THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1917. The Omaha Bee DAILY (MOftNINQ-BVENINO SUNDAY FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATER. VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. PROPRIETOR. EnteTaS at Omaha poatofflca aa eaeoDoelaaa matter. . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Br Carrier By Hall Dally and Suada.... aarnoaui. ate par yaw, se.oo OHIy wttlioat Sander 450 " Kaaolnt and Suadar 40a S.OS . EtaolQg wltanat Suadar 25a " 4.00 Sondar Be, only "Ma " 1.00 Dally aftd Sunday Baa. Urea yaara m adtaeoe 10.00 ,aid "tire of ehanaa of addrew or Irragularlty la dellrerr to Oaiae Baa. ClroulitlM Department. - REMITTANCE, emit by draft, noma or poatel ordar. Only l-rant aUtrra lakaa ll mymmt of amall arcoanta. Peraenel obecka, accept an Oman aad aaatam artanee, aot accepted. OFFICES. niuha The Baa Rulldlra. Oilrai Scuta. Omaha lain K fit. K Tn., rtrth Cmnvll Blurfa-H w. Mala St, St. Loala New B'k. of Contmena, irtnopia uttie Bulldlna, Weehlncten 7U lata St. J, w. Iraan Peeple a nap BalhTing. jora- CORRESPONDENCE. AdoVef eftuimmleatlona ralaUny to sen aad editorial ra attar la Omaha Baa. Editorial Department JANUARY CIRCULATION 64,320 Daily Sunday 49,878 aata etientaUoa far Uia aieetl aabjarlbad and evara to by DwlaM nullama. arculatlaa Manaatr. SuoecriWe taarleif Dm crty ehaulel kara Taw eaaUae) ta Herat, AeHreas cfceafeel aa aftaai aa laepeeateS. In vain do Will street's war babies whimper for nourishment these days. , Teutonic secret service agents are not always as secretive as they imagine. ( As a clinching argument for good roads, the Auto show speaks for itself. Only two more days of congress and mighty little show for the belated bill I Four out of the six weeks of Mr. Ground iog'i hibernation have passed. Get ready to com'nout. Looks as if Uncle Sam would have to stand guard over the Monroe Doctrine and with a gun ill his hand, toot If half the reports of plotting activities is irui, the plotters should have no difficulty in showing they earned the money. But why .did not the president disclose that German-Mexican communication long ago, if it has been in his possession for more than a month? ' Legislative surgical operations in state ex penses may be needed in obscure spots, but com non sense forbids crippling the patient for the sake of the cutting experience. With the May day advent of the "dry" era a lot of our municipal troubles will settle them selves automatically, so begin right now to boost for a bigger, better and busier Omaha. Much misinformation filters Into Germany, provoking doubt and uncertainty in official quar ters. It is very annoying, doubtless, especially since Berlin gets back no better quality than it sends. ' i ' ', A party leader in the German Reichstag sim plifies the coming peace negotiations very ma terially. "All damage and loss of property," he says, "must be borne by the originators of the war." Poor Austria! ' New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Boston are abundantly stocked with provisions. Talk of scarcity ia baseless. The- problem is not in. the supply, but in the means of jarring loose the speculative grip. Persons prone to mocking gas and plumbing bills owe apologies to the bill makers. Their cal culations, by comparison, typify strict economy and restraint befitting skilled tradesmen. Only amateurs practice the holdup. ' Corisider the un skilled in congress and their ways. They ren dered bill for $50,000 and didn't find a leak. Vacant lot cultivation, systematically pursued, an be made profitable not only in crops gar ', crcd, but also in health-giving exercise. Un--ortunatcly, the backyard potato patch is easily iarted and also easily abandoned on the first . iinsy excuse. Each prospective vacant lot cut ' valor should sign up a contract with himself i go through to the1 finish. The progress of the state in fifty years, aston 'mg as it is in many ways, merely glimpses . 'ia,t it will be In another half century if coming .iterations profit, by the experience of their par .its. The advantage lies with them. Oppor initio abound and reward wait upon the con uiance of industry, perseverance and foresight tiicli characterized the pioneer; makers of the ate. Lpw or Violence -Maw York World - ' If it be true, as the Interstate Commerce com ission announced yesterday, that no actual food .- fuel shortage exists anywhere in the country,! ; ere can be but one conclusion as to present con ; .ions. The necessaries of life have been cor . red in defiance of law and in contempt of offi .9 sworn to enforce the law. . It is a sorry outcome of legislation and litiga- n extending over a quarter ot a century that - ; the first comprehensive test to which our many - .actmejits against monopoly and restraint of .ade haVe been subjected there is no hint of .rosecution for crime and the suggestion of no remedy but pro-Uerman embargoes, despotic conv mandeering of food lurches or charity on a co loyal scale. A dubious expression of this help less bewilderment was the proposition in the senate of the United States yesterday by Senator Lewis of Illinois that food unlawfully held be seized for 'public distribution. Where but in the courts is the lawfulness of any property to be determined? Where but in lhe courts are we to discover whether the men who have created the apparent scarcity are en gaged in what ia called business, or in what we know to be crime? Where but in the courts are we to find whether laws meant what they say or mean nothing? More important than an extraordinary foreiorn demand and a disposition to panic on the part of many of our people in the creation of present condition! are the confidence of the monopolists that nothing will be done to them, and the mihlie conviction that law is no defense against extor tion. The men who have cornered food are gam bling on the proposition that the law will not overtake them. Their victims, teeing no evi dences of law enforcement anywhere, naturally aiaiiiicu auiu UCSiacnalC ; The food supply being ample, it devolves upon ttate and federal authority to liberate it from the control of speculators and plunderers. Thit may be done by law or it may be accomplished by violence, but in the long run society will profit Amasing and Audacious. ' Amazing and audacious are the only words to characterize the move made by Germany for an alliance with Mexico against the United States. At the tame time, one must wonder that the usually shrewd diplomats of Berlin should so tact lessly pursue a course certain to react so harmful to their country. It was to have been expected that Germany would, if possible, endeavor to divert the atten tion of the United States away from the main war operations, and our already strained relations with the de facto Mexican government, as well as our chronic friction with Japan, offered a ready-made situation for Dr. Zimmermann' use. To this he seems to have turned in his emergency, regardless of the after effects. But other angles of the affair are equally inter esting. In the Zimmermann note to Eckhart, Germany, hitherto constantly emphasizing its highly moral aspirations and professing to be above seizing a foot of land from a foe for herself, freely offers to aid Carranza to help himself to a huge slice of the United States. How far Carranza may have been influenced by such a proffer is a matter of conjecture; the bait was doubtless tempting enough to him, but he knew landing the fish to be quite another undertaking. It is rea sonable to think that his nearer view of the United State would make even a Mexican chieftain pause before entering on to dubious a scheme of conquest. Again, President Wilson's potition would be unquestionably stronger now had he been more frank when he went before congresa last Monday. This is attested by the fiareback in the senate fol lowing the present disclosure. The information the president then possessed, but withheld, would have invited confidence and hastened intelligent action. The one salient result of the uncovering of the intrigue must be a more complete shattering of faith of our people in the German expressions of good intentions and friendly desires. Assuming the genuineness of the Zimmermann note, the United States cannot regard its source as any thing but, hostile and must omit no rational meas ure of preparedness for self-defense. , Two Pictures. Did you study the two pictures, reproduced by The Bee, contrasting the Farnam street of today with ie same Farnam street when the Nebraska statehood proclamation was issued? If you have not already done so, you should, for there is inspiration in those pictures for every far-seeing person to pin his faith in Omaha. These two pictures present an ocular exhibit of progress, monuments to the push, pluck, per severance and enterprise of the builders of this city, whose principal business thoroughfare now bears less resemblance to itself, as it existed fifty yean ago, when Nebraska became a state, than have the rebuilt areas of earthquake-shaken San Francisco or fire-swept Baltimore. It it reasonable to assume that the physical characteristics of Omaha aft now fixed for some time to come and that another fifty years will not work to many changes on any one street, because the expansion and reconstruction will be spread over much more territory, but we may be sure the growth and concomitant improvements will continue with fewer interruptions and less slackening of speed. . What the two pictures must impress most is that, even looking through thit vista to the be ginnings, no one dares conjure in his mind with any self-confidence a conception of what the main street of the Omaha of fifty years hence will look like. Armed Neutrality. That President Wilson will be accorded power by congress to change the position of the United States from passive to armed neutrality is appar ent. While this it still short of war, it is as close as a nation Can come without actual participa tion. It meant authority to arm all American merchantmen, and, .if need be, to convoy them by warships on their journeys to and from port. Un der it a merchantman it warranted in resisting visit and search, and may use whatever means are available to evade capture by a belligerent. This step for the protection of American com merce hat been resorted to several times in the history of the country. To support this course, the president will be empowered to employ atl the naval force of the United States. It is still a question as to whether the phrase, "other in strumentalities," will be carried with all it im-. plies of unlimited power t othe executive, but the purpose of congress to make full provision. for the proper protection of American rights it manifest and if further action is needed it will be had. . Need of a Stats Budget System. . The preparation of the big maintenance ap propriation bill in the legialature emphasizes the crudity of the tyttem that prevails. Heads of the state institutions or departments make their es timates, and the committee of the legislature makes the decision at to what will be allowed. It it not to be doubted that the department heads take into consideration the fact that their esti mates will be cut, and so set their figures high enough. It it equally true the legislators realize this and scale down accordingly. The one tide is interested in geeting all the money it can, the other in holding the public expenditures to the lowest possible limit. Under such a plan, especially when it is complicated by log-rolling and trading between the different tectiont of the ttate, the best service it impossible. Some unnecessary ex pense is certain to slip in, while something really needed it likely to be omitted. A better way of doing business is sadly needed. The house need surrender nothing of itt conttitutional preroga tive, but it might be relieved of much of itt pres ent responsibility, and tometimet embarrassment, and better service for the ttate obtained, if a comprehensive budget tyttem were adopted. ' Contervation of forettt looms large at the sole means of safeguarding the future paper tup ply. Unlets inventive skill devises meant of con verting cornstalks, ttraw and other vegetable plantt into paper, the ancient practice of burning wood for heat may break into the category of moral crimes ' Any old money looks better than home made money in Mexico. The main obstacle to an ef fective deal with Carranza it the difficulty of Sending a thipment of marks through the block ade. Carranza and Cabrera need the money. All doubtt at to the tuccest of the Auto thow are dispelled, and the exhibition it only half over. Deatert have been too busy booking orders to worry a great deal about the weather. ' Undistributed Prosperity New York Journal of Co mm area The latest evidence of what is called our "un precedented prosperity" appears in the statistics of foreign trade for the month of January and for seven months of the current fiscal yVar. For the month exports reached a value of $613,400,000, compared with $330,784,000 in the same mpnth last year, and $204,000,000 in January, 1914. Im ports were valued at $241,700,000, against $184, 360,000 last year and. $154,700,000 in 1914. The ex cess of exports over imports amounted to $371, 700,000 in January this year, $148,420,000 last year and $40,320,000 in 1914. For seven months of the fiscal year ending with January exports were val ued at $3,614,000,000, imports $1,348,000,000 and excess of exports over imports $2,266,000,000. The figures for the corresponding period a year be fore were $2,183,000,000, $1,097,000,000 and $1,086, 000,000. For that ending January, 1914, they were $1,522,000,000, $1,067,000,000 and $454,000,000. T.iese are impressive figures, "signifying much." No doubt they signify for tome people a high degree of prosperity. Among other things they indicate large opportunities for labor at high wages; but they are accompanied by high prices for many things, including necessities of life, and denote what is so often referred to as the "high cost of living." This high cost of living affects everybody. Everybody shares in paying the high prices, but a comparatively small proportion of the people share in receiving them. A large num ber of the working people do not share in the high wages, at least not in those which have risen in proportion to the cost of their living, which in very many cases has to be pretty poor. While we see so many of these impressive fig ures of profit and of huge foreign trade, and of much domestic industry and trade which contrib ute to it, there is perpetual complaint of hardship and suffering and investigation into the causes of it. There are pitiful pleas for' relief from starva tion, such as beset the city hall with a crowd of poor women the other day. Evidently there is a bad distribution of the fruits of this boasted pros perity. While many are short of food and weep ing with their hungry and ill-clothed children ex posed to cold weather, there is an enormous waste of the food s'upplies in thoughtless and heartless extravagance. Recipients of high profits squan der them in self-indulgence and few show any disposition to share with the suffering. Compara tively little is done for their relief at home, while there are organizations to rescue from starvation abroad. This latter should be increased and not lessened, but more of the squandered surplus of profit should be used in relief of domestic suffer ing. Little of that is afforded by complaint and criticism or eyen by expensive investigation. Chemical Preparedness Naw York Tlmee r- The remarkable growth and development of our chemical industries, due to 'loss of the im ports from Germany and to the foreign demand for high explosives, not only promises to make us independent in years to come, so far as sup plies of chemical products are concerned, but now assist in preparing tne country :or national de fense. As our manufacturers of steel and munia. tiont are fully equipped and ready, because of their work on foreign orders during the last two years, to the new chemical industries wilt meet the requirements of war, if that should come. The needs of both peace and war have caused the establishment and expansion of them. The same chemicals which belligerent armies and navies must have are indispensable in our factories in days of peace. Those which are the basis of dye stuffs, for example, must be used in making high explosives. I It t said by government officers tnat we are now making enough benzol, toluol and phenol, or carbolic acid, to supply the wants of the whole world in normal times. The increase in two yeart has been 400 per cent. Forty per cent of our coke nov comes from the by-product ovens in which such chemicals are recovered from what was formerly thrown away. The smoke now yields valuable substances which in the past we imported, aucn run utilization 01 coat ia giving us great quantities of ammonia and nitric acid. Scores of factories are turning out such- dye stuffs as we formerly bought from Germany, and chemists say there is now an ample domestic supply of the necessary colors. Growing outputs here have reduced the very high prices of many chemicals. We are making potash from kelp, alunite, the waters of a lake and the waste of ce ment mills. The value of the product rose last year to $3,500,000, Exports of chemicals have been multiplied by four. Shipments of acids have grown from less than $500,000 a year before the war to $24,000,000. The authorized capital for new companies and additions to old ones in the chemical industries has been about $170,000,000. If our country should be drawn into the war, all thit chemical preparedness would have a new and greater value. Prohibition Drink Money Naw York World Congress passes a bill cutting off revenue as lightly as one calling for the expenditures of hun dreds of millions. Since the legislative depart ment has refused to consider the effect upon the treasury of the act forbidding shipments of liquor for personal use into prohibition states, perhaps the executive branch will inquire into the matter. Assuming that Representative Shirley is well advised when he sayt that 40 per cent of Ken tucky'! liquor product has been sold in prohibi tion states, it is reasonable to suppose that the ratio holds good generally and that it applies to brewers as well as to distillers. Last year the direct tax upon the manufacture of spirits, beer and wine amounted to about $238,000,000. If the new law proves effective in stopping the "personal-use" traffic in prohibition territory, it will also, on the 40-per-cent basis, stop about $95,000,000 in taxet which congressmen asd others in Washington have found highly useful for appropriations. J n joyous disregard of consequences, Songress appears to have considered thit subject only as a moral, social and political problem, with a sug gestion on the side that the action taken was an excellent joke upon the prohibitionists whose cellars have never gone dry. When the bill gets (o the president, who must necessarily grapple with sordid finance occasionally, he may want to know how he is to replace that $95,000,000 of pro hibition drink-money. "' ' 'People and Events Down east seed potatoes are held it from $12 to $15 a barrel. Vacant lot gardening is due for a jolt when planting time for spuds arrives. Little old New York considers one flag good enough for all. Some incautious rounders who express different opinions loud enough to be heard generally win a smash and a tattoo of shoe leather. Unusual speed is necessary to escape a knockout A girl in Jersey City left home because the couldn't get a new dress for a dance. Another in New York flew the family coop because dad chided her for making up her face. Both re turned before harm betell. Such incidents are reminders of parental authority gone to seed. Medical reports from the Warwick farms, the New York State Sanitarium for Drug Addicts, conveys hopeful prospects for a new treatment devisedby Medical Director Charles P. Stokes, formerly surgeon general of the United States navy. - The nature of the treatment it not dis closed, but it laid to have thown gratifying- re sults in twenty-five cases treated. I It is said no suffering ensues and acute symptoms are re moved in two or three days. Dr. Stokes prom ises to make known the treatment should satis factory results show up in 100 cases. . , rmfm7"T' A V M Health Hint for the Day. In treating dandruff the brushes and combs used must be kept scrupu lously clean and disinfected, otherwise reinfection is Inevitable. One Tear Ago Today in the War. Two ships reported sunk in new submarine war. Russians took BltHs, In Turkish Armenia. Germans lost heavily in new drive at Verdun. Earl Kitchener and other members of the British govarnment at big Guild hall meeting urged strict economy for the nation. In Omaha Thirty Years Ago. A sorrel horse attached to atop buggy, the proaaorty of Dr. Ward, was taken from the corner of Fifteenth and Harney. The doctor would like to interview the thief or "Joker" who aspired to the possession of his steed and attachments. About 100 spectators were present at the wrestling match between Charles Moth and Elliott Edwards at South Omaha. James Mangel was aj4 'at ' JE1 I i chosen referee, T. M. McOuire and A. Garey timekeepers. Moth was sec onded by Jack Hanley and Edwards by Frank Bradburn. The match was won by Moth. The deed of the Brlggs farm to C. E. Mayne and Erastus Benson was filed with the county clerk, the con sideration paid being $205,750. while Judge Stenberg was trying part of tha prisoners i police court the remaining part were quietly enjoy ing "a pull at the bottle," some man In the lobby having smuggled a quart bottle of whisky to them aa they were passing into the court room. W. E. Flndley of Fremont, O.. who is the guest of W. B. Jacobs, In tends to ocata in this city and follow his professional pursuits as architect. Mrs. C. J. Emery has gone to Kan sas City to visit friends. Mrs. E. M. mim ot creston, la., has returned to Omaha and taken up her residence on Burt street. Charles H. Hoyt's farce comedy, "Parlor Match," was presented at Boyd's opera house. This Day In History. 1769 De Witt Clinton, statesman, known as "the father of the Erie canal," born at Little Bristol, N. T. Died In Albany February 11, 1828. 1776 A heavy cannonade was opened upon Boston from all the American batteries. 1779 Simon Gabriel Brute, first Cathollo bishop of Tincennes, Ind., born in France. Died at Vlncennes June 36, 1889. 1793 General Sam Houston, leader In the struggle for Texan independ ence, born near Lexington, Va, Died at Huntsvllle, Tex., July 26, 1863. 1810 Pope Leo XIII born at Car plneto, Italy. Died in Rome July 30, 1903. - 1819 Congress authorized Alabama to-form a state constitution. 1836 Declaration of independence of Texas signed. 1853 Washington territory created out of the northern part of Oregon. 1881---Roderlck Maclean, a dement ed youth, attempted to shoot Queen Victoria In the railway station . at Windsor. 1892 William J. Tucker was elect ed president of Dartmouth college. 1894 General Jubal A. Early, cele brated confederate chieftain, died at Lynchburg, Va. Born in Franklin county, Virginia, November 3, J816. 1912 The. president issued a proc lamation warning Americans to ob serve the neutrality laws with Mexico. The Day We Celebrate. Charles It. Sherman first saw the light of day in Montgomery Center, Vt fifty-five years ago today. Omaha boasts the possession of a whole string of first-class drug stores due to the progressiveness of Mr. Sherman, who also is a Water Boarder. John H. Stiary, president of the International Land and Investment company, was born March 2, 1872, at Wllber, Neb. He has made quite a success in real estate and land col onization. , General John W. Foster, eminent lawyer, diplomatlsf and former secre tary of state, born In Pike county, In diana, eighty-one years ago today. Prof. George F. Swain of Harvard university, chairman of the board of engineers employed to place a valua tion on the railways ot Canada, born In San Francisco sixty years ago to day. Edwin Milton Royle, .author of nu merous successful plays, born at Lex ington, Mo., fifty-five years ago today. Samuel Untermyer, famous as a cor poration lawyer, born at Lynchburg, va., fifty-nine years ago today. Prof. Henry Marion Howe, noted metallurgist and son of the late Julia Ward Howe, born In Boston sixty-nine years ago today. Tom Cowler, well known heavy weight pugilist, born at Cumberland shire, England, twenty-flve years ago today. Timely Jottings and Reminders. Texas today will holds its first offi cial observance of Sam Houston Me morial day In celebration of the 124th anniversary of the birth of Sam Hous ton and the eighty-first anniversary of the adoption of the Texas declaration of independence. Representative-Elect Jeannette Ran kin of Montana Is to explain her po litical views before a New York audi ence in Carnegie hall tonight In the first public address she has delivered since her election to congress. J Girl students of Washburn college and Kansas State Agricultural college are to engage In an intercollegiate debate today at Topeka. Many librarians are expected at At lantic City today for the annual meet ings of the American Library Insti tute and the 8tate Library associa tions of Pennsylvania and New Jer sey. Storiette ot the Day. The city's diners out are hearing a sew story .this season. Rabbi Ste phen S. Wise of the Free synagogue says: "Not long ago a mother of one ot my little pupils came to me and said: " 'Doctor, how could yon speak to my little daughter so cruelly? She cams home from the synagogue in tears, and never wants to go back.' 'What did I say to her?' I asked In astonishment. "'You told her If she didn't caane ottener you would throw her In the furnace,' the accusing mother as serted. "I thought It over, much puzzled, and then I recalled that what I really did say was this: "'It you are not more regular In attendance I shall have to drop you from the register.' " Baltimore American. . .... , No Charity in Vacant Lot Planting. Omaha, March 1 To the Editor of The Bee: For years I have cham pioned the cultivation of vacant lots, and am (delighted to see the Impetus now being given to this movement by so many of our citizens and newspa pers. However, I believe that to asso ciate this movement with a form of charity is a great mistake. It is in no sense a form of charity. Every citizen, regardless of his sta tion, ought to enjoy the cultivation of vacant lots. It Is not only a healthful exercise, far surpassing most out door sports, but it is a great aid in the im provement of the looks of the city it self. In addition, it is a means by which fresh garden truck can be furn ished directly to the table of the grow ers. No one really relishes the great difference between such small vege tables taken fresh from the garden to the table, so much as those who raise them. These are the esthetic reasons for the cultivation of vacant lots, but the economic reasons are by no means to be ignored, when these fresh vege tables, as well as others, are so high priced. Far be It from me to discourage the use of vacant lots tor charitable rea sons; but there Is a certain justifiable pride in most people against being classed as indigent or dependent. Yet these people would no doubt appreci ate the opportunity to cultivate vacant lots. That is the reason why, I fear, it Is not for the best development of this civic spirit to associate It too closely with a charity movement. In its best and true sense it is nothing of the sort. L. J. QUINBY. Responsibility for War. Omaha. Itarfh 1 Tn aha TTai,nn The Bee: In the New York American is an article purporting to prove that "tha nftfinlA nf the TTnlto a,atoc. ntnA have the constitutional and moral right to declare war." It impeaches congress with disobeying the constitu tion of the .United States, and quotes article I, section 8, paragraph 10, and the tenth amendment of the constitu tion in support of Its accusation and contention. It claims that . congress alone has the constitutional power and right "to define what acts of a submarine are and what are not felonies on the high seas and offenses against the laws of nations." It furthermore charges that con gress has been unfaithful to Its sworn obligation in "permitting and endors ing the unlawful exercise by a depart ment officer (Mr. Lansing) of the sole powers granted ito congress alone by the constitution," and that congress "could not lawfully , delegate that power to him (the secretary of state and the president) if It tried to." Finally, the American charges that our country is on the verge of war over a definition made unconstitution ally and unlawfully by Mr. Lansing. Mr. Editor, may I ask you if there is any error or flaw in the statements, logic and conclusions of the article In question? If there Is, please tell us. If there is not, then, may God be mec clful to our country, if war results from the present crisis with Germany without the outspoken consent of the majority of the voters of the United States. P. ETO". LINES TO A LAUGH. Bella Hoar In tho world did Oartta Had atrotis aver come to marry Jack to reform him? Helen I can tell you. Gertie tried to reform Jack before arte had any loea of marrying- him and failed, and yoa know Qertte.JudKe. She You don't mtnd my talking ao much, do you? He No, Indeed: but (facetloualy) I may mtnd after we are married. She But 1 ahan't mind then. Boatoa Tranacrlpt. JtA H ICWE WtH ONE OF 'What's In a name? The tob, you Vacw. will nmell ai sweet by any other nam." "Yes, but It won't taste Ww on tS call tt a potato." Baltimore American, "My dear, you promised ma to read the , cook book." "Well, I read 'it to please you, but I raally don't ae much to It as literature. I ooufBnlt get the hanir of the plot arid tnere absolutely fio thrllfs." Loulavllle CouriW-Journal. Discontinuing the Raymond Location at 1513 Howard Street Every piece of this splendid stock of Furniture, Rugs and Draperies will be sold as rapidly as possible for the purpose of discontinuing this location. The Raymond stock covers 50,000 square feet of floor space in the salesrooms alone. Every floor is congested to the limit with a stock so large and so varied that any housefurnishing need may be sup plied from it. Think what this meanSuch a . stock of such quality at discontinua Hon prices. Opportunity smiles on your want list of furniture as it never did before. aJEr.g):i 'cam t'h-ny jif Toilet Goods At Reduced Prices 25c Packer's Tar Soap 714c 50c Lazett'a Toilet Waters. .34c 25c Wool or Velour Puff for 14c 50c Cold Cream, 3 or 4 standard kinds, at, per jar 34c 50c Perfumes, six standard od ors, per ounce 34c 50c Danderine Fat 34c West End Pharmacy 49th and Dodge . This store is just "getting its eyes open" but will be thoroughly awake soon. We'll tell you more about it s little later. for Big Candy Sale All This Week ' Three or four kinds "Sealed at Factory." 1-lb. box assort ments of Chocolate covered Nuts and Fruits, regular 40c and 50c values, on sale, at, per lb. box 29c Buy Your Drugs and Toilet Articles at the Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., where you can "really and truly" save both time and money. Out-of-city Auto Show visitors can save quite a portion of their traveling expenses by taking home an armful, gripf ul or autoload of Toilet and Medicinal necessities and luxuries. Good Atomizers We sell 20 or more styles Ato mizers, Nasal Douches-and In haling Tubes. Ask us. We can show the goods. Standard Medicines at Deeply Cut Price 60c genuine California Syrup of Figs for 34c 25c Carter's Liver Pills for. ,12c 25c Laxative Bromo Quinine 19c $1.00 Pinkham's Compound. 64c 1-lb. box Mule Team Borax, ,9c 50c Pape's Diapepsin for.. 29c 2 doz. 2-grain Quinine Capsules .28c Prescription Compounding This part of our business at all times' receives our first consid eration. At the present time our stocks are surprisingly complete, and our service, we believe, unexcelled. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. SGood Drug S tor All on Prominent Cot-nors, Omaha, Nb. j Coraur 16th and Dodg (lh Orifinal) Horn of Downstairs Sodoaais. Cornar 16th and Harnoy (Tha Owl, with Its Downstairs Owl's Nt) Lunch and Soda Room. i Cornar S24th and Farnam (The Harvard) , , . Corner 19th and Farnam (Handsome Commodious) Our New "West End" Pharmacy, 49th and Dodge. mm, -aejiiuw eMaSSf a?SJSr