Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
Entered at Omaha postofftce aa aaoond-clan snatter.
Br Cemer a tWI
Dally as fonder .nt anus, sto aw rear. aj.M
Dal without Bunder 4Se e.SS
mini end 8unu " eae S.eS
(losing without lirilT " g0 " 4.N
autidar Bee only , Ms " I N
IHHr snd Sunday Bee, three reaio M Mhw ts.ns
Bond notice of caaner of addrejs or Irregularity la deUrery Ht Omaha
tiw. UreulstJoa Ifc-iarUMM.
Kratt hp ataft. expmi or pontl order. Onlr toast ftanrM taken la
serosal at arau amnnu. Venous' eaetaa, aeept aa watts and
eeslera eicheage. aot eoeeptel
Oeuktno Boa Building, CMctto-TtM nat true
Bom Omihl-tJlJ K at m Mrt-ll ri(t Am.
JVawrtl Bluffo-H It. Hala It M. toule-Bew B'r. 0 Coaanltar.
Liacola UttK Bulking. WtaMaftoa 1 IIO, at. Ji. w.
" eeajmrnrlcerieiu a gens sad ednorlal Betes, i
Oiaaba Ben, Bdluclel DnaruiaM.
64,320 Daily Sunday 49,878
arenas Btrenlatlna for t&a month esbnribod end I
Wllllima ClronlsUoo stanttM.
i le Or DaliM
ausecribers leew,g Ika etty should kaaa Tka t
sailed la nseea Address uaansad aa aftaa aa miiiilil
The just closed Auto show hu 'cm ill beat
until the next one.
But i preacher who looks in on a public dance
muit expect to be led a merry chase.
. it
High food price probers should take a fire
department extension ladder with them.
' Hush I A lot of bills are asleep at Lincoln
which yon should be careful not to waker
' Herr Zimmermann'i explanation of "the plot"
merely reveals Teutonic diplomacy in clearer
Tokio says it did not Ret a whitper of the
proposed triple alliance. That's where Tokio lost
the makings of a smite.
If Chins takes the plunge into the deluge of
blood, just for s price, finis may be written on
the roster of war's horrors.
If those plans do not miscarry, the "wet" era
in Nebraska will go out in a cataract of glory
and a flood of liquid moonlight.
Incidentally the railroads must not be allowed
to forget that Omaha needs a new union depot
and won't be happy till we get it.
Federal statisticians estimate) American food
waste at $700,000,000 a year. The majesty of nine
figures puts statistical guess beyond challenge.
A great saving of time, words, Imprecstions
and cable tolls might be expected at Berlin by
simply carving on the plot memorial: "Died of
Premature Exposure." . ,
Omaha's burned business block is to be re
built at once, "bigger, better and grander" than
ever. That's only fair' to put the insurance.
money right back to work.
Ten per cent of the world's shipping at the
outbreak has been destroyed during the war so
far. The record guarantees shipyards against a
business slump for some years to come.
' It b gathered from the members', remarks
that present-day lobbyists lack the high quality of
moral suasion which in former times made their
society worth while. But possibly they are talk
ing for effect on the lobbyists.
Now that state bank charters may be had
' without employing a specially retained persuader,
democratic duty suggests working out "some
thing Just as good." The faithful deserve nour
ishment and must not be denied.
The whirligig of time works titartling changes.
A few years ago Colonel Bryan enjoyed the right
of censoring Colonel Metcalfe's editorials and
.also his speeches. Now the colonel, blinded by
' the blast, gropes in vain for a blue pencil.'
A noted exponent of vigorous health issues a
seasonable warning against the habit of mouth
breathing. Many evils follow on Its wake and
blate a trail toward the weeping willows. The
fact that twenty-one state legislatures are actively
engaged in mouth breathing lends impressive
emphasia to the warning, r ' ,
Those who insisted Germany would prove the
, Zimmermann note a forgery, or at least disavow
it, have blasted hopes for their pains. But if the
authors of the document really imagined they
- could get away with it, they are more easily self
deluded than the extremest pro-Britisher sup-
- posed.- ' . '
5 " .i ' ,v--',
Senor Carranza showed characteristic thrift
when he picked Luis Cabrera as hia finance minis
ter. The intimation of German financial support
v conveyed by the Zimmermann letter doubtless
sprang from Cabrera's receptive moods. The
fact that his reputation crossed the seas shows a
smoother grade of diplomacy than is his want In
sequestering surplus coin of Mexican banks.
A Censorship at Work
3t Leuls Republic .
Various evidences of a desire in this country
to extend official control over the press have been
manifested within the last few years, though little
has been done in that direction. The reason, no
doubt, is that there is. still a lively sense in this
countrv of the value of free speech and a knowl
edge that, while the abuse of free speech is cured
by free speech, official control over apeech haa no
self-healing principle in it. Censorship is a tool
of tyranny.
For those who lean ' toward censorships,
whether of moving pictures, newspapers or public
meetings, we desire to present an interesting
example of how a thoroughgoing censorship
works. - -
A year ago the Nordboehmische Volkss
timme, Bohemian newspaper, was aent to ita
readers without so much aa a mention of the im
perial birthday festival. For thia dreadful offense
it was warned, but a merciful government permit
ted its publishers to continue in business. But
the poison of disloyalty was in them, and when
the emperor died they out the notice of hia de.
mise, together with the proclamation of his suc
cessor, on the back page of their paper. At the
same time they failed to exhort their readers to
tibscribe to the last government loan.
For these crimes the Volksstimme has been
suppressed for two months. If it were within our
power to condole with the editor of the Volkss
innme we should remind him that, after aU, the
late ot a muzzled editor is nothing to that which
mil overtake tyrannical officials who sit too long
uu a itticty valve,'
Congress Expires Without Action.
The expiration of the outgoing congress with
out responding to the president's demand for full
powers, or even for endorsement of his proposal
of armed neutrality, leaves the president the
alternative only of "going it alone" or convening
the new congress in extra session at an early day.
That the failed administration measures met
their fate through a filibuster preventing a vote
in the senate which otherwise would doubtless
have been favorable does not mitigste the stern
situation confronting the president as a result If
the newly-elected house were as fully under demo
cratic domination as the one it succeeds, there
would be no question about an extra session, but
with grave doubts of controlling at alt, the presi
dent is hardly to be expected to hasten the advent
of "congress on his hands," but rather to put it
off as far as possible to do so with safety. -
As a matter of fact the president has ample
constitutional power to handle conditions as they
arise so long as they fall short of actual war,
which congress alone can declare. Therefore,
the question becomes one chiefly of maintaining
our rights on the high seas, yet keeping us at
peace a delicate task, yet one which all hope may
be satisfactorily accomplished either with or with
out calling the assistance of congress.
Food Wast and High Price..
Americans waste in their kitchens food to :
extent of $700,000,000 lyear, says Secretary of
Agriculture Houston, in his discussion of the
present day situation. He finds no shortage of
food to support the hysteris that has prevailed
in some parts of the country. On the contrary,
he says plenty exists, and that with application
of proper household management, the cause for
complaint will vanish. The secretary's indictment
sounds formidable. On a basis of twenty million
families, his estimste of wastage amounts to $35
per year per family, or a trifle under 10 cents a
day. This doesn't sound so big, does it? On
the other hand, the very present fact is that the
price of the stsple articles that enter into the
dietary of the American people has risen enor
mously. Whether due to shortage or not, be
cause of psychological or other reason, the cost
of living has gone up, and no amount of discourse
from t cabinet officer is going to put it down
again. One real reason for the sdvance is dis
closed in the report for January last on exporta
tion of foodstuffs. On the item of bacon alone,
the quantity shipped had increased 41,000100
pounds or over 80 per cent as compared with
January of 1916, while the price paid by the for
eigners had risen from 13.8 to 15.7 cents per
pound. Every article in the list of food exporta
tion shows an increase, both in quantity and in
value. Secretary Houston may be right as to the
waste in American kitchens, but thst alone doesn't
account for the sky-rocketing prices.
Federal Child Labor Regulation..
The federal child labor board created by act
of congress and consisting of three cabinet offi
cers has taken preliminary steps to secure the
co-operation of state authorities in giving uni
form force to the law which goes into effect Sep
tember 1 next. Lettera have been addressed to
the governors of all the atates soliciting support
snd suggestions likely to simplify methods and
insure unity. Co-operation of the states is neces
sary to avoid the confusion and annoyance of
overlapping authority. Where state laws are
lacking or where laws conflict with the federsl
statute the board urges new enactments or such
modification of existing laws as will facilitate
concerted action. Equally important is a uni
form system of certificates under which minors
sre permitted to work snd dupticstion avoided.
Thia, however, ia a matter of detail, readily
worked out. The main essential ia co-operation
whereby the best results msy be obtained with
least disturbance of business likely to be affected
by the prohibition of interstate shipment of goods
produced in whole or in part by child labor. The
suggestion of the board no doubt wilt command
the earnest attention of state authorities.'
Sportsmen a Factor In Defense.
Fsmiliarity with the use of firearms Is an
American heritage not entirety extinct. Scarcely
more than a generation ago, the family larder
depended in a considerable degree on the skill
of the man with his rifle or shotgun, and the high
cost of living fell as his deadly ami brought down
the flying fowl or knocked over the fleeing animal.
This has vanished, because of the advance of civ
ilization, but the deep instinct, coming down from
days beyond our record, still persists, and It is
not the spirit of destruction alone that stirs in
a man's office-trammeled pulse and urges him into
the open with a lethal weapon at hand. And now
Forest and Stream, a journal devoted to the out
door sports of shooting and fishing and kindred
pastimes, urges that thia lingering impulse be
quickened into life for the benefit of national de
fense through the mobilization of the sportsmen
into a citizenry trained to shoot. Ita editor earn
estly advocated the formation of gun dubs under
the provisions of the, national defense act, to th
end that we restore as speedily as possible men on
whose marksmanship reliance can be placed. Ac
customed to the use and care of a high powered
rifle the prospective soldier would be ready for
training in other duties on entering the service, snd
already possessed of the. most serviceable attri
bute of a fighting man in presence of the foe. As
an adjunct to the universal training now so stren
uously advocated by many, thia suggestion is as
sane as sny recently offered.
. Semi-centennial orators emphasized without
qualification the development of Nebraska in
material wealth, social betterment and right liv
ing. Records abundantly support the claim that
the state kept even pace with its neighbors and
surpassed them in some directions. Will as much
be aaid of the next half century? The hesitation,
not to say indifference, of the legislature In the
matter of good roads shadowa the prospect and
gives rise to the fear of the stste falling behind
the processions.
, Islam's holy city of Mecca, the shrine of Allah,
seeks admission into the Postal Union, aa the
first step toward free Intercourse with the world.
For centuries past Mecca has stood aloof from
all but the Mohammedkn world, exclusive and
mysterious, and rigidly guarded against "profana
tion" by unbelievers. Having shaken off the
Turkish yoke the holy city aheds the robes of
mystery and Jakes on the newer open life.
After so long championing the German "ruth
tessness," our amiable hyphenated contemporary
now goes the gamut of double shotted hysterics
to prove its single-minded patriotism and blind
devotion to the president, The W-H man is
bewildered, if not delirious that's very evident!
The Story of Spring
Baltlaaara American
Nature assigns her task and appoints the cus
todians for her enterprises with a system that has
been regulated and built up during all the years
since the earth rose from the welter of chaos and
shook from its shoulders the mists of its primor
dail existence. So that the annual task of getting
things ready for spring is one of routine, and
while it differs in different latitudes and has its
special manifestations in various parts of the
earth, the method is much the same. Those per
sons who know nothing except the things that are
apparent and never get a glimpse behind the
scenes, are delighted with the preliminary choral
of the birds ss in massed melody they sweep from
the clouds and spray their song along the paths
of the golden sun and cause the seedlings to rise
in rapture to listen and in the act become germ
inal, and the buds to unfold that they may match
the melody of the song with their appropriate
colors of beauty.
Yes, it is an old, old story, the story of spring.
And yet how dense, how incapable sre most mor
tales of appreciating the manifold work of design,
the mastercraft of construction, the promotional
enterprise of bringing into due relation and pro
portion and exhibition all the factors of the spring
season I Yes, it is an old, old story, the story of
spring, snd yet no one has been able to detect a
particle of antiquity in any of spring's manifes
tations. Is there a flower like one that bloomed
before? Do the limbs of the trees, garnished with
tender verdure, have any stupid reminiscences?
No; everything is different the azure and the
gray, the ochre and the amber, the crimson and
the garnet, the violet and the blue. All is com
bined in a mobile field of beauty differently from
what they ever, were before. (
Here is the active element, the element of
change. Here is the constructive element, the
element of versatility. Here is the mystic ele
ment, the element of life. Here is the esthetic
ideal, the constructive novelty! Yes, the old, old
story of spring aa it is lisped in the best expres
sions of the poets, or as it dully gleams in the
colors of the most capable artist is much the
same. But to the eyes sttuned to the infinite
variety, the exquisite modulations, the indescrib
able shadings of tone and quality, the perform
ances of spring are not only rich but rare mani
festations that astound the most versatile of
human mines.
Who are the sponsors for spring? Who are
the constructive geniuses? Who are the makers
of the melody, the matchers of the colors? Who
is it that gathers the pigments from every chemi
cal source, who is it that stirs them in the color
pan and works' them over upon the easel? Who
is it that with a broad brush to the music of the
tempest or the trilling melody of a bluebird,
places boldly yet finely the colors upon the cur
tain of day or the star-bespangled draperies of
the night?
Shafts Aimed at Omaha
York Times-News: Since Omaha bought the
water works at Florence that enterprising auburb
has been without the taxes from the big plant.
Hence the willingness to become a part of the
city. "Every why has its wherefore."
Pierce Leader: The city of Omaha was visited
by a million-dollar fire last week. The fire
occurred in the business center of the city. This
is sure hard luck, but the business men who lost
will rebuild at once. You can't keep those pro
gressive merchants down. x
Nebraska City Press: Omaha has just had its
most disastrous fire. It is interesting to note that
the building destroyed was an example of an age
of tinder construction that is rapidly passing from
view, however, and 'that such a blaze as cost
$1,000,000 could not occur in many parts of our
well-built metropolis.
Edgar Jost: We see by The Bee that even
the dances come in for a scoring by the grand
jury of Douglas county. The jury should be care
ful not to say anything "agin" the dance even if
some of the women do have to hold up the men
while in the whirl on account of the men having
too much booze in their system. "On with the
dance let joy be unrefined."
Crawford Courier: The high cost of living
has evidently got down to sauerkraut. The other
night in Omaha thieves broke open a butcher shop
and stole two pounds of the perfumed food. The
first thing you know some fellows will be steal
ing hunks of limberger cheese, but then the police
will likely be able to get on the acent if that is
Blair Pilot: Omaha was very anxions to have
one of the federal farm loan banks located there,
but after it was duly located there Omahans sub
scribed for very little 'of the stock. But $45,000
of the $750,000 waa subscribed all told, and quite
a bit was taken by parties outside of Omaha. It
seems the banka in other cities fared even worse,
the amount subscribed for the Omaha bank being
one-third of the total amount subscribed for the
twelve banks. Ultimately those borrowing from
the bank will hold the stock anyhow, but the
government will have to subscribe for the balance
of the stock in order to get the banks atarted.
When the bonds are offered for aale they will
likely find ready buyers, for they are nontaxable
and as sound aa the government itself.
People and Events
A cheery "good morning" and "good evening"
greeting by Miss Ella T. Pearson, to an aged
gatekeeper at a Portland (Ore.) ferry was re
warded by a legacy of $10,000 in the gate keeper's
will. Courtesy pays in more ways than one.
Despite the anxieties of war rumors consider
able solid confidence prevails in Philadelphia and
vicinity. Peanuts resent the elevating tendencies
of other edibles and remain immovable at 5 centa
a paper sack. Come what may the goober stands
by the people. .
Mrs. Agnes Newman of Philadelphia, a sister
of Sir Roger Casement, spurns British money
stained with the life blood of her brother. Case
ment left only $675,. including a British pension.
The money waa banked to the credit of Mrs.
Newman and rejected by her. ",
The compteted tax roll of Minnesota for the
current year shows total assessed valuation of
$1,580,200,000, an increase of $89,000,000 over the
preceding year. Current taxes levied against the
property amount to $55,969,526. The tax rate is
35.42, a boost of 53 mills in a year.
Asa Bird Gardiner, once a peppery district at
torney of New York City, refuses to give up his
medal of honor won as a soldier in the civil war.
Regulations of bestowal revised since the medal
was awarded cast doubt on his title, but Mr.
Gardiner refuses to give up. He has some fight
left in his system. ,
The chemical section of the government of
Utah, anticipating more or less drouth after Au
gust 1, is stocking up with implements to try out
the percentage of alcohol in various concoctions
which may be offered as substitutes for straight
goods. The atate chemist believes in being
prepared for the worst ,
A Chicago cop, shaken by his .wife on the
divorce route, attempted to move the family be
longings before a division was made. Wiley at
once raided the domestic trench and carried off
air the cop's trousers while he slept The move
disarmed the cop snd held him until court opened
on the morning after and told him what not to
do. How is that for strategy?
A Chicago aalesman who slipped into a bank
ruptcy court without enough assets to pay for
typewriting hia debts carelessly mentioned a wife
and an ex-wife. Though unlisted as assets, they
were brought into court quizzed regarding jew
elry presents received from hubby and even
tually dug up $1,260 worth of gems. The court
intimated that the salesman had another search
Health Hint for the Day.
A well made poultice la a marvelous
remedy and relieves almost any kind
ot pain In the abdomen or chest
One Year Ago Today In the War.
French regained part of Douaumont
In Verdun struggle.
German admiralty announced tor
pedoing ot two armed French mer
chant veasela.
Twelve persona killed in a raid by
German Zeppelins over east coast of
Report from Athena aald Enver
Paaha had been wounded by an as
saaaln In Constantinople.
In Omaha Thirty Yean Ago.
The reception given by Mlaa Alma
Keith and Mrs. Carter waa an affair
of unusual elegance, the following
ladiee assisting in receiving: Mrs. Dr.
Dlnsmoor, Mra. L. A. Grolt, Mra. Cope
land, Mrs. Colonel Akin and Mrs. New
ton Hall.
Commissioner O'Keefe waa called
from his work by a telephone mes
sage that hia brother-in-law, J. H.
Gordon, waa dangerously 111.
At an enjoyable card party given
by Mlaa Emily Fuller, the following
people were present: Dr. and Mrs.
Hoffman, Mr. and Mra. C. K. Cole
man, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Daniels, Mm
Rennagle, Mr. Martin, Mr. and Mra,
Boles, Dr. and Mra Whlnnery, Mr. and
Mra. L. B. 'Nixon, N. A. Kuhn, Mlas
Kittle Kuhn, Mr. Aberaol, Mlaa Butter
Held, Dr. Brown, Mr. and Mra. John
Howard, Mr. and Mra. J. A. Fuller.
N. E. Leaman, late ot Snyder &
Leaman, commission merchants, haa
entered the employ ot Feycke Bros,
of Omaha.
John Seevers and Matilda Ward of
thia city were united in marriage by
the kindly mlnlstratlona of Squire
Miss Hlgglnson has completed a por
trait of Miss Mabel Balcombe that Is
a surprisingly faithful llkeneaa and
shows nice conceptions of color.
C E. Mayne and E. A. Benaon have
let the contract for 100 houaes to be
built in Benaon, work upon which la
to commence at once.
Architect! J. E. Dletrlck and J. Guth
have opened an office in Room IS,
Crelghton block. ,
Thia Day In History.
1770 Boston massacre, one of the
memorable events leading up to the
American revolution.
1795 Andre Blenvenu Roman, one
of Louisiana's famous Creole govern
ors, born. Died In New Orleans, Jan
uary 26, 1866.
1849 General Zachary Taylor In
augurated president of the United
1861 Gideon Welles of Connecticut
waa appointed secretary of the navy.
1863 Confederates under General
Van Dorn defeated the federals in bat
tle of Spring Hill, Tenn. . -
1872 First patent granted to
George Westlnghouse for the auto air
1874 Nat C. Goodwin made his first
stage appearance at Howard's Athe
neum, Boston.
1877 Rutherford B! Hayes Inaug
urated president of the United States.
1895 The Japanese captured Neu
chang from the Chinese after a battle
of thirteen hours.
1907 The Russian Duma opened
with revolutionary demonstrations by
the people of St. Petersburg.
1916 Spanish steamship Principe
de Asturlas foundered off the coast of
Brazil, with loss of 450 Uvea
The Day We Celebrate.
Thomas W. Blackburn, lawyer and
politician, la celebrating for the aixty
second time today. He was born in
Pennsylvania and graduated from the
Peru Normal in 1878. Mr. Blackburn
did newspaper work, some of It on
The Bee as reporter, correspondent
and editorial writer up to 1892, since
then practicing law.
George H. Lee of the George H. Lee
Manufacturing company was born
March 5, 1866, at Le Clair, la. He
used to live at Exeter, Ia, and came to
Omaha In 1898.
William H. Maxwell, superintendent
of the public schools of New Tork
City, born in County Tyrone, Ireland,
sixty-five years ago today.
Frederick H. Newell, former director
of the United States reclamation aerv
ice, born at Bradford, Pa.," fifty-five
years ago today. '
George F. Slosson, veteran profes
sional billiard player, now instructor
at one of the Boston clubs, born at De
Kalb, N. T sixty-three years ago to
day. Freddie Welsh, holder of the light
weight pugilistic championship, born
at Pontypridd, Wales, thirty-one years
ago today.
Sam Thompson, one of the greatest
base ball players of hia day, born at
Danville, Ind., fifty-seven years ago
today. -
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
Inauguration day in Washington.
The supreme court of the United
8tates reconvenes today after a four
weeks' recess. Monday next will be
the first decision day.
Admiral Austin M. Knight la sched
uled to sail from San Francisco today
to assume his duties as commander-in-chief
cf the Asiatic fleet
By official proclamation ot the
mayor, the cttliens of Richmond, Ind.,
are to devote the week beginning to
day to a patrlotlo celebration to show
their confidence In President Wilson
and their devotion to the flag.
Thirty thousand dancers, covering
eight downtown city blocks, are ex
pected to participate In a municipal
dance to be held in Dallas tonight to
mark the formal opening ot the 1917
Spring Style show la the Texas
Henceforth Chieagoans will have to
pay more to keep clean, since the Chi
cago Dyera' and Cleaners' association
Is to make a radical advance in prices
today because of the Increased cost
of labor and materials. - -
Storyclte of the Day.
A young man and a young woman
leaned on the front gate. They were
lovera It waa moonlight He waa
loath to leave, as the parting waa the
last. He waa about to go away.
"I'll never forget you," he aald, "and
If death ahould claim me, my last
thoughts would be of you-"
"I'll be true to you," she sobbed.
"I'll never love anybody else as long
as I live." . .
They parted. Six years later ha
returned. His sweetheart ot former
years was married. They met at a
party. She had changed greatly. Be
tween dancea recognition took place.
"Let me see," she mused, "waa it
you or your brother who waa my old
"Neither," he" replied. "Probably
my lather." New Xorlt Times.
Socialist Sticks to Statement
Chicago, III., March 1. To the Edi
tor of The Bee: My attention has just
been directed to a letter In The Bee
entitled "A Protest of Patriotism,"
signed La Grande 8. Hawkes, in which
I am severely taken to task for state
ments I am alleged to have made dur
ing my speech at the anti-war meet
ing held in the Auditorium Sunday,
February 18.
The name of the gentleman be
trays the reason for his vehement pro
teat againat what he alleges I said.
This explains his anti-German and
pro-Ally attitude, to which, of course,
he Is entitled. But the trouble with
the gentleman is that he only quoted
me In part and misinterpreted what
I said. This la always the custom with
persons who are prejudiced. My ref
erence to the Red Cross society was
about as follows:
"First we organize an army and a
navy and equip them with cannons
and rifles and swords, the most mod
ern Instruments of murder, and then
we turn these armies and navies loose
to shoot each other into ribbons. Then
we send out the Red Cross society to
bring In the wounded and patch them
up and aend them out again to be
to pieces then we ' gather them
in again and patch them up
and aend them out again to be shot
up. The uncivilized, barbarous Mexi
cans do the job differently. When
they turn loose upon each other and
after the battles are over they gather
up the wounded and all those that are
severely ahot up are killed on the apot
They are consistent they set out to
murder and finish the Job. While we
civilized Christian nations shoot each
other to pieces and then patch up to
be shot to pieces again and suffer a
long, drawn-out tedious, agonizing
death. I have far more respect for
the methods employed by the Mexi
cans, who consistently murder each
other, than for those employed by us
civilized who undergo that long,
drawn-out method."
The gentleman speaks of patriotism
and says he senses the duties of an
American citizen. He says that one
of those duties Is "defending those
principles sacred to Americanism,
which 1 heard so basely slandered
Sunday afternoon," and proceeds
further that he is "deeply offended
for the wrong that has been done."
If he is so keenly aware of his duty,
why did he not take exception to
what I said at the meeting? I should
have been more than delighted to
have had him mount the platform and
tell the audience why we should
plunge headlong Into the bloody
chasm In order to further the material
Interests of Wall street
I want to say to the gentleman that
I have no quarrel with the Red Cross
society whatever. I am very well
aware of the fact that it has rendered
very commendable service on num
erous occasions, but I simply pointed
out our Inconsistences our contradic
tions of action.
I have no apology whatever to make
for any of my statements at the
Omaha meeting. If another meeting
of that kind is held in Omaha and I
am Invited, I shall reiterate what I
said and perhaps add a few more facts
that have been brought out In recent
jrVn 4jda9ektliiaU for lMiitr eltistf
tui bacn Imunchtd la Brockton. Mtui., Ala
med. Cal., mnd by the iUt bord of
health in Utah eittei. Chicago maintains
ichool for itrcet clcm&n. Methods Tary
eeordfnff to locality, bat the main objective
is to instill la slackers pride In elean and
well-kept premises. '
A comprehensive system of parks, park
ways and boulevards has been mapped oat
by the park hoard of St. Joe and handed
to the mayor and council. It contemplates
acquirinr 1.100 acres of land at an esti
mated cost of $500,000. The present par
pose of the plan to to arouse public interest
in etvie betterment and beauty and make
a start in what is deemed necessary for the
city's future.
In support of the sartorial power and fame
of St Louis the Globe-Democrat vigorously
resents the attempt of Chicago to swipe the
laurels of the river town. Chicago defends
its claim by pointing to a eittsen who sports
112 sijirts and considers the priee a trifle
beside the worth the garment enfolds. St,
Louis counters handily by trotting out a
brewer encased in f H shirts, with rainbow
vests and other sartorial elegancies as das
iling as a loaded schooner in the dry belt.
At last accounts the rival claimants -were
blowing the foam of a third round.
Comb Sage Tea
Into Gray Hair
Ladies t Try Thisl Darkens Beauti
fully and Nobody Can Tell
Brings Backs Its Gloss
and Youthfulness.
Common garden sage brewed into a
heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol
added, will turn gray, streaked and
faded hair beautifully dark and luxuri
ant. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur
recipe at home, though, is trouble
some. An easier way is to get the
ready-to-use preparation improved by
the addition of other ingredients, cost
ing about 50 cents a large bottle, at
drug stores, known as "Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur Compound," thus avoid
ing a lot of muss.
While gray, faded hair is not sin
ful, we all desire to retain our youth
ful appearance and attractiveness. By
darkening your hair with Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one
can tell, because it does it so naturally,
so evenly. You just dampen a sponge
or soft brush with it and draw this
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time; by morning all gray
hairs have disappeared. After an
other application or two your hair be
comea beautifully dark, glossy, soft
and luxuriant and you appear years
younger. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Compound is a delightful toilet
requisite. It is not intended for the
cure, mitigation or prevention of dis
ease. ' ,
"Row about this friedom-efthieae
proposition f"
"I don't profraa to know alt about it,"
rojolned Mr. Cnusvlna. "If I caa katp
track of all tbo rasulatlona that apply to
itroot eraarlnga I am dolnf vary well."
Waahlnstoa Star.
A vliltor to a certain Brooklyn houiaholS
was duly amaamt by the wonderful likeness
between the twine.
"Why," sha sasped, "I never eaw two
children look eo much alike. How doea
your mother tell you apart?" '
"Weil." explained Tommy, "she Sods out
by spankins as. Clarence hollers louder
than 1 do."
Wife Here are same household bills thst
came In today, dear.
Hub Hans HI Why caa't you wait untU
I've had my dinner?
Wife I waa solnr to slvo you my own
bllla theB. UOBton Transcript.
is rr TRubthot yiMwiEB vat
SHT V0m .EriTEtKBi
SK TDR fri
Sitter Did Oraca tell you the truth when
you aeked her her age 7
Brother She did.
Slater What did aha tayt
Brother She said It was none of my busi
ness. Judce.
."It's downright moan of yon to refuse me
110," arowled Coblll. "One triend should
always help another."
"Yes," DoblU asraed, "but you alwaj-s
want to In the other." New fork Times.
"Hes he any sens. In money matters?"
"Not a bit! He's one of those asinine
creatures who saya that he'd be perfectly
wilting- to pay an Income tax If he only
had aufftclent Income." Puck.
"What la r. conjunction?" the teacher
"That'e what Joins tossther," answered
a brliht-eyed little girl.
"Give an example, Tottle."
"The marriage service." Boston Trane
erlpt. "Biggins saya he got on by burning the
midnight oil."
"Well, keeping lata houra did help nun
some. He danced all ntght three or four
times a week till Anally be met a net cm
an I married her." Bunalo courier.
Of wliat use are tears to man
For his troubles, care or woes;
Why not smile and pass them by,
As through this life he goes?
A tonic to a tired brain,
Ia suniihlDe's brilliant ray, '
Bringing light net to thy heart
To pass the time away.
A baby on Its mother's knee
Thinks only of her smile.
And all the petting tt might get.
In blessed mother style.
Why not bs as this wee mite,
As you toddle on through life:
Forgetting all your cares and woes,
Tour trouble., and your strife 7
Bach cloud a silver lining has,
And sunshine follo-vs rain; -Each
tear a smile; each care a joy,
Through life's window -pane.
The rain unto the flower bring
Much sweetness from above;
Brace up and throw your carese.side,
For God is truth and love.
Look through the windows of your soul.
With a vision so serene;
Awake from out your morbid dream,
As you view life yet unseen.
Tun your old thoughts Inside on'.
, And start your world anew;
Realizing more and more,
With sorrow thou art through.
Cnniarl Raaenne Whv
L. V. Nicholas j
utters a date :
I 4'
Orders greater than capacity.
Sana marketing policy.
Large earnings. Excellent 4M-
Na watered stock. Law capltallsa.
tloa permits high market value far
8. Strong management and director
' ata.
6. Field unlimited.
7. Na bond, or preferred stack.
Sharaa fully paid an
aeaeabla. '
Selling ia amounts af 1100
$1,000 at 1 100 per ah era.
Interviewe and correspondence
further information gladly given.
The U V.
far I
WthoIaaUil company
. ' natafcaS
Grain Exchange Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb.
tnoney back Sott aad iwranteec! 07
I barman ot McConnall Omt Caj.'
Notice ia hereby given that pursuant to an order of the Matrict
Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, the undesigned. wilJ" 1(J
o'clock - m. en Saturday, March 10th, 1917, at the office of Nataonsl
Fidelity V Casualty Company, 1203 Farnam Street. Omaha, Nebras
ka, aeU at pubUe aale to the highest bidder, the home office building
of aaid company located at the southwest corner of 13th and Farnam
St" UtdOdnr Khirty-Sa () of th. City 'of Omaha,
Douglas County, Nebraska. , . ..
Said aale will open promptly at 10:00 o'clock and bo held open
on hour, at the end of which time aaid property will b gold to the
highest bidder. Terms of aale:
Abstract showing good title, deed to purchaser and possession
of premiaea to be delivered upon confirmation of aale by the court.
The successful bidder will be required to deposit hia certified check
for $5,000.00 at time of aale. Balance of purchase price) to be paid
in cash at the time of confirmation of aale and delivery of deeds.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, March 1st, 1917.
By A. E. Agee, Assistant.