Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1917, PART TWO, Page 14, Image 14

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Traffic to America and Trance
Suspended to Make Boom
for Soldiers and Supplies.
New York, Feb. 28. Reporti that
passenger traffic on all British ves
sels leaving England for America and
France has been suspended were
brought here today by passengers
who arrived on the steamer Finland,
the last American line boat to leave
Liverpool and the third unit of this
fleet to sail from that port after Ger
many's proclamation of unrestricted
submarine warfare.
James F. Egan of Philadelphia and
Robert Wilson of New York, Euro
pean representatives of large Ameri
can business interests, said that be
fore leaving England they had been
informed on what they considered re
liable authority that the Britisl. ad
' miralty had decided to employ all
vessels, passenger carriers as well as
freighters, solely for transporting sup
plies or moving troops.
Hay Maroon Americans.
Scandinavian and Dutch passenger
ships to America no longer stop at
British ports, but avoid 'the subma
rine zone by making Halifax their
port of call. Consequently, if the re
ports of the Finland's passengers is
correct, no passengers can now reach
the United States from England un
less American liners sail from this
country to fetch them.
Cole Production
Is Increased and
Car is Improved
In addition to increasing the pro
duction of the Cole Motor Car com'
pany from 5,000 to 10,000 cars for
1917, A. F. Knobioch, 'general man
ager of the Cole concern, has left no
stone unturned in adding to the qual
ity of the product. An analysis of
the Cole product snows mat ii em
bodies the recognized best units available.
"As a result of the careful study
and experimentation which haa been
, carried on the Cole Eight motor has
been brought to a state of perfection
that nrecludes trouble." says Mr.
Knobioch. "It is a model of sim
plicity and accessibility. Its carbur-
lzauon system rciuBuieu i"v
best so far in multifile cylinder de
signing. Its lubrication system is
absolutely positive. The Cole Eight
, chassis has been mentioned as the
Best example oi careiui designing in
the V-tyoe multiple cylinder ...Id.
And with the Cole company concen
trating all of iti attention to the pro
- duction of this one chassis, it is des
tined to be brought even to a higher
"A definite policy has been laid
down by the Cole not to change
models spasmodically. It is going to
continue to build its present model
indefinitely. Into its construction
will be brought the improvements
best known to the industry in the way
of minor details and refinements as
they are proved practicable from time
to time. But in its fundamentals the
Cole Eight will remain the same. An
assurance of this kind means much
to the buyer of motor cars."
Morrell & Co. to Distribute
Maxfer Ton Truck Maker
H. B. Morrell & Co. of Omaha have
taken over the distribution of the
Maxfer Ton Truck Maker in Ne
l braska and western Iowa and are ex
hibiting this attachment in the Scott,
Omaha Tent and Awning company's
salesroom directly opposite the audi
torium. Wendell Jones, district sales
manager of the Maxfer company, is
here from Chicago assisting in assign
ing territory and making contracts. .
"The results obtained from this
year's shows have been far better than
we anticipated," Mr. Jones said last
night. "The eastern shows proved
highly successful, particularly the
New York show, which netted us
over $963,500 in orders. The western
shows are keeping up that pace in
proportion and we expect to get some
' what more than our share at the
Omaha dealers' show."
Davis and Williams to
Promote Holstein Cattle
B. B. Davis and Dwight Williams
are the incorporators of the Nebraska
Holstein Breeders' Consignment Sales
company, which haa filed articles with
the county clerk, with a capital of
ilu.uuu. i ne enterprise is incorporated
for the ouroose of develoDina the in
dustry of breeding Holstein cattle in
this state and conducting public sales.
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Scarlet Fever is
Quite Prevalent in
The Public Schools
The medical inspection department
of the public schools reports that dur
ing February, thirty-four .children
were stricken with scarlet fever.
"Whil; this number indicates a orev-
alence of the disease, we would not
say it is an epidemic. The nurses are
working overtime, examining the
schools and isolating an cases ot
doubt, stated the assistant superintendent.
Several of the children recently
stricken attend Park school.
Moon Sedan at Show is
The Very First of Its Kind
One of the very classy cars to be
exhibited at the Omaha Automobile
show is the Moon Six-66 sedan. This
is a brand new car and not one of
the 1917 models put out some months
ago. The. one on exhibition is the
first turned out by the St. Louis fac
tory. .
The Moon sedan has the celebrated
Springfield body, with the slipping
windshield. The top and back are of
one piece metal. There is a large
door at each side. The front seats
are separate, with passageway be
tween, and the two folding seats dis
appear in the backs of the front
The sedan for exhibit purposes is
finished in gray whipcord. Broadcloth
is available at the purchaser's choice.
The curtains are of silk and there
are cut-glass flower holders.
Orders for many of the new sedans
have been placed in the United States
and also in Cuba and Porto Rico, the
sales manager reports.
. ' v
Catholic Sokols Will
Hold Fair for One Week
The Bohemisn Catholic Sokols are
making preparations for the bazar,
which will be held the week of April
22 in their new home, 1245 south
Thirteenth street. The committee of
twenty members is now making
Many vaiuanie premiums win De
given away during the fair, among
them a new fire-passenger Ford auto
mobile. '
The purpose of this bazar is to pay
off a heavy mortgage on the club
Four Nebraska Guardsmen
Join Sea Soldiers' Ranks
Four lads recently mustered out of
the Fourth and Fifth Nebraska Na
tional Guard regiments have joined
the na.y and been sent to the Great
Lakea training station. They are
John U. Metcalf, 2610 South Twelfth
street; Philip K. Kneeter, Savoy ho
tel; J. Stanley Kirkpatrick, formerly
color sergeant of the Fourth regi
ment, and Franklin A. Pindar of Buf
falo. N.Y.
.Union Pacifio Has 7,500
Loaded Oars at Ogden Billed
to Eastern Points.
raurr trains ruk on time
While officials of railroads operat
ing to the east assert that under the
agreement entered into by the presi
dents of the lines, acting in conjunc
tion with the Interstate Commerce
commission, there is something of a
break in the freight car congestion,,
there is no evidence apparent to in
dicate that available empty cars are
more numerous than a week ago.
However, the railroad freight men
cling to the belief that the car short
age is- in a way to adjust itself and
that within a month or so the ex
pected relief will be at hand.
The Union Pacific has made a sur
vey of the situation on the west end
of the line and it is found that at Og
den 4,000 loaded freight cars that
came in off the San Pedro and Cen
tral Pacific are held for eastern des
tination. At the same time there are
held in the Ogden yards and at
nearby points 3,500 loaded cars off
the Oregon Short Line.
Headed for Omaha.
The cars on the Union Pacific are
loaded for Omaha and points east
and as a rule they consist of lum
ber and grain. When these cars will
move out is uncertain. The "Union
Tacific could handle them and get
them off its line, but this does not
hold true with connecting linr at
Missouri river terminals. These lines
still hold the embargo on shipments
to points beyond Chicago and conse
quently they will not accept the busi
ness from the Union Pacific.
Consignments from the west com
ing to Omaha and points along the
line out in this state and down into
Kansas are hurried out of Ogden after
being received from connecting lines
and deliveries are being made on
schedule time.
Fruit trains are coming: through on
time and even east of here are not
subjected to much delay. The same
holds with reference to the handling
of all perishable freight and meats.
Cupid Bags Aged Couple
From Far Distant Towns
Among the happy brides and bridegrooms-to-be
applying at the court
house for marriage licenses Wednes
day morning were William R. Minter
of Rockport, Mo., 67 year old, and
Mary I. Shepperson of Sundance,
Wyo., 60 years old. They will make
their home in the Missouri town.
Negro Thief Gets long
Sentence in State '.'Pen"
Following his plea of "guilty" to
having robbed the M. E. Smith com
pany of several hundred dol'ars worth
of dry gods, James Anderson, a ne
gro, tormeriy empioyea as a watcn
man at the company's warehouse, was
sentenced to from one to tive years
in the state penitentiary by Judge
Treasurer Studebaker-Wilson, Inc.
Articles of incorporation have been
filed by Studebaker-Wilson, incor
porated for the purpose of doing a
general automobile business in Ne
braska and Iowa.
The capital stock is $200,000 and
the company's offices, display and
service rooms re on Farnam street
at Twenty-fifth avenue.
xue uus:ncss is not a new one, ior
it is an evolution of the well known
E. R. Wilson Automobile company,
distributors here for the Studebaker
motor cars the las ten years.
the directors and officers are all
well known Omaha men. Edward
R. Wilson, president and general
manager of the new corporation, has
maae a success in the automobile
business second to none in this sec
tion of the country.
Sherwood A. Wilson, ftie new treas
urer, has been closely identified with
the E. R. Wilson Automobile com
pany the last few years and is espe
cially fitted for the selling end of the
. Edward Kaufmann is secretary
the corporation, and, while he is a
recent acquisition to the business, is
peculiarly fitted for the general of
fice management, having been identi
fied with large coal and building ma
terial interests here for a good many
years, and later in the automobile
supply business.
Give your Want Ad a chance to
make good, Run it in The Bee.
Let It Crank Your Ford
Just press your foot on the
starting button and your motor
TheA-B-C is the ONLY true,
genuine twounit system built
for Ford Cars. The two-unit
is the final word in starting
systems. It possesses all the
advantages over every other
starting and lighting system
for Ford cars that a real two
unit system must have over
single or "double" unit
Delco Exide
Service Station
Among its features are these;
It does not retard the motor '
even a fraction of a horse
power, does not increase fuel
consumption, cranks motor
naturally, engaging with crank
shaft direct, has no "noisy,
troublesome chains.
Installation is included in the
price. Trained men do the work,
which, with the system itself,
is absolutely guaranteed every
part of it.
95.00 installed.
2024 Farnam St.,
Omaha, Neb.
Distributor for Nebraska
and Western Iowa.
111 So. 18th Street, Omaha, Neb.
welding Automobile Repairing MachineWo
Beat Equipped
Shop in the City.
a -
will be easily relieved by taking
a spoonful of
after each meal It fortifies
the throat and chest while
it enriches the blood to
help avoid grippe, bron
chitis and even pneu
monia. Scott's is well
worth insisting upon.
Scott a Bownt, BlnomHtld. W. J. 16-14
We are going to save you time and inconvenience.
Beginning tomorrow, we will put on a force of NIGHT
MECHANICS in order to care for repairs and upkeep of
your car at a time most convenient to you.
Leave your car at night and it will be ready in the morning
Serrico Car, Day aad Night to Pull You In.
I ' - i- Tri mm isi iiisai ii M.TsmniiT.i iiissnsTs nu mTTTii 1 1 iTi T n 1 1 i T n ' Tt..m....T.mi i ui hi ii in i
Valve in the
Head Motors
Buick Cars have satisfied owners and
have been fast sellers for dealers.
There's a reason It is because
Buick values are everlastingly good.
Figures Show It.
Nebraska Buick Auto Co.
The Clear-Cut Issues
Between others and the
Don't confuse them.
No other Six is like the Super-Six. The distinction lies in a Hudson invention.
That invention applied to a Six of the finest type increased its efficiency 80 per cent
So the difference is tremendous.
No Eight or Twelve has anywhere near matched the Super-Six in performance. That's
why those types have not been more adopted.
The Super-Six holds all the worth-while records.
It has proved supremacy in every point that counts. '
It ie now the largest-selling fine car in the world.
Never before has a single maker brought
out such a dominant feature. That is why
so many rivals seek to cloud the issue.
They say you don't want a racing car.
You don't need such vast reserve power.
You are not going to drive across conti
nents, so those records do not count.
A Light, Simple Six
But note that the Super-Six is a light,
simple Six. Other Sixes have a same-size
motor. We have not added size or cylinders
or complications to attain our end.
What we have done and all we have
done is to eliminate most of the friction.
In that way only we attained the speediest
stock car in the world. And the most power
ful stock motor, size for size, that was ever
Would you have less power, less speed,
because of greater friction? Or would you
have that friction ended, and use what
power and speed you need.
' The After-Cost
The question is not one of power or speed.
It's the question of after-cost. .
Friction in the motor causes wear. Wear
destroys the bearings and the parts. It re
duces car life. It leads to noisy motors.
The Super-Six records were won by en
durance. Its greatest supremacy showed in
the 24-hour record won by 52 per cent.
'And in the 7000-mile round trip from San
Francisco to New York. There it twice
broke all the transcontinental records.
Any argument against such showings is
an argument against endurance.
The yar of Types
In the war of types between Sixes,
Eights and Twelves the Super-Six has
won. Every record shows that. The ended
trend toward V-types also shows it
The light, simple Six the ideal type
again holds ruling place. Not the type that
used to rule, but the Super-Six.
It is evident today that the Super-Six is
the only permanent type.
Today it comes in bodies of the most
luxurious sort. And with a new gasoline
saver a radiator shutter which means
much added economy.
We urge you to prove these things before
the season when demand will far exceed
the output.
Phaeton, 7-paenger. . . .$1650
Roadster, 2-passeng or . , . 1650
Cabriolet. 3-pataenger. . 1950
Touring Sedan $2175
Limousine 2925
(All prices f. o. b. Detroit)
Town Car $2950
Town Car Landaulet. . . . 3025
Limousine Landaulet. . . . 3025
See Super-Six at Space 10, Auto Show.
"Service First"
2563-65 Farnam St
V''V" "Will
s iaa -A UATft .W