V Daily Bee Want-Ad . Servicsj Night or Dm tyler 1000 " I HE IVOL. XLVI. NO.220. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 2," 1917. FOURTEEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. N Kit., to. THE WEATHER Fair NEBRASKA GETS. MEDE OF PRAISE CN ITSBIRTHDAY NotaXle Hen of State Listen to ' Addresses Honoring Memory of Those Who Builded Commonwealth HISTORIC GAVEL IS USED C. Bassett Presents One That Sapped Pioneers to Order. ADDRESS BT J- L. WEBSTER" (From a Sun Correspondent.) iuicuiu, marcn i. ipciai icic- gram.) With the singing of "Amer- ica," led by the legislative male quar tet, the exercises t'ommemorative of the fiftieth anniversary of the admis '' sion of Nebraska as a state were opened at 10:45 this morning before the joint session of the Nebraska leg islature, with .Lieutenant Governor Edgar Howard presiding. Prayer was offered by the house chaplain, Mr. Davis ' Governor Neville in a short address . said it' was useless to deplore the passing of so many things so inti T i . if . c . -, mately associated with the early.his tory of the state, but if was the price of advancement and civilization. The quarter) composed of Senators McAllister and Oberlies and Speaker Jackson and Representative Shannon wJf rcywicuij unbv - : ing a song especially dedicated to the legislature and the old state house. . ' S C. Ransetr. nresident of the His- - oncat society, jhcbcuic h hvuiv . ant governor with a gavel used by the first territorial legislature. General Vhn Lee , Webster of - Omaha was the principal speaker. He reviewed the early history of the state in jtn entertaining, manner and its advancement te the present time. The house chamber was comtort ably filled and the desks of the mem bers were decorated with flags. Mo tion pictures of the ceremdnies were taken by Dr. Condra and his assis tant. ' , . Historic Gavel. in presenting tne gavei io me pre siding officer, Mr. Bassett gave the - following history of the bit of historic haliimer. ' ' ' ' ; '. ,- -Jjl all legislative bodies a gavel .is the emblem of authority. , ,i "In the? archives of the, Nebraska State Historical society was tnis gavei fipil af thp first session of the Ne braska Territorial legislature and pre served as a historic relic by the late Robert W. Furnas, and by him pre sented to the society-. "This gavel is of hickory, about one and one -half Inches in diameter, two and one-half inches long and with the 1 1. Kn Tt.. Uiiitt. ia a email hielr. ory limb with the bark on and whit tled with a knife where it enters the . gaveh ' . "This gavel very-fittingly illustrates ,, the primitive condition of the time in Nebraska when there were no turn ing lames ana little oi ornamentation '. in the erection of buildings or of tools . ; or implements in daily use," ' Governor's Address, , . . Following the presentation of tfte gavel, Governor Neville addressed the session as follows: - ' "We are gathered here in joint ses- SlUn IU CClCUiaiC IHC mucin oiiuivvi- " sary of Nebraska 8 statehood, loday marks the transition, as it were, trom childhoodthe most important stage , in the existence of state and man; to a' . period of young and vigorous man hood. The hardy pioneers, who shaped " the cteetinies of our early state life need feel naught save satisfaction when they contemplate the results ' made possible by their sacrifices and - labors. . Vrtf tnan atataa. in flip first fiftv years of their existence, have pr6- oTessed as has Nebraska., tew rival us in productiveness op in the industry of their citizenship; few have less of fCfttillniMd oa Pan Two. Column BaTen.l , The Weather For Nebraska Fair; warmer. . Teniperatam at Omaha. Yesterday. Hour. 6 a. ni... Def. ,. IS '8 a. 7 a. m 14 8 a. ni.'.... 13 I a. m... 11 10 a. m.. 11 a- m 22 12 m 26 1 p. m . . 2 . m.. 1 p, m,.. 31 4 p. m 32 Bp. m. . I p. m 31 Ip. m 3 I 9 m 3 ' ComparatlT Loral Record. . C "1117. 1118. 1116.1114 muhmt rstrday .. 33 31 33 28 Irftwoit ypHterday 14 8 20 11 Monti temperature 23 , 30 36 2l rreclpUation ........ .00 .03 ' .00 .00 Temperature and precipitation departure! from th normal: Normal temperature .,....., 33 l.'ficivicy for the dayv, ................ pvtlcltney since March 1...., 5 Normal precipitation .., .03, Inch I -i(ic lea cy for the flay , Qi men Total rainfall elnce March I... .....00 Ineh leflCwncjr .since. March 1.....;... .03 Inch Dfpurture Tor cor. period, 1316, 00 Inch Ioflclency for cor. period. 1316.... ,03 inch Report fro JStatloiw at 7 1 M , Station and State , Temp. . High Bain of Weather. 7 p. m. eit. tall. Cheyenne, clear... 18 13 .12 Uavenport, eiear....... 24 23 Denver, clear . 13 , 30 ' 20 ' . J 38 26 28 33 . 23 ,f j u as Pee Hotni. cloudy,..14 Dodge City, cloudy.. Lander, clear....... 23 Vonh Platte, cloudy.. 28 Omaha, part cloudy 38 'Pueblo, anowtnc ...... 28 Salt Lake City, clear... 28 Santa Ve, part cloudy.. 24 n ftherldan; clear 20 -aioux City, clear... 30 Valentine, part cloudy., 28 T Indlcatea trace of precipitation. i A. WELSH, sjteoroiotlak Mann Makes Strong Speech s In Support of the Flood. Bill Republican Leader Arouses Arouses Enthusiasm When Says It Should Be Passed FLOOD SUPPORTS MEASURE Washington, March 1. Representa tive Flood, continuing his address in the house in support of the armed neutrality bill, said: t By (his act we may not be able to avert war. If we should become in volved in war, however, the passage' of this bill would be one of the minor causes of that direful result. It may be necessary only to arm ships, but if we must do more, the fault is not ours. Give the president this power asked and the question of war will be With Germany. There is no doubt of the right ot Americans to travel and we should uphold this right peace fully. If that cannot be done, their-, we will do it with arms. Applause even greater than that which greeted Representative Flood's opening statement met Republican Leader Mann's rousing speech in favor of the bill. Few men on either side of the chamber failed to respond by hand-clapping or cheers.. "It is well -known," Representative Mann said, "that I have done and will do everything in my power to keep this country out of the European war and the peace settlement that is cer tain to lollow its end. cut 1 do not see how it is possible for a patriotic nation to refuse to give the president at the time of this crisis power which he asks and whici is provided tor in the pending bill. - 1 recognize that those opposing this proposition are filled with devo tion to the country as the rest of us art," he continued, "but I am not willing to cavil over the terms of power conferred on the president. When the time eVmes that our ships VOICES OBJECTION . TO MINIMUM WAGE rW. 7. Baxter Says it Is Merely Temporary and Shouldn't -Be Jjxed Law! EQUAL FRANCHISE MEET "I -am opposed to the minimum wage in principle," said W. F. Bax ter, as a preface' to his talk on that subject before the Equal Franchise society at Jhe home of Mrs. J. I. Stewart 'II, Thursday afternoon. "It is merely a temporary measure and should not be made fixed law.- It seeks" to establish and impose on other men a law of cqnduct not djc tated by 1 themselves. We speak of theconstitution of the United Stages with 'bated breath, HJut it is merely set of laws made with the same wire pulling and legislating as your suffrage bill -will have when it is passed, provided, of course, that it does pass. , Xaws should be imposed as little as possible, and then only temporar ily, pending man's acqujremenj of fuller self-control. The progress of the world depends on the progress toward complete co-operation." Mr. Baxter hinted that there is a solution' of the wage question dealing with the land, the source of all sup ply, which he could explain to the organization should they desire it. The committee in charge ot programs immediately suggested a possible date for the continuation of the discus sion. Preliminary to the talk of the after. noon, rora. J. m. jnciuu, lucsiucm ui If. T if A i t -. ' ! . the. bqual franchise society, urged the attendance of the members upon the Suffrage school, which is being brought to Nebraska at a cost of $1,500 to the National Suffrage or ganization. Mrs. M. h airfield re peated the action taken last Sunday afternoon by the Washington suffrag istsin offering the services of the Na tional union to the president in the event of war.' Nebraskan's Proposals . : ". Are Defeated in House Washington, March 1. Representa tive Sloan's proposal to provide that "in granting protection to American ships no distinction shall be made on account-of theioorts or countries to which they may be bound, was reject ed by the house, VJb to 11M. Mr. Sloan also offered an amendemnt pro viding that "no ' passports shall be granted any -American citizen intend ing to take passage on any ship. oouna lor a ioreign port ana carrying munitions of war. ihat was voted down, 190 to 57. Representative Kinkard of Ne braska proposed to include a provi sion "tiiat a policy of strict neutrality shall be maintained." His amendment was rejected on a viva voce vote. Paris Reports Sinking , Of Four More Ships I Paris, March 1. the sinking of the following vessels was announced om cially here today: Clan Farquhar, British steamship, 5,853 tons gross; February 26. Galgorm Castle, , British sailing ship, 1,596 tons; February 27. ' lilarie Joseph, French schooner of Fecamp, 192 tons; February 28. Sjostao, Norwegian steamship, l.lii tons; February 8. Senate Strikes $400,000 Food Probe Item Out Washington, March 1. Provision for $400,000 for the federal trade commission's investigation of the food crisis wasstricken from the sundry oo civil bill by the senate appropriations I committee today. As ordered rcport- ed, the .bill carries $139,028,513. shall be assaulted and the limit of our patient bearing for insults or destruc tion that may be heaped upon us is passed, it becomes the duty of a great jor small government to .defend its rights upon the sea. ,"I long ago would have givea tlir givea tW: : igamssf j Raged V JT o, and T president power to protect agams; tack American citizens engaged peaceful pursuits in Mexico, think that we should now give him the' power to' save our rights, our pa triotism, our people and our nation. I hope and believe that by giving this power to the president we shall be more apt to keep out than to get Into war." , " Democratic Leader .Kitchin,. one of the so-called pacifist group, an nounced amid great applause that he would vote for the bill. . "I shall vote for this bill, but not without hesitation and misgiving," said Kitchin. "The nation confronts the gravest crisis. It faces the su premest responsibility to itself and to the world. .Already the European catastrophe threatens the fait of mankind in Christianity, in civiliza tion. The widening of that catas trophe by a great, powerful nation like burs would seem to Challenge the rights of Christianity to exist. It calls to the test the potency of civil ization itself. The world holds its breath at every sfep the congress takes at every utterance the presi dent makes. ' - "Clothed with the powers given by the constitution, a president of the United States can, at his will, without the hindrance of congress, create a situation which makes the war the only alternative of this nation. "In reassertion of my confidence in the sincerity of "the earnest desire but recently reiterated by the presi dent to avoid war, and in the hope that he may use 4he confidence of congress in him, which finds its un ttoubting expression in the passage of this bill, to maintain peace, I give to this measure my- support." HOUSE GIVES MORE TO RAILWAY BOARD Warm Contest Before Lower t Body Over the Mainte nance Bill. FEW CHANGES ARE MADE , (From a Stall Correspondent.) . Lincoln. Neb.i March 1. (Special Telegran. Late this afternoon the bouse finished its consideration of the items in . the maintenance, bill and rtt I it to third reading. A great deaf of 'discussion 'took place ovtr an item to raise the appropriation ' of the state railway commission from $60,000, to $119,000. . ,: . : .. Rcischick, chairman of the finance committee, 'made a gallant fight to keep the amount down to the sum recommended . by the "committee, which a gallant fight to keep the amount down to the .sum recom mended by the committee, which he said was a raise of $Jd,000 more than the appropriation of two years ago, Thomas,' Peterson, Nielsen, Good and several others spoke in favor of the increase, the Jormer saying that the commission had saved the state thou sands of dollars in freight rates land now that over $2,000,000-was af stake in the two-cent fare controversy, he believed the house should give the amount required. .,- - , Nielsen said his bill giving the met ropolitan cities, the right to regulate telephone rates was killed because the constitution gave the commission the power to regulate corporations and he believed'if they were given the Dowe'r thev should he ffiven sufficient funds to enable thm to do the work als it should be done. Give them the appropriation asked iur uu 11 uicy uun l prouuee mulls, abolish the commission." said he. Outside of this item there was very little change inthe bill as reported out uy trie committee. ' Stone Hints Wilson Trying to Influence , Sentiment of Public Washington, March 1. Senator Stone, chairman of the foreign reta tions committee, asserted in the sen, ate today that the "Zimmermann let ter" must have been obtained from executive officials of the United States government and, that it was given publication to "affect public opinion or official opinion, or both, in the United States. -'.. "Reading the newspaper accounts of the sources of the information they had, said senator stone, the inter ence is inevitable that the Zimmer mann letter was obtained- from the executive officers of this country. It was published tor some purpose. cannot and will notundertake to sav what .that purpose was other than to altect the opinion that it was given publication to artect the public opinion, o othcial, or both, in the United States. . . .- .. y "The publicity given this allesred let ter," said the Missouri senator," was made for some purpose. I do not know with any such, certainty that would warrant me in asserting it from .what source the newspapers ob tained the document. If the document be authentic it is a necessary sequence that the information was not given to the American 'press by the German government or any one connected with tit It must have been given out by someone else. - , , MrsAuttle Held Guilty ' On Manslaughter Charge Gering, Neb., March 1. (Special Telegram.) The jury in the 'i'utlle murder trial brought in a verdict to day of manslaughter against Mrs. Tut- tie, who was charged with the mur der of her divorced husband. Clifford . 1 utile, at scott iblutt last July. HOUSE liEBATItlf, ARMED JEOTRALITK Flood Measure Taken Up, With Agreement to Vote After a Three-Hour Discussion. WILSON FOR. SENATE BILL Washington, March 1. An amend ment .by Representative Cooper of Wisconsin to prohibit the arming of lmnltions' stlpfiBflrtcr'the United neu trality bill was rejected by the house tonight, 197 to 100. , . ' ; Washington, Ikfarch l.-Spurred by the developments of the international situation, ' the house today ttjpk up the bill to clothe the president with authority to deal with the German submarine menace under an agree ment to vote after three hours' de bate. . ,- . , ; ". ? . The statement was made officially that the White Housetands behind the bill as drawn in the senate "first, last and all the time,' 'and does not approve the house bill in its entirety because it does not provide the "other instrumentalities," which the president desires, and proposes to refuse war in surance to ships which carry muni tions. , ' v The portions the administration wants may be 'inserted , on the floor of the House or after the bill gets to the senate. . - . At the outset of the house debate Chairman Flood-' aroused iif tense en thusiasm on both sides. Every refer' ence to America's willingness to pro tect tlte rights or citizens wherever they had a right to travel was met with a volleyof applause. tie cited that authority for the president to act as suggested in the bill had been granted to other execu tivesNn 1794, 1798, 1805, 1815, 1839 and 1856, and incidentally attacked the pacificists protesting against the bill. ' ' . "In 1798," he cpntinued, "conditions were much as they are today. Eng land aiul France were at war and France was preying on commerce as Germany is today. Many people in this country at that time said our rights should not be upheld and that to uphold them would lead to war with France. ;We gave the president the power, our commerce was pro tected, our honor vindicated and war was averted." . , ... Break Between U. S. And Austria Seems Less Likely Now Vienna, Feb. '28. (Via Berlin and Wireless to, the Associated Press to Sayville, March 1.) The American ambassador, Frederick C. Penfietd, informed the Associated Press today that he expected the reply of the Austrian government fo the Ameri can memorandum concerning the new submarine warfare regulations in about one week. . The statement is made here that a break between the two countries is how less probable. The correspond ent is informed that the reply of the Austro-Hungarian government will be extremely conciliatory and while it may not dispose definitely of all pending questions it will leave the way open for further discussion be tween Washington and Vienna. British F,irm May Make Sheik for U, S. Washington, March l.-f-Great Britain has withdrawn its objec tion and made known its permis sion for Hadfields, Ltd., an Eng lish munitions concern, to contract with the United States navy for armor-piercing shells of the 14 and 16-inch type. The Lion or the Lamb? U. S. SUBSCRIPTION TO LAND BANK STOCK Omaha Gets Least From Gov , erment Owing to Having x Contributed Most. W'ADOO IS NOT SURPRISED .Washington,. March X. Subscript -Hon Jon behalf pf the government to $89,505" of the $9,000,000 capital stock of the new federal land banks was announced tonight by- Secretary McAdoo. The small public subscrip tions to the stock, $120,095 for all twelve banks, the secretary said, was neither a surprise nor a disappoint ment, "lo special effort was made to se cure public subscriptions," he ' ex plained, "the taking of the full amount of stock being assured by the govern ment underwriting. The fact that the banks were unlikely to pay any divi dends on this stock during the first year and that it ultimately will be le tircd at par naturally made it unat tractive to investors. As far as the interest of the banks Is concerned, it is to their advantage .that' the stock should be held by the government, as individual stockholders arc entitled to participate in dividends, while the government is excluded by the terms of the act from the receipt of divi dends on its stock. - I The government s share of the $750)000 capital stock of each district Woll ollows, the balance having been sub scribed by the various towns: . : Sprlntflrld, Maaa., IfJt.ISS, , . . . ' Baltimore, 1740,2JO. ' . Columbia, R. .. S7lt,SI0. Loulivllla, 7!,25. , Naw Orlaana, I74M30. ' Bt. LouU, l74S,07t, ' 8t. Paul. S744.M0. , , .' . : . Omaha, I70MH6. - , ' Wichita, Kana., IH3,06. ' Hounton, TBI., I7J6.H6. " ' Berkley, t'al.. 1743,810. . i Spokana, I744.S66. - Office of German ' Consul at Juarez . Reported-Robbed Juarez, Mexico, March 1. TheGer man consulate here -was robbed late last night and a number of important official papers were reported to have been taken from the files of Consul Max Weber, who has been 'in charge of consular and diplomatic affairs for the German government in northern Mexico. ..,'' ., ' ' ; - A typewriter and other office sup Dlies were also taken. The office of the American Smelting 'and Refining company, across the hall from the German consulate, was robbed also, two boxes opened, but nothing taken, Consul Weber is ill at his home. , Two Days' Vacation Ahead Of the House and Senate (From Staff CferraiponSent.) Lincoln, March 1. (Special.) Fri day and Saturday will be vacation days for both branches of the ligisla ture. Friday the members will go to Omaha to attend' the automobile show, returning tQ Lincoln 'as 'the spirit may. move and getting back to work Monday morning. Norton and Lemar opposed the "junket trip" as they called , it, al though the members will pay .their own-expenses. They will be enter tained by the Commercial club at din ner Friday evening. , ; - Denmark Prohibits Sale & i I . Of Alcoholic liquors London, March 1. The sale of all spirits and other alcoholic liquors has been prohibited ir. jjenmarx, accord ing to a Reuter dispatch from Copen hagen. Jhe order is temporary and calls for returns to be made on all stocks of spirits in the country, GERMANS RETREAT - BEHINDJAPADME Berlin Announces" Abandon ment of Positions On Both Sides of River Ancre. ' NEW JUNE BACK OF CITY ' Paris, March 1, The Germans havo already fallen "back behind Bapamuc and the fall oi that town is imminent, according to information from the front, whicli ' has reached 'militaryJ circles, here. The new German line is said to run along' the road from Bapaumc to Pcronne and some dis tance in the rear of the former town.1 During their retirement the Ger mans have systematically destroyed their dugouts and provision c-epots and rendered their trenches useless. Berlin (By Wireless to Sayville), March 1. German army headquarters today announce a voluntary and sys tematic, withdrawal of parts of the German advance "positions1 on both banks of the Ancre, on the Franco Belgian front.. i. , . The statement reads: , . "On both banks of, the Ancre sev eral days -ago, for special reasons, a part, of our advance positions was voluntarily .and systematically evacu ated aim tne defense has been placed in another prepared line. - Qtir move ment : remained., concealed trom the enemy. ' Rear guard posts, acting carefully, hampered his troops, which only with hesitation groped forward, oecuoving without fighting the strip of land which was abandoned by us and which is lying in ruins. Yielding in the face of a-numerically superior attack, as had been- ordered, these minor, detachments inflicted consider able' sanguinarj losses upon the enemy and up to now have captured eleven officers and 174 men and four machine guns tnd stilt today domi nate the field in front of our posi tions. . .. , . ; , , ,, r i British Town Bombarded. Lohdon, March 1. A hostile air plane dropped bombs today on Broad- staire, it is announced orhciaily. une woman was slightly injured. 1 Broadstaire is a water place on the Island of Thanct off the- Kentish coast. It is" one of the towns shelled by -German, destroyers Monday, "Wild Horse" Man Gists Term in "Pen" . . , And $10,000 Fine 1 Two years' imprisonment in the federal prison- at Fort Leavenworth and a fine of $10,000 was the; sentence given J. Sidney Smith, president of the United Mites Live Mock com pany, who was recently convicted in federal, court here on charges' of us ing the mails to defraud in the sale of wild horses. The 'Sentence was the maximum under the law. . -Immediately after pronouncing it Thursday . morning. Judge t W. Woodrough was informed, of Smith's intention to appeal the case. His supersedeas bond was fixed at $7,000. Mpst of the other defendants have already been sentenced Smith for merly lived at Newcastle, Neb., but recently i made his home in Omaha. Mexican Officials -- Refuse to Talk of Zimmerman; Note Mexico City, March 1. Mostof the Mexican officials here declined today to discuss the effort of Germany to involve Mexico in a war with the United States except to say that they thought such efforts were vain and that Mexico would, b; neutral. , SENATE ASKS FOR DATA Oil GERMAN CONSPIRACY NOTE Votes Resolution Requesting Wilson to Furnish Informa tion Concerning Zim mennann Order. A CONGRESS IS STARTLED Report of Intrigue for Alliance With Carranza and Mikado : Confirmed, STATEMENT BY LANSING Washington, March 1. In response to request from the senate President Wilson transmitted a report from Secretary Lansing saying the pub lished text of the German foreign minister's note to the German min ister at Mexico City directing an at tempt to ally Japan and' Mexico against the United States in cake of war, was authentic, that it came into posssssion of the government during the present week and that in his opinion it was incompatible with pub lic interest to send any further in formation to the senate for the pres ent ' "'. 1 ' '. Washington,! March J. -Without a record vote the senate tonight adopted a resolution requesting the president to furnish "whatever information he has concerning the "Zimmermann note" which in his opinion is not in compatible with the public interest." The resolution was - Senator Hoke Smith's substitute for one offered by Senator Lodge and an amendment by Senator Stone. - Therewas no -aeoarate vote on Sen ator Lodge's resolution which would have inquired as to the authenticity ot the Zimmermann note, oc the Stone amendment asking whether informa tion about the German move came from any European belligerent. - Comes After Long Debate. The senate's action came after a long debate during which come sena tors voiced the opinion that the ad ministration armed . neutrality bill ' should not be passed until further in- . formation had been supplied regartt- e the Zimmermann note. , '' The Smith resolution' reads: "Resolved that the nresident be re quested to furnish to the senate what ever information he has concerning the note' published in the press of this date purporting to have been sent January 19, 1917,. by the German sec retary for foreign .affairs, to the Ger man ambassador to Mexico, which in hit opinion is net incompatible with the public interest.".', . Washington,, March 1 1. Senator Hitchcock reported the resolution as amended by the . foreign relations committee , to the senate at 3 o'clock and asked unanimous consent for its immediate consideration. There was no objection. , , Washington, March 1. The senate Inreian rffalmfli nmmiM thta aftr. noon ordered' a favorable report on the Lodge resolution after changing only a few words. - The committee struck out die provision asking the president for information' as to when the "Zimmermann letter" came- into possession of the United States, - The -senate committee's action Was not unanimous on the resolution- as finally . framed. , .Senator i Stone, ' chairman of the committee, planned to offer an amendment on the senate floor. . ;... -. -v ..:,.i "I don't care to outline the amend ment, until I propose it," said he. Senator Stone's amendment would add to the end of the resolution these words: . ... . , . "And also to inform the senate as to whether the information in his pos session respecting the letter signed "Zimmermann" originated- with any governments the officfel of any gov ernment engaged in the present war, and if so to inform the senate of the facts." :' .-. .- Washington,-' March I: Full official- confirmation of Germany's in trigue to ally Mexico and Japan with it to make war On the United States, as revealed last night by The Associ ated Press, was given today at the White" House, -the State department and in the senate. - " . On the floor of the senate it 'was announced that democratic- lenators had been authorized to state that the revelations, including the text of the -instrument from - German - foreign Minister Zimmerman to German Min ister von Eckhart at Mexico City were correct. - '.. ' ,-' On notice of Senator Lodge the senate at once took up a proposal to ask the president to communicate the facts to congress officially. After considerable discussion Sena tor Hardwick insisted upon an ob jection to immediate consideration of the Lodge resolution in order that there might )t time for deliberation by the foreign relations committee. -Statement by Lansing. Secretary Lansing authorized this statement: - . . , 1 . . ,.- ., , -r "We do not believe that Japan has had any knowledge of-his or that X CCanUnaad aa ru Tana, Oohuna Ont.) Used Cars taken -in trade on , new ones are in many , cases in good condi-' : tion. ' You .can save . considerable . money ' if you buy now. - . - . Hundreds of bar- gains are listed in to ' day's Want Ad col- t umna. Look for Yours Nou : . r i'