Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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Penniless Lawyer, Once Rich,
rile 8 Sensational Charges
Against Doctor-Wife.
Sensational charges against his
wife, Mattie L. Arthur, prominent
woman physician and active in club
affairs, are made by John G. Arthur,
aged and one-time wealthy attorney,
ill a divorce suit filed in district
The 73-year-old lawyer, now an in
mate of the House of Hope, alleges
that after years of scheming and the
building for herself of a successful
career, she has succeeded in obtain
ing possession of all his property
and has driven him from his home
at 1333 South Thirty-third street,
leaving him. The professional
woman's alleged plot, according to
Arthur's assertions, has left him pen
niless, without money enough to even
pay the costs of the divorce suit.
The bulky petition with its start
ling allegations was prepared by the
law firm of Sutton, McKenzie & Har
ris, who ask for their client an ab
solute divorce decree and seek to
have the court declare null and void
a deed made last year by which, it
is alleged, Mrs. Arthur acquired the
whip hand in the family fortunes.
She Studies Medicine.
The Arthurs were married at Deca
tur, Neb., in December, 1880, and
have been residents of Omaha for
the last twenty years. According to
the aged lawyer, soon after their
marriage his wife became dissatisfied
with the life of a housewife and de
manded that he furnish.her with funds
with which to attend a medical col
lege, Arthur, asserting that she posi
tively refused to be just plain wife,
sets forth that he gave her $1,000
with which to satisfy her ambition to
become a physician.
Mrs. Arthur graduated from med
ical school and hung up her doctor's
shingle at Oakland, Neb., according
to the petition. His wife in a short
time, Arthur alleges, became dissatis
fied and expressed a desire to seek
larger .ields where she wot,ld have
the opportunity of building up a
profitable practice and obtaining big
Arthur recounts that he had a good
practice as a lawyer, was interested
in other lines of business and was
well able to care for his family and
lay aside something for old age, but
his wife insisted on moving to San
Diego, Cal.
Once a Leading Lawyer.
In the Golden State Arthur asserts
that he became a partner of one of
the leading lawyers of the Pacific
coast and soon built up a large prac
tice. But, he alleges, his wife again
became dissatisfied and demanded
that they return to Nebraska, threat
ening to bring about a separation if
he did not consent to the change. He
says that this change resulted in a
great financial loss to him.
The scene now shifts to Pender,
Neb., where, according to his allega
tions, his doctor-wife became dissatis
fied after two and a half years' resi
dence and insisted on moving hack
to Oakland. She became dissatisfied
there, he avers, and moved to Omaha.
Arthur alleges that as time went on
his professional mate became more
and more domineering and, "disre
garding her marriage relations, tried
to rule and did rule the household."
He says that she became the "boss"
and threatened him when he objected,
relating that she ordered him around
as if he were a child.
Says She Swore.
His wife frequently swore. Arthur
alleges, shook her fist in his face, and
enforced her demands with profanity
and wallops on his jaw. He further
alleges that she began scheming to
obtain all his .property- and system
atically carried on a campaign to des
tioy his peace of mind.
The complaining husband asserts
that she would come into his room in
the middle of the night, curse him
and shake her fist in his face. On one
occasion, he alleges, he awoke and
found her standing beside his bed
soon as the communications reach
brandishing an Indian club over his
Mrs. Arthur, the allegations in the
petition state, entertained toward his
daughter by a former marriage, a bit
ter hatred, flying into a passion when
ever he received a letter from her.
Irior to April 12, 1916, his wife, he
alleges, schemed to defraud his daugh
ter out of property that might go to
her at his death. The husband as
serts that his wife insisted that both
h. and his daughter deed their prop
erty to a "straw man," who wis in
turn to deed the property, to her.
Debate About Property.
Ifwas then decided to divide the
property fifty-fiftv, the husband savs.
Prior to April 12, 1916. Arthur de
clares that he owned the following
960 acres of land in Cheyenne
county, Nebraska.
264 acres of land in Kimball county,
Property in Omaha in Ambler
Place, Park Place, Orchard Hill and
Lincoln Place.
He alleges that she insisted that all
his property be deeded in trust to a
third party, the third party to deed
the property to him or his survivors,
she well knowing, he adds, that she
would outlive him. Arthur asserts
that she produced a revolver and
threatened to kill him and then take
her own life is he did not join with
her in deeding the property as she
Afraid of his life, he alleges, he
executed a deed of all his holdings
to Harry A. McCord and Helen A.
McCord on April 12, 1916, they im
mediately deeding the property back
to him, with a provision that upon
his death it should go to his survivor.
He says that he signed the deed
through "fear and duress."
At this time, he alleges, she started
a campaign to drive him out of his
home, finally leaving him penniless,
as he says he is at the present time.
They Make You Feel Good.
The pleasant purgative effect ex
perienced after taking Chamberlain's
Tablets and the healthy condition of
body and mind to which they con
tribute, makes one feel that living
lis worth while. Advertisement.
Will Not Give Farmers Short
Renewals Until the Land
Bank is Ready.
With the farm loan bank not yet
actually ready to' make loans, hun
dreds of fanners throughout the
Omaha district are exceedingly
anxious today, for, as this is March
1, their loans with the loan com
panies have expired in large num
bers. These are very anxious to be
gin to borrow Of the federal, farm
loan bank instead of from the loan
companies. In some instances ar
rangements are betn made between
these borrowers and the loan com
panies for a short renewal of thirty
or sixty days to tide them over until
they can get the loan from the fed
eral loan bank.
In other cases, however. It is said,
loan companies are refusing to make
the short time extensions. Secretary
Odell of the Omaha Federal Farm
Loan bank is getting many letters
from farmers all over the district set
ting forth this condition. "The bor
rowers are being crowded for renew
als at this time," said Secretary Odell.
"for some of the loan companies want
to be sure to get another two or
three-year renewal before the federal
bank is ready to accommodate these
jtecommendations for appraisers
from south Dakota, Wyoming and
Nebraska for the Omaha Federal Farm
Loan bank have been maJe by the
bank directors, who been in ses
sion in Omaha for two days.
Appointments Soon.
The recommendations have been
forwarded tc Wash.iiRtoi.. and the
appointments are likely to follow as
headquarters. . The;e appointments
are to be made on the recommenua
I! I
of the
2nd Floor, 15th and Douglas Streets
All accounts due the Berg Clothing
Co. should be paid at this office, and
all claims against the company can be
presented there also.
We take this opportunity to thank our
many friends and customers for their ex
pressions of sympathy and offers of as
sistance. 1
for YOU
Shoe Co.
The Big Underselling Shoe Store
The Store With New Ideas
New Styles
You Will Like Our Way of Doing
This Will Be the Money Saving
Shoe Store of Omaha.
See Friday Night's Paper for
Big Announcement
Omaha I
(ion of the board of directors, so that
it is considered very likely the names
will be confirmed as soon as as the
federal farm loan board receives them.
The appraiser for Iowa will be ap
pointed later.
The appraisers are to get $2,400 a
year and expenses.
Though applications for cltrical
jobs with the bank number nearly a
thousand, the directors say they will
not make any of the appointments
until they hold their next meeting,
March 15.
The directors have adjourned their
meeting, and alt, except President
Hogan and Secretary Odell, have left
the city for the time being.
Hogan to Washington.
President Hogan is to Ictve this
evening for Washington, where, on
March , he will attend a conference
0." the twelve piesidents of the federal
farm loan banks and the members of
the federal km loan board. At this
conference uniform systems of ac
counting are to be worked out, and
other details of the opera -on of the
banks are to be agreed upon.
Within a few days the furniture and
fixtures are to be installed in the tem
porary quarters of the bank, 1206
1207 Woodmen of the World build
ing, where the bank has a suite of
five rooms. , This morning mail ac
cumulated rapidly in these quarters,
although not a bit of furniture was
yet in the rooms. "I am trying to de
termine now. of the thousands of
letters already accumulated," said
Secretary Odell, "of which class of
mail I have most of applications for
Lars, or applications for jobs."
Secretary Odell said persons
anxiously writing about applications
for loans would be answered as soon
as the directors could possibly get into
ship; to begin to answer the great
volume of correspondence.
A force of land bank examiners is
si on to be appointed by the Treasury
department, whose duty it will be to
e::ate)ine the federal land banks pe
riodically just as federal inspectors or
bank examiners now examine the
books of the national banks through
out the country. Examiners will also
be appointed to examine the books of
the various farm loan associations
which will spring up hy the thousands
throughout the country.
Everybody r.ada Btt Want Adt.
Creighton Boys Debate
League to Enforce Peace
Creighton law school's model leg
islature echoed to a sharp verbal bat
tle Wednesday night when the em
bryo lawyers debated the merits of
Matwin F. Dudley's bill, petitioning
President Wilson to enter into nego
tiations for the formation of an in
ternational league to enforce peace.
The negatives won the argument, but
not before they had proved them
selves in a keen tilt of tongues.
Speaker McAvoy appointed Rep
resentative Uvick of Frontier county
to act as chairman of the committee
of the whole. The committee refused
to pass the peace bill. Messrs. Mat
win Dudley, Robert McGuiggan,
Henry Dolan, affirmative friends of
the proposed legislation, were over
come hy the negative logicians, who
reasoned that peace leagues were in
effectual because their decrees lack
force to compel observance. They
ought to be backed by armed force,
was argued bv the winning negatives,
Messrs. D. Frank Delahoy and G.
Kffffs. Frftsh EffffS.
oo ' '
lumDie to ininy
Cents Per Dozen
Here is big news to knock th
H. C. of L. a stinging blow.
Eggs, the fruit of the hen, strictly
fresh eggs, have decreased in price
from 45-cents a week ago to 30 cents
a doien today. Today's price alone
showed a drop of 5 cents on the dozen.
"We look for even a further drop,"
said Manager King of Hayden's gro-,
eery department. "All are strictly
fresh eggs. That is the only kind on
the Omaha market now. Storage eggi
were used up some time ago."
Cambro Welsh Society
Honors St. David's Day
The Cainbro Welsh society will
celebrate St. David'a day tonight in
Jacobs' hall at Seventeenth . amf
Dodge streets. John T. Yates will
preside. The program will consist of
musical numbers, declamation! and
To Be a Real Patriot To-day
-Think, Talk, Act Intelligently!
fN Friday, February 2. it was every man's and woman's privilege to
be neutral to the point of not knowing and not caring anything
about the neutrality of nations, blockades, international agreements or
rules of war. It was his or her privilege to take no cognizance of any"
aspect of the war if he or she did not wish to think about it.
On Saturday. February 3, by the severance of diplomatic relations
with Germany, it instantly became the duty of every man and woman
in the United States to know positively what this nation is doing and
why it is being done.
President Wilson is the executive
head of your government, placed
there by you, to do and to see that
others do those things that make
for the welfare of all the people.
The representative in Congress
from your district and your sena
tors are your representatives to
see that legislation for your benefit
is enacted and to see that legisla
tion inimical to your welfare is
avoided. ' t
No one thing is so important to
remember right now as the fact
that this is a republican form of
government and that THE GOV
Now (as at no other time in our
history), it is the clear duty of
every man and woman voter, every
boy and girl, to know what are the
facts that have led this nation to
its present position.
There are dozens of vital
questions in every thinking
man's and woman's mind
to-day, questions that
should be asked, questions
that should be intelligently
Now is the time for you to get
out your books, to go to your
histories, to go to your libraries
and read up on the facts. At this
critical juncture do you know
where to turn ? Are you equipped
to get at the facts or are you de
pendent on the newspapers? Or do
you have to build your judgment
on the "They say" stories of the
people you meet ? Can you inform
yourself quickly, accurately?
Chicago, IU.
Gentlemen: Please send me, free, the
illustrated book, "The Britanniea Book of
the War, '"published by The Encyclopaedia
Was President Wilson right in break
ing off diplomatic relations with
Has the breaking off of diplomatic
relations led to war in the past?
What rights of ours are being in
vaded to make it necessary to pro
test by breaking relations?
What constitutes a blockade?
Is England's blockade of Germany in
accordance with the signed agree
ments of the maritime powers?
Is Germany's submarine blockade of
England in accordance with there
What rights have neutrals on the
seas in time of war?
What is the meaning of "visit and
Is it contrary to international agree
ments for a submarine to sink a
merchant vessel after giving warn
ing? What is the principle back of the
Monroe Doctrine?
Did President Monroe originate the
Monroe Doctrine?
What international agreements haye
been broken in this war?
What treaties have been abrogated
in this war?
What is a neutral?
Can the citizens of a neutral nation
sell ammunition and war supplies
to a belligerent?
What is contraband?
Who decides what is contraband?
Has the history of nations been more
affected by land wars or sea wars?
May a belligerent destroy the prop
erty of a neutral in the enemy's
What have The Hague conventions
contributed to the amelioration
of war?
Does war mean good or bad times
for a nation?
How does Congress raise money to
prosecute war?
How can you most quickly, with the
least trouble and effort, find author
itative answers to these questions?
The new Encyclopaedia Britanniea
will tell you. It will give you au
thentic facts about the world's progress
in all phases of international relations.
It will tell you quickly the correct
facts about the history of your coun
try, its government, its officers, their
The Britanniea will give you the
. facts.
The situation is most serious. THIS
A half-hour a day spent with the
Britanniea for a very little while will
fortify you in your judgments. It will
make an intelligent voter of you. It
will make you a SAFE MAN OR
You can own a complete set of the
Britanniea "Handy Volume" Issue (29
volumes) for a first payment of $1.00.
to be followed by convenient monthly
payments for a limited period. This is
the issue printed on thin India paper .
that makes each volume (6 inches by,
8a inches) only one inch thick, easy
to use and a pleasure to hold and
handle. This issue, because the war
has stopped the manufacture of India
paper, is limited. Only a compara
tively few sets remain. When these are
gone no more can be had at any price.
Remember, this is your last op
portunity to buy this wonderful
library of world-wide facts, includ
ing all human knowledge and
achievement, and act at once.
We can tend you a apodal booklet, "The
Britanniea Book of the War," that containe
many intereatinf facte about the war end ita
underlying causes.
To read this book ia to get i keen appreciation
of the deep-rooted game of European politics
played by each great nation. It gives you t view
of national ambitions in regard to trade and
territorial expansion, end increase in spheres of
influence. Get this book snd resd about the
great Bismarck, the creator of the German Em
pire; the houses of Habsburg snd Hohenzollern.
Read about the Franco-German war and the part
it played in uniting Germany. It ia a mightilr
interesting book and shows the parts Russia.
Austria, England, France, played in the great
game of diplomacy snd politics that little by little
Isid the fuel for this conflagration. It tells some
thing sbout the Balkan political situation which
eventually supplied the rostch thst set the world
aflame. f This book is youra for the asking.
We have another special illustrated book that
tells sbout the Britanniea. What it Is. Why it
is of value to you. This book is free, Sign and
send the coupon now. It will bring this book
to you.
You need the new Britanniea and
you certainly should have it printed
on the genuine India paper.
SEARS. ROEBUCK ft CO., Chicago, Ul.
Gentlemen: Please send me, free, your
Illustrated book, giving full information
about the new Encyclopaedia Britanniea,
Also tell me what I will have to pay for one
of the remaining seta of the "Handy Volume"
Issue of the Britsnnica printed on genuine
India paper.
be. n
FRED B. PANOR. M.n.j.r.