Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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United States Naturalization
Examiner Ournett Is in City
to Probe Records. .
. United States Naturalization Ex
aminer J. M. Gurnett, of. the bureau
uf naturalization of the federal gov
eminent. n the city conducting a
personal examination in the Federal
building of alt aliens whose applica
tions for citizenship (second papers)
in Douglas county, will mature for
hearing in the Douglas county dia-
trwt court on May . next, upwards
of 100 applicants will be examined
as to their fitness to become citizens
of the United States during the next
tew days. .'
- Since the breaking off of diplomatic
relations with Germany, there has
brvn i tremendous increase in appli
cations for citizenship throughout the
country, Mr. Gurnett states. Many ol
these aliens have the erroneous Im
pression that all they have to do to
become citizens is to go to the office
of the clerk of court, file their appli
cations, and become citizens without
taking further steps. Such is not the
case. The federal naturalization law
requires that all petitions for naturali
zation must be on file at least ninety
days before any court can exercise
the authority of hearing them. Fur
thermore, naturalization hearings in
court can be had only on certain days,
agreeable both to the government and
the court. s
Four Hearing Days.
There are four naturalization hear
ing days at Omaha each year, namely,
the first Monday of February, May,
August and November. As the ninety
days required by law to elapse be
tween the date of the filing of appli
cations in the clerk's office and their
hearing in court will not have passed
by May 7, next, all those who have
filed applications for their second
papers since the break with Germany
will not have a hearing on their appli
cations until the first Monday in Au
gust, next All those whose applica
tions were on file not later than Feb
ruary S, will get a hearing on May 7,
next, and will be made naturalized
citizens of the United States provided
they have been found, upon Investiga
tion by the government, to be quatt
fied in every way to become citizens.
Each Man Must Qaulify.
Before the hearing in court of ap
plications for citizenship, the field
force of the bureau of naturalizatiou
conducts an investigation into the
case of each applicant, Mr. Gurnett
states. In addition to having lived in
the United States for wore than' five
years continuously immediately pre
ceeding the application and to prov
ing by at least two American citizens
his good moral character and resi
dence for the time he has lived in the
United States, the applicant, must be
able to' speak the English ? language
and to show' that he is thoroughly
familiar with the principles of the
constitution of the Uiited States and
-hat he is attached to those principles
mil is willing to surrender, without
reservation, any foreign title or al
'cgiance he may possess. , .
Should an applicant fail to measure
jp to the strict standard the govern
ment maintains, he cannot ba legally
naturalized. An officer of the bureau
'if naturalization appears in court at
.naturalization hearings held before
the district judges, to look after the
interests of the government and to
object to the making of a citizen of
anv alien who has been found, upon
investigation, not to be fully qualified
to become an intelligent, moral,
American citizen. Applicants coming
from any country that may be en
gaged in war with the United States,
cannot be granted citizenship until
peaceful relations with his native land
have been re-established.v ,
Makes Daring Leap
. Just as Though It '
Was Regular Stunt
Hurtling along at fifty miles an
hour in a Maxwell car, R. Van Scoy
made a flying leap' from a platform
through the air and alighted top side
up on all four wheels, just as though
that were the most natural thing in
("the world to take leaps of forty-one
feet through the air in Maxwells.
Van Scoy ''s from the Maxwell fac
tory and made his exhibition leap at
the New York and Chicago auto
shows also. The exhibition took place
on Jackson street, near Seventeenth.
The police had the street roped off
for a distance of two blocks to keep
back the large crowd.
Truck Attachment Solves
Problems for Farmers
"The problem of economical haul
ing of heavy loads at a sufficient rate
of speed on the farm has been solved
by Smith Form-a-Truck," says A. S.
Johnston, sales manager of the Smith
Motor J. ruck corporation of Chicago.
"The Omaha exhibit has been
thronged with interested dealers and
prospective users during Automobile!
Show week.
"Farmers have come to realize that
this attachment, which combines with
either Ford, Overland, Chevrolet,
JJonge Bros., Huick or Maxwell cars
to make a fully guaranteed one-ton
truck, will cover three times the area
covered by horses, hauling twice the
load in the same time and doing the
work at a much lower cost. Where
farmers have been accustomed to
spend several hours a di y on the road
between their iarms and points of de
livery they are now covering the
same distance and doing the same
work in about one-fourth the time,
and at greatly i :duced cost."
Inquest Into Fatality i
Absolves All from Blame
- No blame was attached and no one
was found negligent by the county
attorney's inquest held Thursday
morning as a result of the death of
William H. Clark, 936 South Forty
ninth street, cement finisher, killed
Tuesday afternoon when the roof of
the Sample-Hart Motor company,
Eighteenth and Burt streets, caved in.
The jury found that the falling of the
roof was entirely accidental. ,
0. P. Weldon Says He Would
Be Worth More to Hie
Family if .Dead.
Building Boom is Here, '
. . City's Records Prove
Building operations during Feb
ruary were $936,925; same month last
year, $815,692. ; "
Records of the city building de
partment show that building improve
ments In Omaha during the first two
months of this year exceeded corre
sponding period of last year as fol
lows: mf, $1,129,760; 1916, $992.967..
Th Pneumonia Season.
The cold, damp weather of March
seems to be the most favorable for
the pneumonia germs. Now is the
time to be careful. Pneumonia often
results from a cold. The quicker
a cold is gotten rid . of the less the
danger. As soon as the first indica
tion of a cold appears take Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. As to the value
of this preparation, ask anyone who
has used it. Advertisement.
Tired of battling against the high
cost of living on a small salary 0.
P. Weldon, 2508 North Thirty-third
street, father of five children, called
up his employer, W. J. Irvine, mana
ger of the Singer Sewing Machine
company, and, according to the po
lice, told him that he (Weldon) had
embezzled about $200 of the firm's
money and that he intended to com
mit suicide.
The conversation was overheard by
a triend at bixteentn ana uoage
streets, who fearing that Weldon in
tended to carry out nis tnreat, noti
fied Detective Sutton. When Wel
don still insisted to carry out his
threat Detective button took him to
the central station and locked him up.
Detective Sutton says that Weldon
told him he was tired of trying to
support his wife and five children on
a small salary and that he had de
cided to end it all. He is reported
as telling the detective that he had
$7,000 insurance and that his family
would be better on without him.
Police Warned.
Irvine, it is said, tried to dissuade
Weldon from carrying out his threat,
at least until he had time to talk
the matter over with him.
After being arrested Weldon is
said to have changed his mind about
committing suicide, but is still held to
see if he-really did embezzle some
of the firms money.
Weldon is a sewing machine sales
man and receives besides a small sal
ary a commission on what he sells.
He is said to have been working
for the firm for the last seven years.
Weldon is booked (or investigation
at the ponce station.
Elcar Makes Hit Show Week
X Mother-Made, Quick I
aenny touyn oyrup
IsmU a Kept Raaa In Wnrr
How Easily Prepare ana
Mothers, you'll sever know what you
re missing until you make up this In
expensive, quick-acting tough syrup and
try it Children love Us pleasant, taste
and nothing else will loosen a cough or
chest cold and heal the inflamed or
swollen throat membrane with such
ease and promptness. It's equally as
gooa ior grown-ups as lor coiioren.
This splendid cough syrup is made by
turinff 21 ouncna of Pinex (50. eenti
worth), into a pint bottle and filling the
bottle with plain granulated sugar
syrup. This gives you a full pint a
family supply of much better sough
remedy than you could buy ready-made
ior 2.u a clear saving 01 ag.
The moment 'it touches tha inflamed.
cold-congested membranes that line the
throat and air passages, the healing be-
fins, the phlrgm loosens, soreness
caves, cough spasms lessen and soon
disappear altogether, thus ending a
cough quicker than you ever thought
possible. Hoarseness and ordinary
coughs are conquered by it in 24 hours
or less. Excellent for bronchitis, whoop
ing cough, spasmodio croup, bronchial
astnma or winter cougns.
Pinex is a highly, concentrated com
nound of genuine Norway nine extract.
combined with gualaeol and ia famous
the world over for its quick healing
eiiect on tne memoranes.
a Beware of substitutes. Ask your
druggist for "2 ounces of Pinex" with
directions and don't accept anything
else. Guaranteed to give absolute satis
faction or money rnfunara.
Co, Ft, Wayne, Ind.
The Pinei
Pierre Shoe M
Iv) fluffs
Offers you 4,000 pairs Ladies! Tan,
Dull Kid, Patent, Vici, Gun Metal,
Calf, Button and Lace Boots $6,
$5 and $4 kinds all sizes and
widths, at
CKlairpy : IF- Pieiree
iwr vcxsf.
"Infermashun" of
. This Wife Hunter
Ready for "Ladys"
A Council Bluffs wife-hunter, who
writes that his "nationality is of Ger
man descent," is the latest to file an
application for a wife with "Cupid
Fanning at the postoffice matrimonial
All letters of this nature are being
forwarded by the postmaster to Miss
Martha- Busold of Albany, N. Y., who
asked him to help her and two other
girls open correspondence with "tall,
dark young men" in the west.
The low.-, customer in the matri
monial market writes that he "will
try to qualify as hnsban for one of the
ladys." He is 27 years of age, weighs ,
190 pounds, has blue eyes, "and a heavy
head of black hair, is dark com
plected and of good habits. "Any
farther infermashun can be redily fur
nished," he says.
Only Two Pupils Found
To Have Sore Throats
Medical examination of 1,900 pupils
of Central High school on Wednes- t
day resulted in exclusion ot only two
who had sore throats.
"We found the school in excellent
condition from a health standpoint,"
stated Superintendent Townsend of
the public school medical department.
A Young Giant in Capacity A Marvel in Performance
This Victor-Victrola at $25
dJ9C $3 a month if you
want it on terms.
It's the
very popular
Style VI.
1662 and
ay you
want one
tent to
yoW borne.'
Gir, eome
n ana
hear it
Three Days Free Trial if You Wish We Paying Carrying
Charges Both Ways -In Omaha, or Out of the City.
V 'f vo" think there's no power, no melody, no swMtnass, to this
' Victor-VietroU VI, even though it IS priced at only $25, you are
much mistaken, for there's a world of pleasure in it for ANY fam
ily. It is 8H inches high, 1SH inches wide, 16 fs inches deep, has
12-ineh turntable, plays all of tha Victor Records, and contains
all of tha features and improvements that hav. mad tha Victrola
what it is symbol of joy, entertainment and musical quality.
It has nickel-plated exhibition sound box, Victor tapering tone arm,
"gooa. neck" sound bos tube, brake and speed regulator and a
double spring, spiral drive motor which may be wound while play
ing. Taken all in all, it is tha greatest amount of value ever of
fered in th. entertainment field for aum so small as $25. It
plays th. records of th. world's master singers, orchestraa you
read of, ia loud enough for dancing, or aoft enough for romance.
Wa are so sur. that you will be entranced with this delightful
$25 Victrola that w. plan to send it out on THREE DAYS' FREE
TRIAL if you desire, to any address, in Omaha or out of town.
If it isn't all w. claim send it back at our expanse, for w. will
pay not only th. carrying charges to your street or town, bat,
wa also pay the return charges if you conclude not to keep it
after the "try out." Then, if you car. to keep it, you needn't
pay os all cash unless you want toj it'a offered yon on easily met
terms of $3 par month if you desire. A Victor-Victrola simply
MUST be placed in .very home, and, if it's not a $200, $150,
$100, $75 or $50 one, it must at least be a $25 style. Come in
and bear it played and you'll sayi "It's mora wonderful .van
than they said it would be!" It'a an ever-new joy keep it
sweetened up with new records and you'll enthuse over it all th.
mora each twenty-four hours. Remember, only $25, and it's a
' I
Mickels Nebraska Cycle Co.
Cor. 15th and Harney Sts. Omaha
Also at 334 Broadway
Council Bluffs, Iowa
ASSETS $11,100,000.00
Stockville, Nebraska, December 18, 1916.
ife Insurance Co., ' '
Lincoln, Nebraska.
GENTLEMEN Your General Agent, Mr. O. R. Frey, and local
agent, Mr. Ainlay, have just handed me a draft for $234.48, and a paid
up participating policy for $2,000.00 in exchange for my policy taken
out ten year ago. This is a return of all my money except $581.52, and
a $2,000.00 paid-up participating policy besides, which will bring me,
a little interest every year. v
I am so well pleased with this settlement that I have just given my
application for. two more policies, but on the fifteen year plan this time.
' . . ' Yours sincerely, ' ,
Matured in the j
of Lincoln, Nebraska
Name of insured Parry J. Wollam
Residence. Stockville, Nebraska
Amount of policy $2,000.00
Total premiums paid Company .... $816.00
Total cash paid Mr. Wollam $234.48
And a Paid-up Participating Policy
for $2,000.00
If you are thinking of taking a policy or an
agency, write Home Office of the Company,
Lincoln, Neb., for particulars. Dept. H.
It's easy to sell Bankers Life Policies. They ma
t hire to the satisfaction of every policyholder.
Why not try it?
a, .at.