7 i THE BEE: OMAHA,- THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1917. WILSON REPLIES TO PEACE ADYOCATES President Tells Delegation Country Faced by Moment ous Problem. WILL TRY TO AVERT WAR Washington, Feb. 28 President Wilson told peace" advocates who called on him today to protest against the steps he proposes in dealing with Germany, that the country was faced by a momentous problem in the pres ent situation, that he had always been lor peace, and would do everything within his cower to maintain it. The president received their sug gestions sympathetically, memDers ot the delectation said, but told them the country must realize the magnitude of tlie question. HOUSE PASSES MILL RURAL SCHOOL TAX v (Contlmuit from Ptff Ont. explanation, declared that the people of Omaha and Douglas county are already stasrirerina under their load of taxation, and with $700,000 of liquor license money no longer com ing in they would have to be taxed more than ever for their own schools; hence he was against the bill. Not Fighting University. When it came his turn to vote, Mr. Taylor made the significant state ment that the University of Nebras ka and the state normal schools are asking for large aopropriations and that he was not opposing them. He even admitted that'tnesc appropria tions would be for the benefit ot the entire state, and he claimed that his plan for state aid to centralized rural schools would also be for the mood of the whole state. As Mr. Taylor made a hard fight against the university appropriations in the 1915 session, his declaration on the floor was taken as signifying that he has no intention of renewing it this year. The Custer members, however, took hard rap at the Omaha medi cal college,' saying that it is asking for $365,000 in order to educate 146 young doctors "who are not pro ducers and never will be." Repeated points of order were made bv Messrs. Ainlav. Leidizh and Trumble that Taylor was mak ing a speech in the guise of explain ing his vote. I he latter, however, held the floor until he got through and then sat down. Other School Bills. Several other rurat school bills were passed, among them to Ollis bill requiring an eight months' term of school in districts having trom twen ty to seventv-nve pupils, and the three Reed bills requiring a ten-grade course of study In one-room country schools. The White bill, making a majority vote sufficient to carry bonder Instead of two-thirds, also pasted. :, . ' The bill calling for smaller elee tion districts in Douglas county and the Dorsey bill permitting division of townships under thej supervisor sys tem where the population is sufficient to justify it, also passed. ine scrap ot tne session oeiwcen Fries of Howard and Stuhr of Hall for the purpose of trying to capture the tax of the Central Power corn- any, which has its headquarters in iall countv and its plant in Howard, was finally wen by Fries, the house decided that the county in which the plant was located was entitled to the tax. . . Sessions to Last Longer. Hereafter, on motion of Norton, the bouse will be in session from 00 to 4 o'clock each day instead of 2 as hertofore. Bills to place the Metropolitan Water board in the hands of-the Omaha city commission and a bill to increase the limt of bank loans, H. R. 564, were killed. Bills to exempt federal farm loan hanks and co-operative banks from the operation of the blue sky law; authorizing the Standard Bridge company to sue the state for balance of contract on North Bend bridge and reauirine express companies to give notice by telephone to con signees ot packages, were sent to the general tile. Photos Are Taken. An early adiurnmcnt was taken after the morning session in order that Dr. Condra of the conservation commission might' take pictures of the members in different attitudes, some of the insisting that they should be taken so it would look as if the "house were In session and capable of transacting business." ' Uroup pictures ot tne memDers serving several terms showed that Fries of Howard was the granddaddy of the bunch, being in his seventh consecutive session. fuller ana Fries have served six terms while Taylor- joined them in the five-year class. ' Eew Folks Have Gray Hair Now Well-known ' local druggist aayi everbody n using old-time recipe f of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Hair that loses its color and lustre or when it fades, turns gray, dull and iiieless, is caused by a lack of sulphur in the hair. Our grandmother made un a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to keep her locks dark and beautiful, and thousands Of women and men who value that even color, that beautiful dark shade, of hair which is so at tractive, use only this old-time recipe, Nowadays w get this famous mix ture improved by the addition of other ingredients by asking at any drug store for a 50-cent bottle of "wyeth Sage and Sulphur Compound," which darkens the hair so naturally, so even ly, that nobody can possibly tell it has been applied. Xou just dampen snonce or sou brush with it an draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morn I insr' the gray hair disappears; but ft hat delights the ladies with wyeth a Sane and Sulphur Compound, is that besides beautifully darkening the : hair after a few applications, it also brings back the gloss and lustre and gives it an appearance ot abundance. Wveth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound is a delightful toilet requisite to impart color and a youthful appear mice to the hair. It is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. Advertisement. Ml Run Down and Worn Out From Kidney Trouble Some time ago I had a severe at tack of Kidney trouble; my condition wis such that I was up and down; I fits not able to work more than half ' si the time. I seemed all worn out, nd no appetite and could not rest at tight. I tried several different reme lies all with no results. I wrote Dr. Kilmer & Co., and they sent me a imill sample, which seemed to give ; jie relief, i then purchased more . -"amp-Root and continued to take t until restored to good health, t have been strong and healthy for the hist twelve years. I cheerfully recom. - mend Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root to st otherii who have kidney trouble. Yours truly, . MRS. R. CROSSLF.Y. :- Antlers. Okla. 1'ersonally appeared before me this ; ist day ot March. IVIS, Mrs. K. Cross-li-y, who subscribed the above state. mcnt and made oath that the same is . true in substance and m fact. . ED BROWN, Notary Public, in and for Pushmataka Co., Okla ASSERT H0LL1SEG MISSTATES FACTS State Department Officials De clare Chancellor s Eemarkg Contain Little Truth, STATEMENTS ASE ABSURD Washington, Feb. 28. Surprise, bor dering on indignation, was voiced to day over Chancellor von Bethmann Hollweg's speech to the Reichstag. State department officials are amazed that the chancellor should. seek further to confuse German' American relations with a series of statements which they say are pal pably opposed to the most obvious events of recent history. The chancellor's statement that the United States' severed relations "brusquely" is viewed as too absurd for discussion. It is pointed out that the American correspondence had plainly threatened such action; that Lount von Bernstorft had said sev eral days beforehand that he expected, to oe dismissed, ana mat tne tier man government had shewn its real ization of the coming break by send' ing out orders to disable its merchant ships in this country. It is also pointed out that while the United States delayed three days in taking the action it had clearly foreshadowed m several notes, Ger Have a complexion that everyone admires Don't mvy a good complexion, kavt one. Each time you cleanse your face with Resinol Soap you give it a " beauty treatment" with the soothing, healing Resinol medication. If aided, In severe cases, by a little Resinol Ointment, this usually leaves the complexion naturally clear, fresh and free from pimples, red ness, roughness and blotches. many put into effect its campaign of ruthlessness on eight hours' notice after months of assurances that it had no intentitfn of taking such a step. - The statement that Germany in its Sussex note reserved a new course of action is declared wholly unjusti fied The United States soeciftcally -refused, to accept that condition and in default of any reply trom Ger many was justified in believing that Germany adhered to its point of view. In diplomacy the last note be tween two nations is the binding note, and stands in all particulars un til Honied hv one or the other. The chancellor's complaint that he received only Reuter dispatches and a verbal statement to the foreign minister as to the causes of the break, recalls that a note setting out the reasons for the action of the United States was handed to Count von Bernstorff with his passports. The statement condemning Presi dent Wilson for announcing an em bargo on arms to Mexico and not to Europe was dismissed as absurd and incorrect The cases are held to be in no way parallel as Mexico was in civil war. Iowa Soldiers Mustered Out at Fort Des Moines Des Moines, la., Feb. 28. Members of the Iowa cavalry and the field hos pital and ambulance company, were mustered out of federal service at Fort Des Moines today. To Cure a Cola In On W. Talc LAXATiVffl nnvaxv .t. iiniBglma refund mon.y If It falls to our. A urJ v c o ..... acb boi. AdvflrUnamftnt. Food Prices at Chicago Take Another Tumble Chicago, Feb. 28. Prices of food- etnATa ehnwA a ftirthpr rfecline in the Chicago market yesterday and it is said were prooaoiy win oe a mr ther reduction in some foodstuffs to day. Refusal of consumers to pur chase potatoes, eggs and other prod ucts is given as the reason for the lower prices. Eggs dropped 5 cents wholesale to 32 cents, and a marked decrease in the price of cabbage was also shown. Other staples showed little change. - " ' The first report of the police in their ' investigation of food stored here showed more than 29,000,000 pounds of meat in storage in two warehouses, mtiU a mmiW nf nlare not renorted. Tfc rttnnrt alcn ahnwcri more than a half million pounds of butter held here and almost 4,000,000 pounds of poultry. ' . Give your Want Ad a chance to make good, Run it in The Bee. m m If nd Retlnol Olntaant art toUl br U drUffUM. Trp them and im bow twnafidal thty an, not only for tha skis but lor ife hair uwtU. Omaha Cannot be Covered Safely at $2 After March 1 TIm greatly increased cost of all material in the hat industry makes it necessary to ad- M ranee the price or lower the grade in hats. 2 Omaha made hats are always standard qual- ity and rich in appearance. To cheapen them ..A would be betraying the public. We intend to maintain the same high stand ard of quality as we have during the past ten years, but in order to do this it is necessary that we advance the price of our hats on March 1 to $2.80, Omaha Hat Factory, Inc. 1 1321 Douglas St. ' ,.';-?. 105 N. 16th St. Lattar to . Dr. Kilmar Co.. Binghimton, N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton", N. Y., for a sample tie bottle. It will convince anyone. oil will also receive a booklet of vuluable information, telling about the kidnev and bladder. When writ' ing. be sure and mention the Omaha Dailv Bee. Regular fiftv-cent and rele Easier Piano Ci THE Schmoller ft Mueller Easter Circle of Pianos and Player Pianos has as its fixed purpose to impress upon every person in Omaha and vicinity the fact that the Schmoller & Mueller Store is the best place to buy an Upright, Grand or Player Piano. '. Therefore, we are organizing a Circle of 300 Piano Buyers, who, acting in a body as one in dividual, take 300 Pianos and Player Pianos. Each bnyer secures the benefit of the wholesale transaction at a cost that wil save each member soores of dollars. Then we have added six extra special inducements (read them below) that will surely make you want to join this Piano Circle and have in your home on Easter a Beautiful, Sweet-toned Schmoller & Mueller Piano, fully guar anteed by tis and endorsed by the leading teachers of Omaha, and backed by over a half century's experience in piano merchandising. ' r V4 6 Special Inducements to lumbers of the Easter Circle 1. A term of Music Lessons free. . . . 2. A Bonafide 25-Year Guarantee goes with every tostruimmt. 3. Convenient Weekly or Monthly Payments to suit members. 4 A Pull Tear's Trial, with the Privilege of Exchange. 5. Larger Payments will reduce the cost of the Piano. . v : . , 6. We reserve the right voluntarily to cancel all remaining payments upon the death of a member. ACT NOW! HSVER BBFOBS W TOT ASTTAI8 ll DROTJS PIAHOB BBSS OFFERED ON SUCH AX EASY PAYMENT tUS AMD AT PRICES SO LOW I , JOIN THE CIRCLE! IT SAVES YOU SCOEES OP DOLLARS I $350 Sehmellir & Maiiler Apartmsnt Uprlgkt, only $248.75 Terms 18 ash, balance IMS per wek. Tn Stool and Scarf. Ithnallir ft Mmller Stifle Grass, $600 Vilas, ;: f ?488.75,V . tern - tit estth, Wsm tUO a week. Trvt Bench. 9500 Sehnallsr ft MiilUr Player Plane, inly $388.75 Terns $10.00 cask, bsiaae 12.00 a week. Free Berne, Heart and Hosle Bolls. t . nn a,i Mil,. Miami are brand new instruments, and we guar antee the price cannot be duplicated anywhere in the United States, quality con sidered. Call or write for Illustrated Catalogue. 4 ... . White Gabardines the New Skirtings, 50c and 65c Gabardine is a fabric oHmirahlv Rilitpd to be ML... -J - having a soft wool-back finish. Fancy weaves and novelty stripes are also shown in new skirting material! for SOe, 65c, 75c and $1 yard. Linen Section. THOMPSON; BELDEN & COMPANY Trefousse Gloves Proclaim the Well Gowned Woman. France sends her fin est kid gloves to us in Trefousse. Styles and colors are exceptional. 1 One and two clasps in white, black and colors are priced $2, $2.25, $2.75 a pair. The Blouse Store An unusually attractive showing of voile and linen blouses, priced, $2.95. Second Floor. Embfoid'ed Collars Are New Arrivals Georgettes and Pongeea and Voiles embroidered in bright spring colors. Shapes ms large or small as preierrea. Priced 75c to S2.50. Organdy collars, SOe and 75c The Men's Shop Suggests, among other of- .ferings of new things, Shirts, 1 Collars, Neckwear, Hose, ! Handkerchiefs, Pajamas, Un derwear. ' You'll like our prices. StylishSpringShoes Thursday at a Special Price. You'll find this an excep tionally attractive style m . patent kid with ivory kid tops, twin sale and wood cov ered heels. Thursday only, $7.95 Til IsttDlIMaiFclhi-AlmiDsttSpninig Spring Silks and Woolens Every Fashionable Weave, Color, Pattern and Weight, Represented. Striking- New Sports Silks. Yo San, La Jerz, Khaki Kool, Crepe Tussah and Printed Shan tungs. For More General Wear. Belding's famous Chiffon Taf fetas, Satin Rayes and Poplin, in a wonderful array of new colors; wear guaranteed. New, Fait Colored Tub Silks. An excellent weight for men's shirts, specially priced at $1.25. Broadcloth shirtings and new Japanese Crepes. Plain Silks for Tailored Wear New colors in Georgettes, Chif fon Voiles, Chiffonette, Crepe Voiles, Figured Georgettes in coin dots, squares and disk pat terns. ' The Newness of Spring Wool ens. In plaids and stripes for ' Skirtings. Choice new weaves, for fashionable Springtime Coats and Suits. The Thompson Belden Guide To Fashions Course in Dresses For Present and Later Spring Wear Dresses in Silk. "'' Dame Fashion's tastes for Spring are bright and cheery, and are fittingly portrayed here in many styles of distinction in which fabrics of brilliant patterns and design have played an important . part. $25, $35, $45 to $75 Private Display Eooms ior Your Convenience. Needed Notions Snaps, black or white, 10c a card. Collar stays', 5c a card Plain skirt belting, white and black, to 3 inches wide, 10c and 18c a yard. Stayed skirt belting, lVa to 4 inches wide, 15c to 35c a yard. Girdle forms, 25c ea. Bias seam tape, 12 yard bolts, 10c to 25c a bolt. . '.-v , UNDERMUSLIN SPECIAL Women's Muslin drawers, odd numbers priced for - quick dis posal, as follows: 85c and $1 values, 49c. $1.25 to $1.85 vals., 89c $2 to $2.50 values, 98c $3.50-$4.75 vals., $1.49 Third Floor. Extra Special Inducement, to Out-of-Town People that join our Easter Piano Circle Free Railroad Fare, Free Delivery. - - - ' - Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. Headquarters for Steinway Pianos and Columbia Qraf oaotoa. x 1311-13 Farnam Stroat, Omaha, Ntbr. Tins iiiwrre nuro hobsi or thi tot, tbiifhoxi muous is, bmaiubhw im Mr. Home Builder With Modern Equipment YOU EXPECT Convenience and Economy EFFICIENT HEATING At Small Cost; Is the BIG FACTOR This VALVE On Hot Water or Steam Radiation Will Poitively Save 25 to 50 of Your Fuel This valve is highly recommended by several of the leading architects of ; Dma Via. and installed in a trreat many business houses and school houses. It is past the experimental stage, and we would be glad to tell you of all its good qualities. It does away with the annoying pounding, hissing and leaking, and requires no more attention than the ordinary stove. , List of Satisfied Users on Request. j Economy Vapor Heating Company i F. L SHELL, Pres. . ) For Further Information Call Douglas 5060. , i 200-01 Bromley BIdg., - 208 So. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. one-dollar size bottles for sale at all .. drug stores. . - j