Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 A
Woodmen of the World Laying
Plans for Attending Head
Camp Meeting.
Woodmen of the Word.
Fomixtouski Camp No. 482, will
meet today in Pulaski hall, Thirty
third and L streets, in regular month
ly meeting.
The meeting of the head camp of
Nebraska is called for March 29 at
the Lincoln hotel, Lincoln. The con
' vention is composed of representa
tives of local camps in the state.
From present .indications, large
representation of Wodmen will at
, tend. A delegate will be elected to
attend the national meeting in At
lanta, July next.
Ziskuv Dab Camp No. 115, will
meet today in Turner hall, Twenty
first and U streets, for initiation
Marconi Camp No. 421, will meet
Wednesday evening at Columbia hall,
Twentysecond and Pierce streets.
Columbus Camp No. 69, will meet
at noon today at Prague hotel, Thir
teenth and William streets. It will be
the only meeting held during the
Benson Camp No. 288 is making a
strenuous effort to uniform and send
its hospital corps to the national en
campment of the Woodmen of the
World, which will be held some time
during the summer months. A ser
ies of entertainments is being ar
ranged. Robin Hood Camp No. 30, will hold
its Tegular meeting for the month
in Woodmen hall, Florence, Monday
, night, Marcn . ine protection de
gree will be conferred.
A joint meeting of Koscuiszko
Camp No. 352 and Paderewski Camp
No. 522, will be held at 2 o'clock to
day at Woodmen hall, Twenty-sev-I
enth and L itreets, to celebrate the
union of the two camps and to pro
mote closer friendship among the
, German-American Camp No. 104,
will meet Tuesday evening, at New
Bohemian hall, Thirteenth and Dorcas
street for the regular business ses
sion. ' Omaha-Seymour Camp No. 16, held
a large and enthusiastic meeting last
Tuesday evening. It was the occas
ion of initiating a large class of candi
dates. The next regular meeting of
this camp will be held on Tuesday
evening, at Crounse hall, Sixteenth
and Capitol avenue. ,
" ." ' Woodmen Circle. ,
The, Dora Alexander Guards of W.
A. Fraser Grove No. 1, are meeting
; regularly for rehearsal of special
' fancy drill, which is scheduled to be
given at the meeting of the head
' grove in Lincoln, March 29. This
. team, together with the officers of W,
A. Fraser Grove, will exemplify the
ritualistic work of the order at the
state meeting. It will give the rank
and file of the order an opportunity
to see the new uniforms recently pre
sented to the team by Dora Alexin
der, sponsor,
' Knights of Pythias.
'. Nebraska Lodge No. 1 will hold its
regular weekly meeting Monday even
ing at Crounse hall at 8 p. m., sharp.
There will be work in the first rank.
All ki 'hts are urged to be present
Quite a delegation from Nebraska
Lodge No, 1 wen guests of St. Al
lan's Lodge, Council Bluffs, last
Monday night at an open meeting. All
report a good time.
, Pythian Sisters held reception last
Friday afternoon at the home of Sis
ter Oesman. Grand Chief Mrs. Lis
zie Calkins was present Efforts are
being; made to revive this organiza-
tion in Omaha.
, Grand Chancellor Anderson and A.
' A. Heath leave Tuesday morning for
. North Platte, Neb., where they will
, assist Iri initiating a class of fifty in
: the three rank. Kearney Lodge will
v also assist in the work.
4 ? Maccabees.
Umaha Keview Ho. 40 Will bold a
card party Tueaday evening at A. O.
U. W. hall.
Ladies of the Maccabees.
i Omaha Hive No. 952, Ladies of the
i Maccabees, will meet at Swedish au
; ditorium Tuesday afternoon, instead
of Tuesday evening. '
i ' Spanish War Veteran' Auxiliary,
t General Henry Lawton Auxiliary to
: the Spanish War .Veterans, will hold
its meeting Wednesday afternoon at
! the court house.
Knights of Security,
t V Omaska Council No. 2295 will give a
, dance Monday evening, March 12, in
:f the Swedish auditorium. ;
Daughter of St George.
Queen Mary LodgeOrder Daugh-
; ters ot at beorge, field social eve
" ning and concert Wednesday, in con'
I junction with the Shakespeare Lodge,
, Sons of St George. A light repast was
; served after the musical portion of
, the program waa concluded, the
' Daughter playing hostess to the
4 Sons and visitor. The feature of the
: evening was the wand drill and exer
cises given by the young women. The
' whole thing was given with much
' eclat and waa highly appreciated. So
great was its succces that immediate
plans were made for a permanent
calisthenic society being formed.
Mrs. S. Morris presided. On the pro
gram were Miss Olso, character read-
: if- T-:.. i i c-
niKi wr. isiit, uass vucausi; aam
Morris, comic songs; Mrs. Sjam
Morris, soprano: Miss Thompson.
elocutionist; Mr. and Mrs. Morgan,
duet; Harry Unitt, baritone; Miss Ed
ney, elocutionist; Mr. Jones, "Cohen
on the 'Phone;" Mr. and Mrs. T. B.
Hoyle, duets; Mrs. Nelson and Mrs.
Douglas, duet: St. George auartet:
James Davies, old English songs. Mrs.
T, P. Isitt presided at the piano.
I. O. O. F.
The first degree staff of Omaha
Lodge No. 2 of Odd Fellows will go
to Plattsmouth Tuesday evening to
confer the first degree on several
candidates for that lodge. On Friday
evening Omaha Lodge No. 2 will con
fer the second degree.
Hesperian Encampment No. 2
confered the patriarchal degree on
about twenty-five candidates last
Thursday evening. The attendance
was the largest the encampment has
had for some time. .
Ruth Lodge No. 1 will have degree
work next Saturday evening.
Canton Ezra Millard No. 1 wilt
hold its regular monthly meeting next
Secretary R. V. Cole of the general
relief committee says tha the re
quest for rel'ef is gradually diminishing.
The Ladies' Auxiliary to Clan Gor
don No. 63 will hold its regular meet
ing at the home of Mrs. R. G. Watson,
4331 Erskine street Wednesday aft
ernoon at 2 o'clock.
English Courts Hold That
' Aliens Cannot Be Deported
(Correspondence of The Aaaoclated Preaa.)
London, Feb. 10. The British
courts have decided that the govern
ment has no right to deport to Russia
or France, citizens of those countries
who have refuged here. An order of
deportation may be issued against
any alien, but the order must not
specify the country to which the de
ported alien must go. The decision
completely nullifies the widely pro
posed deportation of all allied aliens
for military service in their own
countries. .
The test case discussed by the
courts was that of the Duke de Cha
teau Thierry, a French subject of
military age, resident in England prior
to the war, against whom the British
government made an order of depor
tation to France at the request of the
French government. No offense or
misconduct was "alleged against the
duke, but the home secretary claimed
the right to deport him under certain
war legislation, which authorized him
to deport aliens, while the war con
tinues, "whenever such deportation is
incidental to the safety of the realm."
i The duke contended that he was a
royalist, tynd therefore a political
refugee, and stated in his affidavit that
he had been threatened, over the tele
phone with the fate of being; placed
in a dangerous part of the firing line,
notwithstanding an English medical
certificate of unfitness.
The French government disclaimed
any political animus against him, or
any intention to treat him as suggest
ed, but claimed him as of military
age and subject to military service.
Pure Blood
Brings Beauty
Pimples, Blackheads, Bolls and Poor
Complexion Vanish by Using
Stuart'a Calcium Wafers.
All your dreams ot a beautiful, olaar com
plealon can bo mala to ooma trua. II makee
no oifteronoo. now spotted and disfigured
Will of Lucas Sets Aside
Land for Home for Birds
(Correspond .nee of The Awoclated Pre.)
London. Feb. 1. Under the will of
the late Lord Lucas, land and prem
ises in .Norfolk have been be
queathed to Ivor Grenfeil, This prop-
rty ot i,w) acres waa acquired y
Lord Lucas, Viscount Grey. E. 5.
Montague and B. Russell, all keenly
interested in bird life, in order to
provide protection for rarer kinds of
your . w . iHckhfjftda,
Mierni or liver not... you may reclnlm vuur
loiru imnec nun ioy to mm how Kttty
ui tejuicif muni (juirium waicrt
Clean Your Mitel
harttac of food look. Thora or thouaand
or paopia today wboae rraah. clear fact an
a living proof that Stuart'a Calcium Water.
do ouro pimplea and euro them to atay. in
Stuart'a Calcium Wafera oura plmplai and
I ml tar erupttona by thoroughly olaanalna
tha blood of all ImotirlUaa. With a oura
blood aupply. It la simply Impoaalblo for a
pimpia to remain on your race. Ana tne in
vigorated blood will replace your dead, al
low akin with tha flowing colore of a per
fect complexion.
Tour aelf-reepeet demand! that you avail
yourself of this remedy that thousands have
proved before you. Oet a 0c box of Btuart'a
calcium wafera of rour druiilit todaT.
Make your dream of beauty come true. Also
man coupon touay tor rree trial package.
Free Trial Cupon
V. A. Htnarft Co,, SAv Atuarft Bid.,
Man hall Mich. I Send me at once, by
return mall, a tree trial package ot
Stuart's Calcium Waiem.
Take a Glass of Salts to Flush
. the Kidneys If Your Back Hurts
Advises folk to overcome Kidney
and Bladder trouble while
it i only trouble.
Eating meat regularly eventually
produce kidney trouble in tome form
or other, says a well-known authority,
because the uric acid in meat excites
the kidneys, they become overworked,
' get sluggish, clog up and cause all
sorts of distress, particularly back
ache and misery in the kidney re
gion, rheumatic twinges, severe head
aches, acid stomach, constipation,
torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and
urinary, irritation.
The moment your back hurts or
kidneys' aren't acting right, or if blad
der bother you, get about four
ounces of Jad Salts from any good
pharmacy, take a tablespoonful in a
glass of water before breakfast for a
few days and your kidney will then
act fine. Thi famous salts is made
from the acid of grapes and lemon
juice, combined with lithia, and has
been used for generations to flush
clogged kidney and stimulate them
to normal activity; also to neutralize
the acids in the urine so it no longer
irritates, thus ending bladder cUsor
ders. -
Jad Salts cannot injure anyone
makes a delightful effervescent lithia-
water drink which millions of men
and women take now and then to
keep the kidneys and urinary organs
clean, tnus avoiding serious kidney
disease. Advertisement,
birds. Elaborate precautions have
been taken to preserve from disturb
ance some young birds of a very
rare species and careful study is made
of the habits of the colony of birds
on the state by the headkeeper and
others in the employ of these bird
Bad Boys of England Being
Transformed Into Good Ones
'Correspondence of Tho Associated Proas.)
London, Feb. 1. Bad boys, or
hooligans, as they are often called,
are being transformed on an exten
sive scale. One way to reform them
it to take them to instructive mov
ing picture shows and allow them
to mingle with the good Boy Scouts
according to some of the remedies
outlined by Lieutenant General Sir
Robert Baden-Powell, the chief scout
"The problem is to get hold of the
existing hooligan and tame him,"
said the chief. "In Birmingham they
have formed what are called reserve
scouts." There are 2,000 young hool
igans who are honorary member of
scout troops, and they are allowed
to play games without taking up
scouting at all unless they with, but
90 per cent of them, want to become
scouts after they have been playing
a week or two.
"Many of them have already been
rewarded for public service. That
is what these hooligans want. It is
a most pathetic sight to see a real
hooligan who had been a 'bobby
baiter' (police nagger) suddenly turn
into an orderly for the police a
copper's companion a on of them
called himself. In Hull a number of,
holligan have been turned into Sea
Batter Settle, Ysung Man.
A young; lady who llvaa In Worceator sued
for damages In a ease of breach of promise
of marriage. She waa ottered 1300 to heal
the breaking heart
"Two hundred!" aha exclaimed. "Two
hundred dollar, for ruined hopes, m blighted
life! Two hundred dollar, for all thlal No,
never: make It two-titty ud It's a bar
gain." Chicago Poet.
Cut This Oiit and Save It
The spirit of 1776 plus the intelligence of
1917 demands that every citizen KNOW
what this government is doing in the
present international situation and why.
This suggested course of
reading will give you FACTS.
The big international problems that 4re, as a nation, face
to-day concern every man and woman, every boy and girl of
this land. They' concern every United States citizen of the
present and every United States citizen to come for scores of
generations. .
History is making rapidly. This country of ours has lost
its "splendid isolation," Gigantic world-forces are in opera
' tion. The ship of state is being navigated through the perils
of new waters. We are feeling the pull of great tides and
currents. ,
The President needs the intelligent support of every citizen.
Intelligent support means an understanding, not a hope or a
belief, or a faith, or a partisanship, but an understanding.
A knowledge of FACTS.
It means being able to answer correctly the
multitude of questions about international and
national affairs that are being asked wherever
On all sides, men and women are wondering, supposing,
guessing. This does not get anyone anywhere. FACTS will
make a better citizen of YOU. Facts will help you to think,
decide, act, clearly, intelligently. And the facts can be known
by everyone, with very little effort.
Now, when there is so much confusion of talk and opinion,
it is good to know that in The Encyclopaedia Britannica you
will find an almost inexhaustible fund of information and facts
about international affairs, international agreements and usages,
about our own national government, its powers and resources
facts that are quickly available and positively authentic.
We realize that NOW is the time when people
waht this information. To make the facts
especially easy to find we here publish a list of
Britannica references that anyone can quickly
look up and get from them definite, correct an
swers to the thousands of questions people are
asking themselves and each other every day.
people gather together.
Whether you own the Britannica or not, cut this advertisement out and save it Put it in your pocket
Study it You who own the Britqnnica will go straight to the questions you are asking or being
asked You will quickly know the basis in history or usage or agreement for the actions of this
government and of Germany, England, France, Italy, Austria, Belgium and all the world powers.
If you do not own the Britannica take this reference list to your library or to some friend
who does own the Britannica. Learn the facts. Get posted, Patriotism demands this much of
you." The security of the nation is in the keeping of men and women who know.
Administration, Vol. LP. IK.
Marino foroe, Vol. IT, P. 711.
United Stales Admiralty. Vol. I.
P. 201.
High Courtot Vol. 1. P. 969; Vol. It,
p. m.
Jurisdiction, Vol 1. P. 906.
Prlzo, Vol. 22. P. 273.
U. S. Jurisdiction, VoL i, P. 201.
Lang-ley's researches, Vol. 1. P. 1M.
Smithsonian Institute's researches.
Vol. 26 P. 274. ,
Swederborg's flying machine, VoL
2a. P. m
Aeroplane. I, P. HI.
Motors (or. VoL 20, P. sa.
Penaud's, Vol. 10. P. 514.
Wenhun's. Vol. 10. P 611
Balloon. Vol. a, P. 279: Vol 1, P. 262.
fciriglblg. Vol. 1.P.2W.
Military. Vol.1, P. 2T
In warfare. Vol. 10, P. 711
Flight and flying, VoL 10, P. 102;
VoL 1. P. 260.
Alabama Arbitration
VoL 1. P. 464; Vol. 27, P. 7W Vol 27,
Vol. 1. P. .
Oath at, VoL I, P, Mj Vol. 16, P.
Vol 2,P,4iVoll,P.44t
Vol. 2. P. 603; Vol. 26, P. SM; Vol 6,
P. 671
Ambulance, Vol. 1, P. 601.
Officers, Vol. 20. P. 16.
' Staff. Vol. 26, P. 762.
8uD)iy and trsnsport VoL 96, P. ItSL
Uniforms. Vol. 17. P. 682.
War organisation. Vol. 26, P. SOI.
Billeting, Vol 6. fM
Capital punishment, Vol. 6, P. 280.
Provost marshal, VoL 22. P. 616.
Nursing reserve. Vol. 16. P Sit. ,
Veterinary oorpi, Vol. 90. P. U;Vol.
20, P. 20.
Also see Army Inlndei underUnlled
Ststee, Englsnd, France, Oer
many. RuasTa. Italy, Austria. Tur
key, etc., lor details.
Vol. 1. P. M9: Vol. X P. ttt; Vol. 1
P. tOO Vol. 2. P 606.
Ammunllion, Vol. 1. P. 666.
French. Vol. 2. P. 618; VoL 2, P. 602
Vol. 19, P. 846.
German, Vol IS, P. 476.
Horse artillery Vol. I, P. 666; VoL (,
P. 670. i
Infantry, Vol 14. P. 621: VoL 14, P.
Naval, Vol 20, P 208: VoL 90, P. 206.
Tactics. VoL 26, P. 846.
Vol. 8. P. 6W; Vol It, P. ttt! Vol 96,
P. 812.
Vol. 4, P. 71 Vol 19.P.SI8.
Neutrality, Vol. 19. P. 444. -
Torpedo. VoL 97, P. 17.
Captura 1 .
Vol 5, P. 294; Vol St, P. SIS. ,
Catai Mil .
Vol. 6, P. 467.
Vol. 6, P. H3i Vol 2, P. Ml; Vol. 9,
P. 606.
American Civil War. VoL I P. 826.
Barracks, Vol. 3. P. 428.
Cromwell, VoL 7, P. 488.
Prankish, Vol. 16. P 862. ,
Greek, Vol. 2.P. 603.
Hannibal, Vol 2, P. 694.
Machine Guns, Vol. 17, P. 346.
16th Century, Vol. 8, P. 670.
Swords, Vol. 26, P. 27$.
Tactics, Vol. 26, P. 849.
Strategy. VoL 26. P. I.
Clayton-Balwn Tnaty
VoL t, P. 476; VoL It, P. 798.
Coda Napohon
Vol. 8, P. 834; Vol. 10, P. 828; VoL 22,
P. HO.
Declaration of Parit
Vol. T. P. 914: Vol. 20, P. 434.
Blockades regulated, VoL 4. P. 73.
Mediation advanced, VoL 18, P. 22.
Privateering abolished, VoL 22, P.
Warfare provisions, VoL 37, P. 231.
Declaration of War
Vol. 28, P. 816.
VoL 8, P. 294: Vol. 21, P. .
Cnancelorof embtasy, Vol. 5, P. 834.
Charge d'affaires, Vol. 6, P. 860.
Consul general VoL 7. B. 21.
Pragoman, Vol. 8, P. 465.
Ex. territoriality. Vol. 10, P. 88.
French consular body, Vol. 1, P. 31.
Immunity, Vol. 14, P. 832.
Neutrality laws, Vol 18. P. 442.
V. S. representatives and foreign
press, Vol.22, P. 802.
Walslngham'a secret service sys
tem. Vol. 28, P. 294.
War duties. Vol. 26, P. 806.
High Stat
VoL 18. P. 467.
International law, Vol. 14, P. 699.
Mare librum and mare clauaum, VoL
17, P.OBg.
Navigation laws, Vol 18, P. 298.
Hotchkiu Can
Vol. 17, P. 243; Vol. 20. P. 300.
Shell VoL 30, P. 188.
Vol. 14. P. UTi Vol 14, P. 822; VoL
9. P. 806.
Ammunition supply. VoL 1. P. 6.
Artillery. Vol. 2. P. 688 : VoL 2. P. 684.
Barracks. Vol. 8, P. 427. .
Cavalry attacks. Vol. 6, P. 664.
Feudal Vol. 8. P. 697.
Linked battalion system, VoL 2, P.
Tectica, Vol. 24. P. 318.
international Arbitration
VoL 9. P. 337 Vol 14. P. 699; Vol
8, P. 960.
Convention established. VoL 37, P.
Pan-American conferences, VoL 20,
Mediation distinguished from. Vol
' 18, P. 32.
Informational Law
Vol. 14. P. 649; VoL 8, P. 286; Vcl
36, P. 800.
Blockade, Vol. 4 P. 78.
Contraband of war. VoL 7. P. 62.
Convoy. VoL 7. P. 68.
Extradition, Vol 10, P, 87.
Guerrilla warfare, Vol 13, P. 872.
Immunity rules. Vol. 14, P. 839.
Mediation, Vol. 18, P. 22.
Moratory laws. Vol. 18, P. 816.
' Prise of war, Vol. 32, P. 871
Protectorates, Vol. 22, P. 468.
Spheres of influence, Vol. 26, P. 841
Territorial waters. Vol. 28, P. 409.
Treaties, VoL 37, P. 228.
Krapp - .
Armour plates, VoL it P. 679; VoL
1 P. 681.
Breech mechanism, VoL 20, P. 300.
, Coaat defence guns, VoL 20, P. 229
Cupola. VoL 10. P. 704.
Mountain gun, Vol. 20, P 321 .
Naval guns. Vol 20, P. 219 ; Vol 36,
P. 228 (piste)
Shrapnel Vol. 1, P. 868.
Siege mortar, VoL 30, P. 338 (plats).
Machino Can
VoL 17 P. 337.
Martial Law
Vol. 17. P. 780; Vol 6, P. 687.
Habeas corpus suspension, VoL 13,
P. 781
Habeas corpus suspension in Rome,
VoL 24, P. 631
Military Law
Vol. 18, P. 441
Greek strategy, Vol. 12, P. 604.
Judge Advocate General Vol. 15, P.
Provost Marshal Vol. B, P. S16 ; VoL
8, P. 834; Vol. IP. 83.
Military 5rnc
Vol. 2. P. 681
Anglo Saxon, Vol. 4, P. 661.
Ban. Vol. IP. 306.
Chivalry, Vol. 16, P. 862.
Feudal vassals, Vol 10, P. 801 ; VoL
9, P. 476. . ,
In France (14th and 16th centuries).
Vol. 10. P. 911
Prankish system, VoL 10, P. 298.
Irish clergy exempted, Vol. It. P. 761
Irish tribal Vol. 14, P. 764.
Mohammedan. VoL 17, P. 411
Oversea (1213), VoL 8, P. 468.
Vol. 18. P. 44
Legislation concerning, Vol. 3, P.
684; Vol.3. P.614.
Swiss, Vol. 26, P. 241 .
Monro Doctrino
Vol. 11 P. 738; Vol. 87, P. 06; VoL
l.p.eio. I
J. 1. Adams, originator .Vol. 1, P. 179.
Great Britain's recognition. VoL 1,
P. HO.
Peaceful poller. VoL 21, P. S.
Sphere of influence, VoL 26, P. 641
Vol UP. 01; Vol IS, P. 7(8.
National Dtbt
Vol. 11 P. 288: Vol. 11 P. 351.
Consols, VjL 1.1.F7B.
EngUsb, VJ.0,46"; V I. IP. 484.
See also under Germany, France,
United States, etc.
Navy and Naoiot
Vol. 11 P. 399.
Fleet auxiliaries, Vol. 24, P. 022.
Gunnery. VoL 20, P 230.
High-angle fire, Vol. 1 P. 274.
Officers. Vol. 20, P. 11
Rating of ships. Vol. 22. P. 911
Naval War, Vol. 28, P. 301
See also names of countries, British
navy, Ship, etc.
Signal marine, VoL 26, P. 70; VoL
.19, P. 314; VoL 21, P. 612.
Vol. 30, P. 180! Vol 3, P. 086; Vol
10, P. 704; Vol. IP. 600.
Ammunition, Vol. 1, P. 864.
Against armour, Vol. 1 P. 671
Arsenals, Vol. 2, P. 6M.
Coast defence, Vol. 1 P. 600.
Dynamite gun, Vol. 31, P. 887.
Engines, medievsi. Vol. 10. P. 681;
Vol. 6. P. 608; Vol 27, P. 238 i VoL
1 P. 881.
Oun steel, VoL 0, P. 157; VoL 1, P.
704 (piste); Vol 26, P. 1018; VoL
26, P. 1023. . .
Historical, VoL 31 P, 189; Vol. 10. P.
684; Vol. 1 P. 410; Vol 1 P. 181
Rockets, Vol. 29. P. 434.
Board of, VoL 9, P. 407.
Department, VoL 1, P. 191
Panama Canal
Vol.20. P. 086; VoL 6, P. 678. .
deLesseps, Vol. 11 P. 408; Vol 37,
P. 730.
Roosevelt. Vol. 31 P. 710; Vol. 37,
P. 732.
Hay-Herran treaty, VoL 1 P. 713.
VoL 20. P. 890.
Internsttonal law, VoL 31, P. 4; VoL
2, P. 821
Poaco ConforoncoM
Vol. 21 , P. 16; Vol. 14. P. 697; VoL 14, '
P. 701
Americ a republics. Vol. 90, P. 071
Belligerents, Vol. IP. 691
Blockade and naval warfare, VoL t
P. 71
Capture, VoL 28, P. 941.
Drago thaor. . Vol. 21, P. 1
Embargo. V 1.9, P. 801
Establishment of. Vol. 1 P. 328.
Oeneva convention, VoL IL P. 691
Guerrilla warfare. VoL 12, P. 672.
Mall ships, searching of, VoL 34, P.
Merchant ships. Vol t. P. 914; VoL
Neutrality provisions. Vol 18. P. 441
Prise court. International VoL 30,
P. 874.
Procedure. VoL 21, P. 1
Reprisals, VoL 23, P. Ill
Spies, Vol. 26, P. 741
Ultimatum, VoL 37, 1 .869.
War regulations, VsL 28. P. 919; VoL
37, P. 291.
Pnu Law
Vol 22, P. 291
Prisoners of War
V i. 21 P. 914; VolS, P.289; VoL 5,
P. 41
Prima of War
V 2. 871
Admiralty Jurisdiction, VoL I P.
207; of. 1. P. 204.
Blockade, VoL 4. P. 71
Japanese law, Vol. 18. P. 441
Prize court, Vol. 28, P. 978; Vol 24,
P. 98.
Hague conference scheme, VoL 83,
P. 874.
U.S. proposal VoL 31, P. 1
Ambulance organization, VoL S, P.
801; Vol. 1. P. 808.
Clara Barton. Vol. 2. P. 452.
Japanese society, Vol. 16, P. 211.
Military ambulance, VoL 11, P. 602.
Vol. 31, P. 884: Vol. 3, P. 690.
Colt's. VoL 1 P. 781
VoL 3J. P. 326; VoLl P. 690; VoL
2. P. 88: Vol. 21 P. 830; Vol 21
P. 988; Vol. 25, P. 740.
Ammunition, Vol. 1, P. 871
Fire effect, Vol. 17, P. 247.
Infantry adoption, VoL 14, P. 197.
Sights, VoL 25, P. 66.
Right of Atytam
Soa Powmr
Vol. 34, P. 54ft Vol 19, P. 908: VoL
ia, r. s. .
Internationallaw, VoL 94, p. 660.
Neutrals, Vol. 7, P. 68 ; Vok 8, P. 668 :
Vol. 27, P. 680.
Webster-Asbburton treaty, VoL 31
P.46L (
Submarine Minms
Vol.26. P. 1. '
Coast defence. VoL 8. P. 601.
Laws of war, VoL 31 P. 311
Vol.28,P.t47; Vol. IP. 6(6: Vol.1
P. 667. I
American civil war, Vol. 1, P. 821
, Bulow's system. Vol. 4, P. 794.
Drsgomitov's methods, Vol. 1 P. 461
Folsrd's theories, Vol. 10, P. 696.
French revolutionary wars, VoL
11, P. 171
Japanese, VoL 16, P. 307.
Mschlne gun. Vol. 17, P. 247. x
Moltke's evolution, Vol. 11 P. 671
Moslem. Vol. 17, P. 411.
Naval, Vol. 19, P. 811
Colomb'a system. Vol. 1 P. 691
Torpedo, VoL 27, P. 67
VoL 37, P. 569 ; VoL 36, P. 911
War, Vol. 21 P. 806 ; VoL 11 P. 891 ;
Vol. 21, P. 7 ; VoL 6, P. 406 ; Vol. 1
P. 966.
Correspondents. Vol. 19. P. 548; Vol
19. P. 684 ; Vol. 28. P. 441
Evolution, technical. Vol 9. P. 692;
Vol. 14, P. 617; Vol. 5, P. 663.
Mohammedan syatem, Vol. 17. P. 411
Medieval warfare, Vol. 22. P. 896;
VoL V. P. 624; Vol 7, P. 547; "ol
37, P. 921.
Society of Friends, Vol. 11, P. 321
. L. re of war, Vol.28, P.
Bl lude, V L',P.71
Capitulation, VvL 1 P. f
Disar .anient, V 1. 21, '.',
Emb rgo, VoL,P. sol
Em'n nt domain, Vol. ' . P. 888.
Gene. 'a convention, Vol. 1., P. 691
Hag e rules, V L 27, P. 841 Vol 2,
P. 4.
Hoapital ship-, VoL 11, P. 692.
Immunity doctrine. Vol. 1 P. 889.
lnternstional maritime law, Vol. 7,
P. 914.
Neutrality lews: Vol. 11 P. 44L
Plunder, Vol. 7, P. 861
Sea command, VoL 24. P. 626.
Secretary of (U. 8.), Vol. 27, P. 878.
Secretary ot State for (Eng.), VoL
18 P 644.
1 War game, VoL 21 P. 924.
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