Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1917, NEWS SECTION PART ONE, Page 9, Image 9

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9 A
Sunday, February 25, 1917.
Miners and Ranchmen Have a
Telephone Douglas 137.
Style Petals Unfold Daily at Burgess-Nash
Hew Plan for Settling Their
State Troubles.
Boise, Idaho, Feb. proposal
to divide Idaho into two dates by
separating the northern part from the
southern on a line approximately
along the watershed, extending east
and west, of the Snake and Salmon
rirera, Is before both houses of the
tare legislature which is now In ses
sion here. One result of state separa
tion would be to add two United
States senators to the upper house
of congress.
Sentiment In favor of the separa
tlon has been crystalizing within the
state for some years because of the
divergence in physical characteristics
of the two sections and the conse
quent almost diametrically opposed
interests of the inhabitants. It is as
serted that virtually ever since the
State was admitted to the union it
has been difficult to obtain state laws
from the legislature which are in the
Interest ot the state as a whole.
What Would Be Divided.
It Is said that when divided the
two new states would be almost equal
in extent and population. Separation
would, it is said, separate the purely
agricultural and grazing interests
from those which ara purely mining
and with which the northern section
of the present state Is almost en
tirely concerned. As the division is
proposed, there .would be approxi
. meter 48,300 square miles m the old
Stats and 35,600 in the new state. The
old state would be about the size of
Pennsylvania and the new state about
theslie ot Indiana.
On a valuation of approximately
$400,000,000 for the whole stare the
territory which would be left in the
southern half, or old state, virtually
would be 60 per cent, or $240,000,000,
while the new state would have a
valuation for taxable purpose of
about $160,000,000.
Ths present state has a total popu
lation of 436.881. as comoared with
that of New York with 10,366,778, and
with Texas with 4,472,494, both of
which are much larger also in terri
tory. Idaho contains 83,900 square
miles, while lexas contains ZoS.oyo
square miles, the largest in the United
States, Idaho is 305 miles long at
its greatest length, as compared with
Texas which is 620. The latter Is
760 miles across, while Idaho is 490
miles at its greatest breadth.
Talked for Many Year.
State division has been talked for
many years, principally because the
two sections have little in common,
geographically or industrially. They
are separated by a mountain system
which has never yet been penetrated
by a railroad, for which reason trav
elers desiring to go from north to
south or in the other direction have
to leave the state and pass through
both Oregon and Washington, or else
through Montana.
Should the resolution be adopted
by the state legislature there will have
to be a constitutional convention
the tow states and he constitutions
submitted to congress in Washington,
wnicn, rinding the constitutions to its
liking, would pass an enabling act and
the new states would become a reality.
Omaha Grain Men
Fight Boost in the
Rates On Wheat
Representing the Omaha Grain ex
change, Ed P. Smith has gone to
Washington, where next Wednesday
he will appear before the Interstate
Commerce commission to resist a
proposed advance in wheat export
rates that the railroads seek to apply
March 12.
The railroads of the country have
Joined in an agreement to advance
the wheat rate 1 cent a bushel to all
points on the Atlantic and gulf coasts,
especially if the grain is for export.
This advance is protested by the
Omaha Grain exchange, the Chicago
Board of Trade and members of grain
markets elsewhere. In the presenta
tion of the protest and the arguments,
the local grain men are represented
by Mr. Smith.
The chief reason the grain men
have for fighting the advance in the
export grain rate is the fact that
millions of bushels of wheat now in
storage were bought on the basis of
the present rate. The contention is
that an advance of 1 cent a bushel
will mean heavy losses to holders of
Judge J. W. Bixler,
Formerly of North
Platte, Dies in East
(Trora a Staff Correipondent)
Washington, Feb. 24. (Special
Telegram.) John W. Bixler, a lead
ing pioneer lawyer and well-known
politician of western Nebraska, who
located in North Platte in 1880,
elected county judge in 1882 and dis
trict attorney of the Tenth judicial
district of Nebraska In 1883, but who
has been connected with the law
branch of the Interior department
since 1890, died at his son's home in
Danlelson, Conn., on Thursday after
a long illness. His body arrived in
Washington this morning. Interment
will be at Arlington on Monday.
Judge Bixler was the first com
mander of Stephen A. Dougla post,
Grand Army of the Republic, of
North Platte and vice commander' of
Department of Nebraska in 1889 and
1890. He was a member of the Loyal
Legion of the District of Columbia.
He leaves a wife and two children,
Edgar and Lottie; Edgar being well
known on the vaudeville stage as
Edgar Bixley.
Switzerland Will Have
Two Meatless Days Weekly
Berne, Feb. 24. The Bundesrat an
nounced yesterday afternoon the long
awaited restriction of food distribu
tion,' whereby Switzerland will have
henceforth two meatless days weekly,
must do without whipped cream and
other 'similar dishes and must limit
its egg consumption.
to Visitors
to the
Auto Show
The hospitalities of this big
service store of old-fashioned
courtesy are extended to the
visitors now sojourning in the
Besides the many conven
iences that you are at liberty
to use freely, this store with
a motto of the "Greatest ser
vice to the greatest number"
affords numerous interesting
features and a visit to the
City would be incomplete
without a tour through its
many seotions especially
now with its beautiful display
of Spring loveliness.
More than 75 specialty
shops comprise this store and
in every one mercantile per
sonality of the highest type is
To give intelligent court
eous service to the public and
provide merchandise of the
most dependable quality is
onr aim Today, Tomorrow,
Every day.
Every visitor is individually
welcome at
Better Get In on
This Contest
Another bird house contest
for boys under 18 years. Start
ing March 10th and ending
March 17th.
$50.00 in Prizes
Full particulars may be se
cured in the Sporting Goods
Section, Fourth Floor.
I 0NG Cloth in 10
L Yard Bolts, $1
Just the quality for night
shirts, gowns, underwear and
the like Long cloth, 36 inches
wide, chamois finish, very spe
cial value.
Nainsook $1.25 Bolt
86-inch fine sheer nainsook
for dainty lingerie and infant's
wear, Monday at bolt of 10
yards for $1.25.
Burfoaa-Naah Co. Main Floor
Bed Spreads, $2.95
HERE'S an unusual value in
bed spreads for Monday.
82x92 -inch fine satin bed
spreads, scalloped with cut
corners, handsome assorted pat
terns. BuriMo-Nuh Co. Main Floor
tirst Showing of Women's New
Boots. Pumps, Slippers and Sport
Shoes for South or California Wear
HPHE initial but a most comprehensive display of new footwear for
J- Spring and Summer especially intended for those who will
sojourn during the next few weika in the Southland or California.
Models designed for walking, for afternoon wear, for evelung wear:
White nile cloth boots and pumps.
White kid skin boots and pumps.
White buck akin boots and pumps.
Dark tan russia calf pumps and oxfords.
Fine black russia call pumps and oxfords.
Black French kid skin boots, pumps and oxfords.
jennis ana gou ooois ana oxioras.
A Few of the Exclusive Models:
The Military oxford.
The Sirere pump.
The Duchess pump.
The Oe Ponce pump.
The Blakewood oxford
The Troville pump.
The Ostend model.
The Trayman boot.
The prices from $3.50 to $14.00.
An expert foot specialist will be in attend
ance in our Shoe Section, second floor, Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday, March 1st, 2d and
3d. His services are entirely free. Make an
appointment now.
BurfOM-Nuh Co. Second Floor
Oriental Tendencies DominateThis
Display of New Spring Trimmings
EMPHASIZING the new Chinese beads to bands,
motifs and tassels in a wide array of colors; also em
broidered Japanese bands and edges. .- ' t
Fancy striped and printed chiffons and Georgette crepes, very
new for blouses.
Real filet edges, insertions and medallions.
Filet Laces at 15c to 50c Yard
Edges and insertions to match, from one to three inches wide,
beautiful selection of new designs.
New Point Venice Laces, 25c
Edges and insertions in widths one-half to one inch, pretty new
Burieaa-Naaa Co. Main Floor
Sheets and Cases Priced In a Way
That Means a, Saving to You
MADE of the better qualities of muslins, bleached, torn
and hemmed, ready for use.
Sleepy Hollow Sheets and Caaes
63x99-inch sheets 79c I 81x99-inch sheets 89c
81x90-inch sheets 85c 42 or 46x36-inch cases 19c
' Night Time Sheets and Cases
72x99-inch sheets 95c I 42x3 6-inch cases . ... 21c
81x99-inch sheets 98c I 45x36-inch cases 21c
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Down Stalra Storo
"Standard" Rotary Sewing
Machines. Monday. $37.50
TO introduce you to the new location of our Sewing
Machine Department on the Fourth Floor, we offer
the "Standard" Rotary, a wonderful sewing machine for
this week only, at $37.50. A remarkable reduction from
the regular price.
The following features make good our
claim a round shuttle machine, in
reality two machines in one lock and
chain stitch, instantly interchangeable
central needles, sit straight ball bearing
stand, easy and silent running, guaran
teed in their construction.
Because of special arrangement di
rect with the factory we can sell to you
the best machine in the world at a price
that means a saving to you and with all that on the easiest
sort of terms as low as
$1.00 Down $1.00 a Week
Wizard Machines, $15.50
Well made and very durable Wizard sewing machines, reduced
to $15.50.
Free sewing lessons.
Bursoto-Nuh Co. Fourth Floor
There's an absolute delight
in the Spring time colorings of these
New Suits, Coats
and Dresses
For Women and Misses of Which i
We Announce a Specially
Prepared Display
For Monday
HARMING and distinctive each one measur
ing fully up to the Bureess-Nash standard of
style individuality and excellence of workman
ship. Then, too, they must be consistently priced
before they can find a place in this big ready-to-wear
store. We respectfully invite vour insnec-
tion and comparisons.
New Suits at $25.00 and Upward
The strictly tailored and more dressy suit tailored models indicating fash
ion's trend in mannish tweeds, poiret twills, gaberdine, serges, silk poplins, nov
elty wool weaves, taffetas, in black and choicest shadings; 34 to 46 sizes.
The New Coats, $18.75 and Upward
Coats for sports wear, auto service and dress occasions
in the belted, loose swinging and new belted waist line mod
els. Finely tailored, full and half lined and unlined, in
English tweeds, coverts, velours, bolivias, serges, poplins
and taffetas, in the shadings of light, dark and blacks.
Fashion's Newest Dresses, $16.50 Upward
Superlatively smart and strictly in accord with the
latest decrees of Paris. The range of colors cover all the
conservative as well as the newest shades in pastel and
high colorings. Combinations of georgette crepes, taf
fetas, serges and satins. '
Burfoaa-Naah Co. Socond Floor
And Napkins
This splendidly ar
ranged "day light linen
store" offers for Monday
heavy Irish linen table
damask, made from select
flax yarns, every thread
pure linen. '
Beautiful selection of new
patterns from which to choose,
bordered all around designs.
72-inch x 2 yards, $3.00.
72-inch x 8V4 yards, $3.75.
72-inch x 8 yards, $4.50.
20x20 napkins, $3.50.
22x22 napkins, $4.00.
Burvoaa-Naah Co. Main Floor
Here's an Extreme Special Value in
Smart New Silks for Spring Wear at $1.49
EXTREMELY special because the present day market price is more than the price
we ask you Monday. i ' '
We bought months ago at the old price and that's the "Why", we can offer you
such unusual silk values. The offering includes:'
36-inch sports stripe taffetas....
36-inch taffeta plaid silks
36-inch figured poplins
36-inch plain chiffon taffeta ,
36-inch black peau de soie ,
86-inch satin stripe taffetas.
32-inch natural pongee silks. 1
40-inch silk crepe de chenes.
32-inch natural pongee sports figures.
40-inch black chiffon taffetas.
Bur(oaa-Naah Co. Main Floor ,
But 3 Days Remain of the February
In Which You Can Benefit By Reductions on the
Entire Stock Ranging From 10 to 50 Per Cent
THREE days and we have planned for and expect them to bring the biggest returns of any three days of this, our
greatest February sale of Furniture. Like adding new fuel to a roaring fire several shipments that were de
layed in transit have been received and will afford some of the very best possible values. Here's just an idea : "
This Dreiser,
Large colonial dresser,
substantially built and
finished in either mahog
any or golden oak. Top
25x48 inches.
This Rocker,
, $26.95.
Big roomy upholstered
rocker, like illustration,
with genuine leather or
select tapestry coverings,
made with the popular
loose spring cushions, spe
cial, $26.95.
This Desk,
Lady's writing desk,
constructed of b e 1 a c t
Michigan white oak with
a rich nut brown fumed
finish, special sale price
Monday, $9.86.
This Table,'
Solid mahogany table,
like illustration. A repro
duction of the popular
William and Mary design.
Size of top 80x48 inches,
specially priced in this
sale at $18.75.
This Table,
Solid oak dining table in
the popular fumed finish,
will extend to full six feet;
reduced for the sale to $9.85.
This Bedstead,
All steel bedstead, full size, fin
ished in white enamel, five spin
dles in head and foot, 2-inch con
tinuous tube, special Monday at
This Upholstered Davenport, $59.50
Loose spring seat davenport, upholstered with the best quality tap- :
estry, one of the famous Karpen make, exactly like illustration, re
duced for, the February sale to $59.50.
' Burgaaa-Naah Co. Third Floor
This Desk,
Solid mahogany ' spinet
desk, correct reproduction
of the colonial spinet as il
lustrated; reduced to $18.45.
Chair to match of solid
mahogany, for $6.50.