THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1917. 19 RilAL ESTATE IMPROVED West CATHEDRAL DISTRICT Now, ? rooms, Bleeping- porch, cak aft'! birch On(h. buffo t and bookcase, beam rt-iUiilL double Hobri, mirror doors, floored attic, pressed brick foundation, beat ma terial and workmanship throughout, south front, loae to car. Beat buy lu Omaha, 0ner, DoukUb 1 52. 11.500 FOR A FIVE-ROOM HOUSE Only ban built a tea yeara; all modern except heat. 1160 down, balance 116 monthly. Located at IU0 Burdette St TRAVER EROTHERS, 70S Omaha Nat. Bk Bid. Phone D. UM West Farnam District 8 roomti. alrtctly modern, practically new, brick and ntucco house, including nun room and uleepinK porch; hot water mt, beautifully floUhed and decorated, oak throughout. irarHRp for 3 cars, lot 55x122, located near 38 Lh and Caaa, com manding a line view of the city. Price 15,500. Hiatt Company, , ,5-7-f Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldf. Tyler 0. North. $100.00 CASH. , Pay this aa the first payment on 3280 Kminet St., a 6-room. partially modern houtte on a corner lot. This place la a bargain at the price asknd on theae easy termi. Be sure to see tha house, CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY, REALTORS. Douglas 200. 608 Bert Bldg. Two Classy Bungalows 5 dandy rooms and bath, oak finish, guaranteed furnace and plumbing, ele gant lighting fixtures, very choice lota, 60x123 each, only 1 block to Amea Ave. uar. Prices only $2,800 and $2,860. Terma cum be arranged or good kt taken as first payment. Let us show you these at once. RASP BROS., REALTORS gtO-12-ll Keeline Bldg. Tyler 721. NEAR 24TH AND CAMDEN AVE. r$300 DOWN, $27.50 A MONTH. 6-roora brand new, strictly modern bun galow. Oak floors and oak finish. Full cement basement, furnace heat. Lot 45x 120. On paved street. Price $3,700. If looking for classy bungalow, brand new, n easy terms, grab this at once. "PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., -j637 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. " 2418 LARIMORE AVE. $150 CASH 6 rooms, modern except heat, newly painted and decorated; clone to car and paved street. Price. $2,260, balance easy pay ments. Hastings & heyden (Realtors), 1614 HARNEY ST. TYLER 60. T $900 SPOT CASK will buy my $1,800 eauity in brand new, utrlctty modern 5-room bungalow finished In oak. No better in Omaha. Mortgage $1,600. B. & L., 6367 N. mh St. Colfax 0fc 6-ROOM modern home; hot water heat; good lot; pcvod street; will take used car, value up to $5U0, as first payment. Calt owner. Colfax 2634. . ' NEW BUNGALOW. Five rooms, strictly modern, finished to Oak. Located at 3923 ti. 26th 8U Price 11,160. Terms. Will take small cottage In trade, NORRI3 & NORRiS. 400 Bee. Building. Phone Douglas 4276. FOR SALE Five-room house, modern ex cept heat; paving fully paid, $2,300. 2711 Maple St. Web. 1616. 6-ROOM California bungalow; will take al most nothing down to right party or take lot or auto as first payment. Colfax 4133. South. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. $3,400 Living room, den, dining room, pantry and kitchen on 1st floor, two nice bed rooms, bath., and plenty of closets ou I'd floor, -brand new and all modern, . full cement basement with hot and culd water, paved, street, to school. Located on 36th Ave. near Martha. . C. G. CARLBRG, (Realtor.) 310-312 BrandelS Theater Bldg. Miscellaneous. THE GREATEST GAIN 68.71 la paid want-ads ever mad by anj Omaha paper, to tha rword of THfl OMAHA BEB for ml. BEST RBSULIS LOWEST RATS MODERN fJVNGALOW Fine location, east front, paved street, t rooms, hardwood-floor and finish, close to school and ear. A bargain at $3,000. Easy terms, call owner, uiug. iias. FIVE rooms," uew, oak finish, fully dtstso rated, all modern, etc., $2,760: $200 cash. balance monthly. Doug. 392. NfilW bungalow, also . s-r. and gardening, your terms and prloe; In v. with $400, rant, S houses (cost $3,600), 12,600. D. 2107. J. B. ROBINSON, Real Estate aid Inaur , ance. 4411 Bee llldg. loug laa 07. R, S. TRUMBULL. 411 World-Herald Bldg. O. 1724. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. AFTER looking at MINNA LUSA, 3ut) dif ferent buyers decided that it was the best proposition on the market and they backed their Judgment by buying lota. ' ,. JF YOU wU come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES VV. MARTIN . CO., 742 Omaha K at. Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. CUMING, near 29th St., ;2 or 44 feet, muat be sold to close estate. Grimmel, 849 On aha Nat'l Bank BKg. - THE GREATEST GAIN 68,78 In oaid want-ad ever made by i Omaha paper la the record of THE OMAHA atum tor isie. BEST KtCSTl 1PfeV L W W8T RUTH. Miscellaneous. GARDEN lots. $82 to 1166 each. Terms $1 cash and 60 cents week. Address Box 1662. Bee. REAL ESTATE Investments 19TH AND ST. MARY'S AVENUE Large lot, brick and frame Improve . menu. Sure to Increase In value rapidly. Price $5(0.000. RASP BROS., .210 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 711. AVAHTUKNt $7ft,B0.. Income it per eenti one year old mt Mo.Joo in uadn ' bsi.Dc. or nagottabl. papaya. CALKINS Oa. DflmrU. 1111 CUT N.t'l Btnfr tyat. SEE U8 FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE! PROrERTT. , A. P. TUKEY SON. 1 REALTORS. (20 mm National Bnk Bill. 7 SAFE INVESTMENT. O Home Builders preforre $1 shares. Cash dividends Tuly and January 1, You can order by mall 1.000 to 6,000 shares at any time. American Security Co., Fie, Agt Omaha, . REAL ESTATE WANTED rt Art! WU 4. ft and 4-rouiued bouses tha' can be sold for into cash, balance 116 pet month; rad oomplvt description first latter. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1120 Parnam. Tel. Doug. 1044. tasT your 6 and tt-nkm bouses with us WE UK 1,1 I'HEM UbHORNE REAL'! CO Ootig 1474. . I WILL buy a good Dundee home, six to eight rooms, for cash, west of 49th and east of 62d. Box 207, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE To Exchange IV E have some good burnt and rents,! prop erties for Neb. or Iowa land. Edward V Will tarns Co.. Omaha Nat'l Bank Bide. REAL ESTATE Suburban Dundee. Dundee Practically New $5,500 Located on California street betwien 6Uib and filst. Only one-half block from car line. We have one of the most at tractive homes in all Dundee. Big living room ..rmnKenient wth fireplace, beamed ceilings and built-in bookcases. Four fine bod rooms and a bath on the second floor. Large convenient basement with utiimual good hec', plant and attic over the entire house. The lot is 50x136. Buautlful shade and shrubbery. Easy terms to the right Dartv. Armstrong-Walsh Company, Tyler lasts, kbaiiivkh ssa nnae rmijr ATTRACTIVE HOME Corner lot, on car line. In best part of Dundee, handy to school, stores, etc House constats of seven rooms in best of condition; oak finish with oak floors throughout. Double garage. 18x22, ard a good buy at $6,600. GLOVER & SPAIN, Realtors Douglas 3962. 119-20 Clfy National. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lots on easy terms. Mod ern, attractive houses. Before buying be sure and sec GEORGE & CO., BAHTON Dundee borne, 95,000. 8-room, all modern; large lawn, wltb garage. fc D. weed, aio a. ith St. Florence. ANNEXATION of .'luruiiue wilt incroase the ialue of acreage. Nethaway. Florence IX. South Side. MEDIUM PK1CED HUMES. On toe South Sld, on full-slsed lot., ranging from I1.6UU to ,3,M In different localities wltb all city Improvement., near .ohoola and ohurche.; can bo bought from us on a small oash payment. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. 492S 8. 14th St Phono South 1141 Miscellaneous. SMALL ACKfcAOhl 'OR HUNT, aores, Nortb Omaha; gardening dla. trlct, 4-room bouse; barn, bog r. ise, .U. ARMSTRONli-WALSH COUPANr, Tyler 1630. Kit Rose Bldg FARM AND RANCH LANDS YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO RENT When you can own a farm In the Trin ity River Valley of East Texas, for $26 per acre. Easy terms to Actual settlers. Our next excursion la March 6. Write, for literature. W. S. FRANK, , 201 Neville Block, Omaha, Neb. THE GREATEST GAIN- -68,716. Jn paid want-ads ever mad. by any Omaha y ,er, la the record t THE OMAHA BEE for 1916. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. Florida Lands. tiAifeU AU)AL.fcA iN DaUUMlDA tNatat Hay) tola winter. First cutting, iO days; $60 to $t0 annually on ISO land. 624 Pax 'on Blk. Walnut tlS7 (evenings). Michigan Lands. for sale cluvek-lamd farms. Grains thrive. Drouth, hall unknown. Root crops, dairying, gracing, Ideal. Fine roads, market; 13 growing days. Aver age killing frosts October 2, Terms easy. George Howell, Jr., 28 Bacoo Blk,, Mar quette. Mich. Minnesota Lands. 1 CAN locate, you on a 160-acre homestead In northern Minnesota, wnere you can prove up on your land and get your pat ent from the U. S. government the same day you file on It, without your living on It or making any improvements. Address 315 Omaha, Neb. Missouri Lands. SMALL MO. farm $io cash and $6 month ly; no interest or taxes; highly productive land; close to $ big markets. Write for photographs and full Information. Muuger. A 119 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Ka nsas City. Mo. GREAT BARGAINS $5 down and $6 . monthly, buys 40 acres, good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Mis souri. Price only $200. Addras Box 808, Excelsior Sf.liigs, Mo.- t Nebraska Lands. SNAP FOR SALE BY OWNER. 1H0 acres Folk county, Nebraska, good terms, 120 acres In cultivation, 40 acres in pasture, 80 acres In wheat, looks fine; all fenced and cross-fenced, with new oak posts, 1 rod apart, 8 galvanized wires, new; two wells and windmill; 4-room house; big double corncrlb; barn for ts horses; big haymow and granary; all buildings uew and painted. Tbla ia a bar gain at $12u per; land lays level; 12 ml let southwest of Columbus, 7 miles from Duncan and 8 mileB from Shelby. Address J. V. Shipley, Florence, Neb, Phone Flor ence 8S6. WE FARM the farm we sell you. THE HUNGERFORD POTATO GROWERS' ' ASSN., Co-operative Potato Fanning, 16th and Howard Sta., opposite Auditorium, .'OK SALE best large bony high grade medium priced land In Nebraska; vary little money required, C Bradley, Woi bach, Neb. WET land made dry enough for crops or no pay. Is our way of draining land. No tract too large or too wet. Guarantee Drainage Co., Oakland, Neb. Wisconsin Lands. WE OWN 150,000 ACRES. $7.50 to $25.00 per acre. Reasonable terms. ( GRIMMER LAND CO., Marinette, Wisconsin. GET a farm home In rich corn and clover belt of northwestern Wiaconaln along new Sop line, 60 miles St. Paul-Minneapolis. Landoeekers all say: "I saw nothing bet ter." You'll like this wonderfully prosper ous stock and dairy region too. Rich oils, hardwood timber, plenty rainfall, healthful climate, beautiful lakes, fine schools. Creameries everywhere. $16 per Cere and up. Map and list free. Baker, N. 117, St. Croix Falls, Wis. 0 ACRES level, 20 cleared, frame house, $1,800. $800 cash. Tom O, Mason, Cumberland, Ms. v FARM LAND WANTED ft A r CHUB, Farm Lands, bought, sold, ex changed. S, 8. and R. B. Montgomery. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. apt Serving our Investors for It v O years without a loss is our rec ord In faena.lng first Mortgages on pro ductive Nebraska farms. Our Joane run In amounts from $609 to $26,000. We eolleot alt Interest and principal free ot charge. KLOKB3 INVESTMENT COMPANY, 846 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE 6 per cent real estate mort gage on down-town rnal estate; denomin ation $100 and $1,00016,000. Tax ex- empt. BURNS, BRINKER & COMPANY, Omaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha. CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rates 6, 6fc and $ jer cent. Reasonable com mlsslo. . UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 119 South 17th., Omaha, Neb, City and Farm Loans $, Btt and 6 per cent. Also first rnort gages on farms and Omaha real estate for sale. J. H, Dumont fle Co. 416-11 Keeline Bldg., 17th and Harney. THE GREATEST GAIN 68,738 In paid want ads ever made by any Omaha paper la the record ot THE OMAHA BEE for 1916. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RAT13. 6 I'KR CENT to $ per cont on best class city residences In- amounts $2,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commission. PETgna TRUST CO., 1821 Farnam gt, III. 000 MORTGAGE," bearing 8 per cent semt-ann,, secured or property valued at $16,000. Talmadge-Loomia Inr, Co., W, O w. mug. FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loana Mortgages. rTTr A REALTY fCoT. REAL ESTATE, D1U FARMS AND CITY. 1014 w. o. w. Bidg. Doug, aoe. SHOPEN 4 CO., PRIVATE MONEY. $500.00 to loan on Omaha real estate or Central Nebraska land. W. L. Holby A Son. Keeline Bldg. MONEY to loan on improved farms and ranches. we alio buy goon farm mort gages. Kloke Inv. Co., Omaha MONEY on and for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. 5 C1TT LOANS. GARVIN BROS.. Om. Nat, Bk. Bldg. MONEY HARRISON A MORTON, 916 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 0 OMAHA HOMES, EAtjT NEB. FARMH. OKBErB R. K. CO., loll omana wal l. FARM and city loans. fi-M, and 6 tier cent. W. H. Thomas, Keeline Bldg. Doug. 1049. WORLD REALTY CO. Sun Theater Building. CITY and farm loans, lowest rates. E. H. LOUGKE, Inc., 638 Keeline mg. $100 to $10,009 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Bts. LOW RATES. C. G. CARLBERG, 312 Brandl Theater Bldg. D. 588. NO DELAY In cluaing loans. W. T. Graham, f.04 Bee Bidg. Abstracts of Title. T Qn, Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co., IVCII 305 S. 17th St., ground floor. Bonded by Maw. Bonding and Ins1 Co. Rtnc6All"STRACTCO,. oldest abstract of fice In Nebranka. 200 Brandets Theater. s Financial Wanted. WANTED A large loan on 1,000 acres good western Iowa land, two sets of improve ments. Call Douglas 2410. Miscellaneous. gallaghb;r & nelson. Represent prompt pay lnnurance com panies. 644 Brandets Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. FO'SALK OR TRADE judgement $J00 note $500, will be good In future, need two second-hand tars, will trade one or both. Box Y 881, Bee. AUTOMOBILES 1914 Cadillac, 7 -p., extra fine condi tion I ?60 1914 Moon, 6-p., extra line condition 700 1910 Franklin, 7-p.. a bargalp 260 1914 Btevens coupe, best buy 1,600 1911 Stevens limousine, good taxi.,. BOO 1913 National, 4 -p.. for speed 1,000 1916 Packard, good as new 2,600 1916 Packard, good as new 2,400 ' 1914 Packard roadster, bargain 1.250 1910 Reliance truck ,600 ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC., USED CAR DEPT. I Douglas 829. 2047-49 Farnam. Touring cars and roadster of Overland, Studebaker, Maxwell, Ford. Oakland, Mitchell, Bulck and Hudson makes. TERMS IF DESIRED. Prompt attention given to all Interested out-of-town huyera FOR SALE CHEAP New Waite 8-lti tractor, road speed 1 to 12 miles, working speed I to miles per hour; weight 2,700 lbs.; Waukeshaw motor, 3Hx6Vi ; can be equipped with rubber tires for , , road work. Factory price $H50, our price, $ti00. The T. G. Northwall Company. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 2209 Farnam St. Douglas 3310. 1914 Hupmobile "32" $300 1918 Saxon $360 1916 Overland Touring $376 1914 Chalmers "6" Sacrifice BARGAIN Seven-passenger Hulon 64 tour ing; has detachable Berlin top for winter use, seat covers, extra tire and rim, shock absorbers ; excellent condition : for your convenience this car can be seen at Guy L. Smith's garage. 15 PCT. Cash rebate on your auto lnnurance pol icy if you car ia equipped with PERRY LOCK. Phone Douglas 3217. 894 Brandeis Bldg. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. 221G-18 Farnam Rt, Douglas 863. Almost any make at reasonable prices. FOR-SALE Four-paaseng .r roadster, slx , cylinder Continental motor; all standard parts; two extra tires, spot light, etc. 250.6 Farnam. t ' WE will trade you a new Ford for your old one. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO., 30th and Harney. Douglas 6251, PASTT FOR YOUR USED CARS. AUTO EXCHANGE, 2107 FARNAM. D. 6035. SEWING MACHINE SALE 100 Bargains .Thursday Morning at 8:00 Sharp Continuing Friday and Saturday, .March 1st, 2d, 3d But come Thursday and get. first choice. We've had some startling machine sales in our time, but this one is going to be the climax. The very peer of all. FAMOUS MAKES-SINGER, WHITE, DAVIS DOMESTIC, NEW HOME, WHEELER & WILSON AND MANY OTHER MAKES. $15 takes choice of 20 fine Drop-Head Singers, $21.50 takes choice of B New Home Machines, just like new, not a mark on themj worth $40 each. Domestic . . . Household . . Singer White , $1.00 $2.00 $3.00 $4.00 Singer . . .$5.00 Read on and you will be amazed at these bargains: WHEELER &- WILSON Think of this make at $7.50 WHITE A famous make and a good value, at. $5.00 SINGER Another well known make, fine, at $6.00 100 NEW. WHITE MACHINES FOR RENT. We'll Have Extra Salespeople on Hand. No Waiting. , Mickel's Nebraska Cycle Co. ' ' 15TH AND HARNEY STS. PHONE DOWLAS 1662. 'a 9 ' AUTOMOBILES I IN I VUL. CO.. 1514 Davenport Ht, 60 Per Cent Saved on Year Tire Expense. FOR' SALE or exchange, Cadillac coupti. Fully equipped, noo catth; can use late Ford. 811 Iowa Bldg , along City, la. PIERCE ARROW, 4-paaaengfr, 1x36, eet covers, electric lighting system, excellent condition. Will demonstrate. Harney 26$T. 316 S. 24th, CROStJTOWN GARAGE, D. 4443 Repair work that satisfies at reasonable prices; parts 01 au Kinas. USED Ford roadsters for sale. Inquire ot Standard OH coi .any. 611 Brandets Bldg.. or 14th and Ixicunt streets. WILL pay CASH FOR several used TWO CYLINDER CARS. Phone Harney 1708 and aak for JOHN. BKRTSCHY "Kan-Fix-It." Southeast oor now 20th and Harney Sta. Douglas 1562. TELL A ' BUS kTjCYTauto repairing; expert mechanics. 2318 Harney Bf. D. IMP. FORD touring for sale cheap. 1824 Sahlcr. Coltai. 4193. Auto LJyeryandGarages EXPERT auto repairing, "service car al ways ready." Omaha Garage, 2010 Har ney St. Tyler BS&. Auto Repairing and Painting. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair. Colls repaired. Baywdorfer, 210 N. lath. NEW. Auto Radiator Repair Service, and prices right 218 S. 19th. D. 7390. Motorcycles and Bicycles JZARLEY-DaViDSON MOTOTtCYCLES'Bar- gains la used maennies. victor itooa, "ine Motorcycle Man," 2708 Leavenworth. PERSONAL $HH Salvation Army Industrial Home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga slnes. We collect. Wj distribute. Phone Doug. 4186 and our wagon will oall. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. THE tireatest GAIN 52,733 in Paid Want-ads ever made by an Omaha papur is the record of THE OMAHA HER for 1918. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. MISS LARSON Baths, massage and mani curing. Scalp and facial massage. Staats Institute, 1606 Hnrnoy St. D. 7097. Open evenings and Sundays. LUELLA WEBSTER, manage and maul curing. 818 Paxton blk. Red 2400. MANICURING, facial, scalp treatment. Staats Ins., 1508 Harney. MAK BliuclMAN, scientific masse uese and bathsA 203 Karbach blk. Red 2727. SWITCHES, pompadours and curls mads from combings. Call Colfax. 1653. ALlTRHght Private Maternity Home, 3011 Miami StWibster 3808, SCIENTIFIC masVage, 630 Bt& Bldg. Phone Douglas 6372. , Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. Rm. It. MISS LiLLY. bath wasMge,1322 Farnam St ETBROTTMagnettc"roasage. 3434 Cuming" Mlss'Kilna. scientific massage." R. 228 Neville. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. MONEY TO LOAN COULD YOU USE $240.00 OR MORE. $24.00 If you could get It at a very low rate of Interest and where you would be pro tected from high rates and unfair treat ment. 1 Why deal with a company that does not treat your deal with utmost privacy. We do not advertise misleading rates and we give ycu a contract book showing just what you are charged for the loan and the amount of each payment per month. Our bond and license protects you; be sides we have been In business twenty-five OMAHA IOAK COMPANY. .140 Paxton Blk. . Tel. DU;&B 2295. FWRNITURH, pianos, and notes as aecurity. $40 8 -mo. H. H. goods, total cost, $3.60 940 " Indorsed notes, total cost, $2.60. Smaller, larger am'ts, proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. Organized by Omaha Business Men. 432 Rose BldgHth and Farnam. Ty. 666. ?H"pctTon Dial Gross! 410 N. 16th". R. 6061. POULTRY AND PET STOCK one male pup, same breed, 7 months old, $6' two puppies, 7 weeks old, the pair for $7 E. A. Kaufman, Phone Florence 190. Florence, wen lBr.reenln'g$1.50 100. A.W.Wagner. H01 N. 16th STANDARD Rotary model, big value, at, only $8.00 SINGER A machine that sews perfectly, at $8.00 SINGER Here's one that will sow nicely, at, only $5.00 DOMESTIC Good make and good condition, at .....$4.00 SINGER Attention. Here's one that sews, at $1-00 WHITE 5-drawer, Golden Oak, worth $25, goes at $14.00 WHITE A beautiful , machine and like new, at $20.00 SINGER 7-drawer, dark oak, al most new, at ....$20.00 STANDARD Automatic drop, good as a new $40 machine, for only $19.60 ELDRIDGE A good $35 machine that will stand up for 25 years yet, at $14.00 Horses LiVe Stock Vehicles A PKRCHKRON pedigreed horse; $ years old, for sale; weigh 1,900 lbs.; registered; No, 1 horse. Matt TrUrweiler, Fullerton, Neb. FOR SALE Pair of gray mares, weight 1,800. Team, harness end wagon and coal box. till. 48218. 26th St., South Slde. VOR SALE cheap, a good sound black mara; will work aingle or double.' Call Harney 8601, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Mary I. France to the McCague In vestment company, Thirteenth street, west atde, 80x61, undivided one halt 11,600 Michael L Clark, sheriff, 8, M. C. to the McCague Investment company, Thirteenth street, 60 feet south of Davenport street, wast side, 4tx 66, undivided one-half ,. Emma P. leader and husband to Wil son H. Rred, Twenty-ninth street. S03.T feet south of Pacific street, west aide. 60x142 1 Grace L. Miller' and husband to Has tings A Heyden, northwest corner Forty-eighth street and Underwood avenue, 60x121 3 Charles W, Martin and wife to Llsste Klrkland, Twenty-fourth street, 91 feet south of Vane street, west side, 44x120 100 Elton A. Clark to Walter A. Hoggs, northeast corner Twenty-first and K streets, 90x100 1.160 John O. Starner and wife at a to Han nah Flach, Browne street. U9 feet wast of Twenty-fourth street, south side. 80x142 1.&00 Joaeph V. Kaspar and wife to John J. Oatrontc, Thirteenth street, 193 feet south of William street, west aide, 76x140 4.260 DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. NIELSEN, Nela, February 27, 1917, age 21 years, 8 months and 16 days. funeral services wilt be held from Bra 1 ley A Torrance chapel, 19th and Cum in streets, Thursday, March 1, at 1:80 o'clock, p. m. Interment Sprlngwell cem etery. Services private. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTIOB OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notlo. 1. hereby given that th. rgul.r annual meeting ot tb. atookboldar, ot the South Piatt. Land Company will be held at th. OHIO, of Ml Compear, Room m, First National Bank Building, Llnooln. N. braska, at 11 o'clock a. m., oo the M Tenth day ot March A. D. ml, Lincoln, Nebraska, March Ith, lll. a B. MORRILL, Froldt, W, W. TURNER. Secretary and Treasurer. giT-rtdi.t STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINO. The annual mooting of the stockholders ( The Be. Publishing Company will be held at th. office .( said company, Omana, Nebraaka, at o'clock p. m., on Monday, March Ith, lilt, (or the election of the Board of DlKCtor. tor th. .cuing year aud tor the transaction of inoh otber buol pew a. may proporly Mm. before th. meet Ing. By order of th. President . P. im or.Ury. Serbian General Killed When Italian Transport is Sunk Nice, Feb. 28. The family of the Serbian' general, Ilia Goikovitch, which ia living here, wa officially in formed yesterday that the general in., hi. ;fr voVifii the Italian trans- port Minas was torpedoed on Febru ary is. ine aerDian coioneis. jra goutin, Doulitch and Milan Bistch, perished at the same time and their f-:i:., ...kt ,r, ,ln riiirlinar here. have been so notified by the Italian government. , An official statement issued by the German admiralty on February V an nounced the ainking of the Minu by a German submarine. It was stated that the transport was carrying 1.000 soldiers to Saloniki and that all on board, with the exception of two men, perished. - f.iv vnltr Want Ad a chance to make goon, Kun it in intiire . .... nt- . n . . HOUSEHOLD Standard make a bargain at $13.50 NEW HOME Well known make; good value, at $12.00 NEW HOME Late rotary, $40 style, at, only $19.00 NEW HOME Fine case and a $30 value, , at $16.50 DAVIS Sews finely; in neat, light oak, at $11.00 WHEELER & WILSON 5-drawer, golden oak, only $12.60 NEW HOME 5-drawer, worth $85, goes for $14.00 WHITE Rotary, $58 value, goes at, only $18.00 WHEELER & WILSON 5-draw-cr, oak; bargain, at. $13.60 Remember We Have Others. , NEEDLES FREE A package of. Needles free with every 10c bottle of Mickel'i Oil. 26c belt for 18c BOMB GREAT WEAPON IN EUROPEAN WAR Hand Grenades, Introduced by Germans, Accepted by All Warring Nations. MANY KINDS ARE IN USE (Corre.pondence of The AMoclatd Prfee.) With the French Army, Feb. 12. In connection with the importance attached to the hand grenade and bomb in trench warfare, it is inter rating to note that the first use ol these weapons in the present war was by the German forces in the Ar gonne and in Belgium in December, iyi4. The forces employing them were the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Ger man corps. It was from these corps that the garrisons of Meti and Strass burg were drawn, so that it is proba ble that they had been provided with their bombs from the stocks of these fortresses, and trained there in their employment. ud to this time tue minenwerier. which had been studied in Germany before the war, does not seem to have been regarded as anything except a fortress weapon. Its use, however, in trench warfare, became general on the German side in- January and Feb ruary. 1915. so that it must have been manufactured in considerable quan tities at the end of 114. Shrapnel Cases as Weapons. The French displayed their tradi tional powers of improvisation in the ren v thev made to these new weap ons. They collected the shrapnel cases that had been fired by the Ger man 77 tie d tfun. of which there was an abundance. They mounted the shrapnel cases on wooden stands, which they naa something oi me ,earance d a toad, whence came the word "crapouillot, now a general term for trench mortars, and used it as a miniature mortar to throw ex plosives into the enemy trenches. It was a simple and not ineffective weap on, with the great advantage of being supremely cheap and easy to manu facture. Its official name was the Cellerier. after the artillery captain who invented it. In addition to the .Cellerier cra pouillot, a number of six-inch mor tars were sent to the trenches from the arsenals, and in March they Were reinforced by a complete system of scientific trench artillery, including the admirable fifty-eight-milometer trench gun. Many Hand Grenades Meanwhile the use of hand gren ades was steadily advancing. The first grenades available were of the mnit indent model, fitted with an exposed time fuse and drawn from the stocks still presm. siege ma terial. In repruary, lvu, tne mer man.. nrofitiiiB- bv their superior manufacturing power and their state of preparedness, were already provid ed with offensive grenades, that is, grenades which cither produced no splinters at all or splinters that car ried so short a distance that the man who threw them was in no .danger even if he was without cover. At all times, the Germans made use of two kinds of grenades, the one consisting of high explosives without any metal envelope, the other having a steel envelope in two parts, fitted together like the shell ot a tortoise. Despite this important material ad vantage, which was of the greatest value in hand-to-hand fighting, the Germans failed to make any impres sion on the French lines during the spring of 1915, and about July of that year the French troops were provided with grenades of both the defensive and offensive , type that 'were quite equal to the German. Taxes in Increased Sums Flow Into the Treasury (Correspondence of The Associated Press.) The Hatftie. Feb 12. A 'sum of $79,467,500 flowed into the Nether lands treasury Irom taxes in lyio, as compared with only $67,845,444 in the year 1915, an increase of $11,622,056 and a surplus over the estimate of nearly $6,400,000. Further, the special taxes devoted to the service of the war loans, and the extraordinary war levies, yielded $13,240,000, while re ceipts from posts and telegraphs In creased by nearly $1,200,000. These- amounts, and a great deal more, have been , ouicklv swallowed lip in the country's vast expenditure; they are nevertheless regarded as a verv satisfactory sign in view, of gen- craj conditions in Europe.1 China Proposes to -Stop the Sending Laborers to France Cnrre.pondnce f. The Asaoclated Pre...) Canton, China, Feb. 12. Governor Chun Ching-lai: has instructed the Canton police force to prevent the further recruiting of Chinese laborers for France. Many thousands of Can tonese have already been sent from Hong Kong to assist the French in agricultural work, and in trench dig ging and building of roads behind the fighting line in France. The forcible sciaure by the French of an addition to its concession in Tien-tsin haS estranged Chinese sym pathy, and is responsible for the order in this city against the recruiting of further Chinese labor for France. Socialists Send Delegation to Germany to study J-ooa Kitcnen ((lorreepondflice ol Thy AHaurlaled i'reiw.) A....J.m ;..tK.rlcn,l. Frh 12 A municipal deputation, headed by a socialist alderman, is being sent to Germany to study the system of pop ular food kitchens in the large Cities there, presumably witn a view to me possible institution of similar estab lish men tsintheDutchcapital. lMstreeslng Cough Cured. Dr. King's New Discovery not only slops your oough, but hardens your system against colds; kills the germs, AU druggists Adv. .aVsMrgBn Jsf? I SSL jjpasawamBTJial Professor of Princeton Is Delivering Lectures in China (rorrfNpondonoe of The Associated Press.) Peking, Jan. 15. Prof. Robert Mc Nutt McF.lroy, head of -the depart ment of history and politics of Prince ton university, who came to China several months ago as the first ex change professor from America, has completed a scries of thirty lectures in North China and left Peking this month for central and south China. wh?re he will lecture at the leading colleges. Prof. McElroy had audiences with President Li Yuan-hung and prac tically all the members of the cabinet, who showed much interest in the ex change professorships and expressed their gratification that the Chinese students are to have the opportunity to hear prominent American educa tors. He will visit India and the Philippines before returning to the United States. German Manufacturer Gets . Record Fine for Sneaking Zwickau, Germany, Jan. 12. The roeord fine of nearly a quarter of a million marks has been levied on Ernst Goeldner, a manufacturer of . Krimmitschau, for wrongfully using in his factory goods that had been confiscated by the government, and then for selling at more than the maximum prices the goods manufac tured from the illegal materials. - Goledner put up a valiant defense, but his downfall in court came large ly because his competitors, over whom he had h:ld the whip hand while he had operated with confis cated materials, were on hand in force to rebut every piece of evidence heoffered. Don't Suffer From Piles For Fr Trial Tmtnil ; No matter how long or how had go 1 year druggist today .ne get a IS cat boa .f Pyramid Pil. Treatment. It wilt . ive relief, and a single boa A trial paekag. mallsd (Vm In plaut wrap-1 per If you .end us coupon bolow. I FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY, ISI Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Utah. Kindly send m a Fro. sampl. of Pyramid Pile TnatnMat, in plain wrappn. Nam. ..,....... ' ,., Street City Stat.. LinLEGIRLBABY Of Eczema on Her Face. In Terrible Condition, Lasted About Six Months, One Cake Cuticura Soap and One Box Ointment Healed. "When my little girl was a baby, her face was in s terrible condition and not knowing what it was we bad her treated but she was not healed. We were told Itwaseciema. It left her but came back under her knees getting worse and worse. It came in a rash and was red and sore and seemed to smart and bum causing her to be constantly scratching, and her stockings seemed to irritate her. This lasted about six months. "Then I sent for a free simple ol Cuticura Soap and Ointment They relieved her immediately and I had not used one cake of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment when she was healed." (Signed) Mrs. E. E. Peters, 18 Irving St,, Battle Creek, Mich.. Oct. 17, 1916. , ,, Thousands of people, young and old, suffer torture of body ana mind because of skin troubles which might easily be cleared away, or might have been pre vented had Cuticura Soap been used for every-day toilet purposes with a touch now and then of Cuticura Ointment. For Free Sample Each by Return Mail, address post-card: "Cuticura, Dept. H, Boston." Sold everywhere. in-emawnw" sis i Vjt ;J (Mi B "i - T'l Th. PrruaM Smile Fraas a Stall. Trial often FINEFOR RHEUMATISM? Musterole Loosens Up Those Stiff Joints Drive. Out Pain You'll know why thousands use Mus terole once you experience the glad re lief it gives. Get a jar at once from the nearest v drug store. It is a dean, white ointment, made with the oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does not . blister. Brings ease and comfort while it is being rubbed on lr Musterole is recommended by many doctors and nurses. Millions of jars1 are used annually for bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, pleurisy, rheu matism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). sif r-tli - S