THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 4, 1917. The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORMNO-EVENINO SUNDAY FOUNDED BY EDWARD BQ3EWATER. VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR THB BEB PUBLI8HPIQ COMPAKY, PROPRIETOR, Entered ot Omaha postofflos aa second-class matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. By Carrier Br Kill Dalit ml Santar .far walk, Ue fm rut, K.M DsilT wuaool Sunday " " 4-M Xraolnc sad Suaosr " 0o I. OS henlng wttboot Sander "15a s.Ot Siuou B satr "See " I.N Dtito and Bandar ess, rates rmn N ednaes...., ..It.M Bond aouas of ebsasa of address or ursgulsrur IB dsarerf to Omsba Use. ClrcuUtloe D.prtjnent. REMITTANCE. Imlt T drift sxrrws er aortal stdar. Onlf !- stsavs total M aaynMnt or small amounts. Pomomi eseiU sxospt ob (Mute aad eastern sirwsnss, art ooooptod. OFFICES. Offishe Ths Boa Botldlns, Chloooo rssriWs Oes Mldlne. South Onuht S31s N BL KseTwS S lift At. Counrtl BTiifTo 14 If. Male It . LmU Mow fi'k. of Comma, Uncoln-Lluls Bulldha, WuWniwo fl Ultt St. M. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Address rommwileottoiM rslsunt N Ml ml Sangria! SMMer N Omaha Bn. Edltorlsl Dspenaiant. JANUARY CIRCULATION 54,320 Daily Sunday 49,878 Ar.r.r. etrenlstM tor IM moot nbrorlM sad sassa to U DwUlU Williams. Circulation ilsoatar. Subscribes iMTtat Ik dtp senaM km Tk tarav Aoateaa case yd oo often aa ruanlso Just four more years of Wilionl Mobiliiing church belli for war uses prepares listening eiri for the knell of doom. For a fifty-yesr-old statehood youngster, Ne braska is doing tolerably well, thank you. The high cost of living will have one compen sation if it brings home the Important lesion of eliminating waste. Fifty million pounds of beef in storage In Chicago and still the town "beefs" as though its larder were empty. South Dakota's legislature has adjourned. South Dakota occasionally has something that Nebraska envies it for. It U announced once mors that Villa is elim inated from the Mexican situation. Wonder who "got" him? Uncle Sam can prove an alibi Still, is it not a trifle early for any member of the state legislature to blossom out in a brand new auto bought with the layings out of a $600 salary? ' A thorough search for the Zimmerman "leak" ought to be the first order of business of the Reichstag. Has Berlin no Lawson to pound the vocal tom-tom? The District of Columbia breaks into the dry belt November 1. A lack of efficient shock ab sorbers renders the natives indifferent to what may happen next i a "Jerry" feels injured because the tats grand jury did not call him to appear as a witness, It is the first time on record, though, that "Jerry" ever waited to be called. Viewed from the right angle, the suffrage sen tinels at the White House afford the most pic turesque and practical interpretation of the slogan, "Sland by the president" Of course, there is ao politics whatever in the composition of our land bank boards I It Is the merest accident that 10 many of them were active Wilson democrats last fall "Man's inhumanity to man' though con demned through the ages, takes on an aspect of fatherly gentleness beside a, certain woman's in humanity in banishing sleeveless gowns from the Iowa co-ed prom. All that speculation as to who was to be presi dent between times because March 4, this year, happens to fall on Sunday, with the formal in auguration postponed antil the next day, proves to be wasted effort Lawmakers in New Mexico are seriously con sidering t bill abolishing the National Guard. The meager showing made by the state in the mobili sation fairly warrants not only disbandment but a long era of forgetfutneas. Fortune telling outruns all other confidence games as a steady lure for credulous coin. Expo sure rarely diminishes its clientele. That the game thrives amid adversities goes to show that the business of guardianship lags far behind its opportunities. t Austria and Italy continue platting modest . cemeteries at the old stand. Publicity lends little present support to the industry. The fact that some royal bonee have been moved out of range of Italian guns indicates a shade more respect for the dead than the living. Big and Little Potato Kings. Owners of the famous potato mines of north' west Nebraska, locally esteemed the richest in the world, are unexpectedly confronted with a rival for championship honors, possessing the courage to hold on, the nerve to command the price and the tubers to back their reach. Ne braska's potato kings, satisfied with moderate profits, let go their holding early in the season ind pocketed dividends surpassing the dreams df ivarice. They delivered the golden goods on the principle of "live and let live." A different spirit ictuated the spud monarchs of Maine, who now dominate New England and contiguous potato' eating territory. They, too, let go a sufficient , quantity of the early crop at moderate prices, just enough for an appetizer, but held on to the bulk of the output Where they sought the mar ket last fall, now the market seeks them, not, however, as men fascinated by the flashing of mils of bills seeking bargains, but as capitalists who know the rudiments of supply and demand. In Aroostook county, the premier spuderferous diggings of Maine, the stock of potatoes has an estimated value of $25,000,000. Prices on the farms range from $8 to $8.50 a barrel of eleven - pecks, which means not less than $1 a peck for consumers. One recent purchase of 3,000 barrels netted $8.40 per barrel, spot cash. Cleanups from different diggings range from $5,000 for gard eners to the opulence of $100,000 harvested from one superior potato ranch. New Englanders fa miliar with financial "melons" and the modus operandi of a cinch, regard the grip of the potato monarchs of Maine about the smoothest and richest article put over since the Mayflower stuck its prow into the sands of Plymouth. It is enough to make the minor monarches of Nebraska blush thrir own moderation. . One Highly Gratifying "Shortage." In these days of high prices glibly explained away on the score of depleted supply, there is one "shortage" announced upon which we may all look with equanimity. It is the shortage of American flags which is preventing dealers from meeting demands. Not that tny one wants a real or permanent shortage in the stocks of starry bunting, but that a demand that will exhaust all the available flags that can be put upon the market evidences a gratifying manifestation of patriotism. It goes without saying that there would be no shortage of Stars and Stripes in the hands of the dealers if the people were not "flying their colors" in friendly rivalry with one another. Fur thermore, if the scarcity of an article makes folks appreciate it the more, perhaps the difficulty en countered in securing all the flags wanted will enhance respect for and devotion to the nation's emblem and rally to the standard of the republic the unstinted loyalty it ought always to command. No, the announcement of a shortage in flags does not carry with it any of the discouragements involved in disclosures of shortages in other things. Passing of the Church Bell A vagrant item from the war lone says Ger man military authorities have now requisitioned the church bells of the country, their metal being more needed for war uses than to notify people of the-duty of attending church. Whether there be any foundation for the story or not, it aerves as a sign of the world's advance. In bygone days the church chimes had a significance that is not longer present; not that religion has lost any of its savor, or that humanity has less need for its benignity. Time was when not every man had a watch in his pocket or on his wrist, and when the quiet of very few homes was disturbed by the competitive clamor of a collection of clocks, an nouncing the hours at various and varying inter vals. Then the church bell served an utilitarian as well as a sentimental purpose, and whether it "tolled the knell of parting day," or summoned man to his matins, its tones not only called atten tion to the higher destiny of man, as exemplified by the church and what it stands for, but served also to remind him of the passage of time and the necessity of his attending to certain 'occupations essential to his existence here below. Thia func tion of the church bell has passed, and it ought to be so the devout would no longer need its clangor to put them in mind of the weekly serv ice at the Lord's house. Better use might be made of the metal contained in them, perhaps, than to cast it into breech blocks or trunnion bearings for artillery, but the church bells are no longer an indispensable requisite to man's salvation. Wilson's First Term. Woodrow Wilson's first term of service as presi dent of the United States ends today, and a new one begins under circumstances that have brought together all the different factions of the country, save some implacable! in his own party, to the support of the chief executive at a crisis in the nation'a history. Patriotic devotion is not strained by partisanship at this time, and criticism of the pqlitical and administrative acts of Mr. Wilson may well be deferred until the people can give sober attention to that phase of our national experience. Since entering the White House, however, Mr. Wilson must have learned from his experiments many things that may be of much service to him while he is yet president Among these will be the futility of relying entirely on a partisan majority as a factor in remedial work he proposes. Another, perhaps, will be that s democracy such as ours does not respond with alacrity to the application of pure abstractions to the concrete affairs of daily life. The United States is too big, its exis tence made up of too many things, to react readily to a theory, no matter how soundly it may seem to have been reasoned. The earlier months of Mr. Wilson's administration were given up to the effort to adjust practical thing! to meet attractive hypotheses and the resultant perplexities still dis turb him in his official duties. Plainly, the president should have acquired a fairly comprehensive grasp of his own limita tions as a result of the last four years, and there fore ought to be willing to devote less of his time to things he has found out cannot be done. On this basis, he may make bis second term a much brighter one for himself and for the country. Efficiency In Car Loading. Dispute between the millers and railroads of Nebraska as to the minimum weight of a "car load" is occupying the attention of the Nebraska Railway commission. This involves something that is of vital interest to the public. For several months business in alt parts of the United States has been disturbed by reason of inability of the railroads to provide freight cars to move the traffic Even now the transportation lines are taxed beyond their capacity. Some weeks ago The Bee called attention to an improvement made in the matter of freight car service through the speedier handling of the cars, showing how an increase in the mileage had constructively added 17 per cent to the available equipment In the matter of loading the same sort of im provement is possible. Railroads, for reasons of economy, have added to the carrying capacity of their equipment building cars larger and stronger, that the load might be increased. Heavier motive power is generally used, that larger loads may be hauled, the saving thus made amounting to the difference between loss and profit to the railroads. What the companies now ask is that the ahippers load the cars more nearly to their capacity, thus using fewer cars to carry the same quantity of revenue-producing traffic Reason supports this plan, but on the shipper's side is the matter of increased rates. On the car load basis, he stands to lose nothing, but if the minimum is raised, and he continues his shipping on the present basis, then his tariff falls under the "less than car load" schedule, and takes a higher figure. It isn't quite clear why the retail selling price should be increased, as charged by the millers, because more pounds of freight are hauled in the same car.. If the less than car load rates can be put on an equitable basis, the contention of the railroads that the added benefit to shippers through greater use of now wasted car capacity ought really to reduce the rates. It would, at least, be good reason for opposing an advance, for the potential earning capacity of the freight car would be enhanced, and the proportion of non-revenue tonnage hauled would be lowered. Here is a point at which the transportation moguls seem bent on really improving the service without waiting for some one else to help them. Br Victor Bo water THE NEWS reports of the week brougl the sad tidings that Captain "Jack" Crawford had lost his last fight and had finally passed to the Great Beyond. Readers of this column know that I have already paid my tribute here to this big-hearted rough diamond who started on a bril liant career as a member of The Bee force in its earliest days. The best farewell that can be said for Captain "Jack" is the bit of verse he sent at the time of my father's death, inscribed, "In Memoriam to Edward Rosewater, from the Poet Scout," which by mere reversal, would aptly fit the author nimseii. If I could stand today beside his bier And look into his brave, strong, calm dead face, I would not be ashamed of heartfelt tear That irrigates my soul and leaves' its trace. He took my hand, a wild and reckless boy, And steadied me, a broncho in the west. I found his friendship was without alloy And food for thought made easy to digest Goodbye, dear Ed I You fought an open fight. You feared no foe and dared to speak right out; You stood for Honesty and Truth and Right, Nor could the corporators knock you out. Only death can down such souls as yours, But death cannot destroy the trail you left, Such work remains forever and endures. Our sympathy is with the dear bereft. I regard Homer P. Lewis as my educational snonsor and always look back to him with great affection growing out of days when he was prin cipal of the Omaha High school and taught me in some OI me Classes 1 auenaea. vvniie paying me the honor of a visit he mentioned the old " Polit ical Economy club" organized in Omaha in the expiring '80s, of which he was a prime mover in conjunction with what turned out to be later a remarkable group of associates. "There were just six in that club beside my self," said Mr. Lewis "Perhaps the most brilliant was William H. Baldwin, jr., then connected with the Union Pacific and afterwards president of the Long Island railroad, dying in his prime. Then there was the late William S. Curtis, who became dean of the Washington university law school at St. Louis, and Frank Irvine, who became dean of the law school at Cornell. Another member, James H. Mcintosh, is now general counsel of the JNew loric Lite insurance company, ur. Gifford. who is still here, also belonged and so did Gilbert M. Hitchcock, now a member of the United States senate. I think the discussions of the monev Questions in the club had something to do with transforming Mr. Hitchcock from a re publican to a democrat (at any rate his wife once accused me of influencing him in that way) and the strange thing is that about the time he turned democrat I became a republican on the same issue. At one time we considered admitting Her bert J. Davenport, then practicing law in Omaha, but decided to stick to our limit ot seven, and Davenport, thus prevented from becoming a member of our political economy club, later be came head of the department of political economy at the University of Chicago." For the first time since the famous 1912 con vention, in which we collided so frequently, I came into contact again with Francia J. Heney at the conference of the Federal Trade commission with the newspaper publishers at Washington. And this time Mr. Heney was presiding at the meeting. For the moment, however, we were both pulling on the same string in the same direc tion and I secured "recognition" from the chair without the slightest difficulty or embarrassment. Speaking to me afterward, Mr. ileney said, in renewing the old acquaintance and recalling the former association: "I was areatlv tempted to remind you that I was forbearing from ruling you out of order." "That would be only a fair turn about," I sug gested, adding "but I don't think I gave you the Provocation that furnished the occasion before." o which his reply was his characteristic smile. Let me put in this word for Mr. Heney's pres ent work as special counsel for the trade com mission in lilt print paper mYCBUgauuii, uiai nc has clearly brought the situation to a focus and if the plans under way develop to the relief of the Drint Daoer market, he will be entitled to an equal share of the credit with the Federal Trade commission. I had a call the other dav from my old friend. Professor Frank A. Fitzpatrick, formerly super intendent of the Omaha nublic schools, from which he was graduated into one of the head lobs of the American Book company, for which he is New England manager, with headquarters in Boston. He said he bad not stopped ott in umana for about a dozen years and was naturally amazed at the marked improvement of the city during that time. His familiarity with the school book situation led me to ask a few questions, which elicited frank anawers. "Yes. the nncea of oaoer and other materials going into the manufacture of school books have gone up proportionately even more man your print paper prices, but as yet we have not changed the selling lists of our publications. Some of the other text book publishers, I believe, have made slight increases and I am free to say that I do not know whether our policy of a fixed and un varied price will be adhered to regardless of future conditions. Yes, the close ot tne war win make neccesary a lot of new school books, but only in a few lines. There will have to be new geographies and histories, but remember that reading, writing and arithmetic will continue the same after the smoke of battle has cleared away. So will the sciences, the arts, the languages and all standard literature." Presidential Inaugurations Woodrow Wilson is the fourth president to be inaugurated on March 5. J. Q. Adams, Franklin Pierce and James A. Garfield were inaugurated on Friday. James A. Garfield's first act after being sworn into office was to kiss his mother. Thomas Jefferson was the first president to be inaugurated in the city of Washington. Chief Justice John Marshall administered the oath at nine presidential inaugurations. The first real inaugural procession was held at the inauguration of President Madison. Thomas R. Marshall is the first vice president since 1833 to serve longer than four years. The inaugural address of William Henry Har rison waa the longest of those of any of the presidents. George Washington was inaugurated for his first term in New York City and for his second term in Philadelphia. President Monroe was the first to take the oath of office in the open air on a stand in the east front of the capital. The greatest military display seen at any of the presidential inaugurations was that which ac companied the installation of Ulysses S. Grant When Lincoln delivered his first inaugural ad dress. Stephen A. Douglas, whom he had defeated for the presidency, stood at his side and held his hat. The Bible on which Graver Cleveland took the oath at each of his inaugurations, was the one ore- sented to him by his mother when he left home in 185 J. Thomas R. Marshall is the fifth vice president to be re-elected. The others were John Adams, George Clinton, Daniel D. Tompkins and John C. lainoun. rNHssinBsr-BBatL A I Health Hint tor the Day. Don't rub an acutely painful Joint or massage a fever-stricken patient One Year Ago Today in the War. Senate voted to give President Wil son a free hand In the conduct ot in ternational affairs. Germans entered village of Douau- mont, north ot Verdun, after suffering fearful losses. British government adopted plan suggested by United States to safe guard the passage through the block ade of bona fide shipments from America. In Omaha Thirty Years Ago. Miss Bella Robinson's recital at Dohaney's opera houBe, Council Bluffs, was attended by several of her admirers in Omaha, including Judge and Mrs. Lake, Misa Connell, Mr. Sheppard, Mr, Foster, Mr. M err lam, Mr. Deuel, Mr. and Mrs. squires and Mr. and Mrs, Estabrook. The land for the new base ball grounds of the Omaha Base Ball club lies at the Junction of Twentieth and Lake. The club has secured a six- year lease and Architect Voss is at work upon plans for a grand stand and amphltaeater with a seating ca ppacity for 1.000 people. A bright and lively little girl has arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dusold, 613 North Sixteenth. All doing nicely. Superintendent James, who Is presi dent of the Nebraska State Teachers' association, is making arrangements for the twenty-tirst annual meeting of the association to be held in Lincoln. The first meeting of the Walnut Hill division of the Sunday School Tem perance army was held t Walnut Hill Christian church, Mr. C. L. Bayer giving an address. Mrs. Dr. Dysart and Mrs. H. C. Markel have gone to Kansas City, where they were suddenly called by the illness of their sieter, Mrs. George K. Barse. At a meeting of the Douglas County Horticultural society held at the office of E. L. Emery, 1306 Harney, Messrs. Conoyer, Wiesbarger and Hess were elected members. Tbls Day In History. 1776 Americana occupied Dor chester heights and threw up strong entrenchments. 1781 Rebecca Grata, the American girl who was the original of the hero ine of Sir Walter Scott "Ivanhoe," born In Philadelphia. Died there, August 27, 1861. 1817 James Monroe of Virginia waa Inaugurated president at Congress hail, in Washington, the capltol hav ing been destroyed by the British. 1828 Theodore D. Judan, known as the father ot the Paclflo railways, born at Bridgeport Conn. Died in New York City, November 2, 1863. 1837 City of Chicago Incorporated. 1860 The British steamship "Me dea" destroyed thirteen pirate junks in the Chinese seas. 1867 Benjamin F. wade of Ohio was elected president pro tern ot the United States senate. 1869 William T. Sherman was ap pointed a general ot the United States army. 1890 The National League of Re publican Clubs met In convention at Nashville, Tenn. 1892 Noah Porter, former presi dent of Yale university, died in New Haven, Conn. Born at Farmlngton, Conn., Dec. 14, 1811. 1901 William MoKinley was In augurated president of the United States for a second time. The Day We Celebrate. Alfred I. Creigh, the real estate man, was born March 4, 1884. He is treas urer of the corporation known aa Creigh, Sons & Co. Ralph R. Ralney, teller in the United States National bank, Is Just 87 today. He was born at Brownvllle and graduated at the University ot Nebraska. His banking experience began with the Union National. Doane Powell, cartoonist of The Bee, Is years old today. He arrived In Omaha direct by the stork route. Sherman L. Whipple, chief counsel In the celebrated "leak" Investigation, born at New London, N. H.j fltty-flve years ago today. Count de Tarnow-Tarnowvskt, who recently arrived In Washington aa Aus- tro-Hungarian ambassador to the United States, born In Gallcla, fifty one years ago today. Rear Admiral David W. Taylor, chief of the bureau of construction and repair of the Navy department born In Louisa county, Virginia, fifty three years ago today. Eben Swift one of the new briga dier generals of the United States army, born in Wyoming, thirty-six years ago today. William L. Chambers, commissioner of the federal board of mediation and conciliation, born at Columbus, Ga., sixty-five years ago today. Brand Whitlock, United States min ister to Belgium, born at Urbana, O., forty-eight years ago today, Edward J. Pfeffer, pitcher of the Brooklyn National league base ball team, born at Seymour, 111., twenty eight years ago today, Storyette of the Day. An Individual called Llje Williams was haled to court to answer a com plaint arising out of a broken bargain. Among the witnesses called was one Steve Collins. "Mr. Collins," said the examining lawyer, "you know the defendant in this case, do you not?" "Oh, yes," answered Collins. "What Is his reputation for verac ity?" continued the lawyer, "Is h regarded as a man who never tells the truth?" "Waal, I can't say that he don't never tell the truth," replied 8teve, "but I do know that if he wanted his hogs to come to dinner he'd have to git somebody else to call em!" New York Times. HERE AND THERE. Seajbtlli ars la eonorsl um as window panM la ths FhilippiM la Undo. Boots wore not made ia "rights" and "lofts" before the niaotoonth ooaturj. The Poklnc Guetto, which U stOI pub Uihcd la China, Is ovor 1,00s jean oil. The nllrood tlokot ni invontod hp aa English elork aamod ThonM Bdmondioa in 1640. It ti oitimotod that the warring nation! will hav apont on tho confliot tho aunt of 600,000,000.000 batwoon them If hostilities oontinno until tho beginning of autumn nt tho present rata of expenditure. Vosaouj ot tho United States nary now la eoauniaetoa tnohido oovoatooti battloabipa of tho Brat lino, twontp-Svo of the toeons lino, tea arawrod eraioor, twontp-Svo emisera ot a mailer trpo, Sftp.oosoai destroyers i twonty-flro aoipodo hoots. CONCERNING CUBA. Cuba had railroads before Spain, tho soother country. Sugar and tobacco arc the two greatest products of Cuba. Tho railway atatiott in Havana cost 63, 000,000 and is ono of tho finest in the world. Havana, tho capital of Cuba, lies 1,100 roUea aouth of Philadelphia, and 100 miles farther west than New York. Within sight of the shores of Cuba passes all of the Atlantic ahipping of tho gulf atatea, Alexlco and Central America. Cuba lias wholly within tho tropics. A line drawn south from Pittsburgh would pass directly through the island. When Columbua discovered the island of Cuba ho gave it the name Juana, in honor of Prince Juan, son of Ferdinand and Isa bella. Under the Spanish regime the death rate of Havana was something like thirty to the thousand, while today tho death rate is lower than that of New York. The forests of valuable woods that re main atanding in Cuba are estimated to ex ceed in area 13,000,000 acres. Tho coast of Cuba, approximately 1,800 milea in length, haa more excellent, deep water, landlocked harbors than any other country of its siao in tho world. There are no poisonoue anakea or reptiles in Cuba and no insects whoso bite or sting in&ict greater injury than does the common wasp of tho United States. Not only are all of tho fruits and vegeta ble of ths troptea grown in Cuba, but the soil is such that many of tho products of the temperate zone are grown as well. One of tho great natural attractions for tho tourist in Cuba is the famous Cave of Bellemar, near Matanxas, discovered only a few years ago, through accident, by a Chi nese laborer. AROUND THE CITIES. The Night and Day bank of St. Louis has taken on the opuleney of the profession and has moved into a new home of its own. One lone man possessing uncommon in dustry pulled off twenty-two burglaries in Salt Lake City in twenty-three days. To the cops who caught him with the goods he gave the name of Arthur C. Atkinson, 23 yeara of ago. Owing to the bone-dry condition of To- peka tho council regards an improvement of the water service an urgent public necessity. Next month the voters will ba asked to au thorize an Issue of bonds for that purpose and for motorizing the Are department. Hlnneapplia wanta to Invest 61,250,000 of public money in a municipal auditorium. The first step has been taken In an official request to tho legislature for an act author izing the city to aubmtt to votera the ques tion of Issuing auditorium bonds. A New York dealer in spuds teld the district attorney that he had about 20,000 bushels of potatoes, bought at from 62 to 60 a barrel, and intended to get all he could for them. "Two yeara ago," the dealer said, "I lost 660,000. I'm going to get it back with Interest. In other words, I've got the goods and make the price." A Jewel ot a jeweler In Detroit, finding regular business dull, filled his show win dows and some show eases with gems from local henneries and invited devotees of "strictly fresh eggs" to get In on a bargain rash. In fifty minutes ho' sold 1,800 eggs at 88 cents a dozen, 10 cents under the re tail rate, and broke up tho market as well as some high price makers. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. "Dubbi Is an unnatural kind of a father, I don't believe nature ever Intended htm fol E parent." ' Why, what's the matter with hlraT" "I asked him the other day If his boj oould talk and he Bald yes, but the child never eatd anything worth repeating."- Baltimore American. "You are exquisite," he raved. 'Tour eyet are lustrous, your complexion divine. D you think you could be contented aa pool man's wife?" "No," replied the girl frankly. "I'm pretti enough for the movies If I'm aa pretty as au that." Plttsburijh Post, She Don't you think Friday Is a very un lut'ky day on which to be married? He Wh'- er yes, of course; but whj pick on poor Friday ? Puck. Rose Nes Also show W (OOt LEFT! "So you want to become my son-in-law, eh?" demanded the stern parent. "I suppose I'll have to be If I marry youl daughter," replied the suitor.- Judge. "The squash is a neutral sort of vegetable Not much lasts to It." "Nature apparently has foreseen many ot man's needs. You can uee It to manufac ture many things, from plum marmalade H apple butter." Boston Transcript. "THE FLAG." There's something that Inspires us When our banner Is unfurled, And the "Stars and Stripes" so clearly come to view; Tls the flag we revere. When we see, we always cheer The "Star Spangled Banner," the Red, tho White and Blue. Many years It's been afloat, No foe haa torn it down. And conflicts it haa been In, not 4 few, And when we see It soar We love It more and more. The Star Spangled Banner, the Red, the White and Blue. If a foe should ua aggress, And we're called on to defend, No other flag we'd carry in Its lieu; And we'd tight unto the end, That no foe our flag should rend, That grand old banner, the Red, the White and Blue. "Sweet Land of Liberty," Of thee we gladly sing. For thy protection we will never rue; Where Pilgrim bands did come For their freedom, and a home, Loyal will we be to the Red, the White and Blue. "BELLBVIBU." Dentistry in PurHomc or My Office Dr. Brownfield. I am equipped to serve you in your home, hospital or at my office. This is un questionably a brand new idea, especially in this western country. I have have been greatly sur prised in its reception and will continue to serve all patients with the same kind and courteous treat ment. Office 403-5 Brandei. BIdg. Phone D. 2922. ' Rea. Phone Web. 441. iiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisuiiiauiiiiiiiiii I Drug News Our Mail Order Service " guarantees to out-of-town customers i the same consideration and care that s " is given to the hundreds who visit our is ? stores daily. Our Mail Order Depart- a ment is in charge o a BkiHed execu- 5 tive, who has had years of experience i and who takes particular care to ? a please everyone. 5 I Big Candy Sale All Thie Week i Three or four kinds "Sealed at Fac- ; B tory" 1-lb. box assortments o Choc- a i olate covered Nuts and Fruits, regu- s lar 40c and &0o values, on sale at, s m per lb. box 29c 5 I Sherman & McConnell i Drug Co. I FOUR GOOD DRUG STORES MiiitiitiiliiiiiiinininiiiHiiiiiiiiiiMHiiiiiiiiiiiuiiimtniiiiinif tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllilltlllltlllUHIIIIIllliI BE NOT DECEIVED! 1 THERE IS BUT ONE I Woodmen of the World j Greater Growth in Membership and Asset Than Any Other Fraternal Insurance Society MEMBERSHIP 810,000 I ASSETS $32,000,000 I Why Not Have the Best ? f CALL DOUGLAS 1117. I No Charge for Explanation J. T. YATES W. A, FRASER Sovereign Clerk. Sovereign Commander. siieMSiieiisiistieiieiieiieiieiieiteiieitiiieiisiiei eiiiiieKeiieiteiisiieiieiiei.eiTSiieireiieiieiieiiepieiiSTieMsiisiieiteiieiieiteiieiieiieiieiieiieinl NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order of the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, the undersigned will at 10 o'clock a. m. on Saturday, March 10th, 1917, at the of fice of National Fidelity & Casualty Company, 1203 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebras ka, sell at public sale to the highest bidder, the home office building of said company located at the southwest corner of 12th and Farnam Sts., and described as follows: ' Lot One (1), Block One-TMrty-Six (136) of the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Said sale will open promptly at 10:00 o'clock and be held open one hour, at the end of which time said property will be sold to the highest bidder. Terms of sale: Abstract showing good title, deed to purchaser and possession of premises to be delivered upon confirmation of sale by the court. The successful bidder will be required to deposit his certified check for $6,000.00 at time of sale. Balance of purchase price to be paid in cash at the time of confirmation of sale and delivery of deeds. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, March 1st, 1917. STATE INSURANCE BOARD By A. E. Agee, Assistant. FREE Proof to You gaaHSSSSS srverdinr t their own statements, tias cured ewer tour thousand l ess, women anal eMM- reaol 1 theSr torturing skin disease In the short time I have made this offer public. If Ton are a sufferer from Ecstms, Salt Rhrum. Itch, J' "eTF"nj"2 ,i!SL!lT.,El' treatment. It has cured the worst cases I ever saw. The wonders accomplished Is Tour owa ease will be proof. l., CUT am BUlt TODAY e sasas eons I. C. HUTZELL, Druggist, 2465 Wt Main St., Tort Wayne, Ind. riceae send, without cost or oblisatioo to me. Tour Pre Proof Treatment for Skin Diasassa. - AST Post Ottos-, .State. treat sad Ne..