Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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Continuing that wonderful sale of most excellent Foot
wear on the Main i AC J fco or
Floor, at... L.UJ tUMl $0.0 J
Veilings are
... V
Biandeis Stores
Bead Trim
ming . Indian in
v bright colon
are employed.
,Cut Flowers-Low Priced v V
Freah, Fane Carnations, all colon, each, 2MI dos.. .......... 29e
. Large Bunches Violets, 50 in bunch, at. . 19c
Beautiful Sweet Peas, in all colon, bunch..... ., ...29c
Cut Flower Shop Entrance to Pompeian Room
Splendid Styles- in All Spring Apparel for the Saturday' Sales
Women's and Misses' Petticoats
New arrivals in Women's and
Misses' Silk Petticoats, in White
. A Washable Tub Silk; full flare mod
els, shirred ruffle, elastic band ; in all
new Spring shades of Gold, Purple,
. Gray, Rose, Belgium, Two-Tone ef
fects, also Black, and Navy ... Blue
Taffeta.'-'-, , .. ; . .
, Prices $3.98, $5.00 and $5.98
A Specialty Shop for. these also the
variety we are offering is remarkable.
' Second Floor x '
famed far and wide for the
wonderful variety offered and
the unusual merit attaching to
every style shown. Each Blouse
is selected with extreme care
and the result is that we
show more of' the best styles
than any other store in this vF
cinity. ' "
Beautiful new Creoe de Chine Blouses, in flesh.
white and light green; large sailor collar
and large pearl buttons
New Arrivals in Crepe de Chine Blouses; large
collars trimmed with Filet and Venise lace and em
broidered; others with insets on collars of lace;
these Blouses come in white, flesh and gold. Priced
very moderately, QQ
at ...y...,. 9390
Genrcrette Crerie Blouses, with frills and collars
and cuffs with filet insertions, in flesh, and white; J
oiners emDroiaerea. me ongni -colors,, sucn as
Kelly Green, Peach, Watermelon Pink, etc., are very
much in evidence. Made with full tucked fronts.
The prices range C CA 'tt? QQ
from , ..ipO.OU to4070
New arrivals in Crepe de Chine Blouses, with
large shawl collars, in the bright shades, also flesh,
white and pink with beautiful Venise collar and
at $5.50 to $6.98
. Second Floor . , .
Spring Suits for Women
' At $29, $35 and 45
Tweeds and Serges, Tricotine, the new
Burella Cloth, and the soft, light, Velours, also
Poiret Twills.
A touch of the masculine is observed in
the plain tailored tuxedo lines and there is
more than a hint of the cutaway.
To Particularize We Mention One Suit ,
v , at $29.00
- - Made of Wool Twill, and cuffs trim
med with many small buttons, odd
pockets, collar of Tussah Silk and lining
of Flowered Taffeta.
Colors are Navy, Tan, and the new
Marie Louise Bi ,
Second Floor
This Specialty Shop for Children
Offers the Very Daintiest Wear
from 6 to 16 years of age, most at
tractively featured here.
Children's New White Dresses, made
f sheer Organdies, Nets, Voiles, etc.;'
with fine lace and embroidery trimming ,
and finished with beautiful ribbon
at ..
Children's New , Colored ' Wash
Dresses, large, variety or styles; made
of Ginghams. Renos. Percales Cham-
brey, etc., in large plaids. AUIast
at ... ,
$1.00 to $5.00
Second Floor
Women's New Spring Coats
At $15, $19 to $25
VERY - MODEST prices indeed for
such attractive, smart models. New Ityles
in pleated backs, belted in "at waist or
- flared effects; smart collars in sailor or
round shapes; pockets lhat vary in pat
terns and , shapes, adding distinction to
their charm. Made of Velour, both plain
and plaid patterns; Poplins, erges and
Tweeds; at the popular; prices of $15.00,
$ 19.00 to $25.00.,
Second Floor !
Women'. Moderately Priced
$12.50, $15.00 and $19.00
New arrivals in Crepe Meteor,
' Taffeta and Crepe de Chine.
Many with Georgette combi
nations; smart pleated mod- "
; els, with clever embroidered
effects and dainty colors. Spe
cial, Saturday, at the prices
we quote above.
, Second Floor
This Specialty Shop
for Miues and Small Women
It An Individual Shoo of Intimate
These Drum Are Distinctive Styles
for Misses and Small Women
' "Youthful" styles
from the severe "tail
leur" effects to the
bright and c h e e n y
sports styles. Colors
have ther call, no
question about , that,
Suits, Coats and Dresses
Prices $16.50 to $50.
Second Floor.
Dainty Handkerchiefs
Specially Priced for Saturday t Selling
Wonderful values in Men's, Women's and
Children's Sample Handkerchiefs cf linen, silk and
cotton. In plain and narrow hemstitched borders,
with embroidered corners, in white and colors; 16c
and 25c values, each . .:10
Ladies' Silk Crepe de Chine Handkerchief a in
white, solid colors and fancy colored borders and
corners, plain and narrow hemstitched; some neatly
trimmed with Armenian lace edge; 25c and 85c
values ; special, each 1S4
Women's and Children's Sample Handkerchiefs,
in cotton, narrow hemstitched borders with white
and colored corners; special, each 5k
Knit Underwear
. At Special Prices
Women's Fine Lisle Union Suits, lace trimmed
and cuff -knee styles, pink and white, at..,. 501
Women's Fine Cotton Lisle Vests, Kayser make,
fancy crocheted yokes, pink and white, regular and
extra sizes , J 25tf
' Women's Fine Cotton Union Suits, fancy lace
trimmed, knee length, seconds, at. 254
Women's Kayser Vsts, hand crocheted yokes,
pink and white, regular and extra sixes, at. , . .594
Women's Silk Top and Lisle Body Union Suits,
cuff-knee styles,' pink and white, in regular and
extra sites, each, at. .. . ....... f 81,00
Main Floor
- V
Best Gloves
' Months and months ago we
bought these Washable Chamois.
ette Clovw and as a consequence
can sell them a full 25 lower
thanUhe prices that prevail today.
They' are all guaranteed washable
and they come in white and white
.with black backs, in a beautiful
soft finish. Pair ,
59. 79 and 31.00 "
Kayser Silk Gloves ' .
It is our experience that there are noije better made and our stock
is more complete tlis year than ever. Guaranteed by the makers and
ourselves. Styles and colors are most beautiful and our assortment in
the new shades, silver gray, gray, pongee, mastic, as well as the staple
colors and black, and white, jlain, and with beautifully embroidered
backs, is complete. Prices, per pair. .60d to SI. 75
; Milanese Silk-Gloves
One special lot of Milanese Gloves in black and white, with or with
out contrast backs, at, per pair. .-. ...... 75
Washable Kid Glove
, Our stock of Washable Kid Glomes is remarkably complete. ' We
are Omaha's exclusive agents of the famous Perrin, and Adler washable
Kid Gloves. Every pair guaranteed by the makers and by us. These come
in pearl, pearl white, mastic, gray, beige, gold, the new tan shades, etc.
either the.plain or -attractively embroidered backs. The retail price
of these gloves is 3till based upon last year's figures, per pair. . .$2.00
A special sale of Washable Kid Gloves, not in ali i colors, Satur
day......'., c. J.. ......81,50
. . . , M!ij Floor ; ,
Crepe de Chine and Wash Satin Lingerie
j 1,000 Garments In An EXTRAORDINARY SALE
At a time when the market is higher than any other
period within our knowledge we were able to purchase
. this lot so advantageously, because they were samples,
that we can afford to sell them at unheard of prices
and stiU maintain ous fair margin of profit. This is a
very good example of the remarkable prestige this store
has in the wholesale market and how it reverts to your
benefit. . " - ' ,
In this Sale there are Camisoles, Petticoats, Envelopes and Gowns.
Trimmed with, beautiful Val. and Fiet Laces and Dainty Ribbons.
Just Three Prices for Saturday
t 1 Only a limited quantity, so come, early. '
ii 9 4Q The lot consists of Petticoats, Gowns and .Envelopes
ill pJ.1J of beautiful Crepe de Chine and Wash Satin. ;
At 1 Qfi The lot con8l8ts f Envelopes and A f tl A A Camisoles only but the best you
T'V CamisoJes; daintily trimmed with rtl T1,wu have ever seen at anything like this
laces and ribbons; just s delicate and filmy as price. Wash Satin or Crepe de Chine. Sleeve or
uiejr can oe. - 'v . : I strap enecis.
Second Floor
Drugs and Toilet Articles
? Offerings for Saturday
Ed Pinaud Vegetal, the bottle ,.63ei
Palmer's Toilet Water, 50c size bottle....... N39t'
Graves' Tooth Powder, the can .....14
Kulynos' Tooth Paste, the tube. ...16
Java Rice Face Powder, the box.... '. 29
White Cross Cream, 50csize jar. 29
Cucumber Cream, 50c size jar ; 29
Ida May Face Powder, the box. .' jgk
Williams' Shaving Stick,, the stick ' M6'
Gillette Razor Blades, S l0 package -. . . 75
Sloan's Liniment, 25c size bottle V. 15
Horlick's" Malted Milk, bottle.... $2.68
Listerine, 50c size bottle. . 29
Bromo Seltzer, 50c size bottle. ,A. ..... I 29
Lydia Pinkham's Compound, $1.00' bottleT. ' 67
Phenolax Wafers, 30 in bottle '. 25
Lustrite Nail Polish, 25c size. . v il6
Ebony Buffer, removable chamois, special .... f ...... r. ' 24
Honeysuckle Perfume, the ounce. 49S
Mary Garden Perfume, the ounce. . . . . .y.. . .$1.69
Soaps at Special Prices ' ' .
Woodbury's Facial .Soap, Hie cake , J4
Cocoanut.Oil Soap, 6 bars for 2i3S
Palm Olive Soap, the bar, at ',r2S
Sayman's Vegetable Soap, the bar ' " "
Peroxide Soap, 10c' bar , 1
Violet Rose Glycerine Soap, 10c bar.. SJ
Elderflower Soap, 10c bar, 3 for. , , , , . .'.'jg
Mara Floor .
"Blue Bird" Breakfast Sets, $9.85
' : ' i -
We offer for Saturday 42-piece .beautiful Breakfast Sets,
decorated with dainty bluebirds, which give a very pretty
appearance and brighten the atmosphere of the home.
Come early and share in this sale as they will not Q gg
last long at the m-ice we quote, which is, a set . . .
Main Floor
tA-New Invention
In'BoyV Wear
That Every Mother Will
( Appreciate.
announcement that we are the
sole distributors in Omaha for
-duplex Knickerbocker
. Two Pair of Pants 1
Suits For Boys
Vni.1rAV.V.nnl.,, . ill...
trated re-inforted with
double seat and Jfriees, mean
ing double wear an inven
tion that will save mothers
from mending tears and sew
ing patches. ,
The Maker. Call Them Steel Fibre" Kniclc
We CaJl Them "Duplex", (Double Wear)
Before we had mentioned a word about them, many
women saw them here in this Boys' Department, AND
BOUGHT THEM IMMEDIATELY, recognizing right away
their superior goodness. .. .
REMEMBER it saves the cost of an extra pair of
Knickers in a combination suit' . :
' Sold here exclusively in Omaha, 5.00 to $12.50. -
' Third Floor Boys' Doparlmont .
New Spring Neckwear .
Just received, an attractive assortment of Dainty Neck
wear, Collar and Cuff Sets, which every woman will appre
ciate who sees the daintiness'of these smart styles.
- Collars in the new .Chartreuse and Mustard OO. (t0 Or?
shades, in a beautiful quality of Georgette, at. . JOC to 3a.u
A new' assortment of Georgette -Collars, at... 1 . .t mm
. . - ; i.- ' ' IOC
Our nobbiest neckwear, consisting- of Georgette Crepe,' Net Lace
trimmed, Swiss Embroidered Collar, also collar and cuff r? n
sets, swiss embroidered, at. . . . . : ; , iDlC
Boudoir Caps, a very beautiful line, at l.i'.. ''". mn
Main Floor ' . " - - ' ,
1 . .
Bon Ton and Royal Worcester Corsets
Correct Models for Spring and Summer
you have carried out your plans for your Spring wearables. The
Corset is the foundation of your, apparel and upon the fit of the
Corset depends the appearance arid effectiveness of the gowns.
Let Our Experts Fit You Here and Suggest
; the Best-Model For You
The right Corset will aid materially also in promoting your good
health, giving poise to your figure and creating a "carriage" which
all women strive for. . - .
BON TON Corsets come in a variety of models, in handsome broche material,
. in white, and flesh; both front and back lace styles. gQ JQ QQ
. MODEL 950, Bon Ton, is.a coirective Corset for stout figures; mate of dainty
, ailk figured broche, triple boning, low top, long skirt with elastic dJQ C
gores over thighs. Extra value, at. . '. . r.POOU
MODEL 869, Bon Ton, is dainty Corset for figures of average build who partlci-
pate in dancing and outdoor sports; very attractive model in pink tfJC A A
broche. elastic inserts at bust: medium lencth skirt: wiita. free hio wOiUU
MODEL 1022, Bon Ton, a low-top front-laced Corset, for slight figures;. jQ CA
Mr as its vr
MODEL Boa, Royal Worcester, for medium and
'slender figures; low top with elastic band at buBt;
very wide, free hip space; tnis corset is a trifle
higher than the topless model; a comfortable
Corset for the high-Waisted skirts,
made of figured broche; long skirt with elastic gore in back. .
Royal Worcester Corsets
ror lull ligure, made with extra wide front steel,
will boned, with silk flossing at bottom of bones;
low top; full enough in back to let figure rest
comfortably A remarkable value, ' . (JQ
Other models of Royal Worcester Corsets, tcom
C . H y' Sacond Floor
$1.00 t0 $3.00
Women's Hosiery
Women's Pure Thread Silk
Hosiery in all the very latest
shades, for evening wear, slso to
match shoe tops. These have Lisle
tops, full fashioned, high spliced
heels and toes with garter tops;
extra special quality for. . , .$1.00
About 100 styles of Women's
Fibre and Silk Hose in all colors
and stripes, plaids, checks, polka
dots and many other styles; sec
onds of 76c quality; at, pair, ,59c
Women's pure thread Silk Hosi
ery in black and white Lisle Tops,
full fashioned, high Spliced soles,
heels and toes, double soles; sec
onds of $1.00 and $1.25 quality,
special, at, per pair ,79c
Women's Fibre Silk Hose in
black and white, seamless spliced
soles, heels and toes, seconds, ,25c
Misses' and Infants' Pure
Thread Silk Hose in black, white,
Sky and pink;' all sizes, 4 to 9tt.
All ribbed, extra quality, at. .69e
Children's Silk Lisle Hose, in
colors and black and white, double
heels and toes, at. .......... ,25c
i Main Floor . ,
Hair Goods
500 Wavy Hair Switches.
French Covert, natural wavy
hair switches, triple strand. Regu
lar $8 value, Saturday. .. .$6.00
Select fine fluffy hair, made up
in triple strand switches, 22 and
24 inches long. Regular $5.00
value at $3.00
Beautiful wavy human hairH
switches of refined quality, 20 and
22 inches long. Regular $3.50
value, for $2.00
No artificial light is used in our
large, convenient and comfortable
matching rooms. ,
We specialize v Artistic Hair
Dressing, Chiropody, Manicuring,
Hair Tinting, Massaging and Scalp
Treatment and ' Childrun's Hair
Mail orders promptly at
tended to. ' x
Appointments made by phone...
V Second Floor
v Buya-
For the Family
Remember this will put into
your home an entertainer that
will please every member of the
family it offers you the world's
best music in Records without
end. It is a musical instrument
you will never tire of, because
you can play , something new
every time you use it. ,
This Victrola We Picture,
Priced at $100,
is a very popular model and one
kthat we sell many of.
Other models from $25 to $300.
Some of the Newest
Records Are:
"Don't Write Me Letters," by
Joe Young; "If You Ever Get
Lonely," by, Gus Kahn; "Pack
Up Your Troubles in Your Old
Kit Bag," by George Asag;
"What Do You Want to Make
Those Eyes at Me For," by Johnson-McCarthy.
Complete lists of all other Rec
ords, always on hand. - -
Come to these Sound-Proof
Parlors and let us demonstrate
them for you. :
Main Floor Pompeian Room