8 P THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE : FEBRUARY 25. 1917. CHANDLER INVADES ! THE FOREIGN FIELD; Growing Business of the Pop ular Six Includes Large Operations Abroad. j One of the Twelve Vim Models Present Merchandising of Autos Very Different from Old Methods CARS ALREADY SHIPPED One of the latest single export ; shipments o( high grade American-' built cars has just been completed by the Chandler Motor Carlcompany of Cleveland. In this shipment were 217' Chandler Six touring cars, all going1 to one foreign agent. These were de livered and boxed within ten days, ready for shipment to the seaboard, where a waiting steamer took them for their over-seas journey. "The Chandler company now has nearly fifty foreign agencies, all doing a prosperous business," said James M. Ounlap, sales manager. "Within the last month large ship ments have been made to Brazil, Den mark, UruguayNew Zealand, Sian, " Norway, China and other countries.! Chile took thirty-two Chandlers in I one month recently. , "Orders from Madrid Indicate that the Chandler will soon be one of th; most popular cars in the Spanish capi tal. "Export orders come through tn the factory dally. . Wherever it is in troduced, the Chandler has met with almost instant approval. An initial order from any country has, without exception, been the forerunner of' big business. "The approval with which it has met in foreign fields, is substantial testimony to the mechanical excel lence of the Chandler car. These ex port orders do not come as a result of the wide popularity of the ear in the United States, but solely as a re sult of the eminently satisfactory service rendered by the Chandler, and because of Its desia-n and construction. ' and because of its marvelous motor." I Boxing the Chandler Six for- its i , Ions over -seas journey requires spe cially trained workmen, In packing : for these export shipments the car is first ran on the bottom plate of the box (after the car has been thor 1 wmmuM J4r Ikl Pierce-Arrow Dump Truck White Town Car Landaulet onghly tested), where the wheels, top an d wind shield are removed. The car Is secured In position by heavy braces end the aides and top of the box ere then placed In position. The boxed automobiles are then placed on flat ears two automobiles to a flat . car and about twenty-five flat cars to each train. Postmasters All Know "Most Beautiful Car" When the .Paige-Detroit Motor Car company '-announced its new models under the caption The most beautiful car in America," President Harry ,M. Jewett. declared that the slogan had been presented to the Paige by the public, t How well justi fied Mr. Jewett was in this statement seems to be proved by an innocent little postal card that arrived at the Paige factory the other day. The card was mailed from the small town of Charleston, -W. Va., on February . 12. It was addressed Simply: "For eign Sales Manager, 'The Most Beau tiful Car in America,' Ifi S. A." There was no individual's name, no company name, no town, no state, yet the card was delivered at the Paige factory February 15. mm iw mmmm mm wmmw. w. Australians Claim Substitute For Rubber Tire Solved As in other countries of vast dis tances and comparatively few travel ing facilities, the advent of the motor car in Australia has. to a verv con siderable extent, solved the difficul ties of transportation, says The Power wagon, in many parts ot the coun try the roads are merely bush tracks or overland stock routes, on which herds of cattle are driven long dis tances to the city markets or coastal freezing works. The rough nature of the country over which the cars travel and the ex cessive heat often experienced have made the coat of rubber tires a serious item in maintenance, thereby leading to many experiments in obtaining a substitute for rubber at a moderate cost. The invention and recent per fection of the Australian "homing" tire is claimed to have solved the problem of producing an emergency tire at a comparatively small cost. Tests with tires made of various kinds of fiber were made, with the result that coir fiber was found to be the most suitable for the purpose because I of its lightness, cheapness, resilience PH and durability. The greatest difficulty was to discover a method of joining the ends of the rope to make a com plete circle of the same size, but eventually a new splice was invented, and the tire as now sold in Australia is perfect of its type. When first placed on the market the "homing;" tire was sold as an emer gency lire in case 01 a puncture or blowout, but it proved so satisfactory that in the country districts of some of the states the rope tires are fre quently used on all the wheels of motor cars, particularly for station or ranch work and over rough and stony country. . . -.' . The tires are bullet, nail and glass proof, and if a speed of sixteen miles is not exceeded it is claimed that they are almost as soft riding as pneu matic tires. It should be understood that the "homing" tire takes the place of both inner tube and cover, being attached to the rim by four or five straps. Delaware Lays Claim to '; :;t : The First Automobile Delaware claims the distinction of The present-day merchandising plans for automobiles, asserts W. L. Killy of the Noyes-Killy Motor com-' pany, distributors of the Saxon and King, is so distinctly different from : the old methods of handling cars and the methods pursued in other lines of business that it is almost impossible j for outsiders lo realize the enormous growth oi the industry and the great variety of problems that confront the men in this industry. "In the first place, there are so many men with original engineering! ideas and original ideas ot economy, production methods, etc., that one must be ever alert to catch the new ideas and new arguments which are being advanced in favor of different types of construction and the effect they will have on the rating of the present models of the different man ufacturers. "Countless new ideas are being ad vanced for betterment some of these are good and some of them are abso lutely valueless hut owing to the fact that so many improvements have been made recently one must be on the lookout continually in order that the particular model which the dealer has chosen to handle is the last word in construction and finish. "The dealers must, if they wish to be successful, estimate very closely the number of cars which they will need for their territory. Owing to the fact that the manufacturers of motor cars have heretofore been un able to meet the demand, it is a fight for dealers to get nearly the number dealer organization which has grown to tremendous strength. ThroufjJ) the entire story of Smith Form-a-'fruck the name of E. I. Ros enfeld predominates. The original conception of the Smith Form-a-Truck attachment came four years ago in Seattle, Wash. A.- D. Smith, n engineer of long: experi ence, visualized in his mind's eye the thousands upon thousands of used car chassis running around as a working unit of motor truck transportetion. Give your Want Ad a chance to make good. Run it in The Bee. W. L. KILLY. of cars which they can sell. In order to secure anywhere near a sufficient number'of cars to take car of their requirements it is necessary for the dealers to place orders far- in advance oftentimes it is necessary td store cars during the winter in order that the factory facilities will be unham pered. CUSTOM BUILT Both Angle and Runner Treads with the 5000 Mile Guarantee. Red and Grey Inner Tubes. state, is said to have constructed a forerunner of the present day motor car in 1844. He was a steam engine inventor, and one of his inventions, so it is said, was a steam-propelled car riage. The contrivance was in shape like a boat on wheels and was pro pelled by a walking-beam engine sim ilar to those used on many steam boats. Experiments Are Made With Alcohol for Fuel The ..development . of sawdust through the newest scientific meth ods, into a true grain alcohol, which can be used as a fuel for automobiles is now being worked out on the Canadian' side of the; international boundary, according to officials of the forest products laboratory of the fed eral forest service, which was a pio neer in this line of experimenting. "I am inclined ,to think, however, said Howard F. Weiss, director of the American labdratory, "that the Cana dian foresteri who prophesied that Canadian-nude alcohol will eventual ly be distributed through under ground pipes like city gas, is a little too enthusiastic in his' views. He is, however, on the right track in the de velopment of alcohol as a motor fuel. An enormous supply of wood waste : ,.il,hl in the orreat vallevs of the Willow, Nechako. Bulkley and Skeena rivers in 'central British Columbia, where the forests have been giving way tp agriculture in part, out wnere there is still a limitless supply of big timber. ..... :, .. -. Smith Motor Truck Corporation Will , Increase Its Space Ground has been broken for an ad dition to the factory of . the Smith Motor Truck corporation at Detroit. Tk. ...in : .1.- uiimuii win increase inc production of the present factory inn . 1 -i ... j iuu pel tciu aim suuw a correspond ing increase in production of Smith Form-a-Trucks from one every four minutes to one every two minutes. This contribution to the motor haul ing industry has achieved dominance In twelve months has grown from a mere detprminatinn t a l-,....i ; . ,v v ii.iviif in dustry of high proportion and through all of the tremendous devel opment which has taken place two figures stand out. One is the man who conceived the idea and played the role of engineer; the other man with a business vision who drove the idea home to the buying public and to the being first in the field with the motor! Give your Want" Ad a chance to ri: T7..nne o f ii,4i Pun it in The Bee. VHtci i-vaiio, uaii.Li ui ...... maite B ...... .. .-- Biggest , of Them w 11! 54 See It at the Show! ... 1 ' I J 1 El (fl 0 r.t ' Jrt I1' :: tfr F Jr V?A i I ft ! I? 113 1 ; Old And a Ford p Chassis, 1 11 mn or new IRUCKMQBHJ The Triumph of Real Truck Engineering Look over alt the other truck attachments then see the Truck mobile and you'll know at a glance why it really is "Biggest of Them All." - Its extra length and extra width, as well as its more massive construction, . instantly impresses you of its mechanical perfection and bespeaks of real engineering. Real engineers did design and build the Truckmobile and these points are the very keynotes of its whole construction. Sturdiness, simplicity of operation and attach ments and nine exclusive features of construction effectually over come high upkeep cost Note These Exclusive Points of Superiority 1. TruelcmoblU) baa longer whl bata 1SS inchn. I. Truckmobile . rides alr linear light an wall as bcavy loads, dua to aprinff construction and lone ' whKl baaa. - a. Leas aida sway to frama and body, dua to method o( aprina attachment. 4. Wider frame 1 htohee. : ft. Mora maaaiva construction. 5. Fewer parte. T. Bell sprockets Instantly attached aeya right on to Jack ahefu I. Hcquirea ieea time ot dealer for making attaehment to Ford oheacta. t. Destroy! none of the used or un- . need parta of Ford care. The Truckmobile works in all weather. Slippery, icy roads, rain, snow do not delay or prevent your deliveries. The Truckmobile will go along at a speed of from 16 to 20 miles an hour through it all. The cost of operation is far less than that of any other truck attach ment, because it will give from 15 to 20 miles for every gallon of gasoline. Investigate it today. If you are unable to see it at the show or have tt demonstrated at our sales roam, fill out the coupon below and we will send you, postage prepaid, our free book. "Making Pennies Deliver Tons.'1 This book tells the story of Truckmobile and its unlimited possibilities and shows by actual figures just what a dependable and economical service the Truckmobile will give. C : . -iS Lininger Implement Co., Omaha ' Sole Distributors for Nebraska . Dealers See us at the show or our sale room regarding Ne braska territory. TRUCKMOBILE Permits use of Wide Variety ot Bodtei Shewing TracltmbiU Attach to Ford ChauU Information Coupon. Lininger Implement Co., Omaha Nab. v Please send me, postage prepaid, your book, "Making Pennies Deliver Tons." I am Interested as a (user) (dealer). Name Address P VERY MARATHON Tire is built by hand with the same care and thoroughness as. custom-made wearing apparel, i And with the same superiority of; material, . workmanship and service j ' that compels the admiration of the world for fine hand-wrought articles.- MARATHON Tires are built to; the order of the motoring public! who realize the true economy ot Quality, 'and demand it in Tires just as in other articles that must with stand the wear and tear of service.. Marathon Tire and Rubber Co. of N. Y., Inc. 2522 Farnam St., Omaha Warehouse The Empkie-Shugart Hill Company Council Bluffs, la. ' Distributors TIRES TUBES , ,tt 5 ! v. 1 SAV When You Buy and After You Buy GMC Trucks are not the lowest nor the highest price trucks. They are trucks of highest quality sold at prices which are reas onable and consistent with their high value. By actual performance, GMC Trucks have firmly established the fact that, from the standpoint of pulling power low up keep and dependability they are unexcelled. , ( If you buy a lower price truck than a GMC, buy it under-, standing that it does not equal GMC in quality. Don't expect GMC pulling power or low operating expense. Don't look for the dependable service or the durability of GMC Trucks, for trucks their equal can not be built and sold at lower prices. In buying GMC Trucks you save at the start and later. You get trucks, which have demonstrated their worth under every conceivable road and load condition, trucks which, with reason able care and attention, will render years of satisfactory ser vice, operate at lowest cost per ton, mile and require the mini mum of repairs and replacements. The GMC. line is complete, ton to 5 ton capacity worm and chain drive. Write us for complete information regarding '.the, GMC line. t Nebraska Buick Auto Co. v OMAHA LEE HUFF, Mgri LINCOLN R E. SIDLES, Gen. Mgr. SIOUX CITY S. C DOUGLAS, Mgr IHHSWSItWTiiwniwI!! J City and State. I, L.A. Hit,