Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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He is of Lowly Origin and the
World Did Without Him
Until 300 Tears Ago.
By A. R. GROH.
The "cure" for the high price of po
tatoes is to quit eating potatoes, good
people of Omaha and Nebraska and
"Easier said than done." you re
mark. Nonsense. It's just as easily done as
said. The principal reason why we
eat so many potatoes is habit and
nothing else.
Up till 300 years ago civilized man
didn't know what the potato was. And
for many years after that it was used
only as feed for hogs and cattle.
Today the whole world seems to
have gone potato-mad. We hear of
King Potato.
Who is this upstart who seeks to
usurp the food throne and who has
already bluffed people into paying 60
cents a peck for himself, with pros
pects of $1 a peck soon unless the
people heed sensible advice?
Of Lowly Birth.
He is a fellow of meanest birth, for
he belongs to the same family as the
deadly nightshade, the1 henbane, to
bacco and pepper. That fact ought
to stay your appetite some.
The food value of this would-be king
is a joke when compared with that of
other things. A pound of potatoes
has just 295 calories of fuel value. A
pound of some other things has the
following calories: White bread, 1,200;
candy, about 1,700; dried brans,
1,520; ham, 1,320; bacon. 2.720; butti-r.
3,410; corn meal, 1.640: beef steak.
1,100; cheese, about 2,000. And so on.
Moreover, a large part of this poor
"king" is waste. The outer skin of
the potato and the inner fiber skin
constitutes 11 per cent pf the whole.
And, of the part eatable, 78 per cent
is water. You can easily figure what
is left of your 80-cent delicacy.
Not Kissed by Sunshine.
Let ui consider another (act that
should stay your potato appetite.
What manner of vegetable is, this?
Does, it grow out in the fresh air,
kissed by the sunshine and washed bv
the pure rains and dews, like beans
and peas and corn and cabbages?
It does not. It grows down in the
dark, dank ground where the bugs
and worms are. After ar rain it lies
wallowing in the mud. Remember
that, when you are hungry for pota
toes. ;
Moreover, ft Is subject to ugly di
seases. It gets potato blight and rot
It develops the loathsome pytho
tophthora infestans, which makes its
leaves turn black and foul-smelling.
The tubers get streaks of black in
side. The bacillus solanacearum, the
scab and the potato bug attack this
contemptible vegetable.
A hue king, indeed I
Lived Without Potato.
The men who made Egypt ureat.
the builders of mighty Babylon, the
great race that founded the Roman
empire, the Vikings, the Britons, all
lived and thrived without the potato.
We can easily do the same. The
potato ia not a necessity. It is merely
a habit. I know, for I haven't eaten
potatoes for six weeks. My father
hasn't eaten potatoes for sixty years.
Strike the potato from your menu
and you'll be surprised how little you
miss it. It is no more a necessity
than are turnips or parsnips.
Down with this swineherd who
seeks to be a king.
Mrs. Kosters' Will
Is Valid; Verdict
Ends Long Fight
The bitter court fisrht over the es
tate of the tate Magdelena Kosters,
a pioneer Omaha woman, who died
leaving an estate estimated to be
worth $100,000, ended Monday noon
when Judge Crawford held that the
will made by her in 1907 was valid.
Several sons and daughters sur
vived Mrs. Kosters, one faction con
tending that the aged woman was
incompetent it the time she-made
her will and deeded the bulk of-her
property to S. Elizabeth Kosters. In
and will this daughter, was left the
business property at Tenth and How
ard streets valued at $00,000. .
Mrs. Julia Limbaugh, a daughter,
and other children, contested the pro
bating of their mother's will and
made sensational charges in court.
By Judge Crawford's decision that
the will is valid. Miss Kosters gets
the Tenth and Howard street prop
erty. The residue of the estate, about
$40.00C, goes to the five daughters
and four sons, three-fifths to the sons
and two-fifths to the daughters. -
Omaha is Lucky, Grain !-
Storatje Records Show
The weekly report of the Omaha
Grain exchange, made by its superin
tendent of storage, indicates that the
grain in storagt in Omaha elevators
exceeds the quantity on the corre
sponding date of last year by only
125,000 bushels. Considering the con
gestion of grain elsewhere at market
centers, this is taken to indicate that
Omaha shippers were fortunate in
getting out shipments.
With a prosj ect for an increased
number of cars for handling grain in
tne near tuture, umi-ha men are of
the opinion that the worst is over, so
far as this market is concerned.
Grain in storage in Omaha, in bush
els, now and one year ago:
Tear a to.
Cora ...
oats ,.,
....1,141,00) UII.OOO
....1. m, ooo i,omoh
.... simos
77,009 47,000
Barter , 11,800 11,000
toUUl 8.4IJ.400 1,107,000
Tto ITofle". Create
-Anv Looal
I r W
II ' I k pain.
Among prominent men who arrived
in Omaha yesterday for the amomo-j
bile show was C B. Voorhis, whose
recent appointment as head of the I
selling division of the Nash Motors I
company of Kenosha, Wis., is included
in the list of recent important devel
opments in automobile trade circles.
Mr. Voorhis was formerly a vice
president, director and general sales
manager of the Oakland Motor com
pany. In accepting his new position
as head of the Nash Motors company
selling division at Kenosha, Wis.. Mr.
Voorhis has directed his energies into
wider and more important channel
than at an time in the past.
Bohemian Sokols
Mobilize; Ready to
Fightjor U. S, A,
'We stand behind our nresident and
offer him our bodies in defense i f the
noble principles and rights of the
United States.' .
Thus reads the nrefate to the call
for the mobilization of 12,000 mem
bers of the Sokol Union of Amirica,
an organization' of Bohemian gym
nasts, Oldrich I. Jelen, who is a clerk
in the city clerks office here and pres
ident of the Omaha branch of the So
kol union, received notice of the call
Monday morning. Vaclav Buresh.
chairman of the National Bohemian
alliance for the seven states in this
district, notified Mr. Jelen of it. Mr.
Huresli was at the meeting- in Chi
cago Saturday, when officers of the
union ordered all members to report
to district offices for medical examl- a
tion and collection of data, with a
view to organizing a Sokol legion,
winch is to be ready for service as
soon as President W1I9011 asks for
volunteers. Omaha has about 250
members in the Sokol union.
The appeal reads in part: ' '
The Bohemian p-ollu' luvg poured out
murh blooil in tiaye nasi In the Intereme
of humanity and liberty. In Vrenrli, Hug
It.h and Ituoalan legions Btihemlena, prin
cipally soknla, fight today for Ihe righto
of oppreeaetl nation and In (lefQii.e of Ih.'lr
adoptiid tounlrla. We. rgetihe of America, '
novo foreeworn aulijoctlon or the unjuet aii.
tyrannical government of Anelrla and
proudly rocalved Ilia boon of oitlxeuehtp In ;
inia great, iree ri'puonu, to huh oountry
we are bound by holy tie of clvle duties
and for- It we are ready to sacrifice our
fortune and our Uvea.
All faithful brothers of our great Sokol
union are called upon to fill the eneloeed
onrollment oarda as volunteera for Ihe "Ho
kol legion." Local Sokol bodlea aro askntf
10 forward the anrollmenta to the nearest
dletrlct offlee In one of the following rltlea:
New York, Ualtlinure, Olevelapd. Chicago,
Cedar Hepiili. la.i Omaha, St. l.outa, Dallua,
tfctn Francleco and Portland, ore. Tbeee
elatlona again ara tUrecled to report
promptly to the military committee at Cbt-
oago. . I
Mr. Buresh attended 1 meeting of 1
the National Bohemian alliance in ;
Cleveland, O., last week. He says en-.
thusiastic patriotism marked the ses
sion, lie tells ot one man, 71 years '
old, who made i long speech to prove 1
why he should be allowed to tight in
case of war.
Salesman Borrowed Too
' Much Money; Is Bankrupt
Debts of over $68,000 and assets of
only $300. which he claims to be ex
empt, are listed by Samuel Sinclair
a bankruptcy petition rued volun
tarily in .federal court. He la said to
be a salesman for H. J. Hughes com
pany, ,a local wholesale grocery firm.
Among his liabilities he lists money
borrowed at Cleveland and at Bramp
ton Out., including amounts for his
son s music lessons and military
schoot education. His wife. Mrs,
Mary E. Sinclair, is said to be livms
at Cleveland.
Tired, Aehjng Mucin Believed.
Moan ! Liniment lightly, applies. little
quiet and your aorenea dlaappeara like
magie. Got a Mo bottle- today. AH drug-:
gl.ta. Adverttaement.
Many Doctors Use Musterole .
So manv sufferers have found relief
la Musterole that you ought to buy a
small jar and try it
Just spread it on with the fingers. Rub
it In. First you feel a gentla glow, then
k delicious, cooling comfort Musterole
routs the twinges, loosens up stiffened
joints and muscles.
Musterole it t, dean, white ointment,
made with oil of mustard. It penetratei
to the teat of pain and drives it away,
but does not blister the tendertst skin.
It takes the place of the mussy, old
fashioned mustard plaster.
Musterole it recommended for bron
chitis, croup, asthma, pleurisy, lumbago,
neuralgia, sprains, cruises, sun neck,
headache and colds of the chest (it often
prevent pneumonia).
Says the Way They Dress the'
Young Women is Not Right
Wants Oo-Operation.
City Cuiiiinissioner Kugel. as su
perintendent of the police department,
;vas interested, but not Moiled, over
tiie grand jury report.
"I am not ready ;n this time to com
i.iit myself on the proposition of a
restricted district, it, recommended by
the grand jury." stated th commis
sioner. ''To favor 01 oppose, such a
project merely arojtcs a lot of dis
cussion and gets yon nowhere," he
Continuing, he said: "During the
last year several prominent women of
the Omaha Woman's club called on
11c and said they believed a segre
gated district was the best solution
of the social evil problem, and others
called to present opposite opinions. 1
am her: to say that the records of
our office show that we have kept
after this evil. If any citizen today
knows of any location where immor
ality is practiced, it is his duty to let
us know and we will do the rest. Po
licemen and detectives cannot make
a houf e-to-hottse cam-am in quest of
social evil. There must be co-operation'
of citizens who know of these
places before the police lenrn of them.
"It has been my observation that
parents are somewhat to blame for
social evil conditions in Omaha. Dur
ing recent months 1 have seen scores
and scores of respectable girls on the
streets, dressed like street walkers.
They attract the attention ui men and
these attentions grow into worse
Am Kasy, Pleasant Laxative.
One or two Dr. Klng'e New Life Pllla at
night Insures a free and rusy movement
of the onwele. Jlfie. All druttglste. Adv.
Takes way the
burning. Just two tablets in
warm water makes your feet
happy. At your dealer- 25c.
f A
'THE BIG FIRE that destroyed our retail store at 1414-18 Douglas street on
Friday morning occasioned us considerable .loss and a great deal of incon
venience, but will not prevent the carrying on of our business.
"TTHE STOCK LOST, while large, consisted merely of our immense display of
floor samples, the entire reserve stock being carried at our large warehouse
at Jones and 13th streets.
"THEREFORE, we wish to announce that pending our being able to secure
a store large enough and properly equipped, we shall continue our retail
business temporarily at our warehouse,
T'HIS WAREHOUSE is packed with the finest and most diversified lines
of furniture that the market affords a much larger variety than we could
possibly show at the old store. This immense stock was purchased before the
advance in prices, as the huge buying power of the 22 Hartman stores placed
us in a position to buy for cash at a time when prices were favorable.
AX7H1LE WE WILL BE somewhat handicapped in displaying this furniture
""as we would wish, we have made arrangements to take care of our pa
trons in a satisfactory manner and the saving we can offer the public will more
than make up for any slight inconvenience you may be put to for a short while.
WE EXTEND TO ALL of our friends a cordial invitation to visit us at our
new location. The same efficient sales force will be there to wait upon
you. The same courteous treatment will be extended to everyone, and the
same liberal policy and generous terms that have made us so many friends,
will always be yours.
An Open
States Senator Mason on Nuxated Iron
And His Reply Thereto.
As a pioneer in Pure Food and Drugt Legislation and at a pronounced champion of all bills protecting
the rights of the Great Masses of the American People as against trusts and combines, we believe
It is your duty, Senator Mason, to tell the public just what
you think of Nuxated Iron and just what benefits you
obtained from taking it at 65 years of age, when
you were all run down, after the hardest
V fought political campaign of your life.
Tern, avmior Mmoiv mm vt U
rstUy Wc bmd ot Amertr jom at
Mttonal flffvrs roar work for four xms
to Um ITniUd BttUM HaaM of Itopp ntt
ttrso ud (or ti yetm tn tho Unite 8Uta
0mU In Mrurluc leiislatloa fftTorlag labor
and th i-rw-t nmsrnm of poopl ku written
fomr Bm lnOalibly tttnonc tbo mbm of
itb groat ltwmakot ana rtHiwn of or
Bonoter Maoon, I bar a thorn nnm at
iiman and wonuu In tfata oonntir wlM
4 aomothlnff to boUtf thorn ma ao4
ilTt tbm mora atronffta, andaranot,
vigor, TltaMtr and onorgT jnat Mka Fon
laid, bat tor do not know what to taka
4ho7 A not all lum rov same a4
jvaataga for . twnoaltln phyatolana and.
) attaining Information on thla whjoBt.
i Whoa ran wara on tha floor of tha
a iron advooatod and fought far
a rd and Drugs legislation boaanaa
you haltwvad K to ao far tha good of
th yaglo yon war tha fat bar af tha
tllaral Frso DoUrarr system for thla aaa
liniwi suit aa Oonaraaanianlaal for tha
apis of XUlnola, ron ara sow adveoattag
(Cha aight -boar working law for thai anna
Thsa, Senator Mason, la It not your
dsty to tU tha people just what Nu
tted Iron did for yon nt tl years of
aga? Ho matter whether It h i ramady,
;a law or wlmt not, K It la tor tha good
(af the peoptle k It not your duty to help
iBMake It known to them?
j Naxated Iron la not n patent medl
(etoe nor secret ramady. Da. Howard
Jamas, late of the Uniasd States Public
iHaalth Serrloa, aayo: T my opinion
organic Iron la beyond aueotlon the
greatest of all etrength aulldera. If
ipaople would only throw away hahlt
Iformlng drags and aauneoun owteoetlon
land take simple Nuxated Iron, I am con
Maead that tha Uvea of thousands of
Iperaons might be aarad who now din
very year from pnawinouta, grippe.
onauusnttan, kidney, Irvur and heart
treubte, etc. Tha real and true oa-ust
which started their draeasee was noth
ing more aor laaa than lack of Iron
In tha Mood. Iron la absolutely naosa
sary to enabU year blood to ohanga food
tinea living tissue. Without It, no matter
how much or what you eat, your food
imorely peases through yon without dsint
you any good. Ton don't gat tha strung 1 1
out of It, and as a consequence you becoint
For the convenience of our patrons our uptown office will be maintained at 312 South Sixteenth street,
First National Bank building, where payments will be accepted. Telephone Douglas 1876.
Letter to Former United
wank, pa to and otokty tooktag, Juat 1U a
plant trrtisg to grow tn a sail defletant 'In
von. A patlsHit of mint ramarhad to me
(altar having baao on a six waaks' course
of Nuatad Iron): Ibay. Pawaar, ttoa4 thara
staff la Ilka magie.'
"Prartosa to uttng Naxated Iron, I had
baan prascr Ibin g th vaxloua minora sal tn
of Iron for years, only to meat complaint
of d.aoolord twath, dlaturbad dlgaatton,
tied -vp, hardened secrellona, eta., and I
had about reached the conclusion that the
only war to supply Iron was to gat the
pattent to ant vary large quantities of spin
ach, carrots and lentils, when 1 cams across
Naxated Iron, an elegant. Ingenious prepara
tion aontalnlng organic Iron, which has ne
deatrnetlTe action on tha teeth no cor
roorra effect on tha stomach and which la
readily assimilated Into tha blood and
quickly makes Its presence felt by tacroased
vigor, snap and starlag power.
lf yoej aro not strong or wall yon awe
It ts yoanaaU to make the following tost:
See how long you can work or how far
yon oan walk without becoming tired. Next
take two as-Taln tablets ef wrsatcd Iron
three Oanao par day after meala for t
Gentlemen: Chicago, III.
I have often said I would never recommend
medicine of any kind. I believe that the doctor's
place. However, after the hardest politioal
campaign of my life, without a chance for a va
cation, I had been etarting to court every morn
ing with that horrible tired feeling one oannot
deaoribe. I was advised to try Nuxated Iron. Aa
a pioneer in the pure food end drug legislation,
I was at first loath to try an advertised remedy,
but after advising with one of my medical
friends, I gave it a test. Ihe results have
been so beneficial in my own case, I made up my
mind to let my friends know about it, and you are
at liberty to publish this statement if you so
desire. I am now 65 years of age and I feel
that a remedy which will build up the strength
and increase the power of endurance of one et my
age, should be known to the world.
rVrawr Vwttti StU Sstw Wm. B. Mmm rimsrtf
tksui Usmkswsf la C. Caagrmi frsm Usees.
lours very truly,
weeks. Then teat your strength again j;:..
sea how much yon have gained. Prom :n
own experience with Nuxated Iron, 1 fl t
is such a vmruaMe remedy that It shou' i
be kept In every hospital and preseri').-I
by ovary physician In thia country."
Dr. E. Sutler, a Boston phyttieian. who he
studied both in thin country and .i-e-.l
European Medical Institutfonp, says: "Thrr
can be no strong, vigoroutt iron men an!
beautiful, healthy women without Iron. NM.
long ago a man came to me who was nearly
half a century old and asked m to givt
him a preliminary examination for life in
surance. I was astonished to find him wi(l
the blood pressure of a boy of 20, and hp
full of vigor, vim and vitality ao a yuunn
man; in fact, a young man he really vh.
notwithstanding his age. The secret, he csid.
was taking Iron nuxated iron had filled him
with renewed life. At 80 he wan in bid
health; at 46 he was careworn and nearly
alt in now at 60, after taking nuxated Wmi.
a miracle of vitality and his face beaming
with the buoyancy of youth."
Dr. Schuyler C. Jacques, Visiting Surgeon,
St. Elisabeth's Hospital, New York, say:
"I have never before given out any medical
information or advice for publication, as 1
ordinarily do not believe in it. But In the
case of Nuxated Iron I feel I would be re
miss in my duty not to mention it. I hnvf
taken it myself and given it to my patient
with most aurpriaing and satisfactory re
sult. And those who wish quickly to in
crease their strength, power end endurance
will find it a moat remarkable and won
derfully effective remedy."
Dr. T. Alphonaus Wallace, a physician of
many years' experienc in this country and
who has been given many honorary title in
England, say: "I do not make a practice
of recommending advertised medicinal pro
ducts, but I have found Nuxated Iron ho
potent in nervous, run-down condition!, that
1 believe all should know of It. The men
and woman of today need more iron in their
blood than was the case twenty or thirty
years ago. This because of the demineralized
diet which now la served daily in thousands
of homes and also because of tbo demand
for greater resistance necessary to offset
the greater number of health haaards to be
met at every turn."
UOTI: rraxatea Iron whloh was ueed ay
Former United States Senator Mason at s
years of age with such surprising and sat
isfactory reeulta and which Is prescribed
and reoemmanded a bora by physicians fn
soeh a grant variety of eases, la not
patent medicine nor secret remedy, hut on
which sr well known to druggists and whone
Iron constituents ara widely prescribed bv
ernlnent physicians both In Bnrope and
America, Unlike tbo older Inorganic iron
prod acta, It Is easily aaatmllated, does not
Injure tbo toeth, make thorn black, aor up
set tha stomach; on the contrary. It ia a
moat potent ramady m nearly all terms of
Indigestion a wall aa for narrow run-down
conditions. Tha manufacturers havo such
grant oonfldonee tn nuxated Iron that they
offer to forfait I to any charitable
Inattention If Ussy cannot take any man
or woman under M who hanks Iron, and
morns, their strength MO per coat or ever
In four weeks' time, agoelnsd thoy hare no
serioaa organic trenbss. Thar aka offer
refund your money tf R doe not at leas'
double your strength and enduranoe la tea
days' time. It Is dispensed In this elty b
Sherman aV lfcConnell Drug Stares and nil
good druggists. AdTertfeeem en'.
I d 7 a:
J 1 Esfiy : Aucoacs