THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 4, 1917. 7 C FARM LAND WANTED W ANTE D -To hear from owner of farm or unimproved land for sals. O. K. Hawley, Ba 1 il vfin. Wis. WANTED To hear from owner of good farm for sale; state cash price and da- srrlptton. U. r. Muan. Minneapolis. Minn. Kit. ciifc-H, rani. Lanas, Ouuint, sold, as changed s H and K & Mr-atgotnery FINANCIAL $50,000.00 FIRST MORTGAGES Loaned on forty per cant valuation, de veloped farma to net purchaser, six per cent. Oenomi nations ot iz.oou.uvna 000.00. Ready for delivery April 1, 117. Box 17$8. Bee. Keal Estate. Loans. Mortgages. Vuft SALE - per cent real eatate mort Bag on down-town real eatate; denomln- atlon $100 and $1,000--$6.00. Tax enipt. BURNS, BR1NKER ft COM PANT, Omaha .National Bank Bid-., Omaha. City and Farm Loans 6. 6W and tt per cent. Alao first mort- Kaues on farms and Omaha real eatate for sale. J. H. Duraout & Co.. 416-1 Keellne Bldg.. 17th and Harney. PEK CENT to e per cent on beat claaa city residences tn amounts 12,000 up; also fartu loans. Reasonable commission. . PETERS TRUST CO., 1823 Fa roam tit. THE GREATEST GAIN 68,738 tn paid want ads ever made by any Omaha paper Is the record of THE OMAHA BE Is for 1916. BEST RESULTS LOWEST- RATB. iti. out) MORTGAGE, bearing e per cent seml-ann., secured tr property valued at tltf.OOO. Talmadg-e-Loomui inv. Co.. W, O. W. Bids. nii a REALTY CO., REAL ESTATE. OlU FARMS AND CITx 1014 W.O. t. Bldg. Doug. 3466. SHOPEN ft CO., PRIVATE MONET. 9300.00 to loan on Omaha real estate or Central Nebraska land. W. L. Selby & Sons, Keeilne Bldg. AluNEV to loan on Improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort- guyH. Kloke lnv. Co., Omaha. MONEY on and for city and farm Joans. H. W. Binder, City N a tlo.ial Bank Bldg. $7. ooo Security $21,600; rate per cent. Ta Image ft Loom 1b, 1208 W. O. W. Bldg. K1 VI CITY 0 Tl ' LOANS. GARVIN BROS Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. CiV MONEY HARRISON ft MORTON. u U $18 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES. EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEKFE R. E. CO., 1016 Omaha Nut' I. FARM and city loans, 6-0 and $ per cent, W, H. Thomas, Keellne Bldg. Doug. 1648. VYOKLD KbALi V CO. "S' CITY and farm loans, lowest rates. E. H. LOUGEE, Inc., 538 Keellne Bldg. $iui to lio.oou made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg., Uth and Farnam Sta. LOW RATES. C. G. CARLBEUG. 312 Brandeis Theater Bldg. D. 685. NO DELAY lu closing loans. W. T. Graham, g(4 Bte Bldg. . Stocks and Bonds. SPECIAL BARGAIN ONE-THIRD VALUE. Uncle Sam OH Co., Oil Stock. 6,000 shares, one certificate..... ..$28.76 10,000 shares, one certificate 46.00 ' 15.000 shares, O-e certificate. . 62.00 ' 25,000 shares, one certificate 98.00 Old established oil company, having oil wells. 3 refineries, pipe lines, 15 drilling rigs in Oklahoma and Kansas fields. J. F. HOLLICKB CO., Stocks and Bonds, 106 E. First St. Wichita. Kan. ON AH MAN IRON COMPANY STOCK. 1,300 shares Onabman Iron company stock for sale at attractive price. C. B. U pdlke, Andrus Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn . Abstracts of Title. tow Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co., IVeil 805 8. 17th St., ground floor. Abstracts of Title. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract Of fice In Nebraska. 206 Brandeis Theater. Financial Wanted. VY ANTED A large loan on 1,000 acres good western Iowa land, two nets of Improve ments. Calt 'Douglas" 2410. b "' ' Miscellaneous. 1 I'MIEE book "Moni-y i- Oil" shows how "you can make quick profits. Steai." dividends. Small lnvestme. t. tmv drilling. Ap- ' (i.oved state banking c. . .ilislon. Neosho Co., K. C. Life Bldg.. Kanse- City, Mo. ( GALLAGHER & NELSON. Represent prompt pay Insurance com panies. 644 Brandeis Bldg., Omaha. Neb. i6Vt SALE OR TRj-DE Judgement $400, note $6uo, will be good lrt future, need two second-Hand cars, will trade one or both. Box Y 881, Bee, MONEY TO LOAN COUL - YOU USE $24.00 $240.00 ' OR MORI If you could ret tt at a verj low rate of Id teres t and where you vould ba pro tected from -sh rates and unfair treat ment.' Wby deal with a company that does not treat your dtal with utmost privacy. We do not advertise misleading rates and we give yiu a oontract book showing just what you are charged for the loan and the amount of each payment per month. our bond and license protects you; be sides we have been In bus' ten twenty-five OMAli. : 7A:: cowrAwr. 340 Pax to u Elk, Tel. Douglas 2205. 1URN1TURE, pianos, and notes as security. 140 6 -mo. H. goods, total cost, $8.60 j io " Indorsed notes, total cost, $2.60, Smaller, laryer am'ts, proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. Organized by Omaha Business Men. 482 Rose Bldg., 16th and Fax nam. Ty. 66$. 2 pet. on Die. Gross. 410 N. 26th. R. 6081. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West West Famam Bungalow New, $3,500 Right party can handle on easy terms. Stucco finish and mighty nifty In every respect. Oak floors and woodwork, dec orated, 5 rooms. and bath. Should be seen to appreciate. Jeff W. Bedford .& Son, tKealtors. M2 Koellne Bids. Douglas 3392. 6 Booms on Farnam, $2,900 AH modern cottage with 6 rooms on one floor. Large lot and paving all paid. Price $2,000 and It's cheap. About $1160 cash. ' Jeff Wt Bedford & Son, Realtors. 222 Keellne Bldg. Douglas 8398. agent:,eman'S home. Overlooking Hansccri - Park. Plot UOxlSO, Ljualns twelve la-g, rooms, three baths with toilets, Innumerable closets and pantries, steam heat, seven fire places, and finished In oak and mahogany. Price $11,000, t d only $2,60" cash re quired. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., '4025 8. 24th St. Phone South 1247. $1,500 FOR A FIVE-ROOM HOUSE Only been built a fern years; all modern except beat $160 down, balance $16 monthly Located at 3110 Burdette St TRAVEK LROTHEKS, 70S Omans Nat Bk Rid Phone D. 6H80 ' NEW BUNGALOW. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. All' modern: five rooms; oak finish; beamed celling; bullt-lu bookcases; full cement basement. -Call at 617 8. 36th St $3,450;' 8350 cash, "$27.50 per month. DESIRABLE six-room modern horns near "lacks tone, $5,000. '.LBERT EDHOLM, Jeweler (Owner), Telephone Doug. 1862. WEST FARNAM BUILDING SITE. Eaat front, large lot. nice surroundings, Phone private owner during business hours. Douglas 781. HOUSE and 1 lots, all kinds of fruit trees and shrubbery, near car line and school. Benson 737-W. FOR SALE By owner, 9 -room house In Hanscom Park district, large sunny rooms, nlce yard, shade trees and hedge, large . corner .lot; easy terms. Call Walnut 3740. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THE BEE WANT-AD DKI'T. and And out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE It's a plan that la helping many people rtot their rooms. REAL ESTATEIMPROVED West. Beautiful Mercer Park Where every lot front on boulevard, all specials In and paid, Including paving. Served by three car lines, fine natural timber, near churches and school, re stricted as to cost ot buildings ao frame houses permitted. . There are no undesirable lots In this addition. Prices and terms reasonable. Give us an opportunity to show you these beautiful home sites. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. Dour. 10(4. Evenings: Harney 676T, Creighton's First Modern Brick Home $4,700 i This fine little brtck house Is practl call.' new end has a large den, or library, which could be used as a bedroom In ad dition to living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom on the first floor. Three unusually good-sized bedrooms and toilet and lavatory on the second floor. The house Is modern. Front rooms are finished In oak and the bal ance of the house In clear veneer grain hard pine. It Is located on 33d street near Martha on a fine east front lot with the paving paid in full. Property Is all clear, but the owner will sell on very easy terms, as he Is now living In the western part of the. state. A suitable dis count will be given for all cash. This Is a first-class place and the price is much less than the property could be dupli cated for. Only one block from the West Side Hanscom Park car line. Armstrong-Walsh Co., REALTORS, Tyler 1636. 838 Rose Blag. 815 South 35th Ave. Hot Water Heat Price $4,700 ' A practically new, 7-room house, con taining 3 bedrooms and bath on second floor, oak floors throughout, very nicely docorated with semi-Indirect lighting fix tures. Full basement, hot water heating plant, floor drain and water pipes for laundry service. Shade trees; lot 60xl3& ft. This is as well built a house as you will find In the city. Storm sash. It is a good buy at the price offered and can make reasonable terms. Call Hiatt Company, :6-7-l Omaha Nat'! Bk. Bldg. ' .Tyler 0. WEST HARNEY ST Is the center of consldeable aotlvlty in real estate at this moment. On a corner south and east front, one and a half blocks of Harney, we have just listed two extra fine houses; producing an annual rental of $840. With the growth of Omaha westward, this property should advance considerably In value. Ten years ago property on Farnam near 20th sold at 1200 per front foot. It now sells at $1,200 per front foot. If you believe In Omaha's future, tb eabove property will Interest you. Price $7,000. Cash pay ment of $2,600 win handle the deal. THE BYRON REED CO., Douglas 2,7. Realtor. 31 B. 17th St. $350 Cash Balance $30.00 per month, will buy a good, thoroughly modern new houHe at 613 a 36th St, Nice location, beautiful 6 -room home, oak finish, etc Owner must sell and will sacrifice. H. A. Wolf, tH Ware Blk. Doug. 8068. Special ' A real home, built ri,ht, located rlf ht; on 80tn. near new Freabyterlan church. Eait front! I room.; occupied by owner,; Immediate poBMnlon; 17,000; reduced (or quick sal. to tS.KOO, , Harrison & Morton, It Omaha Nat Bank. Vol lit. P. 8. A food noun In Weit farnam dlitrlct-1, pretty atandard to buy. Cub not required. WEST FARNAM, $11,000 High class home of 10 rooms, finished In November, 1916; located on $7th St. A very attractive stucco house, completely modern; Rudd heater, oil burner, oak woodwork and "white enamel finish; five good bedrooms. Terms easy. GLOVER' & SPAIN, (Realtors) Douglas 31)62, 919-20 City National. 3110 CHICAGO ST. Strictly modern ten-room house, atone foundation large sleeping porch; two baths; large garage; cement drive. $8,000, terms If desired. RINOWALT. Brandeis Theater Bldg. North. Must Be Sold Eight rooms, with two fireplaces, four bedrooms, brick partitioned basement, new furnace, new plumbing, laundry tube, and garage. This house would cost $6,000 to build, and lot. with paving all paid. Is worth $1,800. Here Is a chance for a large family to get an excellent home In a good neighborhood. The number Is 111$ Blnney St. and the price for Immediate sale Is $3,600 on easy terms. Open today. Look It over. . Charles W. Martin & Co., Hi Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg, , Tyler 187. LEAVING CITY MUST SEUi MY HOMB NEAR FLORENCB BOULEVARD. Eight room,, all modem, hot water heat, full baeement, large attle, in excel lent condition, SO-foot south front lot, beautiful lawn, shrubbery, family garden; on paved .treeta, taxea paid; near church and school, 3-mtnute car service; built for a home. Only ia.?M, worth 84,260, Owner, iHit fowler Are. Colfax 1331. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. West Farnam Choice Brick Residence $25,000 On 37th Street, south ot Farnam, In the best part of the District. About six years old and In as guod condition as the day it was first occupied. Central hall with living room, dining room, sun parlor, music room or library, and kitchen on the first floor; four f.ue bed rooms and en closed and heated sleeping porch, bath rooms, extra lava tores, and toilets on the second floor. Third floor la floored but not otherwise finished except for Mornge. Additional rooms can be finished. Hot water heat. Full basement, with brick partition walls. Laundry tuba and toilet In basement. Solid brlik walls flrred on the Inside. Tiled vestibules and porches. Fine brick garage with tile roof. Room for three care. Large lot $0xU6. Paw court between garage and the house. One of the best built properties In the city, Call us for further particulars and make appointment to Inspect. Armstrong-Walsh Co., REALTORS 338 Rose Bldg. . Kountze Place Homes $5,000 WILL buy L.Ij. modern up-to-date home In a good neighborhood, surrounded by home owners. This Is an 8 -room. 2 story house, located on Lothrop St., near 21st; finished on the first floor with oak, quarter sawed oak floors; second floor, birch floors and finish. Garage, 18x20 ft., with cement floor, at rear of lot. Only a short distance to car line an.l Lothrop school. $4,600 FOR large t-room house, finished In oak, located on a corner lot, 100x124 ft.; paving all paid. large barn on prem ises can be used for garage. Fine shade trees and good neighborhood. George & Company, ,03 City National Bank Bldg. Douglas 788, Realtors. New Stucco Bungalow in Minne Lusa Addition This Is an attractive, well arranged S rooui bungalow, stucco on split wood lath, having living room with fireplace, built in bookcases, dining room with built-in china cabinet, finished in oak; 3 good sised bedrooms, bath and convenient kitchen, all on first floor; oak floors throughout; located on large south front lot 3 feet wide, with fine shade trees on same; on paved street; only one block from 30th St. car line. Price, $3,860. Terms, about $7A& cash and balanne $36 per month, Including Interest. An attrac tive home In a good location at a low price, George & Company, 1 ,03 City National Bank Bldg. Phone D. T60. Big Bargain , To Be Sold at Auction On Tuesday, the 0th day of March, 1$1T, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the east front door of the Douglas county court house, In the City ot Omaha, at sheriff's sale, will be auctioned the following described real estate: Lot 7 and the west one-half ) of Lot $, Block "B," of Shlnn's Addition to the City of Omaha, and consists of 8 -room, story and half house. No. 2784 Caldwell St., modern except heat and has two bat, rooms. The ground Is 90xll!7, with alley on side and rear, room to build another house; paving Is all paid; large barn. For further particulars see I3M)0qS J3LIOJ Office With Home Builders. 203 S. 17th 9t. Douglas 6018. MODERN bungalow, 4 rooms and bath, full basement, furnace,' chicken house, garage, tool shed, all kinds bearing fruit, grapes, alfalfa, practically new Improvements, 4 years old. This property has 12 lots, 60x128 each, and will sell any part of It. Located 3H blocks from car line and one of finest large schools In city. 1 block from. Omaha's finest park. This place Is fully equipped for chicken raising. Also fine location for home. Open all day today and any time Ails week or ln- spectlon. Buy this, whole tract and sell vacant lots within one year for enough to leave you the house and Itt r for your . Investment. Located at 4407 Grand Ave. Fine view and as a grass bed yields $200 annually. Come put and figure on any part of it today. Will lain Colfax, Agent, 703-4-$ Keellne Bldr D. 8873. Phone on place, Colfax 1292. CHOICE NORTH SIDE HOME. $4,000 Two-story, six-room and sleeping porch, modern home, east front lot; near Boulevard and Sprague; splendid value for the money. $4,860 Nearly new two-story modern stucco, beautifully finished; choice south front lot, 44x168; biggest value In this new district at 36th and Cass. ' $5,000 Two-story, frame and stucco semi bungalow; fireplace, bookcases, buffet, exceptional finish and workmanship; owner forced to sell account leaving ' city. $$,760 Last word In two -story modern home, every possible convenience and built-in feature, finest on the north side. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701-2 Om. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Tyler 4.3, 8-Room Modern Brick, $2,850 2834 North 19th Street 8. W. Corner 19th A Corby. All modern; furnace heat. Lot 52x81, Duildlng and Loan mortgage, $1,800. Cash required, $1,060. This Is a real snap. Don't fall to see It Key at our off Ics. Armstrong-Walsh Co., REALTORS. Tyler 10. 333 Roee Bldg. $28.50 Per Month $100 Cash New, all modern, oak finish, full cement basement with guaranteed furnace, laundry connections; etc. Consists ot $ rooms, vestibule and tiled bath, located north on large east front lot Won't last lona Monthiy payments $28.60, Including prln clDal and interest. JEFF W. BEDFORD & SON, 323 Keellne Bldg. Douglns 8.103. NEW COTTAGE Has a nlee living room, den, dining room and kitchen on the first floor and two bedrooms and bath on the second floor. Price only $2,160. Terms. Located 2708 Corby St. NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 4270. . KOUNTZE PLACE HOME ' Seven rooms, modern, light oak finish, hot water heat, four sleeping rooms, good as new. On lothrop 8t Nonresident very anxious to selL See me about it soon. XW. H. GATES, ' (47 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. X. 1314. , Realtor. W. 3033. $100 CASH Balance monthly, for an 3-room. modern house In good order, on corner lot, near Florence Blvd. and Ohio It, Frlce 2,l(0. W. H. GATES. 647 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Douglas 12,4. Webster 3083. MttW UUNUAIAJW. Flva rooms, strictly modern, finished la Oak. Located at Mil N. tltb OM. Prtaa ,lsv. Terms. Will take .null' oottage la trad, NURRll s NOKKIB. 40, Bs Building Phono Douglas 437, SEE THIS BEFORE BUYING. (-room, new. all modern house. 1813 N. 32d St Buy terms. Phon Webster JUS. . , .. REAL ESTATEIMPROVED North. o-HOOA! modem hoind; hot water heat, good lot! pavd .treat; will tak. used car, aluo up to tbotl. as (trst payment Cal' own.r. Colfax 3&S4. 0-HilOM California bungalow: will take al most nothing down to right party or take lot or agto as first payment. ColfaK 4133. CLA1RMONT AdtlltTorn Sla-rooni mouVrn home, at a bargain from owner. 3732 No. 4Mh. South. Hanscom Park Homes DO YOU KNOW BARGAINS? The best bunch ot 3 and 7-room modern houaes that w. know of being offered. They are at the comer ot 30th and Pop pleton Ave., with large ehade trees, paved streets and good surroundings. They are well built. and well rented and kept tn good condition. They should be painted this spring, hilt don't let this scars you. W, oan sell these for (1,000 to 11,(00 less than you can build for. Lock at 8003. Pop pleton This one Is vacant. Can arrange to get possession of others in' spring, but do not disturb the tenants. Prices 83,(00 to 33,000. There ar sis houses, but they will go fast at Uies. prices. Harrison & Morton, 311 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. NEW BUNGALOWS 23D AND CASTELAR We are now constructing three of the finest bungalows we have ever built, at 8117-19-21 Caste la r. These will be mod ern and complete In every detail and will be ready for occupancy about the first of April. If purchased now, you may have your choice of color for the Interior finish; also, of the paint on the exterior of the house, and choice of In terior decoration from $3,8o0 to $3,876. Terms, $300 to $400 cash and monthly payments like rent. If interested, cult at our office and let us show you the plans. THE BYRON REED CO., Douglas 307. Realtor. 313 S. 17th St. MODERN BUNGALOW SIX ROOMS AND BATH Finished In oak and beautiful oak floors. Everything up-to-date. Very large lot. all paving paid. 2617 S. 82d Ave. Price $.1,960. Terms. NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 4270, CATHEDRAL DISTRICT New, 7 rooms, sleeping porrh, oak and birch finish, buffet and bookcases, beam ceilings, double floors, mirror doors, floored attic, pressed brick foundation, best ma terial and workmanBhtp throughout, south front, close to car. Best buy In Omaha. Owner, Douglas 162, Miscellaneous. THE EXCEPTIONAL HOUSE ' , One ef the most attractive homes In the west part of city. Built three years ago by owner with best of materials and workmanship. Large comer loteast frontreal shade trees splendid .lawn with abundance of shrubbery and landscape work. HOUSE Is built of brick and stucco of most attractive IJngllih design. Attic contains two maids rooms and bath with large storage space. SECOND floor la finished In white enamel with mahogany doors, con tains three large bed rooms, sleeping porch, dressing room and beautifully equipped bath. Especially large, light closets with built-in drawers, etc., linen closet, clothes closets, two mlror doors. FIRST floor contains reception hall, large living room with fireplace, dining room with built-in sideboard. Break' fast and living porch off of dining room. Butler's pantry, kitchen and Ice box room with many bultt-tn features. BASEMENT contains best possible hot water plant, laundry and all modern conveniences. Heated garage. Not a large house, but one of excep tional finish ami design. Located In neighborhood of houses costing around $36,000, This house can be purchased for about half of that sum. If Interested address Box 1807, Omaha Bee. and appointment will be made for Inspection. We Want Offers - On the following three houses. The owner of these houses has loft the city and has Instructed us to submit her the very best offer we get on any or all of these properties. 9805 South 86th Avenue. Seven rooms, modern; four rooms on the first floor and three on the second. Lot 60x127. 2808 Dewey Avenue. Klght rooms, mod ern, Two baths, Arrangement in fine for living tn l.alf and renting the other half. Five rooms on the first floor, with bath and three rooms with bath on the second floor. The lot Is $6x73. 2925 Haskell. A four-room house with toilet, gas and electric light, fronting on the Boulevard. Lot 40x70. Do notv be afraid to send In your offer. A. P. Tukey & Son, Realtors ; - Phon, Doug. 102. 020 First Nat'l. Bank 20 First Nat'l. Bank Bldg. 2444 Manderson, $2,800 2420 Manderson, $4,000 1629 Spencer, $6,250 These three houses ' ars going to be sold and stou can almost name your own terms. The owner has gone to California and wants quick action. These houses are all modern and worth the money, and can be bought on rental terms, invest. gats at once, but arrange with us for Interior Inspection. ' GLOVER & SPAIN, Realtors Douglas 3803. 118-30 City National. 7 Rooms, Modern Walking Distance j $3,750 Terms Owner leaving city end must sell short ly his all modern 7-r. house, containing I bedrooms, and baa put a price on it that will move. Good lot for garden. Lo cation, tit B. ISth Ave. ; Hiatt Company, $46-7-1 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Tyler, 80. MODERN BUNGALOW Dine location, east front, paved street $ rooms, hardwood floor and finish, does to scbool and ear. A bargain at $.oeo Easy terms t'sll owner loua 171i. Viva rwunia, uew, oak nuisn. luliy deco rated, all modern, etc. tt.lbv $.100 cash, .balance monthly Doug 8811. NhiW ouugalow, also s-r. and gardeniug your terms and price; Inv. with $40v, rent $ bouses .cost $8.6001. $.$Utl D H107 J, B K' Krai hute aid Insur ance. 44$ lllda Douglas 8087, R. 9. TRUMBULL, 81$ World-Herald Bldg. p. 174. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous, Montclair Bungalow A regular bungalow and a beauty out side and tn; 6 large rooms, finished, on one floor. Room fur two rooms and bsth on second floor. Beautifully finished and dtooratMl. Living room 13x3$ fet, with flno fireplace. Complete with screens and Hunting fixtures. Price S4.S60 and well worth It. Benson & Carmichael, REALTORS. Douglas 17..3. $43 Paxton Block. FOR HALK. Two-story barn, tw nty-two fed snuare. Must be removed front prtmlp. Could en ally be r tin n ted Into a small dwelling. HKNKT A. THOMPSON, 10K4 i" cer Houlvard. ;EAL EST A IE B'ne.g Pr'pty BUSINESS PROPERTY RIGHT DOWN TOWN, I3H.0OO buys full lot, one block from Rome Hotel, with brick Improvements, paying T per cent net. This property has a speculative value In addition to a safe, steady Income. $6,000 cash will handle for a quick deal. GLOVER & SPAIN (Realtors) Douglas 3803. 813-30 City National.' South Side Business Building 4 Stories This store building, located on 24th Streot between N and O, rented, on long time leasee of $300 per month, can be pur chased at a very attractive price. If you are looking for a permanent that will pay you a enleudld Income with out any expense, call at our office for further Information. Hastings & Heyden, Realtors 1SH HARNEY 8TRBKT. TTLRR 80. H. A. WOLF, Realtor, Wars Blk. Spsolallsi In downtown bustosas uro party. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED 4. I and roomed houses that can be sold for $100 cash, balance $1$ per month: eond complete description first letter. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1(20 Farnam. Tel, Doug. 1064, LAND WANTED. On. to thras Improvad acr. west or north of olty. Will rent or buy 1( bar. gain. Tyler 1733. LIH8 your ( and .room houses with us. WB SELL THEM. OSBORNE REALTt CO., Doug. 1474. VU HAVIS a client who wanu a ( or l-room home, or a guod lot In Dundee. HAHP BROW., 310 Keellne Bldg. Ty. 1H. AVB HAVK a client who wanta an 8r. home, FlPld club or Dundee. RASP BROS., 810 Kesllns Bldg. Ty, Til, I. C. R. I. Red Cockerels, good ones. 383C north 17th. Colfax 3173. LIST your 8 and 6room houses with KDWARD V. WILLIAMS CO., Doug. 430. REAL ESTATE Unimproved Wcat. 7 Choice Lota 31st Ave. and Jackson We have T very desirable lots on list Avenue, Just south of Jackson street. In cluding two corners, which are being of fered right now at a big discount from former prices. Will sell separately. Cham:e to get a close-in lot In a desirable dis trict at & bargain. Full particulars of GLOVER & SPAIN, Realtors I V' Douglas (813. 118-30 City National. i Corner Lot , ' : 48x151 32d and Burt N. W. Cor. rine location for brick flats. Pries only 11,800. Paving paid, Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 1, REALTOR" 883 Ross Bldg. Sherman Avenue 90x166 $1,800 Fine location for stores or small hounes. Paving paid In full, 70 ft, north of Pratt Street, facing east, Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler l&M REALTORS $$ Rose Bldg. WIS have $ good lots near $Uth and Cali fornia, In cathedral district- Price right V, D. Wsad, $10 S. 18th St. North. AFTKR looking at MINNA LUSA $00 dif ferent buyers decided that It was the beet proposition en the narlcet aod they . backed their Judgment by buying lota. IV YOU wl.l come out today you will understand wby the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN CO., 743 Omaha Vat Bank Bldg. Tyler lit "BOULEVARD LOT. Corner 4txU$ on Fon tensile Boulevard, one block from car. Prloe $700, $10 cash, balance $10 per month. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. CUM1NU. near aitb Hi., 4$ or 44 feet, must be sold to close estate. OiimmeL $4$ On aha Nat'l Bank Blg. , MiicelUneout. ONE of choicest building ot In Happy Hollow, l,SO0. Lot I, block $, Belvldere, acre lot, boule vard assessment all paid, $660. $ lots between 39th and 37th and Spalding and Kprague, $2,400. ALBERT KDHOLM, Jeweler (Owner), UAKDUN lota, $811 to $lti each. Terms $1 cash and $0 cents a week. Address Boi lfiU2. Bee. tEAL ESTATE Investment Apartments & Business Vacant Lots Dodge, near 49th -60x1 28. No restric tions. First-class for stores, apartments or garage. Only lot between 48th and 60 tb, for less than $76.00 per front foot For quick sale, $46.00 per front foot. Lsavenworh Ht.. near 28th 4b100. li ft, private alley In rear. Recent sales on this street nearby at nearly $200 per front foot. nth Street, Near Jackson 70x15$, $46 per front foot. Leavenworth Cor. B0-ft. frontar) at 31st. Slse 60x14(1, r Irs t -clans 6-roora house on south 40 ft. facing 81st Ureet, renting for $30.00 per month. Lot alone without house worth the price, $6,760. Armstrong-Walsh Co., REALTORS. Tyler-1631. $33 Rose Bldg. Close-In . Investment. This property is within three blocks from the court houss and Is a gllt-sdged Investment, the property being new, sub stantially constructed and - steadily ' oc cupied. Consist of brick building having four 6-room apartments, each rented at $82.60 a month, making a gross annual In come of $l,6B0. Price Is $16,000 and can be handled on about half cash, the bal ance at low rate of Interest Investigate this property. Porter. & Shotwell, Sole Agents. Office With Home Builders. tn S. 17th St. Douglas $013. i$66 AND 2668 Douglas; $736 rental, $10,000. 308 South 41st, on easy terms, $3,000. JOHN. N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS $64. REAL ESTATE Investment Brick Flats Double brkk flat near 28th and Ilnr ny Ht. Fast developing district siid values going up. Pny $ per cent net. In come $46, Price, 17,000, Rrlck flat building near Farnam St., with four modern oak finished flats. In come $100, Price, $9,100, JEFF V. BEDFORD & SON, REALTORS. 222 Keellne Bldg. Douglas 339;. 17th and Jkkson Streets $ story, new building, renting for $600 per month for $ years and $t)()0 a month for the next I years. Tenant pays 1nt everything eieept the care of the plumb ing, taxes and Insurance. This splendid Investment can be sold for $0,000. One thin, cash. Hastings & Heyden, Realtors 14I4 HARNEY HTRKKT. St. Mary's Ave., 50x130 We have for sate a large lot near 16th snd St, Mary's Ave,, this la Ideally located for gsrng or apartment. This location Is developing fast and a buy Ilk i this sure to make you money. Improvements will pay expenses. Price, $14,000. JEKF V. BEDFORD & SON, REALTORS. 883 Keellne Bid;. fouglss 33. BRICK FLATS, $18,500 WEST FARNAM DISTRICT High class brick flats, with sleeping-' porches and garage corner, ssiiit; nanny to Farnam car. Annual rente, $2,160, $7,600 ossh, balance 6 per cent. GLOVER & SPAIN, (Realtors) Pouglaa 38C3. 18-30 City National. APARTMENT. ' 878,000: Inaome 13 er cent; ane year old: very fine location: mortgage 81M0O and will accept 830,000 In trade: tal anu. caatt or negotiable papsra. CALKINS A CO., Douglas 1313. City Nat. Bank Bldg. .4 APB IMVUMTUICNT. 0 Home Builders preferr $1 sharoi. Cash dividends July and January L You can order by mall MOO to $,000 shares at any time. American Seourity Co., Fit Agts.. Omaha. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE Uptown Trackage 15th and Jones 88x133 This fine trackage lot lays at the north west corner of 16th and Jones streets, practical ly only one-half block from 16th street, the main business artery. For one wishing a eomblnatton wholesale and re tall location this Is absolutely the best pleas of trecksgs we know of. The price Is very reasonable. Owners might consider building for a satisfactory tenant. .AjrrnsU'ong-Walsh Co., REALTORS, Tyler 1$$$,. M3$ Rose Bldg. REAL ESTATE To Exchange FOR BALE Or will , exchange for western Iowa or eastern Neb, lend of equal value, two Minnesota farms. This land is lo cated In Cottonwood county. Minnesota, 26 miles north of the Iowa line, about due north of Sheldon. Ia.i 840 acres 8 mils from town, fair Improvements, tiled and In flrst-eleae shape: good soil and you can plow nearly eyery foot. Price $126 per acre, 10 acres four miles from .town, no Improvements, all under cultiva tion, gentle, rolling; splendid farm; price $110 per acre, uwner wants tair casn payment down and will carry balsnce bsu-k at $ or $ -A aer cent. These farms will compare acre for aore with Iowa land. HIATT COMPANY, 26-7-8 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Tyler 80. . ' A CLOSE in large 12-room,s"trlctiy "all" mod ern house. Lot Itilto, located 100 ft. north of Leavenworth St., at 708 Oeorgls Ave. House cost $14, ft 00 to build. Los easily worth $6,000. Will trade for clear western land or dear Omaha vacant lot. 12-Koom, all modern house, 8 large corner lots, 100x114, eoet $11,000. : Witt trade for Kimball county land. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., Doug. 271$. 101$ Omaha NaL Bk. Bldg. & Af-RRH. Brown St. near 47th St.. to ex- change for $6,600 home In Walnut Hill district; Will take back mortgage for bal ance. This Is a wsll Improved, modern house, modem outbuildings, fruit, etc. An elegrant place; $7,600. INTERSTATE! REALTY CO., Douglas RM2. Sunday, Walnut 1S2B. I2S-SD city nat. Ban a mow. WAiNTBD to evchange, flrst olass farm lands In northeast Kansas, near St. Joseph, Mo., for acreage near Omaha, north or west, Would exchange for nice home In north part. Webster $8I. " 100-ACR FARM. Well Improved farm of 100 sores, locat ed in central Missouri, to exchange for breeding stock or unbroken horses. B. Redman, Clinton, Mo. 240 ACIiEH Rluh, Level Kelt'. County Al falfa anJ Potato land. $60,00, 00 acres, same section Rough Orasi g land, $16.00, encumberance, $6,000,00; alt fenced; 170 acres ready for seeding. Want city prop erty. HUFFMAN. 416 Bwc Hlrtg. 120-220 ACRE farm Fremont Co., Iowa 101 acre farm, Improved, southeastern Ne braska. In corns. Omaha, T16.O0. Want cheap land for ons or all. HUFFMAN, 413 Bee Bldgj FOR KXCHAN'O 60 acre Tolk county Nebraska farm, level, $H mlks from town, $6 acres In fall wheat, for mdse., hard ware or Implements. M, R. Scott. Shelby, Neb. WIS', to trade 40 acres In the fruit district ot southern Missouri tor small cottage in Om.ihi. Call Monday, O. Bayedorfer, D. 4H87. $20 ACRB Weston County, Wyoming farm. Good lmprovAi..ents. Price $20 por aore. CLBAR, Want Omaha home. HUFFMAN. 413 Bee Bldg.' - WE have some good homes and rental prop erties for Neb. or Iowa la mi, Edward F. Williams Co., Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. 8 -ROOM residence, Uavenport near S3d, trade for good western land. Interstate -iF-S3ld.lLcJty iff1';, Pour' U6Z REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. Benson X have some of the choicest bargains In Benson homes, prices ranging from $1,600 to $4,000. Some with several lots and covered with fruit or suitable for chicken raising. Also a number of un improved lots, running from $200 to $600. Kasy terms. A resident salesman will show the Ben son property at your convenience. The prices are less now than wnn tnis sub urb is taken Into the olty. Buy now and make a bit of monoy, George G. Wallace, (REALTOR) 14 Keellne Bldr. - Improved Acreage Practically new, $-room, strictly modern home and over aore of ground, t blocks to Benson car line and school; a nice east front, high, sightly location! $3,600, Terms. Hiatt Company, 346-7-1 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Tyler $0. Dundee. HERB IS A BARGAIN. ' Two 4 -room houses on corner lot, $0x180, on oar line and paved street. One rents for $0 a month, and live In the other. Price, $1,200 for both, only $300 cash, SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT OO. 4926 So u th $4th St. Phone, South 1247. HOMESEEKERB. ATTENTION. On a small cash payment, we will buy the lot you select, build a home after your own plans and you can pay tor It on small monthly payments, without extra In tercet SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. INCORPORATED CAPITAL $26,000. 4926 0. 3ith,BL Phone South 1247, REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE HOME WANTED. We have a l-room house and acre ot land In the Field Club district that we can put In as payment on a good well located residence In Dundee and pay the difference In cash. O'NEILL R. E. INS. AOENCT, Tyler 1024. 9S1-6 Brandeis Theater Bldg. - Choose a Lot For Your New Home In Dundee ' Where yon will be protected from stores, flats and all business advances; where you can build for the future and be sure that your children will have clean, wholesome surroundings; where the beauties ot na ture have been retained and yet all the modern conveniences are at hand. Dun dee affords all these advantages. We ar now offering Ideal home sites AT LOW PRICES and VERT EAST TERMS, 8 or phone us for further details. George & Company, ' ,01 City National Bask Bldg. Phon. E. T((, ' Dundee Home Priced Right for Quick Sale Big living room with artlstl, flreplaoa ' and bullt'ln bookcaaes. Large dining room and butler's pantry and kitchen on the first floor. Four good.slsed bed- rooma, ons or which oould bo used as a ( sleeping porch, and IMS namroom on ins aecond floor. Attlo over the entire house and oonv.nlent baaement, with floor drain and alnk. On. sf the best heating planta that money can buy. lt lOaiao, with beautiful shade and shrsbbsry, Only one half bloQk from oar lln,. Houss Is prac tically new and In absolutoly psrfeot con dition. Price Ik, 800, but DO reasonable oU.r will be declined. ... Armstrong-Walsh Co., REALTORS. Tyler 188. 888 Boss Bldg. t Beautiful Dundee Home For rant, completely furnished, April 1 to November 1, per month, fin, rooms with den and library extra. Fine location, elees to car,, An unusual chance to get a ftns Cundes home for the sum mer months at nominal rant., Benson & Carmichael .: ', REALTORS. f J Douglas 1133. s8 Paiton Block , Dundee Corner 70x135 .This I, a north and east front lot on paved strsst In Evanston, the new addi tion to Dundee. It lays on one of ths highest points la th, addition, overlooking ( Happy Hollow, Blmwood park and ths beautiful oountry to the west On. of ths beet bargains ws know of at 'ths price 11,760. Armstrong-Walsh Co., REALTORS, Tyler 1686. 336 Rose Bldg. If It Is Hard to Rent In Dundee ' ' Why Not Buy? Where wa ean offer you a brand new. all modern l-room houue ready to move Into at onos ujon a smalt cash payment. Every oar was taken in the building of this house to make It first class In svery respect. Ths arrangement Is attraotlve and convenient. The first floor has a : living room, dining room and kitchen, oa floors and finish.- The second floor has I bedrooms, bath and sleeping perch, fin ished In white enamel. We want you to see this hous), if ye wa.., something worth while. ' ; 11 George & Company, ,03 City National Bank Building. Phono D. 766. Realtors. x Dundee Bungalow Having $ large rooms and delightful sun parlor, all on one floor, oak floors and finish lu EVERY room, situated on cor ner lot, with OARAGE and all paving paid In full.' Oo out today ( owner will show you through. 4001 Cuming St. Price, $4,600; very easy terms. . Payne & Slater Co., 1 616 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. Phone Poug. 1016. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Wll located lots on asy terms. Uod- . srn, attractive houses, Bslors buying be sure and see GEORGE & CO.. DUNDEE! modern residence, near Happy Hollow olub; 6 rooms and breakfast room: sleeping porch! fireplace; for sale or wilt trade for larg .' Dundee home and pay difference. Address Bog 1766, Dee. South Side. ' 40 Acres . Price Cut $1,000 v This Week Only H mils from Ralston. H mile from Interurban. ' M. P. and B. ft M. tracks at one cornet Kvery acre tillable. High and sightly, overlooking Omaha.. Fine tor feeding station. No land near It anywhere near as cheap. . For this week only you oan buy this 40 for $0,000 and you can have the cash rent which has already been paid, $$ per aore. If not sold, owner will make loan ,or money he needs In his business snd with draw land frvm the market. We will take yoa to It any day thin week. Only thirty minutes from 16th and Farnam. Armstrong-Walsh Co., REALTORS. Tyler 1636. 331 Roa. Btdg. MtUlUll PRICED HUMES. Oa tb. South aids, oo tull-sbwd lots, ranging from 11.1011 to ,8.000 Is different Isoalltlss. with sil olty Improvements, nssr school, aod enureses! oan bo bought from w oa ft small cash pay SOUTH OMAHA LNVBOTMS SNT CO, m a, ith su fhons South Mil