THE BEE: OMAHA, SATUBPAY, MARCH 3. 1917.. ... - ZIMMERMAHN ON S1SS JUGGESTION Says, Minister Was Told. Sub sea Warfare Would Not Be Limited la Any Case. LANSING NOTE BBUSQUB Berlin, Wednesday, Feb. 28. (By Wireless to Sayville, March 2.) In hit address in the Reichstag here to day in regard to relations between the United States and Germany (a portion of which was received by cable yesterday) Foreign Secretary Zimmerman related the circumstances of the attempt at continuing negotia tions, between the two countries through the Swiss legation at Wash ington, and after saying it was easy to understand that rthe government endeavored to avoid everything which might cause war with America, con tinued: .. . "We examined the suggestion from the Swiss minister from the stand point of these considerations. From the very outset we were absolutely certain that submarine warfare ought to be limited in no case and in no manner by concession on our part. Obviously our Wish to come to an understanding with America can be accomplished only in the event that tt is possible without conflict with our declaration of barred zones, which we are firmly decided to maintain against our enemies under all circumstances. '' Must Use Sharpest Weapon. "It was only after long considera tion thai we decided to use our sharp est weapon. You know, of course, of j our negotiations with America and of our honest and sincere peace offer, and the jeering rebuke by our ene mies. To our attempt at reconcilia tion our adversaries opposed their will to annihilate us and thus nothing was left us but to take up the last and best weapon. . "After we toolc this decision, ob-, . viously no backward step was possi ble. We regret that neutrals have to suffer by it, but we cannot help that Stand by First Statement. -"From the standpoint of these con siderations, I said in my answer to America merely that Germany now, at before,, was ready to negotiate on condition that establishment of the barred zones against our enemies be not impaired. We only hinted at our readiness, to enter into more de tailed negotiations with America in regard to the admission of passenger ships." , ; , " "The Swiss minister at Washington1 transmitted our communication," Sec retary Zimmerman continued, "and thereupon received from Mr. Lansing note in very polite terms. Mr. Lansing he was authorized by President Wilson to say that the gov ernment of the United States would very gladly and willingly negotiate with Germany if Germany cancelled its decision of January 3L f This be ing absolutely impossible, the nego tiations had to be considered aa a failure before they really had been begun,", '.i Nebraska Gets Money ' v , jlu neip jf a.; xcttuuciva Under New Measure 5A (Prom a SUff Correaponileut.) Incoln, March 2. (Special.) te Superintendent Clemmont has received letter from the bureau of education of the Department of the Interior, stating that under the Smith Hueghes' bill, which has been ap proved by the president, the state of Nebraska will be entitled to the fol lowing amounts for the purposes mentioned: i i ' mi. ' mi. ' ins, Salaries of teacher, - ' i uporvlaom or dt- i ' ' , ' , ' rwctera of asrlcnl- tural (dilution... 11,1(1 111.421 117,101 Balarlee ot teach- 1 ere af tradft, homo t f , . oeonomloo and In- . 1 diytrlal ouMoeli.. I.Mf 1.171 ' 7.J00 - TrarVnf of teeoo- , , 1 ere of vocational '' ;H UDJOBtO O.VOV VtlVV 4l,IUV on of- vocational - , a ' - . The Smtih-Hughea' bill was passed by the national congress for the pur pose Of aiding in the teaching of the above subjects and carries with it an appropriation in 1918 of $500,000. in 1919 of $750,000 and in 1920 the Aura of $1,000,000. This increased torn year to year until it reaches $3,000, 000 in 1926 for each of the above items. ' STEAMSHIP LACONIA The Cunard line steamship of 18,099 tons gross, sunk by a Ger man submarine off the Irish coast ' ; . . -T . v . w.,.. ,"""Tf t 'if 1 1 Jl - lr Ji -mm Mi innininimii i nTTIfr-T T" ill T" " ' . , ' ' ,tt SS.IACOMiA: V ' STONE GIVES UP LEADERSHIP UPON ' ARMED SHIP BILL (Con tinted from Paao On.) jL runs Cored la to 1 Dora. nmsvltti Tafund monajr It PAZO OlaTT MENT falla to euro Itcnina. Blind. Blood, lnv or Protruding Pllea. Flrot Application. ivm -Fallot. IOe.AdTortlaemont. cepted it because of the overwhelm ing judgment of the committee. ' The bill has been reported as one which if enacted may lead to war. But the United State will be in less danger of war during the next few months or the next critical few weeks if the president is equipped with the power he seeks in assuming a posi tion of armed neutrality. "I believe the attitude ot tne United States under his administra tion arid with his strong purpose to keep the United States out of war if possible is less likely to lead to war than if the United States is to con tinue in the present uncertain slate where neither the people of the United States nor our merchantmen nor the belligerents know exactly what our attitude is. If we stand fqr our neutral rights it will be known to every belligerent what our definite position is. Would Trust President. "I am perhaps some times classified as a pacifist and I do not shrink from that classification, but I believe there is more safety in a certain position than in an uncertain one and would rather trust the president who dreads war than 1 would trust tnis body itself." . The Nebraska senator called at tention to the president's, last ad dress to congress in which he said he did not believe war .necessarily would follow the diplomatic break with Germany. v , "I am ready," he went on, "to take the president at his word ana I think he ought to be endowed witn tnis power, i believe tnis is not oniy tn safe, but the most honorable position for the United States to assume." Answering a question by Senator Jones as to whether the president would be given power to protest ships.of other nations, Mr, Hitchcock cal ed attention to the words" "vessels of the United States" 4n 'the bill. Sen ator Lodge, the ranking, republican member of fhe committee, also said that the measure' gave the president no right to arm foreign ship, but how- added: ' 4 An think mntr floriitrrllv. ever, that American citizens in the peaceful pursuit of trade or travel who are lawfully on a belligerent mer chant ship have rights which it is the duty of this government to guard.'! Says It Means War. , Declaring it meam war if armed merchant vessels pursue s "shoot on sight" policy toward German submar ines, Senator Reed asked whether it "wouldn't be more business-like to take our fighting ships and go out hunting submarines." Senator Husting interjected that the methods proposed in the bill leave to Germany, whether it will commit the act that leads to war," and Senator Walsh reminded Senator Reed, that "all the power given the president is to deiend, not attack. In a colloquoy with Senator Cum mins. Senator Lodge said - he ex pected any armed merchant ship would use its guns if a German sub marine were sighted and he would be sorry if it did not use htcm. "I am in favor of sinking the sub' marines on sight," replied Senator Cummins, "but there is no use in clos ing our eves to the patent fact that if we send our ships and intend that they attack submarines when sighted,. we are committing an act ot war. Concord Club "Con" Gives Corkhill's Life History Almost the entire current issue of the Concord "Con," official organ of the Concord club, is devoted to C. J. Corkhilli Nebraska agent for the Uaynes and one of the most active members of the club. The "Con" opens on Corkhill by disclosing what his initials stand for. They stand for Cornelius Jehosaphat. Next comes information that Corkhill was born some hundred or more years ago in the state of Fodunk and that he connected with the Haynes so as, to make the way out of Podunk easy. A complete history of Corkhill's life including the good nd bad is, gives in Idetaii, alter whicn several jingles come in-line, oife of which is sung to the tune of "Put on Your Old Gray Bonnet" and is as follows: Get out your old Haynes auto Wi):h the honk honker on it,; And we'll go 'with Corkie to the show;,. . : And with our lungs of leather, We will sing together, On our Corn Cob Corkie'i dough. February Weather Had' vagaries. .Report snows On February 25, Omaha had a range of temperature equal to forty one degrees, when the thermometer registered sixty-eight " degrees,' the highest temperature for the month. The lowest the mercury reached was twenty-three degrees above zero, on February 2. The total precipitation was 0.20. The meteorological sum mary also records that the wind blew torty-six miles an hour tor hve min utes on February 4, which- was the maximum velocity for the month. Eleven of the twenty-eight days were clear. The mean temperature for the month was 21.6 degrees' aboze zero. ' Favor the Proposition1. Alliance, Neb., March 2. (Special.) -The Associated ' Commercial Clubs of Western Nebraska have gone on record favoring Home Roll No., .in troduced by Henry C Richmond of Umaha, calling tor the erection ot a new capitol, building at Lincoln., It was the consensus of opinion of all those representative men present that the caDitol buildina was. a disgrace and liability to the state, and further that the capitol location could not and should not be changed from Lin coln. The resolution was prepared by H: M. Bushncll, jr., ol Alliance, and its adoption was moved by A. B. Wood of Gering andumanimous vote cast in its favor. It was their belief that the capitol location matter should be killed and that-the state should immediately appropriate funds and be gin the erection of s proper caiptol building. THE STORE OF THE TOWN Free Saturday at Beatons With every Drug purchase of 50c or' more Saturday, We" will give free a 25c Bottle of Radium Clothes Cleaner or Radium Glove Cleaner. ' . Mis Lundroark Takes Up Her Duties as Chief Clerk ?' ITrom a Staff .Cprreapondent. ) Lincoln, March '2. (Special.) Miss'june Lundmark of Scottsbluff has taken up her duties as chief clerk in the office of Land Commissioner G. L. Shumway. She' succeeds Carl Schmidt, who retired at the close of the Beckmann administration, whose place was temporarily hiied by Mrs. Metta Loeber, former record clerk. Mrs. Loeber will remain temporarily on the staff. Miss Lundmark began her duties March 1. Two Baby Leopards Are . - Stolen From Fort Crook Corporal H. L. Clark of the Da kota national guards- at Eort Crook, reported to the police that two Mexi can baby leopards were stolen, or straved from the fort. . He expected totake the pets home as souvenirs of , . i t:u- ne num iur viua. Residents of Bellevue are fearful lest they should meet the young fe lines after nightfall. METCALFE AND ' BRYANJN CLASH Nebraska Banquet at Wash ington Marked by Tilt Be tween Editors On Peace. DAK STEPHENS PRESIDES 1 (From a Staff CorTOBpoodent.) ! Washington, March ,2. (Special Telegram.J--William Jenningi Bryan and Richard Lee Metcalfe locked horns last night at the semi-centennial banquet of the' Nebraska State association held in honor of the state's admission, at the New Ebbett Mr. Bryan spoke of Nebraska as the great melting pot and said that it jesired peacenot war-. It desired to "work out its high destiny without being drawn into ftie maelstrom of the war now ravaging Europe. , Mr. Bryan spoke of the early days m Nebraska, how k touched him when he first entered its boundaries. He went to the state s s young man with his life full in front. "Nebraska afSpaals to me because of the strength of those who founded it," said Mr. Bryan. "The pioneer never get anything more than is coming to hrrn." i Reviews Brents of Ftftr Years. , He said the state occupied a con spicuous place m the history of the nation. That it was identified with great happening. Me then reviewed the political events of the last fifty years, paying particular attention to ;e tenets of tne populist party, 'wftih he characterised M tne great butfiW for righteousness in political Hfe. He spoke of the income tatt, prohrbition, woman's 'suffrage, the inirtatrre anfl referendum and sain he doubted if there was any state in the union that had as many thinking people as Ne braska, and said be thanked God he was present at the capitol ytsterday when the house vortH Wa$hmgQn "dry;" that the home was paramount to the saloon. Mr. Metcalfe, right off the bat, when Ten Per Cent of World's Shipping ; Is Destroyed Since the War Started Washington, March 2. Shipping destroyed since the war began, ex clusive of war vessels, represents 10 per cent of the world's merchant ma rine as it existed August 1, 1914, ac cording to figures published by the Journal of Commerce today. Con struction of warships haa offset most of the losses, it was stated.' The statistics record the destruc tion of 2,573 vessels of 4,811,100 gross tons, of which more than half was owned by Great Britain. The next heaviest sufferer has been Norway, with France third, Italy fourth and Germany fifth. Entente losses have been about 75 per cent of the total and Teutonic 20 per cent. ' , The figures lis. 202 vessel of ap proximately 420,460 gross tonnage as t definitely reported destroyed during February or since Germany's unre stricted submarine warfare, began. This compares with 164 vessels of 338,852 gross tonnage in January. Norwegian and Dutch shipping dur ing February suffered losses heavier1 than any of the entente allies except that of Great Britain, which lost more than half of the month's total The February figuren are the highest for a single month. introduced as a former governor of the Canal Zone, started' out by com bating the peace-at-any-price position of Mr. Bryan. He said that the war referendum was the silliest nonsense ever presented by a sane man. He be lieved that he represented Nebraska as believing in peace, but there were no mollycoddles in Nebraska and they would be found on the firing line if need be. "Out of a population of 30,000 in the civil war. 3,300 went from Ne braska into that war and we have kept that proportion up ever since. "A nation that bombs helpless women and children as the Germans bombed the women and children on the Lusi-n tania is no friend of mine," he 'said. "A nation, that will connive as u great power waa shown to have done today to bring war upon us when at peace is no friend of mine. The best thought of Nebraska is for prepar edness. T'hey will be found behind the president when the flag is as sailed despite the assertion of any body to the contrary, even though he claims, Nebraska as his home." Mr. Jfetcalfe was given a rousing reception by the hundred or more. Make Short Speeches. Members of the delegation made short speeches, the call of the house on the bin giving the president the authority to arm ships necessitating hurried responses. Miss Edith A. Lathrop spoke of a "Half Century of Nebraska Schools," Representative Lobeck explaining the historical film loaned for the occasion by the governing body of Ak-Sar-Ben. ' There was a splendid musical pro- J gram, the evening being marked by ', a fine display of patriotism. ; Representative Stephens presided as toastmaster, Congressman Sloan and Shallei.berger making short re marks before retiring. Dr. Montgom ery, one of Washington's leading rpas tors, spoke along patriotic lines, his utterances showing the temper of the guests in favor of giving the presi dent ungrudging support. - J The following were present: - ,i W. J. Bryan. S. L. Metcalfe.: Mai lllaa- . bath Leckla, C. J. Bnirt&a, O. A. Faaraon. Homar . Smith, Trot, and Mra. Charlaa Taaanla. Mr. and Ufa. W. B. Aadrawa. Mr. and Mra. H. L. Barrlck, Dr. 8. F. Bnah, O.J L. Bremen, Dr. and lra valvar, jtenrr ., i - e vr- miA II W V" ' Coleman. Mr. and Mra. W. D. Eakln. Mr.1 and Mra. J. A. Sdaerton, 0. Kvana. A. K. Sttlnv, Fred l. rrancaa, Hagh Olllaapla. W. B. Batch, Mr. and Mra. H. A. Hardlna. H. E. Ball, J. H. Hauler, Mra. Frank I. larael, Gaorga B..Johnion, J. 8, Kemp. J. B. Kuaka, C. O. Lobeck, Mlaa Kdlth A., Latkrop, Pan! Martin, Mr. and Mra. W. SC. MuHle-, Mr. and Mra. J. L. MoBrlen, X MoOrew and wife, John P, 8. Nellsh and wtfa, F. K. Neltaon, Saanal Patteraoa and wlte, N. W. Preaton and wile, Bon. C. P. Reavla, a. C Rica, A. K. tampacn, Hon. and Mra. and Mlaa Grace B. Shallenberger. Hon. C. M. Sloan and Mlaa eioan, Anna BDflleh. Hon. and Mra. Dan V. atephena, S. C. Snyder and wire, K P. Teele and wife, T. A. Whlttlnaton and wife, W. M. Whalan. Mra, Minnie Borer Davit. Mlaa Veda Mc Kay, Mlaa Dorothy Snyder, MM Mariery Snyder and L. M. McCoy. 20c Pears' Unscented Glycerin soapi per eake. 12c 15c Williams' Jersey Cream Soap, per cake 9o 2 Be Palmer'a Talcum Powder. . 14e 2 Be Mustard Cerate. ...,t...l8 BOc Nadinola Cream ......... 29c 50c Nedrs Face Powder 29o SOe J. A. P. Rice Powder 27e 2 Be 8-inch scissors. 15e SOe Ziora Antiseptic Mouth Wash (recommended by doctors and dentists) 50c $1.00 S. S. S. ...79 Pink-a-Lene 25c (Restores any shade of pink.) SOe Charles Flesh Food 34 25c Nature's Remedy Tablets. . 16c $1.00 Malted Milk ...,69e 26c Mentholatum 16a BOc Solid Alcohol Stoves. . . . .24 50c Kodol Dyspepsia Tablets. .29c 50c Orasin Tooth Paste 34c -;.',; CIGARS , lOe Hampton Court Cigars. .. .8a 10c George the Fourth Cigars. .5a 10c straight Mozart, Magic, ' 8 or .25c $1.00 Tan Lac...... 79c 10c Haarlem Oil (Gold Medal) .5e 60c Hays' Hair Health. . . ... .34c $1.00 Pinaud's Lilac Vegetal .. B9e 76c Fompeian Massage Cream. 48c 25c DeWitt's Cold Tablets. . . . 16 26c Zymole Trokoys 16c Beaton's Cold Cream, in tubes and jars 25c and SOe 26c Peroxide , ; . 10c $1.00 Hood's Sarsapanlla. ., ,79c 60c Rubber Spongea. . 1 ..... . 14e ,50c Father John's Remedy. .. ,42c $1.00 Hair Brushes ,.59c 25c Toileteer, for cleaning sinks, toilets, til floors, etc. 17c 35c Castoria ,2U RUBBER GOODS DEPT. $2.00 2-qt. Combination Fountain Syringe and Bottle. ..... .M.J9 $1.50 2-qt. Hot Water Bottle . ,79e $3.60 Whirling Spray Female " Douche, for $2.38 $1.60 Shoulder Braces $1.00 $2.00 Shoulder Braces $1.50 Abdominal Supporters, complete line, from. ..... .$1.75 to $4.00 Mail Orders Receive Our Prompt Attention BEATON DR(J(f COMPANY ', 15th and Farnam. Spring Hats for Men . -WE ARE READY TO SERVE YOU WITH A COMPLETE SHOW ING OF HATS OF KNOX : STETSON BORSALINO BROWNING-KING' IN ALL THE ACCEPT ED, STYLES, EM BODYING EVERY CORRECT DETAIL FOR FASHIONABLE HEADGEAR. RANGING IN PRICE , . FROM ; ; $3 to $20 A HAT (FOR EVERY OCCASION Browning, King & Company GEO. T. WILSON, MGR. A Sale of Laces at Very Low Prices ' An interesting sale of Val. and Cotton Torchons, at 5c a yard. ( ' Val. and Cotton Filet Laces, 10c a yard. v A large selection of Laces suitable for trimming cami soles. Also, fine new Net Top Laces for 'stocks and jabots. ' ' , ; Main Floor ; ' ' ', ' A- - '(. Latest Buttons Novelties that will add much to your spring suit or coat Small v buttons in all-eolors fortrimming; als& pearl buttons in all sizes. . Saturday, a good two-hols pearl button, 1 dozen on a card, 5c card. . Notion Section , . Washable Leather Goods ' For Spring , Washable leathers, in white, ivory and 'gray, $2.25 a pair. In White, Newport, Put ty and Smyrna, $1.75 pr. Properly Fitted r We Specialize in , Good'SilR Hose A sale, Saturday, of black and white silk hose, out or regular sizes, $1.19 a pair. Pure thread silk hose with lisle tops and soles, in white, black and colors, $1.25 a pair, v Pure thread silk hose with lisle , lined tops, in black, white, and col ' ora, $1.75 a pair. Birthday Cards A new line of very at tractive new cards, finely illustrated. ' Art Needlework Section Third Floor , McCall and Ladies : Home Journal PATTERNS 'II THOMPSON. rGOMPANY 'Ml A Lot of Good News for Saturday With Confidence Thompon, Bldn & Co. ;' ' " ? Present Saturday v -y.c Their: Complete Showings of Springtime Apparel Distinctive, CarefuHy Choten Fashions tor Women of Discrimination in Dree Are Now Presented for Viewing ' SUITS in Sports and Tailored Models $25, $35, $45, upwards to $425 COATS in Novel Styles arid Colorings $16.80, $25, $35, upwards to $5 DRESSES in loveliest Spring Silks, from $25, $35, $45, upwards to $75 SKIRTS for Sports, Street, and Dress Wear i $11.75, $12.50, $15, upwards to $35 Thompson-Belden Quality -Silks , Famous for Thirty Years For Spring: New Colors, New Weaves, both Plain and Fancy All-Lovely. ' , Beldini's Guaranteed Taf feta in twenty-five new Spring Shades. New Weaves for Spring Coats just in all the wanted colors. '. ' t ' Haskell's Famous Black Silks The only store in Omaha to sell them. , ' If you are interested in Black Silks you can't do better even as well-rno matter how far you look.- ' Haskell's are America's most beautiful and serviceable Black Silks. i Spring Weaves are now dis played, f Silhe South Aisle Main Floor Brassieres Come in Many Styles Substantial materials, trimmed in 'a simple man : ner or elaborately - edged with lace'and embroidery, sr incrustations of lace, as preferred. Your selection can be made from a large variety of perfectly fitting styles. For Saturday A beautiful Lace Trim med Brassiere, ' refuiarly $2.00. i Will Be Sold for $1 CorMt StttioK Third Floor . To Be Prepared for Warm Days Choose White Fabrics Now ' ; s '- ... 1 This is the sewing season. Women find it best to make selections now so as to be ready when sheer dresses and blouses and undermuslins are needed. Materials of the daintiest sort are here in " profusion. Beautiful, soft, sheer, white fabrics for undermuslins, priced to please, s : v -11 .- ".'.'' " i " " - ' ;-' - ; 40-Inch Japanese Nainsooks, 30c and 35c a yard , f , ..- : ,,( $2.50 and $3.00 if bought in 10-yard bolts. Phantom Cloth, 40 inches yide", 35c a yard. ' ' Or $3 for a bolt of 10 yards. 36-inch -English Nainsooks, 20c, 25c, 30c a yard. . Or $2, $2.75 and $3 in L2-yard bolts. 1 IE NH-n- nys r )Mprin(fto u Hitst receivedr. . a shipment of "Jrisimed . A Hah In Spring 5lylj, y representative of all' Hie new ashions, colors and materials. ' )peci(prwedfirtmorroivc' $7l?and$0 Ij- ; Linen Section Main Floor 1 r , j aaMeaiaJama ' t ; " vl ' v .' '.. , ' '