THE OMAHA SUNDAY REE: FEBRUARY 1917. V m NOW BUILDING 'I1; 1.0... Ill 'I n. ft 1 1 r i 1 1 in nuns mini: :;:' it ii lil'fiii : !" ' III I 1 1 I JiLL-U i; !i mm u ! 'Bffluilii I'll! iVii!!"!!'"1 t!5 (' IE iiiiii"-''1 i iiiiiiini)1 Iran WW iiflliliiii , J II. II Ml."" Mar a yCrouaa bnwwa Jantury Z3, 117. Will b hbpIu4 tad nuil kfull bUrt M7. 117. t d3 OF -of the Smallest Users Who Must Have Economy and Service Small users are buying in single units and soon doubling and trebling their original orders to take care of the increased business brought to them by Smith Form-a-Truck displacing horses hauling twice the load over three times the area. O V? J YOUR OWN PROBLEMS SOLVED Regardless of the work you have to do regard less of the problems of your hauling department regardless of your present hauling or delivery condition, there are Smith Form-a-Trucks at work doing exactly what you will require from Smith Form-a-Trucks put in your own service. So your own problems have been solved from our own records of owners we can show you how well they have been solved can put definite facts and figures before you that remove all un certainty from your hauling and delivery de partment. USE THESE POWER PLANTS Built originally to combine only with the Ford power plant, public demand has forced us to supply a universal attachment one that com bines with Maxwell, Dodge Bros., Buick, Chev rolet or Overland chassis to make the same fully guaranteed one ton truck that thousands of users have already obtained from Smith Form-a-Truck and the famous Ford power plant. Distributors for Smith Form -a -Trucks 1529-31-33 North 16th Street Phone Webster 337 OMAHA, NEB. XDQUARTERS ROME HOTEL" THE MONEY Smith Motor Truck Corporation is strongly "financed. One of the Best financed manufacturing companies in the motor truck or automobile industry. A real basis for success is assured the money ability to do everything that can insure owner satisfaction, dealer prestige and the fulfillment of promises. THE FACTORY In the huge factory one Smith Form-a-Truck is being turned out every four minutes a thoroughly tried, tested, proved product for you. This factory was built and occupied in three months in 1916. Already ground is broken and construction work started .on a duplicate, and in three months Smith Form-a-Truck production will reach the amazing figure of one every two minutes. THE MATERIALS Materials for 30,000 Smith Form-a-Trucks are already on hand. Demand has been anticipated a year in advance. There can be no delay. There can be no tie-up nothing to hamper the mam moth production which we must maintain and must double. DELIVERIES In Any Quantity When You Want Them Our close working arrangements "with the factoiy enable us to nake deliveries absolutely on schedule. There is no delay. The huge factory production is already apportioned. Our deliveries are guaranteed. Name the day you want your Smith-Form-a-Trucks and that is the day they will come to you. There will be no hold up, no delay in the change from slow, expensive money wasting horse delivery and fast, economical profit building deliv ery by Smith-Form-a-Trucks. 5, VVV; 'J.;' j" ''1 Uj i 5 !l S3 V &. Ml ft 3