Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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Accept Invitation of Auto Trade
Association to See Big
Members of the Nebraska legisla
ture wMl be guests of the Omaha
Automobile Trade association at the
Redden Truck Maker On Ford
Two Conductors, but the
Power Has Been All
Shut Off.
Omaha automobile show today and
this day will be officially known as
Legislative day.
Clarke . Powell, manager of the
show, sen( an invitation to the Ne
braska solons to attend the show to
day and the lawmakers accepted.
This week's session will adjourn to
day so tlia legislators can catch an
atternoon train for Omaha.
At 6:30 tonight the solons will be
guests of the Commercial club at a
dinner at the Commercial club rooms.
All menbers of the club are urged to
attend. C. C George will preside and
Randall Brown, president of the club,
will welcome the lawmakers. Gov
ernor Neville will also speak.
Society Night Abandoned.
For the first time in history Thurs
day nigtit was not society night at
the show, and for old timers, who
have see all of the twelve Omaha
expositions, the Auditorium was
strange indeed last night.
In past years it was always the
practice to cater to the exclusive set
Thursday night. The admission price
was doisMed, the salesmen donned
evening clothes, or at least Tuxedoes,
and an air of hauteur seemed to per
vade the building.
But last night was just like any
other night. Nobody put on any
"dog, as one factory man called it.
The success 'of the show last night
means that society night will never
again be restored to favor among the
automobile men. As a matter of fact,
the farier is about the only person
who vTi be honored with a special
clay at the show in the future.
Business it Brisk.
For business yesterday and last
night was exceedingly brisk. The at
tendant at the show was very grat
ifying ad the number who attended
was so great that more money went
into the box office than would have
if it ha been society night and the
admission price double the regular
The attendance last night was al
most s large as Wednesday and ttie
number of sales made was larger than
any day except Wednesday. The auto
men rather lopked for Thursday to be
a dull day compared to the others,
but they were fooled; it was an ex
ceedingly.jtood one.
Liquor Pesters Abolish
Their Charity Society
Liquor dealers of Omaha, who were
members of the Liberal Aid society,
have sung their swan song and dis
banded.' But before voting to dis
band the men distributed $788 re
maining in the treasury. The Child
.Saving institute, City; Mission and
Visiting Nurse association each got
a check for $50. The rest was dis
pensed among other local charities,
ministers and priests.
- During its two years of existence
the Liberal Aid society has given
away more than $8,000 in cash and
supplies to needy folks, the supplies
being handled by order through the
various Omaha stores.
War Upon Fatah
Sloan's Llnlm.nt pnpua m (or iw
mersoner. Kssp It bue It's Uw iraetost
Win klllsr im dlieovsred. At all drug
fists. i8o.-Advertlssnv.nt.
IPX i VWu Jfcnocv r.
Harvard Man Bays Exposition
of German Plot Will Weld
America'! Strength.
Immediate and universal resent
ment by all Americans; prompt pas
sage of congressional bills to arm
merchantmen, preparation for war
and the investment in the president
of war powers and credits; vigorous
support of the administration and
willingness to serve the nation as
needed, will result from exposure of
Germany's latest war intrigue, ac
cording to Prof. James Hardy Ropes
of Harvard university.
He is at Hotel Fontenelle and ad
dressed the University club's noon
luncheon on "The Duty of the Uni
versity Man in the Present Crisis."
Prof. Ropes is dean in charge of uni
versity extension for Harvard and is
that university's western exchange
professor, accredited to Grinnell, Col
orado, Cr.rlton, Beloit and Knox col
leges.' Psychology of It.
"Within a few hours," he said, "the
whole country will be boiling with re
sentment against Germany for fo
menting the Mexican-Japanese alli
ance against the United States. Al
most immediately, too, I look for
congress to be aroused to the passage
of the acts necessary to meet the
crisis and be ready tor war,
"President Wilson has made pub
lic, just at the psychological moment,
the document that proves the alarm
ing seriousness of the war crisis. I
marvel at his being able to with
hold the facts until now.
"In view of the latest facts, the
people are sure to awake and join in
vigorous support of the administra
tion. They will be ready to respond
in all ways for the protection and de
fense of the country."
Uni Man's Duty.
In his University club address,
Prof. Ropea declared that the univer
sity man's educational advantages
give him certain grave responsibili
ties, especially in the present serious
"First," he said, "the university
man is able, and it becomes his duty,
to realize the meaning of militarism
and fight against it. Militarism means
that a nation's aim is military glory
or swashbuckling, and it also means
that military officers are answerable
not to the civil courts, but to the mili
tary authorities in the performance
of their duties.
"The university mart ought also to
recognize his capacity for rendering
service in the business organization
of war, and ought to- place it at the
nation's command. The commissary,
finance and transportation organiza
tion of war is of the highest import
ance and it becomes the university
man's duty to help in it, as well as
in training to become a competent
officer, so indispensible in modern
warfare. Over 1,000 students at Har
vard are already in such training.
"Futhermore, the university man's
training makes him able to under
stand the state of mind of Americans
who, because ef foreign extraction,
relatives and sympathies, do not
wholly agree with the true patriotic
American in these times of stress.
KWith this understanding, the univer
sity man can be hrm yet reasonable
in attitude and expression. Upon this
depends the close union of all Ameri
cans in support of our government,
a desperate need in case of actual
Jews Will Honor Purim,
Festive Day of Rejoiomg
Purim, a joyous minor festival of
the Jews, will be celebrated next
Thursday, March 8, in commemora
tion of their deliverance ffom immi
nent destruction, as narrated with
dramatic power in the Book of Esther.
There will be no formal observance
of Purim at Temple Israel, aside from
a Furin play which will be given by
the post-confirmation class Sunday,
March 11, but in orthodox syna
gogues Purim wil be observed by
reading the Book of Esther from the
traditional scroll.
The spirit of Purim is throughout
more social than religious. It is a
day of rejoicing, of sending gifts to
friends and remembering the poor.
Masquerades, plays, cantatas and
other entertainments are general in
connection with Purim. )
Procrastination is the thief of
health: Keep yourself well by
the timely use and help of (-
larsMt S.le of An MesVdn In tlx WoU.
IMS itoKSm U eoe, 10.( 1S.
There is a jail elevator at the court
house but it isn't in operation. There
are also two operators.
Commissioner Lynch ordered the
power shut oft: for the jail elevator
when he fonnd that Sheritf Clark was
breaking in a new man on the job.
The commissioner says that Jay
Dudley, who was appointed by the
county board, will run the elevator or
no one else will.
Following the grand jury's recom
mendation that the jail elevator be
under the jurisdiction of the sheriff's
office, Sheriff Clark asked that Isaac
Bailey be appointed.
Meanwhile the jail feeding row is
still on. The county board has re
fused to allow the sheriff's claim for
the feeding of the prisoners twenty
seven days in January based on the
32 cents a day allowed by law. The
commissioners have requested that
Sheriff Clarke submit an itemized ac
count, declaring that they will allow
only what was actually expended for
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Fav
orite for Colds.
J. L. Easley, Macon, III., in speak
ing of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
says, "During the past fifteen years it
has been my sister's favorite medi
cine for colds on the lungs. I my
self have taken it a number of times
when suffering with a cold and it al
ways relieved me promptly." Adv.
Best Milk
in Omaha
according' to U. S. Bureau
of Health, is produced by
Local Dairies
It Is brought fresh and
cool from mllkhonsa; to
your table In shortest pos
sible time. '
Its handling Is rigidly
Inspected by city authori
ties. It has not been shipped,
nor indifferently mixed,
nor artificially heated.
Price Ho Higher
than on bulk milk
'An Open Letter to Former United
States Senator Mason on Nuxated Iron
i And His Reply Thereto.
At a pioneer in Pure Food and Drug Legislation and at a pronounced champion of all billt protecting
the rightt of the Creat Mattel of the American People at against truttt and combines, we believe
- -
It Is your duty, Senator Mason, to tell the public just what
yoa think of Nuxated Iron and just what benefits you
obtained from taking it at 65 years of age, when
you were all run down, after the hardest
fought political campaign of your life.
To taW Haeon. r..rttt. w-fc. nnle and
.. .. , ,,- pitvnt trylnv to grow ra a mO tUflemst m
will Wf mmm Anwrli pM p.titjot of mtao rmrkl U m
BsvUonal flgwo ramr work for tow jrou aftor bovine bora on w to1 cown
.1 til UniUd BtsUM How of JUproMoU- of Nnuttd Iron): Doetar, (M Umt
IT "t " .'TT.rtl.t rtn. No Ira. I M
Sonet in orln tos-Ulatlon farorlns labor b j,,,, 0UI mineral eelu
.end tU ITWt m.MM of nooele as written 0f iron tor roan, only to dh! oomplalnts
'roar nVnrt IndeliMr among to. una ot .1 dieoaioroa uetli. distorted disestmn.
loosntrr. only wnr to euppir Iron we. to t.t th.
. oanetor Mom. thor at tneneands pattern to ait w laraa qoeuttuei of epln
nun d wobm la thu ooanur who m,. .iut. IotkIou.
oo4 MBMhlaa to tall thorn at u4 u,, osuutaof organic troa. wblcfc hsa no
i(lT thoa mm strontth. onSuruio. daotnotl notion on tho loath-no oor-
. ' 1 w. roolvo ofloet on tho stomach ond which t
vigor, TlUMtr ana snorar Jul nadllr aaotmllatod Into th. blooo and
idld. hot ohor do not know what U taho anlohlr nakoo Ita imomoo foil or laaroaaod
I tho do not all bar. jow ana ad- vuror. anas and atarlat powor.
I tor itvr-f-t nhrotclan. and "U m art not otronc or wU to nwo
TV . .-TT- .IrTrfTZ. It to ronroolf to mako tho foUowlns toot:
oMalnln latonnaUoa a this ashjwit g., w roa oaa work or how tar
Whoa To war am tho (oor of Uw yoB walk wltnont hacomias Und. Hxl
. Ha jtM ra tako two nvo-arain i ihim
tnroo tun- pw w - ..r f,
rn rood sad Druaa laaialaUoa b
roa ooyoTod It to bo r tho (nod of
tho nooplo yo won tho fathnr at th.
Anral roo Oollnrr araum tor thin suit
raaaon and as OonoT.maa-.lit (or tho
vooplo sf Illinois, ran aro now admnUnl
tho olfht-how wachlna Uw for thai nun.
la tt not raw
th rnopin loot who Una
rm at SS roan of
Mot Ho mnttar whathar It Is a tooMdr,
,a law or want not. If It la for Uu ssod
jot tha poopllo la It ant row datr U holp
(n,ak. It known U thorn t
I Nuatod Iron la not a patent nodi.
Irino nor aoorot romodr. Dn Boward
Jinn, lato ot tho Onitod Btatm Public
:Hoalth Sonrloo, oars'. "In mr aplnton
lorsanla Iron Is bnad anosdon th.
wroamt of all stroncth bnlldara. If
ipooplo woold only throw away kablt
Iformlnf dross and nauooons eonooello&a
innd tako slmplo Hwsatad Iron. X am oon
'vlnood that tho uo of thoaonnds of
iporoons mlsht na aarod who now di.
Iotoit roar from pnonmnnla. srlpp,
coonnrptlon. kldnor. Uvor and hoart
troublo. oto. ' Tho ronl and tmo oausc
which atartad thotr dlooaaos was hoih
tnv mora nor loaf than lack of Iron
in th blood. Iron In absolutory noc...
sarr to onabi. roar blood to chango food
Unto Irrtoa llosa. Wlthant It. no matt.:
how mnch or what yea sat. roar too.:
Isaorolr pasoos throvsb roa wlthoat dolr
Iron any food. Tn don't rot tho stronfl
(rat a H. and as a aansswMoM roa bocom.
' "Jd M ana ttlirV.S. Cmurn row Usoih
Gentlement Chicago, 111.
I have often eaid 1 wonld never reoommend
medicine of any kind. I believe that the dootor'a
place. However, after the hardest political
campaign of my life, without a chance for a va
cation, I had been starting to court every morn
ing with that horrible tired feeling one cannot
describe. I was advised to try Nuxated .Iron. In
a pioneer in the pure food and drug legislation,
I was at first loath to try an advertised remedy,
but after advising with one of my medical
friends, I gave it a test. The results have
been so beneficial in my own case, I made up my
mind to let my friends know about it, and you are
at liberty to publish this statement if you bo
desire. I am now 65 years of ago and I wi
that a remedy which will build up the strength
and increase the power of endurance of one at my
age, should be known to the world.
ioura verj nuxjr,
TImu test wmt otrMifth anla and
M how maen yom bo, gavined. From my
own ozpoiioneo with NuxaUd iron, 1 fMl tt
1 onea a vmlnabto rontotly that It aboutd
b kept In rtrj boopUal and preoaribed
by tvwy phiraudaa In this eoontir."
iJi. At, Sauer. a Boston phy.ieiaa, who hat
stuoied both In tali eounttj aad groat
Europwn Modieal In.tttatioaa, uyt: "Thero
can bo no .tronf, vigoroua iron men and
bwattfal, lMalthy woma without Iron. Not
Ions ago a man .aaa to no who wa. noarly
had a eontury old and aakwl mo to ffiv.
him a preliminary aaaatDatioa tor Uf.
uraneo. I waa aatoniibml to find him with
tha blood of a boy of 20, and ai
fall of rifor, vim and vitality a. a young
man: In foot, a young man ho really was,
notwithstanding Ms aire. Th. secret, ho ..Id,
wj. taking iron nuxated iron had filled him
with renewed life. At SO ho wa. in bad
heelth; at 48 he wa. careworn and nearly
all in now at 80. after taking nuxated iron,
a miracle of vitality and hi. face beaming
with the buoyancy of youth."
Or. Schuyler C. Jacques, Vlettltur Surgeon,
St Elieabeth'a Hospital, Mew York, .aysi
"I havo never before given oat any medical
information or advice for publication, as I
ordinarily do not believe In It, But In the
case of Nuxated Iron I feel I would be re
miss in my duty not to mention H. I have
-'i taken it myiolf and given it to my patient,
with most surprising aad satisfactory re
sults. And those who wish quickly to in
caiaao their atreagth, powor and endurance
wtu find it a most roiaarkable and won
detfnlly effective remedy."
Dr. T. Alphonsu. Wallaoe. a physician of
many yeare axperiona this eoantry and
who ha. boi srivea moor honorarv tttles in
Bagla&d, Myat "I do not make a practice
of reeommanatng advermea nauitau pro
daetft. but I hava found Muxatod Iron so
potent m aarvoue, rua-down conditions, that
I believe ail should know of it. Th men
and women of today need more iron in their
blood than was the eas twenty or thirty
years ago. This because of the demtneraltsed
diet which now It served daily in thousands
of home and alio because of tho demand
for greater rwlstaaee neoossary to offset
th gaeater number of health haaards to be
mat at .very tan."
atrrot mxatad Iran which '
rnrmar TMtod State. Senator i
ronnar TMtod atate. 8onato hlanon at S
yaars ot an with aneh surpruonf and oat
U factory roonlta and which la proaoribod
and noonimondad nhoro by phratolana In
Mai a .it vartetr of eaooa la not a
patont atodKslna nor aocrot romodr. bat ono
which hi wall known to droKlata and whooo
Iron ooastltaoot nr wldaly prascrlbod by
muioat phrotclana both ht Bnropo and
Amorlco. Cnllko tho oldor tnorsaalo Iron
pradnota, It la anally anrimllatod. doos not
Inlnro tho tenth, aaaho thorn block, nor op
act tho otosnaeh; on th contrary. It la a
most potent ramodr m noarly aU forms ot
Indication an wall as for norooas rn-down
conditions. Tho mannfaotarors hnv. such
rroat eonftdanoo In nnxatod Iron that th.r
offar to forfolt S1O0.M to any oharlubM
Instltntlon U thor can not tako anr man
wnm&n under S wno lacks Iron, nnd
tncraaao tholr strNtath t par cant or oyer
In Sour weeks' Una, prortded thor hno DO
crloua organic tronbl.. They aloe oOer u
rotund rour money If It does not at least
.loublo your strength and .ndaranos In ton
itys' Umo. It Is dUpenoed In this city by
Sherman McConn.ll Dnut Store, nnd all
food drotSUts AOTariisenwni. ,
I P. lH5v mill ' "'fcJzgSP0
Valve in the
Head Motors
Buick Cars have satisfied owners and
have been fast sellers for dealers.
There's a reason It is because
Buick values are everlastingly good.
Figures Show It.
Nebraska Buick Auto Co.
II' 'I
(Licen.ed Under Cook Patents)
All Ulnar. Intrlnf ements
10 Decisive Superiorities
Hero aro the FINAL FACTS thai decide how lowest-cost hauling is attained. Place all "truck
attachments" side by side these are the comparison act a. you'll find them:
1 Redden frame is extra strong it overlaps Ford frame and bolts through it. This gires In
creased strength and rigidity. No side extension to allow "wearing," which, with ether attachments,
causes racking and breaking.
2 Redden castings solid steel, instead of malleable iron, and part for part are larger and
stronger than corresponding parts in any competing device.
3 Our hub flanges and wheels are extra heavy, and our tires are over sixe.
4 The Redden axle is the strongest regulation 2-ton axle, 2 inches square.
B The."Rddsn-Tnick-Makr" is the ONLY ATTACHMENT using two shackle-barst other
hare but one.
6 The "Redden-Truck-Makar" is th ONLY attachment with solid steel, swirel jointed radius
rods and they are extra heary.
7 The "Redden-Truck-Maker" is the ONLY attachment with 5 brakes there are 2 extra large
service brakea on rear hub drums there are 2 brakes on the Ford hub drums, also the Ford service
brake. Other attachments hava only 3 brakes.
8 The "Redden-Truck-Maker" can be attached in less time than any ether, and does not
necessitate any cutting of the Ford axle. ,
9 The "Redden-Truck-Maker" is th ONLY attachment which conforms to the S. A. E. (So
ciety of Automobile Engineers) standards.
10 Backed by manufacturing facilities and financial resources greater than any other con
cern in the business.
If you are interested in keeping delivery costs down to th lowest figure you will take th
time necessary to prove up these 10 decisive superiorities of the ""odden-Truck-Makor."
$350 and a Ford Makes a
Guaranteed 1-ton Truck
Track Maker" f ' "! anF
to yur Pt- VA ti MrinJLIg
ent protection
Visit our Exhibit at tha Track Show.
Foshier Brothers & Bixby
R. W. CRAIG. Inc.
aOM Faraam St, Omaha, Nob.
Local Dealer
e2 Faraam St., Omaha, Neb.
Loam about this wonderful money-makinf oppor
tunity why you ohoutd set the protection
el th Cook Patents.
Redden Motor Truck Co.
143 Michigan Avenue, Chica.
There's a
Truck For
Every Need
No matter what your haul
ing problems are,theG-M-C
will solve them. They are
like all "made-to-order
things" they don't answer
the purpose by accident, but
because they are designed
to do so.
. Htiff, Manager
H. E. Sidles, General Mgr.
S. C. Douglas, Manager.
Distributors, Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs.
It will save you time and money if you use BEE WANT ADo