THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 4, 1917. 8 B Flashes from Filmland ? 1 PHOTO PLAYS FOR. OMAHA DEVOTEES g-gsv." NEW KALEM SERIES FOR EARLY RELEASE General Film Company Now Announces Interesting Bit of News for Exhibitors. SOME GSEAT SUBJECTS Two big Kalem aeries, "Tne Ameri can Girl" and "A Daughter of Dar ing,1 are oon to be issued by the General Film company. "The Ameri . can Girl," will be of special interest (to those who follow "The Girl From "Frisco" series, featuring Marin Sais. Miss Sais, who scored so heavily in .that series, has been chosen to play the title role in "The Amercian Girl." The famous fiction writer, Frederick R. Bechdolt, who is making his bow I to the picture world as a scenario 'writer, will write the stories. The first of the series will be "The Black Rider of Tasajara," and will deal with a respected westerner, who turns out to be a famous bandit It is the American Girl, Marin Sais, that cleverly unmasks him, and the inci dents leading up to this denoue ment provide the drama with ample dramatic value. Miss Sais is well known to the pic ture fans as a girl- of splendid phy sique, of remarkable ability as a rider, and moreover a sterling actress. In the first episode of "The American Girl," she pursues the "Black Kider," who turns in his saddle and shootB her horse from under her. Miss Sais takes what appears to be a tumble which would seriously hurt any girl, but such is her skill as a horsewoman that she effects the fall without mis hap. Undaunted, she continues with her search for the bandit, and her untiring efforts are finally crowned with success. The importance of the announce ment of this series is rivaled by the coming of the first episode of a new "thrill" seriet,""A Daughter of Dar ing," featuring Helen Gibson. This beautiful, fearless girl astounded the world of picture fans by her dare devil performances in "The Hazards of Helen," but that series did not seem to exhaust her fund of thrill-producing ability. Helen is always ready to risk her pretty neck to show the thrill-loving audiences that hard luck has no terrors for her. She keeps hundreds of scenario writers through out the country thinking up schemes to make Helen' life depend on her akill and courage. The first episode of the new series will be "In the Path of Peril," and calls forth the utmost from this fair , "daughter of daring." Petrova a Writer as Well as Hhe Actress Madam Petrova is recognized as one of the really great stirs of the silent drama. Not only is she a star, but it is proven absolutely that she is a playwright of no mean ability, as the photoplay "Bridges Burned," which shows at the Sun theater Tues day and Welnesday, was written in its entirety by her. When still in her 'teens she took up newspaper work, later becoming book and dramatic critic for the London Times. She then became ambitious for a stage career and after having had varied ex periences in this lint she in the Folies Bergerc in Paris. Henry B. Harris saw her there and engaged her for a sii.iilar role in his New York Folies Bergere. When the had terminated this engagement she was starred in ranthea and J. he Re volt." She then bec-ne a screen star under the Metro emblem, where she has starred in a great many successes. "Bridges Burned" is a story with a new love appeal one that will strike at the heart strings of any audience even more forcibly than did "The Black Butterfly." You see Petrova in this picture as an Irish lass of in dependent nature. Sh. is beautiful, sympathetic, appealing and affection ate, Marguerite Clark a Real Little Wonder in Her Way One ot the many reasons which make Marguerite Clark so irresist ibly charming on the screen is the fact that she seems to have no limit of versatility. The more roles she plays in Famous Players productions, th more the teemt to increase her mastery of the art of screen acting. Always charming, .she possesses the rare gift of approaching each new characterization with a fresh view point and of enacting her role in some new and unexpected manner. The fact that she is olavine an actress on the screen for the first time in "The Fortunes of Fifi," which is her latest Famous Players-Paramount picture to be shown at the Muse theater on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, lends add ed interest tu this photoplay. How will Miss Clark play the role of an actress? Of course she will do it charmingly, but it will be interesting to know just how she will do this most difficult of all roles upon the screen. . Cold Cash Of fer That Means Business to Fans v In hard cold cash $500 is a lot of money at this time when you can take a pockettul ot potatoes and buy most anything that your heart de sires. This amount, thuugh is to be given away by A. C. Hartman of the Omaha Film exchange under certain condition! that are mentioned in his ad in this paper today. This hat been advertised tor tome time, but the fact of the matter is, no one has been able to win the money. Looks like with all the talk about the H. C of L. that someone would "spruce up" and try and get the money. The Omaha Film exchange is the oldest firm of its kind in the city, dealin. at it does in mo tion picture machines, supplies of all kinds and even taking and developing of motion pictures, to yoa will tee that the offer it bon. fide. For WmtliM. " Moan's UaUaut to th painful put at all ra a. PlB at no. Only . (te, M nif1ut JUwtlMinral. . Filmland Favorites Exposures -By KILOWATT- RETURNS TO OLD PLACE AS FILM MANAGER. Mary Pickiorif is the vice president and leading woman of the Mary. Pick ford Film company. She was born in Toronto. Canada, April 8, W)i, and began her stage career in juvenile parts at the age ot 5 as a member ot the Toronto Stock company. She joined Chauncey Olcotl's company, and later scored a success in Belas co's "Warrens of Virginia," Her screen career was first with the Bio graph company under the direction of D. W. Griffith, but later joined the Imp-Universal company. She then returned to the stage for Kelasco's "A Good Little Devil," and then went to the Famous Players company with the entire cast' for the film version. Other pictures arc: "In the Bishop's Carriage," "Hearts Adrift," "Tess of the Storm Country," "The F,agle's Mate," "Such a Little Queen," "Cin derella," "Fanchon, the Cricket;" "The Dawn of Tomorrow," "Little Pal," "A Girl of Yesterday," "Madam But terfly," "The Foundling," "Poor Lit tle Peppina," "The Eternal Grind," "Hulda from Holland," "Kags," etc. She then formed her own company with the pictures to be released by the Artcraft Pictures corporation, where she made "Less Than the DustV and "The Pride of the Clan." Her next picture will be "The Poor Little Rich Girl." Studio address: Mary Pickford Film company, 729 Seventh avenue, New York City. Max Winthrop Buys Out Paul Le Marquand's Stock It is announced this week that Max Winthrop hat purchased the entire stock of Paul Le MarquanJ in the Fontenelle Feature Film companj and will continue the business in th: fu ture. This concern deals in nothing but the best of state right features. Besides owning "The Witchii.g Hour" for Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri, the company has Lina Cavalieri in ' Ma non Lescaut," Mme. Petrova in "The Tigress," Jacob P. Adlcr in "Michael Strogoff," Thomas' Jefferson in "Kip Van Winkle, 1 he Kagged Jtarl, "The Education of Mr. Pipp," House Peters in "Salomy Jane," Ethel Barry more in "The Nightingale," Mabel Taliaferro in "The Three of Us," Thomas Jefferson in "Short Acres" and Thurlow Bergen in "The Spoil ers of Souls," and for only Nebraska there is Frank Keenan and Enid Mar key in "Wart Women," Paul Swan and Baroness von de Witz in "Diana tl.c Huntress" and for Nebraska and Iowa they have Beatrice Michelena in "The Unwritten Law." As special features for children they have "Little Lord Fauntleroy" and "UncL Tom's Cabin.". . "Groceries" Was Label On Shipment of Liquor For violating lection 240 of the fed eral criminal code, regarding inter state shipments of liquor, the Italian Mercantile company, zlh Pierce street, has pleaded guilty and paid a fine of $iU in federal court. The law requires that all thipments of liquor between states shall be la beled with information concerning the kind and amount ot contents and the names of the shipper and consignee. Defendant company admited that one of its shipments of liquor to Fort Dodge, Ia was labeled "groceries." This was done by mistake, the pro prietor! alleged. DOROTHY GI6H ll on her way to New York to nurchsss new gowns and sea sora ot the latest' then trlcal successes on Hroadway. be fore leaving Los Ar.geles, ahe was presented with a dainty pair of haitd-jew- I eled Chinese anklets, the latest wrinkle In l.os Anfeles tor femlnlna decoration, but they doubtleaa will not be used In Omaha until the low shoe aeaaon starts, and poa. slbly never with sir. lea who are bleaaed with food understandings. C. E. Holah, newcomer to --.uaha, and manager of the local Palhe exchange, pur chased a car that he might get better nc iiuatnted with this great town of ours. But there aeeme to ' quite an epidemic of autoa getting out of commissi with the filmland aubjecis of late (that Is for the ones lhat can afford them) and Holah had to "get in on It. Uolng jp a "nice" little hill, the Interior of the car d.-ctded It would leave. He discovered that Omaha people are very hospitable aa he aecurcd the loan ot a. basket In which he put the unruly parta and atarted for the office overland, that ho might obtain a better view of the surroundings. The title of Charlea Chaplin's next pic ture wrj announced as "The Health Re sort," but baa been changed to "The Cure." Te Editor was conspired against a few nights ago. Being at the Hun tbeator about 11 o'clock, he waa convinced by certain persons, Ed. Uorton, 8am and Ha:ry Gold berg, that a spin In Ilrton's car would be conducive to a tood nlght'e rest. It was one of those nlght'e when the mercury waa about "nothing" that this crew atarted on this eventful ride. Of cou.-ai the air would tie beat In the back seat, so y editor waa there placed (yes, the Up was down). Na turally the country air Is more refreshing eo without a word the route led atralght there. No doubt if II. O.'a hit had nut left his head, the party would now be In 'Frisco, but It did and this waa then the turning point. On the way back to Omaha, Neb., something ad to no wrong with thu "whatyoumacalllt" on 'he "tblngamajfg" and there we atopped, many mllea from home and mother, not to men! u the nice, warm bed. It waa not thought that any one elso would have nerve enough to motor on a night like this, so It was un animously Rf.- that a "watch party" would be held and Wj would set there and watch, the Sun rlae. However, after many long inlnutee, a car hove Into sight, and H rton was delog. d to go to Omaha for relief. Many tours passed and It was noticed by the Eskimo! that the Bun was rising over yond. r Mil, but Jc. upon Joy, It waa not the Hun, but Edward Horton In a relief boat coming ba.k to the rescue. Moral Keep awuy fro; i the fellow who owns a automobile, on winter "lghte. Wha would the laow-s be without The hono:t young farmer? The country girl who toea to the cttyT The Prince Albert cm. and -oM-headed canes? The Vampire who most vamplshly? Sylvanus Smucker has Joins the Elite Feature Film Company aa aa expert thrower ot custard pies. Sometimes, we feel confident that no olergyman ever appeared to the movies without wearing aldiburne. There was ung man from Vlrglnya Who aald to his girl, "We'll rontlnya To go to them ehows Where they can't see your tlothes, Ah' If anything busts, I oai. Flnya." In order that the smaKesl dttall of looat color should not be neglected, stewed prunes were served In the boarding house soene In the trama, "They Met and Then 1'arted." Tou have all read more or less about Jealousy among movies actors and actresses, but one would hardly think that it extended even to the bran, offices whe-e the film Is eold, jut It Is true and It le right here - jsf MiYrf fuoro .A.. van HUSAN A few months ago F. A. Van Husan, then local manager of the Universal Film company, decided that he -would go in business for himself. He organized the Western Supply company, located at Twelfth and Har ney streets, whose business was sup plying equipment and supplies neces sary to the operation of a modern mo tion picture theater. "Van" as he is best known among the movie men, was successful in working up a large and prosperous business. But, once in the movie game, always, so we now tind him back at the head of the Uni versal local branch as manager, still retaining the Western Supply com pany. Jake Mitchell, who was made manager at the time "Van" resigned, will remain as assistant manager. George A. Rogers, who has assisted Mr. Van Husan at the Western Sup ply company, has been made man ager of the concern. In dear old Omaha, too. It was upoMd In thesa uolunma a for weeks a bo that jjeBinr Bturm, u manager, .as a proud father. Uno ot the salesmen by the name of Morgan Walsh now announces that he also Is In this class, but he was so over Joyed at being a i . a, that he Is a nervous wreck and I lulu up In bed. The very young man s name has not yet Deen decided on. but - Is an even bet It wl be George. The reason, of course. Is that Qeorce Walsh Is one of the leading Vox stars. One of the foremost d I recto, on the pa;.'1 of this company Is Raoul Walsh. If many more Walsh's join the Fox organisation, tt might Just be possible that the nan. would be changed to w :v jnim company. New Tork Is I. ot actors with touching- Inclinations, great Ideas, and no money. They say that i . (a rare kind of meat), has advanced In price. Marian Bali, the Kalem star, has several hobbles (not horses). One Is the collection of saddles and bridles, the possesses Dine. five of the saddles having been given her by the big-hearted cowboys who have ad MILLARD HOTEL THE PLACE OF COMFORT 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. and 5 to 8 P. M. 50 SUNDAY DINNER Good Music WhiU Yoa Eat MENU Cream of Chicken Soup Young Unions .CHOICE OF Fried Spring Chicken Cream Gravy Breaded Pork Tenderloin ' Tomato Sauce Roast Stuffed Goose Apple Sauce Broiled Lamb Chops on Toast Green Peas , Roast Young Turkey Sage Dressing, Cranberry Sauce Prime Roast Beef, au Jus Roast Stuffed Spring Chicken Mashed Potatoes Boiled Potatoes Green String Beans Fruit Salad Apple Pie Peach Pie ' Lemon Pie Apple Cobler Cream Sauce , Vanila Ice Cream Tea Coffee Milk "A Daughter of Daring" featuring Helen Gibson The girl who startled the world with her daring exploits in photoplays. This beautiful and fearless girl astounded the world of picture fans by her dare-devil performances, is now being featured in a new railroad series. "IN THE PATH OF PERIL" Is the first appearance, of Helen Gibson in her new wonder series to be released week ly through the General Film Company, Inc. See for Yourself! This first of this new series calls forth the utmost from this fair "Daughter of Daring." mired her fearless riding; four are costly purchases, one onderfully tooled saddle he in bouKht from a convict. Marian's i stable U a model of comfort and neatness, i Now that many "effects" are employed by orchestras to heighten the realism of the movies, why not taKc anoiner siep ana in- stall automatlo sprinkler ej items to be turned on when there are rain acenesT It Is said that .Han HaJil'.Dr who ap pears In Mutual-Vogue receives zj many itt.ra nroDosina marrlasa t: jt Che has ordered 10,000 postcards to be printed as follows: I am not married. I do pot want to gat married. I do not want to marry you. I have one bunwlow now; 1 do not want another, I can earn my ..n ltvlng, thank you, I live with my mother. I am perfectly conU..ted ai X am. Brazil Journal Hotly Denounces Carranza Intrigue Rio Janeiro, March 3. General Carranza is pictured as a tool of Ger many in newspaper comment here on the Zimmerman note to Mexico. O. Faiz says: "In spite of the ingenuity of the Machiavellism of Germany it is be yond doubt that the proposition to make General Carranza a tool of Ber lin is fortunately unsuccessful. The du plicity of Carranza has been oppor tunely unmasked and will give a fin ishing blow to his project for a Latin American conference. A conference including a power which is engaged in an intrigue against the United States, and from which the latter country would be excluded, would be a just cause of irritation to the people of North America. That is why we are convinced that tho Brazilian chancellory should abstain from con senting to invitations ot Aigcntma. A Eooca says: "In this intrigue, which might cover with blood American soil, ti.o ego tism ot General Carranza is an im pressive fact. Carranza would not hesitate to set all America on fire. The energetic attitude of the United States in demanding satisfactory ex planations proves that Carranza s in famy mijht cort nun dear." Impeachment Charge ' Against Gov. Ferguson Austin, Tex., March 3. Impeach, ment charges against Governor James E. Ferguson were filed .'n the Texas house of representatives this morn ing1 by Representative H. P. Davis. HO OPPOSITION TO GENJARRANZA Although Two Other Candidates-Are in Field, They Show No Strength. ELECTION TO BE MABCH 11 (Correspondoncs of Ths Associated Proaa.) Mexico City, Feb. 22. Little doubt is expressed throughout Mexico as to the identity of the successful candi date for president of the republic at the electio'ns to be held Sunday, March 11. Although two other can didates have announced themselves, General Venustiano Carranza, first chief of the constitutionalist army in charge of the executive power, prac tically has no opposition. The two other candidates who have announced themselves are Nicolas Zuniagay Mi randa of Mexico City and Francisco A. Garcia of Zaragoza, Pueblo. The first is known as the perpetual can didate, as he has appealed to the vot ers for their ballots at every elec tion for twenty years, opposing Diaz and Madero. lie is not taken seri ously and neither is Garcia, who is practically unknown. The races for seats in the Cham ber of Deputies and for senatorial memberships, however, will provide many close contests. There are many candidates in the field, some nominat ed by political parties and some run ning independently. . Voters Must Take Part. Politicians will have little difficulty "getting out the voters" at this elec tion, as those who are eligible, reg istered and have not some excellent excuse are subject to a penalty of a month in jail or a fine of from 20 to 200 pesos each if they do not cast their ballots. The new constitution provides that the exercise of suffrage at elections is one of the duties of a Mexican citizen snd this provision will be placed ir effect. . Nor will the voters be forced to stand in a stuffy booth to mark their ballots. These will be delivered to them in advance and may be pre pared at home. The decree which accompanied the call for the election of president, deputies and senator! provides the following procedure: The vote will be based on the cen sus of 1900 (one deputy for each 60,000 inhabitants) and on the terri torial division of 1912. The municipal divisions and precincts will be the same as obtained in the election of deputies to the constitutional con gress last October. The roll of vot ers will be the same as in the Octo ber election, revised to eliminate those dead, incapacitated or removed from the district and to add those eligible who were not previously registered. Safeguards for Ballot. The ballots or "tickets" for presi dent, deputy and senator are prim ed on one side only and in such a manner that when folded the contents of the face may not be read. The:!: tickets will be distributed, each tick et numbered. Each voter must re ceipt for the ticket handed him which bears the same number as his name on the voters' list. On the day of the election the superintendent of elections of each district, his alternate and the three registrars will meet at the polling place at 8 a. m. If before 9 a. m. nine voters have not presented them selves the officers will call on the police to bring sufficient votes to make up that number. These nine voters will select from their num ber a board of five composed of a president, two secretaries and two wStchers, who will act as judges of election. The polls will open formally for toting at 9 a. m. and close at 3 p. m. and any voter who has not cast his ballot before the closing of the polls is subject to imprisonment or fine. Each voter must present his ballot, to be placed in the box signed with his name and folded. If he is un able to read or write he brings a wit ness for him. In the presence of the officials he then, declares in a clear voice his choice for president, deputy and senators, and his ballot is made out and deposited in a sep arate box provided therefor. City Chemist Teaches Uni of Omaha Food Class Prof. Leland Lewis, head of the chemistry department of the Univer sity of Omaha, took his food chemis try classes to the Minne Lusa water works Friday, where they took a long lesson under Andrew Jacobsen, chief chemist of the city water department. Mr. Jacobsen gave the students a de tailed account of the water they drink, taking in a chemical, physical and bacterological analysis. Give your Want Ad a chance to make good, Run it in The Bee. Story by Herman A. Blackman Directed by Waited Morton " Helen, telegraph operator at Lone Point Helen Gibson Gypsy Joe George Routh Engineer Compton L. T. Whitlock Anita, Gypsy Queen ., Lillian Clark The Sheriff G. A. Williams Gypsy Joe and his band camp near Lone Point 'station, where Helen is. Anita, queen of the band, spies Helen and Compton in the station, and enters to tell Helen's fortune for a piece of silver. The engineer rewards her for painting him as her suitor. Anita tells Joe that a girl stands between them and the station safe. Joe leads his men on the station, and is overpowering Helen when he is spied by Compton's fireman. The fireman takes the throttle, Compton jumps, and puts the band to rout. Joe is locked up, but Anita gets him out He plana to wreck the freight, climb aboard and kill Compton. He throw the siding and derails the rear truck of a flat car at the end of the train. Helen hastens after the train on her motorcycle. Seeing the dragging flat car she puts on a burst of speed and ridea up the slanting surface from between the rails, abandoning the machine to catch the grips of the freight car ahead. She frees Compton and brings the runaway to atop. At the Following Theaters This Week Sunday Today BESSE South Side Wadiusday MAJESTIC Grand Island Monday REX Ottumwa, Iowa. Thursday WONDERLAND Lincoln, Neb. Saturday . ROYAL Dea Moines Coming at th Following Theaters! Tuaaday LYRIC Sioux City, Iowa Friday COLONIAL 1 Marshalltown, la. THE GRAND 16th and Binney PALM 14 th and Douglas IDEAL 16th and Dorcas CLIFTON 45th and Grand ELITE Council Bluffs WALL Fremont, Neb. - DIAMOND 24th and Lake FAVORITE 18th and Vinton GEM Sioux City, Iowa SUBURBAN 24th and Ames ALHAMBRA 24 and Parker ' ROHLFF 25th and Leavenworth What Would You Do If a Masked Man Suddenly Confronted You? Madge King, a typical American girl, fearless yet sensible, ran away to return another day. But when she did return she was ready to unmask . "The Black Rider of Tasajara" Seeing Is Believing We don't ask you to take our word for it that "THE AMERICAN GIRL" Series of Two-Part Western Dramas will achieve great popularity and that it sets a standard of excel lence never before approached by two-part productions. It is far ahead of serials in plot and action. 4 This new series will be released in fifteen episodes, one two-reel release each week. It is one of those western series that portrays true American life in the Golden West. From the opening scene to the finish of each episode comes the feeling of suspense, brought about by the wonderful action and punch por trayed in each release. SEE "THE AMERICAN GIRL" A SERIES Not a Serial Featuring MARIN SAIS AT THE FOLLOWING THEATERS Sunday, March -4th BESSE South Omaha, Neb. Mand-y. March Sth TMir. March St truR WONDERLAND IDEAL LOTHROP Lincoln, Neb. Omaha, Neb. . Omaha, Neb. SatnrdagMarck 10th Suadajj Uth R.w.rrf Nh. Ottumwa. Iowa. ' Omaha, Wen. S..-J u.-.i. ,,.w X....J.. M.r.h ISA Wednesday. March 14th Thursd.y. March I5lh 61 m " uiPPhnROME LYRIC LTKic Thursday, March Sth AUU11UK1UM Omaha, Neb. Omaha, Neb. Friday. March 16th Saturday. March 17th DIAMOND GRAND Omaha, Neb. . . Omaha, Neb. Friday, March 30th MUSE Lincoln, Neb. Wednesday, March 14th LYKIU Sioux City, Iowa. " Sunday. March lath ROYAL Dea Moines, Iowa. Saturday, March Slat , MUSE Lincoln, Neb. Sioux City, Iowa. Tutaday. March 20th LOYAL Omaha, Neb. I