Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A
Pulling a Little Girl's Hair is
No Longer a Little Jioy's
..... Sport.
By A. R. GROH.
REEcessI Do you remember that
period in your school days? It was
a time when bedlaru reigned on the
school grounds, when little boys
pulled little L'rls' hair and other little
v boys pounded each .others noses.
Today, in Omaha school, they call
it "intermission" and it is a period of
orderliness. I had the pleasure of
witnessing it the other day fown at
the South central school.
At 2:10 p. in., Morris McLaughlin
tiptoed from the eighth grade room
to the principals ortice ar.r put a
record on the Victrola. He looked
carefully at the clock and pressed an
electric gong.
Then, out into the hall marched
little boys ajid girls, ha..ds behind
backs and keeping step to "In Lilac
Time" on the Victrola. The lower
grades started first. And when these
- had had their time, the higher grades.
Up one side of the hall and down the
other, always keeping to the right,
they marched, evidently enjoying it
Many "Excuse Me's."
Miss Frances Grois, 'the principal,
and 1 stood and reviewed the 375
pupils. I was surprised at the "ex
cuse me's." Miss Gross failed to
h.-ar one smiling lit tl- pig-tailed girl
and the little girl came back and re
peated her "excuse me," whereupon
we said "certainly" in our b'-st form
and she went happily on her way.
One colored boy said, "pardon me."
1 YVe pardoned bin..
A rosy-cheeked 7-year-old boy
beamed up at Miss Cross and whis
pered, "Hello, Miss Gross."
j lie put her frm".n the little
fellow's neck and stopped him.
' "This is CI ante Saun.'ers," stie
said. "Who's boy ie you, Charlie?"
"Miss Gross'," grinned Charlie.
She stoppei a little colored boy,
wearing a . sweater, and told me die
was "0!ier."
"How fast can ' you run, Oliver?"
she asked.
"Seven seconds," said Oliver proud
ly, and I expressed amazement at this
wonderful speed.
Shoe Shine Squad.
Sam Samuelson came into view,
his shoes shining like two headlights.
Miss Gross told me that ten boys
hay had ., ahinv shoes . everv' dav I
1 1 since February-5, but Sam's outshine
vii tne rest.
A grinning youth in spectacles was
picked from the passing line and in
troduced as George Snyder.
' What do you do, George?'' asked
Xlisn tiros.
"King the bell," said George,
proudly. 1
"Yes, sir," said the principal.
"George lives near by and he comes
Over at 8:30 every morning so as to
ring the bell u the regular boy doesn't
Bet here in time." " '
,, Certain boys are appointed each
week to ring the morning and after
"non bells and certain others to play
the Victrola and sound the gongs for
i intermission. These appointments
, arc highly prized ana tne responsiuui
ties carried out with boyish earnest
ness. It is a pleasing change from the
times when boys and teachers were
natural enemies.
War Tax Increases
The Cost of Flags
v And Flagstaff s
New York, March 3. Flag dealers
say that the great demand for "Old
f Glory" since the beginning of Ger
' many's unrestricted submarine war
fare has caused a temporary shortage
' i of supply and increased prices 25 per
cent. Wooden and stee" flag poles
also cost from oi.e-third to one-half
more than a year ago.
The increase in flag prices is
ascribed, first, to the tremendous de
mand; second, to the scarcity of dye
stuffs, and third, to the increase in
cost of material.
The flag factories are working day
and night shifts. Calls for more
flags, dealers say, are coming from
all parts of the country. .
Fourteen Candidates
For Kearney Commission
Kearney, Neb.. March 3. (Special.)
Fourteen candidates are entered in
the primary race for city commis
sioner, entries for which closed to
day. 'The free-for-all event will be
simmered down to six candidates,
three of whom will act as commis
sioners. An ex-mayor, our council
men, the city clerk, city engineer and
water commissioner of the present
administration are among those enter,
ing the primary race. The voters
were also to act on a $50,000 inter
section paving bond issue at the com-
. ing election, but an error in adver
tising the special issue made it nec
essary to postpone it Should the in
tersection paving bonds be defeated it
will tie up paving operations in Kear
ney for the coming year. , '
Union Revival Opens
At Central City Sunday
Central City, Neb, March 3. (Spe
cial.) About 200 people attended the
special prayer meeting and "booster"
services held at the Baptist church
- in this city Thursday evening to pre
pare for the big union revival meet
ings to be held here during the next
five weeks by the evangelist, Rev.
James Rayburn, and party. A meet
ing of the executive committee was
also held nnder the leadership of O.
O. Inman, advance man for Mr. Ray
burn, and all final instructions were
y liven the various committees,
. An orchestra is being organized,
vhich will co-operate with the chorus
if 150 voices, under the supervision
f Prof. Wickland and wife, who come
with the evangelist.
The tabernacle, which has just been
' completed, was dedicated last night
''rominent men from Fremont, where
ev. Mr. Rayburn held . meetings
about a year ago, were present to help
start things off right. The first serv
ices will be Sunday, March 4.
Give your Wan Ad a chance to
Victims Identify
Presented Through Hindu Princess
Men and Women Have Been
Giving tip Money and Jew
elry to Hear from
Lost Ones,
A princess in distress is Mrs. C. G.
Mitcheltree, 1614 Cass street, self-
styled princess,1, seeress and inter
preter of things hidden, prophetess
and the like, whom police arrested
Fndav afternoon, charged with Bav
ins defrauded Omaha people out of
jewelry valued at ov-r $10,000.
A long stream ot women ana - lew
men came to the city jail yester
day to identify some of the jewelry
and tell how they had been victims
of the Hindu seeress and clairvoyant.
Mrs. Marv Fisher Michka, 14W
South Fifteenth street, 59 years old,
staying with her son, Henry, of the
same address, said that she had given
the clairvoyant, who goes under the
name of Princess Khan Oola, $60 to
conjure with the spirits to drive away
her headaches and other mortal pains.
"I've been sick for some time," Mrs.
Michka said. "I tried everything, but
it didn't work. The princess left her
card at my house one day and Since
then I have been taking treatment,
but I haven't been completely cured
yet 1 ve been unable to stand up be
cause ot the weakness ot my ankles.
She said she could cure me, so I gave
her the money.
Spirits Balk.
Mrs. Michka then told of how the
soirits one day grew balky and re
fused to perform thejr regular work
unless more saenhee was ottered. She
parted with a silk waist, which the
princess assured her would do if she
really didn't have the money. "It's
too bad she was arrested; 1 was be
ginning to feel a little better."
there was nothing that was i
yond the power of the princess if
enough sacritice was brought to offer
to the spirits. Jt was as easy lor her
to brirj back "passing and fleeting
pleasures as it was to restore miss
ing husbands.
One of the cases told was jot t
young woman whose husband had
left her. Fearing that he would not
return, she applied to the clairvoyant
tor help. i
Gives Up Wedding Ring.
"She asked me for my dearest pos
session first to offer to till spiri.s. I
gave ucr my v cuing nng.i She then
told me that my work was of an ex
traordinary nature and that I would
have to make extraordinary sacrihces.
next gave her my diamond ing
which my mothc. it.i me. ihe spir
its still wante uore saci....-, and
as I had no more money, the prince
advised me to sell my store.
Another woman told of sacrificing
a diamond ring ai.d a Swiss watch in
on... iliat !.cr lent lost sweethrart
would return to her. She identified
her jewelry from the cask-t conlain-
ing over 1UO rings and otner valua
bles. 'My sweetheart ni came oack,
the said.
Anoiikr woman working in a large
department store is said to have
given her mother's ruby ring for a
Hundreds Fall.
Police believe that there are hun
dreds of Omaha people who fell in
the toils of the princess.
With her was arrested C. G. Mitch
eltree, who, she says, is her husband.
Mrs. Mitcheltree, although asserting
at first to be a Hindu, admitted that
she was an East Indian negresdNHer
hi- .a.iu is white.
Their arrest followed when Jess
Mitcheltree. brother o! the princess'
husband, was threatened with death
if he revealed- an of the secrets.
Fearing that the threat might be car
ried out, he called upoa several pa
trons and told them that tbey had
been victimized. Arrests followed. -
When arrested, Mitcheltree en
treated the officers not to take hjm
down in the police barge. He hired
two taxis for the trip.
Over SiW was taken from him when
searched at the station. "Get me the
best attorney in town," he called to
the officers. "1 don't care how much
A night in the city lockup appar
ently had shorn the princess of her
magic and Hindu mysticisms. Al-
Spoils Beauty
Mains the Dark Rings Around y,
Caves in the Cheeks and Ruins
the Complexion How to .
Cat . Rid of Dys. ,
: M . , .
Try Stuart's Dyspepsia T.M.U Tm
Diffesttv. troubles ruin the complexion
The eour. fermented, gassr contents poison
the blood, drew the corners of tne moutn,
rob yon of . tht fact that hungry,
haggard, mournful Kjirtnton in th morn
ins and you arc tired all day. It' la not
what you eat, but the fault of dictation
that hurtu. Eat anything you Ilk and let
Stuart' Dyapeptla Tablet digest your food,
ton your atomaca. aupply your blood with
aouritphmMt, then Tood looks, a healthy ap
pearance and bright ye will toon return.
Get a ftO-eent box of Stuart Dyspepsia
Tablet at any drug store. They are real
health maker. Try them free by sending
Free Trial Coupon
P. A. StuArt Co- as Sluart Building,
Marshall, Mich.! Send me at one a free
trial package! Stuart' Dyspepsia Tab
Name Street ..a
City State... v
"Gifts" to Spirits
though she saiH she was unable to
understand n word ut English when
arrested, in the office of Chief of De
tectives Malpney, when confronted by
a number of her alleged victims Sat
urday morning, the self-styled Hi.idu
seeress stopped her half intelligent
jargon and flady denied, in rather
good English, several of the accusa
tions brought against her.
The casket of jewels, containing
nearly 100 rings, many cf thein set
in diamonds, rubies and other preci
ous stones, which were found bv De
tective Van Dusen in the home of
the prophetess. 1014 Cass street, was
opened to allow several women to
identify their jewelry. One of the
diamond rings is said to be worth
over $500.
Called in Auto. -
Princess Oola practiced all the
pomp and cer:mon that on of her
position was accustomed to. She had
a flivver, which she used to call upon
patrons anu collect offerings for the
sacrifice. She was not partial what
she offered to the Hindu spirits. Silk
dresses, rugs, tapestries i nd the like
served cquallj as well as jewelry and
During the six months that she and
her husband arc said to havj worked
in the city, it is estimated that thev
collected jewelry worth about $10,-
uuu. ronce say this is exclusive of
money taken in. '
Give your Want Ad a chance to
make good, Run it in The Bee.
Send in your Panama hat
J y Right Now!
Why buy a new Panama hat, or
any other kind of a hat for that
matter? We place the bloom of
newness in the hats yon wore last
season. Phone Tyler 345 and get
the hate to us in hurry. We pay
express charges one way on any
bundle to any point.
Dresher Bros.
Cleaner and Dyert
2211-2217 Farnam St., Omaha.
Health Talks
(By Dr. Burhorn) ,
The cause of rheumatism has
een a subject of discussion from
the earliest time, and while Chiro
practic does not deny the presence
of foreign micro-organisms in the
tissues of the rheumatic person,
or the acid condition of the sweat
and urine, its claim is that these
are only secondary causes, and
that the true etiology of the
disease is to be looked for else
where. - Foreign micro-organism always
gather where there is a call for
their service; they are the stav
engers of nature, and1 are found
only where there is an inflamma
tory condition or a breaking down
of the tissues of the body. This
would account for the fact that
investigators have found not one
particular kind, but many varieties
of these little micro-organism in
different cases of rheumatism.
Neither do these micro-organism
produce the' acids that are always
present in cases of true rheuma
tism, but on the contrary, they
are drawn to the painful area by
the presence of the inflammatory
condition which is produced in
part by the acids that are de
posited in the tissues.
Chiropractic has proven that
rheumatism is caused by nerve
pressure; by carefully palpating
the spine of a patient so afflicted,
locating the displaced or sublux
ated vertebrae, and adjusting them
back to normal position, thereby
releasing the impingement or
nerve pressure, thus allowing
free and uninterrupted transmis
sion of nerve force or mental im
pulse access to the affected part
or parts, which restores the pa
tient to normal through nature's
A multitude of cases are on rec
ord who, have obtained complete
and permanent relief from rheu
matism as well as diseases of the
stomach, liver, kidneys, .bowels,
headache, insomnia, nervousness,
backaches, etc.
Consultation is free. Adjust
ments are $1.00.
Dr. Burhorn, Chiropractor
Cm-. 16th r.d Fernem St..
Sulla 414-4IS Rot. Bid..
' Phone Deuff. S347.
i Palmer School Graduate
"Chiropractic Fountain Heea"
Superintendent Johnson Ex
plains How New Order
Saves Much Expense.
By sorting more through' mails in
Council Bluffs mail terminal and less
on railway postofhees in transit Su
perintendent Johnston of the railway
mail service says that much money
will be saved for Uncle Sam. This
changed system of handling through
mail will be put into effect March 10
on some of the Portland mail uid has
already been adopted on some of the
other Pacific coast mail. ,
"The new plan will be used only
with such mail as will not be delayed
as a result," Superintendent Johnston
says. "In no case wHl speed of the
mails be sacrificed in order to ef
fect economy. '
"We simply take advantage of dead
time. Some western mail that fails
to snake close train connections lies
in the Council Bluffs terminal for a
number of hours before the next train
departs. Formerly all western mail
was sorted in transit west of here,
but now the mail that has to lie over
here awhile between trains will be
sorted at the local terminal, as it can
be done cheaper that way than while
in transit,
"Distributing space on railu)ay mail
11 Fair List Prices 1'
I u,m,milllllllllllltllllllllllllllllUlllllllll'liml..,1 r.t-fi.
SBZrlSlavTTSZltFq'g in the Long Rzin 'Vzy'AVXZ
.V'O SOLD BY - c . . '
Omaha: Tire Repair Company
2201 Farnam Street
cars cost $28 per square foot per 100
miles per annum, while similar space
in the terminal costs only $1 per
square foot per year. The terminal
clerks are also a little cheaper than
the' clerks working on railway mail
Give vour Want Ad a chance
make good, Kun it in l ne Bee.
All styles and sizes, up
froth $30.00
H No. 231 il
JLValL & SONS CO. ailvi 1515 HARNEY SI
MMiiMaiiMM mi. ii it m iiir srlrie...iai-meiM
1300 OH
Must Make Good,
WHEN a Goodrich Black Safety Tread .Tire is
" sent from the factory of the B. If. Goodrich
Company, it carries Goodrich's avowal that it is free
from imperfection of material and workmanship.
It is the best non-skicl fabric tire, the oldest, largest,
skillful rubber manufacturer can make.
If must render service worthy of the good name it bears the
high service Goodrich requires of it
If, as occurs in rarest instance, it fails, the B. F. Goodrich Com
pany is more eager than you that its shortcoming be made good.
Fair Treatment OpenIfandea
Goodrich Fair Treatment win net let you hold a Just grievance
against a Goodrich tire.
Goodrich Fair Treatment lays down this law: "The buyer of a Goodrich Tire
must be satisfied." r
The B. F. Goodrich Company courts honest fault-finding with its tires.
Goodrich Fair Treatment will meet these complaints with adjustments, quick
and square will make 'these adjustments gladly and generously.
It will not permit a Goodrich patron to feel that a Goodrich tire owes
him anything. ' wants back any Goodrich fire you feel owes you anything. .
Also maker of the tires on which Dario Resta won the official 1916 National
Automobile Racing Championship Silvertown Cord Tires
Local Address, 2034 Farnam St, Phone Douglas 3308.
The 1916 automobile racing season brought forth amongst a hall hundred Silvertown victories
the following especial triumphs ot the ONLY I wtrptj, catli-ctrJ tire: v
National Aotoroobfie Radnf Caamplonililp. woe by Dart. lUsta wilt 4100 polats.
l5i582 points score t toward th. chrapkxislilp b? Silrertown t. 7.176 trr ALL its competitors COMBINED.
Eishtr per cwit of all the prise wtanint politico of A. A. A. saaxborwt races.
Orientals Invade England
And Become the Servants
(Correspondence ot The Aseoclated Prcsa.)
London, Feb- 10. England is ex
periencing in a Itm.ted sense an in
vasion of Oriental servants
to i alld Japanese are landing
here in
greater numbers than usual and are
Gas Range
; Without Gas
It works for YOU.
Reduces high cost of
living by cutting your
gas bill in two. '
The wonderful Chinese Varnish, for
your home, your auto, furniture and
bathroom. Try a 20c can.
'I Fair Treatment 11
- ; 'l..., ;
taking the places of the native ser
vants who have juir.ed the colors,
gone in for munition making or back
tu the farms whore snch goor wages .
are now being paid. The Orientals
arc said to be proving popular be--cause
they make themse'ves more
generally usef, 1 and seem never to
lire of work. y
This Electric
. Washing
Is Different
Larger capa city,
better work, all
meta); easy to oper
ate. Try one at home.
Where You See This Sign
Goodrich Tires are Stocked
Ask Your Dealer for Them
:. Tyler 1552
0di Let U.
make good, Kun it in X he Dee.