- . THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1917. LAWMAKERS ROW J OVER LOBBYISTS House Members Grow Personal Over Resolution to Investi gate Them. rUf-ALLY IS VOTED DOWN (from StatI Corraapondent.) - Lincoln, March (Special.) As it looks now, the lobbyist will cost the state o Nebraska more, this session than any other piece of legislation , which will come under consideration. This is opt the fault ot tne loDDyist, exceot perhaps that he i sa lobbyist. Twice already during the session has the lower house talked ana re solved against these lobbyists, and again today the entire morning ses sion up to the time of the convening of the joint .session, was spent in an attempt to keep the lobbyist out of the legislative game. A resolution was introduced by Osterman providing for a method of investigation. He wanted tne toDuyisi uruuglll uciyit au nutans".";, mittee. v Trumble Gets Angry. This brought out a debate that at times became almost personal. Trum- h e was distrusted. ''You fellews are howling all the time for fear of the lobbyist," he shouted. "I have not been bothered bv aiiv Inhhvist. In fact. I like to meet people wno nave lacas on urns betore us. 1 am willing to learn some thing even from a lobbyist, but I am not afreaid that I will 'become con taminated if I talk with them. I want my people to come here and talk to me. We have been hearing about the . majority in the house and the minor ;iv hut the worst bar to Brood legisla tion in this house -is neither me of these. It is the machine which runs this house. I can name them if you . want me to. Cries of "name 'em; name 'em," were shouted, but Trumble refused to do so imply shouting back that he couH do rand the members Knew it. Could "Spit on lobbyists." Declaring that it all depends on "whose ox is gored," Mr. Richmond ridiculed Mr. Taylor's professed dis like of lobbyists. He referred to "Tay lors' brainstorm" of last week, when the gentleman from Custer broke out with a denunciation of a former house .nember whom he accused of being a lobbyist for the Omaha Commercial club. "And while he was delivering his tirade against this gentleman," con tinued Richmond, "I could have turned around in my s&t and spit on no fewer than three men who were at the time on the floor of the house lobbying for his own bill. There were half a dozen others of the same kind close at hand." Taylor called on Richmond to name them, but the latter said he preferred not to indulge in personal ities unless the house should call for such information. "I may say, however," remarked the Douglas county representative, "that some of them were former state of ficials who are interested in legisla tion Jiere. Right at this moment I could turn around and spit on a man who is lobbying here on matters he is interested in."' ( Find the Man. ' Every member craned his neck to discover the identity of the man re ferred to. It was Railway Commis sioner Tom Hall, sitting inside the railing. Mr. Hall laughed with the whole house, but stayed where he was. A few minutes later he got up and went out. A substitute motion was offered, but not voted upon, to have Speaker Jackson act as inquisitor instead of the committee on employes. The Os terman resolution was voted down, 59 to 30. 'Ollis School Bill Passed. ' Two bills were read the tihrd time and passed while the house was wait ing for the joint session. One of these was the Ollis bill to authorize the reuistrictuig of counties for the es tablishment of consolidated rural schools and the levying of a county school tax, ranging from 10 to IS mills, for the support of such schools. A bill to prohibit county judges from either recommending or "knock ing" on any attorney to a person hav ing business in county court was the other measure passed. . Man With Quantity of Cocaine Meld at Kearney Kearney, Neb., March 1. (Special.) Ray Turner, claiming Hastings as his home, was locked up by the police here last night on suspecion. When searched he was found to have about ,his person enough cocaine and mor phine to stock a drug store. Hypo dermic syringes and needles by the dozen were also taken from his grip in addition to other narcotics. ' It is alleged he was endeavoring-to peddle some of the stuff when taken in charge here. Turner is addicted to the use of "coc." He is being held awaiting word from federal officers. Marriage Annulled. Beatrice," Neb. March 1. (Special Telegram.) The marriage of Joseph Gay of Wymore and Mrs. Necada Farnam, solemnized at St Joseph, Mo., some months ago, after they had ' failed to secure a license in Beatrice, v annulled thin afternoon hv Tudire Pemberton in the district court. The evidence 'showed the marriige to be illegal, because Mrs. Farnam had been . granted' a divorce in Montana a few weeks before coming here. Two Accidents at Edgar.' Edgar, Neb., March 1. (Special.) Samuel Doan, an aged man, who lives about six miles south of Edgar, -fell down stairs yesterday and received some severe injuries, although his physician says he will soon be all right. He is 91 years old. ' . George Smith had a leg broken while transplanting a large tree Wed nesday. He was taken to Hastings , for treatmef.. Two Weddings at Beatrice. Beatrice, Neb., March 1. (Special Telegram.) Dennis Dailey and Anna Thoumson of Council Bluffs, and Howard Steele and Hazel Hallock of , Lincoln, were married here this even ing by Rev. B. F. Gaither. lira. I'p Your Torpid lirer. To keep rout; liver actlv. ut Dr. King! KeW Life Pllle. They Ineure good digestion Ld relieve ADnatlpatlon. At drutjlets,' 35e. Advertisement; Many New Banks. Get Charter Since High Court Speaks ' (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, March 1. (Special.) The decision of the supreme court recently that the State Banking board had no authority in granting charters, but must allow the applications irrespec tive of whether the locality had banks enough to do the business of the com munity, has opened up a ood of appli cations with the result that at the Isat meeting of .the board thirteen banks were given charters and more are on the way. Those granted were as follows: Platte Valley Slate bank of Sutherland, capital (20,000. Jamea Peterson, president; V. L. Smith, vie president, and VT. J. Root, cahir. Sutherland State bank, capital $30,000. H. C. Nicholson, preshleut, and E. R. Spauld tng cannier. Malmo State bank of Malmo, capital stock SH.000. J- C. Hon!, president; F. J. Zaman, vice preeldenf' and F. J, Frana, cashier. Farmer's Slate bank of Belden, capital stock, 120,000. O. E. Engler, president; A. H. Holms, vice president, and C. R. Chris tiansen, cssher. Farmer's State bank of Coll View" cap ita stock, 125,000. Charles H, Rogers, presi dent; William L. Gove, vice president, and Vogel Qettler, cashier. 01 1 liens' State bank of Bridgeport, capital stock. 120.000. W. J, Wehn, president. Nebraska State bank ot MiHlgan, capital stock, (20,000. E. J. Kotaa, president; James Krejal, vice president, and Adolph Kotas, cashier. , Bank of Carleton, capital stock, $15,000. William H. Wearin, president; lutner ifon ham, vice president, and F. A. Guy, cashier. VAt-iWs' Bank of Firth, capital stock, $16,000. F. M. Stapleton, president; Iavtd De Baer, vice president; Paul Kgger, casmer. rNhrukft State bank of Grand Island, calptal stock. $SO,000. A. B. Cady, president; A. E. Cady. Jr., vice president, and A. J. Guendel. cashier. Security State bank of Lynch, capital stock, $15,000. C. K. Hoe, president; i. . pn, vim ni-MlflenL a mi Dan Melsha. cashier. Farmers' State bank of Neper, calptal stock, $16,000. H. Of Oiericn, presmeni; God bar Hansen, vice president, and J. H, Farmers State bank of Thurston, Capital stock, $15,000. Senate Will Put Bates Land Bill On General File fFrom ft Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, March 1. (Special.) The Nebraska senate was disposed inurs day morning to override Senator John Robertson's plan to retaliate on the house of representatives for substi tuting a measure for his pet hobby, the sale of state school lands. C.ihf Pnhprtcnn'e committee on school lands recommended for indfi- nite postponement of House Koll &l, by Bates of Cheyenne, providing that m no. riflt nf th itirnme from school lands be distributed among counties of western .Nebraska m proportion to the amount of school lands in those counties. TUm m.,inr. bar! hppn advocated by Land Commissioner G. L. Shum- way, who proposed it to answer tne pCTmnt n( land Male advocates that under the present system those lands were bringing no income into tne local exchequer. "Wi, th nrnnncH leilltnflr of this bill a retaliation for the hilling of the school land sale measure?" asked Senator Sandall. Stnator Robertson indicated that it was. " Senator Beal, who stood with Sen ator Bushee, made a few remarks per taining to the Golden Rule. The senate took a recess before the vote on postponing the bill. Senti ment indicated that the bill would be put on general file. Among bills reported out for gen eral file by committees in the senate were: IT E 411 A nnmnrtatfnn of 18.000 fot mueterlng out National Guard. H. K. 12. Bill to prevent county aeat removal acrape. b w en prfttlnv maternity homee In charge fit probation officer. K. ft. 133. rronioiw munic,, m Omaha from practicing law. , High School Declamatory , Contest at Wayne March 29 v t-i vr V.1 i, ViU School Declamatory association will meet at Waynv Neb., in connection with the North Nebraska Teachers' association. The contest will be held in the State Normal auditorium on Thursday, March 29. The executive Mmmirt rtf tht ajtsnriatinn. Suoer- intendent C. M. Sutherland of Creigh ton and Principal Nina A. Longcor of Creighton. announce the following entries. Albion Battle Crsek, BtoomflVltJ, Belden. Carroll, Creighton, Emerson, Fullerton, Hartlngton, Iaurel, Lynch, Madison, Nor folk, Nellrh, Newcastle, Newman Orove, Orchard, Oakland, Oakdale, Osmond. Plaln- Din ttiub nminlv Hlvh. Snenfter. Stanton, Tekamah, Valentine, Verdel, ixr -1 . a. 1 1 1 W.a... VL'm una WnvnM Vnrmil High, Wakefield, west roini, mnsiae ana W liner. Nebraska City Will. Celebrate Arbor Day Nebraska City. Neb.. March 1. CSDeciaD The Business Men's asso ciation of Nebraska City is complet ing arrangements for a big celebra tion for Arbor day. Aside from home floats, it is understood that several of the Ak-Sar-Ben floats will be brought down from Omaha. A fine program is being prepared and a number ot prominent people will participate. Many visitors are expected on this day from surrounding places. Phelps Good Roads Men Plan Road construction Holdrege. Neb.. March 1. (Spe cial.) Every township in Phelps county was represented with fom three to five-men at the good roads meeting held at the court house yes terday. Uniform road construction was agreed upon by all present and the coming year no culverts less than twenty feet long andafilled twelve inches above the too will be put in anywhere. Uniform grades and dram age were also agreed upon. Final action was deferred upon the federal aid road movement. .Fo"?d Health in Cerdui. Mri. Aaiifc .it;f..i,.t, vt Ilenryetta, Oklahoma, says that she suffered tor atsflt jMrtMrift acadactje, backache, nerrouineu and OMr complaints cauaad piiCSifiUtf. tieotfca mU that abe had been to many places seek ing BMnCJraiVriiA tMMoUctf anUl abe took Cardoi. At one time she wu wiajaf HAm .KMMb. 86 JarUiW Mrs: "Could fee after I well weayta J jTery sC' "JKI" V A n .JrU& Oajtai. . tir i V Mie M." AM 4 Tnie, ( tws ifiiw a AGED BRIDE QUITS SPOUSE FOR CASH i Couple's Ages Total One Hun dred 'and Twenty Years Marriage Annulled.- OMAHA PASTOR WED THEM TJlyde Sundblad, clerk of the county court, has returned from Red Oak, la., where he testified in the suit brought by the Red Oak Trust & Savings com pany to have, the marriage of Daniel 1 Reifel, 67 years old, a wealthy citizen of the town, and Ida Blanche Doctor, S3 years old, annulled. The couple obtained a marriage li cense in Omaha on October 2, 1916, and Rev. Oliver V. Baltzlcy, pastor of the Kountze Memorial church, per formed the ceremony. Reifel's son, when the father returned to Red Oak with his bride, had the trust company appointed guardian in place cf his mother, who had died just six weeks previous to the time the. Red Oal; man remarried. It was alleged that the older Reifel was in- ompetent. Mr. Sundblad said that the case was settled out of court, the Red Oak man s latest wife consenting to an an nullment of the marriage for a mone tary consideration. Reifel is now in a private sanitorium at Des Moines. Rev. Mr. Baltzley was subpoenaed as a witness,' but Rev. C Franklin Koch, his assistant, who had acted as a witness at the marriage here, went in his place. On account of the prom inence of the elder Reifel the case at tracted wide attention at Red Oak and vicinity. Kearney Young Woman Dies of Typhoid Fever Kearney. Neb., March 1. (Spe cial.) Agnes Keenen, the 18-year-old dauuhter of DcDUtv Oil Inspector Frank G. Keenen, former owner of the Elmcreek Beacon, died here Tues day night from typhoid fever. Miss Keenen contracted the fever about two weeks ago. She was a senior in the Kearney High school and would have graduated in June. Lobeck Only Nebraskan to Vote for Washington Wet (From a Staff Correspondent.) Washington, March 1. (Special Telegram.) In the midst of confis cating property "without due pro cess," all but Lobeck of Nebraska's members voting to put; the capitol of the nation on the "dry" list, Judge Kinkaid created the one bright spot in an otherwise dreary round of roll calls by demanding to Have his vote for the bill counted "by unanimous consent." Xhe judge1 stood before the rostrum and..asked Speaker Clark to allow him to vote on the propo sition affecting the interests of the district. ' When he claimed the right to vote by unanimous consent, Congressman Stafford of Wisconsin objected on the ground that it would create a very bad precedent. The speaker sus tained the objection, but Kinkaid gets into the record. During the several votes taken on the bill to make Washington "dry," W. J. Bryan came into the press gal lery. He watched the procedure for a while, followed the filibuster on the Shepherd bill and then told this story to The Bee representative: ' "There was an ancient individual whose name was Moses, a man of learning and great wisdom. And they buried him in a tomb, in a lone moun tain. Now there is another Moses (Kinkaid) and the people have buriedj mm Dy sending nini 10 congress lite people know what vthey want." When it was suggested to Mr. Bryan that Judge Kinkaid was a hard working raernWr of the house, he said: "Yes, he's a good republican." Bargains for You NOW! Get your share of that ele gant quality Furniture at di continued bargain prices from the Raymond Stock ( 1513-15 HOWARD. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves il zocar, an druggists. r-SHCE PCLI5H lid Cm ADDS UFE TO LEATHER I With Hudl-10o. K-Z DrcMlnff for Lamer TVnit. Tin, Tvo-Tofia, wtci o L DrM7. Dvnbla. SI 1 B DOIIIB PLASTERS Tki WtrUTi GrtaUtt . Extmut KiMtj. Coughftaad Colds (ob obMt ind toother hofcwuB hnolriw Modi) Weak Chests, Any Local Pain. fit M Hcrtnt ALLCoacs. dc ne'geod. . . Tody I am a ha amti tai I would advise, dfuKfrtu tih Csidut (pronounced Try It If yon need a medicinal tonla n Funeral of Slain Nebraska City Man Will Be Friday Kebraska. City, Neb., March 1. (Special.) The body of J. W. Black, who was killed on last Sunday after noon at Ordway, Colo., by Abncr Laces, Good Assortment A good assort ment of V a 1. laces, 20 pat terns to choose from ; a yard $ Basement. Offers very remarkable savings in remnants of Linens, White Goods. Domestics. Etc. and very special prices on beautiful Spring Dresses for Party, Afternoon and Street Wear together with a hundred and one other items of special interest because of unusual savings. Linen Remnants Mill ends of Huck Towels, priced, Friday, at 5c, 8c "nd 10c Round Scalloped Clothsc Round Scalloped Cloths, made t a linen finish Damask, round scalloped, all pretty pat terns, for Friday, each.:. Remnants of Crash, 6c Remnants of Crash, the twilled JSotton kind, fancy borders, all desirable lengths, yard.. Remnants of Damask, 75c Remnants of Damask, an accum ulation of a fine quality mercerized-Damask; all desirable "7 Hp lengths; each Remnants of Crash, 9c These are an accumulation of our 12Hc and 15c numbers, in useful lengths; Friday, yard, Q at Special Bleached Turkish Towel O ends Rugs At Very Special Prices Wilton Carpet, in 1-yard lengths, jfrorth S2.25, Friday, (J9(! Rag Rugs, sizes 25x50, CQ. worth $1.00, at UlC Axminster Rugs, sizes 27x54, worth $3.00, Friday! J Carpet Sweepers, d1 OQ worth $2.50, at P1.J7 Trimmed hats for Spring (0 Eft First Basement ShowingVfi-vv MORE THAN YOU EVER SAW before at the moderate price we are asking real charm in a Hat for ?2.50 is a rare thing but these possess it a price, very, very remarkable indeed $2.50. Three-end Jap (shiny straw), Hats, trimmed with ornaments, rib bon clusters, flowers, etc. also hand made hats, in small pokes and sailors; trimmed with ribbon rosettes and ornaments. All new colors, such as gold, new blue, pearl gray, blacketc. Untrimmed Hat Shapes In Variety Milan hemps, large shapes ; also sailors and pokes. In black, and all good colors, in cluding gold, , $2.50 for These Also Bat mailt. Notion Sale Big Savings Betsy Ross Crochet' (tX-n Cotton, ball ...2 Notion Boxes, Ci each Large pieces of Elastic, C 4 for Dress Clasps, A dozen Shell Hair Pins, 6 in Ol. JC,-box U2 t boxy- Inside Skirt Belting with bones, yard 10c ' Dressing Combs, all col- 1 C. ors, each 1 0 1 One big lot of Hair Nets, 1 to close out, each Pearl Buttons, best made, A card Rick-Rack, wash edging and other tape, close 7Aa out i .... 2l 3-yard bolts of Tape, 1 at 1 C Scissors and Shears, 10c pair 10-yard bolts of English 71- Twilled Tape 2 Darning Cotton, all fast Cr colors, 3 spools for 200-yard spools of Ma- 1 A. chine Thread, 3 for llv J. & P. Coats' best 6-co(d A Thread, spool '. . " Enyart, reached here last evening and was taken to the home of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Logan Enyart. The fu neral will be held Friday afternoon under the auspices of the Elks. ' The funeral of Stephen Warren Beason, who died of dropsy Tuesday morning, was held today, services be Brandeis Stores Remnants at Remarkable Prices fromestics-REMNANTS Remarkably Underpriced : A Sale Every Woman Will Be Interested in. Domestics are staple in every household things useful every day. Here are some very unusual offerings of Rem nants for Friday, at prices that will enable you to make good savings. ' ' Fine quality 36-inch Dress Per cale, light and dark) 1 A 1 grounds ; neat figures, yd I W 2 36-inch Curtain Marquisette, in plain, ecru and white; . C best grade, Friday, yard. . 1 UC 27-inch Silk Stripe Crepe, pure white, sheer and dainty; for waists, lingerie, etc, 1 OJL Friday, a yard 12 V 36-inch - White Embroidered Curtain Swiss, neat dots and fig ures; at present wholesale prices, worth fully J6c; Friday, OJL-, -a yard ...OJC 36-inch Fancy Check Suiting, neat styles, for children's school dresses, according to present prices, worth 19c; Friday 1C' ne cial here. at. a yard n . I ne i..l, r. mill nemn.nu ui ou-im.,, vii wv..... -' "- lengths to 15 yards, according to the wholesale market, worth C fully 10c; here Friday, at, a yard ;....'' ' Basement. Drapery Remnants at Low Prices 3,000 yards of Scrim, good quality, with dainty figured bord- Qc ers, all desirable lengths, while the lot lasts, yard n 5,000 yards of Drapery Remnants, Marquisette Voile and Dotted Swiss, plain and hemstitched, lengths of two to ten yards; J 22"C per yard ; One big table of Mill Remnants' of Madras, used for over-drapes, in all the new popular drapery colors; worth 40c off the bolt, 1 Q fard V Roman Stripe Linen Finish Window Shades, size 3x7, all OQ. iplete, a Friday special, at, each ' ' compli Just 200 New Spring Dresses for Women (tC Party, Street anJ Afternoon Styles, at Vr THINK OF AN OFFERING LIKE THJS, right at the beginning of the season and when we tell you that these Dresses are worth just a little bit more than we are asking you to pay in the wholesale market today, we are telling you the plain fact. YOU WOULDN'T HESITATE IF YOU WERE ASKED TO BUY SIX ABSOLUTELY GOOD U. S. DOL LARS for FIVE DOLLARS this is Just as good proportionately. , Excellent Silk Poplin and a few Crepe de Chines and Fancy Chif fons, with bead and button trimming; made just as dainty as they can be a fortunate buy for us means good savings to you. About a third of the lot are Party Dresses The Balance for afternoon and street wear. $5.00 Buys any One of THem. Be Sure That You Get One. . ' .... -t t l. i B.a.m.nt. 4 ing conducted by Rev. Mr. Green of Omaha. Besides two children, resid ing at home, Mr. Beason leaves a married daughter, Mrs. Ma. Mangan, of Omaha, Wl.lloi atl An.n.nrfd. Phlcdiro. M.rch 1. (Special TflPKrowi.)- Dress Prints and Sheeting Prints, good grade; lengths to 20 C yards; Friday, tale, a yard.OC Best Grade Apron Gingham, fin est indigo dye, off the QJL bolt; Friday, a yard i7 2l The Genuine Everett Classic Dress Gingham, all the wanted styles and checks; 1 fl-i-A Friday, a yard.. Thousands of yards of Wash Goods, fine silk finished Poplins, Pongees and all grades of Suit ings, according to today's market, J 5c and ltfc values Friday, rya7d.... 12C Mill Remnants of Bleached Mus lin and Cambric, 36-inch rTJL wide,, sale price, a yard . . 2 l Qnvim and Rwia.oa. .11 DTAlle.! .l.m.8 Boyle, Omaha, will tvrd Mr. and Mr.. Wallliwtsn Lvltt'a ilnortter, Hc.le, April 7, t Kenwood Evannelloal church. Ralm Irk of Paper. Seattle. Wuh., March , t. The Seattlt Dally Thnca, an evenlnc paper,' haa in creased the price ot all ita edition, from 1 to i rente. . . Handkerchiefs Women's fine cot ton lawn handker chiefs, in fancy in itials and embroid ered white and col ored effects; also plain white corded; your choice... 5 Baaament. ft White Goods Specially Priced for Friday 3 cases Imperial Long cloth, soft finish, free from starch, light weight for mak ing fine' undermuslins; 36 inches, 12-yard $1 f)C bolts, at........V Remnants One big lot of fine rem nants, white goods, includes dimities, plain flaxon, gaber dine, batiste, embroidered novelties, etc., from 1 to 10 yard lengths; Friday QC Bargain Square, yard ww 36-inch White Pin Check Pajama cloth, medium heavy quality, special, yard 42V'' Ripplette, the rough .dry fabric, fast colors ; does not. require ironing, just the cloth you want for children's ffocks, rompers, house dress es. Comes irv stripes, checks, plaids, etc.; 28 inches, 1 gc yard Hosiery Women's Black Cotton Hosiery, garter hem and rib bed tops, some slightly fleeced, at, a .1 9-4-r pair 2 Women's Fiber Silk Boot Hosiery, black and colors, seconds of 25c qual- 1C ity, at, a pair. ...... B.s.m.nt, ' Knit Underwear Very modestly priced, con sidering the costfof. materials today. Women's Cotton Union Suits, lace trimmed and cuff OK, styles, all sizes, at each..Ci'W Women's Gauze Sleeveless Vests, square neck and cumfy cut styles; all sizes, slightly imper-v 1 f feet; at, each..... 1J Boys' Union Suits, short sleeves, knee length, in ecru and gray sizes 2 to 16 years, at - Girls' Unio'n ' Suits, tight knee and lace trimmed styles, OC. all sizes; at, each. ...... e6Jl Women's Mercerized striped Union Suits, in fancy lace trim- -med style. Sizes 5 and Cf" 6, each UUC Sizes, 7, 8 and 9. - CQ. each v UVQ Men. Sock.. Men's Mercerized Socks, in as sorted colors, all double soles, linen heel and toes; seconds, 25c quality; special at, in. each Basement. i 1