THE BEE: OMAHA. MARCH 191T. MEDICAL. tou can have tour health i latest and host scientific ,: , treatment, consultation., examination free. Dr. Barnes treat, aucceaafully alt Curable Diseases of v the Noee, Throat, Lunge, Stomach, Liver, Kidney., Heart, Brain. Nervee. Blood and Skin, aa well aa Catarrh of any part of the body,-' Conattpatlon, Chronle and Acute - Rheumatism, Ulcere, Neuralgia, Scl ' atto Lumbago. Or. Barnea la the only phyalclan la this part of the country administering- this eyatem of treatment. Investigate It ' DR. CHARLES BARNES. 1 Suite til to 620 Boss Bldg., 8. E. Corner 16th and Farnam Sts. LI Phone Tyler 1430. DR. Bk R. TARRY. PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and otber ratal disease without surgical op oration. Curt guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book on rec tal diseases with testimonials. " s DR. E, R, TARRT. 240 Bee Bldg. Omaha, titb. BALL PLAYERS AND ATHLETES. Get In condition with a bottle of Pryora Athlete Liniment, for tale by all druggists, or write DR. M. PRYOR. 14 PATTERSON BLK., CONDITIONER AND TRAINER OF ATHLETES. RUPTURE Successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or write Dr. . Frank H. Wray, SC Bee Bldg. Chiropractors. DR. KNOLLENBERQ, SANITARIUM. k Lady attendant, 24th and Farnam. D. T295. J. C. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 8461. - Dr. Frances Dawson, 602-3 Rose Bid. T. 2366. Drs. Johnston, 13S5 W. O. W. Bldg. P. 6S38. Dentists. lit, Bradbury. No Fain. 912 W. O. W. Bldg. Tail's Dent. Rms., 808 Rose Bldg. D. 2166. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION SALE HIGH GRADE FURNITURE, RUGS AND LINENS. ' AT SOUTH S2D STREET, , SATURDAY, MARCH J. j Sals eterts at ilO o'clock In the fore noon and will continue all day. This Is high grade, consisting of 1 up- - right grand piano. 1 mahogany parlor net with genuine leatner upholstering, b Jibrary tables, 2 Mortis chairs. 14 velvet ana axnunster rugs, size oy. n, rugs al most new; about 20 smaller rugs, hall carpet and hall runner, 6 dining tables and dining chairs to match, 4 buffets, 1 feast Burner, v nign graae dressers, i sew In machine. 2 wardrobes. 12 good rock- in chairs. 2 brass beds. S veruls martin beds, good mattresses and springs, 1 book case, a mtcnen oaDinsis, i ice oozes, sanitary couches-and pads, linens, ensues, cooklns utensils, silverware, lace curtains, portieres and hundreds Of articles too aumeroua to mention. Don't fall to attend this sal for It Is , on of the best lots of furniture we ever .bad to sell at auction, REMEMBER THE SALE STARTS AT . lo A. M MARCH-2. .. ' .: J;AT lll S. -82D STRBE1Y . JAMES U DOWD, AUCTIONEER. , THE STORE OF QUALITY AND . ECONOMY. Before , buying furniture Investigate the opportunity we offer you to secure better - quallt:' values at lower prices. An enor mous stock of complete house furnishings. "The "Don't buy until you try" State Fur- Jltura co., itn ana .uoage tfta.- jjou. 317. ' " " BARGAINS In furniture, 36 gas stoves. IS each; 26 beds. $1 each; SO Ice boxes, rugs of all kinds, tables, chairs, china Kitchen cabinets, buffets, dressers, trunks, suit cases, lsather Davenport. All kinds of bedding. ' Full line of poultry netting. 1839-47 N. -4tl fit. Tel. Webster 1607. apen till p. m, THE GREATEST GAIN 68,738 ' In paid wants ads ever made by any Omaha paper, Is the record of , THE UUAnA urJUi ror ism. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. FOH SALE Private furniture of 14 -room flat, dresstr, carpets, writing deal:, beds. anltary couch, gas range, lots of other things all just like new. Reasonable. 214 N. 26th St. Douglas 6462. . " STO.VES, ALL KINDS. See us first. Prices right. City Furniture Co., 107 S. 14th. Loyal Furniture Co.; 228 N. 16th St. COMPLETE furnishings of 7-room home; new, high grade furniture lor sale reason able. Party leaving city, Harney 2097. FULL-SIZED Iron bed and springs, good condition. Telephone walnut 2422. Pianos and Musical Instruments. FOR SALE--Faro-Patch fiddle, practically new, perfect pond it ion, walnut 1414. SPANISH guitar for sale, cheap. Phone lnut 1341. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts or ail sewing macnines. MICHEL'S NEBRA8KA CYCLE CO., Utb and Harney' Sts. Doug. 1662. Billiards and Pocket Tables. FOR SALE BILLIARD TABLES. Brand new, carom and pocket, with complete outnt, siou; second -nana tables at re duced prices: 'bowling alleys and supplies; easy payments. Cigar .store fixtures a - specialty. Send lor catalogue. THE BRUN3W1CK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO., 407-409 South 10th St. Machinery and Engines. NEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS, . LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 218-20 8. 12th St., Omaha. FOR SALE Altls-Chalmers motor, 10-horse power. 600 vjlts. H, Japlan e Son, South 1306. BOILERS, steam, electric, gas engines. ' Flpc1' QroM Wrecking Co., 1819 Cuming. Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., also public Stuno. Phone for prices. Douglas 2802. 510 Paxton Block. , . ' GET our prices on Job printing. UNITED STATES PRINTING CO., Bee Bldg. Douglas 1172. WATERS-BARNHARDT Ptg. Co., quality pglnttny. Tel. Doug. ai90. 524 8. Q3th St. Typewriters and Supplies. '11 PIS WRITERS sold, rented and repaired. . Rent an Oliver typewriter 1 months for - 6. Central Typewriting Exchange, 1906 Farnam. ' REMINGTONS, Monarch and Smith Pre . . niters for rent; sent anywhere. Remington . Typewriting Company. D. 1284. 11 ARAN TEED typewriters, $10 up. Write for Hat. Midland Typ. Co., Bee Bldg. Miscellaneous. uMAHA PILLOW CO., Down Comforters made over just like new. Alt your own feathers back, when we renovate. We cell fur and deliver. 1907 Cuming. Doug. 3T. DESKS, safes, stales, showcases, shelving, etc. We only sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-U 8. 12th. Doug. 2724. DRY KINDLING WOOD. ACME BOX COMPANY. HARNEY 1837. . MARVEL cylinder reborlng machine. Amer ica Machine Works. 110 H. lith St. 1' YARDS new iMrv V 'Wr matting. Harney 3662. Kindling wood cheap. 1267 8. Utb. D. 1710. SALT, 11.71 bM, A. W. Wagner, 101 N. 16th, ANNOUNCEMENTS IF YOU build on concrete, use our stud an chor. Stud Anchor Works, Mrndota, III. Accountants. E. A.' DWORAK, C. P. A. 638 Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. S169. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, an sisea mo styles, hemstitching, picot edging, em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEAT1NO CO.. 200 Douglas Blk. Douglas 1936. VAN ARMAII Dress Pleating and Button Co., 236-7 Patton Blk. Doug. 1109. Aocor dlon, knife, side, space, box. sunburst and combination pleating, hoiustltchlng, ptcot edging, pinking, niching, covering but tons, all styles ana an sues, rni'ciwt ACCORDION. Side, Knife, Box Pleating, Cov. Buttons. Hemstitching. Neb. pleating and Button Co.. 481-2 Paxton Blk. R. 4942. Bakeries. ORTMAN'S V " NEW ENGLAND BAKERY, 21 3 N. 16TH. BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND OUR MOTTO "BETTER BAKED 000D3." CAKES, pas t ry an d f a o cy ba kery goods suppiiea 10 parties. u '(i"""'"' ments. Z. H. Reeder, 1G06 N. 18th. W. 8927. Baths. ELECTRIC TURKISH BATHS. The only absolutely sanitary bath. Highly recommended by physicians. Staata Institute, 1608 Harnfty St, D. 1097. Open evenings ana Bunaays. DR. BEN DA Sulphur, steam, Modern Turk ish BATHS AND MASSAGE. Private apartments for ladles, with lady attend ant s.iijj"!ij" BATH and massage,' manicuring, physical ... . Moultl -Blnul cuiiurs, iwiaa .......... " R1TTENHOUSE sanitarium; all klndB baths, German nurse, massage, baths of all kinds. 228 MftVllie MIQCK. loin anu naiuyy. Paxton-Mitchell Co., 27th and Martha Sts. LE8SARD A SON, 2021 Cuming. Tyler 1632, Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. Dr. Burhorn, Rose Bldg. Palmer srhool graduate. ' Douglas 6347. Chiropodists. Carrie 3. Borford. 620 Paxton Blk. Red 4567. TganriniT As-aHtMTIV. TXV TTTY1? BALL TUBS., THURS,, UEJ Li U AHi RAT,, SUN. EVE. SCHOOL MON. EVE. ' 111 S. 18th St.. Op. Fontenelle. Detectives. COMPETENT Investigator, evidence secured, -...a, . i t ...A. atna Pavtrtn. nne. 6002 OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION. 938 1st wall aana mm. rnuw m JAMES ALLAN, 212 Neville Blk. Evidence ecu rea in an cases. j.yiar S. D. JOLLY, 612 Paxton. Red 7401. ttressmakinff. Mrs. R. A. Connelly. 416 Karfaach.' R. 1794. Terry Dressmaking Co., 20th and Farnam. Fixtures and, Wiring. TYTT'DTrTXT Electrlo washing machines, Lf U IVAiii siectrlo Irons and reading lamps. 2222 Cuming St. Douglas 2619. Insurance. BANKERS LIFE OF LINCOLN. 918-14 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug 2S1I 1 jtasseures. MASSAGE. Massage, eleotrto Turkish baths. 1606 Harney. D. 7Q7. Open evenings ana uun. Massage, chiropody. Minnie Nagle, 208-14 Balrd Bldg, lTtn ana uoukibs. u. moo. MISS-LILLY, bath massage, 1822 Farnam St. MASSAGE", lady attendant. 882 Neville Blk" Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent CO., ftss granaais. v. bwa. Painting and Paper Hanging. PAINTING and cleaning, EOo per room and up. We clean carpets In your home with out removing game, 1 Dtr rug and up. we Piter Painting, paperhanglng, cleaning. H. 6779. Pianos for Rent . $8.60 per mo. A. Hopse Co., 16 Douglas. UUIU1W1 BUZUM V ws,fcaw w. ... and masquerades In the country for sale or rent, liepen at pon, THEATRICAL gowns, full dress sulU, for rent. 204 N. mn. jonnrr'eiQman. u, t.6, . Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. P. Sat, VJAAirtr St-afmnerff. WEDDING announcemenu and printing. Douglas friniing jo. lei. juou-. mt. Where to Eat EAT HOME COOKED MEALS NEW DELICATKBBKW, IBVB fAnnas. OMAHA, NEB. (Service), LINCOLN, NEB, IIS S. 18th. , 133 S. 13th St BUSINESS CHANCES 'A SAFE AND PROFITABLE Investment. An active, capable man can secure the retiring partner's interest In an Incorporated company aa treasurer), do ing a general real estate, rental, loan, In surance and bonding business, having the finest equipped offices tn the city;-Jl, 000 cash required! highest references given and requirea. box an. nee. SPLENDID OPENING Man with sales and managerial ability who can Invest 12.000 In capital stock of largest atfto accessory firm west OI umcago can secure reapunai ble position. Company paying good profit. Need additional capital to cover new field. Bank and trade references, Box 1487, Bee. HIGHEST SPOT fjASH PAID for stores and stocks of merchandise, in city or country; quick action. OMAHA SALVAGE CO.. 7S0 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1882. $100,000 CORPORATION manufacturing talking machines wants territorial man agers with 6300 to 6600 capital to finance COn l rut; l. iiu strument. Wholesale price. 910.00. Big money maaer. aouwh oim WANTED Reliable lady or gentleman with $600 cash to tans acjivs pari in a iocai manufacturing company; this will pay $160 per month from the start. Address BOX X-SIS, "O. WANTED By nian and wife, experienced In hotel business, a rooming house fur nlshed and In good condition. Address Box Z97. laureu wsd. itor sale Good clean stock of hardware; live town, central Nebraska. Good rea son for selling. Be quick. Address Y 257, Bee. 8-ROOM house. 2 lots, filled, walled up barn, sheds, shade and fruit trees. Sell cheap or trade toward smaller home. See property, ale I7tp Ave., uouncit piuiib, we BUY. we sell motion picture theaters, machines, feature films. Co-operative Film and Supply CO., HO gromiey mag. IF YOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming house call on Buscn i5orgnon, 730 World-Herald Bldg. Phone D. 2319. MOTION, picture machine (new and re built), theaters suppiiea. yjnana 4im V.nhnra 1(1(1 B 'lith Ht COMPLETE fixtures of 2-chair barber shop, very reasonable. Miller Hotel, South Omaha. Phone South 16 S3. J? OVINQ PICTURE mkchlnes,' new and re buUt, all makes: supplies, Western Sup PIJ vi iavv. DOCTOR An experienced physician wants to lean) of a good location. Box 1686, Bee. ply Co., 2U1 Nat. Bldg. FOR SALE, blacksmith shop. Tools. Good trade and good location. A. M Havner, Harlan, la, i A COAL BUSINESS, established over 20 years, paying business, moderate Invest menu Box 1694. Be. - DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO.. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. Red 3266." OWING to sickness, my drug store for sale, cheap, If taken at once. Bon Y 669. Bee. SPECIAL plans to sell a business or real es tate. F. V. Knteat. Bee Bldg., Omaha. BEST, COAL AND FEED business In Omaha, cheap; cheap rent. Box 1647. Bee. WANT Job printing plant to m .ova to small town. Canan, McCague Bldg. " ' TO GET In or out. of business call on OANGESTAD, 422 fees Bldg. Doug. 6477. Rooming Houses. 10 ROOMS, good furniture, always full, a bargain If taken at once 2212 Douglas. ROOMING HOUSES, all stses, great bar gains. -419 Rosa Bldg. Phone Tyler 1467. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used dusks, oougnt, soia ana traded. J. C. Reed, 1267 Farnam. D. 6146. WANTED Wond hand Hoffman or Daly presslng machine; must be In good shape and price right. Box 243. Holdrege. Neb. TI?ViVTMQ wibt puce tor OiJlNJVllNO clothes, shoes, trunks. etc. Red $297. Res.. Douglss 6032. WANTED B to 10 h. p. d. o. motor, alow speed, no or dzv von; suits oonuuiou ana price. .Box T-SfcO. Be. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY KATE, lOo PKK LINE. BuelueM ads, regular rates; I line. on. week. ...its I lines one week Mch .xtra Un.... 10. per week Hale. WANT CLERICAL POSITION. Young man, college and commercial graduate, wishes olerleal 'position with chances for advancement. Now high school commercial teacher but wish busi ness position. Best of references. Inter views requested. Eneley, Box, -267, Esther vllle, la. MACHINIST.- Are SI, wishes position as lathe hand. I years' experience; wants to locate In . Omaha. John F. Baler), $10 12th St., Milwaukee, Wis. . YOUNG man employed at pres.nt but de- airing change wants .oslUon as assistant ' bookkeep. . or bank emj-loy. Have bank ing and business experience, good educa tion. A-No. 1 references. Box Y 874. Bee. EVENING work In the line of auditing or bookkeeping solicited, or small set of books to keep evenings. Address P. O. Box 818, City. FIRST CLASS mechanic wants position In . or out of town. Best of references. Ad dress A. E. Allen, of Kelly Springfield Tiro Co., Omaha, weo. POSITION wanted as bookkeeper and sten ographer, or auditor; experienced and good references; steady, and energetic. Box 1673, Bee. . B09 Age 16. wants place on farm. Ad dress Harold Walden. 2210 6th Ave.. Coun cil Bluffs, la. WANT work for the year arpund by experi enced farm Jand with family. After April IB. Keiercnce. uox i, Pternnx, v.qio. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires change positions; good references. Ad dress box wee. JAPANESE, going to school, wants work In private family. Hedo Okt, care Y. M. C A. MAN wanu position taking ears of office. city references. Pali uoug. sm. GEORGE moves ashes and will do general hauling, wen. eoab, . Good Ford mechanic desires position. P. 7G69. Female. WANTED At once, position aa housekeeper, by young woman, with two children, age ana e, in respect dib wiaowors or ucu lor's home. In or out of state. Box 963, Erlcson, Neb. EXPERIENCED saleslady wants position In jiilllnery store. Address Box No. 177, wail LiaK, la. THE BEE charge for "Situation ads" Is lower than any other form of advertising not enough to cover tne cost oi printing. Practical nursing or matron with husband's assistance; speaks i languages, wen, saw. WOMAN with llttla boy wanu steady Jol as housekeeper In city. Tyler 1281. WORK by the week on farm. Minnie Lar- sen, Glenwooa, la. Laundry and Day Work. FIRST-CLASS laundress wants day work. Call Colfax It 10. . DAY WORK wanted by reliable colored woman. Call Douglas ms. FOR experienced bundle washing, call Web ster 1677. prompt qeiivery. EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work of any kind. Douglas sun. EXPERIENCED laundress for day work. Call web. 281 WANTED Day work, wasting or cleaning. Walnut 2638. DAY work wanted. Web. 4621. For day work or gtn. housework. Ty. 1864iW LAUNDRY or cleaning, day work. Web 2979. Lacs curtains nicely laundered. Web. 6419. CURTAINS laundered. H. 1180. 2614 Dodge. Colored woman wants day work. Web. 6401. Ex. colored lady wants day work. H. 6768. Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT. AGENCY. 1610 Davenport St. - Douglas 1866. ' Headquarters for hotel help. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. - LUMBER Yard Mgr.. STS; oftlc. elerk, 140; Stan... 160: gteno.. iTI: billing clerk, IG7.B0; eollector, $71. NO FIL1NQ FEE only e, csnu t inveeiissie ruareace THE MARTI CO., mi w. o. w. Biagi STENOGRAPHER ant Clark, bank, amall town, Ifi. WESTERN REFERBrfCB BOND ABgW, WANTED Growing corporation, want, of fice manager. Splendid chance. Small ln ve.troent required. Address Box (21 Aber deen. S. D. STENOGRAPHER and clerk, contracting firm, 166. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND Agg'N. rkkpr.. tsft! ledger clerk. S75 to $85 ateno., $76; ateno. and bkkpr., $70; ofOce Mark, sun nrflR. boy. 126. WATTS REF. CO., lt Nat. Bank Bldg, (SFinA clerk, who can ueo typewriter, $60. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASB'N, WANTED Man to aell greateei houeohold neceeetty through lnculrlea; rcferencea re quired. Call Room 647 Wellington Inn, 5 to 4. No canvaesmg. HIOH'ORADE commercial poaltlone. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N Professions' and Trades. SftlPPINO clerk experienced? In moving plc- vancemenr. r.un exc-nanae. nay. . J ' WANTED Experienced farm hand to work for the season. State wagea. Single man perferred. V. J. Duthle. Anita, la. rvRlir. POSITIONS ALL STATE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-16 City National Bank Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitors. IF YOU ARE A SALESMAN WHO HAS ENOUGH CONFIDENCE IN YOUR ABILITY TO FINANCE YOUR OWN EX PENSES WE HAVE A SELLING PROPOSITION THAT WILL APPEAL TO YOU. THE ARTI CLE IS AN AUTOMOBILE AC CESSORY THAT EVERY AUTO , OWNER WILL CONSIDER A NECESSITY INSTEAD OF A LUXURY. 'A FEW GOOD TER RITORIES STILL OPEN. CALL POUGLA,S 3217. WAfNTED AT ONCE Thoroughly expert enved and capable salesman for trunk and - luggage department. Apply Supt.,' oalf cony, Burgeea-Nash Co. - V - --. i LARGE manufaoturrfig oompanr marketing Its nationally advertised products through the grocery trade wants an active, clean cut junior salesman, lt-ts years, to sell the consumer In connection with extenelvs educational campaign. Requirements are hard work, absolute honesty and a stead- fast determination to succeed. Excellent opportunity to develop Into a permanent, ' high grade selling position. Must be single, w tiling to travel and furnish surety bond. Salary and traveling expenses, (live ft). f particulars in flrst letter. Box mi, Bee. SALESMEN WAITED To soil farmers, also dealers. Tai-Tonik. medicated condi ment (salt and pepper), fifty-pound blocks xor an . siock. vermiiuge, disease pre ventive, conditioner. Stock linking It "doctor themselves automatically." No trouble, no feeders, no doting, no wsste, big demand, easy seller, liberal weekly nommlssloil advancements. Writs for aales producing circular or phone or call on our Bales Manager, C A, Trent, Room 71ft, Hens haw Hotel Omaha. Guarantee veterinary company. Bioux city, la. Give your Want Ad chance to maw goou, nun n in ine Dec. HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitor. UVE WIRES WITH SOME CAP1- TAL. FHUNK Mfc, fUK AP POINTMENT. LIVE PROPO SITION. HARRY LAKE, FLAT IRON HOTEL. ARE TOU UNDERPAID? A prominent life liiHUisnce company of omsna win team you me mnuanieniRi principals of sitlesinansliip Crco. Courno will include life lusurauce and how to eell It, This service is astwiutelir free. You owe It to yourself to grasp this op portunity. Knroll now for frea course. nay ana nigni uiaspr. COMMONWEALTH LIFE INSUR ANCE lu., k . 734 Omaha National Batik Phono Douglas 1070. SPECIALTY SALESMAN WANT ED FOR COUNCIL ULUffS AND SURROUNDING TERRI . TORY. ROOM 307" FLAT1RON HOTEL. . ABVERTI&1NG specialty salesman our complete line of nnu art caicnuarm, siumi num. oloth, fans, lead pencils, rulera cel luloid, thermometers, ponuants, signs and metal nuveltlea Exclusive protection given good men in this city and outside terrl torlese. Connect with tbe fastest growing specialty bouse In Nebraska. M. P. Sharer & Co. 12th and Kariiam ts. Fourth floor. LIVE WIRES WITH SOME CAP1- TAL. PHONE. ME FOR AP POINTMENT. LIVE PROPO SITION. HARRY LAKE, FLAT IRON HOTEL. two hiah-class vouns salesmen by manu facturer of high grade tractor w worR out of Lincoln branch. Kequiremenis: Rnnrarv. nhilitv and a desire for IOII10' thing beyond mere salary. Address P. O. Box 1HB1. Lincoln. Neb. WANTIsiD Experienced furniture salesman for a permanent poiltlon In a largo mld- w estern city. Address Box Y 8S2. Bee. wTtTtkiu tTnnil activa Real Estate man, one with expedience preferred... Call, at 580 Brandeis store isiog. TBAVBLINO salesman, staple line, 100. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS N. WANTED Two live salesmen to call on auto owners. Call Doug, com. Trade Scboolt. AUTO MECHANICS EARN BIO MONKY. , Nevar Idle Big Demand. Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ABffN, I&17 N. SOth St.. Omaha. Send for Free Catlaogue. J.:1. . ... .... M. liliuti-slnil fata. logue explaining how we teach the barber trade quicaiy oy aciua. auiranvuvv, Mul Instruction, etc. Largest modern equipped barber collfge In the west LEARN barber trade; be Independent, mors tnan IWt -wr mfbw - Wages or percentage. We dont over charge yon to begin. 40l Dodge St. TKI'UlTr BAKBiin wunv, wmwT shoiil-Autos and electrlo start- ' era. Por particulars oall Douglas 4471, or AMERICAN AUTOMOBILB COLLEQa, S06 Farnam St.. Omaha. Miscellaneous. OMAHA Government clerk examinations April f PW V e,iBw a..vaaW . questions free. Writs Franklin Institute, $80 MONTHLY for man to manage branch offfte, eastern Nebraska. Bmall Invest ment tor fixtures. Address Capital Col lection Co.i Des Moines, la. HELP WANTED FEMALE Storea and Officti. STENOGRAPHER, Implement Arm, $66-176 Btenograpnar. nne ww wwn, Billing clerk, experienced, $60. Typewriter operator and Steno., $C0. 1 Filing clerk, good penman, $26. NO FILING FE15 only 60 cents .to Inves tigate references. - ' THE MARTI COMPANY; 7.1 ft W a. W. Bids;. (-STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, $66-175, CIOAB elerk i ii"i0(' STENOGRAPH KR ...... U-'i-'l STENO., $66; ateno., IBO; ateno. and blckpr., 60; compt. opr., 16 ict ! aaet. Bltltpr., 40: r. u. a. opr., ,,wi .jiji... WATTS REF. CO., 1st lat. Bank Bldg, STENOGRAPHER, 8M7t. ,.. WE8TERN RErmKEWUfli K mJEfu mo BOOKKEEPER for smalt western town ann I . auu.a aaaaf. laiinilrV. WATTS REF. CO., let Nat. Bank Bldf. BOOKKEEPING, stenoeraphlo, clerical po WESTERN REFER ENCB a BOrfO AtfW WETERN REFERENCE BOND ABS'ft. Professiont and TradM. cation, between It and St rears, to take ' up local and long distance telephone work. C. F. umiwn, i9vi awui w ro a MTF.n as tviria to work in cracker iae tory. Apply 7 a. m. Loose-Wiles Blsoult Co., Iain ana umvvayvn m. FINISHERS on ladies coats, It B. Smith A Co., sth ana uougias. MASSAGE girl wanted. 1322 Farnam Bt. MASS AO E girl wanted. 128 Neville Blk. Household and Domestic. WANTED Toung girl or elderly lady for - companion to young mother with two 7. .Lili 1.m Ui.akanil ia ra V- mail ouuaron, nuvaw ellng man; In tlce, new horns, near oar line, rsonw nunmj WANTED A .apable white girl; references; , three In family; good wages. No. 1 Col bert Apts., 89th and Farnam. Phone Har ney SU1D, COMPETENT white cook, family five, good wans, heated room,- private bath and dining room. Apply 481 B. lath Ave. Phone Hrney eft, WANTED Experienced white girl for gen oral housework! references required. Mrs, A. H. Rogers, wsss. wainm tv, wanted Oood Kirl for general housework, Keep a second girl. Mrs. J. A. Bundes, OUNO woman to -assist with light house work for room, ooaru ana w . m. wiKTBl) Oirl to assist with housework and cars of small child. . Pbone Walnut 1707, WANTED Woman for housework; farm .experience prezerrea. Aaareis v. w. nnu Bprmgtie.a, reo. n . uiKtin Ma. avloil 4nr vjknaral ttAUSSWOTk .must be good cook; no washing. Wal nut ISZ. .V COMPETENT whits glri for general house work. UUming Bt. fnona iv" A OIBli for general housework; no wash- lng. can itamey aoia. m "" . WANTED A laundress for Mondays. Call Harney 43. wiVTRD A comDetent white cook. Phone Harney 206, or apply zot p. iza avs. WANTED A girl for general housework. A. iiatT Harnsv 1C46. WANTED An sxpertenced second girl Wnit prBIBIIW4e AinniP av. WANTED Neat whits girt for general housework, walnut aom. WANTED A good girl to assist with house work. Harney 1843. OIRL for general housework; no lauiidry. 401 S. lUti Bt WANTED A girl for second worfc 114 N. ISth St . , WANTED Housekeeper. Henry sHrahl, tDl N,wLlncoln, Teston. la. GIRL for guneral houB'-work. Harney 2104, HELP WANTED Halt and Female. WANTED Immediately, names of men and wonted; 1 or over, wishing to become government ciems. no monin, s.aucm tlon unneHjssary Box Y-BflS. Ba. WANTED Ladles or boys for light factory ; EDUCATIONAL ' BO TLBS COLLKQIB, DAY SCHOOL NIOHT SCHOOL. Every day is anrOllraeot day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy, typewrit ing. taleSTaohy. dvll service all commer- clal an dw English branches, Catalog free. BOXLKS CObLKOE, Douglas IC66, 18 Lb and Harney Sts. Van sant school of business,, day and evening schools. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Entrance J20. Douglas ssto. Y. M. C" A. Day and,Nlgbt School. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. MUST HE 8 KEN TO APPRECIATE. KXCKI.I.KNT aCHK0U.NUI.NU8. Two rooms, Iwautltully lurntubcd, to rouplo; Ihtkc strlflly uuitrn him., very di'air .ihU during bui inter months. Breakfast if drstrtd. Web. CASA, Utiwi Attractive room; new, mod ern nome, with pvecy vunvoniencn; sun auis for one or two gentlemen; walking distance; two car lines; rvnned prlvAis fmily. COSILY furniht.-(t and Urge fruiii rouui. for one or twn. BU montti for n. i& ror two. iivith adjoliilng. House privtlf R's. wtilking dttanct. Htfirinfrs. Harney 4100. WKST KARNAM district, ntttmtivply cosy room, prtvato family; mum bio for onu or two gtMitlenion; oiiu block from Farnam cur; reference. Hrny 1931. FOR UBNTLKaMEN Nowiy furnlhvd room, strictly mod urn liomu. private family, Dundee. IVi'i South Mat. Ave. NEWLY furnished, in strictly mod or n home, private family; clone to oar. ynt or two laities. Colfax 3tB.. ' 8. 3TH ST. T)iroe comfoilntilo rooms: moilern, adjoining, Keasonitblo. AViUikn walkiub dlstHnne. Iouglaa AiXb. 313 1'ARK AVE., motlorn. well furnlsltHU MOinl-bHsement room; bath aujolinng private home; 6 month. Harney 46a. NEATLY furnished room l.i private family to young lady. Piano and other home privileges. isJ2 Anted Ave. 4 ROOMS, modern except bent, lib per month. i& s. iOtn at. HousekeepinK Rooms. 61 S. lib. I rooms, modern, clean, plenty ,het, newly furnished, a biochs to uur- gess-ixasn. .3 IS DOUGLAS On suite of nice, clean housekreping rooms on bathroom floor. IS PER WEEK, SKIS Leavenworth St., ,two turnlHhea houseKeeping rooms. Board and Rooms. FOUR young men, who have nicely fur- nisnea home, wouia uks x more young men to board and room with them. Call Harnoy 5702. &! AMES AVE. Excellent" home' cooking and baking, modern room for two gentle men, on oar line; home privileges, Col fax THE IRVINO I10J Leavenworth; excellent board; good surroundings. Tyler nit. Roomt Wanted. BOARD and room wanted by young man, Must be reasonable, near J4th and Leaven worth. Phone Harney IS3I. FOR RENT HOUSES Wert. 1191 HOWARD IT. A 1-storr frame, 1 rooms an. eUeplai porch. New furnace Room for on. car la strafe it aesirea. nous. real, en, ALFRED THOMAS, . 108 First Net. Ok. Bid. North. NtW bungalow," atory and a half, l.roome on Iiret zioor. s rooma on uunu. invu.ia. I27.e0. istb and irranana. eq. isei. B322 N. 26th Ht. 1 l.oms. veneered brick, modern, hot water heat; m good abape. Phone coiraa twt. 8 ROOM bungalow, furnished; strictly mod ern, walnut 174 Miscellaneotw. ' HOUBEI AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. i-R.. 101 Martha Bt i...W.lO MODERN EXCEPT HEAT, I-R, lilt Saratoga St, reduced to 11.00 i-R.. 61 N. 17th St. 10.00 t-R., S81I N. I7th St. (for colored) H.C0 e-H 4te n. otn dl sv.uv 6-R., 4327 N. 17th St. (brand new) 11.00 7-R., 4u s. led it., tuood wielt , dwetllnr, - convenient to , buat neaa os.iter of South Omaha. newlv decorated throughout) IB.OO l-R., t g. aeth Ave. I5JJU -R . IBI a Slth St. ., 11.60 10-K., mil Dodge St 40.00 HEATED APARTMENTS. 4-R., Apt. No. 4, The sueokar, 1 Mm. mer, 120 winter. 4-R.. AM. N. Steerker, III S. 14th St. (All outside rooms, very light and do. alrabl 121 auramer, svu winter.) I STRICTLY MODERN,' S-B-, 1011 Dewer Ave. I37JOI' WE HA.VB OTHEHB. Sea OUR COMPLETE LIST BEFORE RENTINU, ' PORTER SUOTvTIIX, 102 n. 17th St Doug. 1011. OfHCW With HPMB HUlLtJaJKB. 4640 SEWARD St. 6-r., bun., modern ea. heat; large lot, 120. 1607 Locust St, l-r 1T. . f 4011 N. Kth Ave., l-r 114, ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO, Tyler 1616, 881 Rose Bldg. 8-ROOM modsrn house with garage for I oara. close to car line, oa pavvu evevi. eau nwBtq. twurm ..... HOL'Slit) In all parts of the Oltr. OBEIOH. SO IS CO.. tag He. BIOS. LARGE moving van with eareful men. tl per hour. Gordon van Co. Dduglaa 884. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WARBHOyRiL Paokiug, storage and mov ing. Sis N 11th St. Phone Douglas 894. FIDELITY SvYc , FREE Phone Douglas II for oomptste list of vacant houses and apart mentt. Also for storage, mo via g. Htb and Jackson nts. IvTETROPOLITAN VAN AND, STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to order for moving, packing or storage. Office at Raymond Furniture Co., 1611 and 1611 Howard gt Phone Doug, FIREPROOF WARKHOUSB. Separate locked rooms for hotsehotd goods and pianos; moving; paoklttg and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND 8TORAOB MO tOt S. lth t. DouglsslSl. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing, call Tyler no or Douglas 438S. Maggard KUr, Van and Storage Co., Moving, tacking, Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug, ,1496. 7n DWT mispress Co. Moving, . JXLllUU Peking and storage. 1S07 Farnam St. Web. 1741. Doug. 6148. TWIN CITY EXPRESS CO., 1633 Cess St Dougiaai7i7:Trunks etoreq a specialty, FOR RENT Butiiws Pr'p'ty Stores. 1726 ST. MARY'S AVE., 11x40, 40. 1420 Capitol Ave,, Ul66, 130. 1422 Capitol Ave,, ISO, 12i Farnam Sl. 11x47, sulUble for bar ner snop. ys. 301 So. 1-th Bt, 11x41, IM. ' First olaas modern offloea from $11 pei month up. A few good ooes left fronting on Farnam St. Farnam Bldg., 13th and Farnam (Old First Nat. ilanlt Bldg.). t FIRST TRUST CO., ItttALTORS. 4"0 1st Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 1161. MOiJKuN PJ'OKl.0 Am OFi-'lUfei In Jr'ar- n ii m Bldg. yirst Trust Co., P. 1 161. MODERN store, 16th St, near postoffloa, 7I montn. u i . oimtpins, wiv jnioago. Offices and Desk Room. Single and eu suite, in a osntral loan tlon. r w BROWN BLDG. Room 407. Pooglaa Mil, DiCUiKABLtS office rooms In the remodeled Crounse block. Ill N. 16tb St (oppostu postoSlce). 10 to 111 per month. Conrad young, azi Mrauoeis Tnester, uoag. istl CituiUii u.lob space, iss.rd uia., ilttt aatl Douglas. MoUagu Inv. Uo. . Oarage and tlanii. AUTO garage and large ma. 1036 Davenport M i tee 1 lane out. LaROK, light basemerit, 16th nd Howard, cheap 2 i7rl , ViiiVV ttrllfV "fjfi REAL ESTATE WANTED .vrtiuiiiu-4. I nd -ruomd bouaeg tba oan be gold far llpu cash, bale ope ill per montn; send oornplwt deaoiipUM Qrsf letter. W. FARNAM SMITH h CO., 1IH0 Farnam. Tel. Done. 1044. list your I and l-room bouaea with as WO UK IX THKM. OSBORNB REALTY CO. Doug. 1474. WANTED TO RENT Unturnishcci Apartments and Houses, WHAT bavo you for ront In the way f four, Ave snd six -room modern up-to-dste spartmontsT Prefer nos will be given to those lb bet ter districts of the city. Want to desl direct with owners. No sgpiits, Tlphone Douglas , VB want good houses to rent. I'AYNK ft BLiATr.H, fiK Omaha NariBldg. Phon Doug. 10 K, Miicellantors. ' LANDLORDS, ATTENTION, We will secure a desirable tenant for your vacant store, house or flnl within HO days If on the South Side end in a tenable oondltlon, or Py you h month's r-nt. StiUTH OAAHA INVKSTMKNT CO. 1NCORPORATKU CAPITAL. SM0. 49311 3. 84th ..t'h0"; '"jflljg FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartment. nd House,. Aprtment. TWO rooms "and bath, sleam heat, walking . . al4 laAtVaHV BVM aiStanL-u, nnyue, m , 130 winter. zl summer. Oarvtu Bros.. S4t Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldr DESIRABLE furnished and unfurnished ,11.1 lotatlun. 24th and Farnam. D. 1478. CAPITOL AVE., 1812 Verna, room modern apartment, steami neat, ns pold water. Doug M4. FOR RENT APARTMfeNTS Weit FIVE room apartment, the Chula A" lata, Slilfi and roppieion, ti. woiia,tD, rad H. Young. SSI Brandsls Theater, D. 1 671 VfiKY choice 6-roora sleam heated apart' melH on west rarnani n. ' JOHN W. BOBBINS, W FARNAM BT. North. BTKAM Ur.AT. 4-rooro heated apartment, prleate bath, aa rang, and janitor. Cor. Hat, ISM Cumlnf 8L1 Id floor! (amllr movln. Sat. irda. Bate 114 winter, 111 aummer. Thotnaa W. Baaea. IDT MoCague Bat(. . . h,.u,. a .ml A mnma aaoh. B. B. oorner rata an. wumiua -tamlllea only: tental I1I.M te 111 per month! water ana jeimur "';v" ' nlshed; her at oor. atora. Thoj, W. . aa, uj... n d. D. 1100. SoDKHN, t-room apartment, tit month; near soaiotiic . O. P. STEBB1NB, l10 Chic, to. .Cmtth ,-ROOM (lat. mod rn except hoat, lit. S2U ataroy, roone -,T'.r a..... I.ROOM Apt., The Thorvaid, 4S month Oall Harney seio. lflw.kllan.aua. BNTAL HKAPqUArVrSKB FOUOMAHA FARM LAND WANTED RAl:CHb8. farm Unda, touiht. aold. .i.y.l . awl W Mia'Temerr REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Weat CATHEDRAL DISTRICT Mew, t rooms, alaeplaf po'oh, oak and birch flnleh, boKet and boohoasea, beam ... .....i. mm nim. .N floored ceil ins. awn. wm. - - I attic, pressed brick foundation, best mal terlal and woramanenip ,n,T,uaM --v- rront, eiow w oar. Owner. Dougla. 161. ... Mn a tvn.nnr1w llouBsl Ooly been built tew ysarsj all modern aioept heat. 1180 down, balance 111 monthly. Irtoated at 1110 It, TRAVER BROTHERS, TOI Omaha Nat Bk. Bias, foone u. et.s una. WTwnilAV WBT FABNAM DISTRICT. . All modern: flv. room.; oak mutt) beamed ewlllnc: built-in bookoaeeei full Hmest bawment. Call at BIT B. lith It. 11.1150. HIP cash, HT.IO per month. .HASPAKKblSTRlCT-' Bight room atrletly modern, oak flnian, full cement basement, brlcked-ln furneae. laundry aoooromodattona In basement, larg. oorner lot, rrtei'0t. BIG 4 REALTY CO., 1014 W. O. W. Bldg. Doug. I4H. nnftt m triVPMWflPTH $200-DOWN AND $30 A MONTH. ItToohi, .trlotly mod. boum. ujii room, dining room, kltchta and one bed. Mom o Bret floor, with lavatory and toilet off th bedroom. Two bedroome and bath on woond floor. Oak floors throughout. Large lot. Prtee haa been reduced from 11,660 to M.I60 for quick sale. Tkla ground alone Is colsldered to ba worth 11,600, Buy this for speculation as well aa a home. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 117 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1711. North. ' ' Bungalows Minne Lusa Tod will see this headline a great many time. In the ensuing months and It will pay yov to read and ACT. W. an building several charming bun galow. In this beautiful addition! aomo of them already aold. W. hav. two In par- tloular that should Interest you. They are "wide" on the front, have big living rooms, brick Breplaoes, beautiful oak fin ish and Boors. - j MODSRI In every detail; these are MARTIN HOUSES; we'r. proud of them and w. an behind them; you take no chancM whan yoa dial with us. ... i The prices sr. LOW and th. terms easy to good, responsible parties. Let us show you.. ' Charles W. Martin & Co., " (Realtors) ,w tyler 1S7. 74: Omaha Nat. Bank Bllg. 2444 MANDERSON, $2,800 2420 MANDERSON, $4,000 1639 SPENCER, $6,250 These three houses are going to b old and you can almost name your own terms. The owner has gone to Callfornls fcnd wants quick action, these housst are ail moasrn ana worm me montr, na can ba bought on rental terms. Inves tigate at once, but arrange with us (or interior inspection. ' i GLOVER & SPAIN, (Realtors) -; Douglas 86I. IH-10 City Nat. Bank. . ' BUY A REAL HOME. FINEST ON NORTH SIDE. BrshS now seven-room home, bultt by day labor with finest of material and fln leh. Long living room with tireplaoe, bnokcaoaa: dlnlna room with buffot. break- fast room; bullt-ln oablnets; sxceptfonal plumbing and mill work, uiotnea chute, xtra eloeets. etc Must bo seen to b. ap preciated; looated at 6606 Flnkney. One blook to the 64th Bt. oar lines; 3 blocks to Lothrop achool, Unlverelty of Omahaf I blooka to Kountse park. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 701.1 On. Natl. Bank Bldg. Tyler 461. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. ( '. Miller Park District Must Be Sold floored attic, oak finish throughout With ull th built-in features; larg . 44xl6S-fooc lot with fine shade tre-s. rrtce 11,169, .Shown by sppointment only. Hiatt Company, I(j.7- Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bl. . Tyler 0. Two Classy Bungalows ft dBnfly rooms tnd bath, oak finish, mmrnte'l furnace and plumbing, ele grxnt lighting fixtures, very ohotce tots, 6IH12S each, only 1 block to Ames Ave. cnr. Frlcos only !,H0U an1 SX.860. Terms ctin be arrsugud or goml lot tahet. as firttt psymont. Let us show you these at RASP BROS., REALTORS" SI0-13-H Keellno Bldr. ryier hi. n.. ultl, ..VUIJ Will buy my ll.auo equity lu 1,-an new, etrlctly modern tfunvalow finished In onk. No Uetter In Omaha. Mortgage 11.601). a A L.. lit! N. 21th St. Coltsa 4081. . I NSW BUNGALOW. Flv. rooms, atrlctlymodsrn, rintabed la Oak. Located at ll N. Utb Bk Price 11,160. 1'erma, Will lake antal1 outtaae la trad.. ' NOBR1S h NOKR1S. 400 Bee Bulldlni. Phone Doutlaa 4IT0. FOR 8ALB Klve-rooro houee, modern ex cept beati pavin. tuny pa, e..eww. Maul. Ht. Web. 1616. (-ROOM California bumalowi will tike a!- most nothln down to runt party or lot or auto aa first payment. Colfaa 41SI. MiicelUneoui. MODliKN,UNOALOW trine looatlon, Hat front; pa.ed etreeb I noma, hardwood floor, and finish, ci to aocool and car. A bargain at Baay terms- w owu... ..... KIVsl rooms, new. oak snUB, luiiy . rated, all mooern. eio .. '" - . , h I. IVlll. I1,S. NEW bungalow, also -r. and gardenlut; V J. a HUB1NSUN, Heal (islat. aba inaur. anoa. 441 aiiq.- wmi r B, B. TRUMBULL. til Bid.. O. 1114. i REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. have I food iota near 16tK and batl- fornla, in catneorat aiairiw.. ..v. F, P. Wand. 110 8, lith Bt. J, Mnrth. AFTsiB looking at MINNA LU8A. 100 dll- ferent buyers aeciuea ,n. oropuiuloo on the market and they ' booked Judgment by boring lota. IF YOU wM corns out today you will " understand why the others are buying. . ' CHARLES W. MARTIN A CO.. T4 Omaha . at Bank Bldg, Tyler 117. CliMlNU. th Bt,. 41 or 44 feet, must- be Mid to close estate. Orlnmol, 141 On aha Nafl Bank Bldg. MiOCtllBIHOUB. ' . OADEN lots, 8S to llll each. Terms II oaah and (0 oents a week. AOMreaa Boa 1H6I, Befc REAL ESTATElnwtmentB GOOD INVESTMENTS 'pi Oii FARNAM STREET. ' V I vacant and I Improre propertlea on Farnam St.. between loth and 6th Sta. If Intereeted tn thle growing dletrlct It will pay you to Inveetlgate. We alao hav owner, who will erect a modern garage or aales room n ten-year lease, ' ' ' WORLD REALTY COMPANY, Douglas 6341. Bun Theater Bldg, APARlallUNl ' 1I.NB. intone U Per oesti one year aid eery a, loclllooj mortgo JI6.000 and li mmpi ' i09ol IB trade; Jeaiioeo 4.ntlUl'PBe . il . ? . . .... ' VtiT. i ' OALhUNB ft OO, Dorflas llll City Nat'l Ban lg. , 1 ;- ; FOR QUICK SALE.. ..; ' ; II feet near loth and Douglaa Bt, 1400 per' front loot If aold Immediately; only -3 blooka from new telephon. building and ' leee titan 1 block from ground that oould ; not be bought for lees than 11,000 par front foot; act quickly If Interested. WORLD REALTY COMPANY, , ' Dougla. 1141. Bun Thsater Bdg. .) A GOOD INVESTMENT. . A business oorner that la aura to In crease In value, with new and aubstantlal . Improvements; now paying bottsr than I, par oent net; drug stor. and other de sirable tenant.. Price 126,000, 16,000 cash, balanc. on easy terms. .... , WORLD REALTY COMPANY, Dougla. till, ' ' Bun Theater Bldg. "' BEK US FOR INVESTMENT AMD v BFECULAT1VI FROi-ERTX. A. P. TUKBT A BON. BEALTORB. 0 First Nstlonal Bank Bldg. Tfc l ,, v. .u,,.-. .,.. at abarja. ' Cash dividends July and January ! Ton can order by mall 1,000 to 6,000 sharee at any time. American Security Co., Fie, Agta., Omaha. REAL ESTATE To Exchani the city comforts; f-room house; will fell or trade for horns In Omaha. INTERSTATE REALTY CO.. t20-3l City National. Doug. 1802. COMIC UP U ur ivvn. 100 ACRUB of Improved land In Sioux uouniyg eL'rac.a ir imivwuvw, h Omaha, also city property to axobang lor rarra lanns. whim. i rwu WB havtt aom good ttouias and ran tat prop erties tor Nab. or lows lantt ttdwsrd IT. Williams Co.. rmsbs Nst't Bang Bldg. REAL ESTATE- B'net Pr'pty H. A. WOLF. Realtor, War Blk. Specialist In downtown business property. REAL ESTATE Suburban South Side. MEDIUM mCEU HOMES. On tb. Booth Bide, on rull-alaed lota, ranging from 11.100 to 41,000 In different localllle., with all city improvemonta, , near school and ohuroftaal oan bo bought . from ua on . email cash payment, BOUTU OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. UH B. I4th Bt. Phone akin lb Il4t HERS IB A BARGAIN. Two 4-room boueee on corner lot. 60.160, ' on car line and paved etreeu On. rente . for II a month, and live In the other. Prion, 11,200 tor both, only 1300 cash. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. 4136 South lith St. Phone, South 1217, HOME8EBKERS. ATTENTION. Ob a email cash payment wo will buy the lot you oelect, build a home after your own plana and you can pay for It on email monthly payments, without xtra lnteroot. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. , INCORPORATED CAPITAL 136,000. . 4626 S. 14th St. t Phone, South 1)11. Miac?!Ianeous. 2-Room House One Acre ' , Five Blocks to Car $25 Down $10 a Month -Acre, slopes east, some young fruit. House neoda repairs. Call Tyler 10 and j ask for Mr. Janvllls, , Hastings & Heyden, ;' v (Realtors) 1 ' llll Harasy at. :: . ' A