Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1917, Page 8, Image 8

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Democrats Agree Not to Urge
Revenue Bill to Vote Be
fore Wednesday.
Washington, Feb. 25. One of the
most spectacular filibusters the capi
tal has seen in years kept the senate in
session until midnight yesterday and
was broken down only when repub
lican leaders directing it secured a
o rd from the democrats that tne
administration revenue bill would not
be urged to a vote until Wednesday.
The democrats, facing what they
declared was a republican attempt to
break down the administration pro
gram and force an extra session of
congress after March 4, naa inrtai
ened to keep the senate' in continu
ous session over Sunday, if that were
found necessary to secure passage of
the revenue measure.
Debate Far Afield.
The debate went far afield from
revenues and hot exchanges. between
the democrats and republicans led
into a dramatic discussion of the in
ternational situation and of President
Wilson's policy in the submarine
Late at night, leaders dh the repub
lican side let it be known that they
did not favor carrying the fight to the
extent of embarrassing the country
by killing the revenue bill and thus
weakening its preparation tor De
fense. After two or three peace proposals
had been rejected by the democrats,
the republican leaders submitted a
proposition for a vote Wednesday
night at 8 o'clock on condition that in
.the meantime appropriation bills may
be brought up by unanimous consent.
The democrats accepted, believing
this arrangement gave them a chance
to save enough of their legislative
program to avert an extra session.
Defense Bills Up.
There'was no understanding, how
ever, as to what the republicans might
do with other bills than the revenue
measure in case some of them should
hold to their determination to force
an extra session in order to have con
gress in session for developments in
the European emergency.
Several senatqrs pointed out that a
vpte on the revenue bill Wednesday
would not mean that an extra session
would necessarily be avoided. Aside
from other legislation, three of the
most important supply bills, the navy,
army and sundry civil, carrying alto
gether close to a billion dollars, have
not been taken up at all in the senate.
There is certain to be some discussion
by senators with pacifist tendencies
of both the navy and army bills.
Fall Introduces Resolution.
The smouldering broke into flames
this afternoon when the passages be
tween democrats and republicans
turned up a sensational debate on the
relations between the United States
and Germany which reached its
climax when Senator Fall, republican,
introduced a resolution to ask the
president to use the armed forces of
the United States to' protect Ameri
can rights on the seas.
It is, such a resolution as President
Wilson was expected to ask, but its
introduction at this time, by a repub
lican senator while the administration
is forming Its course came as a sur
prise. The- democrats declare it will
further complicate and embarrass , an
already much mixed up situation. -
Manchuria, Flying
- U. 8. Hag, Returns
From English Port
New York, Kcb. 25. The Atlantic
Transport line freighter Manchuria,
flying the American flag, arrived from
London today. The Veneria, French,
in from L Palice, was the only other
arrival from ports near the danger
zone. .. t
The Norwegian freighter' John
Blumer sailed today for Bergen. 1
Agents of the Norwegian-American
line received word here today that the
nergensijora, one oi me regular pas
senger vessels between Norway and
New York, sailed from Bergen today
"in ballast" and without passengers.
The vessels of this line have usually
put in at Kirkwall.
The British passenger ships, the
f i . . r j a . l. f : i
v.unarner vjruuna anu mc auupii ui
the White Star line left here today
on voyages that will carry them
through the German war zone. The
Orduna has 110 passengers, eight of
whom are Americans, and is sailing
for Liverpool.
The Canopic has 100 passengers and
is destined for Mediterranean ports.
Both ships are fully loaded with gen
eral cargo, including war supplies, and
have defensive armaments.
Autograph of the President
On Letter to Omaha Woman
A personally signed letter from
President .Wilson is the acknowledg
ment received by Mrs. Margaret A.
Henry for the offer she made to the
free use by the government of her
Lord Lister hospital, in case needed
for military purposes. The letter reads
as follows: "
"The White House, Washington,
Feb. 13. My Dear Madam: Let me
thank you very heartily for the gen
erous and patriotic offer in your tele
gram of the tenth of February. I
deeply appreciate your friendly as
surance. Cordially and sincerely
; Mrs. Margaret A.' Henry, Omaha. 1
Germany Will Take Care
To Protect Chinese Lives
London, Feb. 25. Germany's reply
to China's note regarding submarine
warfare, according to Reutvr's Shang
hai correspondent, declares that Ger
many has been compelled by 'the
necessities of the military situation to
institute its submarine warfare, but
that it will take adequate measures
to safeguard Chinese lives.
Germans Close Schools ' "
Of Belgium; Fuel Lacking
London, Feb. 25. German authori
ties have ordered the closing of all
schools in Belgium on account of a
shortage of coal, says a Central News
dispatch from Amsterdam. ,
Soldiers and Civilians Do
Honor to Commander in
San Francisco..
San Francisco, Feb. 25. "Taps"
the last call blown for a soldier
sounded yesterday over the grave of
Major General Frederick Funston,
who died suddenly in San Antonio,
Tex., Monday night. In accord with
his wishes, he was buried near his
son. Arthur MacArthur Funston, in
the cemetery of the military reserva
tion at the I'residio. overlooking tne
Golden Gate. A mixed brigade of
coast artillery and sailors every
available man from the depleted gar
risons around San Francisco bay
with officers of high rank and thou
sands of San Franciscans combatted
the elements to do honor to his mem
ory. From early, day, when the triple
balconies of the city hall's white ro
tunda were packed with citizens, gaz
ing at the guarded casket at the foot
of the great marble staircase,, until
past midday, the ceremonies ran. A
drenching rain, hour alter hour,
slanted across the ranks of the mili
tary escort.
Alive With Civilians.
The streets, seemingly deserted, be
came alive withcivilians, as the flag
wrapped casket was, borne from the
city hall on an artillery caisson to the
First Presbyterian church and thence
to the cemetery. The route lay along
Van Ness avenue, lined on one side
with old-time mansions which es
caped destruction because, in the
great fire of 1906, General Funston'i
engineers dynamited the buildings on
the opposite side of the street and
checked the flames. The entire route
of the funeral procession lay through
portions of the city which owed their
immunity from destruction largely to
the efforts of "Funston's men," and
his hillside grave overlooks the camp
ing grounds where slept thousands
of refugees, whom he fed, sheltered
and clothed. Hundreds of these, it
was said, were present at the ceme
tery and persistently sought memen
toes of the last rites.
Pick Up Empty Shells.
Women braved the sentries to pick
from the grass the empty shells fired
in the last salute and crowded around
the grave until it was found neces
sary to set a special guard, which will
remain throughout tomorrow. One
other token remained of the senti
ment which bound citizens and sol
dier. The sick in the county hospital
found at their bedsides late today cut
flowers and blossoms which were sent
by the general's friends and had been
heaped on the casket in the church
during the services there.
The simplicity of the funeral, ar
rangements which .the general's
friends regarded as harmonizing with
his own utter lack of display, was in
tensified when, before daylight, Gen
eral J. Franklin Bell, commander of
'bearers stood with the clergyman
the Western department of the army,
changed the order for full dress uni
form to service . uniform and over
coat, in which the two regiments of
artillerymen endured the storm. The
sailors were muffled in reefers.
Mounted Police Precede Guard.
At 10 o'clock the casket was taken
from the city hall rotunda, where it
had lain in state, all night. A cordon
of mounted police preceded a guard
riding along with a major general's
flag, two white stars' on a red field.
General Bell and his aide, the Third
Coast Artillery band, two regiments
of artillerymen and the sailors and
their band preceded the casket.
Directly,, affer came the general's
horse, shrouded in black: A pair of
black riding boots with "dangling
spurs were reversed in the stirrups.
Mourners In automobiles followed,
and companies from various military
and patriotic organizations 'brought
up the rear, carrying draped stand
ards. As ithe procession passed St.
Mary s Catholic cathedral the cathe
dral bells tolled.
Single Lamp Burnt.
In the First Presbyterian church a
single lamp burned high in the chan
cel, relieving at the altar the dull gray
licrht. Coast artillerymen wearing side
arms, guarded the entrance, and re
strained a throng many timet the ca
pacity of the edifice. The general's
widow, mother, aon, Frederick, and
brother, Altho, and immediate rela
tives awaited the casket, borne by
eight enlisted men who had seen
service with the general.
The honorary pallbearers followed.
They were Rear Admiral William F.
rullam, commanding the i'acihe re
serve fleet; Brigadier Generals Wil
liam L. Sibert, R. K. Evans and Oscar
F, Long: Colonels John T. Knight,
Guy Eddy and Captain Fitzhugh Lee,
General Funston t personal aide.
They were in full dress and were fol
lowed by Mayor James Rolfe, jr., and
city officials. Services, conducted by
the Rev. William Kirk Guthrie, pastor
of the church, were brief. Two of the
general's favorite hymns were sung,
Lead. Kindly Light, .and Just for
Today." .
atoms Drenches Mourners.
Throughout the journey to the
cemetery, the storm steadily aug
mented, drenching the marching col
umns to the skin. Within the reserva
tion, the column wound past a fallen
pine, newly uprooted by the storm.
As the caisson entered the gates,
minute guns began to boom, firing
thirteen guns. The family and nail-
alone at the grave, with a curtain of
soldiers screening them from the
crowd. At the conclusion of the brief
service, the mourners left. Orders
were snapped out, three volleys were
fired and a soldier blew taps. Another
salute of thirteen guns concluded the
rites. 1 - . ,
' Pershing Lauds Funston.
San Antonio, Tex., Feb. 25, Me
morial service honoring the late
Major General Frederick Funston, in
which citizens of San Antonio and
officers of the Southern department
participated were held here today,
during the same hour funeral services
were oeing held for General Funston
in San Francisco. Major General John
J. Pershing made his first public ap
pearance here, paying tribute to his
predecessor's memory.
Movements ef Or BtcMwhlaw.
Porta. . Arrival. Bailee. : i
BKROBN 3rsanrjor4..jCWopli . "
Kerioue BreeehlaJ Uqi
Dr', Kins' New Discovery will give you
quick raltaf In bronrhlal IrrltaUoa end bron
chial aathme. allays latlajntnatlon. eaeee
aora bdou. All dnmlaUh Advancement.
A Bom Flirt! "She'd Make Sweet Eyes at Caliban!"
EVEN a snow man, cold of heart, blind, dumb, melting
only in the sun's warm glances, is not safe from
her bright eyes. . The tiny Italian lingering before a
picture shop (have you ever noticed at all that a little son
of sunny Italia can never pass the colorful window of a
( picture shop?) is a victim. She stops and woos the heart
in his southern breast with a flower or a sweet word. Her
eyes' are alert for worshippers be they feathered,
furred, scarecrow, baby or man. Give me the born flirt.
I love her. She flirts with the sour old maid who has not
smiled in THIS many years and the maiden lady's heart
melts like the snow man's, in the soft favor of the sun ; she
flirts with the baby that kicks and weeps and squeezes big
tears like ear-drop pearls out of his eyes and will not stop
Inter-Atomic Energy May Yet Give Us Trips to the Moon
By Garrett P. Servfos. ,
Within a few years past I have
been asked to address two different
aeronautical societies on the curious
subject of the possibilities of a trip to
the moon.
' As far as I am aware this does not
indicate an intention on the part of
any aviator to essay a voyage to our
satellite, but. at least, it shows that
the flying instinct is growing by what
it feeds upon, and that, having navi
gated the air, practical men are giv
ing a little extra rein to their imagin
ations and wondering whether the
empire of birds marks the ultimate
frontier of human conquest. .
In fact, the dream of going to the
moon, which, in every age. has oc
cupied daring minds, is hardly more
impracticanie at tne present time man
would have been a project- springing
up in the mind of Balboa, of making
ships sail across from the Atlantic
to the great western ocean which he
saw from his peak in Darien. -
But it is not the invention of either
the aeroplane or the dirigible balloon
that atimulates thoughtful minds at
the present time to consider, half se
riously,, the idea of a lunar voyage.
The success of those inventions, de
fying scientific predictions and prob
abilities, only forms an incentive. It
turns men's minds hopefully to things
that heretofore have been regarded
as lying beyond the limits of human
power. .
It has always been so. Every great
advance has been a marvel at the
beginning, derided or laughed at
Each one of them has been a victori
ous birth of the imagination. The
?;reatest drag on progress is lack of
aith in the hidden capacities of man.
"Verily, I say unto you, if ye have
faith, as a grain of mustard seed, ye
shall say unto this mountain: Remove
hence to yonder place, and it shall re
move; and nothing shall be impossi
ble unto you." .:..
That is high authority for believing
that we are only just beginning to
discover the extent of our control
over nature, and such things as wire
less telegraphy, X-ray photography
and the disintegration of atoms, with
consequent unlocking of tremendous
concealed energy, prove that hitherto
we have been like the man who buried
his talents in the earth instead of
making them produce ten or a hun
dred fold.
Suppose we' look at the subject of
visiting the moon in the light of pres
ent knowledge. The distance in itself
is nothing 240,000 milcsl Many a
sea captain has sailed much farther
than that. It is less than ten times
the circuit of the earth.
Jf the atmosphere extended from
the earth to the moon, we could go
there now 'by modifying our present
apparatus. At a hundred miles an
hour we could be there in a hundred
days !" But at the height of five or
six miles the atmosphere becomes so
rare that we could not live in it with
out an artificial supply. Yet un
manned balloons have gone ten miles
high, and meteors take fire from fric
tion at an elevation of a hundred
miles or more.
. Still the atmosphere does practic
ally ceassj to exist at no very great
elevation, and cuts short off the road
of the balloon and the aeroplane.
We must turn to something else.
The buoyant force of air enables as
to overcome the gravitative attraction
of the earth only up to a moderate
height. Beyond that something more
is needed. I have learned with sur
prise that many intelligent persons
suppose that if we once got outside
the air motion would be unimpeded.
For instance, a man said to me the
other days 1
"Suppose an aeroplane could mount
straight up until it passed the lim
tt STggwm
and he opens his blue eyes washed with rain, and falls
in love ! She flirts with the old man who cannot remem
ber well when he had the last soft glance from a girl
' and youth arises and goes back over a rose grown path
again She flirts with the boy who sells her brown sugar
and he is not quite so cold these winter days when he
climbs back on his wagon to finish, the route. Her voice
laughs over the telephone and even the man whose line
she is on forgives her when she says she's "sorry." That
is a "born flirt." . . ' -
She makes sweet eyes at the cold snow Wn on her
way home from the lake I
its of the atmosphere, then having
nothing more to impede its motion',
it would go on with whatever velocity
it had when it left the air."
In fact, this could only occur iri
case the velocity of the -aeroplane
amounted to nearly seven miles per
second, for that velocity would be re
quired to completely overcome the
pull of the earth's attraction. Other
wise it. would fall back to the .earth.
This is the reason why Jules Verne,
in his amusing story of "A Voyage
to the Moon,'7 had his adventurers
shot out of an enormous cannon.
Only in that way, he thought, could
the requisite initial velocity be ob
tained. . '
But a bold mind might, in view of
recent discoveries, speculate on the
illimitable power that may be ob
tained from unlocking the energies of
the atoms of matter? Prof. Thomson
has calculated that a single gram of
hydrogen has within sufficient ener
gy to lift 1,000,000 tons 100 yards
high I Does anybody imagine that
that unlimited store of energy is go
ing forever to remain uncontrolled
by human genius? We have discov
ered its existence;' the tfext thing is
to take it and use it.
Suppose we had it under control,
as we shall have it some time. Then
reflect upon the close relation bet
tween atomic phenomena and elec
tricity and recall the- familiar experi
ment of making bits of pith fly away
from an electrically-charged ball. If
we could construct some kind of a
car that could be powerfully charged
with electric energy we might bcable
to make it fly away from the earth
as the pith balls fly from the charged
conductor of the electric machine.
Then it would be necessary to es
tablish a system of control by which
the speed and direction could be reg
ulated by varying the charge-and the
problem of navigating apace would be
solved. ' I have developed this (of
course, purely hypothetical) idea
By Nell Brinkley .
Copyright. 1917, International Ntwi Service?
somewhat farther in a story called
"A Columbus of Space."
Such a method would avoid all the
difficulties, really insuperable, that
hampered Jules Verne's plan of a
projectile starting at a velocity of al
most seven miles per second.
However, when we get the atomic
energies under control our first ef
forts will be directed to making more
money out of them and trips to the
moon will only begin to pay after
we have got tired of purely earthly
things. .
Men Wounded in War Are
To Become School Teachers
(Correspondence of Tne Asaoclated Preaa.)
Loadon, Feb. 1. The teaching pro
fession is to be made attractive for
partially' disabled officers and men.
Already the Board of Education has
let down the bars to examinations so
as to consider proposals for admis
sion to training colleges of men dis
charged from the army, who, though
not possessing any of the examina
tion qualifications usually required,
appear likely to complete a course of
training satisfactorily. The board will
not expect the same standard of
physical efficiency as is required of
ordinary students.
Constipation and Indigestion.
These are twin evils. Persons suf
fering from indigestion are often
troubled with .constipation. Mrs.
Robert Allison, Mattoon, III., writes
that when she first moved to Mat
toon she was a great sufferer from in
digestion and .constipation. Food
distressed her and there was a feel
ing like a heavy weight pressing on
her stomach and chest. She did not
rest well at night, and felt worn out
a good part of the time. One bot
tle of Chamberlain's Tablets correct
ed this trouble so that she has since
felt like a different person. ,
Shipping Tied Up by Subseas
as Important as That Sunk,
JJay Officials. .
Berlin, Feb. 22. (By Wireless to
The Associated Press, Via Sayville,
Feb. 25.) The admiralty press bu
reau is a poor source fl comfort for
correspondents at this time. Officials
there have little to say. No data in
regard to the submarine warfare has
been given out. Many submarines
with a long cruising radius, the of
ficials say, have not yet been heard
from. '. . '
The naval and military leaders are
much pleased by, the progress of the
intensified submarine warfare in the
last three, weeks. While the tonnage
actually sunk in February probably
will not exceed 500,000, it is contended
that the U-boat campaign has had in
stantaneous and far reaching effects,
not only as regards the destruction of
ships, but in the way of tying up neu
tral vessels.
After Tonnage Not Lives.
"A boat interned is as good as a
boat sent to the bottom," is the way
the men at the admiralty put "it. "We
are after tonnage, not lives."
The admiralty officials are making
a close study of the ramifying effects
producted by the restriction of ship
ping in regard to industries of neutral
as well as belligerent countries, owing
to the cutting off of coal, lumber and
raw materials.
The press and public here are curi
ous as to the unconfirmed reports of
the sailing fori the war zone of the
American merchantmen Rochester
and Orleans. Bets are being posted
whether they will force their way
through the barred area.
No Special Privileges.
"The two American ships of course,
have no special privileges," says the'
Lokal Anzeiger. "The rules which
have been set down for other vessels
apply to them. They can count on no
special warning. It is erroneous,
moreover, to designate them as 'trial
ships' as it is of course possible that
one or tha other may escape the vigil
of the U-boats. But Americans had
better not hope that such an accident'
is likely to occur."
The press here says European neu
trals fully appreciate the effect of the
unretarded submarine campaign not
withstanding efforts "of the entente to
minimize it and conceal the results
already attained. The submarine cam
paign has eclipsed military events 011
the various fronts and is almost the
only, topic of conversation in regard
to the war.
An Old Recipe
To Darken Hair
Common Garden Sage and Sulphur
Makes Streaked, Faded or Gray
Hair Dark and Youthful
at Once.
Almost everyone knows that Sage
Tea and Sulphur, properly compound
ed, brings back the natural color and
lustre to the hair when faded, streaked
or gray. Years ago the only way
to get this mixture was to make it
at home, which is mussy and trouble
some. ,
Nowadays we simply ask at anv
drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur Compound." You will get
a large bottle of this old time recipe
improved by the addition of other
ingredients for about 50 cents. Every
body uses this preparation now, be
cause no one can possibly tell that
you darkened your hair, as it does
it so naturally and evenly. You
dampen a sponge or soft brush with
it and draw this through your hair,
taking one small strand at a time;
by morning the gray hair disappears,
and after another application or two,
your hair becomes beautifully dark,
thick and glossy and you look years
younger. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Compound is a delightful toilet requi
site. It is not intended for the cure,
mitigation or prevention of disease.
Don't Let Soap
Spoil Youc Hair
When you wash your hair, be care
ful what you use. Most soaps and
prepared shampoos contain too much
alkali, which is very injurious, as it
dries the scalp and makes the hair
The best thing to use is just plain
mulsified cocoanut oil, for this is pure
and entirely greaseless. It's very
cheap, and beats the most expensive
soaps or anything else all'to pieces.
You can get this at any drug store,
and a few ounces will last the whole
family for months.
Simply moisten the hair with water
and rub it in, about a teaspoonful is
all that is required. It makes an
abundance of rich, creamy lather,
cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out
easily. The hair dries quickly and
evenly, and is soft, fresh looking,
bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to han
dle. Besides, it loosens and takes
out every particle of dust, dirt and
ThatWhajoman's dread When aha get
u?.nthemoramftorfiUrt"the day'work,
"Oh! how my back aches." GOLD MEDA&i
Haarlem Ott -Capsules taken today eases tha
backache of tomorrow taken ovary day
ends tha backache for all time. Don't delay.
What'i tha use of suffering T Begin taking
QOLD MEDAL Haarlem Ol Capsules today
and ba relieved tomorrow. Tak thr ni
four every day and be permanently fre from
wrencning, aiKiraiaing oacn pain, nut be
ura to get 'GOLD MEDAL. Since 169
GOLD USUAL Haarlem Oil hae been tha
Natloaal Remedy of Holland, tha Gover
ment of tha Netherlands having' granted
special charter authorising Iti preparation
and sals. The houaewlfe of Holland would
almost aa aoon be without bread aa aha
Would without her "Real Dutch Drops,' as
she quaintly calls QOLD MEDAL Haarlem
Oil Capsules. This Is tha one resaon why
gm will find tha woman and children of
ollsnd so sturdy and robust.
GOLD MEDAL are the pure, original
Haarlem Oil Capsules Imported direct from
the laboratories In Haarlem, Holland. But
be sure to get OOLD MEDAL. Look for tha
name on avery box. Sftld by reliable drug-
fists In sealed packages at 25c, 6f)c and
1.00. Money refunded If they do not help
you. Accept only the GOLD MEDAL. All
others ara imitation.-Advertisement,.