Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1917, Page 9, Image 9

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"Come on Over, See
My Corn Fall Off!"
"I Put 2 Drops of 'Gets-It on Last
Night Now Watch"
"See all you have to do is to use your
two finders and lift the corn right oil.
That's the way 'Gets-It always works. You
just pat on about 2 drops. Then the corn
not only shrivels, but loosens front the toe.
trithout affecting the surround Lr flesh in
the least. Why, it's almost a pleasure to
have corns and see how 'Gets-It' gets them
off in a hurry and without the least pain.
Brie) City News
That Wm a Quick Funeral That
Corn Had With, 'Getn-ltV
I can wear tight shoes, dance and walk as
though -I never had corns.
"Gots-H" makes the use of toe-irritating
salves, bundling bandages, tape, plasters and
other things not only foolish, but unneces
sary. Ubc this wonderful discovery. "Gets
It," for any soft or hard corn or callus. It
is the new, simple, easy, quick way, and it
never fails You 11 never have to cut a corn
again with knives or scissors, and run
chances of blood poison. Try "Gets-It tonight.
"Gets-It" is sold everywhere, 25c a bot
tle, or sent on receipt of price by E. Law
rence ft Co., Chicago, 111.
Sold in Omaha and recommended as the
world's beat corn remedy by Sherman A
McConnell Drug Co. Stores.
Apply Q-Ban Simple, Safe,
Healthful and Guaran
teed to Restore Natural
Don't use dyes. They are not only sticky,
disagreeable and in bad taste, but actually
dangerous. A good many reputable drug
stores won't sell them.
Use Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer. This will
accomplish wonderful results Simply wet
your hair with Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer.
Back will corat the natural, dark shade,
evenly, gradually and permanently. This is
the right way, the healthful one. Q-Ban
claims no instant miracles it leavea that
claim to dyes and the like. But it does re
store the original eolor correctly and helps
your hair in growth, helps it to be glossy,
lustrous, soft, beautiful, charming.
Q-Ban is all ready to use. It is guaran
teed to ba harmless and sold under the
makerB warranty of satisfaction or your
money back. At Sherman A McConnell Drug
Co. Stores and all good drug stores, a large
bottle for-50c, or send direct to Hessig-EUis
urug jo., jnempnts, lenn.
"Hair Culture," illustrated, interesting
booklet, sent free. Write for it today. Try
Q-Ban Hair Tonic; Q-Ban Toilet Soap; Q
Ban Liquid Shampoo; also Q-Ban Depilatory
jor removing Buperuuous nair Adv.
ii l i. i l i uy -r v t
Say Cream Applied in Nostrils
Opens Air Passages Right Up.
r, Wi,t,,tiJ,iti.t,it,.tnl..iiM.,,
Instant relief no waiting. Your
clogged nostrils open right up; the
air passages of your head clear and
you can breathe freely. No more
hawking, snuffling, blowing, head
ache, dryness. No struggling for
breath at night; your cold or catarrh
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggist now. Apply
a little ot tins tragrant, antiseptic,
healing cream in your nostrils. It
penetrates through every air passage
of the head, soothes the inflamed or
swollen mucous membrane and relief
comes instantly.
It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed-up
with a cold or nasty catarrh. Adv.
A Simple Way To
Remove Dandruff
There is one sure way that has
never failed to remove dandruff at
once, and that is to dissolve it, then
you destroy it entirely. To do this,
just get about four ounces of plain,
common liquid arvon from any drug
store (this is all you will need), apply
it at night when retiring; use enough
to moisten the scalp and rub it in
gently with the finger tips.
By morning most, if not all, of
your dandruff will be gone, and three
or four more applications will com
pletely dissolve and entirely destroy
every single sign and trace of it, no
matter how much dandruff you may
You will find all itching and dig
ging of the scalp will stop instantly,
and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous,
glossy, silky and soft, and look and
feel a hundred times better. Adv.
Dr. J. J. Caldwell says that this exceed
ingly distressing disease does not Bhorten
life, but does not appear to be curable. Suf
' ferers from this affliction are condemned to
undergo the periodica! attacks every few
weeks until they are forty years of age, after
which the attacks are less frequent, and
finally disappear entirely. Palliative meas
ures during the attack are all that it is pos
sible to suggest, while care in the diet Is
the best preventive measure. An attack may
often be prevented by taking two anti
kamnia tablets when the first symptoms
appear, and one anti-kamnia tablet every
two hours during the attack shortens It,
eases the pain and brings rest and quiet.
Anti-kamnia tablets may be obtained at
all druggists. Ask for A-K Tablets. They
quickly relieve all pain.
Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, of
money back. Sold and guaranteed by
Sherman A McConnell Drag Co.
B WEEKS' All Druftists
Gives BfomDt nraffci nil
treating Colds and tiripp.1
mmmmnnt wisgs.,Misaisa
Ban Bool Mat II Now smmm Praia.
Klesar, Book moved to Lot 1 Hotel Bldf
QtuUU. anon) qonjitltaa. Eaholn. Jeweler
Automobile Insurance Complete
protection. W. Charles Sundblad,
Keeline Building. Douglas 3320.
Sheriff's Gold Badge Sheriff Clark
has been presented with a new gold
badge by the members of his office
force. It Is a regulation sheriff's
badge, with "M. L. Clark" engraved
on It.
Cottage on Fire A Mexican family
residing near Thirteenth and Grace
street was routed out of bed Thurs
day morning by a driver for the Red
mond Coal company, who saw the cot
tage on Are. It Is believed that the
fire started from sparks of a passing
engine. Damage to the house was
Hoars Brother Is Promoted
Eugene Duval, western agent for the
Milwaukee, has received word that his
brother, J. E. Duval, for a long time
superintendent of car service for the
Grand Trunk railroad, has been pro
moted to general superintendent or
transportation, with headquarters in
Montreal. Mr. Duval started with the
Grand Trunk as a night telegraph
Old Wheel Tax Jjaw Repealed The
city council repealed an ordinance
which provided payment of an occu
pation tax for operation of vehicles
engaged in hauling ice, coal and
building materials; also a tax upon
each place of business of this class.
In view of the new wheel tax ordi
nance, which will be effective next
week, the occupation tax was deemed
Store Window Robbed Six gents'
suits, four overcoats and one silk
dress, hanging in the window of the
Bee Hive Cleaning company, 1941 Vin
ton street, for display purposes, were
stolen Wednesday evening by a thief, I
who gained entrance by picking the
lock or the front door. The thief took
a dozen clothes hangers to keep the
garments from creasing. -
Darr Trial at Hastings Trial of
George B. Darr, Omaha capitalist,
charged with aldfng in the violation
of national banking laws, has been
called for March 12 at Hastings be
fore Federal Judge Woodrough. The
case was an outgrowth of the failure
of the First National bank of Sutton.
wnicn lea to tne prosecution and con
viction of Thomas H. Matters on a
similar charge here.
Robbed While at Church While T.
N. Reynolds, a roomer at 316 South
Twenty-sixth street, was attending a
prayer meeting Wednesday evening.
sneak thieves gained entrance to his
room and departed with nearly all his
wearing apparel. John P. Johnson.
another roomer, reported to the police
that he missed his dress suit, shoes
and overcoat An automobile was
seen to stop at the rooming house
during the evening and it is thought
the thieves UBed it in their operations.
Street Cars Collide An east and
southbound street car collided at
Sixteenth and Cass streets about 5
o clock Wednesday afternoon. Al
though the front of the cars were
smashed, no one was Injured.
Police Force Changes Harry Jack
son resigned from the police depart
ment. Wallace R. Vance and A. Mur
ay were appointed on the usual six
months' probation.
Stork Special A baby boy arrived
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Kve
nild, 1610 South Thirty-fifth street.
Mr. Kvenlld Is secretary of the City
Planning commission.
Car Hits Electric Mrs. Kenneth
Paterson narrowly escaped injury on
her way downtown in her electric.
The traffic at Fortieth and Farnam
became congested and a street car hit
Mrs. Paterson's electric Just as she
was turning the corner. The machine
was damaged quite badly, but Mrs.
Paterson escaped without any Injuries.
Girl Wife Wins
Big Damages in
Alienation Suit
After being out more than thirty
hours, a jury m Judge Troup's court
late yesterday returned a verdict
of $4,750 damages in favor of
Beatrice Melcher, girl-wife of Reuben
Melcher, who sued her father-in-law
and mother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Abraham Melcher, for $25,000 for
alienation of her husband's affec
tions. The elder Melcher is a livery stable
proprietor. His son manages the
business. The young wife alleged
that the elder Melcher and his wife
offered her a large sum of money if
she would leave Reuben. The aliena
tion case, which was bitterly fought,
lasted several days and attracted
large crowds of court room specta
tors. It went to the jury Tuesday
Vim Motor Truck Exhibit
Attracts at the Auto Show
H. Pelton's Vim truck, exhibited at
the Auto show, is attracting much at
tention from the farmer as well as the
merchant. The Vim is built in Phila
delphia by the Vim Motor Truck com
pany, pioneer builder of light delivery
trucks. The production for the com
ing season will be 30,000 'trucks, which
makes the Vim Motor Truck company
the largest exclusive delivery truck
builder in the world.
One look at this sturdy little truck
will convince you that it is built for
trucking purposes, as it has no ear
marks of a pleasure car.
the Vim is built in chassis only.
with twelve different styles of body,
which enables the purchaser to select
style of body suitable for his par
ticular kind of business.
G. W. Preston, sales manager of the
H. Pelton truck department, explains
that the Vim appeals to users of light
trucks on account of its simplicity,
sturdy construction and economy of
operation. Every unit is of extra
heavy construction and is built to
stand up and give service to its owner.
The Vim has already gained its laurels
on the Pacific coast and east of Chi
cago, but owing to a limited produc
tion until this year no effort was made
to enter the central west.
Arrangements for an enormous pro
duction have been completed and the
battle is on in the central west.
Emmett Edward Boyle
Dies After Long Illness
Emmett Edward Bovle. aired 26. son
of Terrence Boyle, 1236 Parkwilde
avenue, died yesterday afternoon fol
lowing an illness ot six months, lie
is survived by his parents, four sisters
and two brothers. His father has been
connected with the Union Pacific
freight department here for over
twenty yea - " -".Tr-artst.
Nebraska's Semi-Centennial
Dots If- UrLlt
Funeral Services for William
H. Clark to Be Held Friday
Funeral services for William H.
Clark, killed. Tuesday afternoon when
the roof of the Sample-Hart Motor
company building on which he was
working caved in, will be held Friday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from Hoffman's
Besides a wife and two children,
Evelyn, aged 8, and Thomas, aged 6,
Clark is survived by a mother, Mrs.
Elizabeth Clark and three brothers,
Benjamin, Kansas City; John Wal
nut Ridge, Ark., and Samuel, Omaha.
Funeral services will be under the
auspices of the Cement Layers and
Finishers' union, of which he was a
member. Rev. Erickson will officiate.
Burial will be in West Lawn cemetery.
Clean, Froth, Virile
That sounds like good health.
It is.
It's the way we have been
building up and restoring
health to hundreds of people.
Our Mineral Water Baths
and Brown Park Mineral
Spring Water to drink are
You Should Try Them.
Brown Park Mineral
2Sth anil O Sts., South Sida
Phoaa Sauth B7.
Osteopathic Fhjralclaa In Chart
Foot Comfort
Now Assured
A Foot Specialist at
WHATEVER your foot ailments may
be, you can learn how to overcome
them if you will visit the Scholl foot ex
pert now at Burgess-Nash. He is from
the office of Dr. Win. M. Scholl, the
world renowned foot specialist, and will
be here a short time only. Whether you
have ever tried any treatment for your
foot troubles or not, it will be to your ad
vantage to come in during the expert's
visit and let him inspect your feet.
His Services Are Free
H a y e You
on the Soles
of Your
Hart yon sudden
cramps in th
toei and just
back of them
corns, bunions,
pains In the
heels, ankles and
limbs; weak ank
les, contracted
toes; hot, tender,
perspiring1, odor
ous feet ; any foot
troubles at alt ?
If so, do not fail
to see the Scholl
foot expert at
this store. '
There will be no charge whatever no obli
gation on your part. The services of the expert
are entirely free and you will not even be asked
to purchase anything. It is just a service feature
of our shoe section. We want every reader of
this newspaper to know how easy it is to be
freed from foot troubles. The foot expert will
be in our Shoe Department, Second Floor. Friday
and Saturday.
Gome early in the day so as to be sure of
the most careful and thorough attention. Do
not put off your visit until the last day and then
find so many people ahead of you that your case
cannot be given the time it should have. If you
have friends with foot troubles, bring them
in, too.
Burgess-Nash Company.
everybody store
Do you ALWAYS look up the telephone
number in the Directory before you make
a call?
-Store Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturdays Till 9 P. M.j
Wash Compauy.
everybody store"
TkurnUy, March 1, 1917.
Phono Douflaa 137.
Friday Brings Better Values Than Ever in the
Down Stairs Store
OUR Down Stairs Store is of ever-changing interest to thrifty men and wo
men who back up their money with good judgment. It's a good habit to ac
quire to visit this section every time you're down-town.
Women's Suits in a Big Clearaway
Friday at $5.95
THIS means radical clearaway of
every late fall suit we have in our
Down Stain Ready-to-Wear section and
really the difference in style line be
tween these fall suits and those early
spring models included is very little.
These suits are well made of serges
and cheviots, in navy, brown, Copenhag
en blue, black, green, tan, gray and shep
herd plaids a lew corduroy suits in
pretty shade of rose or tan aro also
eluded. Every suit an exceptional val
at the price quoted Friday.
Children's Wash Dresses, 59
All that is necessary to make these
dresses invaluable to the mothers is a
good tubbing and pressing, as they are
mussed and wrinkled from display and
BTta-Naafc Co, Dowa SUlra Star.
Women's and Children's Underwear 23c
AN assortment of women's and children's sample un
derwear, including vests and union suits, Friday,
choice, 23c.
Women's Union Suits, 50c
Low neck and short sleeved union suits, ankle lenf ,h, light
Burfsss-Nasb Co. Down Stairs Stars.
Trimmed Hats Like
These For Friday are
Very Unusual at $3.98
A COLLECTION of hats that will answer any wom
en's question, "What's new in millinery? and a
collection that will not fail to delight the most fastid
Particularly smart are the large
sailors with just an ornament
yet one must not forget the small
military turban and chin-chin
they are here, too, and are more
becoming and smart on some wo
men than the larger type.
Anvwnv wHAthpr vnnr fancv turns to small, me
dium or large hats, they're here in this moderately
priced group for Friday.
Burfsss-Nash Co. Down Stain Stero
Let's Go Roller Skating !
Boys and girls, you know it's time
We bought the stock of a jobber who discontinued carrying
roHer skates. All ball bearing with the exception of group 1,
which are plain bearing, and all are adjustable. Here's the way
they go, Friday
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
35c 65c 85c $1.00
BurfMi-Nuh Co. Dow Stair 3 tori
Another Important Event for Friday
Men's Shirts, 65c
OUR entire line of negligee, collar attached shirts; a
great portion of them are manufacturer's samples,
all in good, staple patterns shirts that the manufac
turer used for show room purposes.
Included are some neckband shirts with stiff and soft French
cuffs. We consider this a very timely sale, coming so early in
the season. .....,.
Men s Union Suits, 49c
Lisle and cotton union suits for men, in spring and summer
W61(thts i
Men's Fiber Hose, 16c
Men's silk fiber hose, a very special value, Friday, at 16 c
the pair.
Men's 2-Piece Underwear
Porosknit and balbriggan shirts and drawers, very specially
priced, Friday, at 12H and 18c per garment.
Burfsss-Nash Co. Down Sutra Stora
Corsets, Friday, 5c the Inch
A large assortment of high priced corsets, sold at a very low
price to close out Friday, including B. & J., Warner's, E. & G.,
Nemo, La Victore and N. B. compose the lot.
A model for every figure, front and back lace, sizes 19 to 36,
Friday for the extraordinary price of 5c an inch.
Women's Brassieres, 89c
A varied assortment of handsomely trimmed brassieres, open
front and back, a splendid value Friday, at 89c.
Bursaaa-Nash Co. Down SUlra Star.
Longcloth, 15c
36-inch soft finished long
cloth, suitable for gowns and
underwear, made to give ser
viceable wear, special, 15c yard.
Bod Spreads, $1.95
Extra large size, heavy, plain
hem crochet bed spreads, mar
seilles pattern, good for service
able, everyday wear; extraordi
nary value, special, $1.95 each.
Table Damask, $1.17
72-inch bleached damask, lin
en weft, made of fine selected
yams, large variety of patterns,
special, $1.17 the yard.
Unbleached Crash, 12Vae
Unbleached crash, 17-inch,
blue borders, very serviceable
and absorbent; special, at 12H
the yard. '
Huck Towels, 17c
Bleached huck towels, with
blue and pink, brocaded bord
ers; 19x38-inch absorbent qual
ity; this towel value is far be
low present day market; spe
cial, 17c.
Ssrs.ll.. Co. Sw Stairs Stars
Women's Kimonos,
39c and 59c .
ATTRACTIVE kimonos mads
of crepe, lawns and flan
nelettes, in plain and fancy -coU
ors, sizes 34 to 44. In two lots,
Friday, for quick clearaway, at
39c and S9c.
rsaN-Nurl Ok Own Slain Stan
Jap Crepe, 19c
Pretty styles in Jap crepe, 27
inches wide, very desirable for
children's dresses, middy blous
es, children's rompers, in stripes
and plain colors to match;
short lengths up to 10 yards,
special, for Friday, at 19e yard.
Pretty Voiles), 19c
This is a real special, com
ing in plenty of time for dainty
summer wearables. Yards and
yards of beautiful floral de
signed voiles to select from, in
lengths of 2 to J.0 yards;
.choice, 19e the yard.
Percale at lVzc
Light and dark percales, 36
inches wide, in one group at
llic the yard.
Remnants Reduced
One big lot of remnants, in
cluding ginghams, percales, cal
ico, etc., all decidedly reduced
for Friday.
BsnsN'Mssfi Cs.Dwa stairs Star.
Women's Hose 39c
BLACK silk boot hose, full
fashioned, regular made
foot, slight imperfections.
Child's Hose, 25c
Children's sample hosiery,
seamless foot, also women's cot
ton hosiery; Friday, 25s pair.
BsrBSMNaslt Of. Dswa Stslrs Stars
Notion Specials
Wooden coat hangers, le ea.
200-yard machine thread,
2J6c spool.
Skirt markers, 12H each.
Children's hose supporters,
10c pair.
8-yard bolt cotton tape, 10c.
Six bolts linen tape, 10c.
Bias tape, Se bolt.
Scissors, 12 He Pir.
Hand scrub brushes, 10c ea.
Dish rags, each, 5c.
Wire hair pins, paper, 2e.
Darning cotton, 3 spools, Sc.
' 60-inch tape measures, ea., le
Bone hair pins, box, 5c.
Hair nets with elastic, 5 for
Dressing combs, each, Sc. "
Thimbles, each, 1c.
Safety pin, 2 cards, for Sc.
Inside skirt belting, yd., 5c.
Men's shirt bands, each, 2fte
BurBH.Naih Ca. Dswa Stslrs Stars
Drapery Remnants 5c
Remnants of drapery mater
ials of all kinds, tied into bun
dles of several yards to a bun
dle; Friday, 5c each.
Ssraau-Naih Co. Dows Stairs Stsra
Friday Is a Lucky Day For Any Member
of the Family Who is in Need of Shoes
771IGHT unusually attractive shoe values, that will demand your attention Friday,
ijj Shoes of all kinds at prices that really wouldn't pay for the making now-a-days.
Women' Shoes,
Small Sizes,
Infant's Kid
Button Shoes,
Women's Shoes,
From Second Floor,
Child's Black
and Tan Calf
Women's Slippers,
and Pumps
Misses' School
Shoes, Special,
Women's Rubbers,
Splendid Values,
Boys' Sample .
Shoes, Friday,,
; $1.95;
Burraaa-Nash Co. Down Stalra Star.