Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1917, Page 14, Image 14

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Killing Cattle Active and Ten
Higher Sheep Steady and
Lambs Easier.
Omaha. February 2, 1917.
Receipts wre: Cattle. Hoija. 8hep.
Estimate Monday 8,700 t.20 14,000
Same day last week ... 7,StiH 10.1 14.41M
Same day 1 wks. ..go. 7.242 11.643 1 0.r
Hams day 3 wKi. aeo. 1.41:4 l.S6 14.161
8araa day 4 wka. ag-o. M'JO 10.726 U,m
bam a day laat year.. 7,266 8.680 10,404
Receipts and disposition of llv itork at
Iho Vision 6 took yarda, Omaha, for twenty
tour hours ending at 3 o'clock yesterday:
Cattle. Hofs. Rheep. H'r's.
r., m. st. r 13 i 2
Wabftth 1 ,,
Mlaaourl Pacific.... 4 1
Vnlon Pariflc 10 25 21 4
C. ft N. Mil.. 44 1 S
C. ft N. W.. wst. , 2X S4 ti t
C, St. P., M. A O. 37 10 7 4
C B. ft Q., taat 1
C. B. ft Q., west... 30 17 14 1
C, R. I. ft P., east. 14 3
C, R, I. ft P., west. 3 1
IIMnoia Central..., 2ft
Chicago QL West.. 13 4
, 67
Total reeelpta 265 116 67 27
Cattle. Hogt, Sheep,
Mrrla ft Co Sit 4i! 41
Swift ft Company.... 1,104 1,404 4.4(l
Cudahy Packing Co.. 43 1,67 4.07J
Armour A Co 763 1.269 2,300
ffchwarts A Co 1.734
J. W. Murphy 3.433
Lincoln Packing: Co... 19 ....
8. Omaha Parking Co. 7 ....
Wltaun Packing Co... & ....
Cudahy from Dencer .... 1,029
Hunlnger A Oliver... 186
W. B. Vanaant Co... 286
Benton, Vanaant A L. 17 .... ...
Stephen! Bros 667
F. B. Lewis 217
'J. B. Knot A Co 248
J. H. Bulla 99 .... ...
Roaenitock Broa...... 762 ... ...
F. U. Kellogg 2
Werthelmer A Begen, 61
FAM A Co 226 ....
Sullivan Broa 23 .... . . ,
Mo. A Kan. Catf Co.. iM
Chrlatle 9
Hi hi In 4
Huffman 34
Both 13
Baker ,. ..... 6 4. ...
Banner Bran. ... 46 .... ...
John Harvey
Den n la A Francis 3 ... ...
Kiln 4
Jensen A Lungren... 187 .... ...
O'Dav 1
Other buyers... 161 .... 700
Totals....... 7,211 - 1,218 12,962
Cattle Receipts were the smallest for a
Monda) sines three weeks ago, only zbi
oars being reported In. A vonalderabls pro
portion of the eattla were common stock re
and feeders, while desirable killers were
cams. The market on all kinds or fat
cat ll was active and fully 10c higher. This
would apply to eows and heifers aa well as
beef ateers. While there was nothing choice
In sight to test out the- top thers were
cattle good 'nough to bring 111.06, Good
feeders were steady or even strong, soma
stock calves sellln up to 110.16. with year
lings as high as 99.16. The yards were full
of trashy stock en 1 and feeders and they
were a little easier.
Quotations on cattle Good to choirs
beeves, llo.CO&U.tO; fair to good beeves,
e.T60 10.60: common to fair beeves, $8,600
171: good to choice helfrr. 8(1. 3699-60:
good to choirs cows, l7.7&4jJ.O0; fair to good
cows. 96.7607.76; common to fair cows.
16.254!. 76; prime feeding steera. 99.20
10.00; good to choirs feeders, 98.7609.36;
fair to good leeders, $7.6011. 76; common
to fair feeders. $6.6007.(0; good to choice
stockers, 97.7608.76: stock heifers, I7.00O
8.60: stock cows, $8.0008.00; stock ealves,
97. 6009.60; veal calves, .001U0; beef
bulla, stags, etc., 17. t6t.1t; bolojjna bulls,
Representative sales!
No., Av. P. No. At. Pr.
4... 878 $7 00 14 A0 $7 60
21 713 t 80 22 706 7 90
14 77$ .9 00 24 734 8 U
II 731 S 26 IS 702 8 88
3. 866 2 89 1 1080 8 80
68 700 8 90 24 9R2 8 ,S0
f 966 t 35 20 1083 I 80
17.. 1001 9 70 4 117 10 00
18 1138 10 30 - 6.. 1133 10 SC.
17. ...... .1836 19 40 16. ...... .1198 10 60
17. ...... .1331 11 00 80 1460 11 06
13...,. .. .1144 10 40
17. $11 8 to 33, $44 $ 40
49 980 8 79 '
I Hon The supply of hogs were none too
liberal even for a Monday, arrivals counting
out only about 127 care, or 9,200 head. Tula
la about 1,900 smaller than laat week and
over 2.000 short of two weeks ago, but
larger than for the corresponding Monday
of last yearly a few hundred head.
The market waa something of a runaway
affair again this morning, being very active
at prices that showed all sorts of upturns.
The demand waa good from all quarters and
with supplies that were anything but bur
densome, and bulllnh wires from outside
points, movement started early. Some of
the first sales were no more than 6010c
higher, but under the Influence of keen
uompetlttpn prices rapidly moved to 10c
and thesf 10 He higher levels, eotne sales
being made as much as 30a higher.
A good clearance waa made long before
the middle of the forenoon. Prices were
gonorally lAfi-lBc higher, sales being mnde
all the way from a nickel to ns much as
20c higher. Bulk of the offerings aold at
$12.66011-90, with full loads as high as
912.96. and halt a load of good heavies at
Representative sales
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
38. .169 ... 91$ 40 . 100. .149 ... $12 60
79. .182 ... 12 60 87. .190 ISO 12 66
3$. .340... 13 76 73. .364 ... 13 80
40. .184 ... 13 96 " 34. .364 40 12 90
I9..284J ... 12 96 34.. 328 ... 13 00
14. .101 ... 11 00 64. .131 ... 12 &0
' Sheep A rather generous supply of sheep
and lambs was on hand for A he start of the
week, mid forenoon estimates calling for
fifty -eight cars, or 14,000 head, which was
several toads more than were expected
early. This Is a trifle smaller than for
Monday, a week ago, but Is over 8,000 Isrger
than two weeks sgo, and a gala of 8,800
head as compared wtlht ant year.
Buppllea Mere fairly decent all around
the loop thta morning, and early round of
the lamb market had a decidedly weaklah
-tone- Packers aeemed to be more or less
Indifferent even towards the good light
lambs, and did not even make blda on a
good many of the handy weight and heavy
, A few of the choice light Mexican lambs
sold In fair season at prices that were nut
over a shade easier, but the bulk of the
offerings did not start to move until well
along In the morning, when they were
finally bought at figures that were fully' a
dime dower than last week's close and were
called even more than that by some trad
ers Even at the decline heavy lambs were
poor performers, several loads that were on
the weighty order bflng atlll unsold at a
rather late hour. Bulk of the good handy
walaht weaterns sold around 814.16, with
few cars as high as $14.26. 'Several bunches
of the best Mexicans, some of which were
very similar to those that brought 914.06
last Friday, were bought at $14.60, and
other Mexicans that were extremely light.
but nothing extra as to finish, took $14.60.
Axed claeaes were more active than lambs,
bulk of be old sheep selling In good season
at about steady prices. As high as $11.60
was paid for best ewes, the price equaling
the record, and a good kind was bought at
$11 00 11.60, with some plainer ones down
IS) 810. 60.
Quotations on sheep and lambs t Lambs,
llrht and handy. $14.00014.40; lambs.
heavy. IlI.SftClMt: lambs, clipped, $11.60
012. IS; lambs, feeders. lU.eocn i&; year
- linn, rood to choice. 912.60012.90: year.
fair to choice, 910.60O12 04; ewetT good to
choice, in. ewes. lair to gooa,
910.00O1126; ewes, plain to culls, 97.000
81am CHr Urt Stock Market,
Sioux Cltr. Feb. 38. Cattle Receipts,
1 2.608 bead; market for killers strong to 10c
higher: stockers 10O16o higher; beef steers.
910.00O11.26; butchers, $K.O0410.00; fat
eewg and heifers, $6.6009.09; bulls, stags,
etc., $6.S0O9-e0; feeding; cows and belters,
Hogs Receipts, $.999 head; market 6016c
higher; lights, $H.494y 12.86; mixed, $12.66
Oi2.$i: heavy. $12.1071 ! P1". es.avci bum r saiee. aiz.uix.s.
Sheep and Lambe Receipts. 1,209 head:
market 1601 60 higher; fed muttons, $10.24
013.26; wethers. $11.00 0 12.00; ewes, 919.3$; wmoe,
' Unrpeet Urala Market.
' Liverpool. Feb. 1$. Flour winter pat
ents, sis; nope, in ijonaon tracuic coasi,
M iftsoit la
Demand is Good, Receipts Are
Light and Wheat and Com
Omaha, Feb. 26, 1917.
The cshu what situation wan Arm today
and while the r?reliii of grain over Hun
day wre very light the demand waa good
and the ssmplea were disposed of during
the early hours of th market and most
of the Hales of wheat and corn were tnadf
at advanced prices, while the oats mar
ket was quoted practically unchanged. The
wheat market generally waa quoted from
&lc higher, the No. 2 hard going at
11.84 A and the No, 3 hard at $1.8201.83
No. 4 hard wheat brought from $1.71 fi t. 7f.
and sample hard ranged In price from fl.60
&1.74, the sale at 11.60 being a part of a
car of very poor wneat,
The trade In corn was excellent, with
the bulk of the sales being made up of
the mixed variety, the receipts or wniti
ami yellow being very light, and both of
these varieties weru quoted at a premium
over mixed corn.
No, 2 white corn waa riuoted at IS'.ic:
No. 3 white sold at 9i996fcj and No. 3
mixed brought from iuftHBC, tne ouik aeii
In at S&UA96VC.
In the oata market the nates nf No, 2
white wero fairly heavy and prices were
practically unchanged, although the wide
premium on o. z wnue oaia naa iimn
No. 2 while oata were quoted at 67c; No.
3 white sold from G6fc066tiO and the No.
4 white sold at 66c.
The rye market was fairly active at
((lightly higher prices, and there was a
onl trade In barley at steady prices.
Clearancea were, wheat and floor equal
to 416,000 bushel I corn, 462,000 bushels;
oats, 3,000 bushela.
Primary wheat receipts were 1.144,000
bushels, and shipments 626,000 bushels
against receipts of 3,420,000 bushels, and
shipments of l,ufb,uul pusneis last year.
Prlmrv corn recelnts wero 1,167,000 bush
els, and shipments 479.000 bushels against
receipts of 1,446,000 bushela, and shipments
of 849,000 bushels last year.
Primary oats receipts were 964,000 bush
els, and shlp.nrnts 683,000 bushels against
receipts of 1,180,000 bushels, and shipments
of 863,000 buaneis last year.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago U 168 96
Minneapolis 468 ,
Huluth 4 ... ...
Kanaas City
Ht, I.oul 11 98 60
Winnipeg 266
These sales were reported today:
Wheat No, 2 hard winter: cars,
91.8m. No. 9 hard winter: 2 can, 9t.2;
3 cars, 91-82 H ; 1 car, 91.92. No. 4 hard
winter: 3 cars. 81.8U 1 car, $1.76; 1 car,
91.17 fc; H car, $1.76. Sample hard winter:
I car, $1.74; 1-8 car, Jt. No. 3 durum: 1
car, $1.77. No, 3 mixed durum: 1 car,
$1.7$; 2 -6 car, 11.77. no. e nmeu uurum.
1 car, $1,76. No. 4 mixed: 1 4-6 cars, $1.80.
live No. t: 1 car. $1.43U; 2 cars, H-42.
Wheat and rye: tar, 91.40.
Barley No. 4: 2 cars, $1.13; 1 car, $1.06.
No. 1 fsed; 1 car, $1.00. Rejected: 1 car,
Corn No. $ while; 1 ear, 8Hc No, 3
white: 1 ca:-, $8c 4 a. $6c. No. 8
white: 1 ear, 96o. Sample white; 1 car, $6 He
No. 3 yellow; 1 car, $80! 1 car, 9flc No.
2 yellow: 8 cars, 95c. No. 4 yellow: 1 car,
9610. NO. I mixea: 1 csr (near wnui w,
I oar, 86fcot 9 cars (high color) 96ci 1
car (shipper's welt Ms) 9bc; i core, 964a;
1 .r. 16 u: 1 car. 96c. No. $ mixed: 4
cars, 88c; 17 cats, $60; 11 errs, 86c. No.
4 mlied: 1 car (nlgn coiorj sc,
(s'liooer's welshls; 96c; 1 csr, 96c; 1 car,
9o. No. 8 m' -d: I 0. t, 96c. Sample
mixed: 1 car, 04c,
Oats No. 9 wnue: 1 car, - no, a
white: 1 car. EBo: 4 cars, G6c: 1 car,
66c. No. 4 white: I cars, 66c. Sample
white: 3 cars, 66..
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 3 hard,
81.83tt01.M4; No, 3 hard, $1.81 H 0183tt ;
No. 4 hard, $1.7401.81; No. 3 aprlng. $1.76tt
0$166tt; No. 3 spring, $1.79 tt OL64 ; No.
2 durum, 1.T71.S0; No. 3 durum; $1,760
1.77. Corn: No, 3 white, 96ttO0tt; No. 8
white, 9096Hc: No. 4 white, 9h&Hic;
No. 6 white. 9fifi96Uc: No. I white, 960
06 c; No. 3 yellow, 98096c; No. 8 yel
low, 86tt096c: No. 4 yellow. 964096Hc;
No. yellow, to9eo; no. e yeuow,
944ic: No. 9 mixed, 98U09c; No. 3
mixed, 96r96ttc; No. 4 mixed, 94 0 96Hc;
No. 6 mixed, 94tt06o; No. 6 mixml, 94
096c. Oats: No. 2 white. 6flOt7c; stan
dard, BOOSOc; No. 3 white, 6K40&6tto;
No. 4 white, A6tt066c. Barley: Malting,
$1.1401.32! No. 1 feed, 9cffl,06. Ryo:
No. 2, $1.4101.43; No. 2, $1.40tt tl'1-41 tt.
Omaha futures.
Many conflicting conditions exist In the
grain trade at the present time and the
disposition seems to he to go slowly on
both aides. While the traffic conditions
have Improved during the last few days, the ,
situation la far from normal and the polltl- :
al situation, both here and abroad, is aa
unsettled aa ever, and theae unsettled con
dltlons tend to have a very nervous effect !
on markat conditions generally. ;
The local trade In futures was rainy
active today, but prices held within a nar
row range, especially In the corn and oats
markets, although the range between the
high and low on May wheat was only Ittcl
and that article closed at 91.76H, a de-
Kne or fio rrom tne opening quotations.
Independently of wheat, there was very I
little Influence on either the corn or oata 1
market, and theae cereals followed the ao- I
lion of wheat rather closely, May com doe
I riff Ho lower, July oats closing unchanged I
and the May option Uo lower, I
Ijocai range of options:
Art, I Open. 1 High. 'Low.j Close. !Safy.
Wht. . . 1 1
May 2 7H ' 1 7tt!l77H ........ 178
July 1 47 . 1 47 ti 147 1 47 Vi 147
Sept. 1 334 1 84 1S3H 1 33 Vs 133
Corn. ,
May 97 97H 96 U 97U
July ' ' 99V $4 $ ' 96 $6i
May - .'$ 56 S6 11 6G
July 61 & tl 614 81
Chlco oJoatnc uric... rurnliitlBd The B.
by Loff.n tt Bryan, .lock nd .ratn brok.n,
31S Bouth BUtsenth ,trmt. Omaha:
Op.n, I HfthTTL.ow, Cio... 3t.
t "HI
1 61V,
1 l4
1 00 V.
30 HI
10 It
IT 10 '
. I
it II
1 IT
1 11 151
1 tok'ms
1 im m
1 ltVk!l40
1 onsliom
. ltUooH
II 00 ISO to
10 10 30 Ot
1 oik loan
J oosl H
1 I
0, B.l
II 10 III) KSl
10 40 . ISO It
IT 00 I1T T5I
11 10 17 10
17 7
17 II
17 7
17 70
II l
II 70
11 III
i to!
II 10
1 It
111 '
111 47
Quatatlou f th. Iy m Yarlou. Com-
New York. F.b. U. Plour Uneettted:
prlnit patent., I8.I060.1S: winter patents,,
,B.? winter, 98.4098.00;
Kanaa. itralfht,, 8.tO4i'0.40.
Wheat Spot, eaey: No. I hard. 17.01;
No. 1 northern, Duhjth, lll.ltlii No. 1
northern, Manitoba, 12.11 H, 1. 0. ... New
Corn Spot, eaey; No. 1 yellow, tl.lltt,
0. t (.. N.w Tork.
Oalt Spot, firm; itandard, 77c.
Hay Steady: No. 1, 11.11: No. I. 11.000
I. 01: No. 1, lOOIte; ehlpplnr, 70rt0o.
Hope Nteady; atate, common to cholre,
1110, 844c: lilt, JfJlOo; Pacltlo eoaat,
1010. 114tlc; 1111. lOloo.
HldeSteady:, 4l44e; Central
America, 48t.
LMther firm; hemlock first., I7e; soo.
ond. too.
Provisions Pork, firm: mess. - I3I.S0H
31.00: family, 1)1.001)31.00: short clear,
I33.00.t0. Beef, firm: mess. II3.004
II. 10; family, lil.00O3l.00. Lard, Strom;
mlddl. west. 111.00 (f 1. 10.
Tallow Firm: rity HHo. nominal: ooun.
try. UtiOllo: ipeclal. llo.
Butter Weak: receipts, tubs:
crramery, hlfher than extras, 41G4IVjo;
creamer,' eatras (II score), 41V.Ci firsts.
114,41c; eeeonls, IOOUVsC.
-heese Ptrra; receipts 1,711 boaes; .tat.
held specials, HHc; state held .pedals,
avwraire fancy. ItOloc.
Poultry Alive, completely tied up 'and
slaughter bouse, are practically closed. The
receipts were 71 car., but none wae un.
loaded; dressed, quiet: chickens, 18010c;
fovU, 11021c; turkeys, SO 47 Sic.
MIUMtwll. OkIb Marker.
Minneapolis. Feb, II. Flour Unchanced.
Barley lie 011.11.
Bye 11.4101.41. ,
Bran 111.00034.00. ' '
Wheat May. I1.7H, 01.7IS : July.
I.T4H. Cssh: No. 1 hard. ll.ll01.O4ai;
No. 1 northern, H.1101.11: No. I north
ern. H.7101.11.
Corn No. 1 yellow, l!te0l.Ooyi.
Oats No. I white. (40llo,
rUasMd 12.71)4 01.13 .
Trading Almost at Standstill
While President's Mes
sage Comes.
Xcv.- Tori;, Feb. !. l'rrsl.l.nt Wilson's
mN.ei,' to cimirrce. reiiMestlnk authority to
arm iihlPH anil recomnicndln. thr man
for th protection of thft rountry's mer
chant merino was (he outMandin. Incident
of today's dutl and professional market.
Trading was almost at a standatlll dur
ing th mld-seseton while the news llrkcrs
wore Iseulnir excerpts of tho president s ao
dress, but buslnres became more active In
the final hour to the accompaniment of the
day s best prices. 1
Extreme Bains of 2 and 4 points, re.
spectlvely. were scored by Mercantile
Marine, common and preferred, with :V
for L'nlted Krult and 6 for Atlantic, Gulf
A West Indies.
United States fiteel moved unevenly at
times, but steady absorption of fairly larire
lots finally effected an extreme .sin of 2
points, with an average of 1 point for al
lied Industrials, notsbly Lackawanna and
Crucible Steels and Hepublle Iron.
Metals particularly American Smeltlne and
Anaconda, l;tah and Inspiration coppers.
hardened on familiar trade reports of
favorable character, and equipments such
as Central Klectrle, Central Leather, Amer
ican Can and American and Baldwin Loco
motives were firm to strong.
Oils were unusually active, considering the
relatively narrow scope or tne nay a opera
lions, with Texas company leading at 1
groan advance of 44 poinla. Homo of the
motnra, augara and fertilizers suggested fur
ther Mhort covering and utilities were fea
tured by Brooklyn Transit, which rose 1 u,
points on declaration of the regular divi
High grade rails, sskle from Reeding and
Union Psclflc. made modornto gains, were
dull and without material change, but New
Haven, Southern Rellway preferred and
Mea&oartl Airline preferred reacted 1 to al
most 2 points.
Bethlehem Steel Issues and Industrial Al
cohol were Included among the heavy in
duatrlsls and specialties. Total sales ag
gregated 427,000 shares. '
Irregular tendencies prevailed In the re-
stricted bond market. Total sales, par
value, aggregated 13,128,000. .
United States registered 3s advanced U
per rent on call.
Number of sales and range of prices of
teautng stooKs:
upon. High. Low. Close.
Am. Beet Sugar...
4no ay as nku,
800 43ta 2 43l
4'l 3Vi 63 U
Amerlcsn Can
Am. Car A Pdry. ..
Amer. Locomotive.. 1Z.&00 7044 681. TOVi
Am. nmett. at nig o.ituii see, viyi vv)i
Am. Sugar Hit... 700 1124 112 112
Am. Tel. at Tel -. 124
Am. V.. L. A Steel 200 27 37 3'
Anaconda Copper. .14.000 80 78)4 80
Atchison -. 102
Baldwin Loco 3,400 83 11 53
Baltimore ft Ohio 76
nrooKiyn n. I..... J, sou
Butte ft Sun. Cop.. 900 48 46 48
Cal. Producti
Canadian Pacific
1,800 184 153
tra Leather .. 17.300 88
so 'a
Chesapeake ft Ohio 300 ttV.
58 58
St. P.
500 10 80
ft. N. W
C. It. I. ft P
Chlno Copper
1,100- 86 84
300 46 46
1.010, ruei at iron
Corn Prod. Rfg. ..
4,'0e ait, 21
..6,300 65 64
2,800 2.1 22
1,300 26 78
Crucible Steel .
Diet, Securities. .
Qeneral Electric. . .
Or. Northern, pfd,
O. North. Ore, ctfi
700 163 102
Illinois Central ...
Inter. Con. Corp..
200 102 103 102
400 13 13 12
1,300 tS 86 58
Inaplr. Copper
inter, narv.. pi. .1
Inr. M. M. pfd. ctfs. 10,200 78
K. i'. noutnern..,. ov zs
Kennecott Conner... t.000 48
LOUIS. A Nssn 13t
Mex. Petroleum... 3.200 81 87 8
Miami Copper 1,000 38 38
m. k. ft j .. nra
.... 14
28 20
Missouri Pacific.
Montana Power
National Lead
Nevada Copper ... 1,100 2t
N. Y. Central 600 86
N. T.. N. H. ft H. . 1.000 46
14 24
96 98
43 44
Norfolk ft Western 1.400 131 130 130
Northern Pacific.
(Mill 104
1,600 12
103 103
Pacific Mall k.
Pacific Tel. A Tel.
2.100 64
2,200 27
37 U
Ray Con. Conner,.
Heading is.ii'v vt
Ren. Iron ft Stset 2.900 78
snattucK Arts, cop
Southern Pacific..
Southern Railway.
800 21
1.600 14
1.900 .8
EttuasiiaKer 1.0.
a.aoo lot 10011 ioii
Ttixaa llomoanv ... 1.200 228 324 327
Union Pacific 8,100 138 137 118
Union Pacific, pta. .....
U. a. ind. Alcohol lb.nno ii wi
V. 8. Steel 161,600 109U 107 109 Vi
tT. 8. Btssl. pfd.... 80" 117 117 117
Utiih Copptir 7,800 US 109 llt
M-almah pfd., "It" 700 SGI 36i 26
Wi-stsrn Union 300 98T4 93
Witlntthoiias Btc. 1.400 80 49 60
Total .ts ro r ins nay uiiiuvv snares.
L Vow York r:ny Market.
Nw Tork, reb, 26. Mercantile Paper
4 per cent.
Sterllnir Rirhin no Sixty -day bllla, 14.73;
oommerclal sixty-day bills on banks, 94.72;
romintrclftl sixty-day bills, 84.71; demand,
84.76; cables. $4.76 7-16.
Sliver War, 77 H: Mexican aoiiars, ovc.
Bond Government, Xlrm; railroad. Irreg
Tims Loans Steady: sixty nays, 34
per rent; ninety days, 84 por cent; nix
months, 44U per cent.
Call Money Steady; btsfti. a per cent
low, I par I'ant; rullnar rate, 2 per cent;
last loan, 2 per cent; closing bid, 8 per
cent; offered st 3 per cent.
U. S. ref. 3s, reff. 99 I, ft N, un. 4s.. is 'A
tn Pfaiionn 99 M. K. A T. litts 76
UT.R. is, rl. . . .100U M. P. Con. s.,103
dn coupon. ...100Mont. Power 6s.. 99
V. H. 4s, re.. .108 N. Y. On. d. fin.108
do coupon ...l'i 1966107
A. T. T.r.4..104 N.T.,N.H.H.c.slOl
Annlo-Frsneh Its 97 INT, P. 4s........ 94
Atrhlson gen. 4s 94 do 3a 67
B. A U. 4s 92'Pao. T. ft T.6s 92
Beth, fit eel r. 6s 9SPenn. con. 4a...lon
C. P. Ut. ........ 90 do gen. 4s,..,10f.
C. A O. cv. 4sHfl Reading gen. Ma.. 103
C.B. A Q. i. 4s.. 98Rt.L. ft 8.F.r.4s.. 94
CM ft 8t.P.c.6s..l03Ua. P. cv. 6s 100V
CR T. ft P.r.4s....74 do ref. Ja 91
u. a b. r,.ti,, s oouinarn ny db,.iui
D. ft RO. rt. 4s. . 81U. P. 4s 97
Erie fftMi. s 68 do Cv. 4s 93
Om. F,lcr. Ss..l0E1T. 8. Rubber 6s..l0Z
Q. IV. 1st 4s.. 9T 8. Steel 6s....1tl6
I. C. ref. 4s 91 West. Union 4s UK
K. C. 8. raf. 6s.. 88 D. of C. 1931 87
Cattle Strong Hogs Kaslsr and Higher
Sheep Weak.
Chicago. Feb. 36. Cattle Receipts, 16,000
head; market, strong; native beef rattle.
87.90O13.16; storkers and feeders, $6,360
9.30; rows and heifers, 86,36010.36; calvea,
Hogs Receipts, 61.000 1 head: market,
easier to 10g16c above Saturday's average;
bulk of sales, f IS, 90f 13.10; light, $12.3.4
18.06; mixed, $13.7513,16; heavy. $i:.70y
13.30; rough, $13.70012.80; plga, $9.79
U.60. .
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 19,000 head:
market, weak; wethers, $10. 8551!. 10; ewes,
I6.60itjl3.00; lanibn, $13.10r 14.60.
Ht. sUtris IJv Ktock Markets
St. Itoula. Feb. SS. Cnttlo Receipts, 6.000
head; Vjnarket higher, native, beef steers,
$T.60911"6; yearling steers and heifers,
Sf.60(( 11.60; town. $6.60ft9.60; stockers and
fotdsrs, $6.0009.00; prime southern bef
steers, $8.00911-1)0; beef cows and heifers,
$4,3649.00; prime yearling ateers and heir
em, $7.60010.00; native calves, $6.00tyl3.QO.
Hogs Rei'tlpts, 30.400; market higher;
light. i, $ 1 2.7 0 9 1 3.00 J pigs, 19. 3S 1 17 J :
mixed and butchers, $13.76 1 8.60 ; good
heavy, $18.0001310; bulk of sales. $13,700
Sheep ..and Lmb Receipts. 1,800 head;
market lower; lambs, $13.061114,80; ewes,
$8.00011.60; yearlings, $11.60013.66.
Kansas City Live Ktock Market.
Kansas City, Feb. S. Tattle Receipts.
13,000 head; market, higher; prime fed
steers, $11.36011. 76; dressed beef steers,
$9.00 0 11.0H ; western steers, $8,000 U-36 ;
cows. $6.6009.60; oalves. $7.00011.60.
Hogs Receipts, 18,000 head; market,
higher; bulk, $13.68013. 90; heavy, $l2.00fr
13.06; packers and butchers. $13.80013.00;
light, $13.60019.86; pigs, $9 60011 96.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 8,600 head;
market, steady; lambs, $13.764114.80; year
Hnga, $13.00WI3.6O; wethers, IU.60OU.SO;
owes, $10.78013.00.
96. Jeeeph Live Stock Market.
St. Joseph. Feb. St. Cattle Receipts,
1.600 head; market 100160 higher; steers,
$7.60011-60; rows and heifers, $6.00010.00;
calves, $7.00011.16.
i:gs Receipts, 9,000 head; market 10O
16e higher; top, $18.00; bulk of sales, $18.60
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 8,000 head;
market slow;! lambs, $13.601014.80; ewes,
Ceffee Market..
New Tork, Feb. 28, The market tor
coffee futures showed a steady tone after
the liquidation of last week. There was
further decline of I to 8 points at the open
fng, but selling wss much less active than
recently, although sentiment was stilt very
much unsettled by the fear of a restricted
Kuropean outlet. Evidently th decline of
about 128 points from the high levtM of last
month In the csae of July contract, which
aold at 7.86c at the start, hnd left the
r..arkft in a firmer technical poaltlon and
prlr-es rkllied later on covering, with July
selling up to 7.94c. The clone was net 3
points lower to 3 points higher. Sales were
reported of 83,000 bags; February, 7.65c;
March, 7.66c; April, 7.73c; May., $7. 82c;
June, 7.87c; July, 7.93c; Auguat, 7.99c; Sep
tember, 8.06c; October, 8,i)9c; November,
8.12c; December, 8.16c; January, 8.20c. Spot
nteady; Hlo 7s 9c; Santos 4s, 10c. The
cost snd freight market was reported Irreg
ular and est finely difficult to quote, owing
to the unsettled freight situation and un
certainty of snrurlng room. Thrre were
rumors that Santos in had sold at 909-,
London credits, but they were not confirmed.
OwlnT to tho holiday there were no offl- ,
clal cables from the primary markets. j
Fluctuations In Wheat Market at Opening
Are narrow and Indecisive.
C.hlrago, Feb. 26. Wheat today suffered
moderate declines, rhlfly as a result of the
Inking of the I.aconla, President Wilson's
address to congress appeared to have no
effect oil the market. Closing quotation;
were unsettled, lc net lower, with May
at 81.77 Bl.i7 and July at $1.51.
lost t&c and oats VC Provllons
roue lOflBr, Notwithstanding It was known
prior to the openlnff that tho president
would go berorn congress and request sun-
port In employing armed force to protect
American marlno rights, tho wheat trade
showed no trane of fjtritement and, on the
contrary, was more stesdy than usual. Keen
Inlet-tut was manifested In the president's
action, but as an Influence on values his
course jtoemed to have been fulty antic
ipated. Only narrow fluctuations took plare
until word came that tho Laeonla had been
torpedoed without warning and that Amer
icana were aboard. Peraletent selline then
developed for the sent of the day, the bear
side of the markat manifestly having the
aa vantage.
A Hharp falling off In the United States
visible supply total counteracted to some
extent th depressing consequences on wheat
prices that the loss of the Lacona might
otherwise have brought about. Bullish esti
mates were also current aa to the amount
of farm reserves. Besides, the outlook for
the domestic winter crop remained un
promising. On the other hand, no Improve
ment was notices oi p in regard to the rail
way blockade at the grain elevators here.
Corn and oats had no independence. Both
cereals were governed by the changes
wheat. Trade was light, and for the most
pare iocai, ,
Provisions mado new high records for the
season berause of tho strength of the hog
market. Buying of provisions, however, was
not active. Owing to a primary election there
will bo no session of the Chlcaao Board of
xraae lomorrow.
Cash Prices Wheat No. 1 red, $1.65; No.
8 red nominal; No. 8 hard, $1.84; No. 3 hard
nominal. Corn: No, 2 yellow. $1.01: No. 2
yellow, co$I.0fl: No. 4 yellow, 95099c.
Oats: No. 2 white, 6769c; standard. 68
6'69c. Rye:' No. 3 nominal; No. 3, $1.47.
Barley, $1.0801.28. Seeds; Timothy, $3.50; clover, 1Z.OV18.00. Provisions:
Pork nominal; lard, $17.87; ribs, $16,120
Butter Easier; creamery, 3240c.
Eggs Lower; receipts. 1.696 esses: firsts.
37c; ordinary firsts, 36036c; at mark, cases
included, 864V37C
Potatoes Strrady; receipts, 74 cars; Wis
constn and Michigan white. $2.6002.70
Idaho, Colorado, Washington and Oreaon
springs, .si tn -ffcc.
Poultry Alive, lower: fowls. 18 c
while, $2.7002.86.
Hogar Market.
New York. Feb. 26. Suuar Raw. centri
fugal, o.-fzc; molasses, 4.15c; renned, steady
cut loaf, 8.16c; crushed, 8.00c; mold "A,
i.vvb, cuoes, v. sue a aaa powdered, 7.1 6c
powdered, 7.10c; flno granulated, 7.00c; dla-
mtJtt a, 7.00c; conrectioners" "A," 6.90c
No. 1, 8.86c. Sugar futures were more active
early and prices were firmer on some active
covering by shorts, prompted by reports
from Cuba that some of the mills there
vers closing down. At noon prices were
16 to 18 points net higher.
Live Stock In flight.
Receipts of live stork at the five principal
western markets yesterday:
' cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha 6,700 9,200 14,000
Chicago 16,0000 61,000 19,000
St. Loul 6,000 20.400 1,800
Kansas City 12,000 13,000 8,600
Sioux City 3,500 9,300 1,200
.37.300 112,900 ' 64,600
Eraported Apples and Dried Fruits
New Tork. Feb, 26. Evaporated apples.
dull; fancy, 80!c; choice, 808; prime,
77c; prunes more active; Calif orn tan,
8O10c; Oregons, 809c; apricots, firm;
choice, 17c; extra choice, 17c; fancy, 18c;
peaches, firm; choice, 8c; extra choice.
9c; fancy, 9c; raisins, steady; -choice
to fancy seeded, 809c; seedless, 100
llc; London, layers, $1.80.
London Stork Market.
London. Feb, 26. American Securities
were Irregular, with' a number of markings
In Rock Island and Union Pacific on the
stock exchange today.
Silver Bar, 37d per ounce.
Money 4 per rent.
Discount Rates hSort bills, 6 06 per
cent; three months, 606 per cent.
Oil mad Rosin.
Savannah, Oa., Feb. 36. Turpentine
Firm: 48c; sales, 64 obis,-; receipts, 27;
shipments. 212; stock, 14,039.
Kostn Firm; sales, asm dims- receipts.
286; shipments 489; stock, 77,732. Quote:
A, B. C, D, B, F, G, H, I, $6.86: K, 3 0;
M, $6.19; N, $6.30; WO, $6.46; WW, $6. 6b.
Cotton Market.
New Tork, Feb. 26. Cotton Futures
opened steady ; March, 16.85c bid ; May,
16.42c; July, 16.46; uctooer, is.U4c; Decem
ber. 18.14c.
Tho cotton market today closed barely
steady, net 10 points higher to 10 points
Liverpool, Feb. 26. Cotton Spot, steady:
new middling, 11.46d; middling, 11.36(1.
low middling, ll.lfid.. Sales. 8,000 bales.
Kansas City General Market,
Kannaa CJtv. Feb. 36. Wheat No. 2
hard, 31.&74j 1.91; No. ici, $1.8701-91;
Way. $1.76; July. $1.48 01.48.
Corn No. 1 mixed, vs u n c: no. 2
White, 9809flc; No. 8 yellow, 99099c;
May. 98r; July, 97 098c.
oats no, 2 wnue, t5w&c no. 1
mixed. 68 c. t
St. Lout Grain Market.
St. Louis. Feb. 26. Wheat No. J red,
81.96 Ol. 98; No. S hard, $1.9001.96:
May, $1.7701.77: July, $1.48.
Corn No. 2. 94099c: No. 2 White,
$1,01; May, $1.01; July. $1.00.
oats no, 8, nominal; .no. a wnue, nomi
' Dry Goods Market.
New York, Feb. 26. Cotton goods were
quiet and steady today. Yarns were firm.
There was an active demand for spring
dress goods. Burlaps and raw silks were
Hank 1-faarlngs.
Omshs. Feb. 26. Bank clearings for
Omaha today were $6,235,312.09, and for the
corresponding day last year, $4,263,802.36.
Inrtmnt Bonds
I. ., with Interest or Principal
past dua and not paid,
f Railroads, Gas. Electric and
Water Co.s, State, City Etc
IS Broad StrMl, N.w York.
Also bur and deal in slow
UnliaUd and Inactiv. 8euritis.
( .a&iCr- )
Bringing Back Stuff Bought j Believe Legislature Will Fix
Throws Business Machinery Things So Omaha May
Out of Joint, They Say. Have It.
In the matter of ladies' ready-to-wear
apparel the local retailers say
they will be compelled to make a
more strenuous campaign than ever
against the "return-goods" evil.
This follows upon the announce
ment by the National Cloak, Suit and
Skirt Manufacturers' association that
they will not accept returned goods
except in cases where the goods is
shown to be not as represented, or is
unsatisfactory for any other reason.
Omaha .ctailers have begun to con
sider how more strennouslj to fight
the return-goods evil. The manufac
turer points out that the "return
goods" evil strikes him after it has
struck the retailer, and thai it really
is as great a nuisance to him as to
the retailer.
In the circular which tht retailers
have received from the National
Cloak, Suit and Skirt Manufacturers'
association, this organization winds
up the discussion with the following:
First We allow no mlarppresflntation, Int
pllsd or expressed, and shall bo grateful If
you will Inform us, should any such occur.
Second Wo shall be glad to take hack
for return or exchange any merchandise
that Is not as represented or la unsatisfac
tory for any other reason for which we
are at fault, If complaint Is made im
mediately upon recelpta of the goods.
Garments fairly bought and fairly de
livered can not be returned.
National the Only Club in
London That Has Prayers
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
London, Feb. 12. The National,
the only club in London which has
morning prayers, has just moved to
a new club house a long distance from
the government building.! around
WhitehaU, whose proximity resulted
some time ago in the commandeering
for war purposes of their old club
The National, which numbers
among its members most of the not
able of the Church of England, was
the first club to be commandeered.
She just keeps on typing.
Instead of a dozen halts per letter, the Self Starting Keys give
a dozen flying starts. The time thus saved amounts to from
15 to 25. It pays for the machine.
To learn more about this time-saving invention write for
descriptive folders. Address below," or 'phone
Grand Prist Panama-Pacific Expetjtkn
201-3 South Nineteenth Street, Phone Douglas 1284
The cily commissioners believe thai
among the Omaha charter amend
ments to be passed by the legislature
will be one to empower the city coun
cil to sell $100,000 city 'jail bonds
without submitting to a vote.
'The commissioners are agreed that
a new city -jail and police station
should be erected and it is their inten
tion to remedy conditions as soon as
the legislature passes on the pending
charter amendments.
"I have contended for c;s,ht years
that a ne jail and police station
should be built," said Mayor Dalil
man. .
Omaha Boy Returns to
The Philippines to Reside
"Off for the Philippines" is now up
permost in the mind of Henry O.
Bauman of Omaha, who spent the
winter here with his mother after
Olson's Union Orchestra.
m mmmKmmm mmmmmmm mmmm VStSBBsaTaWMMMW
Loilr typist doesn't have to watch
putting in six years in' the Philippine
islands in the government service. .He
leaves here Tuesday.
Since he was graduated from 'the
civil engineering course of the Univer
sity of Nebraska in 1910 he has beer,
in the eovernment service in the isl
ands surveying old estates, workinf
out new boundary lines for the
estates, the province., the various sec
tions of the islands and settling aijc
adjusting land disputes amoiT the
natives. He goes back to the same
work mow.
j Hogs Mount to Record
j Prices Cn Omaha Market
! Hogs have reached the anticipated
!?U mark. A consiKmpnt of hogs
I and cattle vas made by William Kis
j kalt. Central City, which broke rec
j ords in both divisions of thcinarkc.
The svvin. were of Poland China
I breed and average 328 po i.ids. The
previous Jnglt record was estal)!;lief!
Saturday when swine sold for $l).y'J
per hundredweight.
Woman Severely Injured
When Struck b;' an Auto
Mrs. Catherine Zweifle. S'f., North
Twenty-fifth avenue, suffered severe
injuries to her head and liml I'vu
day evening when struck by sn auto
mobile, said to have been driven by
C. W. Douglas. I he acciue.Tt oc
curred at Twenty-fifth avenue aul
Fort street at 9:30 p'cloc'T.
10 P. M.
1 A. M.
These halts are
eliminated by
the Self Starting
The Self Starter puts
a new steady stream
of "Go" into your
typed letters.:
the machine