THE BEE: OivfAHA. THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1917. 17 HEW YORK STOCKS War Babies Drop From Three to Ten Points on the Market. BETHLEHEM HIT HABDEST At the Auto Show New York, Fb. J8. Restraints) Imposed on speculation by reason of. tho interna tionat crisis became Increasingly effective today, special stocks, particularly muni tion and equipment showing lone of three to ten points. Selling of these stocks was suggestive of liquidation on tho part of timid or discouraged holders. The setback lathered force from occas ions attacks by tho short Interests, whose operations met with little resistance. At no time did the market manifest more than a slight degree of steadiness. Lowest prices were mads In the final hour, accompanied by rumors that German submarines had been seen In Cuban waters. Bethlehem stsel Issues registered the greatest losses, the old stock falling nine points to 120, the new shares 7 to 106 and "rights" to the new stock declining, 3 to . Other noteworthy reversals Included New York Air Brake, Industrial Alcohol, Gen eral Motors. Gulf States Steel, Atlantic Gulf and West Indies, Mexican Petroleum, Texas Company, and American Smelting at gross declines of two to five points. United States Steel was less active than on tho previous day and yielded less than any of the popular Issues, closing at a nom inal net decline compared with one to two points for related shares. Unsettlement was shown by Motors and Subsidiaries Sugars, Central Leather, West tnghouse, General Electric and Utilities. Mackay oompanya mad only slight response to the increased rat of dividend and West ern Union forfeited a point. Aside from the heaviness of oonlsrs, with Leblgh Valloy loalng two points, rails failed to participate to an appreciable extent In the dy's operations. Total sales, 436,000 shares. Italian exchange- again furnished the only diversion to tho exchang market, llres mak ing a further slump to or seven points under Its previous record. The heaviness of the bond list resulted from new mini mums in ths International group. United Kingdoms showing weakness. Total sales par value, 13,140,000. United States Bond wer unchanged on call. Number of sales and quotations on lead ing stocks wers: Baits, men. low. close. Am. Beet Sugar. American Can Am. Car & F'ndry Am. Locomotive... Am. Smelt. A Ret., Am. Sugar Ref..,, Am. Tel. A Tel.... Am. Z., L. 4 8.... Anaconda Copper.. Atcnison Baldwin Locomo.. Baltimore ft Ohio.. Brook, Rapid Tran. B. ft S. Copper.... Cel. Petroleum. . . . Canadian Pacific... Central Leather... Chesapeake ft Ohio C, M. ft St. P. ... Chicago ft N. W... C. R. I. &P Chino Copper Colo. Fuel ft Iron.. Corn Products Ref. Crucible Steel Distillers' Securities Erie General Electric... Great No. pfd ureat no, ure en. Ik) 2.000 too 900 1,100 .100 300 11 600 16 300 37 "4 11,100 80 M l ill 110 124 7i 6314 6 : 00 1021. 102", 1011. 2H 7SVi V4 4K 1,300 800 1.800 1,100 600 IE. 7.400 86 It 2,100 68H 2,100 81 1,300 117 6714 47 51 714 67 V4 47 2214 Hill 163 14 844 84 6H 68 V4 80i 117 11714 21)4 20 u 6341 1,100 65 56 66 2.000 21 1.800 6514 1.S0O 2314 8,700 2644 300 162 600 113 300 32 H 2214 2214 2D ZO 161 '4 162 112 1 11214 Illinois Central 101 13 6 J 44 1214 lnt.r. Con. Corn Inspiration Copper. Inter. Harvester... I. M. M. ptd! ctfs. 12,100 7114 6814 K. C. Southern Kennecott Copper. . Louisville ft Nash.. 1244 6714 113 6014 21U 1,400 4514 4414 44V4 200 12614 12614 12614 J? f OOWH TO SE V-V-f1 1- w & (no soon AND NOW Mex. Petroleum.... Miami Copper Mo. Pacific, new... Montana Power.... National Lead Nevada Copper.. . . new xoric central,. N. Y., N. H. ft H.. Norfolk A Western Northern Pacific. .. Pacific Mall Pacific Tel. ft Tel.. Pennsylvania Ray Con. Copper.. Reading Reo. Iron ft Steel. Shattuck Ariz. Cop. Southern Pacific... Southern Railway.. Studebaker Co Texas Company. . . . Union Pacific Union Pacific nfd.. U. 8. Ind. Alcohol.. 21,000 U. S. Steel 82,300 U. S. Steel pfd 1.300 Utah Copper 8,600 Wabash pfd. "B'. 800 Western Union - 700 Westlnghouse Else. 4,800 Total sales for the day. 900 400 1,100 4,300 400 COO , 8.300 , 1,300 , 15,400 3,400 200 600 2.400 4,900 1,700 8,700 14 38 SStt 88 zv R 56 61 65U 26 241fc 24 OS 94 94 43 42 43 128 137 136 104 103 103 20 29 S4 4 64 27 26 26 93 92 92 77 75 76 27 27 2fi 9: 92 92 27 27 27 101 98 98 22 220 221 138 137 137 84 124 119 119 108 107 108 117 117 117 111 109 109 26 26 26 93U 92 92 40 47 47 486,000 shares. Mini 3Dopll Grain Market. Minneapolis, Feb. IS.-Flour- Fancy pat ents advanced SOc, quoted at 19.66; first clears advanced 10c quoted at $8.86; other grades unchanged. Barley 2c 11.11. Rye $1.47 1.48. Bran $38. 0034.00. Whet May, $183; July, $1.77. Cash: No. 1 hard, $1.9701. 99; No. 1 northern, $1.8801-93: No. 2 northern, $1.8601.93, Corn No. t yellow, 99c0$l.Ol. Oats No. 8 whits, W 14 67 lie. Flaxseed $2.76 2.82. Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruit. New York, Feb. 28. Evaporated Apples Quiet; fancy, 8 Be; choice, 88c; prime, 77c. Pried Fruits Prunes, firm: California, 8 10c; Oregons, 8&9c. Apricots, steady; choice, 17c; extra choice, 17o; fancy, 18c. Peaches, steady; choice, 8o; extra choice, 9c; fancy, fa. Raisins, nulet; choice to fancy, seeded, 69o; seedless. lflUc; London layer, $1.80. NEW XOKK GENERAL fif AKKJET. Quotations of the Pay on Various Leading Com modltlee. New Torfc, Feb, 28. Flour Firmer: spring patunta, $9.8009.66; winter patents, IB.IKtf 9.30; winter straights, $S.80Q9,0&; Kansas straights, $.809.6&. Wheat Spot, strong; No. S hard, $1.10; No. 1 northern, Duiuth, $2.20, and No. 1 northern, Manitoba. $1.18, f. 0. b. New Turk. Corn Spot, firm; No. i yellow, $1.80, o. 1. f. New York, Corn Spot, steady. Hay Steady; No. 1, $1.16; No. 2. $1.00 1,06; No. 3, 90 96c; shipping, 7090c, Hops Firm; Ktate, common to choice, 1911, 3644c; U16. 8 10c; Pacific coast, 191B. llHo; 1916. ft ft loc. Hides Firm; Bogota, 4344c; Central Anuiric. 43r. Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 17c; see- npro visions Pork, strong: mess, $84.00 $36.00; family, $36.00 34,00; short clesr, $3 4 003.0O. Beef, firm; nv-ss, $18.00 23 60; family, !.O02K.00, Lard, strong; middle west, $lS.8f.18.96. Tallow Firm; city. 11 c nominal; coun try, U12c: special, 12c. Butter Firmer; receipts. 8,679; creamery, higher than eitras, 4141c; entras (92 score) 40C1 firsts, S7c40c; seconds, 36 87o. Eggs Unsettled: vvlpts. 9,83$ cases: fresh gathered extras, 36c; extra firsts, 14 c asked: firsts. 834e. Cheese Strong; receipts, t.lil boxes; stat held specials, I6c; stats held average fsncy, 3626o. Poultry Dressed, weak : ohlckens, 18 29o; fowls, 1824c; turkeys, 2034c. Live, woak; chickens, 1920c; fowls. 19 c. Live Stock la Sight. Receipt of live stock at the five principal western manse w ywcruay. Cattle. Hogs, Omaha .i . Chicago 13,0P0 30,000 Kansas City 4,000 9.000 Sluux City 3,600 16.600 St Louis S.800 10,200 Sheep. 4,600 14.000 4,600 1.600 4,600 , .29.000 80.200 28,700 Totals .... Bl'. Clearing. Omaha, Feb. J8. Bank clearing for Omaha today ware $8,639.214. 11 and for the corresponding day last year. $6,066,184.67. Th total clarinRj for th won', ending to day were $138,868,808.69 and for the cor responding month las', year $9?,088.721.28. Cotton Market. New Tork, Feb. 28. Cotton Futures opened steady; March. 18.76c; May, lt.SOc, July, K.sSc; October, 16,98o; December. 16.08c. Cotton futures closed steady; March. 18.80c; May, ls.sBe; July, lfl.SOc; October, middling, 17.00c. Jitm York Money Market. New Tork, Feb. 28. Mercantile paper, 4 I per cent. Storllng Exchange Sixty-day bills, $4.73: commercial slaty-day bills on banks, $4.72; commercial sixty-day bills, $4.71; demand, $4.76. cables, 04.76 7-18. Silver liar, 77o; Mexican dollars, 49o. Uonds Government, steady; railroad, heavy, Time Loans Firmer; sixty and ninety days, S4 per cont; six months, 44 per cent, Call Money Steady: high, 2 per cent; low, i per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; last loan, 3 per cent: closing bid, 3 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. 11. 8. r. 2s. reg. 99 M. K. ft T. 1st 4 78 "do coupon ... 99 Mo, P, con. 6... 101 U. S.3s, reg... .100 Mont. Power 6. 99 dn coupon ...10UN. Y. C, deb. .102 U. 8. 4s. reg. ...108 -N. T. City 4n.l07 do coupon ...1 New Haven c. bs.103 A. T. A T, .4 s 104 No. I'm lflu 4s... 94 Anglo-French 6. 91 'lo 3s fi6 Atch. gen. 4s.... 94Ore. 8. L. r. 4s. 93 K. A (. 4s 93 Pao. T. ft T. 6..lO0?t Both. St. rof. 6s, 89Penn. con. 4s..l06 Central Pao. lt. 90 do gen. 4s.,.10D C. O, t'V. 4s. 89 Reading gen. 4s. 94 C B. A Q. Jt. 4 98 So. Pao. cv. P...100 C..M 104 do ref. 4s 92 C , R. I. P. r. 4 74 So. Railway 6..10i C. ft S. ret. 4s. US Union Pacific 4s. 97 P. ft R. O. e. 4s, HO do cv. 4s 83 Krte .gen. 4s.... 8 U. 8. Rubber 6a. 103 Oen. Klec. 6s 10 U. 8. Steel 6s.,,.10fi Ot. No. 1st 4s. 99W. Union 4s... 93 I. C. ref. 4s fliDom. of C., 1931. 97 K. C. So. ref. 5s. 88 'Bid. 1.. ft N. un. 4... 94 St. Louis Grain Market. St. Louts, Feb. 28 Wheat No. 9 red, $1.973.02i No. i hard, $1.91I,00; Miy, $1.801.81; July, $1.62. Corn No, 2, $1.00; No. 1 white, $1.01 1.01: May, $1.02; July, $1.011.01 Oats No. 1 nominal No. 1 white, nominal. Sugar Market. New Tork, Feb. 88. Sugar Raw, firm: sales, 26,000 bags; second half March ship ment. Spot, centrlfiiKal, $6.27; mo In , 84.40: refined, firm; fine granulated, $7,00 8.00. Futures were less active early, the political situation In Cuba continuing a dls- Home Treatment for Coughs Catarrh Sd Deafness Public Health day Nation-wide Crusade General directions for correcting these com mon ills. Every citizen should aid in work. Slowly but surely th truth Is forcing It self upon leader In th fields of political economy, social welfare and philanthropy that the inefficiencies and weaknesses even the in and immoralities of mankind are due In large measure to ills of th physical body and gradually th world 1 awakening to the knowledge that if we applied to the problem of Improving the public health and preventing disease the same energy and treasure now directed to preparing for and prosecuting legal murder between nations, more lives would eventually be ssved than have been sacrificed In all the wars of Christendom. Washington diapatehes reveal that the real purpose behind the proposal that 2 6 -cent meals be served at the White House for one day was to focus attention on th plan to have a Public Health Day on which th housewives of ths Nation would give their families 26-cent dinners from scientific menus In order to promote a study of food values that will add to the health of the households. This work should be followed by a nation-wide crusade for home treatment with authoritative instructions for the correction of common ills like colds, coughs, grip, catarrh and its attendant head noises and deafness. Every reader of this paper can aid in this movement by clipping out this article now and pass ins along the information that these Ills may b speedily relieved by four tableepoonfuls a day of a simple home-made syrup of hot water, one quarter pint, four ounces sugsr, added to one ounce of Parraint (double strength) which may be obtained from practically any druggist for about aeventy-flve cents. The absence of a cough, olearing of th nos trils and tubes leading to the Inner ear organism a well a relief from dropping of phlegm in th back passage of the throat, point to removal of th cause; and ability to hear again a wU a ever should result from following for a reasonable time these directions which are designed to be for th constitutional correction oi ine oiooo. The Alitor. obile Show Proves Studebaker the Great Value of 1917 CONVINCING as is the proof of Stude baker value given by the constantly in creasing sales of Studebaker Cars, there is even more obvious proof to be had at the Automobile Show. Here are exhibited the finest models of the 131 American builders of automobiles. And here you may see for yourself, actually prove to your own satisfaction, the convincing Studebaker superiority over the whole of the 1917 market. , This superiority in value has already been conclusively demonstrated by study of the un prejudiced comparisons made by such lead ing automobile journals as "Motor," "Auto mobile," and "Motor World." But here at the Show the facts are self-evident, and certainly no man who plans to buy a car at any price can wisely overlook this unusual opportunity to study Studebaker value. For The Motor Publications Show in a compilation of the facts and figures on all the cars made in the United States, that To Match What Studebaker Offer, in Its (gAf FOUR at $!4U IN POWER you must pay on the average $2753 IN SEATING CAPACITY you must pay on the average $1802 IN WHEELBASE ' " vou must pay on the average $1812 IN REAR AXLE DESIGN you must pay on the average $1742 IN TIRE SIZE , you must pay on the average $2872 IN FINISH you must pay on the average $2009 More than this, they show that only 5 cars on the market, of the 4-cylinder type, can you get ALL of these characteristics of this Stude baker FOUR and they are all expensive cars, averaging $3687, as against Stude baker's price of $940 1 In the case of the Studebaker SIX, the motor publications show that The Motor Industry ShOWS Yet this is by no means all the FACTS that the month has disclosed. Comparison of the chassis features show that 71.2 of the cars on the market endorse by use the L-HEAD CYLINDER TYPE that Studebaker uses; -63.6 endorse by use FORCE PUMP COOLING as Studebaker does; 55.2 endorse FORCE PUMP SPLASH OILING as Studebaker does; AND To Match What Studebaker Offers in IU SIX at $1180 IN POWER you must pay on the average $4078 IN SEATING CAPACITY you must pay on the average $2254 IN WHEELBASE you must pay on the average $2536 IN REAR AXLE DESIGN you must pay on the average $1908 IN TIRE SIZE 1 you must pay on the average $2308 IN FINISH you must pay on the average $2031 And what is even more demonstrative of Studebaker VALUE is the fact that the in dustry's own figures show only 9 Sixes on the 1917 market give ALL of these character istics of the Studebaker SIX, and they are such high-priced cars that the average price of the nine is $3769! 72.2 endorse by use BATTERY IGNI TION as Studebaker does; 62.9 endorse the FULL - FLOATING TYPE OF REAR AXLE as Studebaker does; 74.6 endorse VACUUM FUEL FEED as Studebaker does; and that 85.9 endorse TWO-UNIT STARTING AND LIGHTING as Studebaker does. What better proof can any man want of Studebaker VALUE? The industry's own figures demonstrate beyond the slightest doubt that Studebaker quality can NOT by judged by Studebaker large production price. They prove that any man who wants ALL the essentials that a Studebaker offers can get them ALL in any other car only by paying many hundreds of dollars more. They show that Studebaker design is in thorough accord not only with what the buying public wants but also with what the whole industry ap proves as GOOD engineering practice. And they prove indisputably that the day of high prices for fine cars has passed. See the Steudebaker exhibit at the Show or better come to our showrooms here and let us show you the car and the features that the whole industry ENDORSES BUT DOES NOT EQUAL in VALUE. Be Sure to See the Studebaker Gold Car at the Automobile Show. STUDEBAKER-WILSON, Inc. Farnam Street at 25th Ave. Omaha, Nebraska turblng factor. Trices at noon wnre I to 4 tnts higher, mainly on covering. The National Capital Washington, Vtb. M. Senate: Met at 10 s. m. Resumed doliate on revenuo Mil, Military committor ordVrrd report on army bill carrying; $277,mtO,00O. Kapuulican senators aKsIn threatened to tie up dofense hills to force an extra ses sion of congress. House : Passed the $130,000,000 sundry civil an- troirUtlon hill. ForclKn it flairs committee considered ad mtnlntrntlon reHoludon for arming neutral ships and appropriation for defense. Oil and Kosln. Savannah, Oa., Feb. 3ft. Turpentine -Quiet: 4SUo; iHles. none; receipts, 16 bbls. ; shipments, 121 bbls.; stock, 13.d0 bbls. Rosin Firm; sales, 769 bbls.; receipts, SIS bbls.; shipments, none; stock, 7M36 bbls Quote: A, U, C, T, E, F, O, 16.00; H. I, K. IP. 10; N, So. 3ft: wo, (M6; WW, 16.70. Dry Goods Market Nesr Tork, Feb. Id. Cotton goods were firmer, with colored goods being either high or placed at values. Ysms wers steady, with a rising tendency, while worsted. yarns were nrm aim ntar, iuriaps were inj ana hoNlory firm. TODAY'S BEAUTY HELP We find you can bring out the beauty of your hair to its very ailvantaue by washing it with can tlirox. It makes a very simple, inex pensive shampoo, which cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly of all the dandruff, dirt and excess oil, leaving a wonderfully clean, wholesome feel ing. After its use you will find that the hair dries quickly and evenly, is never streaked in appearance and is always bright, soft and fluffy; so Huffy in fact that it looks more abun dant than it is, and so soft that ar ranging it becomes a pleasure. Just use a teaspoonful of canthrox which you can get from any good druggist, dissolve it in a cup of hot water; thjs makes a full cup of shampoo liquid, enough so it is easy to apply it to all the hair instead of just the top of the head. Advertisement. Goodrich Price Advance Fabric Automobile Casings and Inner Tubes EFFECTIVE MARCH 1, 1917. Our prices will be advanced to the consumer and the dealer. This move is in accord with our announced policy that during the period of prevailing uncertainty we would only advance prices ti consumers and dealers by such moderate moves as the coat conditions imperatively de mond. .,- . , , . - . The price of advertising card tire remain unchanged New Users' Prices Fabric Tires 30x3 Smooth $11.10 34x4 Smooth 24.10 30x3 Safety 11.65 34x4 Safety 25.30 30x3 tj Smooth 14.40 35x4 Vi Smooth.. . . 33.95 30x3V, Safety 15.10 35x4 V, Safety.. .. . 35.65 32x3 Vi Smooth 16.85 36x4 Smooth.... 34.50 32x3 Safety 17.70 36x4 Safety.. .. . 36.25 B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER CO., 2034 Farnam St, Omaha. I Now Pries to DoaUrs Will B ProTidad By Our Nearest Branch, February and March are favored months in California and provide all the pleasures of the eastern spring. Flow ers are blooming out-of-doors, the tempera ture and mellow sunshine invite you to for sake your shut-in quarters and "live" during the winter as well as summer. California is known as the "golf coast;" auto mobile roads unexcelled anywhere make this the motorist's paradise; beaches world-famous are as inviting in midwinter as during the summer months; the missions, the wharves, the variety of mountain, plain and seacoast scenery all these and scores of other attrac tions recommend the Sunset State as ideal for your winter vacation. union pacific SYSTEM prepares you to enjoy your vacation to the fullest ex- " tent by providing train service that is uniformly per fect. Double track,. Automatic Electric Block Safety . Signals, powerful locomotives and courteous employes. 5 Daily Trains To California . Including the famous Overland Limited, leaving Omaha at convenient hours. For California literature and detailed information about rates, routes, stopover and side trip privileges, apply to L BEINDORFF, City Passenger Agent, 1324 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 4000. ai.tnK" nut . .