'j'MW OMAHA " iaLilNUAV hr.iv: MAKtH 4, llf. 2 A DBMS ASK G. 0. P. TO SAVETHEIR BILL Appeal to Republicans to Keep Armed Neutrality from Defeat. i " NOEEIS LEADS IN FIGHT (Ceatlaaad Pn Om.) fact, And congress would have ab dicated and surrender in advance all claim to pass upon the question. "The question here presented, he said, "rises above any manor any president it is fundamental. Senator Hardwick, democrat, asked Senator Stone ii the president , did not have authority to defend or protect American citiccns without authority of congress. ''Yes," said Senator Stone, "if a war vessel of the United States should tee a merchant ship of this country as saulted on the high seas and an effort be made to destroy it, even though that war vessel were not acting as a convay, such warship would not only have the right, but it would be its duty to protect that ship. But it t foreign power assaults merchant ves sels of the United States when our war vessels are not present and we hear of it as we are hearing of these things now, I do not think the presi dent could direct the navy of the United States to begin war on that foreign power. For that he would have to come to congress. Congress Only Power. "If we want to enter into the war if the occasion is as grave as some of the senators say, let us say to. We have the right, the power to say so. Congress is the only power in this great government that has the right and I m unwilling to establish the precedent of shifting the war respon sibility to the president of the United S,"Aniericans have been selling quan tities of munitions to the entente and American ships have been conveying ,niniicil Senator Stone. I his is not unlawful. It is permissible. 1 i a. l-.fi via res anlil. tions. I would not deny our people .t,. riiht to tell to on- being- " erent just because the other cannot reach our market But if thit gov. ernment thould arm merchant ships, ' put gunners aboard and send the ships loaded with munition! to a belligerent ' we would tecome by that very, act the f ti Mw,rnmnil benefited. .We t any w a"- ' .,.,. M h In the war. When debate wat resumed today Senator Hitchcock, to perfect the kilt's narliamentary status, had the ' unite draft, with two slight amend ments, substituted' after the enacting clause for the house text. One amend- ment eliminatet the provision for arming merchantmen "for and tft, thus removing specific direction at to armament The other prevents United States' protection of foreign t snips. Hot Speech by Brandegee. Brandes-ee. renublican. of rnnn.Mu-nt. called the German pro- hibited tone, "an ambush where Ger many laid in wan to oeai aeain re any one who entered (gainst its edict ; ""Shall we tit supinely and allow the ukase of i foreign potentate now to clear the ocean of American shipping ." and blockade our ports?'! he asked. - "I,. r abllsed to wait for the slaughter to be accomplished before we defend ourselves? I trust that , pihrr consresi nor the ('American - people have fallen to such depths of v degradation that they art wining to furl the American flag and withdraw from the high tcut at the misguided band of pacifists seem to wish, "There it no use to issue moral homily or a Salvation Army tract or ' r.nf.t the Sermon on the Mount to a nation that hat gone mad' and hat begun through its military au- mrnrv to act like a homicidal ma niac. Must wc get off the face of the earth lie. down and curl up? I'm for peace, but , I am going to preserve the liberties of my country. It the i pacifists bad lived in the time of iirmam Washinston we never would have been a country and if they have their way now we will cease to oe a rniintrv. The neaee nrooannda. in tome aspect!, closely approaches treason." . - .,. , ' Interest In Zinvnermann Interview. Senator Sherman presented today's news dispatches frorj. Berlin bringing Vnrriim Minister Zimmermann't id- mission of the attempted intrigue with Japan and Mexico. 1 Senators minifested such keen in- terest in the dispatches that they were read twice.- Senators who had been inclined to denounce the cele ' brated Zimmermann instructions as a forgery or a British plot showed nartieular interest . - "japan has denied receipt of over tures," Senator Sutherland of Utah interjected. "I sk if there is any significance to tne tact tni our great - and gooa mena, uenerai i,arranza, in nnr ni-iirhhnrlna ,. friendly republic, has not made any denial.'. ' BUI-Meant War. "Are we going to lie down on bur backs and let this monstrous rrtn enstein trample over us ruthlessly? resumed Senator Brandgee. "i am ' not deceived by the effect of this bill. ! ' The effect will be that the next pas senger or freight thip with American gunners aboard which attempts to enter a British or neutral port in the war xone wilt be attacked by a Ger man submarine. That meant thtt there will be war if thit country it fit ' to live. If perchance our defensive gunners should sink a submarine, that would mean war." That he and tome other( foreign relations committee mem', .rs wanted to amend the bill to "direct" and not merely "authorize" the president to arm American merchantmen! was stated by the Connecticut senator. Mr. Brandgee urged the passage of the sending: measure and not the , . house bill, because by its terms the ttatut of othcers or men on e mer chant thin resisting attack from t - war vessel would be dearly estab lished under American law, and t cy could not be treated at pirates, as they might be treated without tuch a law. "I want tuch men," he said, "to be treated at pnionefs of war, acting iiider authority u j-rest and not to be hanged at the yard-arm at pirates.' : J Aittn Wlaa Atsla. Atl.tl, Neb.; March 1 8p.elal. Ths . Audi Athletic eluto baakt ball learn de. - ' f;lrd the Kearney MlUtury academy on Ike local floor in a olesn-r-ut. rsthur roie- sWeil same, St to 1(. The Ajctf-U team has not Iwea d.reatrd slitoe It oreanlssd. Kaiser Bars Changes In Women' 8 Fashion Tendon. March 3. The German imperial clothing committee hat earned a warninc that styles in women's clothes cannot be allowed to change every six months, ac cording to an Amsterdam dispatch to the Bxcnange icicgrapn cum pan. The committee says that women may wear winter dresses throughout the coming summer and winter without disgrace and that drastic measures will be taken against a change in fashion and the consequent waste of materials. ALLEGED PLOT NO PLOT AT ALL, SAYS TEUTON LEADER ., . (Coatloasd Erom Fas On.1 Notes from York And York County Vnrlt. Neb.. March 3.-Licenses to wed have been issued to the follow ing: Homer u. rnce ana niiucunc Stine, both ot inayerj. ueorge u. Friesen and Marie .Peters, ootn ot Henderson, and Walter Junge and Helena Tappe, both of Benedict. York friends have received the an nouncement of the marriage of Miss Nellie McCarthy, daughter ot Dennis McCarthy, formerly of this county, now of But!er, Mo, to Mr, Frank Wells of Kansas City. Mrs. V. L. Kohn, aged ot years, died at her home near Benedict, Wednesday morning. Alonzo Lewis, agea ou years, aicu the familv home. 921 Burlington avenue, Wednesday morning. He is survived by his widow, five daughters and three sons. The body was taken to Stockham and laid to rest in the Stockham cemetery. -Mrs. Minnie E. Codding-Stratton, daughter of A. B. Codding, of this city, led at Uemer, toliowing an opera tion. She wat a prominent tchool teacher in the county for teveral yean. She wrc a gracur.te of the state university. ' Soldiers' Home Notes Oram). Inland. March I. (BmoUI.) Tht body of Frank Poty. formtrly a tnomber ot the Burkett Soldlflra homo waa tent from Omaha to this plaeo for Intorment on Tuesday. Mr. Doty's wlfs prscodod hlra In daath on Octobor I. 1S11, passing away at ttu West hoaplMl hers. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Riisy, in eottaes No. 4, ars sntsrtalnlnt thalr srsndson, who asms from Pairbury this wsek. Patr ok Ml requeued a rurlousn ror sixty days yesterday mornlne to visit with friends In Columbus. Neb. Hs will also visit Omaha snd uouncll jsiuns wun reiauvea. Word from ths St. Francis hospital In Grand Island Is to ths altaot that Mrs, Unttla Rhodes IB IMttsr. Mrs. Hslen Dyks died shortly aftsr mid. tilsht Tuesday at ths csnsrsl hospital In Grand Islsnd. Bhs was admitted to ths Boldlsrs' Home at JSUrKsu on ftovemoer s, J90I, from Lincoln. Furloushs win Issued Thursday to W. 8. Bain,' for llvs days, and to teth Lakln tor thirty days. i . Mr. ana Mrs. j. vr. Miner os oottsss nd Mr. and Mrs. John Tioton of the dormitory wsrs sntsrtalned by Mrs. Wooley of 611 Ksst Fourth strsst, urana isiana, on Wsdnssdajr. Wsml Mtsv IMss ts Kesieeaw. o UuJ Ttlwae. Neb.. Uarah 1. t8neelal Telegram.) Ths Wood Klver Hlfh school basket ball team lost a wen piarea Bsraa to Ifeneeaw here lset nlsht. 34. to it. The lo. cals didn't est started In the Trst half, but defeated ths visitors. S to 7, In ths last naif. Alsbouss starred Kqr sienessw ana j-ieisou lor wooa nivsr. ; ports about instructions from the ministry of foreign affairs to the Ger man minister in Mexico City, in the event that Germany, after the proclamation of unrestricted submar ine warfare, failed to keep the United States neutral. These reports are based on the following facts: "After the decision had been taken to begin unrestricted submarine war fare on February 1, we had to reckon, in view of the previous attitude of the American government, with the possibility of conflict with the United States. That this calculation was right was proved by the fact that the American government severed diplo matic relations with Germany soon after the proclamation of a 'barred zone and asked other neutrals to fol low in example. .Move Only Precautionary. Anticipating these possibilities, it was not only the right, but also the duty, of our government to take pre cautions in time in the event of a military conflict .with the United States in order to balance, if possi ble, the adhesion to our foes of a new enemy. The German minister at Mexico, therefore, was instructed in the middle of lanuarv that in the event of the United States declaring war he should otter to the Mexican f overnment an alliance and arrange urther details. These instructions, by -the way, expressly directed the ministers to make no advances to the Mexican government unless he knew for a certainty that America was go ing to declare war. How the American government re ceived information of the instructions sent by a secret way to Mexico is not known. It appears, nowever, mac tne treachery, and it appears there must have been treachery, was committed on American territory." A Central news dispatch front Ams terdam sayt the Berlin telegram in regard to Secretary Zimmerman'a in' structiont to the German minister in Mexico is semi-omcial. Body of Mrs. Clegg is Buried at Falls City Falls Citv. March 3 (Special) The bodv of Mrs. Joanna Clegg was brought yesterday from the family home in iienver, t-oio., wnere sne passed, away on Thursday morning. The funeral service wtt held' at the Catholic church at 9 o'clock and bur ial followed at the Steele cemetery. Mrt. Clegg wat the wife of the late Rohert Cless-. who was prominent in business and politics while a resident of Failt City. He served the city as mavnr a number of times. The fam ily was prominent in social and church fl..1a Atirlna thir mMv veara' resi- rlpnrli In Falls Citv. iShe leaves two daughters and one son, Miss Anna jClegg, and Mrs. Keiler, of Denver, and frank Clegg ot rvansat my. Or. ttreoffcnry Suit Dm flit , Invisible Leaks An what you may expect to find in poor filling and misfit crown. Yon can't afford to UM a chance on tW kind of work. . ' Get Quality Dentistry, the only kind that will preserve your teeth for year . ' ' Dr. Bradbury'i Dental Work will ttand rigid in spection and look the best. V Expert opinion given where difficult cases appear. ' How to proceed in many mouths it often at puztling as the work itself to tome dentists. s GOLD CROWNS, $5.00 UP. 1 ' X.RAY FOR HIDDEN TROUBLE D!t. DRADBURY, DENTIST . ' M Years hi Omaha. til -U Wssdssoa ( ths WsrM Builitaf.' Pkosw D. ITS. 14th snd raraaa Sla, Omaha, Hours to t Sundays, 10 t I 11. PABLO CASALS i Play. Exclusively for the COLUMBIA Casals, the Greatest Living Master of the Cello, Who Appears in Concert Tuesday Evening, marcn o, at the Brandeis Theater Makes Columbia Double-Disc Records Exclusively Your selection of records is not complete unless you have one or more of his beautiful records listed below: ' ;:' - ' AB649 Largo (Handel). , , , ! ' Melody In F (Kubenstem). ; , AB650 The Swan (LeCygne) (Saint-Saens). v Serenade Spanish Dance No. 2 (Popper). A5654 Adagio from Concerto in D Minor (Tartini). Romanza (Campagnoli). ' A5679 Traumerei (Schumann). Salut D' Amour (Edgar) . v AB697 Bourree from C Major Suite (J. S. Bach). i Mazurka (Popper). - . ' A5722 KolNidrei (Bruch) Parti. Kol Nidrei (Bruch) Part 2. A5756 Liebestraum Dream of Love (Liszt). , Air for G String (Bach) . AB782 Suite in C Major: Prelude (Bach). ' Suite in C Major: Sarabande (Bach). A5821 Allegro Appassionato (Saint-Saens). Minuet in C Major with Variations (Haydn); We carry a complete line of domestic and foreign Co lumbia Double-Disc Records. If unable to visit our record department, phone your order to Douglas 1623 and it will receive prompt attention. , Cosaststt Recaral Calalaftas Famloaea' sat RssnsMl Latest Models of Columbia Grafonolas at $15, $25, $50, $75 and up to $350 Schmolkr & Mdkr Piano Company 131M3 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. Headquarters for Columbia Grafonolas and Records. Milady's Collar of Distinction For dreet wear, collars of fin est Georgette and Pongee Silk are embroidered in newest shades and combinations of colon for spring. Shadow Lawn Green and shades of Gold are much in favor. . ' 75c to $2.80 The Rain or Shine Combination Umbrella and Parasol For smart dress use it it a par asol. For real protection from Spring Rains, it is truly service able. In all colors, also plaids and striped borders. Short handles with a loop for the arm. New Yarn Models Have Been Received Several styles of Sweater!, Car .riage Afghans, Couch Afghans, Baby Sacquet, Bootees and Capt, House Jackets; also many other attractive pieces all made of Utopia Yarns. Letsons Without Charge. Daily 10 to 12 M. and 3 to 6 P. M. -Art Needlework, Third Floor. For Men Offerings of Smart Silk Shirtt, Neckwear, New Links for French Cuffs, Soft Collar Pins, SjUc and -Crepe Pajamas, Soft Collars, many styles Fancy Hose, Handkerchiefs. v The Men's Shop, to the Left at You Enter. Front Lace Back Lace ' x The Corset is so fundamen tal an article of dress, to definitely the foundation for -, everything else, that i. i se- ; ' lection is a ' vital " ma.. . It ' may look all right in stock," but will it look and act all ' right on the figure? We , ceased to worry on this score when w,e secured the Redfern ' ' Corsets $3 to $12 a pair. Fine Talcum, 23c . i j . La Trefle and Trailing Ar butus Talcum Powder, Mon day, 23c .Toilet Goods Section.' TiioriPioN BflDEN&G) New White Goods For the Coming Season Thousands ' and thousands of yards of plain and fancy weavet assembled from the best white foods houses in this country and ngland. Pricings are little for goods so scarce and hard to ob tain. Fancy Voiles 50c a Yard, Cop ied from Imported Goods In various sizes of stripes, checks, and plaids, also dots and figures -rail on a fine sheer quality chif fon voile, 29 inchet wide. Another Selection, 65c a Yard On a finer quality voile, also 39 inchet wide. , Imported Novelty Stripe Voiles, 44 inches wide, 85c a yard. Imported Embroidered Voiles and Organdies, 39 inches wide, , S1.2S, fl.50 a yard. A Complete Lino of New Whita Skirting, priced from 35c to $1.00 a yard. New Wash Fabrics Imported and domestic ging hams, in stripes, checks and plaids and plain shades. Attractive pat terns in new "color combination!, (32 inches wide), 35c a yard. Printed Draas Voiles. Splendid colors, all bright new spring de signs, (40-inch), 25c, 30c, 35c and 50c a yard. Basement. ' Curtain Nets, Special at 29c Substantial, high grade curtain nets, well assorted patterns, 40c and 45c qualities, Monday only, 29c a yard. - Basement. Dresses for Spring Wear In AH Phases Fashion Has Approved In such variety that every woman can by her choice express her individuality to the finest degree. Dainty blending of colors, distinctive, attractive styles. Fabrics reveal a wealth of newness and under existing con 1 ditions present showings are'remarkable. , Silk D r e ss e s, $25 Upwards Serge Dresses, $15 Upwards Wash Dresses, $16.50 Upwards No extra charge for alterations For the Sports Suits are tuch wanted weaves at Yo San, Khaki Kool, La Jen, Tussah Crepes, Pongees, in plain shades and novelties to match; $2.50 to $4 a yard. New Silks For Spring, J917 A wonderful array of new col ors, new weaves and designs. ' :' ' We have just unpacked a case of lovely Printed Foulards, Radium and Crepe Taffetas; a bewildering variety "J of , dota, squares and disk patterns tha( are meeting with instant favor. Used in,, combination effects with great success j $1.95 to $2.95 a yard. Many new printed and embroidered Georgettes and Indestructible Voiles, .excellent . pattemt for Spring . . . Blouses, $1 to $6 a yard. Fifty new pieces of Georgette Crepe and Crepe Voile. We can match any , difficult shade. Silks Main Floor. Sorosis Footwear Meets, with the unqualified Approval of well-dressed ', Women. White Kid Boots . - $10. Ivory Kid Boota '. !- - ' $11 Pearl Gray Kid - $10 Two-toned Gray .Kid ' "r Black Kid Boota' with .white kid tops - $9) PHONE TYLER 1000 And vmi will receive the same courteous service as though you were delivering your Want-, Ad to THE BEE in person. O hlsU then a Cough-. Piret vnn fwl n little chillv-then you can't get warm. Followed by smarting eves iXe ThTcoSL Z Then what? That depends upon your The Moral Is to Keep Yourself , A neglected cold leaves an after feffect of a congested membrane. It may be in the nose, the throat, or the lungs. Sometimes it is in the stomach and intestines. Perhaps you Jiave grown used to it, and fail to notice anyj soreness. But it's there. A fresh cold aggravates vit Soon you have chronic catarrh. In time, , that harbor, a cold and forms a point oi miecuon. It spreads until your wnote oouy suuere uuw systemic catarrh. Then you are really in danger- wait IOT that', . ; . a) WW a .A UP" iir era .hm 7 It will soothe and heal the mucous membrane, no matter where it is affected. It will help clear vntir avatAnv Tt will build un vour ' . m vuv " y s strentlth. It will counteract the poisons the congested membrane is leaving in your blood. But don't wait until you are sick. While wonderful cures of .i oMo .mi natorrh hv Penina are dailv reriorted. and VUlviliU VUIU0 UUU WUV". . " "J - . - - ' in the last forty years have been so numerous as to make Peruna the nation s Remedy, it is oetter 10 may weu. iwvo rciuua au hand, use it freely at the first symptoms, and you will keep your body so UOllU, "r T ... . . r ..IJ. L.. eetn..kal nimriniTU well fortified tnat you win oe iree ui wmo, uw v and enjoy your life to the full. ' . ' That's the common sense way in which thousands of people preserve their health. It's the kind of preparedness we all agree upon. Its true life insurance, that pays the benefits while you can enjoy them. Ask the thousands who use Peruna. It could not have gained the place it cKwnSes In the American household if it did not have unusual merit Forget yrarp&ces and let Peruna make good for you, as it has for so many. . You may obtain Ptrana in tablet form for convenience. Carry a box with you! ; ' - ' , ' ' ' - : ' ' . ', r . " The Perama Ceearany, CoWmbna, Qua.