Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1917, PART TWO, Page 15, Image 15

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A-B-0 Starting: and Lighting
System Buns On One-Eighth
Horse Power.
Only one-eighth of one-horsepower
h required by the generator with the
A-B-C itarting and lighting system
built for the Ford cars. This popular
feature has made sales for the system
sine its first appearance on the mar
ket last April.
Before the A-B-C two-unit system
came out, practically all the electrical
starting and lighting systems built for
Ford cars were of the single unit sys
tem, the reason being that the Ford
construction did not seem to lend it
self readily to a two-unit system.
By furnishing parts that duplicate
somewhat those coming with the car,
installation was simplified and at
tachment made easy. Removing short
bolts and replacing with longer ones
attaches the electric motor. The
gasoline motor, however, is not made
inaccessible after installation. The
A-B-C system, with proper attention,
should lengthen the life of batteries
and reduce the cost of renewal 50 per
"Since the A-B-C starting and light
ing system made its first appearance
on the market last April," said
Charles P. Sieder, president and gen
eral manager of the A-B-C Starter
company, "improvements and refine
ments have been made on the sys
tem, which with the increased cost of
all sorts of materials, has forced us
to increase the price of the system.
The increase is so small, however,
that it will deter practically no pros
pective purchaser.
Use V-Type Belt.
"One of the principal improve
ments is the V-type leather belt,
which in the A-B-C system takes the
place of the ordinary chain or smooth
belt. The great fault with the chain
is its noise, and with the smooth
leather belt, its tendency to slip.
"The V-type belt is equipped with
V-shaped leather blocks, which pre
vent the belt itself from touching the
frequently greasy surface of the three
pulleys on which it drives, and which
always provide sufficient friction to
drive the generator. The belt tension
is also improved."
Elks Will Meet Friday
To Elect Their Officers
Omaha lodge No. 39, Benevolent
and Protective Order of Elks, will
hold its annual meeting Friday night
for the election of officers.
The following nominations have
been made: For exalted ruler, T. B.
Dysart; for esteemed leading knight,
C. R. Docherty; for esteemed loyal
knight, J. C. Barrett; for esteemed
lecturing knight, W. G. Sears; for sec
retary, I. W. Miner; for treasurer,
C. L. Saunders; for tiler, J. H. Killian;
for trustee, Joel S. Griffen, C. C.
Wearne, J. F. Dietz; for representa
tive to the grand lodge, F. Pratt Har
wood with R. G. Young as alternate.
Indigestion Due to ConBtlpatioo,
Take a doie Dr. King's New Life Pilla
tonight. Sea how much better you feel In
the morning. 85c. All druggists. Adv.
On the High
One of the nthutaatlc factory rtvr
tntatlves at tht Auto ihow , CharUa B.
Sawyer of th Jackson Auto company. Mr.
Sawyer la the leneral sales manager fur his
oompany and ti a thoroughly practical sale,
man. Ha haa atttnded all tha large shows
of tha aeaaon and pronouncoa the Omi hit
how the llvest ami moat hi tv resting of
them all. "Omaha haa a wonderfully prae
tlcal show," exclaimed Mr. Sawyer Tueaday
after he had made the rounds of all the
exhibits, and he went on further to elate
that he believed from the atandpolnt of real
Billing Omaha had most of them backed
off the boards.
The fact that the United States govern
ment haa Just made arrangements to equip
a fleet of light armored automobile with
the standanl King chain la la a eourre of
much satisfaction to the representatives
from the factory, who are here attending
the ahow, and to the local aelllng organiza
tion. Among thoae who are In Omaha rep
resenting the King factory are I. I, Kocap,
aervlce engineer; George Gurney, service
manager; G. J. Bates, commercial and ad
vertising manager, and Charles Harrison,
district ealea manager.
A. L. Elwood, from the Nordyke-Uarmon
factory of Indianapolis, wai enthusiastic on
Tueaday In his dlscuaaion of the Omaha
Auto ahow. Mr. Elwood haa attended a'
number of e fthowa this season ami came
to Omaha direct from the K urines City ex
position. From all atandpolnta Mr, Elwood
believes the Omaha show la superior to
others he haa attended. Conalderl'ng the ac
tual aalea and the prospect for salea he
claims t;.at the local ahow is far ahead of
Kansas City,
In addition to hit display of Faxon cars
on the Auditorium stage W. L. Kllly of the
Noyes-Kllly Motor company has a lively dis
play of Saxon ads circulating around the
show floor, These are t the form of novel
paper hats, which every Juvenile visitor to
tha exposition clamors to get and wear.
Kllly was almost mobbed Monday and Tues
day by youngsters who. wanted to get the
hats and up and down every aisle of the
big show many of them loomed up distinc
tively among the crowds.
There were more purchasers of Reo cars
the first two days than there were Reo care
In stock ready for delivery. J. M. Opper of
the Jo nee-Op per company closed two sales
with Iowa buyers and then discovered that
his a took on hand had already been sold
out, so he couldn't make any more deliveries
for a day or two. The buyera agreed to
wait, however, as several more carloads of
Reos were due to arrive Tuesday, and more
were on the way.
Bob Roberts of the Cole-Eight display paid
express charges on two of hts show cars.
In order to get them here In time for the
show, Trafflo delays had held up ship
ments and nls stock nan been sold out, so
he wired for shipment by express tntuead
of freight, In order to have models to show
a long string of prospects from the
Although one of the state's busiest bank
ers, President H. D. Wilson of the Nebraska
City National bank Is an enthusiastic mo
torist He and Mrs. Wilson came up Tues
day and were Interested visitors at the
Auditorium for a few hours. They satd
they would have liked to stay a while, but
Mr, Wilson could not neglect his bank
An Innovation In the entertainment of
auto show visitors tn whom he has an In- i
terest Is being put on by H. Pel ton, who
has engaged one or tne commercial club
rooms, where he entertains his dealers and
prospects every day at luncheon, Mr. Pel
ton Is distributor for the M arm on. Frank
lin and Vim and Federal trucks.
Salesmen are the busy boys these days.
After being up late each night at the show,
they are up early again each morning to
accommodate many prospects who are ready
to close purchases. Both at the salesrooms
on Auto Itow and at the show weuld-be
buyers arrive early.
Fine results are reported by auto firms
Whose displays are In the palm room.
Classy exhibits and orchestra music have
proved a double attraction for big crowds of
prospective buyers to visit this place, which
was brought Into bPing by the need of more
display room for the monster exposition.
"More and more the public Is demanding
closed cars," says H. Pel ton of the Franklin
agency. "The cal) Is now stronger than
ever, and Indicates the up-to-date desire for
refinement In appointments as well as satis
faction In mechanical operation."
"Spielers," or demonstrators of stripped
working models of various makes of cars,
are enjoying a large share of attention from
show visitors, A number of thera from fac
tories give continuous lectures to explain
new and advantageous features of their cars.
The Saxon Is well represented by factory
and district men. These include K. C. net
singer, sales manager; V. B. Turrlll, assist
ant advertising manager, and F. D. Pack
wood, district salos manager.
Lots of ultra-stylish clothes are exhibited
by the women, who attend the show In
ItirgA numbers. Society also la conspicuous
mui'iiB i ini'i:iivo uu) or.
Gene Huso, editor and publisher of the
Norfolk I'ally News, la'attenuing the ahow
with his wife. They are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Clark Powell. V
Factory representatives or tne llitpma
btle will be guests of Felix Mrftaan Thurs-
Mrs. Iola Muff, agent for the Hupmoblls
at Crete, Is one of several auto saleswomen
auenamg tne snow.
W. F. Weekly, who hat been associated
with the selling of funeral vehicles la this
territory for the last twenty years, haa on
display at the Auto show the very newest
designs In funeral cars.
He Is woatern representative for the
flay era A vlll company of Cincinnati, O.,
exclusive builders of funeral vehicles. This
territory embraces Nebraska, weetern Iowa.
North and South aDkota,
Mr. Weekly expects to establish an agency
tn Omaha thfs summer. Two of the ma
chines displayed at the Auditorium this
weoa win be delivered to Heafey Heafey
una . n. .nrrwer, two uRiaaa unaertaKsra,
at tha close of the Auto show.
One of the many factory men who r
well pleased with the Omaha show A Loh
Allen of the selling department of the Allen'
factory. He Is a brother of the Allans who
nntiu iwtn. i ne incai motor exposition
compares woll with any other he has seen.
n ueciares,
"Of all the auto shows I've aver attorn A tut '
says C E. fltehbrns of tha Staxwell fnkirw
Mthe Omaha show easily leads In point of
buyers In proportion 10 attendance.
"Mack's Swell Car Was a Maxwell" Is
the tUIp of a popular souk, prated word1
nnn i rv given away ai me
.Hainan uuoin at me snow,
After attending five other auto allows this
riiriun. nanus n. uaranor. district man
ager for the Velio Motor Vehicle oompany,
"Omaha has one of ihn ht nlinu In ..
middle west for housing an auto show," he
vur Auuuonum permits tne display
of hundreds of cars mostly on one big
floor. Instead of makintr It iwa.iarv ,.
scatter the exhibits over several atorles of
" iki. R uwnB ai soma auto artowt."
This season he attended the motor expo
alt Ions at Chicago, Minneapolis, Sioux city
Kansas City and Great Falls, Mon., before
the present onn here.
Give your Want Ad a chance to
make good. Run it in The Bee.
Plan now to attend the
AUDITORIUM, Feb. 26 Mcb. 3
For particular!, address
C. G. POWELL, Manager,
mi Farnam St., Omaha, Neb,
PHERE are few cars equally beautiful at any price,
and few, if any, equal at as low a price. We put
into the ELCAR the style, class and high grade workmanship that
went into our former model selling up to and above $3,000. Our organization has had long training in
herent in the
Three New
Models at
Othr J Four Passenger Clover Leaf Roadster
Models: 1 Two Passenger Roadster
See Our Display Show Week at 1505 Howard St., Omaha
Elkhart Carriage and Motor Car Co.
Manufacturer!, Elkhart, Ind.
Wo Aro Diatributora for
Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota.
Audubons May Again Show
Enos Mills' Bird Pictures
F.nos Mills' bird lecture under Au
dubon auspices Monday night will
probably net the society over $65,
according to estimates by members.
The money will be used by the so
ciety for educational purposes.
Many requests for another public
showing of the rare hand-colored bird
slides have been received bv the com
mittee. Monday night the slides nr
shown hastily, before the i.Hturalisl
spoke. Persons who saw them asked '
that the slides be shown again whet
more time to enjoy them will be per
Sixteen years of successful experience in building
high grade motor cars that have given uniformly satis
factory service is your guarantee of the superior effi
ciency and high quality of the new
Every vital unit is the best that expert mechanical tkill can produce, and every unit
has stood the most rigid teste. No untt that is experimental is ever found in a Glide
Perfect Units scientifically co-ordinated into a well balanced, correctly designed
chassis assure genuine efficiency and perfect service.
that the new Glide is the best light Six at the lowest price. Compare the Glide specifi
cations with those of any other Six. Specifications are much mora convincing than
selling talk. Bring an expert mechanic with you then ask his advice.
If you cannot call telephone or write for Ktoraturo
THE BARTHOLOMEW CO. (6th Oldest), Peoria, 111.
Avery Building, Opposite Union Station.
Phono Douglas 44.
Old Parts Made New
New Parts Made Too
If Bertschy cannot help you, you are in an awful fix.
We welcome problem that other have failed to solve.
In our Manufacturing; Department, equipped with the latest labor
savins; devices, including a battery of automatic screw machines,
multiple spindle boring: mills, lathes, high-speed drills, pneumatic tools, ,
tempering, smelting, and case-hardening furnaces, presses, broaches,
grinders, welders, shapers, millers and sundry other tools and devices.
We can produce almost any part in large or small quantities, at very
reasonable rates.
In our welding and cutting department we are equipped to handle suc
cessfully the most difficult repairs to all kinds of metal parts of any
size, shape or weight. We weld and guarantee any broken part. We
repair cast iron heater boilers, also high-pressure power boilers. We
cut any grade of steel, such work as is required to demolish steel build
ings, bridges, boilers, I-beams, channels, opening burglar-proof safes,
and will send our operators to any point in the United States.
In our repair department we are equipped to repair automobiles and
aH other machinery known to the electrical, mechanical or scientific
arts. All of our work and product is guaranteed.
Estimates cheerfully furnished upon receipt of B. P. or specifications.
If you have a problem you cannot solve, give us a chance.
Bertschy Manufacturing and Engineering Co.
TEL. 2552. OMAHA, U.S. A.