4 P THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 25, 1917, SMITH HOLDS OWH SDPEMX.SALOH Hudson Distributer Has Sales rooms Specially Decorated in Show Colors. FULL LINE IS ON EXHIBIT Guy L. Smith is one Omaha auto mobile dealer who does not confine his show week activities to the auto mobile exposition itself. In addition to his exhibit at the Auditorium Smith will hold a Hudson salon of his own at his salesrooms at Twenty-sixth and 1'arnam streets. It is Smith's custom to change the decorations of his show room every two or three months and as a result the Hudson display room is always one of the most attractive on the row. But on this occasion of automobile show week Smith and his aide de rnmps have outdone all previous ef forts in adding to the attractiveness of the show room. Automobile show colors this year are green and white. So Smith has followed a scheme of green and white. Wide green and white stripes of tissue paper have been stretched in parallel lines all along the wans. Roses peep out here and there to add effulgence to the color scheme and when the softly tinted rays from invisible incandescents hidden under the woodwork and paneling spread their mellow glow over the shining new Hudsons on the display floor the Smith showroom is a pretty sight indeed. Mr. Smith has half a dozen new Hudsons of the latest type and style at his salesroom, which, with the cars at the show, will make it possible for show visitors to see the complete super-six line. Hauling Power of 4-Ton Truck Equals That of Six Teams The attractiveness of Grosse He, the Detroit river island summer home of many wealthy Detroitera, has been enhanced lately by the building of a network of good roads, says the Power Wagon. Many of the main arteries have been completed, Insur ing good travel instead of mud in the future. All the material, broken stone in two sizes, had to be hauled from a quarry on the mainland by teams and a four-ton motor truck with dump body. The hauls varied from 3 to 7.5 miles, according to the loca tion of the work. It wac actually determined by Nor man A. Pabst, owner of the machine, that it was doing the work of six two-horse teams, drivers and wagons. Seven teams were working at the same time. In ten hours they hauled 49.5 tons of stone, while the motor truck hauled- in the same time 56.4 tons. Over a period of 105 days of ten hours each the machine averaged 45.1 tons and 79.5 miles per day. During the last two months of the work, because of the approach of winter, it became necessary to rush the job and the machine was in actual operation twenty-three hours each day. The horses, of course, had to rest nights. The motor truck during this period averaged 98.8 tons hauled. On Otcober 28 it hauled 114 tons and traveled 161 miles. Besides making some extraordinary hauling records, the machine cut MANAGER NASH SALES CO. TOE THIS DISTRICT. T. H. M'DEARMON. T. H. McDearmon has irecentlv moved to Omaha to take charge of and manage the Nash Sales company, which firm will distribute Jeffery pleasure cars and trucks. Mr. McDearmon has for the last three years been associated as sales manager of the Oakland Motor com pany of Pontiac, Mich., with C. W. Nash, who recently was president and general manager of the Oakland comply- . , , ., Prior to entering the automobile arena Mr. McDearmon spent a num ber of years in the implement busi ness, the most recent implement con nection being with the John Deere Plow company at Kansas City as as sistant manager. Mr. McDearmon has been closely associated with Mr. Nash in his achievements in automobile manufac-turing. down labor and tirrte 15 per cent and with its am a mile ot roaa was nuut in four weeks, whereas it took four teen weeks when the horses worked alone. Auto Girls at the Gayety For Week of Auto Show In presenting "The Auto Girls" at the Gayety theater during the week of Omaha's big automobile show, that house may De said to be displaying Its customary enterprise and thought fulness as to the fitness of things for what musical attraction could be more appropriate for the occasion than this one? Iff chief chauffeurs of fun are none other than Hd Lee Wroth and that funny little Dutch man with the funny little slide, Billy W. Watson. Effervescent Estelle Colbert will preside at the honk horn of souorettishnesg and the chorus is composed of a stageful of beauteous joyriders who are listed to liven things up at frequent intervals by their melodious activity. The theater itself will look not un like a garage or auto salesroom dur ing the week in fact, the manage ment is announcing it as (he "Gayety garage." No opportunity will be lost to boost all of the exhibits on dis play at the Auditorium, a policy that has won the Gayety the everlasting good will of everybody In the auto trade. ADTO EXPERTS ARE READYTO GIVE AID Society of Automobile Engi neers Members Offer Serf -ices to Army. WILL BE OF ASSISTANCE Following the tender of service long ago made the government by the Society of Automobile Engineers and in pursuance of the society's co-operation with various government bu reaus in the formulation of military truck, aeronautic and kindred stand ards, many Society of Automobile En gineers members have applied for and some have received appointments as officers in the reserve corps of the War department. The object in organising the quar termaster reserve corps is to obtain high-class specialists to serve accord ing to their previous training and knowledge anil be so prepared that in the event of the president calling for their services they will be capable of rendering efficient service without further Waining. A reserve officer is aooointed for a period of five years; must, so ordered, attend eacn year an army encampment for a period of two weeks and present himself for active duty at the proper place in time of actual or threatened hostil ities. The quartermaster corps is a large business concern; the reserv ists would be required to handle its increased business in war or in the face of threatened war. In listing suitable persons to be commissioned in army corps in con nection with motor transDortation tha members of the Society of Automobile Engineers will naturally be drawn upon very largely. Men from this re markable organization will have to be depended upon as technical ad visers of the officer grade to super vise the operation on a large scale of motor truck companies and the req uisite repair shops. A considerable number of men qualified as foremen in and superintendents of shops are neeiled by the army as truckmasters with motor companies. A large num ber of chauffeurs and mechanics must be listed. In general the Society of Automo bile Engineers members will serve as authorities in the design of engines, In metallurgy, electrical engineering, de velopment of starting and lighting systems tor aeronautic worK, searcn light signaling, adaptation of wireless equipment to airplane use, mounting engines in airplanes and conducting supply depots and parts service sta tions. Prompt movement of truck trains, without delay caused by a sin gle breakdown, is essential in military transport New Wireless 'Phone Is Out for Motorists It is now possible for motorists contemplating trips far from human habitation to journey so equipped that they may call for help in time of trouble, and feel reasonably certain that their calls will be heard. This can be accomplished by use of a wireless telephone recently in vented for use on automobiles, and which can be operated while the car is at a standstill or traveling forty or fifty miles an hour. MANAGER OF MOST MODERN SERVICE STATION. Whittier Co. Will Exhibit the Wilmo Manifold at Show v i W "Ha 4 When we decided to go into the Tire Business the question was What Tire? A After careful Investigation we decided that .The Swinehart Tire company were building the best quality tire on the market. We immediately secured the right to act as sole distributors of Swinehart tries in this territory. We say without hesitancy we have the best tire and tube made, with quality and class com bined. We want dealers at every point. We have the goods and an attractive dealers' proposition. Every tire guaranteed for 5,000 miles. We want satisfied customers calling on dealers for Swinehart Tires. As an introduction and to assist us in securing dealers we will DURING SHOW WEEK ONLY give car owners wholesale prices on Swinehart Tires and Tubes. Don't miss this opportunity to secure the most attractive tire on the market, utility and beauty combined. You are cordially invited to call and examine our stock. Wheeler Tire Company A. E. WHEELER. President. DISTRIBUTORS FOR - Swinehart Tires Quanataaa' Flva Thouunl Milaa Pnoumatlc mi SalU Tlraa. KM FARNAIt STREET. PHONE DOUGLAS 7844. FREE SERVICE.' OMAHA, NEBRASKA. R. C SMI 1 H. The Delco Exide Service station at 2024 Farnam is now the distributor of the A: B. C. starting and lighting system for Ford cars and is fully equipped to give the same prompt service on these starters as it has given the Delco starter and Exide battery users. The A. B. C starting and lighting system is a two-unit sys tem and its superiority has even met with the Ford's O. K. Seven Miles an Hour Was Speed of Race in 1895 Twenty-two years ago a few enthu siastic "horseless carriage" manufac turers decided that the time was ripe for a race. As we look, back at it now the contest was a mechanical jest, The vehicles started bravelv and then stopped lamely, while their drivers made repairs. Une inventor followed his mechanical wonder with a team ot horses. The winner of the race had averaged the mad speed of seven and one-half miles an hour. His engine, carefully tested after the feverish con test was over, was found to develop an amazing four-horsepower. Wal demar Kaempffert in Harper's Maga zine. California Uni Star Enters the Pro Game Russell Thompson, first baseman of the University of California base ball team, has been signed by the Oak land Coast League club for a trial in the spring. He is a right-hander, big and strong and from all accounts has a lot ot class. The Whittier company of Chicago, manufacturers of the Wilmo mani fold, has made arrangements to ex hibit its product during the auto show at the office and store room of the United States Rubber company, 1608 Harney street. The function of the manifold is to accomplish a complete vaporization of fuel and thus prevent the great waste that is known to be present in all motors where the gasoline goes into the engine in liquid form. The Wilmo manifold is one gray iron cast ing and which although simple in ex ternal form, easy to install, durable on account of there being no moving parts, materially improving the ap pearance and accessibility of the en gine to which it may be applied; it is at the same time an internally scientific casting which thoroughly and completely vaporizes the fuel and delivers to the cylinder- a real gas mixture without any globular liquid. The result is perfect combustion; no waste of fuel; no flint carbon and a clean engine. The perfect combustion of the fuel and doing away with the waste per mits of increased power and increased mileage. Official tests conducted by the American Automobile association have demonstrated that with an av erage Ford touring car the mileage per gallon of gasoline was raised from 19.6 to 28 miles under indentical conditions by the use of the Wilmo manifold or an increase of 42 per cent. Public tests will be made dur ing the coming week in which auto mobile owners will be interested be cause of the great fuel saving prom ised by the manufacturers. Billy Meyer Tells Mack He Is Ready for Battle Billy Meyer, Connie Mack's young catcher, who was taken ill with ap pendicitis near the close of last sea son, reports to his manager that he has fully recovered his health, is get ting a lot of outdoor exercise and will be in fine shape for the 1917 season. Mack expects much of him this year, for he was showing rapid improve ment when taken ill. Predict Prosperous Year For Trucks Among Farmers Announcement was recently made by the Lininger Implement company people that they have taken on the Commercial Truckmobile. This Is an attachment which can be fitted to serve different makes of automobiles and from reports which have reached Omaha regarding the truck It em bodies several distinctive features not to be found on other similar truck at tachments. The company manufacturing the Commercial Truckmobile is reputed to be very well financed and putting things over in a big way. They are very much pleased with the connec tion made in lOmaha, owing to the completeness of the Lininger Imple ment company's organization through the territory. It is believed by Mr. Head of the Lininger Implement company, as well as by numerous representatives, that the rural districts will buy trucks in great numbers and in view of the wonderful crop which Nebraska en joyed during the last year all manu facturers seem to be making tracks toward our farmers. with arv von ham in crank Tour motor in blizzard, or when your car stalk on driving the crowded street them's when Ton long for an A-B-C Starter on your Ford. And yon especially long for it when your motor back-fire and the hanoWnnk registers a broken wrat. We never have trouble proving that the A-B-C System Is the best starting and lighting system for Fords. A at th ONLY trmt, genuine tuo-anit starting and lighting system built for Fori can. And the two-unit is the final word in starting systems. Has no noisy chains to break. Cranks motor in the natural way, engaging with crankshaft direct. Does not interfere with accessibility of the Ford motor m anyway, and is perfectly accessible itself. butaUation is inclnamd in thm aWee, and "V. the work is done by trained men and done right S9S.00 Installed. Delco Exide Service Station. 2024 Farnam St, Omaha, Nab. Diatrlbutoi lor Nabraaka and Waatara Iowa. mi liflillllllllH11111 iiiimiiiHi'11111 (mm-1"11 ,IJI! iinun,nl niii'ii uuDliiiiiniini' f""ll!lllWl '""""iJIIIIIHUIIIIIf A Brand New Jackson The Wolverine Eight "No hill too steep No Band too deep" I PI na.Wafr Tamrbu Car t Ut Tw-'manr Romdatv $I3S ftr."amiswCrniaar, afaaW ' -Ir. wkU$l3IS KM vnaafa $100 lata. FlMPauimr Smdan Ua ' aaamtaafa fa) uhmW . rxabr lm ttSOl AM arum .a.a. fmctwrr See It At The Show This will Introduce the new "Wolverine Eight, " the fastest selling car ever built by the Jackson Company. It has the strength, the stamina, the swiftness and the com fortabld luxury you demand. Its-dominant charac teristics are motor smoothness, and riding ease. Its new style tonneau-cowl body, no less than its "V type overhead-valve, eight-cylinder motor, reflects the, very latest ideas in motor car design. Back of these newest Ideas is a coherent and steady stream of experience in automobile building that spans a period of fifteen years. Every development in the evolution of the automobile business has contributed its quota of knowledge and experience to the development of the Wolverine Eight Thus this car expresses the most modern ideas coupled with the substantial, tried and proven elements that mean a sure foundation for successful service. While exhibiting in full measure the ideals of power and strength that have always distinguished the produc tions of the Jackson Company, this new model reveals entirely new ideas of motor smoothness and riding ease. And because this eight-cylinder motor shows an average of 17.7 miles to the gallon of gasoline, it is establishing new records for eight-cylinder economy. At every point, in every detail you will find the Wolverine Eight a remarkably complete automobile an exponent of high quality at modest prices. Prices advance $100 on March first JACKSON AUTOMOBILE CO. Branch T. J. BOLAND, Mgr. 10th Av and eth St., Council Bluffs, lawa. Spaca 31. Main Floor, Omaha Auto Show. ! S 4JW