12 THE BEfe: OMAHA FRIDAY. MARCH 2, 1917 LIVE STOCK MARKET Killing Cattle Ten to Fifteen Lower Good Feeders Are i Steady Sheep Lower. HOOS STEADY TO FIVE OFF Omaha. March 1, 1117. Receipta weret . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. vinriai jaonaay, ...... 7,614 1,023 14,11 Official Tueaday , 1.411 1M93 11,412 Official Wednesday.,.. 6,041 14,241 4.8 Estimate Thursday... 1.400 10,600 7.300 Four daya thta week. .22,656 61.76T 37.611 8 una days )u( week., 26,498 44,660 4t,l Kama daya 2 wka. ago.24,K08 80,134 42.121 Same daya S wka. sgo, 22,931 100.609 63,672 Sama daya 4 wka. ago. 37,261 63,244 41,642 Baraa daya laat your.. 21, 140 64,730 26,656 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yard for twenty-four hour enamg at p. m. yoateraay: ." ; RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r'e. u.. m. m. pi. tr -, Wabash Missouri Par) Ho 7 Union Pacific ....... 80 C. & N. W., east. 10 C. A Iff. W., west 3 C. St. P., M. O.;... 12 C, B, Q east. 10- C, H. A Q., west 17 C R. I. 4 P.. east.. 5 C , R.U P., wcat..V4 Illinois Central ....... js Chicago, Gt. Western. 2 4 13.. 1 ... T 3 4 11 .. 2 9 1 13 .. 4 2 18 12 8 , Totnl receipts ....118 lit 22 1 ' DISPOSITION HEAD. - ' ft Cattla. Hogs. Sheep. Morris ft Co 661 1,533 9Z6 Swift & Co 571 l.fifll 2,628 Cudehy Pkg. Co,.... 231 . 1440 4 '.'6 Armour Co........ 846 . 999 1,684 wen wan i uo.,,. m .... J. W. Murphy , .... 1 E,KS .... Lincoln Pkg. Co.,.'., 83 . Ho. Omaha Pkg. Co. a 18 .... ' Wlleon Pkg. Co 3'i ' .... Henntngt-r Oliver.. , 92 - W. B. Vaneant Co.. ' 1 27 .... Benton. Vanaaiit ft L. 19 . .... T. B. Lewis. ........ 334 J. P., Root ft, Co 22 .... .... J. H. Bulla ltT u r. Huu .....;, , i 8 ..... . Hosenstock Broa. .. 60 .... r. o. Kellogg ...... 64 .... V .... Werlhelmer A Dugen , 26 .... !IHa C 1 18 ... , .... ulltvan Rroa .'. 12 . ' ..... Rothschild Xrelai It .... .... Mo. Kan. Calf Co. U Chrlftlo It .... .... Mlgglns ,. . IM .... .... Huffman 4 .... .... Roth , 8 .... .... Meyers 16 .... .... 'ilaeeberg. ,,..,..,, ft ... Baker 60 .... .... Banner Broa. ' is ' .... .... John Harvey ,118 t .... Dennta A Francis , ', , , 70 .-' , , , ,. .... Jensen -A Luogren,. 62 .... .... O'Hay 4, 10 f . .... .... Oth- buyers., 292 .... 1,442 J Tolata ....... .3,971 y 12,106 7,026 Cat! la Rfcatpta wara veay moderate to (flay, only 124 ran being reported to, but tha big break tn tha beef market at eaat rn aonaumlng cantora gave the market a downward turn. Aa a mult price on klMera were 10216c lower than yaatarday. Beat faedera ware about ateady but other tradea were alow to lower. wueta i tun mu en tiia. Good to obotca aeevea, 110.50 11.60; fair to good twevea, 4.U4ylv.6Ui ouni.uh to fair beevea. 88.604 2.71; good to cbolca heifer. 8.266iv.ii6: 1 good to choice eo we, $7.i6.0i fair to good . oowa. 6.7607.76; eoutmoa to fair oowa, 26.2606.Tl; pit me feeding ateirt, t.264jl 10.00; good to choice fcf-dra, 4.76l.26i fair to good tatdera, 7o8.76; common to fair faedera, 6.60 $7.Mi goo to choice tookera, IJ.7548.76; ator :.cl-i.'ra, I7.0UO 2.60; atoek oowa.; 16.002 W; atock oalvaa. I7,60yt.0 - veal calvra. 28.00U.7Si beef bulla, etaga, etcvr-7.&0Cpi, 76;' bologna bulla. -t4.047.eu. Bepreaenlattva at tea; BEEF BTEKR8, No. 1 4 '4 7...... 12 13. W.. Av. Pr. No. Ar. Pr. . 246 T 90 .270 26 . 667 . 00 .1004 76 .... 684 IB 90 a'! 16.. 3!! .... 237 4 46 ....1001 9 60 ...'.1070 46 ...1021 10 00 ...1066 10 16 ....107U10 10 40., ....1176 10 38 1U7 10 20 12 1144 1020 t 118S 10 26 40 ...1181 14 26 . HKIFKftS, I0S S4 26 4.. ........ 470 I 40 2.. CALVES, 80S 834 T SO I 20 2 440 I 76 8... 816 4 00 ....,... 224 ' 2 76 - 260 14 40 1 180 11 60 ' Hoga Rerelpta " were tha'- amalleet they have been on a Thureday alnca four weeka ago, about 147 care, or 10,400 head, put ting In their appearance. ' For the week to date auppllea foot up 61,767, which la entail er than for any elmllar. period alnca the rtrat waek of the yea lelng 18,000 abort of laat week, 22,009 anfaller than two weeka ago and 2,000 lighter than for tha corre apondlng daya laat year. Shipping demand waa fair again thla morning, outalda buyera ahowlng a prefer ence for tha lighter welghta. They bought aa many aa twenty-Ave or thirty loanle on earlier rouada at Aguraa that war ateady to aa much aa 6c higher, but did not go againat hardly any of tha toppy klnda. 'i'ha packer trade waa a flrat elaaa exhi bition of a ragged affair, being. If anything, atawer than yeaterday, and bavlng an un evenly loner tendeny. Buyera did not atart . out until lata and made their early bida largely a dime lower. - Later they ralaed their handa quite a bit, ana when they Anally atarted buying a few hoga It waa at ' 7gureathat were ateady to moatly a nickel lower. But they continued to bid aharply lower en aoma of the a tuff, and no aort of av olearanca waa made until nearly noon, while even than there were aeveral bunohea atlll unaold. Buyera were trying to get thae laat hoga at leaa money than they had paid for the bulk, of the offering. The general market, which Includea hogt bouaht by both ahlppera and packera. waa leaa than 4c lower, bulk of the ahipper pum, chaaea being ateady to aa much da 4eJ higher, while packera iMUght very few hoga that were more than a nickel lower and paid steady prlcea for aome of their otuff . A narrow apraad of I12.00O12.16 caught moat of tha more dealrable hoga, while bulk of all tha aalea landed around I12.20O12.20. Several loeda aold aa high aa 213.16, which waa tha top. ; Kepreaantatlvo aalee: No, Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 44 II 00 ... 12 10 ... II 24 II. .182 160 II II 101.171 10 II 01 71. .304 ... II II 10.7301 '., II 21 44.. 200 20., 212 77., 234 Sheep 'While the aheap and lamb run waa half again aa large aa yeaterday. It waa the amalleet that haa been here on a Thyre day eo tar thla year, arrival counting out aoma thirty care, or 7,200 head. (For the four daya the run totali 27,411 head.-ae agalnat 44,108 laat week, 42,121 two weeka ago and 30,664 laat year. 1 Tha lamb market waa repetition x of prevloua daya of tha week, being vary alow and having a. generally eaaler tendency. JJven with tha comparatively moderate re ceipt, thera eeemed to be more lam be hero than packera really wanted, and It waa not until 'aeveral care had been picked up by buyera of ahearlng atook that killera ahowad much latereet tn the trade. Uvea then It waa a dull affair, and while aoma aalea were about ateady with yeater day, other Were aa much aa a dime lower. Real toppy klnda were lacking. , Tha beat Meilcana here, which, were light, but .could have been better finished, eold up to 14.16 14.10. tha latter figure being high for the day. Moat of the dealrable weatern landed around 12-4 and 114.06, and a few loada of atrong weight moved on down to lxi.60 and leaa; Bwea alao abowed another 19o alump, tha market being alow even at the decline. ;. Matea of the ona that brought 111.40 yea terday ware bought at 111.30 today, while a three-car airing of Ifontanaa took 110.86. Practically no yearling or watbera were 1 available, No real light feeding lamb were on offer, Quito few that wera fairly fleahy want onttor ahearlng around 113.10. A atagnant aaetern dreeaed mutton trade la tha prime cauaa of the mean market thla week. Packer have been complaining of difficulty In moving their product for aoma , tlraa back, but it la only In the laat weak or ' ten daya that It haetlad much effect. Tha government report on aaitern market con dition aaya cooler are overloaded and that thera la little demand. l- Quotation on anaat. and tambat Lamb, light and . handy, I37.16O14.20; larnbe, heavy. fi3.l6Oi2.l0; Inmoa, clipped, in. 60 0 12.10; lamb, faedera, IU.004jU.3fc; year ling, good to choice, f 1I.400 12.74; year ling, fair to ood. 111. 60013.36; wether, fair to choice, H0.60O1M6; awea, good to c hole. 111. 04 OH-20; awe, fair to good . lLQ.00Oll.il; awea. plain to cull. 17.609 ' I..64. f Repreaentatlva aalea; No. f Av. pr. 721 Wyoming feeding lamb... 64 111 94) 172 fed awea UG0 11 20 24 fed awea .104 . 11 20 .602 Colorado lamba 82 12 46 221 fed Umbo T3 14 16 i:t fed awea 27 11 16 200 fKl lamba ... 41 14 t' Ibl X1 enoa ,..104 ( 11 40 GRAIN AND PRODUCE Strong Futures Market and Ex cellent Cash Demand Boost . All Grain Prices. WHEAT LEADS IK ADVANCE ' Omaha, March 1, lilt. The rash situation waa very atrong to day and sharp advancea wera made under preaaur of a atrong future market and an excellent canh Inquiry for all cereal. Wheat led in the advance wit a gain of 2c and 2c but wa followed by compare tlvely strong advances In both the corn and oat market, corn being quoted from c Ihkc higher, while oats were quoted about ttc to o above yesterday's market. The top of today's market was 11.84, which wa paid tor no. z nara; o. z nam ania at 11.876 ftnd H-8 Ild 1Co- hard sranged from 11,12 to 11.88. So. 2 durum wheat brought 41.81 and mixed wheat aold from 11.78 to 11.88, Corn ale were not very ood on account or rery light receipts and the demand would probably have taken care of much heavier offering. A It was, moat of the trader were in Id out long before thetVlose of the cah mar ket. No. 2 whit corn brought from 97 c to 18c; No, 2 yellow sold at 07 He and I7fec, and No. 3 mixed waa quoted at 47 !lc The trade in oats waa also light, but tn" demand waa godd at t he advn n:e, and standard oat brought 67! a, while No. 2 hlte aold at BHc, Rye was strona at 1!4c to 2 'in higher. while barley waa atrong with rather light bulnss. Clearance were, wheat and flour equal to 408,000 buohel; corn, none; oat, none. Primary wneat receipt were 1 1 b.uuv bushel, find shipment 630,000 buflhela, agalnat receipt of 1,244,000 bushels, and shipments of 722,000 buahels leaf year. Primary ourn rncelpt were l,033,k)0 bush ols, and shipment, 6N4.000 bushel, against receipts of Ntj.000 bushel, and slit pinnate of 6R2.00O buahels laat year, Primary tn rnceint were 1C4.000 bush- el, and shipment! 674,000 bwihfllM, against 632,000 bushel, and shipment of 744,000 bushel last year. wneat. Corn. 244 Oat. 146 Chicago , . . .. 38 Minneapolis . Duluth 244 Omaha 62 14 44 Karmaa City , HI, Ixiula .... , 70 .241 14 Winning .., These sale were reported today: Wheat No. 2 hard winter, l car, ii.ii. No. 2 hard winter, 1 car, 1.28; 2 cars, 61.87U. -No. U hard winter. 1 car (ship per's weights), IMS; 1 car, 11.88; 1 car, 1.83. Sample nara winter, i car. fi. n. No., 2 durum, 1 car, 91.81. No. 2 mixed durum, 1 car,1 1.81. No. 4 mixed, 1 car, (1.86; 1 car, 11.71. Bye No. 2,1 oar, ii.t; car, ii.e. Barley No. 1 feedVl car, 11.04; 1 car, $1.03. ' . ' corn no. 1 wmte : i car. isuc. no. a white; 8 care, 18; 3 car, 74v No. 2 yel low: cars, 9714c. No. 9 yellow: 2 cars. ITUc; I car. 47 l4C Nb. 4 yellow: 1 car. lie. No. 2 mixed: I car. 7c; 1 car, 97Kc No. I mixed: 11 rars.V 97 4&C No. mixed: I cars, I7c. no. a mixoa; i car, 7c Oat -Standard: 1 car. 67 'AC nn. 3 4jrhlte:- 1 car (shippers' weights), 6So; 4 2-6 car, No. 4 whit: 1 car, 66c. ll.kimt4l.H4; No. I hard, 11.8701.98; No. 4 hard, 21.8201.88; No. 2 spring, 11.840 fit no, 3 anrtna. iB3tit: no. z aurum. I1.4101-83, No. 8 durum, 11,7901-81. Corn: No. 2 whlt. 470946; No, 3 white, 97 G Mr. I No. 4 White, 97H497c; No. & white, l7097Ho; No. 6 while, 9707Kr; No. I yellow, 97 097 He; No. 3 yellow, 97 oi7Uc: no. e yellow, ivv7r: no. yei- low. 96094.c; No. 6. yellow, 9U096n; No. I mixed, 97KO7c; No. 3 mtxttd, 97 B97UO: NO. 4 mixed. RV7C no. mixed, 940l7c; No, 4 mixed, ISOISo Oats: No. 3 white, 67tj&7o; atandard, 4067t4c; No. I white, 66OMttc; No. 4 white, 6 fl 06 6 Ho. Barley: Mailing, 11.140 l. ID; No, l feed,' lueqpfi.o. itye; NO. 2, 1.4C01.il 24o 11.4401.46 Omaha Future. 1 It developed after the do yesterday that a considerably larger business had been done for export- than waa reported, before yesterday's cloae. Report show that a total of 760,000 bushel of wneat ana about luo, 000 bushel of corn were worked for ax port and thla amount doea not Include any of today'a bust nee, which waa thought to be equally aa large. The sentiment today wa much mora bul lish .than on yesterday and while political conditions -had considerable' to do with the nervousness of the market It wa noticeable that their Influence waa loot and supply and demand condition ware given mure serlnua consideration. Tha trade today In local future wa very active and trade waa itarted In the Sep tember option, which opened today at 96c and closed at 96 He The bulk of the local trade, however, wa in May wneat, wnicn closed about ltyG higher. May corn ruled about Ha higher. May oata declined about He, wmi. July oata cioaea nominally un changed, at 62c. - ' v i,oci ran a or option Art. ( Open."THlgb. Low.) cioaa. Tea. wht. May I TftH 1 I1H 1724a 1 20 1T94, July 1 104 1 SI HtH 1 62 160 Sept. 1 17 1 " 1 11 13 Corn, May i II n 17 ' 91 9H July -97 IS 17 44 W Sept. 86 I8H 16 16 H .... Oata. May 96 46 14 I6 86 July 64 -61 II 63 61 vnicago Closing price, surniinea i n ee by Logan A Bryan, atock and grain bokara. Ill Efyuth Sixteenth street. Omaha- Art, i Open. Hlgn Low.i ciosv , t WhtTT P I May) 1 11 1 14 180 1 11 181 July 1 66 1 47 164 111 164 Sept 143 146 142 144 142 Corn, May 1 01 1 01 101 1 03 101 July 1 01 1 02 100 1 41jl01 Oata. May 17 , . 17 67 -67H 17 July 66 H 16 16 v 65 S6 Pork. i I May II IS II 10 II IS II IS II 17 July II II 11 60 21 30 11 0 21 22 Lard, A , V May II 10 it II II 40 It 47 II 46 July II II II 17 II 17 II 40 II 42 Rib. I May 17 10 IT 17 II 10 17 0 IT IV July I IT 02 IT 10 16 90 IT 02 U 03 New York Money Market. New Tork, March 1. Mercantile Paper 404 per cant. - sterling Eichange-so-day bill, I4.71U: commercial 60-day bill on bank, 14.71; commercial 40-day bills, 14.70; demand, 4.T6; cables, 44.74 7-16. silver ear, T6c; Mexican dollars, Tree. Bondfrt-Qovernment. ateady: xailroad. heavy. Time Loan Firm; 60 day and 90 daya. I04 per cent; 4 months, 404 per cent. tan Money nieaay: nign. m per cent. low, 2 per cant; ruling rate, 1 per cent; last loan, 1 per cent; closing, bid, 2 per oant; offered at 1 per cent. U. H. r. 2s, reg. 99 U A S, un. 4a... 94 do coupon.... 49 M , K. A T.. 1. 4a 74 IT. S. 4a, reg. ..100 Mo. Pac. c 6s.. 101 do coupon. ...100 Mont. Power 6s, 99 U. H. 4a. reg. ..104 N. V. Cent. d. 6107 do couonn 10 N. Y. Cltv 4U...1A7U Am. T.-A 8.o.4104 N,T.,N.H.AH.c.6sl02 Anglo-French 6a. 91 Northern Pac. 4s. 94 Atchlsoncen. 6. 94 No. Pacific Ss... 6ft ai. tt iinio e. ssmwre, s, k r, u, Beth. Mteel r. 6. Pac. T. A T. 6.lfl0 Cen. Pacific 1st. 10 Penn. con. 4a,106 C. A O. cv. 4 M do sen. 4Ws...l07 C, B. A Q, . 4. 98 Reading ren. 4. 94 C. M. A 8U P. .6108Bo. Pacific cV. 6100 C, M. AHt. P.c.6sl08 7 do ref. 4a..... 91 C, R. I. A P.r.4s. 73 Bo. Railway 6a.. 101 Colo, A S. r. 4a 34 Union Pacific 4a. 97 V. it. U. Q, 4S, 0 do cv, 4a 93 Brie ana 4s..... 6ttU. S. Rubber 6a.losU Clen. Blectrlc la. 106 U. S. Steel 6s... 106 tit, No. 1st 4a. 99West, Un, 4a. 93 111. Central r. 4a. 91 Pom. of C, 1913. 17 K. a South, r. is 88 -Bid. ; , . Blanz City Uva Stock Market. Sioux City. Ia., March 1. Cattla Re ceipt. 1.400 head: market, at rone: beef steer, I14.IOOH.60; butchers, I4.00O10.00; rat cow ana natter, 47.QUvr.bo; canner. I4.60O8-60; atockera and feeders, 6.60O 9.60; calve. lf.00O9.60; bulla, stage, ate. I6.60OI.M1 feeding oowa and hatfera, s.36 9I.I. Hoax Receipta, 13,004 - head: market. ateady; Ifght. 112,76012.95; mixed, H2.00O 11.16; heavy, ia.i6ai3.26; plga. 110.000 10.50; bulk of aalea, H2.90O12.16. Sheep ana . mu Receipt, 1,300 head; market, ateady; fed muttons, I12.&0O12.36; wethera. lll.00Oli.80; ewe, $10.26011.26; lamba, lll.26 0H.26. , - St, Joaeph Uve Stock Market. ' St. Joseph, Mo., March X. Cattle Re- celpte, 1,400 head ; market, active and strong; ateera, I2.QOOH.80; cowa and heif ers, 46.604M0.6O; calvea, 96.00 18.60. HotfSv-Recelpta, 8.600 head; market. 6o to lOo higher; top, 112.60: bulk, 4J2.10O13.40. Sheep and Lamb- Recelj;', 3.C00 hnnd; market, atrong to lOo higher; lamba, J13.6V Oli-lv; awea, 311.QvOU'.a& ' NEW YORK , STOCKS Shares Under : Pressure Dur- ing Greater Part of the Session. RECOVERIES ' AT CLOSE New Tork, March I. During the greater part of today'a llstlea eesalon stocks were under Drew u re. further llauldatlon and short sailing being prompted by the die- doe a re in respect to Oormany'a Intrigue to ally Mexico aVid Japan against the United States. Partial recoveries from low- eat level occurred In the last hour, but numeroun losses of 1 to 2 points were reg' lalernd at the close, HpncutatrCe or professional Interest a seemed disposed to sell stock on other ground as well aa thoae arising from the uerman-American situation. Tho indif. ferent. atalement submitted by the Bank of England wa accompanied By read, tlon In aterllng, weakness in rublea and an other violent break In remittances to Italy, lire tailing to 772. On tha other hand rates to the Teutonic countries hardened, a condition attributed to the probable purchafie of German Austrian bills against, sale of American kecuiitlea. Disappointment was shown also at (he reduced dividend reported by aome of the more active copper companies and the failure of 1'ka.h Copper director to In cresHe the extra. dlnburHemunt. This waa neutralised to a dirrif-by Increased and deferred dividend disbursed by several of ina concerns anaaacd tn tha manufacture of munitions. United States Steel, which aold minus Its regular and extra dividend of 3 per cent, showed an extreme loss of 1 point at JIM', nut made up more than half or it reversal. Crucible Stftl alao regained much of Its J -point decline. Bethlehem Steel new Htock and the "righjd leil 2 and 3 Motors, oils, Mhlpnlna, sus-ars. Induirini Alcohol, Iho better known equipment and unrlasalflfd. specinUle renordd gro de clines of 1 to 4 points, with su;h utilities as Montana Power. Consolidated Gam and ohin Uas. Heading. New Tork CnntrieV TTntn mnA Canadian Pacific and Atchison reflected the uiRYinflH oe reprentallvo rail at recea Hlon of 1 to 3 polnta an light dealing Total aalea 462,000 share. new tow record h for noma nt th national Issue again accounted f.r the gen eral heaWni'x of the bond list. Total sales, ..,uv, f,v,Huv, unuea mataa bonds wera unchanged o call. Am. Beet Sugar.,. , 2.600 X4 Sfl'f X7ii American Can,.. . 3.400 (Ti 4Li7 Am. Car A Foundry 1,71)0 64 63 63 i Am. Locomotive... 3,o S9 fis 8H Am. fl. A Refining. 6il0 96 94 86 Am. Tb). A Tal.... 400 124 124 124 Am. 2S.-U AS ho,. 3fi ' U 36 Anaconda Copper.. SO.OtiO 79t4 7774 79 Atchison Bald. Ijocomnlfv ' 4.400 ini ioo idi Baltimore & Ohio. Brook. Rap Tan., B. A B. CoDoor. . . . 1,500 75 ' 74 74 1.100 67 67 67 8,800 47 44 44. 4,700 161 14 lit 7.K0O ftfi'i 4 4 1,300 68 68 . 68 1,900 80 80 SO 700 114 114 114 Canadian Pacific. . Centrnl I-eather... Chcsapeako A Ohio M, ft Kt. I'.i, , , , Chicago A C R. 1. A P. Kv.. Chlno Copper. 66 t.om. r uni a iron . , Corn Prod. Roflng. Cruel bl Steel .... Olntlller' Sec.,... Krle 400 45 41 2,700 20 20 16,200 64 62 44 20 63 2 J Mi 26. 4,600 26 '26 Ooneral Klcctrlo. . . 2U0 101 ltil 161 Ot. Northern Dfd. . Ut. North. Ore clfs. 800 31 1 81 31 Illinois central. . . . 900 101 40 101 Inter. ConMol. corn. .600 12 12 12 ... G6U Inap:rattnn Copper. Inter, H-rventur. . . 400 114 113 113 Tnt. M. M. pfd. rtfa. 16,000 69 68 fiH'i 21 Kan. city houtnern, Lou In vi lie A Naah.. 200 12AU 126 126U. niPxicHn t-eiroieunu m.nuw diTu Bt? Miami Conner 1,200 3K 3K 28 97 64 24 Missouri Pacific... Montana Power..., National I, en it .... SVV XI 300 98 28 97 Nevada Copper New rom central, N. Y.. N. H. ft H.. 700 74 14 72 73 4S 43 126 126 4,000 43 Norfolk A Woe tern 1.300 12 Northern Pacific... 6,000 10.1 103 103 rerlflo Tel. A Tel., 300 9 29 29 Ponnsvlvanla ..... 1,300 64 Ray Con. Copper., 2,100 27 Reading 11,800 92 Rep. Iron A Steel,. ' 4,800 76 ShAttuck Arli. Cod. - .... ... 2fi 27 90 91 76' 76 26 21 91 Southern Pacific... 4,600 92 6,900 27 3,8)l 9tf 1,900 221 6.800 12441 Southern Railway., 26 26 Htud baker Co Texas Comnany,.,, Union Pacific 97 99 217 120 132' i:tt, U. . ind. Alcohol ... S120H United States Steel 90.600 106 103 104 V S. Steel pfd.... 600 117 117 116 Utah Copper 10.600 110 108 110 Wabash nfd. "B". 1.000 27 27J 34 Wtvtern Union ... , 600 92 92l 92 Wcatlnghnuae Hleo. 2,300 47 47HV 47 Total aaiea xor me uay, sex.uuv snare. . Cotton' Market. - New York. March ' 1. Cotton Futures opened steady March, 16.80c; May, 16.06o; July, 16.60o; October, lS.llo; Decemb&r, 16,03c, , ; : . Cotton .'future closed steady: March, 16,64c; May, 16.71c;' July, 16.66c; October, 16.46c; December, 16.08c, Spot, ateady; middling, 17.00c.. The cotton market closed quiet at a net advance of) 1 to 10 points. Liverpool, March 1. Cottons Spot, easy; good middling, 11.69c; middling, 1.49o; low middling, ii.sie; aaics, v.uuv oatea. f Dry Good Market. ' I New York, March 1. Cotton goods wera quiet and firm today; yarn were steady and tussah silk Vary active at high price. Worstud yarn were higher. Jobber re ported a fair volume of bulnos. NET Guaranteed Quarterly Return on Preferred Stock r Alfalfa Butter Company Eleventh and Capitol ..rrri i m$mm Compare creamery in this locality. You will find the country , contiguous to Omaha rapidly developing dairy industry; Omaha the logical place for v creameries; tire largest butter manufactur ing Center in .the world; inyestnient in creamery stock superior in the essential ele-';-. ments of good investment safety, earning power and appreciation. . ? , CUT OUT THIS COUPON AND MAIL TODAY Th Alfalfa Butter Co., Omaha, Neb. , v ; Gentlemen: ' . ' Without any obligation to me, send full particulars regard-, ing the issue of preferred stock, guaranteed to yield Ti per cent. C HICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Ijirga Offerings of Wheat are Absorbed aad Market Harden Nllghfcly. Chicago, March 4. Axaertlons that rait' way traffic difficulties were being diminished and that foreigner wera buying future de liveries here gave an upward swing to the wheat market today, Tha close, although unsettled, wa c to 1q net higher, with May at 91.63 to 91.81, and July at 11.6614 to 11.68. Corn finished half to o up and oat gained c to 0- In provisions the outcome ranged from 2V4o decline to a- i rue or 7tac ; Reports that tha scarcity of railroad cars had snown some amelioration and that hope of a further betterment of domeatlc shipping facilities were not without con slderabla warrant, put the wheat bear at a disadvantage almost from the outset. Be sides, It was ald that export sale Yes terday bad been on a liberal seal and that despite rain In Texas, the greater part of the southwest was still suffering from lack of mol4ture. The Impetus to buying, how ever, did not add la maximum force until sign vwere noticed which seemed to In dicate that European Interest had been absorbing offers of the chief speculative options. After that discovery prices con tlnued to ascend and were checked only In tne lust naif nour or tne session. Vague peace rumors brought about' much realizing by holder of wheat as the day approacnea an end. The fact that little had been heard of.any fresh export buying at the seaboard tended also to shake In some decree the confidence of the bull and to cause a reaction in which a good share of the, gain Uiat had been acored were lout. Corn hardened with wheat Smallness of receipts counted likewise In favor of higher prices, but free veiling on the part of a leading houao formed a decided offset. Oat merely reflected the strength of other ce reals. Mont of the trading waa local. New, high record value were reached In the' provision market, bat failed t last. The rise accompanied temporary upturn In the price of hogs. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. t red, nominal; No. 2 red, tl.SSO 1.88; No. IJiard, 1.9201-98; No. 3 hard, nominal. Corn: No. 3 yellow, fl.0201.03; No. 3 yellow. 1.01OI.02: No. 4 yellow, 98aOH-Al. Oats: No. 3 white, &8i&6Dc; standard; 68 06c. Rye, nominal. Harley, I1.00O1-2H. Stteds: Timothy, S.60f0.00; clover, IU.00O 18.00. i Provisions; Pork. 132.00: lard. 318.46: ribs, 116.6017.12. Butter Unchanged. Kirns Higher; receipts, 3,661 ease; firsts, 30c; ordinary firsts, 290!9c; at mark cases Included, 280 30 c., Potatoes Jowcr; receipts, 33 cars; Idaho, Omgon, Washington and Colorado, IZ.SOtf 2.76; Wisconsin and Michigan, white, $2,360 2.60. I Poultry r AMve, higher; fowls, 19c; springs, Sugar Market. New Tork, March 1. Sugar Raw, firm; centrifugal, 6.39c; molasses, 4.53c; refined, firm; fine granulated. 7 08c. Reports ot a truce between opposing factions In Cuba were followed by Increased offerings In the sugar future market and prlcea broke quite sharply. At noon prices wara ten to nine teen point net lower. The market rallied later on covering and buying by Cuban Interest. Closed ateady and unchanged to I point higher. Sales, 36,400 tons; May, 4.61c; July, 4.67c; Sep tember, 4.61c. , - Metal Market. New York, March 1. Metal Lead, firm at 19.2609.71. Spelter, firm; spot. East St. Louis delivery, 13. 60 013.76. Copper, firm; electrolytic, spot and nearby, nominal; sec ond quarter, $33.00036.00, nominal; third quarter, 31. 90032. 60. iron, ateady and un changed. Tin, strong; spat, 861.60 At Londnn-Copper: Spot, 139; futures, 134 10s; electrolytic, 161. Tin: Spot, 200; futures, f200. Lead, 30 10. Spelter, 47. -1 Kansas City General Market. Kansas City, March l. Wheat No. S hard, ll.80ipl.IG; No. I red, ll.90tjl.96; May, l.80Ol80; July, l.62. Corn NT.i. S mliil SHUrtl ADU- Va 9 'white, 99cOlkaO; No. i yellow, 11.01; May, 99c; July, 99 c. Oata Na 2 white, 69OMe; No. '2 mixed. 67058c. St. Louis Grain Market. St. Louis. March 1. Wheat No. S red, 13. 0203.04; No. 2 hard, 1.9801S; May, 1.82; July, 11.63. t Corn No. 2, 1.01; No. 3 white, 1.0 1.03; May1, 1.O2O1.02; July, fl.01O 1.02. or t steady; no. I. 6lttc: No. 2 white, nominal, . London Stock Market. London, March 1. American Securities received attention and prlcea. declined in sympathy with Wall street in tha stock ex change -today. Stiver Bar, I7d per ounce, Money 4 per cent. Discount Rates Short; bill, l0&; three months, 6 per cent , . " ,011 and Rosin. Savannah, Ga March 1. Turpentine Dull; 4)8c; sale,' none; receipts, 66 bbls. ; shipments, none; stocks, 13,648 bbls. Rosin, firm; sales, 468 bbls.; receipta, 891 bbls.; shipments, none; stock, 78,726 bbls. Quote: A. B, C, I, E, F, O, 16.00; H, I, 6fi.00O6.2n; K, M, 16.20; N, 18.35; WO.J6.40 06.46; WW, $6.70. 1 Want to Meet the American Girl? Ave., Omaha, Neb. ( (i stock with any other ai1 o 1 NEW -TORK GENERAL MARKET. ' Quotation of tho Bay on Yarioo Leading ' - Commodities. New York, March 1. Wheat Spot, firm; No. 2 hard, $2.12 ; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 12.32; No. 1 northern, Manitoba, 2. 10, f. o. b. New York. . Corn Spot, firm; No. I yellow, $1.20, o. I, f. New York. Hay Steady: No. 1, fl.lS; No. t, $1,000 1.06; ,.o. I, 90OSc; shipping, 70090c. Hops Firm; state, common to choice, 1916, 26044c; 1916,. 8O10o; Paclflo coast, 1916, 11013c; 1916, 8010c. v Hides Firm; Bogota, 42044c; Central America, 43c, Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 17c; sec onds, 66c. Provisions Pork, strong; mess. 34.ul0 336.00; family, I26.00O36.00; short clear, I34.60O87.00, Beef, firm; mess, $22,000 23.90; family, I26.00O2B.00. Lard, atrong; middle west, $18.90019.00. Tallow Firm; city, llc, nominal; coun try, ll012c; special, Kc. Butter Steady; receipta, 4,509 pounds; creamery, higher than extras, 41c041; creamery extras (92 score), 40 c; first, 17cO40; seconds, 36c37. Kggs Firmer; receipts, 16,066; fresh gathered extra firsts, 12o; first. 31c432. uneese strong; receipts, U pounds; state held specials, 26c026; do. average fancy, Z0CflP36. Poultry Dressed, dull and weak; chick ens, 18cO 29; fowls, 18c O 24 ; turkeys, 18c094. Live, weak; chickens, 20c; fowl, 19c019, No turkey quoted. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattla Steady, Hog Weak, Sheep Steady. Chicago. March 1. Hon Recetnta. 35.- 000 head; weak, 10 cents under yesterday's average. Bulk, $13.16013.40; light, $12.60 13.20: mixed, I12.96fvl3.40; heavy 112.96 13.40; rough, $12.86012.10; Pig. $10,000 11.85. Cattle Receipta. 6.000 head: steady; na tive beef cattle, I8.00O12.1S; stoefcers and feeders, 16.40 09.26; cows and heifers, I&.30O10.30; calves, I8.00OH-26. Sheep Receipts, 10,000 head; staady. Wethers, $10.76012.00; ewes, Is.604pl2.0frr lambs, $12.00014.60. St, Louis Live Stock Market, fit. Louis, March 1. Cattle Rece lots. 1,800; boad; marftet, steady; native bef steers, l7.60O11.76;yflarllng steers and heif ers. $4.6flOU.60; cows, $6.6009.60; atockera ana feeder, 46.oofp9.oo; prime southern beet steers, $8.00Qll.O0; beef cows and heifers, $4.2609.00; prime yearling eteere and heifers, $7.60014.00; native calvea, $6.00 Hogs Receipts, 18,700 head; market, steady; light, $18.20013.96; pigs, $9,600 z.ZB: mixed and butcher 113.20 13.60: good heavy, $13.60013.40;. bulk of sales, $12.20018.69. Sheep and Lamb Receipt. 460 head: market, steady; lamba, $12.75014.60; ewea, I8.00OH.60; yearllnga, $11.60013.66, Iiva Stock In Sight Live atock reported at the flv nrlnclnal western market: Cattla, 1,800 .. 6,000 ,. 2,000 .. 1,400 .. 1,600 St. Loul , Chicago .... Kansas City Omaha Sioux City . -Total ,. ...14.800 Kansas City Lrve Stock Market, Kansas City. March 1. Hos-s Recelnts. 6,000 head; higher. Bulk. $13.10013.46: heavy, $13.31013.60; packers and butcher AMUSEMENTS. AUTO SHOW Closes Tomorrow, MARCH 3d AUDITORIUM Admission 35c 9:30 A. M. to 10:30 P. M. PHOTOPLAYS. Hogs, sheep, 13,700 460 26,000 10,000 6,000 6,000 10.fi 00 7,200 13,000 1,200 67,300 23,860 1 'THE WITCHING HOUR"! Most convincing illustration of Mental Tele- j pathy, and of the Power pf Mind Over Matter. j I Thou.and. H.v. Read Th. Book Thousand. H.T. S.an Th. Play, j 1 UNCHALLENGED AS A SUPERLATIVE PHOTO-DRAMA 1 1 AT THE MUSE Today, Saturday and Sunday. 1 . Matina. Prim Sam. as Night During Enfagam.nt. tHBHHUnwu jmuiin iwh HMBiiw;wtjiirnniiirn iiihuihtiihiuhii ;i;umn ::Fw;imn mwti i?n;nii ; niiiiiH 'initninie! ; nii hhi i nri i umi ;ti n ? rmnntH i r.mimiTUimHrMtH ftiHii n i ;n,r; tniiu.iiTiirii W OrVLVLlfLSiSlXiSS MONROE 3 The Popular Actraaa CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG to "HEARTS AFIRE" Alio a Good Comedy. LILLIAN CI3H - "the mm BUILT UPON THE SANDS" SATURDAY MORNING AT 10 A. M. - "Advantura. ef . Boy Scut" llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllll ..Muse Theater.; Chlldran'a Performance MARY PICKFORO . ' IN - "POOR LITTLE PEPPINA" 10 A. MAdmiutem Sc I13.20O124S; light, $12.90 011.20; pigs, $10.00012-26. Cattle Receipts. 2,000 head; active. Prime tea sieers, fit.3btfi3.09; dressed beef steers, $9.00011-00; weatern steers, $8.00011.36; oowa, $5.50010-00! heifers, $7.00017.00; atockera and faedera, I7.2J O10.30; bulls, $6.7608-00; calves, IT.OOfft llOO. .. Sheep Recelots. 6.000 head: lower. Lambs. $12.76014.36; yearlings. $12.76013.26: weth ers, fll.7UOX3.2t; ewes, I10.60O12.00. "New York; March 1. Report of future large clearances rrom Bra ill to the United Statea and Increased nervousness over noil. tlcal affair led to renewed liquidation In The opening was seven to ulna point lower ana active positions sold nrteen to eighteen point under last mght'a closing flamres dur ing the-day, making new low ground for the movement. uay contract aold down t( 7.95c and September to 7.85c or about twenty- nine to thirty polnta above the best prices touched on the bulk of Tuesday. The close showed rallies of aeveral nolnta on covering, being steady at a net decline of seven to ten point 510 sale. 69.000: March. fi.70c; April, 7.90c; May, 7.68c; June, 7.75c; July, 7.82c; August. 7.87c; September, 7.92c; October, 7.96c; November, 8,01o; December, 8.06cr aJnuary, 8.11c; February, 8.17c. Spot coffee irregular, Rio 7. 4c; Santos 4sr 10 o. The cost and freight situation was reported practicality nominal, but offers of Santos 3o and 4s were said to be here at 9.K0Q American credit. Clearances from Brazil wera 259.00 baa. according to the oclal cables, making over a million nags now anoa-t for this country. Minneapolis Grain Market. Minneapolis, March 1. Flour unci. ...gstl. Barley, 92cO$121; rye, $1.4801.49; bran, $33.00034.00. Wheat May. $1.84; July, $1.78. Cash: No. 1 hard. 41.99 O2.00 ; No. 1 Nor hern. $i.8701.92; No. Northern, $1.870 1.91. , Bank Clearing!!. . Omaha, March 1. Bank clearings for Omaha today were $6,792,689.14 and for the corresponding uy last year f M57.661.95. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice la hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the atocltbolder of th South Platte Land Company will be held at the office of said Company, Room 701, Flrat National Bank Building. Lincoln, Ne braeke, at 11 o'clock a. m., on tha Seventh day of March A. D 1117. Lincoln, Nebraska, March Ith, 1117. j C. U. MORRILL, President. W. WY TURNER, Secretary and Treaeurer. a47-F6d26t STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annusl meeting of tha atock bolder of The Bee Publishing Company will be held at tha office of said company, Omaha, Nebraaka, at 4 o'clock p. m., on Monday, March 6th. 1917. for the election of the Board of Director for the enaulng year and for the transaction of such other bus), neea a may properly come before the meet tog. By order of the President. N. P. FB1L. Secretary. 844 F4d38t AMUSEMENTS. TodiyK Twic. Daily 2:158:15 Sam. Company OrchMtr. and, Wond.rhil Effect.. , H.K Former Prie. 25c, 50c. 75c, II Bg- r t-v - n.x w..k J 1 j j B.,in. Sun. Mt, Sun4 Tu,. W., Thur... Sat. '' Excitlnff Startlfn, Grlppln, , ; "FOR THE MAN SHE LOVED." Mat., 25c. Nit... 38c to 75c. Phon., Dougla. 494. . , THE BEST OF VAUDEVILLE . Billy M.tlaM. 2:15: Ml,hl. Cli TM, WhL EDDIE LEONARD CO.. HOMER B. MASON I MARGUERITE KEELER. STAN 8TANLEV. ANNA CHANDLER. NiM R.M.II 4 M.tty War, a C. MlrUM 4 Ina, Manama, 0111. Vwja. 4 April, Or atiaifia Trawl Wuily. Prim: Galtory, lOaj B,rt Suit, ,nit Satarda, aa. Saa.aii), ihi Ml.hta. IDe, 2M. Ha aa. 7M. OMAHA'S FUN CENTEJt" 4J& rUtTJS A D.uT M.u, 15-as-soc iBri3r,6Sr Ena'ii, 1S-2S-S0-7SC Last Times Today .! "Slidln, Billy" W.t,on,lllllnni,I.Mu,le.l Ed La. Wroth that WUIUUIMJ b,,.,..., Tomorrow (Saturday) Mat. and Waek, irrow faaiuroavr mac ana wm. Brand New Burlesque Review LADIES DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS AL WOHLMAN CO. FREMONT BENTON CO MLLE. GILLIS CO. ADOLPHO . ' DERWENT CAINE. in "CRIME AND PUNISHMENT" ADMISSION 20c AND 10c PIANO RECITAL Marguerite MalvillavLUanlawak. Benefit Brown.ll Hall BuUdlng Fund . BROWNELL HALL SATURDAY, MARCH, 3, AT S O'CLOCK Tickets 11.00, at Noepe'a Studenta Half Price. PHOTOPLAYS. iitiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiaiiaiiiiiniaiiiftiiiaiisiisiisiiaitattiititiiiiit PRINCESS I C j HOME OF (j 1 Of FIRST RUN PICTURES I A Red Feather Photoplay CLAIRE McDOWELL, In "THE GATES OF DOOM" Tl!!lrtaiBiiai!aimi!atiaiiaiiaitai!aiaiiaiiaiaMa!iBiiaiia)iaiiBiiBiiBiiBl TODAY & SATURDAY Robert Warwick In A GIRL'S FOLLY" FRIDAY AND SATURDAY HOUSE PETERS and MYRTLE STEDMAN, I THE HAPPINESS OF THREE WOMEN Albert Paveott Terhuae'a Sociatr Story. BEE WANT ADS ' MOVIE PROGRAM. Camart aaTarUua .( tha haal Motloa PW tan Thnler. la Omaha. (Chanaa UaUj.) North. lmo.vd :ith and lakb CABLTt-E BLACK WELL, and HLRIBL OSTHICHK, In "SALLY IN OUR ALLEYV 16TH AND BLNNEr VIROINTA PEARSON, In "BITTER TRUTH," AND GOOD COMEDV. HROP i.TB AND LOTHROP LEAH BAIRD, in "THE LIGHT OP NEW YORK," AND COMEDO -South. APOLLO . 2TH AND LEAVENWORTH FANNIE WARD i:i "the tears of the loct'st.- F VVORITE JUt VLNTOS THE HOODOOED STORT, "THE PURCHASE PRICE." "NEAR TO EARTH." LFF. 2S5J LEAVENWORTH ' EMILY STEVENS IN THE WHEEL OK THE LAW." West. :;56 FARNAM MTRTTLE GONZALEZ, IN "GOD'S CRUCIBLE." South Side. ORI'HKUM. -iVtH AND -M "PERILS OF OUR GIRL REPORTERS" 3 REEL KNICKERBOCKER PICTURE. "CAPTAIN JINKS." COMEDY. " "A MUSICAL TABLEAU" ALSO. MAOIC . 24TH AND N FRANCIS BORD and , GRACE CUNARD In t'HAPTRR 1. "THE PURPLE MASK." "BRAVB- LITTLE WALDO." DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES. BOYLE Emmet E., a fed 29 years. Funeral Saturday morning, March t, at 8:30 o'clock, from family reilden.ee, 1236 Park Wil Ave., to St. Phllomena'a church at 9 o'clock. Burial Holy Sepul cher cemetery. FLORISTS. BEST QUALITY CUT FLOWERS or planta. Art combination, ahlpped .very where. Excellent aervlce to onr custom er. In past yeara recommend.. HESS A 8WOBODA, H16 Tarnsm. Dour. 1601. Fontenelle Florlit LEE L. LARM0N 181, Donalaa St. DoufTtas 9244. LARGEST assortment of fresh flow ere. L. HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. PARKER Flower .hop. 411 8. 161h. D. 3103. A. DONAGHUE, 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. BATH, National Florlat, 1804 Farnam St. FRATERNAL ORDERS. ATTENTION CanHNo. 120, Modern Wood men ot America: Uleraa on lea hereafter will be at 701 South Kth St.. Hulae Rlepen'a . undertaking parloni Aaaeaa menta can alao be paid at U. S. National Meettnga hereafter will be held at Crounaa Hall, Kth and Capitol Ave., every Wad-, nesday avenint;. . C. It. T. RIEPEN. Oark. M. W. OF A., Beech Camp No. 14S4. will meet each Friday evening at220 Bee Bldg. until permanent quartera can be aecuresl. Attend tha meeting. Boost Cor a bigger, better, broader Beech. H. C. PXtjE, Consul. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HULSE & RIEPEN, undertaker, and em- balmera, 701 So. ltth St, Douglaa 1226. DUFFY A JOHNSTON, embalmers and fu neral director.. 717 s. iDtn at. Tyler is7e. , BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Charlea and Winifred Eddlemaru 513 South Twenty. sixth, boy; Robert and Julia Munch. 2&L? South Thirteenth, boy; James E. ana Anna Mcuieary, 4210 Amea avenue, boy; William T. and Helen M. Bailey, 4111 'Wirt, fflrl; Roy and Uabel Kauffmart, Bellevue, boy; Joaeph M. and Viola Pfelfter, "t582 South Twenty-flrat, girl; Louis and Clara Glaieberff, 2419 Cnarlee. boy; Paul and Christina Miller. IK North Twenty-seventh, girl; Mlchelo and Anna vlctuto. 1217 Chlcaao, girl: Francesco and Oabrlele Peiol, 131ft South Twenty-flrat, rlrl; Harold and BnowdelU Irelan, 370V. north Thirtieth, girl: George and Minnie Barotta. 1912 Dorcas, girl; Frank and Amalta Baa- majxl, 2KH Dupont, boy. Deaths John J. Craig, 93 years, SMventn and Paul; Ralph O. Mlnnlck, 38 years, hos pital; Walter Klrkenbead, $9 years, 4220 South Twenty-fifth; Charlea I. Hoover, 60 69 years, 6822 Berry nvenuej-'lToseph Seld englans, 36 years, 3420 Q; J. H. Hedrlck. 38 years,. 1619 Berry- avenue; Jamea Cuda, 83 years, hospital;; Bridgets Meegbee, 7fc years. Thirty-sixth and Burt; Baby Cheatem, 7 months, 8114 Maple; Benja min Euatla, 60 years, 1701 Xaurel avenue; William N. Ohllnger, 67 years, hoapttalj Alice A. Lange, 37 years, 1S23 North Twenty-fourth; Catherine Zwelful, 69 years, 6348 North Twenty-fifth avenue; Fanny Sher wood, 66 years, Sixteenth and Webster; Basil Fisher, 64 years, hospital. . MARRIAGE LICENSES. Vunuits to wed have been Issued to tha following. Name aim residence. Aga. Clifford Estes. Wncoln, Neb 21 Christina Hohn, Lincoln, Neb IS John P. C. Federsen, Omaha.. ......... 27 Gertrude I. Bock, Omaha.. XI Max Dobrlnskl. "Makotl, N. D 11 Pearl Headley, Morengo, la ,...... 31 Knud Sorensen, Omaha 33 Margaret H. Hansen. Cedar Raptds, la. 24 Charlie Hohnes, Greenwood, Neb 1 Jennie Larson, Daykln, Neb 80 Peter Bockhaus, Douglaa county. Ne- braaka ... ? 6 Clara Wllltna. . Douglaa county.' Nebras ka t 20 Arthur D. Bourks, Ashland, Neb 27 Threasa Texley, Newman prove, Neb,.t 21 August Q.' Jonnsep, Hooper, Neb... Ellen M. Boettchr, Spencer, Neb., 23 Is BUILDING PERMITS. The following building, permits have been issued : ' ' W. H. Smalls, 3723 Mason, frame dwell ing, $3,000; A. B. Frary, 1311 Lothrop, re- palrs, 31.600. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. - Persons having lost soma article would do well to call up the oft ice of tha Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It la the street car. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxtoua to restore them to tha rightful Ownera. Call Tyler 300. ' " , . 836 REWARD For -Information leading to recovery ot Ford touring car, motor No.v 1396077. Stolen Feb. 82, from Waterloo Creamery Co. Scottish union and National Insurance Co., 1316 W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha. THE GREATEST GAIN 63,738 'frit nald want ada aver madl by any Omaha paper la tha record ot THE OMAHA BEE for 1916. BE3T RESULTS LOWEST RATB. LOST Between Union Pacific depot and traveling bag; return to 637 Omaha Na tional bank and receive reward. LOST At noon Monday, black pocket book, between Hayden's basement and Sontb entraoce of postofflce; Ander please call Webster 6028. FOUND a sAnttary Soda Fountain. GREEN'S PHARMACY, 16th and Howard. LOST Bunch of keya. Douglaa 4911. SWAPPERS' COLUMN FOR SALE or trade IH, Twin Cylinder Thor motorcycle. A-l condition. Tske -jjew or used Ford, piano or furnltura, lin. Box lfifl, Tek. .nah, Neb. . A JOB-LOT of watches and some diamonds to trade for auto, equity in house, or what have you7 Watts, &37 Faiton bik. WE swap or buy kodaks; -fllma developed free) one-day aetvtce, Kane KodaJl 9tu dlo, No villa. Blk., 16th and tlorMg.,