20 l'HE BEE : OMAHA, THURSDAY, MAflCH 1, 1917. LIVE ST0CK MARKET Killing Cattle Ten to Fifteen Higher- Sheep Slow, Steady to Ten Cents Lower. HOGS HIGHEST ON RECORD OtDftha, February tt, 191?. Receipt! wire; Cattle, Hor Sheep. Official Monday 7,J4 ,U2I 1,4. 113 Official Tuesday ..... M3 16.192 11. 42 Eatluata Wednesday .. 4.7M 16.600 4.600 Three da ye this weeW.18,807 -Same days lat week. .21,632 1 Same days S wkt. aao.21,602 Same day 1 wka ago.H.768 Bam days 4 Wka. aifo.25,46T Same days last ytar..lO.&BI Cat t la Rabefpta numbered 1S cars, being very moderate run for a Wednesday. This leaves the total for the three days this week st 18,a7 head, the smallest since three weeks ago. and with that exception the smallest for a long time back. . At the same tltne there was a good brisk demand and the market opened In good season with prices 10a higher on killers and In some csaes 16c higher. This means that the market Is light close to tta higher for the week. Good beeves sold up to 111. 50, ai hlrli aa has hen nald anv.tlme this year. In fact as high as was ever paid dn this market. Good feeders were stronger ana others at least steady. Quotation j oa cattle: Good to choice beeves, !1Q. O11.60; fair to good beeves, ii.76610.to: ootnuon to fair beeves, 18.60 9.71; good to choice heifers, M.lCtflO.26, good to choice cows, I7.760S.QO; fair to good cows. f8.7607.Tt; common to lair cows, t6.260s.76; prime feeding steers. 19.260 30.00; good" to ohotce fcdrs, IS-7609.26; 'fair to good leedera. 17.6008. 76: common to fair feeders, 8.5O07.6Oj good to choice Blockers, 17.7608.76 stork Iiei.'ers, I7.QU0 ' 8.60: stock cowa. I8.OOUI.00: stock calves. 17. 6009.60; veal calves. 89.00011.76; beef bulls, stags, etc, 17, 01,7e; bologna bulls. SS.6007.60. Representative sales; BEEP BTKTCRS. No. Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr. , 1 ,.,.1033 ft 60 27 019 66 8 800 9 SO 12 1146 9 76 , II 1194 9 90 ,18 1217 10 20 10 1398 10 80 Jl. ...... .1111 10 60 a 1042 1 96 2fl 1196 10 26 10. ...... .1252 10 40 1.. 1240 10 76 3. .....1030 11 15. 1428 11 Z0 1... . 640 $6 90 . 880 7 90 11. . 708 7 86 883 I 00 177 I 26 698 I 46 24 I 66 ft7 I 16 644 t 00 1... ..; 39... ,... M... 20... 7. I, 10. 7. It. t. I, .. 880 .. 91 764 109 .189 I 16 t 16 I 60 I 76 t to t 00 36 . 977 .1034 t 16 ,,10M 11 12BS 19 60 .1531 11 10 BTEKRH AND HEIFERS. 608 8 00 12 410 i is 18:...,.. 6881 I 80 37 747 t 00 W I. ....... 691 t 86 28 00 9 60 ' It 860 t 70 II 6N7 0 76 30.V......1095 9 86 IT 832 10 00 - II...,... 930 10 SI 9. .......1017 10 40 BTOOKER8 AND FEEDERH, i I. ....... 709 S 90 . l Hogs- Supplies wars Just about the tame f si se as yesterday's, counting out 820 ears, Ivor about 36,600 head. The three days' to ,Ital Is 40 j 15 head, as compared with (0, J '43 last Week, 91.794 two weeks ago and .''48,014 tor too corresponding days oC las year. The trad opened 1O01KO higher than yesterday's average, shippers taking between forty or fifty loads on that basis. They bought a good many hogs around 918,000 40 4 ( 0,OI4 (O.H2 Sfi.WU 3,7 40,7 86,081 41.802 6B.1U 43.0fi ia.3t ana psia as nun as n-v it some of the best butchers and heavies. ' Bo far as packers were concerned there Vast nothing doing until late In the morn ing. They refused to oven make bids on earlier rounds, and seemed to be trying to hold prices down to a steady basts. In fact their first bids were no more than stsady with yesterday. Sellers, encouraged by yes terday's runaway close asked a quarter hlghar on th opening, and tt took them , quite a white to get their sights down, but w hen buyers who had been raising bids slowly got their offers tip to K01Oo higher baals. a few hogs wers cashed, and while the market was never very active, the bulk of the packer hogs Anally sold that way. The close was very draggy. When there i wers still as many as forty loads, unsold buyers began refusing to tsk hogs ' at the earlier prices, and towards noon a few hogs -er selling that were no more than a nickel higher, while upward of twenty-five cars that wers at ill In first hsnds were wanted at prices that wsr not much better than steHdy. The general market did not lack great deal of averaging 10c higher. Bulk of all the ssles was made at 918,90013. lBk and packers as well as shippers paid as high as 913-30 several times. There was Quite a sprinkling of th common and mixed light stun downward from th bottom of the bulk. Henrostntatlve sales: No. Av. So. Pr. No. Av. Bh. Pf. 129 IIJ IB ... IS 06 J4..UJ ,,. VIZ 80 45..17S ... 13 00 61. .220 79 13 06 18. .193 ... 18 10 7. .SIS ... 13 10 80,. 189 95,. 179 61. .231 16. .204 83. .210 13 OS 13 10 13 10 13 10 II II 13 16 43. .Ul 40 12 10 60.. 196 ,., It in SO. .110 ... 13 16 29. .190 ... 13 16 69.. 384 80 13 90 98., 247 61. ,329 86. .230 74. .314 63, .133 69,. 363 7Q..3C9 61.. m 16. .240 1M3H 96, ,349 48.. 244 13 20 It 30 , 18 86 It IS 18 26 13 25 13 10 18 10 13 30 ft.. 389 120 13 10 It. .396 ... II 36 69. ,261 -i., 13 SB ST. .386 ... 13 26 - 4ft. .378 169 II 34 35. .321 ... 13 80 69. .193 ' ... 11 10 Sheep Pric declines th last tew days were probably mainly responsible for ths smallness of today's sheep and lamb run. At any rat receipts were the lightest for a Wednesday lu .uits a while, only about n toe teen loads, or 4,600 head, showing up. Th tout for th first half of the week la 90,094 head, being 9.000 short of Isst week and 10.000 lighter than two weeks ago, but about 1,609 larger than a. year . ago. ..... Despite th fact that receipts were so much smaller demand for lambs remained Indifferent. Other points reported slow mar kets, with packers trying for easier prices, and th local trad dragged through most of th forenoon before much el anything old. It was well along In th forenoon when offerings Anally started selling 'at flguree i that were about steady with yesterday's close Outsid two or three cars the sup. ply was only of fair quality and this. In addition to th lightness of th run, made . It hard to compare prices even after trade was under way. Everything wag cleaned up by midday. A tew cars of weighty lambs told at 919-90 and on down, while several loads of decent Colorado landed 913.86. A coup) of cars of good light and handy westerns made 914.06014. 15, and the high price of th day 114.10 wss paid for light Mexicans. A good kind of fall clipped lambs sold steady at 118.00. Ewes, white not In overly large supply, got Into th dumps today and after a draggy session th bulk of th supply was cleaned up at figures that were fully 10c ' lower, and might have been even more than - that In some cases. Nothing els In tthe mature tin was offered. Several cars of good owes wnr bought at 111.40, which packers consider as high ss anything would sell, and some fair to decent stuff was bought downward to 911.00. The prices paid for ons or two bunches of feeders - looked fully steady, though hardly enough was- her to really make a market A load of light Nebraska lambs reached 914.26, which equals th high price of the sesaon. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, light and handy, 918.76014.10; lambs, heavy, 118.36013.90; lambs, clipped, $11.60 (fit. 10; Ismba, feeders. 913.00014.26; year lings, good to choice, 112.60013.00; year, lings, fair to good, 911.60012.60; wethers, fair to choice, 81O.SO013.OO; ewes, good to choice, 911-10011.40; ewes, fair to good, 9io.OO0ii.lOi ewea, plain to culls. 97.000 39.80. , KwDresentatlv saleat ' No. 449 fed lamb ....., 741 fed lamb ......... 281 fed lambs 131 Montana ewes 301 fed lamb , tt cull lambs . At. . 16 , tr , 79 , t . 76 . . 94 Pr. 113 tl 14 09 14 II 11 00 14 09 13 J 14 06 19 99 11 00 14 10 14 30 II 90 143 fed lamb ................. 10 281 fed lambs ..a............. 79 194 fed ew. 91 , 34ft fed lambs ft 99 fed lambs 63 109 ellpped lambs.. 91 09. Joseph Uv Htoek Market. St Joseph, Feb. 88. Hogs Receipts, 9,000 head; 10016c higher; top, 111.40; bulk of sales. 919.10011.36. Cattle-Receipts, 1,609 head; strong to 10e higher: steers, 97.60011.60; cows and hel Xrs. 96.90010.60; calves, 96.00 0 10.76. Bheep and Iambs Receipts, 600 head ; Steady; lambs, 113.60014.35; ewes. $11,000 31.16. . Bloat City Live Stock Market. Sfons City. U.. Feb. 21, Cattls Re ceipts, 1,600 head; market strong; beef Steers, 910.00011.25; butchers. 9800010.00; . fat cows and heifers, 97.0009.60; canners, 94 tO0f.6O; stockers and feeders, 17.000 9.60; calves, 9t.6O0t.6O; nulls, stsgs, etc.. ' $6.6009.60; feeding oows aodV-hcUtra. 96.00 . . 08.25. Hogs Receipts, 15,900 bend! market 19019 fclghorj lights, $13.76011.00; mixed. IIS.OO018.1S; heavy, $12.16013.26: pigs. 19.76 010.26; bulk of ssles, 112.10013.16. Bheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,200 head market weak; fed muttons, 810.26013.26 wethers, 111.00012.00; owes, 110,26011.36, lambs. 111,26014.26. CHICAGO UVB HTOCK MARKET. Cattle Market Is Flrmi Hogs Unsettled and Sheep ffteadr. Chicago, Feb. 28. Cattle Receipts, 12, 0( head; market firm; native beef cattle, 98.00012.16; etocHers and feeders, I0.oy i.z; cows ana net rem, i.3uwiv.au; csives, S8.00fxll.G0. Hogs Receipts, 20,000 head; market un settled, half of early sdvance or. 10 to Zb cents lost: hulk of sales. Ill.Z0Oll.40 light, 1Z.7O013 35; md, 113.10013.45; heavy, IIS. 06018.45; rough, 913.05013.16 Ola. 810.26013.00. Bheep and Iambs Receipts, 14,000 head; market steady; wethers, tlO.7G012.OO; ewes, 99.50O12.00; Jam be, IU.60Utfli.6O. Mt. Louis Live Btoek Market, 8t. Louts, Feb. . Cattle Recelpte. 8,600 head; market, steady; native beef steers, $7.60 011.76; yearling steers and heifers, tft.50011.60; cows, 96.10 ft 1.60; stockers and feeders, 94.OA0y.OO; prime 'southern beef ntwers, 98.00011.00; cows and heifers, 14.25 tro.00; prime yearling steers and heifers. $7.60010.00 native calves, 9.00012.60, Hnge Receipts, 1 0,200 bead ; market, higher; liffhls, 111.16013.90; pigs, .KO0 12.26; mixed and butchers, $13.26013.06; good heavy, $13.66013.70; bulk of sales, 913.36013.60. Bheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,500 head; market steady; lambs, 912.75014.60; ewee, 98.00011.60; yearlings, 911.60013,06, Kan City Uv Mock, Market. Kansas City. Feb. 2t.-HJattle Receipts, 4,000 head; markt strong to 10a hlKhir: prims fed steers, 91 1.86 011.76; dressed bef steers, 99.00011.00; western steers, 98. Oil 011.36; cows, $6.60010.00; heifers, 97,000 11.00; stockers and feeders, $7.26013.60; bulls, $6.6009.00; cslves, $7.00012.60. Hogs Receipt!. 9,000 head: market high er; bulk of sales, $13.00018.40; heavy. $18.30013.36; packers and butchers. 113.00 018.40; light, $13.00018.26; pigs, $10,760 12.26. Bheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,600 head: market stead); lambs, 918.76014.40; year tings. $13. 00013.60; wethers, $11,600 12.35; ewes, $10,60012.00. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVIMIONS. Wheat Is Stronger and Higher on Prospect f Improved Hhlpplng Conditions, Chicago, Feb, 28. Reports of sxtraor- dlnary endeavors by the British govern ment to facilitate shipments led to material advances today In the value of whett. Al though unsettled at the close, the market showed gains of 9 to to net, with li! ay at li.Rl to 91.ll and July at $1.64 to 91.54. Corn gained 14 to 1 '4c oats t He, and provisions, 37o 9o $1.02. Owing to the fact that houses with sea board connections wore big buyers of wheat, the trade attached mueh credence to the statements that Hrltlah authorities were trying to charter as grain carriers all the vesssls possible and were offering to pay three times ordinary rstes, besides guaran teeing owners agalnat ail war risks. It waa ssld also that export purchssers during the last ten days had been materially greater than had been In general understood. Pros pects of an Incressod supply of railway cars tended further to lift prices. The theory was that the annulment of orders to send 809 rsrs a week to IIneapolls would sub stantially enlarge the number available for shipments eaet from Chicago. ' ' Uharu erica gains In the wheat market eontlnued until the leal half hour of the sesalon. Then rumor that German sub marines had ' been seen off Uuanta- namo, Cuba, brought about something of a reaction. Dlaturbenoes on this scoro, how ever, were minimised by word from Wash ington that the rumors were not confirmed at th Navy department. Abnormally dry weather in the soutnwest was a, luriner handicap to th bears. Corn derived firmness from wheat and from the notable advance In th hog mar ket. Reports of Improving trafflo conditions oil th railroads counted also In favor of bulls, Oats hardened with other grain. Cash bouses were good buyers. Proviaioea soared to new high record quotations, and closed at nearly th top most level reached. Upward Jumps In ths value of hogs had much to do wttn stim ulating demand, and so too hsd an appar- iikeiinood ox increasea smpmeni 10 ICurop. Wheat no, x ana no, rea ana no, i and No. 9 hard, nominal. Corn No. I yellow, ii.oi'Al No. 8 yeu low, $1.0001.00 ; No. 4 yellow, 86 0994c. Oats-No, I white, t7V&8c; stanaara, 19 0 59c. Rye Nominal, Barley 91.0001.98. Seeds Timothy, 93.6006.60; clover, $13.00 0 18.00. pro visions rora, slot; isra, ait.ov, no, 910.75017.11, nutter uncnangea, Esse Lower: receipts, 9,650 esses; firsts, II; ordinary finite, 37028; at mark sases Included, 38029, Pnt&toea Lower: recelDts. SS cars Wl. cunsln and Michigan white, 92.6002.80; Colo, rado, Oregon, Idaho and Washington, $2.7601.90. i, s'oultry Alive, uncnangen. t I'offe Market. Nm Vnrlt. Vmh H. The market for Coffee future loat most of Its recent rally during today, trading under scattering liq uidation and some trade selling. The open ing was unchanged but there was some liquidation of May contracts, psrtly m the way of switching to later months, and of r rinse Increased during the day. Part of th selling seemed to come from houses with European connections, while there also waa Wall street liquidation which may have reflected Increased nervousness over International affairs, tyay contracts eased off to 7.78o snd September to 9.08c, or within two points of Monday's low level. The close was at practically the-low point of the day with prices showing a net loss of T to 13 points. Bales were 80,000 bags. March, f.ttc; April 7.09c; May. ?.78o; June, 7.94c; July, 7.90c; August, 7.98o; Sep tember, 9.01c; October, 5.06a; November, 9.10c; December, 1.14c; January, l.llo, Bpot coffe dull and nominally unchanged at 9o for Rio 7s snd 10o for Man toe 4s. Offers of Santos Is were reported at 10.03a and Santos la and 4s at 9.90c, London credits;, also Santos Is and 4a at 9.90c American credits. '4 Th official cables reported a declln of II to 90 rels In Bantos futures, war aifd business The best brains in Ameri- cu bustnen and finance hav. uit expreswd their opinion, a. to low the praent state of inter national affair, will affect th. afock market TtwirvtewMheprobabletrend of aecurity valuea. and now you may b profit by prraent atock market eon. dttions. are your, free for the ukin., if la your request you specify . Special UtUr KE-18 ' mn II I U I' tit tout U Strwat. CMmi. Ill, OFK1CB CONSTRUCTING QUARTER MAS ter Fort Riley, Kan. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received her until Mar. 27. 1917, for construction of a Highway Bridge. Alternate bid for steel and con crete will b nonelrtsTf i, Informatloa fur- nlshed oa application, v GRAIN AHDJRODUCE Higher Prices Sule Local Mar ket Wheat, Corn and Oats Show Gains. DEMAND IS EXCELLENT Omaha, Kob. 28, 1917. The local wheat market was very acttvo again today and while the rerclfts of two days were placed en the tables I ml ay. the traders had very little trouble in disposing of their samples Bt prices ruling from 2 to 2Vjo higher on what. No, 2 hard ivheat wks quoud st 31. M to $1.8fttt. No. 3 hord brought fro.n JI.KIti to $1.1(6 and No. wold around .,,? 10 ll.fiO'i, N J. 2 fl'Jnm wheat soil hi $1.91; No. 2 mixed sold at $1.78 ani fl.T?; No. 4 nvxed w&s qumu at 11.76 ant fsc. 4 d'trum wheat range! from $1.72 to ?.'.9. The corn market was excellent and this cereal mad comparatively ood advances, the yellow snd white vunlntles being es pecially In demand and wre quoted at a fractional premium over mixed corn. no. 8 corn sold st sto; no. a yellow was quoted st 94c snd 9 He snd the name grsde or mixed brought from 9 He to ffic. oats wer quite' active at steady to lie higher, the 2 whit selling, at 66g to 68c and the 4 white at 65o to C6c: Rye wss firm and barley was quoted from unrhanK"d t(r 1c lower. Clearnnres were; Wheat and-flour equal ' 22,ooo bii,; corn, 292,000 bu.i oats, 1,119.000 bu. Primary wheat receipts were 1,404.000 bu. and ehlpmentr 774,000 bu,, against receipts of 1,423,000 bu, and shipments of 1,074,000 bu. laat year. Primary corn recelota were 2.017.000 hu. and shipments 1,104,000 bu.. sgatnat receinta of 1.777.UOO bu, and shipments of 028,000 bu. last yesr. Primary onts receipts wer 1,485,000 bu. nd shipments 1.444.000 bu.. against receipts of 958,000 bu, and'shlpments of flUO.QGO bu. Isst year. Wheat, Corn. Oats. Chicago IMS 471 344 Minneapolis .205 ., ., Duluth 7 .. ... Omaha 47 r 0.1 ' Kansae City 133 64 St. Lou I .........130 1E3 72 Winnipeg 196 .. These sales ware reported today; Wheat No, 3 hard winter: 1 car, tlM; cars. $1.86tt; 3 cars. $1.88. No, 8 hard winter: 1 car (shipper's weights), $1.86; 1 car, 91.85H; 4 3-5 cars. $1.85: 2 cars, 91.84. No. 4 hard winter: car, 11. so 4; 1 oar, $1.79; 3-6 car, 11.73. Sample hard winter: 2-6 car (very smutty) 91.53. No. 2 durum: 1 car, ;i.813. No. 4 durum: 2-5 car, $1.79; 1 csr, $1.72. No. 4 durum mixed: 1 car. 91.78. No, 9 mixed: 1 car, 91.79; 1 car. 91.71. Not 4 mixed: 3-6 car (54 lb. test), $1.75. i . Barley No. i feed: 1 car. $1.08; 1 cur, $1.04. Rejected: 1 enr, $1.03; 1 car, $J.02. Corn Nd. 3 while: 1 car. (shipper's weight), 97o I cars, 97c. No. J yellow: 1 car, 97c; 2 cars, t0c. Nl. 3 yellow: Vk cars, 91 c; 1 car, 9ie, No. 4 yellow: 3 oars, 90c, No. 2 mixed: 2 cars, 98 Vic No. 3 mixed: 1 car (near white), 96 &c; 8 cars, 98c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 96c, No. 9 mixed: 1 car, 964c. Oats Standard: 1 car. !8!Ac. No. 1 white; 1 car (choice, at shippers' weights), DGfta; 3 cars (choice), bftu; 1 csr, 64c: 11 care, 56u, No, 4 white: 3 smrs, 66c; 2 cars, 5544c. Sample white: 9 cars, 66 tic; 1 car (shippers'- weights), 55o, No, I mixed: 3-5 car. 66c Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. J hard, $1.8501.80; No. 3 hard, $4-8401.86; No. 4 hard, $1.7801.80; N. spring, 91.810 1,88; No. 9 spring, 91.7901.80; No. 2 durum, $1.7901. 81V; No. 3 d-rum, $1.770 1.79. Corn: No. 3 white, 96 097c; No. 9 white, 960:7c; No, 4 white, 96096c; NO. white 860B6HC; No. white, 9&0 9Uo; No. 3 yellow, 6094te; No. 3 yellow, 96 0 96Hc; No. 4 yellow, 9509flc; No. yellow, 95 f nr-fec; No. II yellow. For Omaha's Wholesalers and Manufacturers want to see you and your family during the week of March 12 to 17, 1917. The Spnng shopping season is only a few short weeks away, and you must replenish your stocks in order to meet the demands of your business. In Omaha "The Market Town" you will find great warehouses full of the choicest merchandise go&ds displayed ready for your inspection, with skilled "and courteous attendants to give you expert service and assistance in choosing just what you need for your store. " Merchants Spt is your week in "The Market Town" a week set aside r service to visiting merchants, and for the entertainment of their families entertainment of the lavish kind that always characterizes these eventsUn the Gate City. : , ,. . , ' . You need new goods you have earned a rest from business your family will enjoy the trip and the diversions planned for you. bo prepare now to come and be our guests. We can promise you one of the most delightful visits you ever made with us pleasant from the standpoint of entertain ment, and profitable from the merchandise point of view. x ' ; -. v ' . V. . v ' , , , A Free DistributionWillBe Made of This is thetfirst gift for women a JlOO chest of Community Silverware containing a complete service. Commun ity Silver is the finest made, and is guar anteed for fifty years. This is the second gift for women a $50 Wrist Watch. It is a very handsome piece of jewelry and a timepiece of great merit Finally, there are receptions, dinner parties, dances galore, (One at midnight), theater parties, an d a trip of inspection through the packing plants and the stock yards. Don't miss this Market Week if you can help it It will be the best ever held. . . Omaha Wholesalers & Manufacturer's Ass'n. tSUAOSUc No. 2 mixed. tAttUc; No. 5 mixed, 9509c; No. 4 mixed. 9609c-f No. 5 mixed, Ittt0 85c; No. mixed, 85 0SVjC. Oats: 5057c; standard, 6 Sflc; No, I white, 56 056c; No. 4 white, 55tt56e. Barley! Malting. 91.1401. ; No. 1 feed, &C091.O8. Rye: No, 3, $1.410 1.43; No. I $1.4-:1.41. Omaha Future. The future wheat .situation was very strong today, and while there was not much export business reported, th car situation w..s somewhat Improved, and this will re sult In a better movement of wheat to the seaboard. It Is reported that the Belgian Relief commlsaion has fourteen vessels in part loaded with grain, and those in posU tton to know say that safe conduct for re lief ships hss been granted by both sides. The corn -market followed wheat on the advance with a 10 gain oa ilay and a l&c gain on th) July. The trad In oats futures was rather quiet. Hay outs closed at 64c and July closed nominally unchanged at 62c, Irfical range of options: Art, j Open. High, LowTj Close, t Teg. Wh - May 1 76H 1 79HU75 1 78 175 July 1 47 1 60 147 1 60 147 Sept. 1 12 X 37 m I 29 133 Corn, May 96 98 96 98 96 July 96U 97 96U 97 9S Oats. - May 65 68 95 66 55 J uly 62 32 63 ' 62 61 Chicago closing prices, fumtshed The Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 215 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Art. "Open. High. Low. Close. Yea. Wht. 1 I I j I May 1 78 1 92177 191177 July 1 61 1 65 161 1 64 151 Kept 1 39 1 43 139 1 42 139 Corn. May 1 00 1 02 100 1 02 100 July 1 00 1 01A 99 1 01 99 Oats. May - 66 67 86 67 68- July 64 56 54 65 64 Pork. May 21 60 21 96 31 45 31 ST 8100 July 30 tO 31 36 30 77 11 33 80 30 Lard. May It 23 18 47 13 10 It 49 17 87 July 18 17 It 43 18 07 19 43 17 83 Ribs. May 19 80 17 07 18 30 17 07 19 60 July 19 83-4 17 02 16 80 16 02 It 59 Liverpool Or In Market. Liverpool, Feb. 28. Cotton, anpt. In mod erate demand; prices firm; good middling. 11.70c; middling, ll.OOc; low middling. 11.42c. Bales, 7,000 bales. AMT8KMENTS AUTO SHOW Closes March 3d NOW OPEN AUDITORIUM Admission 35c 3:30 A. M. to 10:30 P. M. This Omaha Retail $575 Worth of Gifts Five splendid presents will be given away to re tail merchants and their families. The principal gift, the Victrola, may be competed for by both men and women. Karuu City Geneva! Market. Kanaaa CUy. Feb, 28. Wheat No. S hard, ll.ii 2: No- I. No. I red, 1.I8U1.M; Hex. U."H; July. ll.MK. Corn No. i raized, No. 2 white. llec; No. 2 yellow. OttcOtl.tOtt; May. Sc; July, I9V.0. Oate so. a While. eavvc; Jo, z mixed, HSitc. ' Butter creamery ezc: nraii, vc; aeconaa. 30c; packing, 6c. Eg-u, mreie, are. , Poultry Hene, Itttc; rooatera, 15c: tur key., 26e. LoDdos Stoek Market. London, Feb. 28. American aecurltlea were easier and neglected on the atock ex Chan.. tod.y, r Me'. I Market. New Tork, Teb. 28. Metale-7.'ead, quiet, lt.269t.76; spelter, quiet; spot, eaet 8t. AML'MEMENTK. loday, 4:15, .it. ALL WEEK 102d Performance Thia Afternoon 103d TONIGHT 'NOUCH SAID Prlc 2Sc, 50c, 75c and 51.00 Four Day, Beginning Wednesday, Meh. 7 MATS. WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Montgomery and Stone I. th. Greatest of All Muelcal Comedies "CHIN CHIN" Plsnty of good seata for all performancaa 50c to .2.50. Phon. Douglas 494. THE BEST OF VAUDEVILLE Dally Matisse. 2:11; Night, 8:rt TBI, WmH. EDDIE LEONARD A CO., HOMER B. MASON MARQUERiTE HEELER. STAN. STANLEY, ANNA CHANDLER, MsSIs RaiMtl A Marly War. A Co., Mlrlssi A Irsss Msrsiels, OHIe Yousi A April, Or. sh.u Trsvsl Wsskly. Priei): Gallery, lOe; Bstt Seat! (ese.,t Sstureay aa SuaOsy), 25s; Nlfhta, lOe, 2ts. 60s sad 75c. . "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" 4fyrgtFttA Oa0yMata,lS. Even'ga. 15-25-PurpM.ly 8ekad for Auto Show M 25 -80s BO-750 Weak SZXJSai'SS: The Auto Girls MUSICAL BURLESQUE Siceed1 OHly te the bit suto show Ittelf. Nasrly a huH nuiidrea isms stinnes, usiy ngucii enow in iuwn. Beauty chorus of joy riders. Fun tor all : all lor fun. MATINEE EVERY DAY Set. Mftt- Wk. Harrv Morton fturleiniie Review. rut HIT. DOUULE SHOW II a. m. to 11 p. m. Daily i tunui mam a rn America'a Favorite Song Writer triano ana jiniui. j... FREMONT, BENTON CO. In a Comedy Sketch "HANDKERCHIEF NO. 13" MLLE. CILLIS CO. The Perfect Lady Herculea ADOLFHO Wlaard of the Accordeon L TERWf$NT HALL CAINE in a Flve-Act "CRIME AND PUNISHMENT" ADMISSION 20c and 10c Advertisement Is Merchants March 12 to This is the pvize gift of all a-$250 Victor Victrola with $50, worth of records . of your own selection. Who would not like to receive this royal present? Louie delivery, lm10(,e. Copper, quiej; electrolytic, spot and nearby, nominal; sec- ond iuarter, 132.00036.00, nominal; third quartpr. 23TO0ft 360 Iron, steady and un. PHOTOPLAYS I 1 fn All the ISii 1) All the 1 V, I TODAY- FRIDAY-SATURDAY A Motioa YouWilUBe PictureStudio f Interested, Background of 'Aj'f Uarmed This Charming and Love Story. Delighted sLS 1 WithThi So. th. Director f Otf 1 Decidedly Thsur. fff j Different Off st.g.. ftL ' Photoplay Robert Warwick "s TODAY ONLY ANN MURDOCK to "WHERE LOVE IS" From th. novel by Wm. j. Locke 1 Frank Keenan f Thelma Salter in 5 "The Crab" 1 tl)li1lllllllllllll!,1llllllllilllllllll.llllllllllllillll:l.llilllll MONROE A Bluebird Photoplay - MYRTLE GONZALEZ "GOD'S CRUCIBLE" 1 7, 1917 w 1i P 5Valtna1at!ireunfi''Jr Market Week This event js not a raffle or any thing of that kind. It costs you abso lutely nothing to compete for these fine gifts.' The awards w i 1 1 be made by a com mittee of visiting merchants them selves, to insure absolute fairness to all." ' - - This la th flrBt; cue, and u fine s country. I .hanged. At London Copper, spot. V,; futures, I Use, 10s; electrolytic, 1151. JNn. apot. 202. Bs: futures. 202 5s. ' PHOTOPLAXf, PRINCESS , 14th and Douglas HOME OF C Jp FIRST RUN PICTURES A Bluebird Photoplay . RUTH STONEHOUSE, in "THE SAINTLY SINNER" Fannie Ward . in The Winning of Sally Temple also Mrs. Vernon Castle "Red Dawn" The Sunday Bee is the only Omaha newspaper that gives its readers four big pages of colored comics; (rift for men a 75 plate glass display fixture as ever graced any store in the a s ' ,rr!aSlWal' : Thie'lt trie second gift for men a $B0 Oak Roll Top' Desk. Every man needs a good desk, and there i no better made than thii one. . 1