The Omaha Sunday Bee PART TWO SOCIETY PAGES ONE TO TWELVE PART TWO MAGAZINE PAGES ONE TO TWELVE "VOL. XLVI NO. 41. OMAHA, ' SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 4, 1?17. , SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. News of the Week in Social and Glut) Circles CALENDARS SOCIAL , Monday New Bridge Luncheon club, Mrs. Mel Uhl, hostess. Farewell reception given by Cal vary Baptist church for Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Maxwell. Monday ' Bridge Luncheon club entertained by Mrs. J. W. Grif fith. Alphi Phi Sorority, Mrs. W. A. Willard, hostess. Luncheon for Portmanteau the ater committee at Fontenelle. Kensington for Miss Helen Miller, Miss Adelaide Vance, hostess. Tuesday-i . Novelty Dancing club party at Rome. Thimble club, Mrs. J. H. Dumont, hostess. Wednesday Elks formal dancing party. Five Hundred club luncheon at Commercial i club, Mrs. J. G. Quick, hostess. Box party for Mr. and Mrs. Luther Drake given by Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Baldrige. Five Hundred Ensemble club, Mrs. Walter Petersen, hostess. Tea for Mrs. Frank Selby, Mrs. W. L. Selby, hostess. Rockford college alumnae, Mrs. J. L. Beaton, hostess. Luncheon at Commercial club for Miss Helen Miller, Mrs. H. K, Adams, hostess. ' Thursday Cinosam club dancing party at Scottish Rite cathedral. Minstrel show at Metropolitan club for Temple Israel sister hood. ' Delta Whist club meeting at Blackstone. South Side Kensington club, Mrs. Lester Bratton, hostess. club, 'Mrs. Harry Lawri?, hostess. Unitarian Junior club Subscription dance at Xurpin's. Original Cooking club luncheon at Omaha club, followed by work at War Relief rooms. Dinner for Prof. F. M. Fling, Mrs. J. M. Metcalf, hostess. Saturday Defta Delta Delta sorority lunch-N eon with Miss Nan Frankish. Jones-Hayden wedding in Bir mingham, Ala. i I Week-End Dancing club at tne Fontenelle. INTERESTS of society everywhere are so diversified that Joseph's eloak-of-many colors would be a fitting mantle to throw ove'r the motley throng, for there would be somber or brilliant hues to suit all. One society writer of gayety at Palm Beach, Coronado, Atlantic City and other places in Florida and California, says:' "Lent is here, but judging from the reports of festivities during the last week, the sackcloth being worn seems of golden fabric and the ashes, ashes of roses." Another, writing from New York, sees another side of life and says: "The drab curtam of Lent has fallen. The social set is demonstrating that it means to observe the season of in action in the old-fashioned way." To the "ominous, far-away roar of the war" she attributes this change from recent seasons. Smart people more than any others, are impressed with the awful nature of war. They have been abroad in the midst of it. They have helped to "nurse the wounded of other wars to health. Tms helping has drawn them out of themselves. The women have become prepared for -something bigger and better than pouring tea in a drawing room. Omaha women are about evenly divided in their observation of the season. Some are giving up bridge, others are sewing for charity. The number of sewing circles is one of the chief indications of Lent. The Original Cooking club had luncheon at the Omaha club Friday, and after wards went to the war relief room in the Baird building for sewing. That war relief room is a very remarkable plate; by the way. That it is clean, light and airy you may take for granted. Everything is arranged in orderly fashion from sewing machines and work tables to ravelings and scraps of cloth. There is not a particle of waste, for each minute thread or snip of muslin is saved in the waste" basket set con veniently under the table and is used -in the stuffing of pillows. Those pil lows are a perfect delight'to the eyes. Around the tables are seated the women whose names you may read among the patronesses of prominent and worthy movements. They work faithfully with very little interruption and only a little conversation to add speed to the flying fingers. Inanother room sits a solitary firurt busily measuring, cutting and stamping. This woman, whom busy Mrs. Harold Gifford frequently con sults, is "Grace Redick," official ship ping clerk of the organization. Around the room stand filled and partly filled boxes and trunks of pillows, bandages and other clean, neatly folded articles. On shelves, carefuly covered, are bundles of blanket samples which will be matched and made into large and wa:m coverings for wounded men. The greatest lack still is old linen to use inside the packing boxes. Thursday- afternoon there was a special - treat in the shape of delicious sweet nats from Chicago, which the Misses .Millard were sharing with the work- - ?rs.' Vi-Tied Lenten Obeservances. Trinity Parish Aid society, is mak ing tray cloths and garments for hos pital patients. The Altar Guild of Trinity cathedral is sewing for a aiar, which they intend to give iftcr Easter. Other clubs are sew ;"K for the Child Saving Institute and w"'"1!!" 'riranizations. Nearly cv- CLUB Monday Omaha Woman's club, Metropoli tan clubhouse, open'meeting of oratory department, 2:30 p. in. P. E. O. Sisterhood, Benson chap ter, Mrs. E. .A.McGlasson, hos tess, 2:30 p. rh. P. E. O. Sisterhood, chapted B. K., Mrs. F. D. Wilson hostess, 2:30 f. m. Temple Israel Sisterhood, at Temple, 3 p. m. . Child Conservation league, Dun dee circle, Mrs. Fred Martin, hostess, 2:30 p. m. Omaha Woman's Commercial club, Van Sant school, 8 p. m. Tuesday Business Woman's council, court house, 11 to 2 p. m. Business Woman's club, Y. W. C. A., 7 p. m. Omaha Woman's club, oratory de partment, 10 a. m; parliamentary practice, -:ou p. m. South Omaha Woman's club, li brary hall, 2:30 p. m. Drama league, Blackstone, 4 p. m. Belle-Letters club, Miss Terra Tierney, hostess, 2:30 p. m. Jewish Ladies' Relief society, Y. M. H.-J., 2:30 p. m. Custer Woman's Relief corp, Sun shine club, Mrs. S. A. Bowes, hostess. Prettiest Mile Golf club, Mrs. George Swoboda, hostess, 8 p. m. Malva White Shrine, Sojourners club, Mrs. B. Woolstencraft, hos tess. Chautauqua circle, Tennyson chap ter, public library, 2:30 'p. m. W. C. T. U., West Side union, Jen nings M. E. church, 8 p. m. Wednesday Omaha Woman's club, literature department, 10 a. m., followed by luncheon at the Blackstone. Mu Sigma club, Mrs. C. W. Axtell, hostess, 9:30 a. m. Association of Collegiate Alumnae, story tellers' section, Mrs. W. H. ' Abbott, hostess, 4 p. m. Clio club, Mrs! W. R. McFarland, hostess, 2:30 p. "m. Miller Park Mothers' circle, Mrs. J. T. Bailev. hostess. 2:30 o. m. Wellesley -club,' Miss Halcyon Cot ion, nosiess, j p. m. Thursday Wyche Story Tellers' league, pub lic library, 4:15 p. m. Association of Collegiate Alumnae, drama section, Mrs. William Locke, hostess, 4 p. m. ' P. E. O, Sisterhood, Chapter E, Mrs. S E. George, hostess, 12 m. Omaha Woman's-club, home eco nomics departmetn, 10 a. m. Florence Nightingale club, all-day meeting, Mrs. Julian Swanson, hostess. . Deborah Franklin club, Commer cial club, 12 m. Friday Central Park Mothers'- league, school auditorium, 2:30 p. m. Child Conservation league, North Side circle, Mrs. Brown, hostess, 2 p. in. , i West Omaha Mothers' Culture club, Mrs T. W. Cox, hostess, 2:30 pm. Society of American Widows, Mrs. B. C. Turpin, hostess? 8 p. m, Scottish Rite Woman's club, at cathedral, 2 p. m. Equal Franchise society, Fling lecture, court house, 8 p. m. eryone is sewing, for that is a pleas ant penance. Miss Menie Davis said the other day: "None of my friends are observ ing Lent in any unusual way, but -fiiost of them are going to church. That helps some." Many others are following the same-plan, so that Bible classes arid church schools are flour ishing. One delightful matron,' you may guess her name, said, "Mother, I think I shall try to go to church' every day this Lent." Her mother looked at her soberly a minute, then replied, "Daughter, couldn't you spread it out through the year a little?" Aside from these usual wavs of ob serving the timevbf abstinence and good deeds, Mrs. T. R. Rutledge has hit upon a really novel way of chas tening the spirit. It is an altogether up-to-date thing to do and one calcu lated to reduce the High Cost of Liv ing, about, which everyone is talking in these troublesome times. You must have guessed already that Mrs. Rut ledge is doing without King Potato ,in every way, shape and form. Mrs. -Franklin A. Shotwell has a really constructive way of observing Lent. Instead of denying herself any spe cial thing she has elected to follow the Boy Scout motto and do one kind deed cac .ay. Unitarian Juniors' Dance. The largest affair yei arranged by the energetic young people of the Unitarian church will be given under the auspices of that church Friday evening at Turpin's hall. A large subscription dance, the proceeds of which will swell the building fund for the church to be erected at Turner boulevard and Harne;- streets, in the spring, will be the attraction. The committee in charge consists of the Hisses Leefa Holdrege, Agnes Rus sell, Adelaide Fogg, Dorothy Par sons, Mary Newton, Helen Bennett, Minerva Quirlb,, and the Messrs. Alan McDonald, Dan G. Cary, Sam O. Cot ner, Arthur L. Palmer, Ned Aitchison. The dance program will consist of both old time and popular dances. Patrons and patronesses for ihe event are: Messcrs. and Mesdames Walter H. Abbott, W. F. Baxter, Frank Boyd, B. W. Capen, N.NP. Dodge, H. C. Evarts. Arthur English, Harold Gifford, C B. Horton, G W. Holdrege, J. P. Justmn, Louis Kyle, John- McDonald. H. S. Mann, Grant Parsons, Kenneth Reed, C, W. Rus sell, Rudolph Von Luttgcn, A. D. Hoag. A. W. Jefferis, G. J. Iiigwer scn, R. -F. Lcavciu, W. J. Dcwinter, R. B. Tedrow, F. W. 'Fogg, L. J. Quinby, H. G. Nasburg, R. M. Jones, frank Barrett, W. h.. Bingham, and James Richardson; Mesdames A. Bennett, AImi Palmer, and E. A. Holyoke. Observe Nebraska's Statehood. The fifth annual banquet of the Ne braska Legislative Ladies' league was held Thursday evening at the Lincoln hotel. State officers and members of the legislature Vere guests of honor at the dinner, cVlebratint; the fiftieth anniversary of Nebraska's graduation from a territory into a state. Flags were draped on the walls of the large room and each place was marked by a small silk flag and vases filled with goldenrod, the state flower, alternat ing with yellow tapers in crystal sticks. Three hundred were present. Mrs. A. E. Sheldon, president of the league, introduced tfce following toasts: "Our Guests," by Mrs. Keith Neville; "Our Honorary Members, by Mrs. Edgar Howard; The Tree Planters," by Mrs. Lloyd Thomas; As We aee Uurselves, by Mrs. Laurie J. Quinby; "As Others See Us," by Mrs. Richard Neal; "Nt braska and the Fine Arts," by Mrs. William A. Appersoit; "Beyond Fifty," by Mrs. Allen W. Field. A "Nebraska" song, written by Mrs. George Write, was sung. The last number was a play, "The neDrasKa woman a atuay in r re gression," by Mrs. Homer K. Bur ket's League players in their first ap pearance. The play was given in three scenes, depicting life of fifty years ago or the ppen plains when the Indians roamed at will: the women of twenty-five years ago busily engaged :.. r : 1 in inc lormuig ui vdiiuu.tiuus, aim the present day, when the women ap peared before the court to show why ther should or .should not have suf frage debate, but, like the "white in the first scene, appeared in the suf frage debate, but like the "white man," were divided in their opinions. I The scenes were full of clever witti cisms, and the last one held several "take-offs" on the work of the present legislature. The cast included Mes dames C. H. Aldrich, H. K. Burkct, Dexter Barrett, Grant Martin, J. C. F. McKesson, C. B. Lettpn, .Edgar Pol lcys, A. W. Richardson, S. K. Kier, W. A. Clemmons, W. L. Bates and Miss Berna Miskell. The committee in charge of ar rangements for the banquet consisted of Mrs. Edgar Howard, Mrs. C. P. Peterson, Mrs. C. W. Beal, Mrs. Wil lis Reed, Mrs. A. V. RichardsoH and Mrs. Keith Neville. The Officers oi the league are: Mrs. Keith Neville, honorary president; Mrs. Addison E. Sheldon, president; Mrs. Edgar Howard, vice president; Mrs. William L. Bates, secretary; Mrs. Willis Reed, treasurer. Out-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Laurie J. Quinby, Omaha; Mrs. Henry Richmond, Omaha; Mr. and Miss Roddy, Nebraska City; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nutzman, Wyoming; Miss Grace Frances, Crawford; Miss Ger trude Gardner; Kearney; Mrs. J. Peter son, Crawford; Mrs. Harry - Adams, Chadronj Mrs. R. E. Jones, Spring field; Mrs. Jens Nielsen, Omaha; Miss Leaji Jones, Springfield; Mrs. -H. M RexCreston, la.; - Miss Virginia Broome, Valentine; Mrs. Gates, Omaha; Mrs, Weathers, Atlanta, Ga. Gossip of Winter Sojourners. - Mrs. John A. and Miss Marion Kuhn, Miss Gertrude Metz atftl Miss Mack reached Honolulu Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gould Dietz landed Tuesday in San Francisco from Hon olulu and have gone to Los Angeles to join Mis. Dietz's mother, Mrs. Putnam. , ' - Ben Gallagher, lias returned from California, having attended the Mardi M'C-t -':rf .Wir r- x cavf iioi; ) m v Gras ball at San Francisco. His mother, Mrs. Gallagher, is now at Coronado Beach, having gone there from Beverly Hills last week. Mrs. F. A. Nash and , children, Emma and - Junior, leave today for three or four weeks at Beverly Hills, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nash also leave today for California. Mr. and .Mrs. John W. Towle will be hotne next week from Beverly Hills. Mrs. A. B. McConnell has gone to California for a few weeks. lohn D. Creighton is at Asheville, N. C, with his daughter, Mrs. C. L. Allison, and Dr. Allison, who have taken a cottage there. Mrs. Charles Turner, who went to New York two weeks ago, is now vis iting iriends who have a cottage at Palm Rearh Mr. F. W. Clarke leaves Beverly Hills tomorrow for home, but his wife and daughter, Miss Helen Clarke, will remain longer. What Society Has in Prospect. Mrs. P. S. St. Clair, Miss Estellc R. Morrison and Miss Ellen H. Frank ish will entertain the Delta Delta Delta sorority at "luncheon Saturday at the home of Miss Frankish. Miss Mariorit Menold will entertain at an Orpheum party Wednesday aft- honor of Miss Marian Hall -r t: i.. i n - t.-J. there to sew at the War Relief room in the Baird building. Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae asso ciation will be entertained on Tues day, March 13, at the home of Mrs. R. A. McNown. Mrs. J. M. Metcalf, president of the Equal Franchise society, will enter tain Prof. F. M.' Fling of Lincoln at dinner Friday evening before the first Fling lecture. . The Week-End Dancing club will entertain at its fortnightly party Sat urday evening in the Fontenelle ball room. '- The committees of the Drama league which brought the Portman teau theater o Omaha are having a luncheon at the Fontenelle Monday. Mrs. Edgar Morsinan of the courte sies, and Mrs. Sam Burns of the pro gram committee are arranging the luncheon. The Friday Night Dancing club will entertain at Strehlow Terrace club house this week, Willis C. Crosby will introduce new dance num bers. Miss Dorothy Bingham will enter tain at a kensiugton tea for a coterie of young girls who meet every week for an informal afternoqn together, at her home at the Hotel Rome. The Winter Dancing club will give Its next dancing party March 13 at Hart hall in Dundee. Mr. Harry Koch and Mr. George Engler will en'tertain at an Or pheum party Monday evening in honor of Mi,s Laura Stone, the guest of Miss Elizabeth Keed. For War Relief Fund. ,,. Perhaps the largest affair attempted by the, local Jewish community is the war relief ball Thursday, March 29, at Mildred Foote who leaves -t - . s " J?) X&K here soon for her new w " v v ' ' X' ' "j i TV home in Pasadena, Cal. v . . n,- Jt t jr , Miss Stella Robinson will JT JF t xf ZA , -l A give a luncheon Mon- f V V 1 A ' day at the Blackstone in fr. ,, oiZkli i ' .--? J, t i For some time to come ' L ' aSP , ?- tfjT L A. 1 H. V the Original Cooking club, l, A 'V , A S W I - V ' instead of having its regu- v , tv J if 4 1 V wt , Vjl'f i MU i A V' lar luncheon at the homes f S, . s f ii S " M , A&LJg II 'Ei l t . 7 Jl 1 I of the member,, will take i Ji , icr Jf ' M W t- JVil S I luncheon at the Omaha V t ?Xi S" . fj 'rf A li V, I ' club and adjourn from f , J iX3 V -v S Vi V f - 1 , Mks.NE Dodge. t$x aitdPhihjp! the Auditorium. Old and young arc enlisted in the corps of workers who arc aiming to make this a successful affair in order that a large .sum may accrue to the war relief fund. Miss Hcdwig Roscnstock heads a group of young women who will take charge of the sale of American flags, (lowers, candy and cigars. Miss Jes sie Kruger will lead a baud of fortune tellers who will be installed in gypsy tents, and other unique, features are planned. , News of Visitors. Miss Lizbeth Biicknam of Warm), III., arrives'this morning for a, short visit with iir. and Mrs. F". H. Cole. Miss Bucknam is a daughter of the late Dr. A. F. Bucknam, who, with. Mrs. Cole's father, Dr. Byron G. Pierce and Dr. Leroy Crummer's fath er, Dr. B. F. Crummer, were associated in practice in Warren. Dr. Bucknam was also a friend of Dr. Godfrey of Galena, III., whose daughters, Mrs. Leigh Leslie and Mrs. Charles Leslie, live in Omaha.' Miss Bucknam plans to go to New Mexico later. Mrs. Albert Nebe of Detroit, for merly Miss Alice Thrall jf this city, arrived Friday, to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hyde. Mrs. George Tuttlc, who was a guest at the C, W. Lyman home, re- turned to St. Louis last week. Miss Alice. Langford of North Platte-, Neb., who has been the guest of Mrs. W. F. Crook for hc last week, left Friday for her home. Mr. Bruce Leslie of Muuising, Mich., is a guest of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Leslie. Mrs. Walter Hopewell of Tekamah came to Omaha to attend the Kappa Kappa Gamma luncheon at the home WiMtftH V ! ' of Mrs. BB. Davis Saturday. She returned to her home the same day. Residence Changes. Mr,, aiur1 Mrs. John Dumont and little son, sRichard, arrived Friday morning frrfm Toronto, Canada, which has been their home for the last four years. They will make Omaha their home from now on and arc tem porarily with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dumont. Mr. -end Mrs. Fred Daugherty will leave soon for the Daugherty ranch near Ogalalla, Neb., where they will iive-most of the year, except for two or three months in the winier. Mr. and Mrs. Ford E. Hovey have taken a house at 5104 Dodge street, which they will occupy the. last of this nioih. Mr. Hovey is vice presi dent of the Stock Yards National bank, having come here from Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Bridge and daughters, the Misses Laura and Nona Bridge, have moved from the Colonial to their new home at 5024 Webster street. Social Gossip. Mrs. Charles Kountze is in a hos pital in Chicago recovering from an operation for the removal of her ton sils and will not be home until next week. . Miss Regina Connell plans to go to. Louisville in April for the wedding, of a school friend and afterward to Cin cinnati and Portland, Me., to visit. , Mrs. W. J. Foye is at St. Joseph's, hospital, where she underwent an op eration for appendicitis Thursday. Miss Anna Bourke, who came to take part in "The Amazons," has re turned to Washington, stopping 'in Detroit for a day or two on her way. Mrs.Arthur Keeline returned Sun day from several weeks in Chicago MRS. N. P. DODGE, Jr., Is pro pond by the nominating com mitter of the Tuesday Morning Musical club as. one of tho new members of the board of di rectors. Mrs. Dodga is not only a patroness of music, but she Is herself a talented violinist. Be fore her marriage Mrs. ; Dodga was a Boston girl. Her interest extends to the Drama league and Fine Arts society and to the Ne braska Anti-Suffrage association, on which board she also Mrs. Dodga is one of the patron esses for the large Unitarian sub scription party Friday evening. Philip, her little son, is not the least of Mrs. Dodge's Interests. Thoiolv with her sister, Mrs. Louis Jaques, and Mrs. Conrad Spens. Mr. Kee line, who accompanied her, returned a week earlier. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keogh went to New York Wednesday for a two weeks' stay. Mrs. E. W. Nash is expected home today from Dubuq"ue, where she stopped over a few days enroute from the east. Mrs. L. F. Crofoot and Miss Frances Nash are in New York and will be home this week. - Mr. W. J. Connell left Friday even ing for Kansas City and Excelsior Springs for a week's business trip. Mr. John D. Creighton, 2d, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Creighton, who has been very seriously ill, is now out of danger and is conva lescing. Mrs. Edward .A. Creighton was also ill with the grippe. Mr. and Mrs. J. deForest Richards left Thursday evening for Denver. They will return the first of the week. Mfs. Richard Carrington has re- turned from a delightful visit with friends in St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. G. Alexander Young is an un tiring worker for the Visiting Nurse association and the Nurses' Registry. Today V Bee pictures Mrs. Young with her. small daughter, Margaret, for the first time. j Mr. Lyman Phillips has returned from Washington, iD. C, where he took his examinations fcT West Point. Miss Alice Rushton will accompany her guest, Miss Marian Hall, to Lin coin Tuesday, where she will remain a week, attending the Bachelor's dance at the Lincoln hotel and the Kappa Kappa Gamma formal. From there she will go to Manhattan, Kan., to visit her sister, Mrs. Cortclyou. Mr.-Cortelyou is the liead of .-the Gcr . . v ; ' - Contluueil on Pnce Two-, ColumaOatt)