINATION FREE. Dr. Barnes treat successfully ell Curable Dieeaaes of the Noee, Throat, Ltmga. Stomach. Llvir, Kidney a. Hurt Bratn. - Nerves. Blood and Sain, aa well aa -'atarrh of any part of tba body. Constipation. Chronlo and Acuta Rhaomatlam, Ulcere, Neuralgia, Set atlo Lumbago. Dr. Barnes la tba only pbyalclan In thia part of tha country admin tateiing bia ayalam of treatment Invaatlgata It, DR. CHARLES BARNES, Suite' Sit to $29 Roaa Bldg., 8- B. Cornar l$th and Farnam Sta. t Pbone Tyler $410. Furniture auction aele Men, 10 a.m.. 2-4 p.m. Btate Furniture Co., 14tn ann Dodfrn Hie. DR. I, R. TARRT, ' PILES, FISTULA CURED. 'Dr. tl R. Tarry aura, piles, flatula and etAar rwtal dlaeaaaa wltbout surgical ,p. .ratios, Cur. guarantMd and no money paM until oured. Writ. fo book on roo ts! dlaaaa., wltb testimonials. DR. B. R. TARRT. 148 Bas Bldg. BALL Pl.AYKIt:: ANU ATHI.KTE8. Oat In condition with s bottl. of Fryora Athlete Liniment, (or aala by all druggists, or writ. DR. M. PRTOR. 14 PATTBRSOM BLK., CONDITIONS!! AND TRAINER OF , ATHI.F.TKH. RUPTURE ftucceeafully treated without a eurgleal operation, call or writ. pr. Frank, H. Wray. It Be. Bldg. Chiropractor. DR. KNOLLKNMKHO. SANITARIUM. Lady attendant, S4tb and Farnam. D. 7291. VIOLET RAY, treatment. Douglaa 1211. Room 421, Bee Bldg. Dr. J. C. lAwrence. Balrd Bldg. D. 2481. Dr. Francea Dawaon. 202-2 Roae Bid. T. 2366, Dra. John. Ion. 1221 W, O. W. Bldg. D. 6621. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No Peln. SH W. O. W. Bldg. Terra Dent. Rme.. xnH rob. Bias- D. line. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IP TOU HAVE aome article that haa out lived Ita usefulness to you make up a little ad and run It In this column at lc par word. You will bo more than ploaaed with the remarkable offering! you will receive. One or two Insertions lu nearly all casea are sufficient to get what you want. TRY IT ' TODAT. WB awap or buy kodaks; films developed free) ona-day aervlce. Kese Kodak stu dio, Neville Blk.. tfttb and Harney. EXCHANQE ten-volume encyclopedia, new, for sewing machine or aomething useful. Address Box W; SEVERAL, of furniture, for refrigerator, or what have youT Doug, inji. FOR FORD CARA parlor Qrand piano. corns mo. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS- DESKS DESKS Now tfeaka, need desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, HOT Farnam. D. Hit. JENKINS Paya highest prloa for clothes, aboea. trunks. eto. Red SSI7. Rea., Douglaa 8033. DIAMONDS BOLUKIIOMAN4CO. 4111 8. lSlh St. A HOUSE. 7 or I room., eaat ot Sltn; price fromj246 to IB6. Phone Uouglaa6666. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accountant!. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 629 liamgo Bldg. Phnne Doug. Iter Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION, aid, knife, sunburst, boi pleating, covered buttons, all alsea and stylus, hemstitching, plcot edging, em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennnnts, IDEAL BUTTON AND i'LEATINO CO 300 Douglas Blk. Douglaa int. VAif ARMAir bruse" Viaatlitg mid Button Co., 13-7 Paxton Blk, Doug. 8 101. Accor dion, knife, aide, space, box. sun buret and combination pleating, hemstitching, ptcot edging, pinking, rue bin uV covering but tone, all styles and all sites. Price Met free. AUCOHIHUN. SUle, Knife, Box Pleating. Cov, Buttons. Hemstitching. Nab. Pleating and Button Co.. 4313 Paxton Blk. K. 4943. .Bakeries, tRTM AIM'S NEW ENGLAND BAKER V, 313 N. 18TH. BKANCHESPUBLIO MARKET AND HA YUEN BROTHERS. OUR MOTTO "BtvTTKH BAKKD GOODS." CAKtiS, pttstry and fancy bakery goods aupiriled to parties, lodges and entertain- menu. Z. H. Hspder. 16 .N. iHth. W, S927 Baths. ELECTRIC TUKK1SH BATHS. The only absolutely aanltai bath. Highly recommended by phyalclane, Btaats Institute, U08 Haruy Hu 1, 7vv7. Open evi)tnga and Sundays. DR. BUND A Sulphur, steam. Modern Turk leh BATHS AND MA 88 AUU. Private apartments for ladles, with lady attend anm. IBIS Karnuni. Thone Doug. 5h77. BATH sisd intuiHego, manicuring, physical oulture. Miss Walker. tU Neville Block. HlTTEXHOtJlSE sanitarium; all kinds baths. te-it uairq mik., inn and Douglas. German nurse, massage, hatha of all klnda. tn Neville Block; 16th and Harnoy, Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton. Mltchall Co., 37th and Martha Sta. Carp jnters and Contractors. LESSAltD A SUN. Seal Cuming. Tyler IDS! Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. Dr. urhorn, Kose Bldg. Palmer echool areiluete Douclaa 6347 Chiropodists. Carrie 3. Burford, 030 Paaton Blk. Dancing Academy. DE LUXE UAhh TUEa-' UIJ LUAiJ HAT., SUN. EVE. SCHOOL shim, bvk. ill 3. 18th St., Op. Fontenelle. Detectives. COMPETENT Inveitltator, evljunce eecurS. civil criminal ce.-a. 2 Paxten. Dous. 8002 OMAHA DKTKCTIVE ASSOCIATION. S lit .Nat'l Bans Bids. Phaaa Tyler ZEIS. JAMEa ALLAN, 212 Neville" Blk. Evidence eecured In all caeee. Tyler III,. 8 U. JOLLY. 611 p,atoti. Ked H01. DressnuKtng. Mra. B. A. Cennelly. 416 Karbach. R. 1724 Terry Lreaemaklus Cu.. 2011 and faruam. ANNOUNCEMENTS Pivturew and Wirinar. FITTPIVlM Bleetrlo waeblng maohlneo. ivUXVIViil. electric lrona and readlog lampa. 2322 Cuming fit. Douglaa 2512. Insurance. BANKERS LIFE OF LINCOLN. 1S-14 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug tM. Maiseuret. ' MASSAGE. Maeeage. electric Turkleh baths. 1206 Harney. UrlMT. Open evenlnga and Bun. Maaeaae. chiropody. Minnie Nag!., 201-14 Balrd Bldg. 171h and Douglaa. D. 2168, H1BS LILLY, bath maeeuge. 1322 Farnam St. WASMAGfC, girl wanted. 222 Neville Blk. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter. national Patent Co., 62 Brandela. 1. 6,tl. Painting and Paper Hanging. Painting, pauerhanglng. cleaning. H. 2771. ' Pianos for Rent. ' 18.20 per mo. A. Hopee Co.. 1612 Douglaa. Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL go. na, full dreaa sulta. for rent. 201 N. 17th. John Feldman. P. 1126. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. lltb. P. 826. ' Wedding Stationery. WEDDINO announcemenu and printing. Douglaa Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. ' Where to Eat. EAT HOMU COOKhD MEALS NEW DELICATESSEN. 1806 FARNAM. BURHOUOHS CAFE. OMAHA. NEB. (Service), LINCOLN. NEB 816 H lth. 132 S 13th St. BUSINESS CHANCES fliJLKNDID OPENING Man with eatee and manaicerlal ability who can tnveat IS.OOO In capital stock of largest autoccesory firm wtst of Chicago can aecufe responsi ble position. Company paying good profit Need additional capital to cover new field. Bank and trade references. Box 14 3T, Boo. HIOHB8TlPbTCASH for atorea and stocks of merctandise, In city or country; quick action. OMAHA SALVAGE CO., 760 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Te,,0UB l3JL . FORaTb-GooJ olean stock of hardware; llv town, central Nebraska. Good rea son for selling. Bo quick. Address I 257. Bee. l (-HOOM bouse. 2 lota, filled, walled up; barn, aheds. shade and fruit trees. Bell cneap or trade toward etna 1 It r home. See property. 1B 17th Ave., Countll Bluffs. AD campaigns for merchants; sound busi ness principles .only. Flerpont Bros., Omaha. ' ' WB BUY, we aell motion picture theaters, machines, feature (lima. Co-operative Film and Supply Co., 110 Bromley Bldg. IF HOV want to aell or buy a bualnesa or rooming house call on Buoch Borghoff, 7 !?JrJ' "I?!! J? ld f5?B!-A?lL MOTION, picture machine (new and re built), theaters euppiled. Oman Film Exchange, 108 8. lslhSt.- - ' ' COMPLETE Tutu?ia of 2-chair barber shop, very reaionable. Miller Hotel, South Omaha. Phone South I9fit. MOV1NO PICTURE machines, new and re built, all makes; supplies. Western Sup ply Co., 201 Nat. Bldg. FOR SALE, blacksmith ahop. Tools. Good trad, and sood location. A. M. Hayner. Harlan. la ' A COAL 8L'81NEa, establlehed over 20 yeare, pnylna builnees, rooaerai. inveai- ment. Box 1694, Bee. CONFECTIONERY, dsAr .tore and luncb room. lTp'to-date atore. Prlc. Doualaa ,226. 2160. SPECIAL plana to aell a buelneaa or real as- tte. F. V. Knleat. Brt siofunun BOWD SALH ANU AUCTION CO.. 1126 O. W. Bids. Red 2286. OVV1NO to elckneaa, ni drus atore for aule, che. p. 1( taken at onoe. Box X , Bee. BEST COAL AND FEED bualneaa In Omaha. cheap: cheap rent Box l,7. tfca. -. WANT Job prli.tin, plant to mov. to small town, uanan, ucuasu. iok. TO OET Is or out ot bualneaa call on OANOESTAD, 422 Bee Bids. uoug. a.u. Rooming Houses. 10 ROOMS, good furniture. always full. bargain If taken at once. 2212 Douglaa. ROOMINO HOUSES, all .laes, great bar- aim. 4M Roe Bldg. pnon. nyier i.ei. SITUATIONS WANTED WEKKLY RATS, SOo PEA LINK. Bualneaa ade, regular re tee- I Unas one week 40 I lloee one week oe each intra line rw tOo par w k Hale. COMPETENT and experienced bookkeeper and auditor, open for position; inorougniy (limlllar with all detail office work and general, bualneaa; good reference Box 17S3, Bee. ' NIGHT watchman, 10 years' exuperlence; can give very best city rererenco; gooa character; no faooaer; prefer bank, hotel, atore. Phone Douglaa 3971, : tSVUNINQ wort: In the Una of auditing or bookkeeping solicited; or amau aat or books to keep evenlnjs, Addreae P. O. Box 111. City. riltST CLAH8 mechanic wants position In or out ox town. Best or rererences. au dresa A, K. Allon. of Kelly SprlnaAeld Tire Co., Omaha, Neb. 1'OSITION wanted as bookkeeper and sten ographer, or auditor; experienced ina good references; steady nd energetic. Box 1B7S, Bee BOOKKKKPKK wants aet of books to keep at night or work to do alter regular hours. Bos 1764, Bee. JAPANESE, going to arhool, wanta work In private family. HOOj wki, car . ss. u. a. MAN wanta position taking car of office. city raferencea. can uoug. .eos. QEOhoM inovea aebea and will do general flood Ford mechanic desires position. D. 75M. Female. TUB BKH charge for "Situation ada" is lower tnan any otner rorm oi aaveriiaing not enough to cover the coat of printing Practical nursing or matron with husband's assistance; speaKa i language, wen, ssv, WORK by the week on farm. Jllnnle Lar- en. qienwuoa, ia. w Litundry md Day Work. WANTKl Iuy work and bundle waahlnx by colored lady. Webster FOR experienced bundle washing, call Web. ater 1H77. rrompt aenvenr. UXPUK1KNCHD woman wlabea day w4 of any kind. Douglaa CI 80, CoXoKED lady wants washing and Ironing by day. Tyler H26-J. EXPKRIKNCKD laundress tor Call Web. 331i. WANTRU Day work, washing or cleaning. walnut aas. DAY work or housevleanlng exp. Web. 4.6J7. Ft.r diy work or gn, himsework. Ty. 1K6W LAUNDRY or cleaning, day work. Web tilt. Lace curtslns nicely laundered. Web. 6lti CURTAINS laundered. H 1130. 2614 Podge. Colored woman wants day work. Wfb. iiiiT. Want day work by reliable woman. Red 4850. Ex. colorud lady wants day work. H. DAT work Wanted. Web, 4tll. WANTKH Conking by thr day. Her. 4-148 Hotels and Restaurants, RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AQENCT, lelS Davenport St. Douglaa 1S(. Headquarlsra for hotel bslp. HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED Immediately, namee of men and women. IS or over. tatting to become government rlerka. li month. Kduoa- tlon unner esea BoxT-aB. Be. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. WANTKD4J rowing corporation wants' of- lie managttr. apianotu onance, email in. vostment reiulrd. Address Box 631 Aber deen. 8. D I WANTED Office boy; must be at laaat II yre. old; iwd opportunity for bright boy; apply Cudah racking Co, office. South Bide. . Professions and Trades. TOOL AXD D13 MAKERS HIGH SALARY AXD PERMANENT POSITION OFFERED IN IOWA FACTORY. APPLY H. M. COOPER, 826 HOTEL FON TENELLE. HELP WANTED MALE "profeff.iions and Trades. WANTED Young man with thorough prac- tirsJ stperience in automobile sen-ice ana rtiplirltig. He must be uapable of taking charge and directing service department of Omaba Distributors of well known cara. Box 1743, Bee. WANTED First cUes Ford mechanics. Good wages and steady employment for the right men. Hmp.ayment agencies need not apply. Wjjte Platte Valley Motor Co.. Scottshluff, Neb. ULASH WORKERS WANTED Revelers, a plate glass cutter on table work and an experienced ma . on -metal store front construction and plate glass setting, all for Colorado,. Box Y 886, Bee. COMMON labor, Union Pacific Store Dept. Apply Caes Street Uate, ask for store keeper WANTED Two first class coat makers. Nothing but the best need apply. Martin Petersen, Council Bluffs. DRUO POSITIONS ALL STATE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1016-16 City National Bank, Bldg CAPABLE machinist for light manufactur ing, In small al.op. Box IMS, Bee. LEARN barber trade; low rates now. Call or write Barber College, lizuougias ai WANTED A competent blacks Nick Dewes, Bancroft, Neb. Salesmen and Solicitors. SPECIALTT talesmen wanted for manufac tured articles successfully marKetea xor last 4 years; experienced men preferred, but experience not essentlsl; Investment refiulrd to protct contract; choice territory open. 707 Keellne Bldg. WANTED SALESMEN. AH or part time. Hales Guaranteed. Our device took gold medal California ex position. Every auto owner needs. Pre vents spring breakage, makes car ride 60 por cent easier. Small selling price. 100 per cent profit. G. L. W. SPRING OILER CO., Brandels Building. Omaha. Nftb. WANTED. Young men as auto accessory salesmen. Earn litU to I&0 weekly. Our line exclusive, well advertised and fully guarantee. Testimonials from firms. Individual, garage and banks everywhere. AUTO DEVICE SALES CO., Brandels Bldg., Omaha. ADVERTISING specialty salesman for our complete line of One art calendars, aiurai num. cloth, fans, lead pencils, rulers, cel luloid, thermometers, pennant, algng and metal novelties. Exclusive protection given good men la this city And outside terri tories. Connect with the fastest growing specialty bouse In Nebraska, M. F. S barer Co 12th and Fannin 8ts. Fourth floor WANTED Two live salesmen to call on auto owners. Call Doug. 00. Trade Schools. AUTO MECHANICS EARN BIG MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. Easy to Learn by Our Method. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASS'N 3817 N. 10th 8L, Omaha. Send for Free Catlaogu. LEARrJ barber trade; be Independent, more tban max your axpeaaew wnm leirnma Wage or percentage, W don't over charge you to bjgln. 40J Dodge St TRl'CITY BARBER COLL HOB. NIGHT SCHOOL Auto and electric atari- era. For particulars Mil Ltougiaa fi. or writ us. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE? COLLEOsl to&l Farnam St.. Omaha, Boys. WANTED Delivery boy wltlj. wheel. Bath the Florist. 18U jrarBam. . Miscellaneous. OMAHA Government clerkt examination April I, S7 to 9130 montn. eampi queatlon free. Write Franklin Institute, Dept. 237. C, Rochester, N. T. FIREMEN, E-.AKMKN, beginners, S12S monthly; permanent positions guaranteed. Railway. Box488s Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER wanted. Experienced In large piano house. Apply J. K. Oropendlck Haddorff Music House, 180t Farnam WANTED An i experienced cashier. The Washington Market, 1407 Douglaa St. WANTED Experienced stenographer and boookkeeper for doctors office. b.bs, m.. Professions and Trades. WANTED Girl with common school edu cation, between is ana years, to iaice up local and long distance telephone work. C. F. Lambert. 1807 Douglaa flt MASSAGE girl wanted. 1125 Farnam St. MASSAGE girl wanted. 22b Neville Blk. iEARN barber trade. 14(ia Dodge St. Household and Domestic. WANTED Competent cook; referencea; good wages for sattaiactory person. Mrs. F, B. Johnson. Harney 34S. W NTED Competent maid for general houseworK in apartment. larany ut iwu; good wages. Harney 3709. WANTED A girt for general housework. 1320 8. Slit Bt. Harney idp. WANT a healthy, respectable and congenial lady between 30 ana v to uki care or nn Invalid. Box 1135, Bee. f ANTED Girl to aeaist with housework and oar of amau child. 1707. - Phone Walnut WANTED Experienced second girt, good referoncea required. Mrs. jrranu T. Hamilton, IIP S. SJd Ave. WANTECt A .of to general house work. Mr, victor uaiawei:, west far nam Apt., No, 8. Harney BtfOt. CAPABLE white girl for general housework Call Haincy 817. COMPETENT whit girl for general house work; 3 in ramiiy. tan wummg a. .roonr M'alnut 1699. WANTED White girl for general house work, no waefting. 3&e cauronuas-war ney 3407. WANTED White girl to assist In general housework, mono warney xitv. GIRL t assist with general house wot k. Harney 1343. GIRL for gennral houaework. Harney 2104 Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED at once, youug, neat appearing womeu for counter and floor work, steady. Apply at once In person only, do not tele phone. Ask for Mr. Hansen, Llnoolo Inn, Basement, 16th and Farnam Sta. WANTED White chambermaids, 120 per month, room and board. Apply to nouae kaeper. Hotel Fontenel l e. EDUCATIONAL VAN SANT SCHOOL I'K BUSINKSS. DAT AND EVENINO SOUOULS, Second Pioor Omaba National Bank Bids Entrance 220. Uouglaa 68S0. . T M O. A. Oa and Ntaht Si-bonl FOR RENTROOMS .-ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERSI If you fall to And the room you desire among these ada call at The Be office for a Room List Gives complete detailed description of va cant rooraa In all parts of tb city. If more convenient pbon The Be Want Ad Dept. and give your nam and address and a Hat will b , mailed to youai one. New (lata are liHUt'd every week. . "' Furnished Rooms. COZ1LV furnitihed and largo front room. for oue or two, 112 rrivnth for on, fin for two. Both adjoining. House privileges, walking distance. References. Harney 410Q. BEAUTIFUL largo room, strictly private modern home; no children; car conveni ent. If one. 13; two 14; references ' Phone Harney 3110. PLEASANT room In private homa for teacher or lady employed ; rferencs r- - quired. On Farriain and Cuming oar Hue. Breakfast If desired. Phone Wal. 1334. WHOEVER la looking for a room of ?x qulutte tasta and excellent furnishings, rail Harney liai. Privilege of tha home. Near car lines r convenient. FOR RENT Furnished front room In strictly modem home. Private family; walking distance from town. Call Har ney 3918. STEAM HEATED FURNISHED ROOMS AT THE SUNSHINE APARTMENTS. EQlirPED FUR LIGHT HOUSEKEEP ING. FOR MEN ONLY. OFFICE SOU N- 17TH ST, iT'RNISHED room. 114 N. 34th. suitable for 3 or 4 pereons. 11.26 ncraon; board If desired; gentlemen preferred. Red 4631. FOR ft E. NT Furnished rooat'ln my house In Dundee. Phon Walnut 133S on Sun- 6aye or after I M. during the week. FOR GENTLEMEN Newly furnished room, strictly modern home, private family, Dundee. 103 South elst. At. FOR RENTROOMS Furnished Room. 311 PARK AVE., modern, well furnished aeml-basement room; bath adjoining: private home; 15 month. Harney 496a. NEATLY furnished room I prl-ata family to young Inly. tano and other home privileges. Amfc. Ave. 2428 DECATUR Well h ted room to party employed ; everything modern, close In ; convenient and reasonable. Webster 4574. LARGE front room, modern, su table for two. Nicely furnished; turns privileges. Harney 5527. 613 LINCOLN BLVD., very desirable front room (1 or 2 gentlemen); private family; breakfast if desired. Douglaa 7035. TWO nicely furnished rooms, strictly mod ern home. Farnam rar line. Walnut 364S. Furniture auction sale Mon. 10 a.m., 2-1 p.m. State Furniture Co., 14th and Dodge Sta. CLEAN rooms, all modern, close-in, 11.60 and up. 702 South 17th fi . PLEASANT furnished front room, $10 month. 2609 Cass Ut. 330 N. 17TH ST. Nicely furnished front room. Douglas 3121. FURNISHED room for rnt. Lady pre ferred. 1302 N. 45th. Phone Yalnut 3H99. Housekeeping Rooms. STRICTLY modem home; one large room and kitchenette, suitable for two business women or couple employed. 2811 Bristol. Webster 2234. , SIS S. 22D Two rooms, modern, clean, plenty of heat; nnwly furnished; six blocks to Burg ess-Nash. 2583 ST. MARY'S AVE7?rwn larKe front rooms. Close-In, walking distance. 14.50 week. Douglaa 4432. 2313 DOUGLAS Olio suite of nice, clean housekeeping rooms on bathroom floor. 13 PER WEEK, 1218 Leavenworth St. two furnished housekeeping: rooms. TWO or three rooms f r light housekeeping. 2121 Leavenworth. Red 8678. 13.00 PER week, 2218 Leavenworth, two fur nlnhed houaekecplng rooms. Board and Rooms. 2519 AMES AVE. "Sxeellent homo cooking and baking, modern room for two gentle men, on car line; home privileges, Col fax 3026. I THE IRVING 2102 Leavenworth; excellent board; good surroundings. Tyler 1419. DOAltD and room for young"'men; conveni ent car service. Harney 6702. 2123 PINK NEY ST.- -Board and room ault Kble for one or two. Webster S970. 2717 POPPLETON Comfortable furrtleherl rooms. Harney 6166. 31191 CALIFORNIA 2 modern furnished rooms; also 3 -room cottage. Harney 4001. Unfurnished Rooms. 648 S. ,24TH AVE. Three unfurnished roc me. partly modern, with use of bath and gas. Reasonable. Room:. Wanted. BOARD and room wanted by young man. , Must be reasonable, near 34th and Leaven- ' worth. Phone Harney 1323 - FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments.1 BEAUTIFULLY furnished 4 rooms with bath on second floor, to rent for 6 montha. Referencea required. Address Box 312, Bee. DESIRABLE furnished and unfurnished Apartments. All sizes and prices, splen did location. 24th and Farnam. D 1472 FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. FOR RENT 4 rooma on first floor, walking dlatance, heat, electric light and tele phone furnished. Rent 122.60. 3167 Far nam St. FIVE room apartment, the Chula Vleta, 30th and Poppleton, 146. Very desirable. Con rad II. Young, 022 Brandela Theater, D. 1671. VKKY choice 6-room ateara heated spart ment on West Farnam St JOHN y. ROBB1N8, 1802 FARNAM ST. North! ' " 1114 N. 22D. 4-ROOM flat, steel range, gaa plate, water pd.. 116. RASP BROS, 210 Keellne Bldg. Ty. 721. 0 N. 17TH. 6-KOOM mod. apt., ht., 136.60. RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Bldg. Ty. 721, MODERN.-4-room, 1st floor. 2702 Mander. eon St. Colfax 12.. South. 3-ROOM Apt., The Thorvald, 136 month. .Call Harney 6610. - Miscellaneous. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. FOR RENT Bi:.iness Pr'p'ty Stores. UOlibKN H'OKtt, Aftl OKr'lCfcJH l e'a.. nam Mid. elret Trust Co.. n 1161. Offices and D;k Room. OMCES. Slosl. and .u suite, in s oentral Iocs UOn' BROWN BLDG.. ' Room 407 Douglas Hits. DESIRABLE office rooms In tha remodeled Crounse block. 119 N. 16th St (opposite post off Ice), 110 to lift per month. Conrad Young. fZi Brand! ThMlr Dour 1671 OFFICE, room suitable for dentist; reason able rent. 18th and Howard. Dour, 162. CHt MCE o Ut iere taird bids.; lUBnt rotialss McTae:tH Inv. Co. Garages and Barns. 4718 SO. um ST. $85. Center of South Omaha business district. E. JL Banner, Ramge Block, Doug. AUTO garage and large rm. 302H Davenport. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Houses anJ Flats. WB WANT to rent your vacant psoperty for 1 you, as we cannot supply the demand for rental property. Call us and let ua talk with you If your rents U property U va cant or you are not receiving returns on jipur money. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AOfCCT, Hastings A Heyden, KM Har. Ty. 50. ' Miscellaneous, ' LANDLORDS, ATTENTION. We will secur a desirable tenant for your vacant store, house or flat within '40 days it on the South Side and In a tenable condition, or pay you a month's rent. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. INCORPORATED CAPITAL. 2,000. 4935 8. 34th St. Phone South 121?. FOR RENT HOUSES West. 1303 HOWARD 8T. A ttory frame, 7 rooma and sleeplns porch. NewTBrnac Room for on. oar In saAs. If dealred. Hou.e rent. . 1 ALFRED THOMAS, . 303 Flret Nat. BK. Bldr. 1912 DODGE, t roome, modiirn. J C1TT TRUST COMPANY. lth and Harney. Phone Poos. 78S. QOOD-6room cottage, partly modern. 2116 N4lth St. By owner. Walnut 1860 iOS i. 418T Hot water plentTliS.OO ' JOHN N. KRKNZBR. DOUGLAS 661. North. NEW buiiKalow, atory and half. 6-rooma on flrat floor, rooma on oond, modern. 1:7 60. 28th and Franklin. Red 181. ONK house t rooms. Yood condition; on. 6 rooms. C.11 376 Parker. 2604 AMUS AVE. 8 -room, all modern house, Colfax 1230. South. FOR RENT Five-room house, all modern except heat. 2210 South 20th. Call Deui las 404. Miscellaneous. a , HAVE WHAT TOIT WANT. " HOUSES AND COTTAOBS. 1 PARTLY MODKRX. 5- R., COS Martha SI 111.60 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 6- R., 2111 Saratosa St.... 120.00 i-R., 1 No. 11th (clo,e In) 20.00 S-R.. 3ll No. 2,ih (for.ooloreo?)... 16.00 l-R., 628 So. !7th St 16.00 STRICTLY MODERN. STRICTLY MODERN. ' l-R.. 4646 No. 40th St.. 120.00 -R 5!7 No. 17th (Brand new)... -R.,' 4012 So. 23d St l-R.. 1814 So. 30th St t-R.. 661 So. :t!i Ave. (cleaa In) . . , R. 661 So. 26th St...., ,. 10-R., !lll Dodga St 6-R.. 3016 Dewey Ave. (choke brick dwelling, flret olasa realdeno. district) 26.00 16.00 30.00 86.00 22.60 40.00 17.6. .. HEATED APARTMENTS. I ll, Apt. No. II Stow'kcr. 823 So, 24th St., 116 aummer. 820 winter. 4-R., Apt. No. S StoKker. 822 summer, $30 winter. v PORTER 4k BHOTWELL, t08 So. Ilth St. Dour. 1011. ORIc. with HOM& BUILDERS. I ". FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. l-KOOal modern n-uee with cares, for I cars, close to cat line, on paved .treat. 680 monlh. Douglas is,,. HOUSES 11. all parte of tbe olty CRFiriH. 81) S CO.. 6.1 Re. Bldg. LAROB moving van wltb careful men, li per hour, dordon Van Co. Douglaa 204. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Pack in r, etoraao and mov ing. U9 N 11th fit. Phone DoukIhb 394. FIDELITY SS- FREE Pbon Douglaa 18 for complete Itst ot vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moviug. 16th and Jackson Sts. j " METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to orders for moving, packing or storage. Office at Raymond Furniture Co.. 1613 and 1C16 Howard St. Phone Doug. b$U. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and planoa; moving; packing and shipping. . OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 802 S. J6th St. Douglaa 41(13. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real sen-ice In moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 330 or Douglas 433s. Mflprrarri -"eB' Van and Storage Co., Moving, racking. Storage and Shipping. Phone 'Doug. HBti. Jp Dl'L il fcsxurfcs Co. Moving, . Kj. 1.LjLjU packing and storage. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 2748. Doug. 614s. TWIfTliiTV'XXPKKSS CO., 1G33 ' On-'jjit. Douglas 1717. Trunks stored a spuclalty. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West A mbst attractive home built to live in, not to rent; - built to last a lifetime; beautifully finished and decorated; in the very best residence district This is one of the best built homes In Omaha. Stone foundation and base ment under the whole house, and solid brick above; full brick croas wall. No veneer. The porch steps, front, back and to the sun parlor, are all stone. The roof is slate. The coal bins and fruit cellar of tile. There is practically no cost for painting or re pairs. The library with built-in book cases is solid cherry; the halls and stair case of oak. Tbe dining room is pan eled in Venitian oak. All floors op stairs as well as down are hardwood, quarter-sawed beach, except the kit chen, which is maple, and tile under the stove. A large double storm win dowed and screened sun porch is con nected with both the library and din ing room by French doors. Tbe walls of the first floor and upper ball are covered with hand decorated burlap, except the music room. There are three bath rooms. The ample closets all have outside windows and ward robes and chest of drawers, which will delight any woman. There is a laundry, fruit cellar, furnace room and space which can. be finished for a billiard room in the basement, which is cemented throughout. Soft water is furnished from a large cis tern. The house has a gas hot-water heater for summer use, thermostat, electric outlets, etc ' It is so well built that 15 tons of coal will heat it throughout, and with solid brick walls it ia wonderfully cool in summer. As it is at tbe very crest of the hill in the summer there is always a breeze there if anywhere. It is con venient to the car line and in the choicest residence section of Omaha. The price is very reasonable, and terms will be made to suit the buy er's convenience. Owner is leaving the city. C. C. ROSEWATER, CARE OMAHA BEE. CONNER LOT 50x130. f t Bungalow of S-r. and bath Just com pleted; house built by day labor and of the best material money will buy; oak finish; has a number ot special features; bath room, white enamle over tile walls; plumbing all guaranteed; full cement basement; furnace heat; floor drain; in fact, has every convenience a house of 16,000 would have; located one block to Ames Ave. car, two blks. to Monmouth Park school. Would bo a bargain at 13.260; our price, 12,850; $250 cash and 128.60 per mo. We are confident if you see this place you will buy It RASP BROS., (-Realtors), 110-12-14 Keellne Bldf. Tyler 731. A GENTLEMAN'S HOME. Overlooking Hai.sci.ri Park. Plot 150x180, .jnali.a twelve la-g rooms, three baths with tfilletv Innumerable closets and pantries, meant heat, seven fire places, and finished In oak and mahogany. Price $11, OlSo, ( d only $2,50( cash re quired. . SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. 4925 8. 24th St. Phone South 1247. $1.5(M) FUR A FIVE-ROOM HOUSE Only been built a lew yeara; all modern except beat $160 down, balance SU monthly treated at 8110 Bnrdetta St TRAVER tROTHERS, T0S Omaha Nat Bk Ride Phon D North. NkiW MUMOALAIW. . Five rooms, trtctlr modern, nnlabed la Oak. Located at 3923 N. Utb Sc. Prtoe $1,160. 'forma. Win uk emal' cot lag to trade. . N0RRI8 Nona is. MOO Be Building Phon Dooaiaa ITa. NICE 7 -room modern House, finished In oak, nearly new; Cathedral district, close In, walking distance to high school and to the city'a five largest churches, 624 N. 8th St. Harney 112. 5-ROOM California bungalow: will take al moat nothing down to right party or take lot or auto as first pay men c. loira tus. CLAIKMONT Addition: Six-room modern home, at a bargain from owner. 272$ No. 45th. 5-ROOM modern cottage. Inquire at 3430 flpaldlnr. Phone Colfax 8501. Miscellaneous. 1 JR SALE. Two-story barn, tw nty-two fe.t square. Must be removed from -premises. Could easily be rhanged into a small dwelling. HENRY V. THOMPSON. 1024 T cer Boulevard Fine location, caat front, paved street I rooms, hardwood floor and fin tab. nloe to school and nar. A bargain ot IS.oea Kasv tprmn nwner 1tug 'Vb i.iMii. new., imm niiiiti. tuily dco rated, all modorn etc U.tt 821)0 itaatL balance) monthly Doug 8388. b,v butigsluw. also S-r and gardenias yonr ttrmi and price; tnv with 8400. rM I hnuatw it-net x.AAt If.too O HIT U HH"AM'eN usj Kittai i.u tuaur- ance. 44? " ""ia itine-iaa- shsi o a triilTl'iUlfl.I. 811 World -Herald Hld. IX IT4 AL LjiAi B'neu Pr'ptv H A. WOLF. Realtor. Ware Blk. Specialise In downtown hnslneep pmiterly REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTKD 4, & and 6 -roomed houses that can be sold for $100 cash, balance $11 ptr month; aend complete description flret letter. V. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1820 Farnam. Tel." Doug. 1064. L1S8 yonr 5 and 6-room houses with Ua. WE SELL THRU. OSBORNE REALTY CO . Doug. 1474; EAL ESTATE Unimproved West. WH have I good lots near 36th and Cali fornia. In ctithelral dlntrlct. Price right. F. D. Weiad, 310 S. ISth St. North. ;UA11NU, nt-ar 29lh St.. VI or 44 feet unlet be aold to close esta ta, Grlramel, eiti On aha Nat'l Hntik Blt. Miscellaneous. OARUBN LOTS. Five garden iots for M oach. Terms $2 per month on each lot or $10-per montl on tbu five lot.i. Addreae Box lttOS, Bee. ZAL ESTATE Investments iStrt AND 25fJ8 Douglas; STS rental. $10,000. ?0i South 4it. 011 easy terms, $:(.o(R JOHN N. FHE N Z ER . DOl'GLAS hhi. 7Of 4 A Vk l N VfciST M EN1 . JO Home Builders proax-rre $1 shares. Cash dividends July and January 1. You can order iy mall l.tOO to fi.O'JO fhures at any time. American Security Co., Fls. Agts.. Omnha. APARTMENT. " $75,000; inoomw 12 per cnt: on year old; very fine location; mortgugw $35,000 and will uccept $20,000 in trudc; bal ance cash or nt'gotlaule pupcrb, - ' CALKINS A CO.. TViughis 131.1. City Nat. BaK Bldg. REAL EStATltTo Exchange WANTKI Twoflata in exchange for renl-il-nce property valued at $3,ot. Will pay diffwn-nrc of $2.000 cawh. Box 1H1H, Bee. VK have some good homes and rental prop erties for Nob. or Iowa lund. Edward F. I Williams Co., Omaha Nat. Bank BlGg. REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. POTATOES PAY for one of our lota In Mornlngside, near Benson, or in West Lawn Hill at fiOth and Wool wo rtl. or Brook If tie Hill at 66t and Poppleton. All lota $1 down and 6 cants a week without Interest or taxeit for two years.i Call at our office for plat and price lint, select your lot and msko your payments at bank. N. P. DODGE & CO., Phone Doug. 829. Harney and 15th 9t. DUNDEE PROFE-OIES. Well located Iota on -y termi. Mod ern, attractive bouses. Before buying be sure and see GEORGE & CO.. South Side. , ACREAGE From one to ten' aeres, on car Una. JH4 acres, 6-room house, barn, poultry house, 400 grape vines, 250 fruit trees, car station In front of yard; $4,000. : 10 acres, 1 mile south of city limits, well Improved; price $7,500. 20 acres, lays fine, all In alfalfa, no Im provements, 4 mile from city limits ; $325 per acre. . I have several other tractaf J. H. KOPIETZ, 4733 S. 24th Ht. MEDIUM efKllfiD HOMES. On the South Bide, on full-slied iota, ranging from $1,600 to 43,000 In different local It lea, wltb all city Improvements, near schools and cburcbea; can be bought from ua on a small cash, payment SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. 4988 8. t4tb St. Phone Sou lb 114? HERE IS A BARGAIN. Two 4-roora houses on corner lot. EOxlGO, on car line and paved 'street One rents for $9 a month, and live In the other. Price, $1,200 for both, only $300 cash. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. 4925 South 24th St Phone, South 1347. t HOMESEEKERS. ATTENTION. On a small cash payment wo will buy the lot you select, build a home after your own plans and you can pay for It on amall monthly payments, wltbout extra Interest SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. - . INCORPORATED CAPITAL $26,000. " 4925 S. 24th St. Phone South 124?. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Florida Lands. ' . hAiaW Aib'ALl'A IH biAJttil). iMata! Flrat cutting. 10 days: Hay) tbla winter. S60 to $80 annually oa 160 land, S2I Pes "n Blk Walnut HZl 4vnlng. Michigan Xandi. FOR SALfc CLUVL.K-LAND FARMS. Grains thrive. Drouth, ball unknown. Root oropa, dairying, graslng, ideal. Vine reads, market; 145 grow leg day. Aver age killing froata October 2. Terms, easy. Oeorge Boweli, Jr., SI Bacon Blk Mar quette. Mich. " Minnesota Lands. A NICELY IMPROVED 1(10-ACRE FARM Oil MA'V OAD. 1 MILES ' ROM TOWN. IMME DIATE OSS -3SION. PRICE $40 AN ACRE ON EAST TERMS. DAIRY FARM LAND CO., F INLAY SON, AIINN. lt0 ACRES four miles from town, black loam soil; 50 acres under plw; balanc hay land; all can bo broken' there Is a small set of buildiiuja;.' price la $70 acre. Good reason for Belling. Four brothers in partnership. No le can buy the adjoin ing land for $100 acre. A. L. Doerr, Pipe stone, Minn. Missouri Lands. SMALL MO. Farm $iv caab and $6 month ly; do Interest or taxes; highly productive land; close to 3 big market. Write for pbotographs and full Information. Mudgtr, A-11B N T Lift Bldg.. Kansas City. afit GREAT BARQA1NE $5 down and $6 monthly, buya 40 acres, gord fruit and pouKry land, iaar town southern Mis souri. Price only $200. Address Box 808, Excelsior Springs, Mo. WE FARM ;he farm we sell you. THE II UNG Kit FORD POTATO GROWERS' ASSN.. , Co-operative Potato Farming, ' 15th and Howard Sta.. opposite Auditorium. Nebraska Lands. SNAP FOR SALE BY OWNER. ISO acres Polk county, Nebraska, good tenna, 130 acrea In cultivation, 40 acres In pasture, 80 acres In wheat, looks fine; all fenced and cross-fenced, with new oabv posts, 1 rod apart, 8 gal van teed wires, new; two, wells and windmill; 4-room house; big double corncrtb; barn for horses; big haymow and granary; ill buildings new and painted. Thia la a bar gain at $126 per; land lays level; 12 mllea southwest of Columbus. 7 mllea from Duncan and miles from Shelby. Address J, V. Shipley. Florence. NeU Phone Flor ence 885. Wisconsin Lands. WHiUWiN 1&U.UUU AUKttS. $7.50 to $25.00 per acre. , .Reasonable terms. - GRIMMER LASSO CO., Marinette, Wisconsin. FARM LAND WANTED FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loans. Mortgages. FuH MALE ll per cent real estate mort gage on down-town real estate; denomin ation $100 and $1, QUO $5,000. Ta ex empt BURNS, BRINKER A COMPANY, . Omaha National Bank Bldg., Oma ha. City and. Farm Loans 'S. 6ft and S per oent. Also Drat mort. save, on farms aod Omaha real eetatefnr aale. J. 11. Duraont ft Co., 41S-U Keellne Kell Bids., ITta and Harney, I 1 I.-