THE? OMAHA SUNDAY - BEE: MARCH -4, ' 1917. 11 A WHEAT AND CORK STARTLE MARKET C!ash Corn of Last Year's Crop Reaches Record Mark Hard Wheat High. "WORST IS YET TO COME" New high grain prices were marked up by the Omaha Grain exchange when cash corn of last year's crop sold at $1.03 and No. 2 hard wheat sold at $1.96 cents per bushel. - i Zarly last fall a carload of prime yellow corn of the 1915 crop sold at $1.03. But Saturday not only one, but a dozen carbads, sold at $1.03. The previous top cash price on No. 2 hard wheat was $1.95 per bushel. That was last fall and then but one carload reached this mark. Saturday six cars sold at $1.96 per bushel. And for th consumer, say the grain men, the worst is yet to come. The opinion of many of the dealert that $2 wheat and much higher priced corn will be In evidence before the end of another week. ' Option Is HighV While tilt cash price attained by corn was startling, the option, was staggering. Corn for May delivery sold as high as $1.07H; July delivery, $1.07K, and next September, $1.05?, a bushel. , For a Saturuay the Omaha re ceipts were just fair. There were thirty-seven cars of wheat; forty-four of corn, and twenty-five of oats on the market. Wheat sold all the way from $1.9054 up to $1.96, an advance ot 3 to 6'A cents over the prices of Friday. v There were no sales of corn under $1 per bushel, the ruling prices being $'-.011.03. The advance was 3', to 4 cents a bushel Oats topped the market, but the ad vance was less than on wheat and corn, it being l'A to 2 cents a bushel. The range in prices was narrow, the sales being made at 5858c a bushel. Give your Want Ad a chance to make good, Run it in The Bee. STEALS TO FEED STARVING FAMILY Police find Only Fifteen Cents in Home of Man Who Turned Burglar. HELD FOR DISTRICT COURT Because his family of four small children, all under 6 years of age, were starving, is believed to "have prompted John A. Andi rson, 600 South Twenty-eighth street, to rob the boarding house managed by Mrs. M. Houston, 2021 California street, Friday evening. When officers called at Anderson's home they found his family destitute and only 15 cents in the place. Although when caught he had a col lection of valuables which he had ran sacked from rooms of the boarding housei police believe that his inten tion was to get food for his family. "Many nights we hive had to send our children to sleep without any sup per," Mrs. Anderson told detectives. "I urged Johr to quit stealing and he promised me faithfully. 1 wanted him to get a job and go to work. In police court Anderson pleaded guilty to the robbery and was bound over to the district court on $750 bonds. He also admitted .o the theft of the blue serge Suit which he was wearing at the time of his arrest. Miss Alice Paul Chosen Head of Woman's Party Washing ton, March 3. Miss Alice Paul of Pennsylvania was elected unanimously today as national chair man of the national woman's party formed yesterday by the amalgama tion of the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage with the former wo man's party organized in Chica last June. Miss Mabel Vernon oi ..tvada was elected secretary and Miss Ger trude Crocker of Illinois, treasurer. An executive committee of ten was appointed. Officers an delegates of the wom an's party unanimously agreed that the suffrage demonstration at the White House Sunday afternoon would take place rain or shine. The grounds are to be surrounded by suf- irage sentinels. Committees for King Ak for 1917 Named; Time to Pay The Ak-Sar-Ben committees from among the board of governors have just been appointed by President Buckingham for the ensuing year. They are as follows: PtnaneeHaveratlck, Brandeta, Dlete. Parade Hlchattln, Haunuere. Judaon. Ball Brown, Buckingham, Hoefort. KltualJudeon, Buckingham. Beaton. Amuaement Branileta, Saundera. Haver, atlck. llouae Dleta. Blank, Burkina-ham. Printing Hoaford, Brown. Black. Light Naah, Haveratlck, Richard. Music Naah, Hoaford, Beaton. RailwayBlack, Brandela, Judaon. Puxchaee Beaton, Dleta, Richard. Memberehlp gaundere, Naah, Brown, Siaedue Ball Brandela, Judaon, "aundere. The officers of the board are Ever ett Buckingham, president; Gould Dietz, vice president; G. E. Haver stick, treasurer, and J. D. Weaver, secretary. The new Ak-Sar-Ben buttons are expected to arrive at any time, after which all those taking out member ships will be given their buttons. Those taking out memberships now will not have to undergo ihe tortures of initiation. Hogs Reach Top Price Of $13.55 on Omaha Market With the hog market at 20 cents higher than the previous day, hogs on the South Side market reached $13.55. The top Friday wa; $13.30. Packers and speculators snapped up ;he supply early with great avidity, cleaning out the visible run by 9 o'clock, which is very exceptional in the local stock yards. The bulk of the offering sold at C'3.25 to $13.45, wl.ich was an easy 20 cents above the bulk of Friday, while the top was a quarter above the top of Friday. City Hall Denizens Will Go to Capital Tuesday A delegation of city hall people will go to Lincoln next Tuesday noon to appear before the house committee on cities and towns in connection with a ciatl service bill being fostered by city officials. The hearing has been set for 4:30 p. m, in the state house. Kidnaps Two Little , Girls from Kansas And is Caught Here Stricken with a mania to run awaj with neighbor children. Miss Ruth Mohrman of Morrill, Kan., traveled to Omaha with Edith Davis and Ruby Winkler, each 6 years of age and children uf neighbors of the Mohr man family. The actions of Miss Mohrman on a train and at the Carlton hotet aroused the interest of George Town ley, who otified the police. The Kansas woman and her two small traveling companions were taken from the Carlton hotel at i a. m. by the police. Miss Mohrman's mind appears to have been affected. She would give the police no intelligent reason for running away with the 6-year-old girls beyond to state that she just wanted to take them for a train ride to Omaha. She said she had heard of Omaha for years and wanted to see this city. Relatives of the children and Miss Mohrman are on the way from Kansas Remarkable Value Giving in This March Sale of Home Furnishings Sale Price. $25.00 35.00 2S.0O 35.00 . 25.00 20.00 22.50 22.50 22.50 15.00 35.00 25.00 35.00 25,00 25.00" "17.98 70.00 52.50 55.00 s 10-6x13-6 5 Smith's Axminster Rugs, 11-3x12 8 Smith's Nepperham Rug's, 10-6x12 .......... V.. . 9 Biglow ArdbiU Wilton Rugs, '9x12 9 Biglow Bagdad Wilton Rugs, 9x12 v.... J 3 Ardsley Axminster Rugs, 9x12 27.50 18 Smith's Saxony Rugs, 9x12. . 30.00 5 Biglow Ardbill Wilton Rugs, . i 8-3x10-6 60.00 14 Biglow Bagdad Wilton Rugs, 8-3x10-6 47.50 10 Smith's 6000 Wilton Rugs, 9x12 42.50 49 Smith's Nepperham Brussels Rugs, 9x12 24.00 1 7 Smith's Manor Brussels Rugs, 9x12 20,00 18 Smith's Hudson Tap Brussels Rugs, 9x12 18.00 25 Smith's Nepperham Tap Brussels Rugs, 7-6x9-0. ..... 17,00 15 Smith's Colonial Velvet Rugs, 7- 6x9-0 25.00 10 Smith's Kerman Axminster Rugs, 4-6x6-6 12.00 40 Smith's Nepperham Brussels Rugs, 6x9 14.00 27 Smith's Colonial Velvet Rugs, 6x9 21.00 15 Smith's Axminster Rugs, 6x9 , 21.00 32 Smith's Nepperham Brussels Rugs, 8-3x10-6 20.00 65 Smith's Manor Brussels Rugs, 8- 3x10-6 18.00 3 Smith's Saxony Axminster Rugs, 8-3x10-6 ....8-3x10-6 25.00 5 Smith s Colonial Velvet Rugs, 8-3X1U-S 18 Smith's Extrs Axminster Rugs, 8-3x10-6 17 Smith's Colonial Velvet Rugs, 9x12 .. 12 Smith's Carlton Axminster Rugs, 9x12 3 Smith's Kerman Axminster Rugs, 9x12 ............... 36 Smith's Axminster Rues. 36x72 '. 6.50 50 Smith's Velvet Rugs, 36x72.. 4.50 30 Smith's Colonial Rugs, 27x54 4.00 45 Smith's Axminster Rugs, ' , 18x36 1.60 75 Smith's Extra Axminster Rugs, 18x36 2.00 Large assortments of Odd Rugs at reduced prices. 20 pieces Best Grade of Printed Linoleum, 12 ft. wide, worth regularly 90e per sq. yd., sale price ... ..69c 39.50 19.98 19.98 47.50 32.50 25.00 15.00 15.00 12.50 12.98 18.98 , 7.98 10.98 14.98 14.98 14.50 12.50 18.98 31.00 18.98 28.60 18.98 35.00 22.98 35.00 25.00 35.00 25.00 3.49 2.98 2.98 .98 1.25 Beginning Monday and Con tinuing All Week A Sale, which brings it within your power to refurnish the home or place a new pece of furniture or a new rug here or there at a most surprisingly small cash outlay. Manufacturers' Sale Rugs And Linoleums , More than one thou sand R u g s for1 your se lection, at Less Than Cost Price At the Mills Today We made this purchase previous to the big advance in prices. A saving of 25 per cent to 40 per cent on every pur chase you make. , , "gjjjj' 9 Wilton Rugs, 9x12. ....... .832.50" 8 Biglow Bagdad Brussels - Rugs, 9x12 , 10 Oneida Bagdad Brussels Rugs, 9x12 12 Blelow Bagdad Brussels Rugs,' 8-3x10-6 31.00 12 Electra Axminster Rugs, 9x12 32.00 29 Smith'Si Extra Axminster Rues. 9x12 32.00 18 Katonah Velvet Kugs, 8x12 4 Smith's Axminster Rugs, TUT 16 W DODGE DOUGLAS STREETS Furniture Bargains (Extraordinary Manufacturers' Sample Lines, together with Floor Samples and au uuu rujces num uur iveguiar siock, on oaie at rrices Actually Less Than Makers' Cost Today Beds, Bedding , and Pillows i Beginning Monday and Con ? tinumg All Week y Three striking characteristics mark this f March Sale. High quality, unusually broad 5 assortments and remarkably low pricings. No 1 home furnishers should miss it $ Ti- - " ,U Vli Vernis Martin Beds, made by the Simmons Bed Co.; continuous posts; $7.50 Value, only . ........ .$5.25 $9.50 Vernis Martin . Beds, heavy thick fillers, at $6.25 $20.00 Wood Beds, golden oak, fumed oak and the mahogany finish; on sale, $13.50 $30.00 4-Poster Mahogany Wood Beds, ex tra heavy posts, test quality manufac turers' samples .$22.50 One-third off on all Sample Beds in the Napoleon style; mahogany, oak and Circas sian walnut; one of each. ,$12.00 Layer Felt Mattress, full size, full weight. $7.75 Roll edge 45-lb. fancy art ticking Combination Felt Mattress, full weight $5.00 1 $20.00 continuous post Brass Bed, neavy tillers. . ,14.50 $18.00 continuous post Brass . flea, iu liners...,, si $15.00 Brass Bed, 2-inch posts, only $9.50 $6.00 Link Spring, 6-inch raise, protected, corners, with extra heavy bands on edge, well supported;. ...$4.60 (5.50 Spring, same style, in this sale. .$3.95 Good, strong link fabric Spring, only $2.45 $4.25 Sanitary Couches.'drop sides. .$3.00 $3.00 folding canvas Army Cots, only $2.25 (Joil spring, ixv coils, guaranteed 20 years, $8.00 value $5.00 $2.25 folding Wood Cots, woven wire. at. .. .11.50 Good, clean Chicken Feather Pillows.. rr.73e $2.50 Pillows, 7 lbs. to the pair, art tick SI.50 I $5.00 Goose Feather Pil lows, by the pair. .$3.50 Bed Davenports and Duofolds Large site Bed Davenport, opens up with one motion, golden or fumed oak, best springs in seat and back, heavy back and ends, Spanish upholstering. ...... .$26.50 Duof old or small size Bed Davenport $26.50 $45.00 genuine Spanish leather Davenport, large or small size,, golden or fumed oak, only. .$35.00 30.00 Kitchen Cabinet, ev orjrthing complete ..$19.50 Gliding aluminum top, glass ugar and spice jars, drop flour bin, bread and cake box, etc., best finish. $5.50 breaKiast tauies, urop leaf, round or square $3.75 Kitchen Tables, with drawer, 2H or S-ft. size, at , , .$1.7.5 45-inch top round 6-ft. Extension Dining Table, in the fumed or golden oak, in this sale $9.50 $26.00 Dining Table, 4-ft. top, extends 8 ft, at $15.50 Sale Begins Monday, Continues All Week rnrni 48-inch top round Extension Dining Table, in the fumed or golden oak, $17.50 table, opens 6 ft. .$14.50 $32.00 Dining Table, 54-inch top: this is a very large table; the best quality extra heavy base, fumed or golden $23.50 Buffet, golden oak, colonial design, $22.00 value $17.50 $27.60 Golden Oak Buffet, extra large, only $20.00 $35.00 Buffet, William and Mary or Queen Anne in the Jacobean finish. . . ... .$25.75 Dining Table, 54-inch,' William and Mary design $24.50 One-third off on all odd piece China Clos- . eta. one of a pattern, samples; fumed oak, mahogany or golden oak. 25 off on all Ladies' Desks, any finish. 25 off on walnut, fumed oak, golden oak or Jacobean Buffets, Tables, China Clos ets or Chairs, on all sample pieces. . Dining and Bedroom Chairs Fumed oak Dining Chairs, $4.50 values, real leather, full boxed, slip seats, 6 of a pattern ., $3.00 Golden 'Oak Dining Chairs, wood seats, $1,50 value $1.00 $3.00 wood seat' Dining Chairs, fumed oak $1.75 All manufacturers' samples of $4.00 Bed room Chairs and Rockers and Sewing Rockers, oak, mahogany, etc $2.65 All $3.50 Sewing and Bedroom Rockers and Chairs, in all woods, in this sale. . , .$2.50 Arm Rockers, golden oak, $2.50 values, at ...$1.60 Arm Rockers, golden and fumed oak, $4.50 values ...$3.00 8 patterns large Arm Rockers, leather, spring seats, golden oak, fumed oak, ma hogany and all woods; $8.00 and $9.00 values, in this sale $5.60 8 patterns large Arm Rockers, golden oak, leather, spring seats; regular price $7.60, at ., $4.75 All $22.50 Library Tables, extra large size, all woods, the best quality made. .$16.50 Odd Library Tables, samples, $10, $12.50, and $14.50 Serving Tables, golden oak, fumed, ma hogany ft off Extra Large Dressers and Chiffoniers Also Bedroom Suites, 3 pieces, in ma hogany, Circassian walnut, golden oak and American walnut, also odd Sample Dress ers, Chiffoniers, Dressing Tables, etc., one of a pattern.' One extra large $57.50 Circassian walnut Dresser $37.50 Also $34.50 Circassian walnut Dressing .Table to match $24.60 Four odd sample Circassian walnut Chif foniers, $32.60 value, only one of each, in this sale $22.50 One $75.00 extra large Circassian walnut Dresser , $46.00 One $60.00 extra large Circassian walnut Chiffonier to match $39.00 Two complete Bedroom Suites, in Cir cassian Walnut, extra large, well made, consisting of dresser, $98.00; chiffonier $85.00, dressing table, $67.00; total value $250.00; on sale, for only. . . . . . .$175.00 One $125.00 Circassian Dresser, massive, for ..$75.00 One $100 Circassian Chiffonier to match, for $65.00 127.80 1 a One $45.00 Circassian Chiffonier. One odd lot $18.00 Dressing m takl.. .in.U in.. ( .L WT WV.UD, ai.iajiv IUIUVI, IU MU oak and mahogany $9.71 One American or Black Walnui Suite, 8 pieces, $37.50 dresser. $82.50 chiffonier, $32.60 table, total $102.50; special price in this new suite, $85.00 One Walnut Suite, $27.50 dress er, $26.50 chiffonier, $24.60 table, 3 mirrors; total, $78.50 only $58.51 $20.00 Fumed Oak Dresser, Co lonial style, for $14.75 Fumed Oak Chiffonier to match $20.00 Dresser and Chiffonier, in golden oak, only ,...$14.75 $12.00 Dresser in golden oak, only $8.95 $10.00 Dresser in golden oak, only $6.96 $95.00 Dresser in golden oak, massive and extra large, Co lonial pattern $59.50 $75.00 Chiffonier to match, only $45.00 $65.00 Dresser, extra large, golden oak, for 139.50 $50.00 Chiffonier, extra large, to match, for J32.50 Extra large Mahogany Bedroom Suite, 8 pieces, $05.00 dresser, $60.00 chiffonier,, $55.00 table; total, $210.00; , close-out price on this sample suite. ..... .$139.00 26 per cent off on all odd dressers, chif foniers, dressing tables, etc., samples, where we have only one of a kind in ma- hogany, Circassian, oak and walnut. Furniture for the Children Alts Novelties and Odd Pieces ' Bassinett on wheels, rubber tires, white enameled with real bed springs: $4.60 article for.. $3.50 Children's Beds, white or bronze, drop side, large size, $9.60 bed, 1 on sale . ; $6.60 Kid's all cotton Mattresses.. $2.50 $3.50 Baby Walker, $2.00i Baby Walkers, $1.50, and good, well made walker, $1.00 ; Folding Nursery Seat, fits over the large toilet seat, for the baby, only. . . . .$1.00 Children's $3.00 High Chairs $1.78 Bow Back High Chairs si.bu Children's $3.00 Arm Rockers $1.50 Children's Arm Rockers, fumed oak. $1.25 Reed Nursery Chairs, with table, . ..$1.00 Reed Arm Rockers, only. $1.25 $1.75 Children's Cradles, only $1 $3.50 Children's Wood Beds, folding, for $2.50 Folding Sulkies, one motion, the best t made, handle and all folds up, $3.95 With hood $1.00 extra. 1 Semi-folding Sulky, rubber tired, for $2.50 One Motion Collapsible Go-Cart with hood and rubber tires, $8.00 value, at.. .$5.00 $1.26 Kitchen Stools, only. $1.00 $3.50 Folding Card Tables, mahogany fin ish, the best card table on the market, for $1.75 $1.50 Sewing Table, only 95c On Sale in Furniture Dept., Third Floor IIS on KM wv M II Wonderful Bargains in Curtains and Draperies Tremendous assortments for selection in the great March Sale At Half Price All Curtains and Draperies greatly reduced this week. Curtain Specials , Regular ' 1 Price. Curtains.. ?15.00 Curtains, , Curtains.. Curtains. , and Cluny Cluny Cluny Cluny Marquisette . Cluny 13 Duchess Curtains, 5 Duchess Curtains. 17 Duchess Curtains. 80 Cable Net Curtains 25 Cable andFiletNet SO Cable Net....... 12.50 10.00 8.50 6.00 30.00 20.00 15.00 4.50 5.00 3.00 Sale ' Price. 7.50 pr. 6.25 pr. , 5.00 pr, 4.25 pr. V ' 'i 3.00 pr, 15.00 pri 10.00 pr. 7.50 pr. 2.25 pr. , 2.50 pr, ; 1.50 pr. Portieres Specials Regular Price. 5 Silk Portieres. . . .$15.00 3 Silk Portieres.... 18.00 8 Silk and Linen , Portieres 12.50 , . 8 Silk Portieres. ... 15.00 8 Plain Rep For- tieres .......... 8.00 5 Silk Portieres.... 18.00 20 Light Portieres. . . 5.00 Couch Covers Sale Price. $7.50 pr 9.00 pr. 6.25 pr. 7.50 pr. i 4.00 pr. . 9.00 pr. 2.50 pr. s ' ' ' Regular Sale , , Price. Price. 2 Couch Covers.. $8.00 $4.00 ' 36 Door Panels. . . . 2.50 1.25 14 Door Panels. ... .50 .25 4 Door Panels.... 1.00 . .50 100 yds. Bungalow Net ........... .40 .20yd. 200 yds. Cretonne.. .20 .10yd. 850 yds. Cretonne.. .38 .19yd. ' 125 yds. Cretonne . . .50 .25 yd. 200 yds. Colored Madras ........ .30 .15 yd. 100 yds. Fringe .05 .02 yd. 3 Rope Portieres.. , 9.50 4.75 6 Rope Portieres. . " 6.50 , 3.25 , 63 Rope Portieres. . 4.00 2.00 450 yds. Drapery Silk : .80 .39 yd. I S s House Furnishings of Every Description Greatly Underpriced This Week All New, Perfect Goods No Seconds Offered in This Sale. Only a comparative few of the splendid values shown here llSted. If yOU are in need Of hnilRpflirniarn'no-afhiciCiolo ia vnv antf-nnnn-miHr - -- www kj VAAAtJ kJCl XaJ J UU1 V vfV' s Brighton Wringer, fully warranted, . $3.95 value. .$2.79 Clothes Basket, small size, $1.15 , value ;...79c Clothes Basket, medium size, $1.35 value ..98c Clothes Basket, large size, $1.60 value ...$1.29 Oblong Clothes Basket, small size, fi.ov vaiue 99c Oblong Clothes Basket, medium size, $1.75 value for $1.74 Oblong Clothes Basket, large size, $2.25 value $1.98 6-Cup Aluminum Percolator, $1.49 value 98c l'2-Quart Aluminum. Percolator, $1.49 value 98c 10-Quart Aluminum Preserving Ket tle, $1.49 value $1.19 Casseroles, $2.25 value $1.39 Vacuum Hand Washer, 50c value, for 39c Ironing Board, $1.25 value 89c White Combinetts, $1.50 value, for .,. $1.29 5-Piece Set Mrs. Pott's Sad Irons, $1.10 value 69c Electric Iron, fully warranted, $4.00 value $2.48 12-Quart Gray Preserving Kettle, 49c value ......29c No. 8 Tin, Copper Bottom, Wash Boiler, $2.25 value. . . . .... .$1.48 No. 9 Tin, Copper Bottom, Wash Boiler, $2.75 value ....$1.68 O'Cedar Oil Mop and 1-quart oil, $1.60 value $1.15 Chemically treated floor Shine Dust Mops, 50c val ued for 39c Folding Clothes Racks, $1.29 value, for 98c PaV,Jry H A YD EN'S First Pays