Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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German Intrigue With Mexico Uncovered;
War on United States Put Up to Carranza;
Japan to Be
. President Has Note from Ber-
lin Instructing; Ambassador
.-. to Mexico to Arrange
Details of the
' Plot. . -
Carranza to Approach Japan aa
Ally to Aid in Carrying- Out
the Attack On This
' Mexican De Facto President to
Help Himself to Part of
United States.
Washington, March 1. Revelation
of how Germany, expecting war with
the United States is the result of its
submarine campaign of ruthlessness,
platted to unite Mexico and Japan
with it for an attack on the United
States, has stirred the capital to Its
Members of congress, many of
whom nave been hesitating before
President Wilson' request for full
authority to deal with Germany in
the present situation, went to the
capitol today .eading documentary
evidence of the intrigue v-hich pro
posed to seperate Japan from its
allies and add the United States to
the list of nations which Germany
hopes to see conquered in its dream
of world domination.
How Germany, confident that unre
stricted submarine warfare is the in
strument by which it will bring Eng
land to its knees, proposed a triple
blow, is revealed in a set of instruc
tions from German Foreign Minister
Zimmermann to German Minister
.von Eckhardt in Mexico City, which
was transmitted through Count von
Bernstorff, late ambassador here.
' Bait Offered Mexico. f.'
At one sweep, Gern.any proposed
to weaken the entente alliance by the
defection of Japan, strike a crushing
blow at England's naval power by
cutting off the vital supply of Mexi
can fuel oil nd thoroughly engage
the attention of the United States
by an invasion, ia which Japan was to
be invited to join and for which Mex
ico should be rewurded by recon
quering its "lost provinces' Texas,
Mew Mexico and Arizona.
This astounding document dated
Berlin, January 19, 1917, contenta of
which have for tome time been in
'possession of tUt United States gov
ernment, showa plainly that Ger
many, while making repeated pro
testations to the" United State that
it had no intentions of resuming its
ea campaign of ' ruthlessness, was
making the final arrangements for its
execution two weeks before it wa
announced, tnd had even gone so far
in consideration of the consequence
tint it proposed to meet them by the
attack of Mexico and Japan upon the
United States. '
' Pictures Germany Supreme.
i Germany pictured to Mexico, by
broad intimation, England and the
' entente allies defeated; Germany and
. its allies triumphant and in , world
domination by the instrument of tin
restricted warfare.
.A copy of Zimmermann' instruc
tion to Von Eckhardt, sent through
I Vo Bernstorff, i jn possession of
the United Stateu government It
is a follow' - !
"Berlin, Jan. 19, 1917.-On the 1st
of February we intend tr- begin sub
marine warfare unrestricted. In spite
of this it Is our intention to endeavor
to keep neutral the United State of
America. ,.
"If this attempt is not successful,
we propose an alliance on the follow
ing Wis with Mexico: That we (hall
make war together and together make
peace. Wa shall give general finan
cial support and it is understood that
Mexico is to reconquer territory in
New Mexico, Texas and'Ariiona. The
details are left to you for settlement
, "You are instructed to inform the
president of Mexico of the above in
the greatest confidence, as soon a it
ia certain that there will be an out
break of war with the United States,
and suggest that the president of
Mexico, on hi own initiative, ahould
communicate with Japan, suggesting
adherence at one to this plan; at the
came time, offer to mediate between
Germany and Japan.
"Please call to the attention of the
president of Mexico that the employ
ment of ruthless submarine warfare
new promises to compel England to
make peace in a few months. (Signed)
' This document ha been - in the
hand of the government since Presi
dent Wilson broke off diplomatic re
lation with Germany. It haa been
kept eeeret while the president has
'been asking congress for full author
ity to deal with Germany and while
consress has been hesitating. It was
in tie president's hands while Chan
cellor von Bethmann Ho'lweg was
declaring that the United States had
placed an interpretation on the sub
marine declaration "never intended by
Germany" and that Germany had pro
moted and honored friendly relations
with the United States "as an heir
loon from Frederick the Great" Of
itself, if there were no other, it is
considered a sufficient answer to the
German chancellor' plaint that the
United States "brusquely" broke off
relations without giving "authentic"
reasons for its action. ,
' Supplies Missing Link.
The document supplies the missing
link to many separate chain of cir
cumstances which until now have
seemed to lead to no definite point.
It shed new light upon the fre
quently reported but ondefinable
movement of the Mexican govern
ment to couple its situation with the
friction between the United States
and laoan.
-It adds another chapter :o the cele
liraird report of Jules - Cambon,
J'reucli ambassador in Berlin before
the war. of Germany s world-wide
;lans for stirring strife on every con
tinent where they might ail it In the
Asked to Join
struggle for world domination which
it dreamed was close at hand. It adds
a climax to the operations of Count
von. Bernstoff and the German em
bassy in this, country, which have
been colored with passport frauds,
charges of dynamite plots and in
trigue, the full extent o; which never
has been published.
It gives new credence to persistent
reports of submarine bases on Mexi
can territory in the Gulf of Mexico;
it takes cognizances of a fact long
recognized by American army chiefs,
that if Japan ever undertook to in
vade the United States, it probably
would be through Mexico, over the
border and into the Mississippi val
ley to split the country in two. It re
calls that Count von Bernstorff, when
handed his passports, was very re
lultant to return to Germany, but
expressed a preference for asylum
in Cuba. It gives a new explanation
to the repeated arrests on the border
of men charged by American military
authorities with being German in
telligence agents, j
Last of all. it seems to show now
a connection with General Carranza'a
recent proposal to neutrals that ex
ports of food and munitions to the
entente allies be cut off, and an in
timation that he might stop the sup
ply of oil, so vital to the British navy,
which is exported from the Tampico
What Congress WiU Do.
What congress will do, and how
members of congress who have
ooenlv sympathized with Germany
in their opposition to clothing the
president with, full authority to pro
tect American rights will regard the
revelation of Germany's machinations
to attack the United States, is the
subject tonight of the keenest in
terest Such a proposal as Germany in
structed its minister to make to
Mexico borders on an act of war, if,
actually, it is not one.
No doubt exists here now that the
persistent reports during the last two
years of the operations of German
agents not alone in Mexico, out an
through Central America and the
West Indies, are based on fact There
is now no doubt whatever that the
proposed alliance with Mexico was
known to high Mexican officials 'who
are distinguished for their anti
Americanism. Among them are
Rafael Zubaran, Carranza' minister
to Germany, and Luis Cabrera, Car
ranza'a minister of finance.
It" is apparent that the proposal
had taken definite form when Zu
baran returned to Mexico City from
Berlin recently. His return from hi
foreign post was covered by the fact
that Carranza had called in many of
his diplomats for "conferences."
Some time before that, Cabrera,
while still at Atlantic City, had sug
gested in a guarded way to a mem
ber of the American section that he
regretted that the . commission had
not succeeded fully in settling the
difficulties between Mexico and the
United States, for, he said, he had
hoped it might continue its work and
make peace for the world.
,-. ' Detail of "Peace" Plan.
When pressed for tome details of
how the commission could restore
world peace, Cabrera suggested that
the American republics i controlled
the destiny of the war by controlling
a large pare or us supplies. Mexico,
he intimated, might do its part by
cutting off export of oil. The Amer
ican commissioner dismissed his
idea as visionary. I
Almost coincident with Zubaran s
return from Germany, Cabrera re
turned to Mexico City, open in hi
expressions of anti-Americanism.
Zubaran, before being sent abroad,
had represented Carranza here while
the Niagara mediation conferences
were proceeding and was no less
avowedly anti-American than Ca
brera. Meanwhile Baron von Schoen, sec
retary of the German embassy here,
wa. transferred to the legation in
Mexico City. No explanation could
be obtained of the reason for his
transfer, and such investigation as
was possible failed to develop why a
secretary from' the United States
should be sent to the German lega
tion in Mexico., . .
Knew Japanese Minister.
Baron von Schoen' association with
the moves, if any at all, doea not ap
pear. I he only outward indication
that he might nave been connected
with them is found in the fact that he
recently had been detached from the
German embassy at iokto and was
well acquainted with the Japanese
minister in Mexico City. -
Carranza' peace proposal was
openly pronounced as evidence, of
German influence in Mexico, by offi
cials here, who declare it was in
tended only to embarrasi the United
State. Then apparently some influ
ences showed their effects on the
course of the Mexican government,
ar,rl nn Fehmarv 25 rahr. .h, min-
and on February 25 Cabrera, the min.
ister ot finance, issued a statement
describing; the amazement" of the
Mexican government that the Ameri
can newspaper should have inter
preted Carranza' proposal to cut off
exports of munition as a suggestion
that he might cut off shipment of
British oil. They were, Cabrera de
clared, "entirely groundless," and that
feature of the aituation ended. There
was an intimation that Germany'
astounding proposal that Japan turn
traitor to its allies had been answered
by Tokio.
Count von Bernstorff' connection
with the plot, further than serving as
the channel of communication, is in
tensified by the fact that the German
embassy .here wa not merely -the
medium of delivering a message in
this instance, but wa really a sort of
headquarters for all the German mis
sions in Central and South America.
The German naval attache. Caotain
Boy-Ed. and the military atttache.
Captain von Papen, whose recall was
forced by the State department be
cause of their military activities in this
country, also were accredited to Mex
ico and between the outbreak ot the
war and their departure from this
country, made at least one visit there.
For month many naval officers
here have believed that the mysteri
ous German sea raiders of the South
Atlantic must have found a base
somewhere on the Mexican coast, and
that such a base could not be main
tained without the knowledge and
the consent of Mexican officials.
Last November the British charge at
in the Combine
Mexico Citv presented to the Car
ranza foreign office a notification that
if it was discovered that Mexican
neutrality thus had been violated, the
allies would take drastic measures
to prevent a continuance of that aitua'
Reply of Aguilar.
In a note almost insolent in tone,
Foreign Minister Aguilar replied to
the charge, that, in effect, it was the
business of the allies to keep German
submarines out of western waters, and
that if they were not kept out, Mexico
would adopt whatever course the cir
cumstances might command.
To German influences also have
been attributed in some quarters the
vigorous, steps taken by the de facto
finance minister to force loans from
the Banco Kacional and the Bank of
London and Mexico, owned by French
and British capital. The institutions
were closed by the Mexican author
ities and some of their officers lm
prisoned and held for weeks despite
repeated protests by France, Great
Britain and the United tSates. .
German in Carranza Army.
Reports of German machine guns
and German gunner jn the Carranza
army also nave been persistent al
though he relative importance of that
to the proposed alliance is not fully
established, it was recalled tonight,
too, that last November, when the
Mexican-American joint commission
was making it futile effort to adjust
the difficulties between the two coun
tries, the Austro-Hungarian ambassa
dor at Mexico City, Count Kalam
Kama Volkanya, made a trip to the
United States on what he described as
a secret mission.
A suggestion interpreted by some
officials is an indication that Germany
might have made approaches to Mex
ico at that time was made by Cabrera
in an address at fniladelphia on No,
vember 10.
Trail of German Agent.
"The foe of the United States will
certainly assume to be friends of Me
ico," said Mr. Cabrera, "and will try to
taxe advantage ot any sort of resent
ment Mexico may have against the
United Mates. Mexico, nevertheless,
understands that in case of a conflict
between the United States and any
other nation outside America, her at
titude must be one of continental
It has been an open secret that De,
partment of Justice airents in inveati.
gations of plots to violate American
neutrality by setting on foot armed
expeditions in Mexico more than
once hare uncovered what appeared
co oe trans ot the berman secret
A few days ago Fred Kaiser, sus
pected ot Deing a uerman agent, was
arrested at Nogales on charges
brought, under the neutrality statutes.
Department of Justice officials declar
ing ne nao attempted to obtain, mili
tary information on the American
side of the border and had cultivated
the society-of American army officers
witn an apparent intention of promot
ing those efforts. '
. Stopped by Mexican, j
Last July, when W. H. Schweibz,
wno claimed to be a former German
army officer, escaped into Mexico at
ivogaies alter arrest or similar
charges, the deputy marshal who
tried to follow him was stopped by
Mexican authorities.
The full extent of the evidence of
Germany s plotting against. the United
States, gathered by the American
secret service, may become known
only according to the course of the
future relations between the two
countries.'! It is known that much
evidence of the operations of the
German embassy and pemons who
were responsible to it never has been
permitted to come out, of
ficials preferred to guard against in
flaming the public mind in the tense
situation with Germany.. The public
amazement which a full exposition of
the evidence in the hands of the gov
ernment would cause cannot be over
estimated.. Appeal of Defense Council.
, Only today the Council of National
Defense, created by act of congress,
issued an appeal to all Americans to
show, every consideration for aliens
in this country.
"We call upon all citizen," laid the
appeal, "if untoward event should
come upon us to present to these
aliens, many of whom tomorrow will
be Americans, an attitude of neither
suspicion, nor aggressiveness. We
urge upon all Americans to meet the
millions of , foreign-born with un
changed manner and with unpre
judiced mind."
Notes from Beatrice
' And Gage County
Beatrice. Neb.. March 1. fSnecial.)
Mrs. Mary Frances Wheeler died
A iUm V. ..... -f V. - T' I n
(wheeler in thi ii.v
I . I. ln thl ntT v?n "
aged 83 year. Her husband died in
this city about two weeks ago. She
is survived by six children.
Twenty-one Holstein dairy cattle
arrived here yesterday from points
in Ohio and Pennsylvania and were
distributed among Gage county farm
er. The cattle were purchased at
fancy prices and will be used here on
dairy farms by Gage county breeder.
Jbhn Moller, who reside eight
mile south of Beatrice, felt from a
load of baled hay yesterday, broke
his right arm in two place and
knocked out three teeth. -
To gut th genuine, call tor full nam.
Ignature of B. W. GROVE. Cures a eold
la on day. SSo, Advertlaement. -
How to Care CoMa,
Arota uponiro ut draft, Eat rliht Tats
Dr. King's Mow DlneoTery. It klllo and
troye th cold forma. Alt dragglsto, Adv.
At Bargain Prices
From the Discon
. tinuation of
(Continued from Page One,)'
would consider any proposition made
by an enemy."
As to Mexico, the secretary said:
"We have confidence that Mexico
would not be a oartv to any such
agreement in view of the friendly re
lations existing between this govern
ment and the de facto government
of Mexico.
Secretary Lansing took great care,
it will be noted, to exonerate Dotn
Japan and Mexico, and said this gov
ernment had no knowledge that the
proposal had been conveyed through
Mexico to Japan. . ,
In view of the fact that the plan
was not to be presented until "it it
certain that there will be an out
break of war with the United States,"
it was not certain. Secretary Lansing
said, that the matter had been pre
sented officially to General Carranza
at all.
Traced to Mexico City.
It is known definitely, officials said.
that Zimmerman's instructions had
reached Count von Bernstorff here in
Washington, that he forwarded them
to Mexico City and that they reached
the German minister there. At this
point the trait of official certainty is
lost to view. ....
Secretary Lansing flatly refused to
?;ive any indication of how the in
ormation came into possession of
the United States government, on the
ground that it would endanger the
lives of those concerned. For ob
vious reasons, ' which he could not
amplity, he refused to discuss the
source in any way.
Japan Would Rejecf It
Ambassador Sato of Japan was in
formed of the possession of the text
of Germany's proposal by this govern
ment yesterday afternoon when he
called at the State department to see
Counsellor x'olk. v
"With regard to the alleged Ger-
man attempt to induce Japan and
Mexico to make war upon the United
States, made public in the press this
morning, the Japanese embassy, while
lacking information as to whether
such invitation ever reached Tokio.
desires to state most emphatically
that any invitation ot this sort would
under no circumstances be entertained
by the Japanese government, which is
in entire accord and close relations
with the other powers, on account of
formal agreements and our common
cause and moreover, our 'good friend
ship with the United States which is
every day growing in sincerity and cor
diality. ' 1 '
Lodge Resolution Referred.
Senator Stone's request to have the
resolution referred to the foreign re.
lations committee without any in
structions as to when it should re
port wa adopted by unanimous con
sent. '
The text of the Lodge resolution is
as follows: I
That the president be reauested to
inform the senate whether the note
signed 'Zimmermann' published in the
newspapers of the mornins of March
1, inviting Mexico to unite with Ger
many and Japan m war against the
United States is authentic and in the
tossession of the government of the
Inked States and, if authentic, to
send to the senate, if not incompati
ble with the public interest, any fur
ther information in the possession of
the United States government rela
tive to the activities of the imperial
German government in Mexico."
. ,- Discussion in Senate.
Senator Swanson informed Senator
Lodge that the democratic senators
had been authorized by the President
to state that the account of the Zim
merman note as revealed by the As
sociated Press was substantially cor
rect Senator LaFollette of Wisconsin
said he would not object to passage
of the Lodge resolution providing it
was amended to ask the president to
state when the Zimmerman note had
come into possession of the United
"It is time, said Senator LaFollette,
'that we should know how long the
president or any branch of the govern
ment lias had tne document in his
possession. '
' Think Senate Should Know.
Senator Lodge declared that when
"a great new gathering association
like the Associated Press put forward
seriously and solemnly what purports
to be a dispatch from the secretary of
foreign affairs of Germany, inviting
Mexico and Japan to unite to make
war on the United States; it was time
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congress and the people should be in'
formed of the matter."
While Senator Swanson was assur-
ing Mr. Lodge that he was authorized
to state that the announcement by
The Associated Press was correct full
confirmation ' was being given offi
cially at the White House and State
department. : ' '
Senator Hardwick of Georgia,
democrat, objected to immediate con
sideration of the Lodge resolution,
and other senators urged bim to with,
draw it.
Senator Works, republican, of Cali
fornia, argued that it should be
"It is exceedingfy important," said
he, "that we have explicit information
whether the president, at the time he
asked congress to confer extraordi
nary powers upon him, knew of these
conditions as disclosed in the news
papers. If the president had the in,
formation at that time it was due
congress and the people of the United
btates that-he should lay before con,
gress all of the circumstances that
might affect the action of congress,
Congress is dealing with that situa
tion and we should have all the in
formation before taking any steps.
. Not Time for Criticism.
Senator Reed deplored what he said
appeared to be criticism of the presi
dent, although senator Jodge dis
claimed any intention to embarrass
"I- hope that at this moment which
to me appears to be a very solemn
one," Senator Reed said, "we will not
have any manifestations of disposi
tions to criticise the president Let
us criticise no one by any kind of in
ference. This is a time when Ameri
cans should close their- ranks and
face one way and respond to the one
sentiment I hope that will be done,"
Situation, Moat Grave.
"I am very deeply impressed with
the gravity of the situation," said
Senator Thomas, democrat, of Colo
rado. "We are confronted with a
crisis that may be very serious. It
is a coincidence that the Associated
Press publication comes when the
senate is considering the army 'and
navy bills. ,
Hut it this letter from the German
foreign minister is authentic, and it
is said to be by the senator from Vir
ginia, we should know it and know
it now. 1 hope the resolution of the
senator 'rora Massachusetts will be
acted upon, and I am sure the presi
dent will respond to it There may
be reasons for not giving the informa
tion if incompatible with the public
interest -
The fact Is the Associated Press
has given this entire story to the pub
lic with what seems to be a most im
Wash Goods Remnant
Sale Friday " -
Remnant of Madras; Percales,
Ginghams, Voiles, Batistes, Cot
ton Suitings and other desirable
Wash Materials. Length of 1 to
B yard, all from our regular stock
Regular telling price up to
30c a yard
Friday, for , .
12VzC and 15c a yard
Basement ''
Spring Veilings
, Plain Hexagon and Novelty
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Fancy Figured Effects,, smartly
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Draped Veils with large mesh
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Very new and striking ef
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Black Cotton, pouble Soles, 29c
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ble soles, for 50c. '
Black Silk Lisle, , Hemmed or
Ribbed Tops, 59c.
Silk in Black or White, Lisle Tops
and Soles, f 1.25.
Corsets for Motoring
A woman needs a comfortable
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motor trip. A corset ' must be '
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This feature is particularly
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We feature prompt de
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portant document It . is probably
Senator Lodge said he cared little
regarding the form of his resolution.
"Nothing is further away from my
mind than to suggest criticism of the
president," said he. "We ought to
have this information the people
ought to have it to know whether
the is true or not If we
are to act together we ought to have
that fact
"I have every reason to believe
that the inqu..y is not-distasteful to
the president We must not act on
newspaper" reports and we ought to
have tne official information. .The
president is asking great power. For
one,. I think we ought to give it to
him. And we ought to have this in
formation in that connection."
Stone Wants Source of Story.
, After carefully reading the resolu
tion Senator Stone, chairman of the
foreign relations committee, said:
"It seems to me that the resolution
ought to go to the committee on for
eign re la tion j. Here is a newspaper
report that the secretary of foreign
relations of the German government
has sent the German amnafisarlnr in
Washington a certain letter which ap
pears in the morning papers. We are
not informed as to the source. We
have no facts upon which to deter
miner our judgment as to the resolu
tion s accuracy.
"There may be Inforriation in the
hands of the State department of a
confidential nature that it might not
bethought compatible with public
interest to reveal. Then, again, this
alleged dispatch may not be authen-
t.c. ft may not be true.
"There may be something behind
all this we do not know about," con
tinued SenatorMone. It Seems to
me in the exigencies of this moment
it is the part of prudence and sound
judgment to proceed deliberately. I
think the wiser course would be to
send the resolutioi. to the committee
and have that committee make the
necessary investigation and then re
port what action in its opinion should
be taken. But if that view is not co
incided, in by the senate then we
ought at least to have the resolution
broadened so as to call on the presi
dent for all information respecting
the sources of this statement, said to
have been given out officially or semi
officially. I would like to know all
about it; how it was obtained and
from whom, and I want to know the
facts pending to establish its authen-'
ticity. We might fall into a situation
we do not care to touch. I do not
see how we can act until we know the
facts. Wi ought to be as fully ad
vised, not only as to The Associated
Press, but as to the State department."
A Showing of New Coats
' : Emphasizing '. Their, Popularity' for .'M
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k graceful lines, carefully blended with the
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service is without extra charge.
New Silks and Woolens
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Lovely Sorosis Footwear
Exceptionally fetching
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kid, brown kid, gray kid,
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Too new rear will offer much that
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Heovloot Brtan Boat Sfhror nil-
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X2k Cold
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r nuurivuDe uauad
(Continued .oo Vafe Two, Ooluna Sovoa
poverty and of suffering; no state ex
cels us in the intelligence of its people.
Pioneer Is Passing.
''For many year we have witnessed
the passing of those tilings typical of
pioneer days. The Irttliaa and the
plainsman no longer roam afield un
trammeled by civilization's conven
tions. The buffalo, the antelope and
Am , nlst r( kvonn. iav Thff
game birds are decreasing rapidly in
numbers and migratory fowl are seek
ing new lines of flight between the
breeding grounds of the north and the
winter feeding grounds of the south.
"It is useless to deplore the passing
of these things so intimately associ
ated with early Nebraska days. That
they should cease to exist in their na
tural state is inevitable; it is the price
of civilization and advancement
"The men ar.d women, who have
contributed to the making of our his
tory, are one by one departing 'to that
undiscovered country from whoSe
bourn no traveler returns.' Another
brief period of time and Nebraska
will celebrate its centennial. A few,
perhaps, of those gathered here will
live to see that dufr, but many years
before, the responsibility of conduct
ing the affairs of our people in mat
ters of state and through the channels
of trade and commerce will have de
scended upon the shoulders of the
children of today, who will be the men
and women of tomorrow, and when
the years shall have passed and those
who assume the burden, look back
nnnn their labors, may thev do so with
the same degree of satisfaction as can
those, whose efforts have contributed
to the advancement and progress of
our state during the epoch, of whic'n
today marks the close." I , .
General John L. Webster wa.s intro
duce! by Governor Howard as a mail
who had done, more than any other'
one man to help build up the state of
Nebraska, having been identified with
its history irr an active way from its
early infancy. .
Women's Clubs to Hold Annual ,
Convention Here on March 15
The Second district of the Nebraska
Federation of Women's clubs will hold '
its annual convention in Omaha Thurs
day, March IS, at Metropolitan club
house, i The Omaha Woman's club'
acts as hostess for the meeting. Mrs.
John W. Welch, district president, has
charge of the program.
ally there are a hundred and
more choice patterns and
hew colors, all fast, too, Also
a very large selection of Silk
Shirtings in all weaves.
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Omaha Van &
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