THE BEE: OMAHA, , ,V, ' ', FEBRUARY 1917. Want -Ad Rates NO AD TAKEN FOR LESS THAN A TOTAL OF We OK LESS THAN 10c PKB DAY. CASH WITH ORDER. USet Solid (No Display), ptr' word each Insertion If Parafraphed or Displayed In Larger Type: (to par Una time 7c per line, 1 or mora consecutive Insertion!. (Count six wordi to the line.) ' SITUATIONS WANTED. Weekly rate..,.. .....20o per line CARDS OF THANKS, DEATHS AMD FINfcKAL MITREM XOc per line each Insertion (count six words to ine line.) ' (Minimum charge, 60 cents.) MONTHLY" RATH FOR STANDINO ADS. (No change of copy allowed.) On line Two line or more , 1.80 (Count llx words to the line.) ALL FOREIGN ADVERTISING- UNDER HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS to per word '. one time lHo per word, two or mora consecutive in- sertions. SPECIAL COM HI NATION RATE. On Land, Poultry and Other Advertising. THE, OMAHA Dtti (over bU.UUU uailV. 20TH CENTURY FARMER (over 110,000 weekly). A combined circulation which will reach both the city and rural resident Special Reg. Rates. Rate. t Insertions In Omaha Bee and 1 insertion In 20th Century Farmer, per line 100 42c I Insertions In Omaha Bee and l insertion In 20th Century Farmer, per word,. to 7c 7 Insertions In Omaha Be anrf l Insertion In 20th Century Farmer, per line 62o 72c T insertions In Omaha Tie and 1 Insertion In 20th Century Farmer, per word JOtfe 12c (Contract rates on application.) THE BEE will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect insertion or an aaver tlsement ordered for more than one time. ADVERTISERS should retain receipts given by The Bee In payment for Want Ads. as no mistakes can be reclined witnout mem. USE THB TELEPHONE If you cannot con i yenfently bring or send In your ads. Ask for Want Ad Taker and you will re oelve Hie same good service aa when de livering your an at the office. PHONE TYLER 1(100. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE! EVENING EDITIONS 11:90 M. MORNING EDITIONS 10:00 P. MOVIE PROGRAM. Uejimt tarings of the beat atotlea Pie- rare T Beaters m umsna, u nana. I'sur.i North. DIAMOND, !4TH AND LAKE PEABt, WHITE In CHAPTER I, "PEARL OP THE AltHT MARY NAHH In "ARM 8 AND THE WOMAN1 URAND. 10TII AND H1NNEY ' WILLIAM DESMOND and DOROTHY WALTON In "A OAMBLE IN SOULS." EuTUIlOP. 34TH AND LOTHllOP FRAXKLTN PARNUM nd I.KA1I RA1RD In 'TUB DEVIL'S PAY DAT." South. OLLO. !!'" AN I. LEAVENWORTH PRANKLYN FARNL'M I.N "THE MAN WHO TOOK A CHANCE." M LEAVENWORTH VALKSKA (JURATT IN "THE VICTIM." West. tlii FARNAM FLORENCf REED IN "THE COURTLY WAY,' South Side. UHrilEUM. 34TU AND 11 FRANK MILLS In ' "THE HOI'HB OP MIRRORS." ALSO A MUSICAL TABLOID COMEDT. 34TU AND t TIIEDA BARA IN "THE DAItLINU OF PARIS." FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HL1.8E RlEl'EN. undurlaK.ra and w - palmers. 01 Ho. nth Ht. Duuglaa 12. DUFFY A JUrliiBTON, embalniera and tu neral director., 717 8, 18th St. Tyler 1070 FLORISTS. BEST , QUALITY CUT FLOWERS or plants. . Art comblnatlong .hipped every ' where. Excellent aervlce to our custom' rs In past year, recommends. HESS a 8WOHODA. Hit Farnam. Hong. 101 Poutenella Florist LEE L. LARMON UU DougJs. St. Dong Inn H244. LARGEST assortment of fresh flowers. L. HENDERSON. 1519 FARNAM. PARKER Flower shop. 411 8. 16th. D. 8108. A. DONAOHUE, 1428 Harney. Doug. 1001. BATH, National Florist, 1804 Farnam St. FRATERNAL ORDERS. ATTENTION Camp No. 120, Modern Wood men of A merles: Clerks office hereafter will be at 701 South 'llth Hi., Hulse Rtepen'a undertaking parlors, Assess " menta can also be paid at U, 8. National Bank by presenting postal card notice. - Meetings hereafter will be held at Crounae Hall, lvth and Capitol Ave, every Wad- , nesday evening. C H. T, RIKPEN. Clerk. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Paul F. and Adele Stelnwander. 4107 South Nineteenth, girl; Max and Mary Rosenthal, 141 North Twenty 'fourth, girl; .Daniel and Letha Sydner, 1426 North Elev enth, girl; Floyd and Lucille Mulford, 631 Wirt, boy; Francesco and Franceses, Caa ttgllev 166 Norrn Seventeenth, girl; Vln censo and Rosa Marino, 1211 Dorcas, boy: Albert and Mart Faborovitky, Thirty-first and II, boy; Fred H. and Lola Bristol, 1602 North Thirty-fifth, girl; Clifton and Helen M. Jones. 3?0l North Seventeenth, boy; Samuel and Ida Lerner, H0& North Twuni tteth, boy; William Roy and Aura E, John son. 114 South Thlrty-flftb, girl; Fred and Lena Drew, ins Spring, girl; Henry and Nellie Ward, 1344 South Twenty-seventh, boy, Joseph and Ad L, Vaehal, list South Forty-second, girl; Abraham and Mary Ellas. 1110 South Twelfth, boyr DeathsMargaret Saunders, II, I0 South Thirty-third: Alflo VrciMI, 1, 1611 North Seventeenth; Reuben Williams, IT, US North Twenty-third; Myrtle Roberts, St, 1911 Web ster; John R. Powers, II, 1031 Leavenworth; Herald O. Parker, 16, 101 South Twentieth; Jamea Manglulual Winona Fullerton, 4, 341 Evans. , , MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permits to wed have liven tamed tu Ok following; Name and Residence. Are. William F. Hansen, Omaha at Ida, Haswell, Omaha , v,, ji Paul Rabbas, Hooper, Neb ,, iff ; Clara Kelson. Hooper, Neb, , $ Herman D. Jones, Red Oak. la. .,,,..,. 43 Annie Hobbs, Red Oak, la 41 Mark A. Starr, Omaha...,.,...., i Easte X, Chambers, St. Joseph Mo.,.,,., in Dernarf O. Ntxea, Omaha a: Edna B. Rlddleeton, Council Bluffs, 1a,, J: Arthur X 71am, Sheridan, Wyt, :? Mary. C Beadle. Omaha " :t It Ranford, Omaha ?7 Ma Skelly, Minneapolis. Minn SO BUILDING PERMITS. Koetanty Rynkteovtoi. 4UI South Forti eth, frame dwelling. ISM; J. y. Thorp, 17 Nouth Flfty-aecoad. fraaa dwelling. 1EP0; llmmanuel hoepltal, 1414 MeredUh avenue, r-iinir.' f50t; Corliss Products oompexy, moo-u-iz iXfix. brltU factory, i7,uoa. LQS'i ;OUPRWARDS li'i RKWAHD Kor In forma ttou leedlng to rermerf of Ford touring rar.. motor No. 11M4TL Stolen Fb. 1, from Waterloo Cream-rr Co. rttleh union and Nstlonnl Jwraeca Co., ilU W. O. W,. ilMg . LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IF you lose anything and will adv.rtis. her. you will surely rcovr It If found by an honest person, wmarkabl. rcov erles are- brought about every day tbrouib this column. THE HONEST WAT. If you Hnd omethln, of value, or a keepsake, of value only to the owner, la to insert a email ad. The owner of the article In moat cases le will Inv to refund the coat of advertising. OMAHA & COUNCIL I1I.UFF8 STHKET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha at Council Bluffs Rtreet Kallway company to ascertain whether they left H In the atreet car. Many article, each day ftre turned and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owners. Call Tyler 100, HAMILTON WATCH GOLD CAHJ, ENURAVEO P. K. Lost Sunday. Liberal roward. 756 Omaha National Dank. THB OREATK8T OAIN 68.73R Jn paid want ads ever made by any Omaha paper is the record of THE OMAHA BKB for 11 6. HK8T RKSULTS LOWEST RATE. LOHT Between Union Pacific depot and Omaha National bank one Uladstone . traveling bag; return to 537 Omaha Na tional bank and receive reward. LOST In Brandels store, package contain ing leather watch raee and Maeonlo double eagle pin. Pin valued aa keepsake. Phone Hornry 240. Reward. FOUND a sanitary Soda Fountain. GRBKN'8 PHARMACY. 16th and Howard. LOST Camp j brooch on 40th St.. between Lows Ave, Pres. church and California Bt. Finder plesse call Wal. 780. STRAY ED cat and blue eyes, nut 1311. rlth brown paws, oars, tail Reward. Telephone Wal- FOR SALE Miscellaneous urniture and Household Goods. "THE STURE OK QUALITY ANlJ ECONOMY. Before buying furniture investigate the opportunity we offer you to secure better ttuallty values at lower prices. An enor mous stock of complete house furnishings. The "Don't buy until -nu try" State Fur niture Co,, 14th and Dodge Sts. Doug. 1411, THE GREATEST OAIN 61.711 In paid wants ada aver made by any Omaha paper, ti the record of THE UMAHA BKB for 1114. BEST R KS U LT8 LOW EST RATE. MONGY-RAISINO SALE. (1,000 stock of furniture, ruga, linoleum, all kinds of bedding, complete line of nouse rurnisntngs, iiuy-lM7 N. 24th. Tel. weo. lout, upen a. m. till li p. STOVES, ALL KINDS. Sea us first. Priced rignt. city jrurnitura Co., 107 8. 14th, Loyal Furniture Co., 123 N. ldth 8t, LEAVINO city, household goods, including piano, fjining imoie, Daaeuurner, cneap. 8434 Corby. FOR SALE Bookcase and davenport Red jo o. join Bt, 6 ROOMS, furniture nearly now, reasonable. lyier a. Mr. Marks. Pianos and Musical Instrument!. PIANO, upright, practically new. excellent tone and condition; will sacrifice, alls Evans, Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES , W. rent, repair, sell needle, and parts of all leering machine.. MIC'KWL'S NKBRASKA CYCLE CO., I J3Mland Harney Bta. Ioug. 362. Billiard' and Pocket TabfeV! FOR HALE UII.UAltD TABLES, iuand now, carom anrl pocket, with complete outnt. IleO; aecond-hand tables at re duced price.; bowllna alley, and suppllea; easy naym.nts. C'liar .tore natures a apsclalty. Send for catalogue. THE BRUNBWICK-BAI.KB-COLLKNDER CO.. U7-t0 South 10th Ht. Machinery and Enjinei. 'new and skcondhand MOTnns. "' 1 EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS, 1.E IiRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. " POil SALE Allls-Chalmer. motor. Id-horse power, ovv volt., u. japlan Bon, South XltllLERH, steam, electric, caa enelnaa. Plp.s. Uross Wrecklnr Crf.. 1.19 Cuinlna. Printingjind065cSupplie8. Cl'W MKItriAl. UupUcatlni Coalsor"pubiic Mteno. I'hone tor prices. l)uila. .2803. 640 l'axton Block. OET our prli-es on Job printing. MUSH STATES PKINTlNtl CO., Bee Bids. Pouelu 1172." W ATKRS-BA RNHARDT t't. Co.. quality prlntlnr Tel. Doug. 2110. 624 8. 13th St. Typewriters and Supplies. TYI'EWniTBRS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver typewriter I month, for II. Central Typewriting Eichange, ltot Varnam, KEMINUTON8. Monarch, and Smith Pret mler. for rent; .ont anywhere. Remington typewriting uompany. V. 1284, FOR SALE Sea our lln. or, rebuilt type- .n,.u. prioes, tuny guaranteM. aiontniy payment.. Hemlngton Type, writer Co., 19th and Douglas. D. 1214. UI.ARANTKKD typewriters, 110 up. Write ror list. Mlillanu Typ. Co.. Bee Bldg. Miicellaneoui. OMAHA PILLOW CO., Down Comforters man. over jusi UK. new. All your own feather, back when w. renovate. We call for and deliver. 1107 Cuming. Doug. DESKS, safes, scales, showcase,, shelvlnv. lo. we only sou. Omaha Klxtore and Supply Co7 414-lS-lg 8. 12th. Doug. 1724. DRV KINDLING WOOD. ACME BOX COMPANY. HAUNET.- 1827. SALT, 81.75 bbi, A. W. Wagn.r, 101 N, lilthT KlndTinV wood Cheap.' 1267 S. llth. D. 1710. MEDICAL. TOU CAN HAVE IOUR HEALTH 1 LAtEST AND MOST SCIENTIFIC ' TREATMENT. CONSULTATION, EXAMINATION FREE. Dr. Barnes tresis uccessfully all Curable Disease, el th. No.t, Throat, Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Kidney., Heart, Brain, Nerves, Blood and Skin, a. well a. Catarrh of thy part ot th. body, Constipation, Chronlo and Acute Rheumatism, Ulcers, Neuralgia, Bel alio Lumbago. , Dr. Barnea ! the' only phy.lclaa In this part of th. country ailmln laterlnr this .yitem of treatment. Investigate It. DR. CHARLES BARNES, Suit. Ill ta 110 Rosa Bldg., SjE. Corner 10th and Farnam Sis. Phona Tyler 1430. DR. K. B. TARRr, PILES, FISTULA Dr. E. R. Tarry cure, piles, fistula and other rectal dlsaaaea without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Wrlta for book n rcc tal dlaeaaea with testimonials. ; S DR. B. K. TARRT, 240 Be. Bldg. Omaha. Neb. BALL TLAYKllS AND ATHLETES. Oet In condition with a Inula of Pryor'. Athlet. Liniment, for sale by all druggists, or writ. DR. M. PRTOR, II PATTERSON BLK, CONDITIONER AND TRAINER OF ATHLETES. RUPTURE Successfully treated without a euraicei operation. call or writ. Dr. Frank H. Wray. lot Bca Bldg. Chiropractors. DK. KNOLLKNHERtl. SAXITAIIIUM. Lady aui'mlunt. 2th anil e.rn?m. D. 7285. r. J. I. L-jwr.-nce, Bnlrd ' Bld'g.'Hv 840L Dr. Frances Dawson. 6U2-2 Rose Bid. T. 2318. Drs. Johnston. 1125 W. O. W, Bldg. D.-I5l Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 913 W. O. W. Bldg. Tati'g Drat, it ma., lis no. BuBTiltc. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF YOU HAVE aomu artlcletnat has out lived Its uftefulnees to you make up a little ad and run it In this column at lc per word. You will be more than pleased with the remarkable offerings you will receive. One or two Insertions Ui nearly all cases are sufficient to get what you want. TRY IT TODAY, A JOB-LOT of watches and some diamonds to trade fur auto, equity in house, or what have you? Watts, 637 Paxton Blk. WE swap or buy kodaks; films developed free; one-day service. Kasu Kodak Stu dio, Neville Blk., Hth and Harney. WANTEDTO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS a New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J, C. Keed, 1207 Farnam. D. 6148, JENKINS Pays highest price for domes, shoes, trunks, . Rd 3297. Res., Douglas 803iV WANTED 5 to 10 h. p. d. c. motor, slo . speed, 110 or 2 SO volt; state condition and price. Box Y-8H0, Bee. WANTED Collie puppy. Call South 391. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accountants. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A, 638 Ramge Bldfr. Phone Doug. 2169. Accordion Plea tin ft. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all styles, hemstitching, plcot edging, am' broidery, blading, braiding, cording, eye' let cut worn, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., suu uougias Jim. ivougias l'Jib, VAN ARM A.N Dress Pleating and Button lo., .,?6-7 Paxton Blk. Doug. 310V. Accor dlon, knife, side, space, box, sunburst and co mui nation pleating, noma niching, pico edging, pinning, rucning, covering but tuns, ail styles and all sixes. Price list free ACC'OUDIUN. Side, Knife, ' Box Pleating, cnv. Buttons, Hemstitching. Neb. Pleatlm and Button Co., 431-2 Puxton Blk R. 494 Bakeries. ORTMAN'S NEW EN(1LANI BAKERY, 21J N. 18TH. BRANCH KH PUBLIC MARKET AND HAYDKN BROTHERS. OUR MOTTO "BETTER BAKED GOODS. CAKES, pastry and fancy bakery goods supplied to parties, lodges and entertain ments. Z- H. Reeder, 1506 N. 18th. W. 3927. Baths. ELECTRIC TURKISH BATHS. The only absolutely sanitary bath. Highly recommended by physicians. Staats Institute,, 160R Harney St. D. 7097. Open evenings ana nunaays. DR. BENDA Sulphur, ateam. Modern Turk isn UATHB anu MA Ha auk. Private apartments for ladles, with lady attend ants. 1919 Farnam. Phone Doug. 6877. BATH and maaitage, manicuring, physical culture. Miss Walker, 224 Neville Block. RITTENHOUSE sanitarium; all kinds baths, aio-14 flalrd Blk., 17th and Douglas German mime, massage, baths of all kinds. Vin Neville Block, 16th and Harney. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltrholl Co., 7th and Martha Sts, Carpenters and Contractors, LKSHAKI) & SON, 2021 Cuming. Tyler 1S32. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment Dr. burhorn, Kose BJdg. Palmer srhool graduate. Dougla. 1347. ChiroDodists. Carrie J. Burford, Q2ti Paxton Blk. Red 4C57. Dancing Academy. HP. T TTY17 "ALL Tl'ES., THITRS. a-aj UUAU HAT.. SUN. HVB. SCHOOL muji. svb, in h. tsto m tip. eontenene Detective!. COMPETENT lnvestlaator. evld.nce seeured. civil criminal cases. 60, Paxton. Doug. 6002 OMAHA DKTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. ,38 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone Tyler 2510. JAMKS AI.LANrin Neyfile ifiit. Bvldenco sec-red In all cases. Tyler 1188. Interststc Detective Ass'n, 432 Ramge, Bldg. I. JOLLY, SLJ Paxton. Red 7401. ' Dreumaking. Connelly, 415 Karbanh. R. 1794 Terry Dressmaking Co., 20lh and Farnam. Fixturea and Wiring-, nTTRVTM Klectrio washing machines, UUIVIUII electric Irons and readln. lamps. 222,7 Cuming St. Douglas 2518. Insurance. ' BANKERS LIFB OK LINCOLN. 11814 City Nat'l Bunk Bldg. Doug !lt. Maaseurei. SWRDIRII and muscular massage, electrto treatment or all kinds. Staats Institute, law Harney St. Douglas 70D7. Open evening ann nunaays. Massage, chiropody. Mlnole Nagle, 205-1, nairq jquig. nin ana Douglas. D. 2458, MISS LILLY, bath massage, 1222 Farnam St. MABBAOE, lady.atten'dant, 222 Novllle Blk. Patent Attornevi. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter- nanonai relent t:o,. 583 Branilfls. 1. 8691, Paintinar and Paoer Hans-ins?. PAINTING mid oleanlng, ftOo per room and up. W. clean carpets In your home with out removing same, 11 per rug and up. iveDsier ,oea. FOR high Class painting and wall decorat Ing call X. J. Dollnsky. H. 4175. Painting, paperhanglng. cleaning. H. 5779. Pianos for Rent. 31.50 per mo. A. Hopse Co., 1611 Douglas. Theatrical Costumes. LARuEST stock of costumes for theatricals and masquerade. In the country for .ale or rent, t.iepen ft son, 1614 Howard. THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits, for rent. 104 K. 17th. John Foldman. D. 1128. Towel Supplies. Oinkha Towel Supply. 241 s. llth. D. B28, Wedding Stationery, WEDDING announcements and printing. iiougiaa iriniing CO. Jl. Doug. 644. Where to Eat. EAT HOME COOKED MEALS NEW DELICATESSEN, 1108 FARNAM. TUIRROITCIHS CAKE. OMAHA, NEB, (Service), LINCOLN, NEB. 118 9. 18th. A 133 S. 13th St. BUSINESS CHANCES PARTNERS WANTED I have an opportunity to buy an excellent general merchandise store no buildings in a good town, in a hue tarming oountry in east Ne braska. 1 want one or two young men well posted on general mer chandising as active partners to run this business. I will put in the big part ot the money, but my partners must have an investment, that will guarantee me that they will be per sonally interested in tne tirm j suc cess. This, is an excellent opportunity for the right parties. None but young men with the best of refer ences should see me about it. Any one interested should telephone, wire or write me at once, or better come right here and see me. My option on this store will soon run out and I will have to act quick in order to get it. JAMES MOLGARD, RUSKIN, NEB. Sl'LEN'DID OPENING Han with ats and manarnrtai ability ji- niu Invest 11,000 In capital stock of li :i uuto acomory firm weat of Chicago t, .1 tcur rdponal bla petition. -Com pa ay pitying food profit. Need additional capital to caver new field. Bank and trade refgrencea, Box 14X7, Bee, HIUHU8T (SPOT CASH PAID for atoret and itock of merchandise, in clt or oountry; quick action. OMAHA SALVAGE! CO.. tSt Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1S33. THB GREATEST OAIN 68, 73a In paid waut ada ever made by any Omaha paper la the record . of THB OMAHA HSR for 1(18. BUST RKSULTS LOWEST RATH. Ot'K bakery for aala; population of 1,000; for aalfl or rent. Do 4,Guo bueinM a yfar, If you menn buetnew write, Baat ern Ncbrtidka. Only bakery In town; goal lively ytm. Hoi X . fit. BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED Reliable lady or gentleman with u00 cash to take active part In a local manufacturing company; this will pay fl.o per month from the tftarL Address BOX Y-87V, Bee. FOR SALE Oood clean stock of hardware; live town, central Nebraska, Oood rea aon for selling. Be quick. Address 267, B-ie. FOR SALE Interest In prominent retail drug store In Lincoln, Neb. Oood reason for selling. Apply J. C. Vanglun, 216 South rourtn Ht., t. (,ouis, mo, DO WD Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, have cloied out more mdae. etocka than any omer rirm in u. b. write lor terma. WE BUT, we sell motion picture theaters. machfnee, feature fllma. Co-operative Film and supply Co., 210 Bromley Bldg. RESTAURANT doing good bunlnees In live town; must aell on account of other bualneaa. Box T 872. Bee. WILLIAMS, eatabltahed 31 yeara. To buy or sell business te him. 411 McCague mag. Kufurence, u. s. National Bank. IP YOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming house call on Bunch A Borghoff. vj worm-Moraia uiag. rnone u. Z3i9. MOTIOXi pictureaphlne (newand l built), theators Applied. Omaha Film Exchange, 108 B, 14th St. COMPLETE fixtures of 2-chalr barber shop. very reasonable. Miller Hotel, South Omaha. Phone South 1983. MOVINO PICTURE machines, new and re built, all makes; supplies. Western Sup ply lo am nat. wiug. DOCTOR An experienced physician wants to learn of a good location. Box 1686, Bee. OWING- to sickness, my drug store for sale, cheap. If taken at once. Box Y S6I, Bee. SPECIAL plans to sell a business or r a. es iato.K.V. Knieat, Bee Bldg., Omaha. BEST COAL AND PEED business in Omaha, cheap; cheap rent. Box 1647, Bee. WANT Job printing plant to move to small town. Canan, McCague Bldg. TO OET In or out of hunlness call OANOESTAD. 42t Bee Bldg. Doug. 347 Rooming Houses. ROOMING HOUSES, HV sizes, ginat bar gains. 416 Kose BldgA Phone Tyler 287, SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, 30c PER LINE. Businea ada, regular ratea S lines on week...,, ..... 1 Jinea one week earn extra Hps lOe par week Male. WANT CLERICAL POSITION. Young man, college and commercial graduate, wishes clerical position with chances for cdvancement. Now high cnoo. commercial eacner out wish Busi ness position. Best of references. Inter views requested. Ensley, Box, 267 Esther vine, ja. MACHINIST. Age 30, wishes position as lathe hand, s yeara experience; wants to locate li Omaha. John F. Balerl, 310 12th St. JHllWaUKfle, wis. YOUNG man employ 3d" at' but do. siring cnange wants , osltlon as assistant DOouKeep..- or bank employe. Have bank ing and business experience, good educa tion. A-No. 1 references. Box Y 874, Bee. THE OKEATE8T GAIN 61,7 SS in paid want-ads over made by any Omaha paper la the record of THB OMAHA BEE for 1118. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. It YRS. of retail merchant retired 3 years ago. una time hard to occupy, would like to become associated with a reliable firm aa city representative. Phone Harney S719 or an areas box 3U4, Bee. MIDDLE-AGED man wishes position traveling salesman. Can furnish beat of references, r. a. Hants, xwz Crown Point Ave. EVEN ITS' O work In the line of auditing or dook Keeping solicited; or small set of dooks to Keep evenings. Address F. O. Box 811, city. WANT work for the year around by exDerl- encea larinjana witn lamny. Alter April in. neterence. jsox li, sterling, uoio. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires change positions: good reference!. Ad' drees Box 1818. Befl. SITUATION wanted as chauffeur In private lamuy, uoou reierences, .rnone Doug las 9007.- JAPANESE, going to school, wants work In private family, Hede Okt, care Y. M. C. A, POSITION wanted as watchman or hotel cicrx box i6i, tiee. MAN wants position taking car of office. city reiaroncea. can uoug. 7oa. GEORGE moves ashes and will do general naming. bd, oujtj. Good Ford mechanic desires position. D. "559, Female. EXPERIENCED saleslady wants position in .nunnery store. Aauress ilox iso. 177, Wall Lake, la. WANTED A position as housekeeper by widow with one child. Address S. Warne, xisiDin ot., Aurora, isen. THB BEE charge for "Situation d" tower tnan any other form of advertising iwi pnougn to cover me cob i or printing. Prar-tidal nursing or matron with huuband's aasistance; speaks I languages. Web. t80. WOMAN with little boy wants steady Job as no uae Keeper in cityj Tyier Jaolf. COLORED woman, experienced chamber- maia, wants work. Tyler lH8-w. WORK by the week on farm. Minnie Lar- wr-n. '.lonwood, la. Laundry and Day Work. PIRST'CLASS laundress wants day work. tin i;oiiax sbju. DAY WORK wanted by reliable colored woman, ijait uougias 60S8. WANTED Laundry work or housework. Mrs,' Julia Jones, 944 N. nth, Har. 6737, FOR experienced bundle washing, call Web ster isti, prompt delivery. WANTED Day work, washing or cleaning. Ainu. ..Dtie, W NTED Bundle washing or Ironing by EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work of any mna. uaugias oiso. DAY work wanted. Wob. 4931. DAY work r houaecleanlng exp. Web. 4657. For day work or gtn. housework. Ty.TtTsj-W LAUNDRY or oleanlng, day work. Web 2973. Lace curtains nicely laundered. Web. 641S. URTA1NS laundered. H. 1130. 2814 Dodge." Colored woman wants day work. Web. 3401. WHTTaTwonian. wash. Iron. Ref." Coi7T74flT Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1610 Davenport St. Douglas 1811. Headquarters for hotel "help. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. TRAVELING salesman, local Jobblns house, ' WESTERN REP. BOND ASSN. BOOKKEEPER. Iltll); otflt-e manaiter. lion; credit man. ,11,; booKKeerter (Implement), 910; oooKKeeper-steno., ,7b. No Filing Fer. CO-OPERATIVE REKBRENCB CO. 1018-1,1 City National Ilk. Bur. STENO.. STS; steno,. 1100; bkapr., 175; steno, nd clerk. 170: office boy. l?S: elevator boy, 130; steno., 160. WATTS REF. CO.. 1st Nat. Bank BMs;. GENERAL office clerk, good penman, good at ngures, experienced, ie. WESTERN REF. ft BOND ASSN. . LUMBER yard manager (Neb ), $76;' lumbar implement and fuel manager (So. Dak.); bookkeeper, Imp)., (So. Dak.) $76. No ruing e. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 1015-1 City National Bk. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER and clerk, bank, out of wwii, too. WESTERN REF. BON D ASSN. "THE GREATEST GAIN 69,738 In paid want-ada ever mad by any Omaha paper, la the record or THE OMAHA BEE for 191$. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. SALESMAN (auto accessories) $100.00 STENO (beginner) 60.00 CREDIT MAN 126.00 T1H CANO AGENCY. M BEK BLDG. WANTED Man to sell greatest household necessity through inquiries; references re quired. Call Room 47 Wellington inn. i to e. No canvassing. STENOGRAPHER, coal company, $76. WESTERN REF. BOND ASSN. RETAIL bookkeeper, 5-t76. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN. WANTED Growing corporation wants of fice manager. Splendid chance. Small In vestment required. Address Box $21 Aber deen, S. D. ASSISTANT bookkeeper, lumber, $65. WESTERN REF, UUNL ASifW. Professions and Trades. DRUO POSITIONS ALL STATE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., IQU-lf City National Bank Bids. HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. HIGH CLASS SALESMEN WANTED by firm which desires to open up new territory in rteorasKa ana lowa. Apllcants preferred will be men over IH1 who can show good records as sales men and who can also show themselves to be men of good personal character, and. In addition. It Is desired -that "ch ap plicants shall be familiar with territory and with methods of doing business in two states aoove mentioned. Positions open are such as will enable hard workers to earn from 160 to 1200 per week. . Only high class men will receive eon .deration so when writing give full par ticulars regarding present connections and past accomplishments. All Information eo given will be treated In a atrtctly coo iiaentiai manner. Address Box 132S, Bee. IF YOU ARE A SALESMAN WHO HAS ENOUGH CONFIDENCE IN YOUR ABILITY TO FINANCE YOUR OWN EX PENSES WE HAVE A SELLING PROPOSITION THAT WILL APPEAL TO YOU. THE ARTI CLE IS AN AUTOMOBILE AC CESSORY THAT EVERY AUTO OWNER WILL CONSIDER NECESSITY INSTEAD OF LUXURY. A FEW GOOD TER RITORIES STILL OPEN. CALL DOUGLAS 3217. IRtl VAII I'MniTPDI It7 A prominent life Insurance company of Omaha will teach you the fundamental principals of salesmanship free. Course will Include Ufa insurance an-1 how sell It. This service la absolutely free, You owe It to yourself to grasp this op portunlty. Enroll now for freo course, day and night classes. COMMONWEALTH JIFE INSUR ANCE CO., 724 Omaha National Bank, Phone Dougtaa 1070. ADVERTISING specialty salesman for our complete line ot nne arc calendars, siumi num. cloth, fans, lead pencil, rulers, cel luloid, thermometers, pennants, signs and metal novelties. Exclusive protection given good men in this city and outside terrt- torlese. Connect with the fastest growing specialty nouse in iNeoraska. m. r. snarer it Co. llth and Farnam Sts. Fourth floor. WANTED The Belt Automobile Insurance Association, the largest in the world now Issuing an accident policy that covers all accidents of automobile drivers. Pays ifi a week. Cost 17.60 a year no dues- no assessments. Resources nearly 11,000, 000. Territory now available. Address The Belt Accident Department, El Paso, ill. LIVE WIRES WITH SOME CAPI TAL. PHONE ME FOR AP POINTMENT. LIVE PROPO SITION. HARRY LAKE, FLAT- IRON HOTEL. LIVE wire s-leamen for new Hopr Indian rugs. Call after 6 p. m- Mr. Sykes, S010 Davenport St., Omaha, Neb. YOl'NO man, gffod talker, as city salenmien Midland Ribbon and Carbon Co., 228 Bee Bldg. WANTED Two live salesmen to call on auto owners. Call Doug. 6003. Trade Schools. AUTO MECHANICS EARN BIO MONET. Never Idle Big Demand. Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING) ABS'N, 8817 N. 20th St., Omaha. Send for Free Catlaoguo. LEARN barber trade; be Independent, more than make your expenses wniie learning Wage or percentage. We don't over charge you to begin. i403 Dodge St. THI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. NIOHT SCHOOL Autos and eloctrlo start ers. Fur particulars call Douglas 4473. or write us. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEQH. 2051 Farnam St., Omaha. Miscellaneous. OMAHA Government clerk examinations April 3, T6 to $120 month. Sample questions free. Write Franklin Institute, Dept. C. Rochester, N. T. FIREMEN, AKEMEN, beginners paid $126-1150 monthly; no atrlka. Hallway, Box T-831. Bee. ' HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WK HAVE MORE VACANCIES for experi enced stenographers than we can fill. Call and see us. NO FILING FEE, only 50 cents to Investigate references. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1317-18 V.'. O. W. Bldg. TENOORAPHER and clerk, good at fig ures, $85. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN. STENOGRAPHERS, $50-$76. 3 bookkeepers. $66. 3 blllers and elks., $50. Ledger elk., $40; file elk., $35. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. Established Eleven Years. 101S-16 City National Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, small offflce. $50. WESTERN REF. ft BOND ASSN. CIGAR CLERK $40.00 STENO (beginner, out-of-town) .... 60.00 STENOGRAPHER 66.00 THE CANO AOENCY, 601", BEEBLDQ. STENO., $66; steno. and bkkpr., $50; steno. $50; coinpt. opr., $36 to $45', WATTS REF COJst Nat. Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, beginner, Insurance of- Tlce, 36-$40. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASSN. GIRL for apda fountain. Beaton Drug Co. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeper, up town office, $70. WESTERN REF. ft BOND ASSN. Professions and Trades. OPERATORS AND INSPECTORS. LADIES. Come to work In our horse dress and apron department. A number ot new machines were recently Installed In this department for making house dresses and we want operators for them. They are driven by electric power and require no exertion. We also want some ladles for In specting house dresses after they are made. This work is not difficult. Working conditions' here uro ideal. The rooms are large, clean, light and well ventilated. A private din ing hall In which hot tea and coffee re served Is at your disposal. Experienced operators and Inspeetors are desired, but K you have had no such experience come down and get acquainted with the work. You can learn. if you aro Interested, come down to M. E. Smith A Co., on the south west corner of 9th and Douglas and ask for Mr. Anderson. WANTED Girls with common sobool edu cation, between IS and 22 yeara, to take up local and long distance telephone work. a F- LambBrt- 1807 Douglaa Ht WANTED Ten girls, packing department good wages, lten Biscuit Co., 13th and Capitol Ave. FINISHERS on ladles' coats, M. E. Smith ACo., 9th and Douglaa. WANTED Massage girl at once. Rm 228, Neville Blk. MASS AG E girl wanted. 1322 Farnam St. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Three lady solicitors, salary and travel ing expenses, splendid proposition. Inves tigate. Mrs. L. R. Fleming, Cat lie hotel. LADY solicitors for food product that helps reduce the high cost of living. Very easy and pleasant work. Good pay for those who can produce the business. Apply at once $06 C routine Blk. Household and Domestic- WANTED Young girl or elderly lady for companion to young mother with two small children, wiiose husband is trav eling man; In lice, new home, near car line. Phone Harney 6331. WANTED A .apuble white girl; references; three In family; good wage No, 1 Col bert Apt., I9tb and Farnam. Phona Har ney $01k WANT UD Competent cook; references; good wages tor satisfactory person. Mrs. F, B. Johnson. Harney 1438. - WANTED An experienced second girl; good references required. Hamilton, $10 H 32d Ave, Mrs, Frank T. HELP WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. WANTED Good girl for general housework. Keep a second girl, Mrs, J. A, Sunder land. Walnut 282. WANTED Girl to assist with ttesework ana care oi smau enna. mono walnut 3707. WANTED Woman for homework; farm! experience preferred. Address A. C. Hardy, Bpringnem, web. EXPERIENCED housekeeper for small fam lly, permanent position, good home; ref erences exchanged. Box aCB. Bee. WANTED Neat girl for general housework. musi d gooa cook; no wasmng. wal nut 192, WANTED A competent whlto cook. Phone Harney 206, or apply 206 S. 32d Ave. COMPETENT maid for general housework. ! Mrs. F. B. Kennard. Walnut 3410. WANTED A girl for general housowork. 138 R 31st Harney 164tf. WANTED An experienced second girl, white preferred. Harney 2641. WANTED Girl for goneral housework; plajn cooking, call Harney 548&. GOOD girl for general housework, no wath- ing. 510 so, 25th Ave. WANTED A good girl to assiat with house work. Harney 1342. GIRL for general housowork ; 401 S. 3fith St. WANTED A girl for second work 114 K 18th St. HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED immediately, names of men and women, is or over, vishlng to become government clerks. $75 month. Educa tion unnecessary. Box Y-866. Bee. WANTED Experienced white married cou pie to act as janitor and chambermaid, 2101! Chicago. WANTED Amateurs, Friday. Call Tyler 1190. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE, DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and Eugllnh branches. Catalog free. HOYIjISH CO.jL.EUE, Douglas 1565. 18th and Harney Sts. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, ifAI AiXU iSVKNIHO SCHOOLS. Seoond Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg; En trance 220. Douglas 6890. Y. M. C. A. Day, and Night School. Musical, PIANO lessons taught to beginners. 2097. FOR RENT HOUSES West. 3303 HOWARD ST. A 2story frame. 7 rooms and ieaptnf porch. New furnace. Room for one oar In garage If desired. House rent. $30. ALFRED THOMAS, SOS First Nat Bk. Bldg. North. PRACITICALLY new modern 8 -room house. first class condition, three blocks from good school, walking distance from high school and Crelghton. on car Hoe. L. Burns, Webster 4182. NEW bungalow, Btory and a half, 6 -rooms on first floor, 8 rooms on cond, modern $ 27.50. 28th and 'rankl in. Red 1 881. 322 N. 25th St. 7 looms, veneered brick, modern, hot water heat; in good shape. Phone Colfax 31,54. 114 N. 221). 4-r. flat, mod. ex. heat, $16. RASP BROS., 210-Keellno Bldg. Tyler ROOM month. good repair, J. 10 per ROOM bungalow, furnished; strictly mod- ern. walnut ie.4. i South. ROOM all modern bouse, $26 per mouth. I 025 So. 36th. Call Harney 2991. NEWLY remodeled 4 -room house, $9. Tele phone Harney 6530. Miscellaneous. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. 6-R., 603 Martha SL $12.50 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. &-R., 2914 Saratoga St., reduced to 18.00 6-R 618 N. 17th St 20.00 ' 551? 2" S.C (fr coJorBd 6- R., 7- R., 4327 N. 27th St. (brand nerr) 26.0 4612 S. 23d St., (Good brick dwelling, convenient to busi ness center of South Omaha. newly decorated throughout) 25.00 I-R.. iMait Bristol at. (Good brick dwelling with large larn In the rear.) 22.50 9-R-, 9-R.. 559 S. 26th Ave. 36.0U 569 S. 26th St. 82.50 , 2221 Dodge St 40.00 I ' 10-R. HEATED APARTMENTS. 4-R., Apt. N. 6 Stoecker, 826 S. 24th St., (All outside rooms, very light and de- . sirame. 123 summer, $;:o winter.) STRICTLY MODERN, 6-R., 3018 Dewey Ave., $37.60. WE HAVE OTHERS. See OUR COMTLETE LIST BEFORE RENTING. PORTER & SHOTWELL, 202 S. 17th St. 1 Doug. 6013. Officen with HOME BUILDERS. BEST RE NT SN A PSOFFE R ED. 5-r. mod., new, very choice, 2836 N. 30th, $20; fl-r. mod., choice, 1615 S. 28th, $25; 0-r., 2 lots, fine for chickens and garden, 3605 Valley, $15; store and living rooms, toilet, water, elec light and gas, K21 N. St., $7; 6-r. mod.. 211S Burt, $20; 111 others. $4 to $40: 6-r. mod. bungalow. 1203 N. 29th Ht., $22.50; 6-r. new, city water, 2005 8.. 8th St., $16; 6-r., toilet, gas, water. 2823 S. XTtn ft.. J13. M'KITRICK R. OS. CO..-D. HS2. Tyler 2140-J. 8-KOOM modern House with garage for cars, close to car line, on paved street I i:i0 month. Douglas 2oie. HOUSES in alt parts of the city. CREIGH. SO 19 A CO., 601 Bee Bldg. LARGE moving van with cartful men, $2 per hour, aordon van Co. Douglas 394, MOVING AND STORAGE 'GORDON VANTXX FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage .and mov ing. 319 X. lllh St. Phone Do uk las 1194. FIDELITY FEEE Phone Douglatf $S for complete list of vacant houses und apart ments. Also for storage, moving, Klh and Jackson St. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to ordfm for moving, packing or storage. Office fit Raymond Furniture Co., 1613 and 1616 Howard St. Phone Doug. 5524. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving; packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 803 a 16th St. Douglaji 4163. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service in moving, packing and storing, call Tyler ZM or Douglas AiK Maggard- Van and two men, $1.25 per hour. Van and Storage Co., Moving, Packing, storage and snipping. Phone Doug. 1496. JP prpn Express Co." Moving. 1207Farnam St. Web. 2748. Doug. 6146. TWIN CITY EXPRESS CO., lmT'asiT sT Douglas 1717. Trunks stored a specialty. WANTED TO RENT Unfumisncv Apartments ana Houses. WE want uiore houses and apdumenis to rent Th fact that we have (Tactically cleaned cut our big list la conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental service. If you want to keep your places rented see rayns A Slater Co., "Omaha a Rental Men," 61 Omaha National ,4tan't Bldg. Douglas 101" WE want good houses to rent. PAYN8 A SLATER. 1 Omaha-Nat l Bidg. Phom Doug. 1018. WANT to rent or lease modern cottage about 7 rooms, good location, near car line. Ref erences furnished Address Box1 270, Bee. POULTRY AND PET STOCK Scneuln,, 11.50 100. A.W. nI, ,01 N. 16th FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to And the room yon desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete detailed description of va cant rooms In all parts of the city. If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address and a list will be mailed to you at ence. New lists are Issued overy week. Furnished Rooms. MUST BE SEEN TO APPRECIATE. EXCELLENT SURROUNDINGS. Two rooms, beautifully furnished, to couple; la'ge, strictly modern home, very desir able, during sunnier months. Breakfast -If desired. Web. 32f.x. I i - I THE GREATEST GAIN 88,731 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper. Is the record of THB OMAHA BEE for 1915. -..EST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. CASS, 2606 Attractive room; new, mod ern home, with every convenience; suit able for one or two gentlemen; walking distance; two car lines; refined private family. COZILY furnished and largo front room, for one or two, $12 month for one, $lo for two. Both adjoining. House privilege, v-alking distance. Referem-es. Harnay 41lM, NEWLY furnished, in strictly modern home. private family; close to cur. One or two ladies. Colfax ;CK7. 616 S. 22D. 3 rooms, modorn, clean, plenty heat, newly furnished, 0 blocks to Bur-gess-Nush. BEAUTIFUL furnished room, suitable for 2, ciose in, reasonable. 2047 Dodge St. HEATED room for workingmcn. Modern home. 2428 Decatur. Websty 4574. 4 ROOMS, modern except heat. $15 per month. 625 S. 20th St. . Housekeeping Rooms. 1609 CALIFORNA Housekeeping and sleep- I 'n& roc-ms, modern home, very reasonable. -ail lyier btz. LARUE rear room, private entrance. Con venient for children. 2648 Dodge, $10 per month. 2 ROOMS and pantry, water and gas. 1711 jacKson. Oouglas 7268. 1611 HOWARD, steam heated housekeeping ana Bleeping rooms. 3 ROOMS for light housekeeping. South ex posure: ready fox occupancy. Red fH9. 2582 HARNEY, clean housekeeping rooms. mod. apt., laundry privileges. Doug. 3427. 217 S. 25TH ST. Well heated, furnished. gas, electricity, semi-basement. SUITE of clean, nicely furnished, well heated housekeeping rooms. 2902 Dodge. I 2 ROOMS for housekeeping, furnished or un- furnished. 2739 Caldwell. Board and Rooms. 1 FOUR young men, who have nicely fur nished home, would like 2 more young men to board and room with them. Call Harney 6702. Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL ms uuni want-ad UEfT. and Dnd out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. . It's a plan that la helping many peopl. rent thetr rooms. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. DESIRABLE furnished and unfurnished apartments. All sizes and prices, splen dld location. 24h and Farnam. D. 1472. CAPITOL AVE., 1812 La Verna, 3-room modern apartment, steam hVat. hot and cold water. Doug. 884, FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. VERY choice 6-room steam heated apart ment on west rarnam St. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. North. STEAM HEAT. 4-room heated apartment, private bath. gas range and janitor. Cor. flat, 2550 Cuming St.; 2d floor; family moving Sat urday. Kate $24 winter, $18 summer. Thomas W. Hazen, 207 McCague Bkig. D. 1300. APARTMENTS of 3 and 4 rooms each, 8. ta. corner isia ana turning sts., to small families only; rental $12.60 to $18 per month; water and Janitor service fur nished; key at cor. store. Thos. W, Hazen, 207 McCague Bldg. D. 1300. South. 4-ROOM flat, modern except heat, $1$. 282tf juarcy. mono Tyler 2204 w. Miscellaneous. THE LAFATETTE, 17th Ave. and Jackson, 3 rooms and tile bath, conveniently ar ranged, close in, $30 summer. $36 winter. THE PORTLAND, Park Ave. and Leaven worth, Apt. 15, 4 rooms and tile bath, first floor, very deijlrable, excellent con dition; $35 flat rate. PAYNE & SLATER CO.. CIS Omaha Nat'l Bldg. Phone Doug. 1016. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. i'QA business rr'p'ty Stores. 172G ST. MARY'S AVE., 18x40, $40. 1430 Capitol Ave., 14x65, $20. 1422 Capitol Ave., $30. 1219 Farnam St., 18x47, suitable for bar oer snop, 30. 309 So. 13th St., 82x4S, $65. First class modern offices from $10 per month up. A few good ones left fronting on Farnam at, rarnam uiub., iztn and Farnam (Old First Nat. Bank Bldg.). FIRST TRUST CO.. REALTORS. 400 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1151, 4716 SO. 24TH ST., $100; center of South Omaha business district. E. H, Bu-nner, Kamge H1K. V. 8406. MODERN HTORt-ai ANi. oVi-MCES In Far nam wiug. fc.rat Trust Co.. D. 1151. MODERN store, 16th pt., near poatofftce, $75 . onioning, iviv Viiucago. Offices and Desk Room. OFFICES. " 1 Single and u suite. In a central lot. ' tton. brown bldg:. Room 407. Douglas 162$. DESIRABLE office rooms in the remodeled Orounse blocK, U9 N. 16th St (onoosHe post off Ice). $10 to $15 per month. Conrad Young. .122 Brandels Theater. Doug. 1571. choice o.icb jjute. baird Bldg.. I7tn aod Douglas. McCague Inv. Co. t Garages and Barns. I AUTO garage and large rm. 3026 Davenport. Miscellaneous. LARGE. Tight basement. Ibth and Howard, cheat Wright ft Lasburw Doug 16J. I H. A. WOLF, Realtor, Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown business property. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. 7 Rooms, Modern Walking Distance $3,750 Terms Owner leaving the cUy aod must sell shortly his all modern 7-r. . house, ron. tainlrig three bedrooms, and has put a price that will move. Good lot for garden. Location 619 S. 26th Ave, Hiatt Co., 245 Omaha Nat. Bank. Tyler 8. 49TH AND DOUGLAS. 6-room, strictly modern bungalow. S -rooms and bath on first floor, one large room on second. Oak finish and oak floors. Full cement basement. Combina tion hot water and hot air heat; paved street, paving all paid. Lot 60x140. Price $4,700. A bargain. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 687 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D, 1781. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT New, 7 rooms, sleeping porch, oak and birch finish, buffet and bookcases, beam celling, double floors, mirror doors, floored .attic, pressed brick foundation, best ma terial and workmanship throughout, south, front, close to car. Best buy in Omaha. Owner, Douglas 162. 11,5011 FOR A FIVE-ROOM HOUSE-" Only been built a fen years; all modern except beat. $160 down, balance $15 monthly. Located at $110 Burdotte St TRAVER BROTHERS, 70S Omaha Nat. Bit Bid. Phone u. CS is.